How to Build J2EE Applications Using Novell Technologies: Part 7 How-To Article


How to Build J2EE Applications Using Novell Technologies: Part 7 How-To Article
How to Build J2EE Applications
Using Novell Technologies: Part 7
How-To Article
J. Jeffrey Hanson
Chief Architect
Zareus Inc.
Developer Notes
This is the seventh in a series that outlines a platform and methodology for Java 2
Platform Enterprise Edition (J2EE) application development on NetWare using a
service-oriented architecture.In this AppNote, we learn about how our DAO
framework can also be used to simplify and unify access to Web service provider
An Introduction to Web Services
Overview of SOAP
The AXIS of Power for Web Services
AXIS on NetWare
The Data Access Object Pattern Revisited
Java application development, J2EE, Java Management
Extensions (JMX)
Java 2 Enterprise Edition
Prerequisite Skills
familiarity with Java programming
Operating System
Sample Code
This is the seventh in a series of AppNotes outlining a platform and methodology
for Java 2 Platform Enterprise Edition (J2EE) application development on
NetWare using a service-oriented architecture.
In the previous AppNote we looked at how our platform interfaces with the data
tier and how we can build our data-access components to be flexible and robust.
In this AppNote, we will discuss how our DAO framework can also be used to
simplify and unify access to Web service provider sources.
An Introduction to Web Services
Web services are URL-addressable software components that are connected by a
common protocol, and which allow applications and services to access them over
the Internet. Web services are based on XML envelopes containing either
documents or procedures and data structures. The Web services model allows
applications to interacted with one another in a very loosely coupled manner over
a networked environment.
The operations surrounding Web services usually fall within three major
categories: publish, find, and bind. Publishing involves exposing the service in a
manner that makes it easy to find and use by a service consumer. This typically
involves staging the service in a public registry. When a service is listed in a
registry, it can then be found or discovered, bound using SOAP and then invoked
by a service consumer. The following figure illustrates the relationships between
the parties involved in the lifecycle of a typical Web service:
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Developer Notes
The term Web services is used to describe concepts and technologies that integrate
business processes and services over the Web using standard network protocols.
Web services, as a technology, is a mechanism for delivering cross-platform,
cross-language services, and business content to any Web-enabled client or
Service Provider
Service Registry
Service Consumer
Developer Notes
Figure 1: Parties involved in the lifecycle of a typical Web service.
The current manner most used to describe Web services is the Web Services
Description Language (WSDL). Web services are typically published in a registry
using technologies such as Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration
(UDDI), and invoked over HTTP using the Simple Object Access Protocol
Overview of SOAP
SOAP is an XML-based communication protocol and data-encoding format
which is currently considered to be the primary message-payload medium for
Web services interplay. SOAP was originated by Microsoft, DevelopMentor and
other major software vendors and, now, under the direction of the W3C XML
Protocol working group is fast becoming the most widely used mechanism for
Web services communication.
The XML structure of a SOAP message consists of an envelope containing an
optional header, a mandatory body and zero or more additional, optional entries.
The following is a sample SOAP envelope:
<soap-env:Envelope xmlns:soap-env="">
<pim:agenda xmlns:pim="">
<pim:purpose>Marketing Review</pim:purpose>
<soap-env:Envelope xmlns:soap-env="">
<pim:agenda xmlns:pim="">
<pim:purpose>Marketing Review</pim:purpose>
The AXIS of Power for Web Services
The Apache Extensible Interaction System (AXIS) from Apache is an
SOAP-based Web services producer/consumer framework. AXIS, a derivative of
the Apache SOAP project, provides Java APIs and components for constructing
SOAP consumers, producers, and gateways. AXIS includes:
A SOAP engine
Support for automatic deployment of Java classes as SOAP services
Support for all basic XML data types, and a type-mapping system for defining
new data type handlers known as serializers and deserializers
Automatic serialization and deserialization of Java Beans
Provider support for RPC and message-based SOAP services
Automatic WSDL generation from deployed services
A WSDL2Java utility for generating Java stubs and skeletons from WSDL
A Java2WSDL tool for generating WSDL files from Java classes
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Developer Notes
The following is the same sample SOAP envelope with the addition of one
security element in the header:
Support for SOAP-with-Attachments
An EJB provider for exposing EJBs as Web services
Servlet-based producer support
JMS-based producer support
A stand-alone server
An embedded server
A utility for monitoring IP packet flow
AXIS on NetWare
Developer Notes
Within our platform, we will be using AXIS as our SOAP engine.
Our first step will be to download the latest release of AXIS as a zip file from
Once the archived release is downloaded, extract the contents by executing
the following command at the system console:
After the archive has been unzipped, you will find a folder named
xml-axis-10 at the root of the volume on which the command was executed.
Browsing around inside of the xml-axis-10 folder you will notice folders
named docs, lib, samples, webapps, etc. AXIS is implemented in the Jar file
axis.jar; which is located in the lib directory. The AXIS implementation and
auxiliary files come prepackaged as a Web application located in the file,
axis.war. The prepackaged configuration is setup to execute as a SOAP
At this point, you need to create a subdirectory named axis in the
/VOL/tomcat/33/webapps directory. Into this directory copy the contents of
the webapps/axis directory from the unzipped AXIS distribution.
Now, reinitialize your Web application environment by typing “java -exit” at
the server console, then type “unload apache” at the console, then type
“my_tomcat33.ncf” at the server console and finally type “startapache.ncf” at
the server console.
Validating the Installation
After installing the Web application and dependencies, we need to make sure that
the server is running the axis Web application. To do this follow the steps below:
Navigate to the start page of the axis Web application by entering
http://nwServerHostName/axis in a browser window, substituting your host
name for nwServerHostName. As a response, you should see an
Apache-AXIS start page.
Click the Validate link. This will load a test JSP page that attempts to verify
that needed and optional libraries are present.
Now we will test a service invocation by submitting an XML request to the
endpoint. An endpoint in Web services terminology refers to the final
destination of a service invocation, usually a site on a networked host. We
are going to invoke the getVersion method from the Version endpoint of our
AXIS installation, as follows:
This should return a response that looks something like the following SOAP
Developer Notes
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
Apache Axis version: 1.0 Built on Nov 12, 2002 (08:20:33 PST)
Automatic Web Service Deployment
AXIS provides the ability to automatically deploy Java classes as Web services.
This is enabled by simply renaming a .java file with a .jws extension and dropping
it into a Web application directory. When a request is made to a method in the .jws
file, it is automatically compiled by AXIS and executed.
We will now test a JWS service, by invoking a method on a pre-built sample,
EchoHeaders. To do this, enter the following into a browser:
This should return a response that resembles the following:
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<listReturn xsi:type="soapenc:Array"
<item>accept-encoding:gzip, deflate</item>
Developer Notes
Manual Web Service Deployment
AXIS allows existing Java components to be manually deployed when renaming
the extension is not convenient. This is accomplished by placing the classes that
contain the components you wish to deploy into the classes directory subordinate
to the WEB-INF directory within your Web application. If the classes exist in a
.jar file, place them into the lib directory subordinate to the WEB-INF directory.
Once the classes or .jar files are placed in the appropriate directories, we must
reinitialize the servlet environment by typing “java -exit” at the server console,
then type “unload apache” at the console, then type “my_tomcat33.ncf” at the
server console and finally type “startapache.ncf” at the server console.
To configure AXIS with information about our Java components, we create a
deployment configuration file, known as a Web Service Deployment Descriptor
(WSDD). The WSDD file is an XML file that describes the service name, the
service methods and other information. The following is a sample WSDD file:
<deployment xmlns=""
<service name="MyService" provider="java:RPC">
<parameter name="className" value="com.jeffhanson.samples.MyService"/>
<parameter name="allowedMethods" value="*"/>
Once a WSDD file is created, our environment needs to be setup in order to
deploy the WSDD file to the AXIS server, so, we add axis.jar,
commons-discovery.jar, commons-logging.jar, jaxrpc.jar, saaj.jar, log4j-1.2.4.jar,
and a JAXP-compliant parser such as xerces.jar
( to our classpath.
At this point, we can traverse to the folder containing the deployment descriptor
for our service and run AdminClient by typing a command at the server console
following this pattern:
java org.apache.axis.client.AdminClient
-lhttp://nwServerHostName/axis/servicePath/serviceName deployFile.wsdd
The Data Access Object Pattern Revisited
Web services connect two or more entities together to exchange data. Looking at a
Web service in this way points out a lot of similarity with a typical data resource
such as a database, directory service or file system. Thus, we will access construct
our platform to access Web services in much the same way we do for a database
or other data resource.
Separates a Web service interface from its specific implementation.
Adapts a specific Web service’s access API to a generic interface.
Allows a Web service implementation to adjust independently from the code
that uses the DAO.
Offers access to a particular Web service without coupling the service’s API
to the business logic.
Permits application developers or deployment engineers the choice of a Web
service access mechanism with no changes to the program code.
This approach allows a developer access to a Web service only in terms of its
DAO interface. Based on configuration data, an application uses a factory object
to select the DAO implementation at runtime.
A DAO interface has at least one concrete class that implements the interface for a
specific type Web service. To add a new type of Web service, an application
developer simply follows the steps listed below:
Create a class that implements the DAO interface for the new Web service.
Specify the implementing class’s name in a meta-data configuration source.
Facilitate a re-initialization by the client service, which causes the creation of
an instance of the new DAO class by the factory, which the application will
now use.
Figure 2 shows the implementation of the DAO design pattern for a DAO that
accesses data for a Stock Web service. Notice how the factory is used to select the
DAO implementation.
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Developer Notes
To reiterate, the Data Access Object (DAO) pattern exposes Web services to the
following advantages:
Web Service
Developer Notes
Figure 2: Implementation of the DAO design pattern.
The Stock DAO Interface
public interface StockDAO
public float getQuote(String symbol)
throws StockDAOException;
public void buy(String symbol, int numShares, float targetPrice)
throws StockDAOException;
public void sell(String symbol, int numShares, float targetPrice)
throws StockDAOException;
The Stock DAO Implementation
public class AXISStockDAO implements StockDAO
public AXISStockDAO()
public float getQuote(String symbol)
throws StockDAOException
public void buy(String symbol, int numShares, float targetPrice)
throws StockDAOException
public void sell(String symbol, int numShares, float targetPrice)
throws StockDAOException
The Stock DAO Factory
Developer Notes
public class StockDAOFactory
* This method instantiates a particular DAO based on the
* information obtained from a configuration file
public static StockDAO getDAO()
throws StockDAOException
StockDAO stockDao = null;
try {
InitialContext ctx = new InitialContext();
String className =
stockDao =
} catch (NamingException e) {
throw new StockDAOException(StockDAOFactory.getDAO: "
+ ne.getMessage());
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new StockDAOException("StockDAOFactory.getDAO: "
+ se.getMessage());
return stockDao;
Concrete DAO Factory Implementation for AXIS
public class AXISDAOFactory extends DAOFactory
public StockDAO getStockDAO()
return new AXISStockDAO();
A DAO Client
// create the DAO Factory
AXISDAOFactory axisFactory =
// Create the DAO
StockDAO stockDAO = axisFactory.getStockDAO();
// get a quote using the DAO
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float quote = stockDAO.getQuote(symbol);
// sell a number of shares using the DAO
stockDAO.sell(symbol, 40, 8.85);
// buy a number of shares using the DAO, 40, 5.53);
This AppNote introduced Web services and the Simple Object Access Protocol.
We also discussed how a DAO framework can be used to simplify and unify
access to Web service provider sources.
The next AppNote in this series, we will further explore AXIS and Web services
and look at how we can integrate AXIS to become a SOAP gateway and an
integral component of our platform.
Developer Notes
For Additional Information
For more information about the technologies discussed in this AppNote, refer to
the following resources:
For more information about SOAP, visit
For more information about the DAO pattern, visit
For more information about the AXIS framework, visit
For Novell-specific Java programming information, see
For information about Zareus and its products for building enterprise
applications for the J2EE, Web services, and xInternet environments, visit
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without the express written permission of Novell.
All product names mentioned are trademarks of
their respective companies or distributors.
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