OUR SERVICES The Advice Line 6247 2177 9.30am—1pm Free call 1800 445 665 from SE NSW This service deals with Tenancy and Social Security / Centrelink enquiries. This is our main advice service and it operates every week day except Wednesdays and Public Holidays. Disability Discrimination Legal Service (DDLS) 6247 2018 Tues—9.30am-1pm Thur—2.30pm-4.30pm This service provides specialist legal advice on Disability Discrimination. Please ask for our DDLS pamphlet if you would like more information on this service. Night Time Legal Advice Service (NTLAS) 6247 2177 Tuesday evenings 6pm-8pm This service provides one-off legal advice, information and referral either face to face or via telephone. The service is staffed by volunteer lawyers and law students. (Pamphlet available). HOW TO CONTACT US Tenancy and Centrelink Advice Line: 6247 2177 or Free Call 1800 445 665 (from SE NSW) Disability Discrimination Legal Service (DDLS) Advice Line: 6247 2018 Night Time Legal Advice Service (NTLAS): 6247 2177 Our Street Address: We are located in Havelock House, cnr of Northbourne Ave and Gould Street in TURNER ACT (our entrance faces Gould Street). Our Postal Address: PO BOX 337 CIVIC SQUARE ACT 2608 Our Email Address: wrlc@netspeed.com.au Our web site: http://www.welfarerightsact.org Welfare Rights and Legal Centre welcomes your feedback, you can write to the ‘Chairperson’ at the above address, or call us on our Administration number 6257 2931. We are a FREE Community Legal Centre for low-income earners in the ACT and region who need help withTenancy—Public and Private Centrelink—Social Security Disability Discrimination Other areas of Law—NTLAS The Centre provides legal advice and practical help ADVICE LINE—6247 2177 Or FREE CALL 1800 445 665 from SE NSW (9.30am-1pm weekdays except Wednesdays) TENANCY MATTERS ABOUT US Welfare Rights and Legal Centre provides FREE legal advice and representation on: Tenancy—Public and Private Centrelink—Social Security Disability Discrimination, and Other areas of law through our Night Time Legal Advice Service (NTLAS provides a one-off legal advice service). HOW CAN WE HELP? Call our Advice Lines, during the Advice Line hours (see back page), talk to us about your problem and we will provide you with legal advice and information. Sometimes we also make referrals to other community agencies who can help with your problem. Public and Community Housing Agreement or live in a caravan park, legal advice and information if you live in hostel or boarding house, we may be Housing ACT accommodation or in able to help you. Call us to find out community housing in the ACT. more about your rights as an Occupant. Some examples of the sorts of problems we deal with are; made a decision about you? Repairs and maintenance Problems with your payments or Rent arrears entitlements? Don’t agree with Transfers Centrelink’s decision about you? Evictions Housing debts Occupancy agreements stop problems from getting too big or too hard to deal with. Some examples of the types of problems we can assist you with are; Overpayments / underpayments common problems faced by people in Debt recovery Public Housing. They are available for free Payments cut off, reduced, We have a series of Fact Sheets on from our office (on request) and can be found on our web site at- Private Tenants and the right referrals early on can Don’t understand why Centrelink has Difficulties applying for housing are you can then make informed Often getting legal advice, information SOCIAL SECURITY- Centrelink www.welfarerightsact.org problem. If you have an Occupancy Our Centre can provide you with FREE Once you know what your legal rights decisions about how to deal with your Occupants If you rent privately (from a Landlord or via a Real Estate Agency) and you have a low income and/or hold an Australian Government Health Care Card (HCC) we can help you. cancelled or suspended Payments refused Call us first for advice! The National Welfare Rights Network produce Factsheets on common Centrelink problems. They can be found atwww.welfarerights.org.au and follow the link to Factsheets.