Document 6499934
Document 6499934
RAHWAY NEWSRECORO/CLAKK I'ATKIOT RAHWAY NEWSRECORD/CLARK PATRIOT PAGE 10 THURSDAY, MARCH 3, 1983 children through board of education membership must become knowledgeable in need for personal glory or to nearly 20 years ago, the budgeting, curriculum and carry out specific, personal answer to this question has labor relations, and be able to communicate effectively objectives. A local board of changed enormously. In essence, local boards with the citizens of the education member must also be open minded, willing of education develop school district. At the same to listen to opposing view- policies that serve as time, the local school points and able to defend guidelines for school opera- trustee must be attuned to the philosophy and goals tions, make decisions on the legislative process, both Trenton and established by the school how to finance educational in board. In addition, will- programs and develop pro- Washington, and be.ready ingness to invest many cedures for recruiting and to reach out to government hours of otherwise personal, evaluating professional officials on behalf of public free time in order to meet staff. In fact, then, the local school students. The challenges are great the responsibilities of board school board provides the leadership in setting direc- indeed. membership is essential. What Are the Respon- tion for a community's Are You Ready for the sibilities of School Board public schools. Challenge? Membership? It is vital that citizens Today, the individual Since I began serving on who dedicates his or her with a sincere interest in the my local board of education time to serve school educational well being of School Board candidacy offers challenge public school students become candidates for positions on the state's local school boards. If you meet the legal and personal qualifications I've outlined above, I urge you to consider running for a seat on your local school board. The New Jersey School Boards Assn. has published a booklet, "Be .Part of a Great American Heritage: Serve on Your Local School Board," which contains further information on school board candidacy. A free copy can be obtained from your local school or board secretary, or by telephoning the New Jersey School Boards Assn. at (609) 695-7600, extension 241. By Bernard Kirshtein, ocal, state and federal To serve on a local board president, New Jersey unds will be invested in the of education, a citizen must Schools Boards Assn. education and training of be able to read and write; he Garden State's public have resided within the During the past year, the jhrases "attracting high- school students to help school district for at least hem meet the challenges of two years, and have no in:echonolgy industry" and he future. And, more than terest in any contract with, 'repairing the infrastructure )f roads and mass transit" any other governmental or claim against the board. What type of Personal lave dominated discussion unit, the state's local boards ibout New Jersey's pro- of education hold the Commitment is Necessary? New Jersey's system of spects for recovery from the responsibility for setting the jconomic recession and the direction of our public ree public schools is based on the premise of communistate's future economic schools. srowth. For the citizen who cares y control through lay or However, an equally vital about children and their non-professional local ngredient to a bright education, then, local board boards of education. What candidate needs most to ;conomic future is themembership presents a sducation we provide to our special opportunity to help assume this role is a sincere he public schools develop desire to help the entire young people through New Jersey's approximately curriculum, training pro- community •• rather than a 2,300 public schools. The ;rams and policies to meet. he challenges of a changing presence of a well-trained PUBLIC NOTICE PUBUC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE PUBUC NOTICE PUBUC NOTICE workforce and quality economic structure. public schools is a prime New Jersey's voters will :onsideration * when go to the polls on Tuesday, jusinesses decide to \ocate April 12, to elect board n a certain area. members in 549 of the For the coming school state's 611 school districts. ndividuals wishing to run ear more than $4 billion in 326,680 308.985 -0308.98? 276.066.65 25B.8OO 17-266.71 276.066.71 n the election must file 25 300 -0( 10,390.11) 20,500 25,000 14,609.89 14,609.89 25,300 nominating petitions with —^37229718"627700" -6T788-J heir local school board -0402,010 SM-TOTAl 356,605.78 356.562.30 415,420 secretary by 4 p.m. today. 10.105.78 346.500 -0Interested? Before 466,911 468,115 6,023.56 415,288.56 415,288.56 466,911 «09,265 deciding on school board REIGNING TABLE TENNIS CHAMPI0N...Ken Brooks, 171,731 152,620.00 171.731 152,620.00 183,400 152,620 candidacy, consider the shown shortly after medal-awarding ceremonies last -03,212,039 5,212,039 5,441,685 76,632.23 4,841,532.23 4,841,512.74 «,764,900 Junior and senior class bllowing legal, and far summer at the National Wheelchair Games, wears his -0588,115 529,985.88 529,983.30 588,115 671,400 ( 6,239.12) 536,225 gold medal. Brooks will be one of several national high school students who more important, civic, -0237.432.86 268,750 237.481.97 268.750 ( 3.083.03) 286,755 are interested in applying 240.565 wheelchair champions scheduled to compete In the moral and personal re36,505 6,099.13 42,604.13 42,843.13 49,555 64,655 Sixth Annual Central Jersey Wheelchair Invitational for $1,000 college schol- quirements. -072,235 7*,291 75,638.07 75,552.60 74,291 76,010 ( 371.93) arships •should request apMeet at the Dunn Sports Center in Elizabeth on SaturWhat are the Legal Re0 39,245 44,000 36,797.93 39,245 plications by Tuesday, quirements for Serving on a 38,570 ( 1,738.39) 36.831.61 day, March 5. The meet will be co-sponsored by -0183.688 195,000 185.457.12 185.688 lSl.i90 .960.88) 185.629.12 Children's Specialized Hospital In Mountainside, and March 15, from the Educa- Board of Education? -052,899.06 72,715 (15,664.25) 53,050.75 70786° 70,860 68,715 tional Communications ScJohn F. Kennedy Medical Center in Edison. -0SUBTOTAL 7,127,183 holarship Foundation, 721 7.127,185 7,519,960 55,697.32 6,570,662.32 6,570,387.30 6,514,965 N. McKinley Rd., Lake -0275.00 12,150 12,150 12,760 11,150.00 11,150.00 10,875 Forest, 111. 60045. To receive an application, 200.62 134,200.62 134,200.62 147,425 1*77425 134,000 .tudents should sent a self8,600 -08,760 8,600 8,655 ( 195.62) 8,426.91 8,459.38 addressed, stamped enve168,938 1TT.TTB SUB-TOTAl lope with a note stating The Kean College of -047,420 47,420 39,455. 40,200 ( 1,674.61) 38,525.39 38,525.39 heir name, address, city, New Jersey Center for ConNational a n d ant chief recreational state and zip code and app- tinuing Professional Edu232,820 302,834 302,034 47,862.52 280,682.52 280,662.32 T63.305 i n t e r n a t i o n a l l y - k n o w therapist at Children's roximate grade-point aver- cation is offering four cou-0wheelchair athletes, in- Hospital, is serving as con- age. rses leading to a certificate cluding reigning wheelchair sultant. ""17582TO0" Fifty award winners will in writing and producing 3,O00.O0J 37000 3,000 table tennis champion. Ken The all-day competition, be selected on the basis of business publications. The -06,950 57200 ( 3,168.20) 2,031.80 2,031.80 6,950 6,000 Brooks, are scheduled to which is expected to draw academic performance, inv center telephone number is -08,000 8,000 7,000 9,535.92 16,535.92 14,953.92 10,000 compete in the Sixth An- more than 200 competitors olvement in extracurricular 527-2208. 337 , 7 7 5 . 6 3 -0368,204 368,204 49,555.63 337,775.63 SIB-TOTAL 421,760 nual Central Jersey Invita- rom the tri-state area, plus activities and need for fiThe courses are: "Writ1. meiuet *u njurnKmtyvi UNTI I. ptauea AtftMflrunvi n f t c r u i uuturt M tional Wheelchair Meet on Delaware, Massachusetts, nancial aid. Ing Basics for Business PuSaturday, March 5, at the C o n n e c t i c u t a n d t h e blications," "Editing and Dunn Sports Center in District of Columbia, will Rewriting," "Basic Layout Elizabeth. be governed by Tri-State and Design" and "Man-HI. Brooks, who won theWheelchair Athletic Assn. aging Publications Opera462,635 (6,029.31) 456,605.69 456,603.69 498.643 498,643 513,650 the National gold medal at the National and tion/Resources and Techni7,297.04 6,650 647.04 4,000 7,297.04 4,000 4,500 Wheelchair Games held in Wheelchair Athletic Assn. The place for both buyers ques." All classes will meet 305,310.38 375,000 (69,689.62) 303,310.38 Minnesota last summer, rules. 325.000 325; ooo304,500 and sellers of used riding from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. competes as a member of 202,113 37,192.30 208.360 208.360 Events will include gear is the Watchung 239,307.30 239.136.13 238,330 "Writing Basics for Busthe New Jersey Blue Devils. slalom, Softball throw, Stables on Glcnsidc Ave., 28,500 34.642.30 31,500 "•700 31;300" iness Publications" will " O t h e r national cham- swimrningT track. weigfTtlif- Summit, where the Annual meet on 10 Mondays startpions figured to provide the ting and table tennis and Used Clothing Sale will be SVM0TAL 1,074,900 (31,737.09) 1,043,162.91 1,042,991.74 1,067,503 1,094,680 1,067,503 ing March 14. Registration "scores to beat" at the event special slalom and dash conducted from 9:30 a.m. will close Monday, March 108,785 4,382.00 113,167.00 113,166.81 125,797 125,797 132,530 include Tywanna Caldwell events for electric to noon and 1:30 to 4:30 7. Arthur Weisbach of Am73,000 74,000 83,613.73 B3.571.34 74,000 10,613.73 of Jersey City and Janet wheelchair, according to p.m. on Saturday, March 5. 80,000 erican Bell Inc., will be the 47,935 (2,399.21) 45,535.79 45,535.79 47,411 47,411 Seven, a member of the the meet co-ordinators. 49,280 Clothing for the sale may instructor. 26,740 New Jersey Wheelers. Trophies and medals will be dropped off at the stables 348.55 27,088.55 27,045.69 21,993 21,993 29,185 "Editing and Rewriting" 48,380 The Central Jersey In- be awarded in three levels today and tomorrow from 2 47,943 (393.95) 48,186.OS 48,142.45 47,945 51,450 will meet on 10 Tuesdays vitational' is co-sponsored of competition: Junior, age to 5 p.m. When an item is 305,040 12,531.12 Sn-TOTAL 317,591.12 317,462.08 317.146 317.146 342,445 starting March 15. Registraby Children's Specialized five to 15; Adult, 16 years sold, one third of the profit tion will close on Tuesday, 148.935 182.103.74 43,936.09 192.871.09 170.450 170.450 198,925 Hospital in Mountainside and up, and a Masters Divi- will go to the county, and March 8. Jack Waddell, a B»iW»uC C A——.) (116,434.13) 589^990.25 602^385.87 802.063 802.065 896,945 and the John F. Kennedy sion for those 40 and older. two thirds will go to the free-lance writer and editor, 50,625.00 34,438.18 55,350 50,625 35.350 Medical Center in Edison in According to Woods and seller. 55,440 will be the instructor. cooperation with the Tri- Schoenhaus, some 750 For additional informa"Basic Layout and DeStale Wheelchair Athletic disabled athletes have comtion, please telephone the sign" will meet on 10 WedAssn. peted in the meet since its stables at 273-5547. nesdays starting March 16. Meet co-ordinators are inception in 1978. Registration will close WedLori Woods, senior recreaThe competition is open 378.170.45 351,285 26,885.45 378.170.45 410.226 401,226 nesday, March 9. Glenn P. tional therapist at to the public free of charge, 64,615 64,615.00 64,613.00 63,142 63,142 Kipp, the owner of Glenn Children's Hospital, and and refreshments will be SVB-T0TAL 1,334,280 (45,612.59) 1,288,667.41 1,249,317.62 1,492,233 1,492,233 1,640,7.60 Kipp Graphic Design Co., Randy Schoenhaus, acting available all day. Further in will be the instructor. director of recreational formation may be obtained "Managing a Publicatherapy at John F. Ken- by telephoning Woods or 1UNMT ACCOUNT1 tions Operation/Resources nedy. Chasanoff at 233-3720 or Northeast Ireland's trad and Techniques" will meet J*L Andrew Chasanoff, assis- Schoenhaus at 321-7708. itional singing duet, Anne on 10 Thursdays starting and Francic Brolly, will prc March 17. Registration will sent a concert at 8:30 p.m close by Thursday, March on Tuesday, March 8, at 10. The instructor will be 01 SUB-TOTAL the Little Theatre in the Dr. Helene Ershow, publi College Center Building at -083.851 lil62.00 _7J.,375_ 72.537.00 _72,537.00. —83,851cations director at Kean Kean College in Union. 97.728.66 131.750 -0(13.630.04) 97.769.96 .131.750 111.400 College. The program is being spIn observance of Nat- Gabriel Faure's "Re onsored by the Kean Col -0SUB-TOTAL 182.775 (.127568.04; 1707306.96 170,263.66 215,601 215,601 218,605 ional Nutrition Month Un- quiem" will be the featured lege Friends of Medieval ion County nutritionists, work of the concert to be Ireland and the Kean Colhome economists and diet- presented by the New lege Irish Club. itians have planned a Nut- Jersey Schola Cantorum riM-CUfc A c i * Tickets are $5 for the rition and Health Fair, to be directed by Louis Hooker, general public and $3 fo -0-0160,000 160.000. -0120.223.74 120.104.00 120.223.74 held at Downs Hall at Kean on Sunday, March 6, at students, staff and senior People for Animals, Inc., SUB-TOTAL -0-0120,223.74 120,223.74 120,104.00 160,000 160.000 -0College in Union on Thurs- 3:30 p.m. at the Crescen citizens. They may be ob- a non-profit, all-volunteer 8,000 -06,386.70 8,000 6,386.70 8,000 ( 1,613.30) 8,000 day, March 10. Avenue Church in Plain tained at the Wilkins Thea- animal welfare organiza-10,000" -0itr.otro20,000.00 10,000 The activities from 9:30 field. zo.oou tre Box Office from noon to tion, devoted entirely to the -0SUB-TOTAL .18.000 6.386.70 18.000 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. are based 21.613.30 6.386.70 28.000 .. 000 8 p.m. Monday to Thurs- rescue of stray and abused The all-Faure program <1J-1 Sub-Total -0on the theme, "Say Yes to hn,2?B,S85 11.336,434 animals and humane educa 136,qB2.S7 h0-365.567.5 l0.325.342.5 11.336.434 day and from noon to will be performed with the Less," emphasizing the need tion, has scheduled a Chi p.m. Friday. to decrease the use of sugar, group's orchestra in nese auction for Friday -0-0Additional information -068,886.0( 62,201.31 -068,886.0C -0fat and salt in the diet. In residence and gues about the concert may be evening, March 11, at the -0100.686 11Q fiBC 17O.443.O( 153.807.54 n a R42 addition to a variety of ex organist, Thomas Murray. obtained from the box of- Knights of Columbus Hal ,100.686 - 00A.580.00 -0( 297.PC -0hibits, literature and visual Also on the program will be fice or Edward Callaghan at 1034 Jeanette Ave., Un 4.580.0( AML -0105t684.0( 105.684.00 69,840 14.684.0C 91.000 _101,830 presentations, there will be the "Cantique de Jean by telephoning 527-2155. 69.840 ion, a half block in from Racine" a n d two 12.300 ( 1.000.PC) 1 2 . 3 0 0 . 0 ( 12.380.68 -013.300 n^poo workshops. Morris Ave. ••""• 19 169 19I169 "•I Pfelwn* * 123,068.65 39,061 For additional informa movements from the orThe doors will open at SUB-TOTAL 262,345.8( 490, .291,577^ tion, please telephone El- chestral suite "Pelleas e 6:30 p.m. with prize calling i7n.nnn lawese B. McLendon, Un Melisande." Tickets are $5 4., 548.15. 17D,DOO_ -135,000. 0( _124_ beginning at 7:30 p.m. For -053^359 53.359 27 02<LJU 27.029.00 .27,029. ion County Extension ser- for adults and S3 for tickets, to donate a prize or 15.066 .15^066. -Q13-273 13.273.O( 13.273.00 vice home economist, at students and senior citizens -sfia. Recently appointed art adopt an animal or for low -0-0-O-0233-9366. The Schola Cantorum director at Alan Gorelick cost spaying and neutering, 15,767.43 17.286" 16,494 T3? 16^897 The fair is co-sponsored a 60-voiced community Communications Design, please telephone 374-1073. -rrjr109,129 38,168.3 39,783.85 76,685 31,916.6 79,012 by the Kean College Dept. choir with s t a t e w i d Inc. of Clark was William The proceeds will go to —53,550-53,530T»3,355.0! —n, 355.00-A37355-0-447786 of Physical Education, Un membership. C. Nyman. the care and feeding of *^***' -0—=©=— ion County Division on Ag For more information on Mr. Nyman was previo- homeless animals. There ing, Union County Nutri the concert, please usly with Harper & Row will be home-baked goodies -0305.236 f 31.916.3d) 273.319.M 263.756.43 418.390 SUB-TOTAL 376,550 tion Resource Network and telephone 464-9152 o V APMOMMATON AMOUNI MUST A G i t l WITH TM t l V t M M AM0UN1 10.IM iatiaAaKxiHiwitTMMnwm<rAOi>.nwiw Publishers in New York C and coffee for those who at I I . I M I U I m AMOUNT awn AOIII «tmi rAM 1. ma iiui the extension service, 756-7311. tend. ty(CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE) RAHWAY 1983-84 SCHOOL DISTRICT BUDGET STATEMENT Deadline draws near for scholarship Business writing to be topic of courses Wheelchair athletes slate competition CONTINUED, Parents told how to make reading fun EDITOR'S NOTE: The following oews release was submitted to The Rahway News-Record by the International Reading Assn. and Rahway Junior High School Assn. for Parents Helping Children Learn to Read and Write. * • * Parents can do many things to help children learn to read and write in the same natural manner in which they learn to talk, says Lois Bird, a consultant for the Program in Language and Literacy at the Uni- versity of Arizona in Tucson. Parental support is important because it may make the difference in the attitudes that children develop toward reading and writing. The consultant suggests some specific activities that parents can use: -Read the newspaper with your children. Check the advertisements, clip coupons and read interesting headlines, photograph captions, stories and the comics together. Help the children complete activities PUBUC NOTICE on the "Kiddie" page. -Sort through the mail, and read letters together. Help your children to write responses. -Have paper, pens and pencils available for writing and drawing. -Leave notes around the house for your children. Encourage your children to write notes to you. -Enter contests that require filling out entry forms and addressing envelopes. -Post a "Helpers Chart" for your children to refer to when it is time for chores. PUBUC NOTICE -Share the cooking with your children. .Plan and write out menus, read and follow cookbook directions and measure the ingredients together. -Teach your children how to use the telephone book. Help them look up the names and numbers of friends they want to call. -Keep a journal with your children, writing down noteworthy events that happen during the week. -Above all, respond to all your children's questions, thoughts and ideas, and express encouragement for all their attempts to learn. "Once you try these ideas," concluded Lois Bird, "you and your children may discover learning to read and write is not a mysterious, difficult process, but something that can be both pleasant and easy." NOW group to mite consciousness Openings are still available for the Consciousness Raising Group currently being formed by the Westfield Area Chapter of the National Organization for Women. The group will meet for 10 weeks, and each session will last two hours. The first meeting will be Monday, March 7, at 8 p.m. The goal of consciousness raising is to develop greater political awareness. Women interested in participating or who want more information may telephone Judy Knepper at 654-3259 or Arlette Clouser at 654-3957 after 6 p.m. PUBUC NOTICE1 PUBUC NOTICE PUBUC NOTICE $m RAHWAY 1983-84 SCHOOL DISTRICT BUDGET STATEMENT SEN. ORECHIO HONORED - Anthony Scardino, Jr.. left, executive director of the Hackensack Meadowlands Development Commission; Sen. Matthew Feldman, second from left, Assemblyman James Zangari, center, and Leo A. Doran, a charter member of MQAUKN0OUM0 3,633.47 10,000 MS-TtTAl 10,000 6,000 SM-TOTAL 13,633.47 3,633.47 13,633.47 1,300.00 7,300.00 20,000 13.594.41 20.000 20.000 7,262.35 7,300 7,300 20,000 1,300.00 7,300.00 7,262.35 7,300 7,300 6,600 38,000 (7^054.04) 30,945.96 40.000 42,000 30,946.26 40,000 3.960.00 3.960.00 4,000 Persons with Parkinson's Disease^m,ay attend the monthly meeting of the Parkinsonian Society of Central New Jersey on Wednesday, March 9. The meeting will be held at the Coachman Inn in Cranford at Exit No. 136 on the Garden State Parkway from I to 3:30 p.m. At this meeting, persons with Parkinson's Disease get together for group discussions. The purpose of the meeting is to help relieve the tension and anxiety that comes from Parkinson's and to help relieve the feeling of isolation. Spouses and friends may also attend the meeting. Dr. Arthur L. Terr, head of the rehabilitation psychology department at John F. Kennedy Medical Center, will be the guest speaker. His topic will be "Disability and Stress." For further information, please telephone Morry Band at 925-6109. 4.200 41,960 (7,054.04) 34,905.96 34.906.26 44.000 44.000 46,200 3,720 (720.00) 3,000.00 3.000.00 4.400 4.400 4,000 3,720 (720.00) 3.000.00 3.000.00 4.400 4.400 4,000 TOTAL Parkinson's unit to meet on March 9 6,600 6,000 3.960 SW-T0TAL 20,000 13,594.41 SM-TOTAL Stables to sell used clothing I OB-TOTAL 364,571744 Irish duet to appear at Kean Nutrition fair to be held at Kean Cantorum to present Faure 'Requiem' Animal group to sponsor Chinese auction William Nyman art director r 200,000 *0 I twol C w M <* 11,109,523.59 12.032.519 19,000.00 18,922.75 332,083.13 8,840.00 359.845.88 8,000 117.000 8,000117,000 60,500. 91,300 125,000 125,000 151,600 220.000 220,000 225,000 25,500 25,500 19,825 242.500 245,500 243,825 334,700.00 10,000.00 363,700.00 220.000 220,000.00 32,100 32,100.00 220.000.00 32.100.00 .1QQ ,inn nn 252.100.00 11.721,469.47 11.803,891.44 528,271.44 11,275.620 TOTALS 12.594.327 11,186,091.44 (6,000.00) 159,700.00 10,000.00 163,700.00 25,000 175,000 12.403.019 12,403,019 12,989,952 RECAPITULATION OF BALANCES CAPITAL OUTLAY DEBT SERVICE (*) (5) CAPITAL RESERVE FUND TOTALS m LlM (1) 178 Free Appropriation Balance! •8/30/83 (from ihe A u d i t ) a * 789,493.91 17S Amount appropriated In adopted FY 8 2 - u Budget" ( 434,000.00 1 < 0 ' 1 ( o ) ' n 1 < o ) • 434.000.00 • 177 Additional amount appropriated during FY a j « 3 M 1 n 1 .« o » ' o ' 1 0 ' I t7B Additional Balance anticipated during TY 82 S3 170 Free Appropriation Balances ty30/S3 ( o i l . ) " ISO Amount approprlatad Irr FY 83-84" 181 Frae Aooroprlatlon Balance! S/30/M (OS!.)" (2) 0 J <»> * 134,857.72 ' '< * 0 ( 0 n 0 355,483.91 ,. 134,057.72 ) ' 355.483.91 60,000.00 ' 74,857.72 ( 0 n n 7q "50,000.00 ' (44,992.07 ) 495,349.56 0 < o 0 I • • o ' 0 12. Line 175 TOTAL EQUALS LINE 171 AMOUNT. IJ. 14. 19. 16. 17. LINE LINE LINE LINE LINE LINE UNE UNE LINE 178 176 176 177 17» HO 1BO 180 COLUMN 2 PLUS COLUMN 1 AMOUNT EQUALS PAGE 4. COLUMN S. LINE 7 AMOUNT.' COLUMN 4 AMOUNT EQUALS PAGE 9. COLUMN 9. LINE 26 AMOUNT. COLUMN S AMOUNT EQUALS PAGE 9. COLUMN S. LINE 14 AMOUNT. ATTACH AN EXPLANATION OF ADDITIONAL AMOUNTS APPROPRIATED DURING FY 8 2 1 1 . EQUALS LINE 179 MINUS U N E 176 AND 177 PLUS LINE 171 COLUMN 2 PLUS COLUMN J AMOUNT EQUALS PAOE 4, COLUMN 8. LINE 7 AMOUNT: COLUMN 4 AMOUNT EQUALS PAOE 9, COLUMN 8, LINE'JS AMOUNT. COLUMN S AMOUNT EQUALS PAQE 9. COLUMN 8. LINE 14 AMOUNT. _ The tentative budget ts on file and openforInspection from this date to March 17,1983. the date of the hearing, between the hours of 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. on days when school is In session, In the office of the Secretary of the Board of Education, Rahway Junior High School, KUne Place, Rahway, New Jersey. By Order of the Rahway Board of Education Anthony Rocco, Jr., Board Secretary lt...3/3/83 < 110,000.00 > 385,349.56 Reception to honor deputy clerk Sen. Orechio gets award for service New Jersey Stale Senate president. Carmen A. Orechio, was honored hy the New Jersey Public Ser vice Award Society at a dinner held ai the Westmount Country Club in West Paterson recently. The senator was presented with an award marking his 20 years of public service to the citizens of New Jersey through participation in state and municipal government. Gov. Thomas H. Kean was the honorary chairman for the event. Anthony Scardino, Jr., executive director of the Hackensack Meadowlands Develop men! Commission, served as toastmaster for the evening. Those honoring Son. Orechio included Sister Carmella Crisiiano. past president of the Business and Professional Women's Clubs of New Jersev; State Fcc$1017.80 Sen. Matthew Feldman of Bergen C o u n t y , a n d Assemblyman James Zangari of Irvington. Representing the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, Circa ter New Jersey Chapter, were Dr. H. Karl Springob, president; Owen McKecver, vice president and chairman of fund raising, and Leo A. Doran, past president. The New Jersey Public Service Award is conferred annually on a citizen who has provided leadership to the people of the Garden Stale. The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation is t h e beneficiary of the proceeds of the banquet. The foundation, established in 1955, is a non-profit, voluntary health organization, dedicated to improving the outlook for the C F patient, a n d •ultimately-finding t h e answer to the cause of cystic fibrosis The newly-appointed deputy clerk of Union County, Catherine F. Pearson, will be honored with a reception on Saturday even ing, March 12, at the Town & Campus Restaurant in Union. Mrs. Pearson, who has served County Clerk Walter G. Halpin as his ad ministrative secretary and. prior to that, Mr. Halpin's predecessor, Henry G. Nulton, for the past 30 years, was appointed and sworn in on Feb. I to The Board of Directors of The Union County Unit replace Wilbert Miles, who Public Service lileetrie and retired after 52 years of ser- Gas Co. recently declared a of the American Cancer vice. quarterly dividend of 64" a Society will begin its ' Anyone interested in at share on the common stock Hoilgkin's Support Group Roselle Catholic High tending t h e reception for the first quarter of ll>83 for Hodgkin's patients and School will sponsor a St. should telephone Mrs. Lee and the regular tjuaricrly their families on Monday, Patrick's Day Dance on Sat- Colletti in the County dividends on all series of March 7 from 7:30 to 9 urday, March 12, from 9 Clerk's office .at 527-4996 preferred slock and the p.m. at the First Baptist p.m. to 1 a.m. The music for or Mrs. Ann Kelly ai SI.40 dividend preference Church on Elm S t . , the evening will be provided West Held. 241-8676. common stock. by the Willie Lynch Band All dividends for the The group is free, but and an Irish pipe band. quarter arc payable on or registration is required. The price of the tickets is before Thursday. March } I, Please telephone 354-7373 $12.50 per person. This will to holders of record un or 2320641. include beer, sandwiches, March 4 setups, Irish soda bread, tea A township student. Re and coffee, For ticket infor- becca J. Dalley of 15 Cor mation please telephone nell Dr., was recently namBob O'Connor at the school ed to the Dean's List at Eliat 245-2350 or Mrs. Marga- zabethtown College in Eliret Hickey at 272-5993. zabethtown. Pa. "Runaways," the Broad The National Assn. of way musical hy lili/abcth Accountants, Raritan ValSwados, recently completed ley Chapter, will hold its ana four-day run with an all- nual election meeting at the student cast at New Jersey Hyatt Regency in New BruInstitute of Technology's nswick on Wednesday, MaVan Houten Theatre in Ne rch 9, at 5:30 p.m. wark. The topic for this meeting Among the cast members will be "Foreign Currency The Clark Scholarship music and calling of "the was Maria Ga/erro. a cheMarkets." The speaker for Beams." Fund will launch its 30th mical engineering student the evening will be Malcolm Instruction will be pro- from Rahway. year with its Annual Square Keers, vice president and Dance Party on Friday, vided. At the same time, a The school's next theater March 4. The dance will be wide variety of dances will production will be "(ienrye manager of Corporate Comkeep experienced club White's Scandals." to bemodity Foreign Exchange held at the Mother Seton Regional High School in dancers occupied at their given Thursday to Satur- for Chase Manhattan Bank favorite p u r s u i t , t h e day, March 10. II and 12. in New York. Clark. Mr. Kcers has been with In five previous outings, spokesman added. As in the at 8:30 p.m. and Sunday. the square dance has past, the number of tickets March 13. at 2:3(1 p.m. All Chase Manhattan since 1972 in various capacities established itself as one of to be sold will be limited so performances are free. including running the Forthe outstanding social as to avoid overcrowding eign Exchange Corporate events of the early spring, on the dance floor. Marketing and Advisory reports a spokesman. In addition to the dancGroup, and, also spent time All proceeds from the ing, there will be numerous in Chase's Foreign Exchevening's festivities will go other surprises for the folks The meetings of theange Dept. in London. Prior toward funding future on hand. There will be Board of Adjustment and to Chase he was with the awards by the fund. In its games and contests. the Planning Board of the Uniied States Treasury 29 years the fund has City of Rahway lor the year Dept. assisted more than 70,Tickets arc $5.50 (tax 1983 are as follows: Hoard Mr. Kccrs has an underyoung people in continuing deductible) per person. This of Adjustment, third Mon- graduate degree from the their education with includes a full evening's fun day of every month unless Albion College in Michigan scholarship awards of more and refreshments. For otherwise designated, and and has his graduate degree than $40,000. tickets and information, Planning board, fourth Tue- from the University of Micplease telephone 388-9209 sday of every month unless higan in international and For this year's dance, the otherwise designated or 382-7582. group has obtained the domestic finance. Public Service sets dividend of 64< Hodgkin's unit to begin support group Maria Gazerro in 'Runaways' Accountants unit to hold elections Scholarship Fund slates square dance City boards set meetings 181 EQUALS UNE 17« MINUS UNE 180. Use of anticipated Surplus from, 82-83 budget ' 0 0 , 0 Members of the Union County Bar Assn. will attend the basketball game between the New Jersey Nets and the New York Knicks at the Meadowlands Arena on Wednesday, March 9. Tickets are limited. Any member of the association desiring to attend the game, may telephone Grace Nail at 353-4715. the New Jersey Public Service Award Society and past president of the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, Greater New Jersey Chapter, display programs honoring Sen. Carmen A. Orechio (or 20 years of public service. Rebecca Dalley on dean's list 12.650,819.03 SPECIAL SCHOOLS OR SPECIAL PROJECTS County lawyers to view basketball Roselle Catholic to feast St. Patrick 929.349.56 <J-D CURRENT EXPENSE THURSDAY. MARCH 3, 1983 PAGE 11 *':.'y.&;'; ' :
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