Sunday, November 10


Sunday, November 10
• Volunteer for the Salvation Army’s Winter Night Watch
program. Two volunteers are needed each weekday evening
December through February at 5:45 pm, to distribute hot
food, drink and warm clothing to those who are homeless.
To volunteer or for further information, call Harry Reyburn at
402-393-8310 or email
• Remembered Voices, the NET documentary featuring students from the Omaha Public Schools, the Hawthorne Quartet from Boston, and the Omaha Symphony, will air on NET1,
Monday, November 11, at 8 p.m. Dundee Church and Kaneko
were among the venues where the documentary about Terezin, the Holocaust and the connection to music and art was
• CWF will be serving as workers at Tip Top Thrift Shop, at 5910
Maple St. in Benson, Tuesdays in November, 10 am-4 pm. Tip
Top welcomes donations of gently used clothing, books
and household items. Proceeds support Youth Emergency
Services and their outreach programs. Contact Eileen Kegley
at 402-572-9211.
• Each year members and friends of Dundee Presbyterian
Church add to the festive spirit of Advent by purchasing poinsettias to decorate our Sanctuary. The cost this year is $15 per
plant and orders are due no later than December 1. Stop by or
call the church office at 402-558-2330.
• Thanksgiving Eve Service, November 27. Potluck at 6:00
pm followed by worship at 7:15 pm. Suggested dishes by last
name are: A-I main dish; J-P salad/side; Q-Z dessert. Worship
with members of Dundee and the Disciples of Christ in both
Spanish and English, and with old and new friends let us give
thanks for our many blessings.
• A grief support group will meet Thursday, November 21 in the
parlor at 7:00 pm for a video and discussion on Surviving the
Holidays. Register during Café Connection following the service.
* We encourage everyone to sit toward the front of the sanctuary
Prayer requests!
Sunday, November 10
7:00 am · Rejoice Praise Team Rehearsal – Sanctuary, Rm 200
8:15 am · Prayer Walk – Sanctuary, Rm 200
· Weekly Prayer Group – Parlor, Rm 203
9:00 am · Rejoice! Worship – Kids’ Own Worship (age 3 - 2nd grade)
– Rm 304
10:00 am · Café Connection – Narthex & Sanctuary Annex, Rm 202
· Sunday School, CRASH (6th - 12th grades), & Christian Ed.
· Prayer & Healing Ministry – Sanctuary, Rm 200
10:15 am · Chancel Choir Rehearsal – Choir Room
11:00 am · Traditional Worship – Kids’ Own Worship
12:00 pm · Prayer & Healing Ministry – Sanctuary, Rm 200
· Café Connection – Narthex & Sanctuary Annex, Rm 202
November 10, 2013 – 11 AM
November 17 Ushers: 9 am - Kim Hansen; 11 am - Chris Olson
November 17 Prayer Team: 9 am - Kim Hansen & Noreen Ward;
11 am - Liz Newman & Betsy Conway
For people with hearing loss, Dundee Presbyterian Church
offers a loop system. Hearing aid wearers with a “T” (telecoil)
setting can now hear the service broadcast directly through
their hearing aids. Others desiring hearing assistance, please
ask an user for a portable receiver and headset.
h ow t o re s o l ve c o n f l i c t
courageous engagement
Program Staff
Robert L. Jordan, D.Min. – Senior Pastor
Rev. JP Carlson – Associate Pastor for Congregational Life
David Daisy – Director of Operations
Paul L. Koenig, M.M. – Minister of Music
Andy Menth – Director of Youth Ministries
Dundee Presbyterian Church
5312 Underwood Ave
Omaha, NE 68132
Preparation for Worship
*Silent Confession of Sins
Proclaiming the Word
*Assurance of Pardon – Isaiah 1:18
Hear the good news: “Come now, let us argue it out,” says
the LORD: “though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be
like snow; though they are red like crimson, they shall
become like wool.” In Christ we are forgiven!
Moment with the Children
“Blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy.”
Matthew 5:7
Prelude, King of Love (Hahn)
Just As I Am (McChesney)
Dr. Wayne Kallstrom
Dundee Ringers
Life of the Church
Rev. JP Carlson
Please sign & pass the Friendship Register.
Introit, I Will Call Upon the Lord (Bock)
Chancel Choir
Call to Worship – from Psalm 136 & James 4:10
The Lord has searched us and knows us!
God knows when we sit down and when we rise up;
God discerns our thoughts from afar.
God searches out our paths and our lying down and is
acquainted with all our ways.
Even before a word is on our tongues,
behold, the Lord, knows it altogether.
Where shall we go from God’s Spirit?
Let us humble ourselves that God would lift us up.
*Hymn 77, Praise to the Lord, the Almighty
*Confession of Sin
Almighty God, we confess our lack of courage when it
comes to resolving conflict. Instead of going straight to
those with whom we’re experiencing issues, our tendency
is to talk to others, build support around our positions,
and turn the “other” into “the bad guy.” This triangulation of
relationships is not what you want for the body of Christ.
Grant us courage and mercy and humility that we would
honor you in all of our relationships. In Christ’s name,
*Gloria Patri, Hymn 805
Anthem, Untitled Hymn (arr. Drennan)
Chancel Choir
Morning Prayer and the Lord’s Prayer
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come, thy will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread;
and forgive us our debts,
as we forgive our debtors;
and lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom and the power
and the glory, forever. Amen.
Children age 3 - Second Grade dismissed for Kids Own Worship
Scripture Reading, Matthew 18:15-20
How to Resolve Conflict: Step 2 - Courageous Engagement
Dr. Bob Jordan
Celebrating and Sending
*Hymn 756, Soldiers of Christ, Arise
*Benediction and Charge
Benediction Response, A Choral Blessing (Schoenfeld)
Chancel Choir
*Postlude, The Rejoicing (Händel)
Dr. Wayne Kallstrom
Offering Ourselves
Celebration of Stewardship
Offertory, Holy, Holy, Holy (Helman)
*Doxology, Hymn 809
*Hymn 538, I Need Thee Every Hour
Dundee Ringers
You are invited to come forward for prayer with the elders.
Are any among you suffering? Pray. Are you hurting? Pray. Anyone
who is having troubles should pray. Are any among you sick? They
should call for the elders of the church and have them pray over
them, anointing them with oil in the name of the Lord.
James 5:13-14