Document 6499470
Document 6499470
This guide will show you how to download and use all the tools needed to upload a business card website from scratch costing you one evening of your time. At the end of the guide you should know all about hosting websites and be confident in most aspects of web hosting. P a g e |0 Introduction .......................................................................................................................................... 2 Preparing your local directory for maintaining your new website ......................................................... 2 Using a text editor ................................................................................................................................ 4 Getting started with HTML ................................................................................................................... 4 Checking your content ......................................................................................................................... 6 Adding content to your web page ......................................................................................................... 9 Building your HTML Header ............................................................................................................... 15 Introducing CSS ................................................................................................................................. 16 Adding CSS to your webpage ............................................................................................................ 18 Additional HTML content to add to your website ................................................................................ 21 Adding the final Styling to your website.............................................................................................. 31 Checking your CSS in different web browsers ................................................................................... 39 Uploading your website ...................................................................................................................... 43 Backing up your website .................................................................................................................... 47 Viewing your website ......................................................................................................................... 48 Next steps .......................................................................................................................................... 48 Appendix 1 – Other resources ........................................................................................................... 49 Appendix 2 - Directory structures and file names ............................................................................... 51 Appendix 3 - HTML Tags ................................................................................................................... 53 Universal HTML Attributes ................................................................................................................. 64 Appendix 4 - CSS Declarations .......................................................................................................... 66 Appendix 5 - The complete HTML Code ............................................................................................ 77 Appendix 6 - The complete CSS Code .............................................................................................. 80 P a g e |1 There are many tools available to help you create a website and publish it online, but how difficult is it to create your own website from scratch and publish it? In fact, I believe that you can create a nice “business card” website up and running in an evening with no prior skills or software on your PC. In addition, the skills you learn from following each process listed in this guide will help you understand the different bits of website design and publishing, regardless of how you decide to create your final website. Note: When creating this guide, we could split the guide into separate logical chapters, or we could describe the process from start to finish, and explain our actions as we go along. In the interests of learning as much as possible I have selected to take the latter option. We have a range of separate PDF’s that will guide you through each section of web hosting if you are looking for specific help on an area of web hosting. Before we get started, let’s spend a little time in creating a directory structure that makes maintaining your new website easy. There are a number of ways of setting up your files and folders for this, but this is the method that I use after confusing myself on many occasions when images stopped loading, or I forgot where I had saved my website files to. Step 1 Open My Documents and right click on your documents library. A pull out menu will appear. Select New> Folder and create a new folder called My Websites. Step 2 Open this new folder, and create two new folders, one called Current and one called Backups. Step 3 P a g e |2 Figure 1. Create new folder Open the Current folder, and create a new folder. Give this folder the name of your website, then create another folder inside this one called htdocs. My Documents Step 4 Navigate back to the Backups folder you created in step 2, and create a new folder with todays date (or month and year if you prefer). Step 5 Open this folder and create one last folder, give this folder the same name as your website. Once complete you should have a directory structure similar to the one shown in figure 1. This is where we will store local copies of our website. My Websites Current Backups Todays Date htdocs Figure 2. New Directory Structure P a g e |3 To create your website you need some sort of text editor, your operating system comes complete with Notepad, which you can use to code your website. If you already have a preferred text editor please use this, otherwise there are many text editors available for free under a General Public License (GNU). Two commonly used text editors are Notepad++ and Crimson Editor. This guide will assume that you have downloaded NotePad++ from Once of the benefits of using Notepad++ or Crimson editor is that they have built in syntax checking. This means that as you type your code, the text editor will colour code different sections of your code as you type, allowing you to quickly spot any mistakes and making reading your code much easier than if you were to only use Notepad for the same purpose. Step 1 Open Notepad++ and open the Language drop down menu. Step 2 Scroll down to H, then select HTML from the pull out menu. Figure 3. Select HTML Language This lets NotePad++ know which language we will be typing in. Now we can start preparing our webpage. HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language and is just a way of describing the content of your web page. In simple terms, we enter website content and label or “tag” each section. We can then later define how we would like each section to be displayed. HTML Tags are keywords surrounded by angle brackets, <html> for example. In most cases HTML tags come in pairs. You will have an opening tag that will announce the start of content to be described by the tag, then you will have a closing tab to show that content no longer has to be described in this way. Closing tags are written in the same manner as the closing tag, but contain a forward slash before the tag name, for example </html>. There are a couple of examples to this, where HTML tags do not come in pairs, when describing a document, or line break for example, but we will describe these as we get to them. P a g e |4 A typical HTML document is split into 4 main sections. Firstly there is a declaration of document type. This just informs computers that this is a document written in HTML and the version of HTML that it is written in (we are currently using HTML Version 5). The next section of the document says that from now until the closing tag, the content of the document is going to be tagged with HTML. Next we have the two biggest sections of the document itself, the header, which contains information that will not Document Type necessarily be Start of HTML displayed on your webpage, this maybe information for search Header engines, where to find This section contains additional information styles for your about your page, and where to find style sheets, website, or scripts it may also contain scripts and information for that the webpage search engines. should use when appropriate. Body Finally, we have the body of your document, this is where the actual content of your webpage can be found. This can be shown on Figure 4. This section contains the actual viewable content of your web page. End of HTML Figure 4. Typical HTML Document Let’s quickly build the framework of your document so we can get on with the fun job of writing content. Step 1 We need to declare that the document is written on HTML, you can do this by entering: <!DOCTYPE html> Onto line 1 of NotePad++. This tag does not have an associated closing tag, and is a generic statement that the document is written in the most up to date version of HTML. Step 2 Now we need to declare the section of the guide that is written in HTML, this can be done using the <HTML> opening tag and the </HTML> closing tag. While we could Figure 5. HTML Tags P a g e |5 just open the tag now, and close the tag later, it’s always easier to add both opening and closing tags at the same time to ensure that we don’t forget later on. By now notepad++ should look similar to Figure 5. Step 3 Let’s add a Head section to our document, this can be done using the <head> and </head> tags. Don’t forget that they need to fit in between the HTML tags that you have already added. Figure 6. Adding a Head section Step 4 Finally, let’s add a body section that we can start adding some content to. This can be added using the <body> and </body> tags. Once done, your code should look as shown in Figure 7. Figure 7. HTML Framework built Note: Notepad++ has identified the tags as correct HTML and colour coded them blue automatically for you. I have indented the text myself as I find it easier to view code where each section is imbedded slightly. The code has simply been embedded using the [TAB] key. These 7 lines are the basic framework to all HTML pages, all websites will be based within this, or a very similar set of tags. Before we move onto the next section, let’s quickly add a heading to the body of your website. The header tag will be explained in a little more detail later, for the moment if you enter a header message into <h1> and </h1> tags into the body of your code, we can see how this looks. Figure 8. Including a header When you are editing files on your local computer, it’s easy to forget that you can check your work as you go along. P a g e |6 Step 1 In Notepad++, click File, then Save as. The save as box will appear. Save this file as index.html in the htdoc folder you created earlier (This should be located in My Documents>My Websites>Current>W ebsite Name>htdocs) Step 2 Click Start, then Figure 9. Navigate to your new webpage Documents, and navigate to the htdocs folder using Windows explorer. Step 3 Double Click on the index.html file to open it with your default web browser. You should see something similar to Figure 10. If you don’t check that your code matches what is shown in figure 8. Figure 10. Reviewing your first piece of content! Step 4 P a g e |7 Now you have your web browser showing you what can be displayed from the file Quick tip: If any of your HTML tags remains black in colour, they have not been recognised by Notepad++ and probably contain an error. you are saving in NotePad++. You can review your progress at any time by following the simple steps 1. Add content to your website in Notepad++ detailed below: 2. Save your update 3. Re-open your web browser 4. Press F5 to refresh the page and see your update Figure 11. Four Steps to viewing your website as you go along P a g e |8 Now we can start adding some proper website content to your site. We can split this chapter into three sections 1. Create an introduction for our website 2. Identify the HTML Tags we need to add to our introduction 3. Add the tags to our introduction Ok, this is a freestyle section of the guide, where you can be as creative as you like in writing an introduction to your website. My attempt at an introduction is shown below in the text box. Full website Coming Soon! Thanks for visiting RalphsDomain is a family run business that started selling flowers and bulbs in 1974 from the back of the house. With repeat customers and a dedication to only supplying the very best, our reputation quickly grew and we opened our first shop in 1975. Today our store has grown to over 3 acres and we supply all your gardening needs, from pots to patios, to professional services. If your garden needs it, we can supply it! New for 2012: Why not stop by and enjoy tiffin in our award winning tea rooms? Opening Hours Mondays to Fridays 07:00 - 20:00 Saturdays 08:00 - 20:00 Sundays and bank holidays 08:30 – 19:00 Our Address Number 1, A Street, Any Town, Countyshire, AW1 2CS With an introduction in mind, let’s take a look at the most commonly used HTML tags, and how we can use them to describe our text. P a g e |9 HTML Headings <h1></h1>, <h2></h2>, <h3></h3> There are 6 different headings defined using the <h1> to <h6> tabs. <h1> Is the biggest and most important heading, <h6> is the smallest and least important heading. Search engines and visitors will use your headings to understand the structure and content of your website. Headings should only be used as headings, don’t use them in the place of bold text or any other formatting. Headings need to be closed using a closing tag. Example in text editor Example in web browser <h1>Heading 1</h1> <h2>Sub Heading 2</h2> <h3>Sub Heading 3</h3> HTML Paragraph <p> </p> Defines a paragraph using the <p> tag. Use the </p> tag to denote the end of your paragraph. Web browsers automatically add an empty line before and at the end of a paragraph. Example in text editor Example in web browser <p>This is my first paragraph. It’s only a couple of sentences long.</p> <p>But it is longer than my second paragraph.</p> HTML Horizontal Rule <hr /> Creates a horizontal line across your copy, useful for separating content This uses the <hr /> tag. (Note the forward slash within the tag. This is because there is no closing tag P a g e | 10 Example in text editor Example in web browser <p>This is my first paragraph. It’s only a couple of sentences long.</p> <hr /> <p>But it is longer than my second paragraph.</p> HTML Line Break <br /> Moves your content onto a new line without starting a new paragraph. This uses the <br /> tag. (Note the forward slash within the tag. This is because there is no closing tag Example in text editor Example in web browser <p>This is my first <br /> paragraph. It’s only<br /> a couple of sentences<br /> long.</p> <p>But it is longer than my second paragraph.</p> HTML Bold <b> </b> Defines the start of content to be displayed as bold using the <b> tag. Use the </b> tag to denote the end of your bold content. Example in text editor Example in web browser <p>This is my <b>first</b> paragraph. It’s only a couple of sentences long.</p> <p><b>But it is longer than my second paragraph</b>.</p> HTML Italic <i> </i> Define the start of content to be displayed in italics using the <i> tag. Use the </i> tag to denote the end of your italic content. Example in text editor Example in web browser P a g e | 11 <p>This is my <i>first</i> paragraph. It’s only a couple of sentences long.</p> <p><i>But it is longer than my second paragraph</i>.</p> HTML underline <u> </u> Define the start of content to be displayed underlined using the <u> tag. Use the </u> tag to denote the end of your underlined content. Example in text editor Example in web browser <p>This is my <u>first</u> paragraph. It’s only a couple of sentences long.</p> <p><u>But it is longer than my second paragraph</u>.</p> HTML Ordered lists <ol> </ol> Starts with the <ol> tag. Each item on the list should be identified within <li> and </li> tabs. An Ordered list ends with </ol> Browsers will automatically indent content within a list. Example in text editor Example in web browser <p>Day 52 of the polar bear diaries.<p> <ol> <li>Wake up</li> <li>Eat some fish</li> <li>Go back to bed</li> </ol> HTML Unordered lists <ul> </ul> Starts with the <ul> tag. Each item on the list should be identified within <li> and </li> tabs. An Unordered list ends with </ul> Browsers will automatically indent content within a list. Example in text editor P a g e | 12 Example in web browser <p>Things polar bears like to eat:</p> <ul> <li>Fish</li> <li>Fish Fingers</li> <li>Fish Cakes</li> </ul> Adding HTML to your introduction OK, now we have our introduction we can mark it up with HTML and add it to our website. So this: Full website Coming Soon! Thanks for visiting RalphsDomain is a family run business that started selling flowers and bulbs in 1974 from the back of the house. With repeat customers and a dedication to only supplying the very best, our reputation quickly grew and we opened our first shop in 1975. Today our store has grown to over 3 acres and we supply all your gardening needs, from pots to patios, to professional services. If your garden needs it, we can supply it! New for 2012: Why not stop by and enjoy tiffin in our award winning tea rooms? Opening Hours Mondays to Fridays Saturdays 08:00 - 20:00 Sundays and bank holidays 08:30 – 19:00 07:00 - 20:00 Our Address Number 1, A Street, Any Town, Countyshire, AW1 2CS Becomes this: P a g e | 13 Figure 12. Content added into HTML file Which looks like this is a web browser: Figure 13. Content in a web browser OK, so now we have some content on the web page, but the website is still looking a little nasty. This isn’t a problem as we haven’t added any style to the webpage P a g e | 14 yet. Let’s build up the header of the document and then we can start adding some styling to your web page. Earlier we built a HTML header section within your document and briefly described how it is used, but up until now we haven’t used it. There are three main elements we are going to add to the header section. HTML Title <title> </title> The <title> tag defines the title of your document; this title appears in search engine results, acts as a title if a visitor adds it to their favorites and will appear within the internet browser toolbar. Simply add a title as shown in Figure 14 into the head of your document: Figure 14. Using the title tag HTML Meta Data In each step of this guide we have attempted to not only show you what to do, but explain why we are doing this, there are exceptions to every rule and the next tag is the exception within this manual. The “meta http-equiv” tag defines which character set the document is written in. This never needs to change and I have never seen anyone use anything other than UTF-8. So just copy this text into the header of your website. <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"/> Next we have three types of meta data that are often used by search engines to help define your website. They used to be an important part of ranking your website, their importance has depreciated over the years, but other aspects, such as Author, are starting to make a comeback into search engine optimization so it’s always worth adding these details. These tags allow you to add a short description, keywords and an author to your website. P a g e | 15 Quick tip: Our guide to getting the most from your website and search engine optimization will explain each of these tags in a little more detail. Description <meta name="description" content="Ralphs Domain Name" /> Enter a brief description of your website in the content quotes as shown below: <meta name="description" content="Established in 1974 supply all your gardening needs to both retail and the trade. As well as gardening tools, plants and hard features, we also offer a range of professional services, from landscaping, design an on-site plant doctor and a maintenance contracts. " /> Keywords <meta name="keywords" content="Ralph Smith, Ralphs Domain" /> Here you should enter up to 25 keywords (or key phrases) that can be used to describe your site, again, these should be entered in-between the content quotations contained within the tag. <meta name="keywords" content="Ralph Smith,Ralphs Domain,ralphs shop, gardens, gardening, landscaping, landscapes, tools, plants, countyshire, garden design" /> Author <meta name="author" content="Ralph Smith" /> Simply enter your name in the content quotation marks. Once you have entered this information, your header is probably starting to look quite full. Certainly from a search engines perspective your site is looking much better, even if you can’t see the changes in your web browser. Now is the time to add some style to your website. While we could add styling to each section of HTML on your webpage, this is not considered good practice, when you have a large website with many pages this could equate to hundreds of lines of code which duplicate information, a simpler solution is to have one document that handles all the content of the website (our P a g e | 16 index.html file) and another document that defines how different sections of data should be displayed. With formatting and styles being controlled by one style sheet, you can make changes to multiple webpages at the same time. One of these features of these style sheets is that a set format will cascade down (unless otherwise specified), so if you set a font, then every piece of text on your entire website will use this font unless you explicitly state that a specific section should use another font. This property helps to give the style sheet its name of Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). When we create a style sheet, we need to make sure that when we upload the website, we are also going to upload the style sheet at the same time, and that it will still be in the same place so that our website can still find it. The way we do this is to simply create a new directory to the directory structure that you created earlier. Step 1 We have one more HTML tag to enter into the head of our webpage. This tag specifies a name and location of a .css file with which to stylise the body of the document. The tag itself can break down as follows: This link will take you to a stylesheet. It will be a file called styles.css and will be in a folder named stylesheets. <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="stylesheets/styles.css" /> It will be in a css language The tag itself can be copied and pasted into your head as shown below: < link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="stylesheets/styles.css" /> P a g e | 17 Don’t forget to save your changes! Step 2 Click File then New, a new tab will appear next to your index.html tab. Step 3 Figure 15. Opening a new tab in Notepad ++ Now we have to create the style sheet and located it where your web page can find it. In Notepad++ click Save as. By default notepad will attempt to save your file to your htdocs folder. Right click and create a new folder called stylesheets. The save as dialog box should look as shown in figure 16. Figure 16. Creating a stylesheets folder in your htdoc folder Step 4 Double click on this folder to open it, then save your new file as styles.css in this folder. Now Notepad++ should show you two tabs, one named index.html and one named styles.css. You can switch between each of these tabs whenever you want to change any content or styling on your website, don’t forget to save Figure 17. Multiple tabs makes editing easy any changes though before you will be able to see them in your web browser. OK, now we have a completely empty CSS style sheet, before we start looking at adding styles to this we need to spend a couple of minutes understanding the syntax of CSS styles, and some of the properties that we can adjust. P a g e | 18 CSS Syntax CSS is a series of rules, Each rule has one or more selectors, and one or more declarations blocks. A selector is usually the HTML element that you want to style. A declaration block starts with a { and ends with a }. Each declaration block contains a property, a colon (:) and a value A semi colon (;) is used to separate each declaration For example if we wanted heading 1 to be red, we would enter the following: H1 {color:red} Where H1 is the selector {color:red} is the declaration block o { starts the declaration o Color is the property (all CSS is in American Spelling) o : separates the property and the value o Red is the value o } ends the declaration. Now there are likely to be times when we want to make multiple declarations to a selector. So we could write: H1 {color:red} H1 {font-size:13px} But this would quickly build up large amounts of code, so we can add declarations together and separate them with a semi colon like this: H1 {color:red; font-size:13px} Now finally, people find reading down much easier than reading across (this is why newspapers have a number of columns to separate their stories rather than writing across the entire width of the page.) So we could add each declaration to a new line, providing that we keep them separated with the semi colon. In this case we could write: P a g e | 19 H1 { Color:red; Font-size:13px; } It’s worth noting that each way of writing these rules is correct, and no one way is more correct than the other. I tend to use the latter way of displaying CSS rules as I find it much easier to read when there are many declarations. Now that we understand the syntax of CSS rules, we can get around to writing some. Styling your web page There are hundreds of CSS Properties, far more than we could even add in an appendix at the foot of this guide. However, we will set a number of the most commonly used properties in your web page so that you can have a play with them and see how you can dramatically alter the look and the feel of your website with just a view changes to your CSS. In the following rule, we are going to: Set the background to white Set all fonts to Arial Select the standard font size as 13px high Select the font color as black Make the width of the web page 600px wide Automatically calculate a left and right hand margin (this centers the page on the screen) As we are making these styling changes to the website that you can see a suitable selector would be body. That means that any content within the <body> and </body> tags of your website will be affected by these rules. In the styles.css sheet, enter the following: body { background: white; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 13px; color: black; width: 600px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; } P a g e | 20 Save the styles.css document, then look at your website again in your web browser. Starting to look a little different? Finally in this section we can add a quick rule showing how you can have multiple selectors that will use the same declaration. In these instances, you simply separate each selector with a comma. In this rule we will turn the headers and the horizontal line grey H1, h2, h3, ht { Color:grey; } Once again, save the sheet and refresh your web browser to see what has happened now. At this stage your style sheet and web page should look similar to figure 18. Figure 18. Web Page with styling on layout and headers This is starting to look better, however, we may want to add styling to just the Introduction paragraph, or just the opening hours. In addition to this, wouldn’t the website appear more interesting visually if we added an image or two? The first time we looked at HTML, I purposely only provided you with the details you needed to mark up text. While this guide will never become a definitive guide into HTML, now would be a good time to introduce you to another few HTML tags that will allow you to: P a g e | 21 Add Images Add links Add comments to make your code easier to read Divide your content up further to allow styling of specific sections. Iframes and content from other websites As your website grows, it gets more difficult to read. This is even worse if you are looking at the code for something that you wrote several months ago. To make this easier every scripting language has the ability for you to add comments to the code. These comments are completely ignored by computers, but are usefully colour coded by good text editors making it much easier to see what’s happening in different sections of your text. In HTML you can add code by using the <!-- tag, to then use --> to end your comment. <!-- This is a comment and will be ignored --> So that my code is easy to read, I’m going back to the index.html page, and adding some comments to remind me of the purpose of different sections of the document. In addition, I’ll add comments to all the code that we add from now on! Images are an important to websites, but can be the cause of poor performance. It is important that you are allowed to publish and images you show on your website, this means that you must either pay for stock images, search for copyright free images, or use your own images. When using your own images, often they will be photographs that you have taken yourself, or own the copyrights to. As cameras get more powerful, these images are becoming larger and larger. While having really good quality images are great, generally speaking the monitors that you are looking at the images on are not of the same quality, and the size of the image makes downloading them time consuming, slowing your entire website down. Optimizing your images If you are using Photographs, it’s important that you optimize them for websites. If you are lucky enough to own a copy of Photoshop then this has a built in optimizer that you can use to reduce your files sizes. If you don’t have Photoshop, or any P a g e | 22 image manipulation software that can do this for you then there are still plenty of free alternatives online. In this guide we will show you how to resize your images using a free online tool called Important: is a third party website with no affiliation with Fasthosts we are unable to provide assurances upon the use of security of this website and do not recommend this site over any other image re-sizing tools that are available. Step 1 Visit and click Browse. Browse to the photo you would like to resize and click open. Step 2 Click Upload Image. Web Resizer will now upload your image and automatically convert it for you. Figure 19. makes this image 96% smaller Step 3 Further down the page are additional settings you can use to optimize your image, but I find that the default settings are all that I ever need, so usually just click the Download this Image button, just below the left hand (optimized) image Step 4 Save this image to your computer. You now have an optimized image ready for your website. P a g e | 23 When we add an image to a website we are instructing web browsers to look in a specific location for a file, and to display this as an image. To make sure that web browsers can see this image we need to make sure that we upload the images with the website. Step 1 On your computer navigate to your optimized image. Right click on the image and choose “Copy” from the pull out menu. Step 2 Browse to your Websites>Current> Website Name>htdocs. Right Click and create a new folder called images. Your htdocs folder should now resemble Figure 20. website files located at My Documents>My Figure 20. htdocs folder containing images sub directory Step 3 Open the images folder and copy your optimized image into this directory. HTML Tag to display an image HTML uses <img> to display an image. This type of tag contains a number of attributes, but no closing tag. Each attribute has a property that is defined between quotation marks. In its very basic form, you only need one attribute to say where the source of the image is, but this is considered bad practice and usually you would also provide some alternative text to display if the image cannot be found. This can be seen below: P a g e | 24 <img src=”name and location of image” alt=”some text”/> Quick tip: It should be worth pointing out that there are two ways of referencing a file or image at this point. There are Absolute URL’s and Relative URLS. Absolute URL: This provides a specific path to the file, it tells you where the server is and where on the server a file may be located. Relative URL: This takes advantage of knowing where you are currently located on the server and so just provides directions from the current file location to the new file. In this example, we will be using Relative Links in our documents, as these will work while you are looking at your website on your local computer, or after uploading your website to a web server. Image attributes: Src - is the source of the image. If you upload your image to the images folder within your htdoc folder then this will be “”images/image-name” Alt - Is where you can specify some text to display if the web browser is unable to access your images. Width - Sets the width to display the image. Height - Sets the height to display the image Class - defines a name to this item to allow you to style the image separately using CSS. In our example we are going to define how big to display the image. We may also want to add some styling to the image, so we will set a class attribute to the image to allow us to define the image in the CSS style sheet if we want. We can define the class as anything that we want, in this example we will call it a “main-mage” class. <img src="images/border_opt.jpg" width="400" height="268" alt="Flower Border" class="main-image" /> P a g e | 25 Enter a link to your image where you would like it to display on your website. In our example, I am going to add it near the top of the page. (as shown on Figure 21). Adding links <a> </a> Links use the <a> and </a> tags, they are typically used to direct visitors to a new webpage or a new website, but can also be used to open a mail client and populate an email if you want. Like the images tag, the links tag can contain a number of attributes. In its basic form it can be seen as follows: Figure 21. Image added to images folder and linked to using html <a href=”url to goto”>Content that visitors click</a> For example we could have <p>To visit <a href=””>Click here</a></p> Another attribute we can add is the target attribute. This can specify that the new link should open in a new window or tab rather than leaving the current web page. So: <p>To visit <a href=””>Click here</a></p> Will direct visitors to, while <p>To visit <a href=”” target="_blank">Click here</a></p> Will open Fasthosts website in a new window. P a g e | 26 It’s worth noting that links don’t always have to be text, you can create a link from any other attribute. For example, if we take the html image link we created earlier, we could add a hyperlink to that by placing the <a> and </a> tags before and after the image as follows: <a href="images/border.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="images/border_opt.jpg" width="400" height="268" alt="Flower Border" class="main-image" /></a> In this example, as well as the Optimised image, I also copied the non optimized photo into the images folder. With the code above, if you click the image on the website a new window will open and display the larger non-optimised image. Figure 22. Links don't have to be text, here a hyperlink has been added to the image. A variation of the hyperlink is mailto: This is another type of hyperlink that tells your web browser to open a link to an email address instead of a web page. An example of this type of hyperlink can be seen below: <a>linked text here</a> P a g e | 27 If you have already set up a mailbox, you can add a link like this at the foot of your page. In our website I’m going to add the following link after our address details. <!-- Contact us by email --> <p>You can also email us at <a href=""></ a></p> IFrames are used to display a web page within another webpage. As with the image tags, there are a number of attributes you can attach to this code. Care must be taken when using iframes that you do not breach the copyright of the original website by displaying an iframe of their website. However, there are a number of websites that encourage you to add content to your website from iframes ( and for example). Let’s have a look at how you can embed a Google map to your website. Step 1 Prepare your code by adding comments where you would like to add your map. (as shown in figure 23) Step 2 Figure 23. Add comments to your code to prepare for Google content Visit and search for your business address. Step 3 Click the link icon to the left of the map. As shown on figure 24. Step 4 Figure 24. Link icon on Google Maps Click Customize and preview embedded map. A new window will open. Step 5 Adjust the size and look of the map until you are happy, then copy and paste the HTML code provided into your website. (As shown in Figure 25). P a g e | 28 Quick tip: You can embed youtube video content in the same way, however in the case of, you will need to click the button marked Share, then Embed to be provided with the code you want. Figure 26. Embed youtube Video Step 6 Once copied in, your code and website should look similar to figure 27 (below). Figure 25. HTML Code to add to your website Figure 27. Copied and pasted from Google. P a g e | 29 Finally, we are going to divide our content up a little bit so we can add different styling’s to different elements on the web page. This is done using the <div> and </div>tags. Each opening <div> tag can contain the Class attribute in the same way that we added a class to the main image earlier on. Any contents we have between the <div> and </div> tags will be able to be styled by quoting the class we have assigned to that element. This takes the following format: <div class=”name of new class”> Content of element to be styles under new class </div> For example, if we add the following code on our website: This section is now called “hours” This section is now called “Address” Figure 28. Div tags added to create 2 sections of code We could break this up into two elements that we can style independently, one element called “hours” that contains our opening hours. And one element called “address” that contains the postal address on our website. Step 1 Run through your index.html file and divide up your website into elements that you want to style separately. Don’t forget to close off each element with the </div> tag! In this example I have created the following elements: Intro (covering the introductory paragraph and image) P a g e | 30 Quick tip: Don’t forget we also assigned the image an attribute class of “main-image” when we created first added it to the website. New (covering the “New to 2012 sentence” Hours (covering the opening hours) Address (covering the postal address) Email (Covering the sentence showing our email address) Map (covering the embedded Google map) Step 2 Save your changes and in NotePad++ swap over to your style.css document. Now our HTML code is complete we can add the final styling to our web page. Earlier we called HTML tags as selectors, and simply entered the names of the tags. However now that we are calling a class as a selector, we have to format the selector in a slightly different way by adding a “.” To the start of it. So for example .intro {declaration} Would be used to add a declaration content that sites between <div class=”intro”> and </div> tags. At this stage, a tip I have learnt is to add each section to our style sheet and change the background colour of each section. This helps to identify each section of our website and make sure that all tags are closed correctly. We can then make some changes as we see fit, and remove the background colours again at any time that we want. To do this, I have added the following code to our CSS document shown in figure 29. Now when we refresh our web browser we can see each section has a different colour associated with it. Figure 29. Identifying class sections P a g e | 31 At this stage, if you see one colour spilling over to other sections you know that you have not closed off a <Div> tag correctly. For example, if you saw green between each of the final “Opening ours, Address and Map” sections then the likelihood is that there either the closing </div> tag in the opening hours section is missing the “/”, or that this section is missing the </div> tag completely. Now that we have marked up each section, we can start to adjust how each section (or element) interacts with each other. We will use two declarations to add the initial styling to our website. Width: This declaration sets the width of the section. 100% will make the section try to fill the entire width of the website of possible (this has been set earlier as 600 pixels wide). Float: This declaration will allow different sections to wrap around each other. Setting Intro up the Figure 30. Website with class sections marked up The red introduction section contains the bulk of our text, In this example we are going to set it to take up the entire width of the screen when needed, but to allow P a g e | 32 other sections to float alongside it. If this happens, we want this section to stay on the left. So we are going to add the following code: .intro { background: red; float:left; width:100%; } Your website should not change with the addition of this code, as there is not any other CSS coding which is trying to add content anywhere else at the moment. However, let’s now start to look at the main image. With the main image, I would like it to display on the right hand side of the page, and allow the introduction to wrap around it. I can do this by adding the float:right; declaration as follows: .main-image { background: black; float:right; } Save this and look at your website now. This looks much better, but we could do with a little bit of clear space towards each element. We can do this by adding padding and Margins. Figure 31. The image is now floating to the right of the text Paddings and Margins are similar to each other, in the syntax that they are entered, and in the way that they work. However, there is a difference between the two which can affect the way that your page is displayed. If you look at figure 31 you can see that content is displayed right up to the very edges of the element. Margins will add blank space around the outside of an element, while passing will create blank space within the edges of an element. It’s possible to specify different margins and paddings for each side, below are examples of some margins and paddings. The property is the width of whitespace that you would like to create. padding-top:25px; padding-bottom:25px; margin-right:50px; margin-left:50px; P a g e | 33 Demonstration of Padding and Margins Before we demonstrate margins and paddings, let’s remind ourselves of the following properties of the elements on this web page. The width has been set as 600px wide. The intro element has been set to be 100% wide (not 600px - this makes a difference) The intro and Image are set to float The image is part of the intro element and fits within it. The image is a hyperlink, so will show a purple border on the outside edge of its element at all times. Problem: No space between image and text. Option 1: Add Padding to the right of the intro element. As the image is within the element, it has moved the image in from the right hand edge of the element for you. Option 2: Add Margin to the right hand of the intro element. P a g e | 34 The width of the body was set to 600px. The margin has then increased this width. The additional space has been filled by the element below. Option 3: Add Padding to the left hand side of the image. This has created whitespace between the image element and the image itself. (The element itself is painted black). This would usually work, but the hyperlink shows a purple line at the edge of the element which will not be flush with the image. Option 4: Add a Margin to the left hand side of the image Space created outside the image element boundary, keeping the purple hyperlink line flush with the image. With CSS Trial and error often works quicker than knowledge! P a g e | 35 Next let’s add a little space between the text in the intro element and the text within the new element. We can do this by adding some padding at the foot of the intro element. So our CSS code now looks as follows: .intro { background:red; float:left; width:100%; padding-bottom:20px; } .main-image { background:black; float:right; margin-left:20px; } OK, now the website looks similar to that shown on figure 32. I am happy with the styling on the image and the introduction elements and to be honest I don’t have any real issues with the “new” element shown in blue apart from the fact that I would like the “New for 2012” text to appear in red. Now I could go into the HTML and add <div> tags Figure 32. Intro and Image styling complete around this text, but this is the only bold text within this element, so I can demonstrate another element of CSS, in that it also allows you to style specific selectors within an element. In this case we want to style anything marked with <b> tags within the .new element. We already have the following code set in CSS P a g e | 36 .new { background:blue; } And this has set the background colour to Blue. When we adjusted the headers before we separated each of the selectors with a comma, and it made a change to each of the selectors. In this instance, we are going to remove the comma and enter the following: .new b { color:red; } This will only make change the font colour to red if the for it in the new element, and has been marked up with a <b> tag. Save your changes and refresh your website. This bold text should now appear in red. I would like the opening hours and business address to site site by side, so will float the opening hours to the left and the business hours element to the right. I’m also going to centralize the text within the address section to tidy it up a little bit, and add some whitespace between the foot of the address and the start of the email element. This is all code that we have seen before, and is written as follows: .hours { background:green; width:50%; float:left; } .address { background:orange; float:right; text-align:center; width:50%; padding-bottom:10px } Figure 33. Opening hours and Address styled P a g e | 37 Figure 33 shows how your website looks now. I would like our email address to stand out a little more, so I will make sure that this element stretches across the whole page, and change the font to make it stand out a little more. .email { width:100%; color: grey; font-family:Lucida Handwriting, fantasy; font-size: 16px; } Then finally, add a little space between the map and our email address by adding some padding to the top. .map { background:brown; padding-top:20px; } P a g e | 38 Finally, it’s always important to check your website in a number of web browsers. Even a website such as this can show subtle differences in the way that they appear. Let’s have a look at this website using Internet Explorer and Firefox. Figure 34. Website in Internet Explorer Figure 35. Website in Firefox So the email address is displaying on two lines in Firefox and across one line in Internet Explorer. To make sure that this displays in one line I will remove the padding in the address element and set a height for both elements at say 170px. If both elements are the same height it should force Firefox to display the email address on one line. So the code I have for these elements is now P a g e | 39 .hours { background:green; width:50%; float:left; height:160px } .address { background:orange; float:right; text-align:center; width:50%; height:160px } After checking the websites again, this appears to have worked and I’m happy with everything else. SO Let’s remove all the back ground colours from the CSS style sheets and have a look at our website. Figure 36. Website is near completion OK, we are very near completion. There are a couple of changes that I would like to make, these are: 1. Rather than a White Background, I will make it a very light grey. P a g e | 40 2. Change all the grey text to a navy blue 3. Centralise the opening hours heading 4. Change the opening hours from am ordered list to an unordered list. Quick tip: A list of named colours is available at: 1.Rather than a White Background, I will make it a very light grey. body { body { background:white; background:ghostwhite; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; sans-serif; font-size: 13px; font-size: 13px; color: black; color: black; width: 600px; width: 600px; margin-left: auto; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; margin-right: auto; } } 2.Change all the grey text to a navy blue } } h1, h2, h3, hr { h1, h2, h3, hr { color: grey; color: navy; } } And And .email { .email { width:100%; width:100%; color: grey; color: navy; font-family:Lucida font-family:Lucida Handwriting, fantasy; Handwriting, fantasy; font-size: 16px; font-size: 16px; } } 3.Centralise the opening hours heading Add the following code to the css document. P a g e | 41 .hours h3 { text-align:center; } 4.Change the opening hours from am ordered list to an unordered list In the index.html document <!-- Opening hours --> <!-- Opening hours --> <div class="hours"> <div class="hours"> <h3>Opening Hours</h3> <h3>Opening Hours</h3> <ol> <ul> <li>Mondays to Fridays 07:00 - 20:00</li> <li>Mondays to Fridays 07:00 - 20:00</li> <li>Saturdays 08:00 - <li>Saturdays 08:00 - 20:00</li> 20:00</li> <li>Sundays and bank holidays <li>Sundays and bank 08:30 - 19:00</li> holidays </ol> </ul> </div> </div> My final website looks as follows: Figure 37. Final Website P a g e | 42 08:30 - 19:00</li> To upload your website you need a hosting package, an FTP client and an FTP username and Password to connect to. You can use any FTP software to upload your website, so use whichever software you are comfortable with. If you don’t already have a preferred client, there are a number of FTP clients available, both paid for, and free to download and use. In this guide I will use FileZilla, which is available free of charge from It only takes a couple of minutes for you to create a username and password to use with your website. This is set up using your Fasthosts control panel. Step 1 Log in to your control panel and select Website Hosting from the Hosting menu. Step 2 A list of your hosting packages will appear. Click on the domain name you would like to view your FTP details on. If your domain name is not listed, you do not have hosting set up in this account. Step 3 Click anywhere in the FTP section. Step 4 P a g e | 43 Your FTP details will be shown, these are the details you will need to enter into your FTP software to upload your website. To change your FTP password click Set Password. Enter a password for your FTP connection. Keep your username and password safe, you will need them later. Note: It can take up to 10 minutes for your password change to take effect. Open FileZilla, in the top of the screen you will find four quick connect text boxes. Enter the following into each text box and click Quick connect. Server address/ Host or FTP Host: Enter (This is the address of our FTP server). User name: Enter the username of the FTP connection that you created earlier. Password: Enter the password of the FTP connection that you created earlier. Figure 38. Connecting via FileZilla quick connect Once connected you will see the screen is split into a number of sections. P a g e | 44 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 The Command Window: This is where you can see the commands sent to and from the FTP server. 2 Local Directory Tree: Allows you to view the path to the local directory that you have selected. 3 Remote Directory Tree: Allows you to view the path to the directory that you have selected on your web server. 4 Local files and folders: Shows you the files and folders within your currently selected folder on your local machine 5 Remote files and folders: Shows you the files and folders within your currently selected folder on the web server 6 Audit log: Lists all files transferred. P a g e | 45 Step 1 In the left hand windows, navigate to the htdocs folder that contains your website. This is located at: My Documents>My Websites>Current>Website Name>htdocs Figure 39.. Navigating to your website on your local computer Step 2 In the right hand windows, navigate to the htdocs folder. Figure 40. Navigate to the htdocs folder on your web server Step 3 In the left hand local files and folders window, depress the mouse button and select the folders and files within your htdocs folder. Step 4 Figure 41. Selecting your website files Use the mouse to drag the files across into the remote files and folders window. You can make sure that your files are transferred in two ways. 1. Check the tabs in the Audit log. You should see a list of successful transfers and no failed transfers. P a g e | 46 2. In the right hand remote directory tree, navigate away from, then back to the htdocs folder. You should now see your website files listed. As shown in figure 42. Figure 42. Website files in remote htdocs folder Congratulations, you have just written your own website and uploaded it! Backing up your website is similar to uploading your website. It’s recommended that you keep a backup of your website before you make any changes to your existing website. We have already created a directory for your backup files on your local computer. Step 1 Open FileZilla and connect to your website as shown in the chapter “Connecting via FTP”. Step 2 In the left hand windows, navigate Websites>Backups>date>Website Name to My Documents>My Quick tip: Don’t forget to create a new folder with a new date for each backup that you make. Step 3 In the right hand windows, navigate to the root folder. Step 4 Drag the htdocs folder from the Figure 43. Navigating to the root folder on the web server right hand remote files and folders pane to the left hand local files and folders pane. This will copy your htdoc directory back into your backup folder on your local computer. P a g e | 47 Now that your website has been uploaded, you should be able to view it simply by entering your domain name into the address bar of your browser. If for any reason you are unable to see your website you should test your domain name using our domain health checker. Details on how to use this can be found at: Congratulations, you have started with nothing, and ended up with your own coded website online. You are also now experienced in almost every skill you will need in website hosting. Now that you have a basic website uploaded, you can choose whether to create a new one from scratch, or create a website using specialist website creation software, or to re-skin an existing third party website (such as Joomla or WordPress). Whichever approach you decide to use, you will be required to repeat some of the skills learnt in thus guide, but now they will not be new to you. P a g e | 48 This section contains a list of free software and resources that you may find useful when creating your own website. This is not a definitive list, and we do not endorse any third party products or websites. Text editors allow you to write code from scratch and will identify the language you are using to help you to read and debug any code you have created. Bluefish Crimson Editor Notepad++ Specifically designed for website authoring, software of this nature may have a graphical user interface (such as composer), or built in FTP client for quick and easy code manipulation (such as netbeans). Netbeans HTML HTML5 Cheat Sheet CSS CSS Examples: (Demonstrates some of the capabilities of CSS) Gimp – Image composition and authoring Image resizer and photo optimizer P a g e | 49 Cyberduck Filezilla Fireftp Introducing domain names and DNS This guide is designed to give you a broad introduction into how Domain names operate and how the Domain Name system works. Download Guide Introducing FTP This guide is designed to show you the different ways of uploading your site using ftp, including the basic principles of understanding and troubleshooting ftp issues. Download Guide An Introduction to PHP scripting This guide will introduce some simple yet powerful features of PHP, a popular scripting language, and help you take your first steps towards building a strong web presence. Download Guide An Introduction to MySQL Databases This guide will introduce MySQL, a powerful and popular free relational database system. Download Guide P a g e | 50 Troubleshooting with the command line The command line contains a powerful suite of tools that can be utilised in a variety of ways. This guide will show you how to use common tools to diagnose issues with websites, domain names and DNS. Download Guide Suggested directory structure for development website in your local computer. My Documents My Websites Current Ralphsdom ainname.c om htdocs folder contains your home page (called index.html, a folder for your styles sheets called “styles” and a folder for your website photos and images called “images” htdocs index.html styles images P a g e | 51 Suggested directory structure for back up websites on your local computer. My Documents My Websites Backups Todays Date htdocs folder contains your home page (called index.html, a folder for your styles sheets called “styles” and a folder for your website photos and images called “images” Ralphsdom ainname.c om htdocs index.html styles images Directory structure for website on your web server computer / Private P a g e | 52 log files htdocs index.html styles htdocs folder contains your home page (called index.html, a folder for your styles sheets called “styles” and a folder for your website photos and images called “images” images This is not a definitive list of tags available, but contains the most commonly used tags. A definitive list of tags is available from a Description Anchor: Used to create links to other websites or content, can also call other programs such as default email client. Example in web browser Example in text editor <a href=”link target”>Link text</a> Link text Attributes Href: Can be used to specify the target of a link b Description Bold: Marks text as bold. Example in text editor <p>This is my <b>first</b> paragraph. It’s only a couple of sentences long.</p> <p><b>But it is longer than my second paragraph</b>.</p> Example in web browser This is my first paragraph. It’s only a couple of sentences long. But it is longer than my second paragraph. Body Description Marks the main body of a HTML document where all the viewable content is placed. This element must be used. You can only have one Body per document. In addition, it must start immediately after the closing </head> tag, and close immediately before the closing </html> tag. P a g e | 53 Example in web browser Example in text editor <html> Website content <head> </head> <body> Website content </body> </html> Br Description Line break: This does not have a closing tag. Example in text editor <p>This is my first <br /> paragraph. It’s only<br /> a couple of sentences<br /> long.</p> Example in web browser This is my first Paragraph. It’s only a couple of sentances long. <p>But it is longer than my second paragraph.</p> But it is longer than my second paragraph. Code Description Code: Defines a section of text as computer code. Example in text editor <p>You can use this text to show <code>code</code> on your website.</p> Example in web browser You can use this text to show code on your website. Div Description Division: Used for defining a section within a document. Should be used with an P a g e | 54 attribute Example in text editor <div class=”intro”> Example in web browser This is my introduction. <p>This is my introduction.</p> </div> This is another Paragraph, and section 2. <div class=”section 2”> <p>This is another paragraph, and section 2.</p> </div> DOCTYPE Description Document Type Declaration: This is used to let the browser know what version of HTML you are using. If you don’t use it, or if you get the syntax wrong the browser will switch to a new mode where it is unsure how to display your web pages. It doesn’t have a closing tag. If you are using HTML5 you can use the following syntax. Example in text editor <!DOCTYPE html> Em Description Emphasize: in practice this is the same as adding Italics to a section of content, although in the future web browsers may decide to emphasize text in a different way. Example in text editor <p>This is my <em>special</em> word of Example in web browser This is my special word of the day. the day.</p> h1, h2, h3 Description P a g e | 55 Heading: Specifies text to be used as a heading. There are 6 types of headings, 1 being the most important and 6 being the least important. Example in text editor <h1>Main Heading</h1> Example in web browser Main Heading <h2>Heading 2</h2> Heading 2 <h3>Heading 3</h3> Heading 3 Head Description Head: Defines the head section of a HTML document. The head section contains information about the actual HTML document, the head should be located immediately after the opening HTML tag, and end directly before the opening body tag. Example in text editor <html> <head> Lots of header information like metadata and title </head> <body> Html Description HTML: The root tag that defines the start of the HTML code. It must start immediately after the DOCTYPE declaration, and contain a head and a body.the closing HTML tags should be the last thing in a document. Example in text editor <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> Header information </head> P a g e | 56 Example in web browser Website content <body> Website content </body> </html> Hr Description Horizontal Rule: Creates a horizontal line between content. It has no closing tag. Example in web browser Example in text editor <p>Paragraph 1</p> Paragraph 1 <hr /> Paragraph 2 <p>Paragraph 2</p> I Description Italics: Adds italics to a block of text. Example in web browser Example in text editor <p>This is my <i>special</i> word of This is my special word of the day. the day.</p> Img Description Image: Used to display an image within your content. Example in text editor Example in web browser <img src=" osts-logo.png" alt="fasthosts logo"> Attributes Src - (Required) - Used to specify the location of the image file to be displayed P a g e | 57 Alt - (Required) - Used to show alternative text to be displayed if the image is not available Height - (Optional) - Specifies the height of the image Width - (Optional) - Specifies the height of the image Li Description List item: Used with OL or UL tags to denote each separate item to appear in an ordered or unordered list. Example in text editor <p>Day 52 of the polar bear diaries.<p> <ol> <li>Wake up</li> <li>Eat some fish</li> <li>Go back to bed</li> Example in web browser Day 52 of the polar bear diaries. 1. Wake up 2. Eat some fish 3. Go back to bed </ol> Meta Description Meta information: Used to provide information about the HTML page, the content of this meta information is aimed primarily at search engines. Example in text editor <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"/> <meta name="description" content="Ralphs Domain Name" /> <meta name="keywords" content="Ralph Smith,Ralphs Domain,ralphs shop" /> <meta name="author" content="Ralph Smith" /> Attributes Content - (Required) - Used to specify the information Name - (Optional) - Provides a name for the meta information http-equiv - (Optional) - Used to define the MIME type and Character set for the P a g e | 58 document. Ol Description Ordered List: Creates an ordered (numbered) list, as you would expect to see in a top ten, or list where the placement of each list item is determined by importance. Example in text editor <p>Day 52 of the polar bear diaries.<p> <ol> <li>Wake up</li> <li>Eat some fish</li> <li>Go back to bed</li> Example in web browser Day 52 of the polar bear diaries. 1. Wake up 2. Eat some fish 3. Go back to bed </ol> P Description Paragraph: Defines a paragraph. Web browsers automatically add an empty line before and at the end of a paragraph. Example in text editor <p>This is my first paragraph. It’s only a couple of sentences long.</p> Example in web browser This is my first Paragraph. It’s only a couple of sentances long. <p>But it is longer than my second paragraph.</p> But it is longer than my second paragraph. Span Description Span: Similar to Div in the way it is used to divide up blocks of content for styling. Example in text editor Example in web browser P a g e | 59 <p>We have a <span class=”green”>separate style sheet that turns all content green</span> if it is We have a separate style sheet that turns all content green if it is marked with a class of “green”. marked with a class of “green”.</p> Strong Description Similar to the <B> tag, in that it makes text appear stronger. At the moment this is the same as making text bold, but this may change in web browsers in the future. Example in text editor <p>This is my <b>first</b> paragraph. It’s only a couple of sentences long.</p> <p><b>But it is longer than my second paragraph</b>.</p> Example in web browser This is my first paragraph. It’s only a couple of sentences long. But it is longer than my second paragraph. Sub Description Subscript: Marks up a block of text to be displayed as subscript. Example in text editor <p>This is a paragraph <sub>with some Example in web browser This is a paragraph with some subscript text. subscript text</sub>.</p> Sup Description Superscript: Marks up a block of text to be displayed as superscript. Example in text editor <p>This is a paragraph <sup>with some subscript text</sup>.</p> P a g e | 60 Example in web browser This is a paragraph with some subscript text. Table Description Defines the start and end of a table. Example in text editor Example in web browser <table> <tr> <th>Day</th> Day <th>Opening Time</th> <th>Closing Time</th> Monday </tr> Tuesday <tr> Opening Time Closing Time 10:00 17:00 09:00 17:00 <td>Monday</td> <td>10:00</td> <td>17:00</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Tuesday</td> <td>09:00</td> <td>17:00</td> </tr> </table> Td Description Table Data. TD specifies data that will be displayed within a cell. The td tag must be used within a tr (table row) element. Example in text editor Example in web browser <table> <tr> Day <th>Day</th> <th>Opening Time</th> <th>Closing Time</th> </tr> Monday Tuesday Opening Time Closing Time 10:00 17:00 09:00 17:00 <tr> <td>Monday</td> <td>10:00</td> <td>17:00</td> P a g e | 61 </tr> <tr> <td>Tuesday</td> <td>09:00</td> <td>17:00</td> </tr> </table> Th Description Table Header cell Th specifies a cell that is used as a header, rather than a cell that contains true data. TH must be used inside a tr tag. Example in text editor Example in web browser <table> <tr> Day <th>Day</th> <th>Opening Time</th> <th>Closing Time</th> </tr> Monday Tuesday Opening Time Closing Time 10:00 17:00 09:00 17:00 <tr> <td>Monday</td> <td>10:00</td> <td>17:00</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Tuesday</td> <td>09:00</td> <td>17:00</td> </tr> </table> Title Description Defines the title of your document. This must be located within the head element of your document. Example in text editor P a g e | 62 Example in web browser <!DOCTYPE html> Content <html> <head> <title>My Website!</title> </head> <body> Content </body> </html> Tr Description Table Row: Defines each row of a table. Example in text editor Example in web browser <table> <tr> <th>Day</th> Day <th>Opening Time</th> <th>Closing Time</th> Monday </tr> <tr> Tuesday Opening Time Closing Time 10:00 17:00 09:00 17:00 <td>Monday</td> <td>10:00</td> <td>17:00</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Tuesday</td> <td>09:00</td> <td>17:00</td> </tr> </table> U Description Underlines a block of text P a g e | 63 Example in web browser Example in text editor <p>This is <u>my</u> paragraph.</p> This is my paragraph. Ul Description Unordered List: Creates an unordered list (bullet points) where the placement of each list item is not determined by importance or required to be in any specific order. Example in web browser Example in text editor <p>Things polar bears like to eat:</p> <ul> <li>Fish</li> Fish Fish Fingers Fish Cakes <li>Fish Fingers</li> <li>Fish Cakes</li> </ul> Class Description Class - defines a name to this block of content to allow you to style the content separately using CSS. Example in text editor <p>This is a normal paragraph.</p> <p class=”special”>This paragraph is “special”.</p> Example in web browser This is a normal paragraph. This paragraph is “special”. Quick tip: When styling a class using CSS you select the class with a full stop to show that it is a class. For example .special {color:red} P a g e | 64 Id Description Id - defines a name to this block of content to allow you to style the content separately using CSS, unlike class, each ID is required to have a separate identifier per document. Example in text editor <p>This is a normal paragraph.</p> <p id=”special”>This paragraph is “special”.</p> <p>No other paragraph can share the same id.</p> Example in web browser This is a normal paragraph. This paragraph is “special”. No other paragraph can share the same id. Quick tip: When styling a class using CSS you select the class with a full stop to show that it is a class. For example #special {color:red} Style Description Style allows you to add inline styling to a block of text. As this is adding styling to the html document and not through the .css style sheet this is not recommended. However, you may see this tag if you copy text from some applications such as Microsoft word or Outlook. Where all styling has to be contained within one document. Example in text editor <p>This is a normal paragraph.</p> <p style="font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;color:red;font- Example in web browser This is a normal paragraph. This paragraph is “special”. size:14px;line-height:20px;"> This paragraph is “special”.</p> P a g e | 65 Background-color Description Sets the background colour of an element Example in text editor Values P { There are many values you can add to this property. Colours can be added as Hexadecimal, RGB, RGBA, HSL, HSLA or Predefined name format. Background-colour:yellow } Background-image Description Displays an image in the background of an element Example in text editor Values Body { You should enter a URL to an image with the following format Background-image:url(images/border.jpg); } url(<url of image>) Background-repeat Description Displays an image in the background of an element Example in text editor Body { Background-image:url(images/border.jpg); Background-repeat: repeat; } P a g e | 66 Values No repeat Repeat Repeat-y Repeat-x Background-attachment Description Defines if a background image should be fixed or scroll with the rest of the page. Example in text editor Values Fixed Body { Background-image:url(images/border.jpg); scroll Background-attachment: repeat; } Background-position Description Defines where to position a background image Example in text editor Values left top Body { Background-image:url(images/border.jpg); Background-position: 100px 200px; left center left bottom right top } right center right bottom center top center center center bottom xpos ypos where x is the horizontal positon and y is the vertical position. Units can be pixels (as in the example), or any other CSS unit. Color Description Color: as a property will define the colour of text within your HTML content Example in text editor Values P a g e | 67 H1 { Color:white; } There are many values you can add to this property. Colours can be added as Hexadecimal, RGB, RGBA, HSL, HSLA or Predefined name format. Direction Description Allows you to change the direction of your text Values Example in text editor P rtl (right to left) { Direction:rtl; ltr (left to right) } Description Floats an element to the left or the right of the screen if there is room. Values Example in text editor img Left { Float:right; right } Font-family Description Specifies a font to be used for an element. You can enter more than one font onto this declaration, if you r browser is unable to use the first font it will look for the next one in the list. Should always start with the font that you actually want, and end with a font family, to let the browser pick a font within the generic family of fonts if your chosen font is unavailable. P a g e | 68 Values Example in text editor H1 { Font name Font-family:”Times New Roman”,Georgia, Serif; Family-name Generic-family } Quick tip: A list of generic font familys that are installed on all web browsers is available at: Font-size Description Defines the size of the font to be used for different elements. Values Example in text editor H1 {font-size:x-large} H2 {font-size: 150%} H3 {font-size: 16px} xx-small x-small small medium large x-large xx-large smaller larger or as any other CSS unit (px, cm, em). Description This rule allows you to use a font that may not be installed on all browsers. You supply a URL where the font is located and your visitors browser will find the font from this location and display your content If you have downloaded the font you can place it within a folder within your webspace and create a relative link to the font. Or you can add an absolute path to the font it its location is hosted on a different domain name. There are a couple of caveats with this rule. P a g e | 69 Internet Explorer 8 and earlier versions do not support this rule Internet Explorer 9 only supports .eot type fonts, Firefox, Chrome, Opera and Safari support .ttf, .woff and .otf type fonts. The example below loads the font for you to reference it in CSS, it will not actually switch the font for you. You can switch an element to use this new font using the font-family declaration. Example in text editor @font-face { font-family: mynewFont; src: url('/fonts/mynewfon.ttf'), url('/fonts/mynewfont.eot'); /* IE9 */ } Values Any value for the new font. URL for the location of your fonts. Quick tip: is a good location to download a number of copyright free fonts for your website. Description Allows you to set the height of an element. Example in text editor .opening Values Any CSS unit (px, cm, em). { Height:100px } % - specifies the height as a percentage of the containing bock. List-style-image Description Replaces the list marker with an image Example in text editor P a g e | 70 Values Ul.tick url for the location of your image. { List-style-image:url(‘greentick.gif’); } List-style-type Description Sets a style for different list types. Values Example in text editor {List-style-type:circle} Circle {List-style-type:loweralpha} Decimal Decimal-leading-zero Disc Georgian Hebrew Lower-alpha Lower-greek Lower-latin Lower-roman Square Upper-alpha Upper-latin Upper-roman List-style-position Description Defines if the list marker should appear on the inside or the outside of the current flow. Values Example in text editor Ul Inside { List-style-position:inside; outside } P a g e | 71 Margin-bottom Description Sets the size of the bottom border of an element Values Example in text editor p Any CSS unit (px, cm, em). { Margin-bottom:2cm; } % - specifies a bottom margin as a percentage of the width of the containing element. Margin- left Description Sets the size of the left hand side of an element Values Example in text editor p Any CSS unit (px, cm, em, etc). { Margin-left:2cm; } % - specifies a left margin as a percentage of the width of the containing element. Margin- right Description Sets the size of the right hand side of an element Example in text editor p Values Any CSS unit (px, cm, em, etc). { Margin-right:2cm; } P a g e | 72 % - specifies a left margin as a percentage of the width of the containing element. Margin- top Description Sets the size of the top of an element Values Example in text editor p Any CSS unit (px, cm, em, etc). { Margin-top:2cm; } % - specifies a top margin as a percentage of the width of the containing element. Max-width Description Allows you to set a maximum width for an element Example in text editor p Values Any CSS unit (px, cm, em, etc). { Max-width:2cm; } Description Allows you define what should happen to content that will not fit within an element. Example in text editor .opening { Overflow:scroll } Values Visible – renders the outside the element box content Hidden - Overflow is clipped and is cannot be seen. Scroll – adds a scroll bar) P a g e | 73 Padding-bottom Description Allows you to set an area of whitespace within the foot of an element. Example in text editor p Values Any CSS unit (px, cm, em, etc). { Padding-bottom: 25px } % - specifies the width of the padding at the foot of the element as a percentage of the width of the containing element Padding-Left Description Allows you to set an area of whitespace within the left hand side of an element. Example in text editor p Values Any CSS unit (px, cm, em, etc). { Padding-left: 25px } % - specifies the width of the padding at the left hand side of the element as a percentage of the width of the containing element. Padding-right Description Allows you to set an area of whitespace within the right hand side of an element. Example in text editor p Values Any CSS unit (px, cm, em, etc). { Padding-right: 25px } P a g e | 74 % - specifies the width of the padding at the right hand side of the element as a percentage of the width of the containing element. Padding-top Description Allows you to set an area of whitespace within the top of an element. Values Example in text editor p Any CSS unit (px, cm, em, etc). { Padding-top: 25px } % - specifies the width of the padding at the top of the element as a percentage of the width of the container. Text-align Description Allows you to align the text for different elements Values Example in text editor H1 {Text-align:center} Left H2 {Text-align:left} P {text-align:justify} Right Center justify Text-decoration Description Allows you to add decoration to text. You can set the color of the decoration using the color property. Values Example in text editor .new Underline { P a g e | 75 text-decoration:blink } Overline Line-through blink Text-indent Description Specifies the length of an indentation in the first line of text. Example in text editor p Values Any CSS unit (px, cm, em, etc). { text-indent:50px } % - specifies the width of the padding at the left hand side of the element as a percentage of the width of the containing element. Text-shadow Description This is not available in Internet Explorer. The declaration applies a shadow to a block of text. There are 4 parts to this declaration: 1. 2. 3. 4. Horizontal positioning Vertical positioning Blur distance Color Example in text editor H1 {text-shadow:1 2 3 4} H1 { text-shadow:5px 5px 10px blue } P a g e | 76 Values 1. Horizontal positioning - Any CSS unit (px, cm, em, etc). 2. Vertical positioning - Any CSS unit (px, cm, em, etc). 3. Blur distance - Any CSS unit (px, cm, em, etc). 4. Color – See Color in this appendix for a list of possible color values. Width Description Sets the width of an element. This does not include padding, borders or margins. Values Example in text editor Any CSS unit (px, cm, em, etc). { Width:100px } % - specifies the width as a percentage of the width of the containing element. Quick tip: There are many more CSS declarations available to you. A good list of CSS declarations and properties is available at: Saved as index.html and saved within your htdocs folder 1 2 <!DOCTYPE html> <HTML> <head> 3 <!-- The title appears in search engine results, and the toolbar 4 of your web browser --> <title>, all your garden needs</title> 5 6 <!-- Meta tags provide information about your page to your web 7 browser and search engines --> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF- 8 8"/> 9 <meta name="description" content="Established in 1974 supply all your gardening needs to both retail and the trade. As well as gardening tools, plants and hard features, we also offer a range of professional services, from landscaping, design an on-site plant doctor and a maintenance contracts. " /> 10 <meta name="keywords" content="Ralph Smith,Ralphs Domain,ralphs shop, gardens, gardening, landscaping, landscapes, tools, plants, P a g e | 77 countyshire, garden design" /> 11 <meta name="author" content="Ralph Smith" /> 12 13 <!-- Link to the CSS stylesheet --> 14 <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="stylesheets/styles.css" /> 15 </head> 16 <body> 17 <h1>Ralphs Website</h1> 18 19 <!-- introduction --> 20 <div class="intro"> 21 <h2>Full website Coming Soon!</h2> 22 <p><i>Thanks for visiting</i></p> 23 <a href="images/border.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="images/border_opt.jpg" width="400" height="268" alt="Flower Border" class="main-image" /></a> 24 <p>RalphsDomain is a family run business that started selling flowers and bulbs in 1974 from the back of the house.</p> 25 <p>With repeat customers and a dedication to only supplying the very best, our reputation quickly grew and we opened our first shop in 1975.</p> 26 <p>Today our store has grown to over 3 acres and we supply all your gardening needs, from pots to patios, to professional services. </p> 27 <p><u><i>If your garden needs it, we can supply it!</i></u></p> 28 </div> 29 <!-- new for 2012 banner --> 30 <div class="new"> 31 <p><b>New for 2012:</b> Why not stop by and enjoy tiffin in our award winning tea rooms?</p> 32 <hr /> 33 </div> 34 <!-- Opening hours --> 35 <div class="hours"> 36 <h3>Opening Hours</h3> 37 <ul> 38 <li>Mondays to Fridays 07:00 - 20:00</li> 39 <li>Saturdays 08:00 - 20:00</li> 40 <li>Sundays and bank holidays 08:30 - 19:00</li> 41 </ul> 42 </div> 43 <!-- Address --> 44 <div class="address"> 45 P a g e | 78 <h3>Our Address</h3> 46 <p> 47 Number 1,<br /> 48 A Street,<br /> 49 Any Town,<br /> 50 Countyshire.<br /> 51 AW1 2CS 52 </p> 53 </div> 54 <!-- Contact us by email --> 55 <div class="email"> 56 <p>You can also email us at <a href=""> </a></p> 57 </div> 58 <!-- Map --> 59 <div class="map"> 60 <!-- Pasted from Google --> 61 <iframe width="425" height="350" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" src=" &q=gl12ex,+fasthosts&aq=&sll=51.861279,2.250663&sspn=0.010429,0.019205&ie=UTF8&hq=fasthosts&hnear= Gloucester+GL1+2EX,+United+Kingdom&t=m&cid=16748751766119798211& ;ll=51.861281,2.250566&spn=0.018552,0.036478&z=14&iwloc=A&output=embed">< /iframe><br /><small><a href=" de=&q=gl12ex,+fasthosts&aq=&sll=51.861279,2.250663&sspn=0.010429,0.019205&ie=UTF8&hq=fasthosts&hnear= Gloucester+GL1+2EX,+United+Kingdom&t=m&cid=16748751766119798211& ;ll=51.861281,-2.250566&spn=0.018552,0.036478&z=14&iwloc=A" style="color:#0000FF;text-align:left">View Larger Map</a></small> 62 63 64 65 <!-- End of Google code --> </div> <body> </HTML> P a g e | 79 Saved as styles.css and located within the stylesheets folder. 1 body { 2 background:ghostwhite; 3 font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; 4 font-size: 13px; 5 color: black; 6 width: 600px; 7 margin-left: auto; 8 margin-right: auto; 9 } 10 h1, h2, h3, hr { color: navy; 11 12 } 13 14 .intro { 15 float:left; 16 width:100%; 17 padding-bottom:20px; 18 } 19 20 .main-image { 21 float:right; 22 margin-left:20px; 23 } 24 25 .new { 26 } 27 28 .new b { color:red; 29 30 } 31 32 .hours { 33 width:50%; 34 float:left; 35 height:160px 36 } 37 38 .hours h3 { 39 text-align:center; 40 } P a g e | 80 41 42 .address { 43 float:right; 44 text-align:center; 45 width:50%; 46 height:160px 47 } 48 49 .email { 50 width:100%; 51 color: navy; 52 font-family:Lucida Handwriting, fantasy; 53 font-size: 16px; 54 } 55 56 .map { 57 58 padding-top:20px; } P a g e | 81