How to become a registered Childminder in Hampshire Pre-registration briefing webinar


How to become a registered Childminder in Hampshire Pre-registration briefing webinar
How to become a registered
Childminder in Hampshire
Pre-registration briefing webinar
Aims and objectives of this
To take you through the Ofsted
registration process
To explore the rewards and challenges
of childminding
Website of resources:
(Please note – the Hants Childminding Blog will be moving across
to the SfYC website in the near future. Subscribe for updates)
HCC and PACEY working
together to support you
Information and support to take you through the
Ofsted registration process
Training during registration and beyond
Support to enable you to provide high quality
childcare services to families and children in
Families Information Directory (FID) supports
childminders in promoting their services to parents
in need of childcare.
Ofsted’s role:
Register applicants
Inspect childminders regularly after
Consider any information about
childminders that suggest they not be
meeting requirements for registration
Take enforcement action when
Ofsted’s aims:
Ofsted’s aims through regulation are to:
Protect children
Ensure that childcare providers provide good
outcomes for children
Ensure that childcare providers meet the
requirements of the Early Years Foundation
Stage and the Childcare Register
Promote high quality in the provision of care
and early education.
Provide reassurance for parents.
Who needs to register?
Childminding: who needs to register?
You must register with Ofsted as a childminder if:
you look after any children under the age of
eight; and
you look after at least one child for a total of
more than two hours in any one day; and
the care takes place on domestic premises;
and you receive reward for doing do
You don't need to register if:
You are the parent, step-parent or relative of
the child
You have parental responsibility for the child
You are a foster parent to the child
You only care for children for two hours or less
a day
You care for the child between the hours of 6.00
pm and 2.00 am only.
Ofsted Registers:
You will need to register on:
Early Years Register if you intend to care for children
from birth to 31 August following their fifth birthday
Compulsory Childcare Register if you intend to care
from children from the end of the Early Years
Foundation Stage to seven years of age
You can choose to register on:
Voluntary part of the Childcare Register if you
intend to care for children aged between eight and 17
Ofsted booklets: Requirements of Early Years
Register and Childcare Register.
How many children can I care for?
You can care for no more than six children age under
eight (at anyone time).
Of these:
No more than three children may be aged from birth
to 31 August following their fifth birthday
Normally no more than one child may be aged under
12 months
Your own children and any others for whom you are
Space available
How many children can I care for?
Other factors affecting the number of children for whom you
may provide care include:
In certain circumstances you may vary the number or
age split of Early Years aged children you care for:
Care for more than one child aged under 12 months
Care for more than three children in the early years
age group.
Children that you care for who are aged four and five
only and attend the childminding setting before and/or
after a normal school day may be counted as
being in the later years age group.
Lets explore the Rewards,
qualities and demands of
Early Years Foundation Stage:
Requirement to refer to the
EYFS 2012 Statutory Framework
The learning and development
The safeguarding and welfare
The Early Years Foundation Stage
promotes teaching and learning to help prepare
young children for school through setting standards
that all providers must meet
places a duty on providers to comply with
safeguarding and welfare, and the learning and
development requirements
is mandatory for all schools and Ofsted-registered
early years providers, who care for children aged
from birth to 31 August following their fifth birthday.
Statutory Framework for the EYFS
Section 1 - The Learning and Development
These cover:
the early learning goals – knowledge, skills and
understanding that young children should achieve by the
end of the Reception year in which they reach the age of
the educational programmes – matters, skills and
processes that are required to be taught to young children
the assessment arrangements – arrangements for
assessing young children to ascertain their achievements.
Section 3 – The Safeguarding and
Welfare requirements
These cover:
Child protection
Suitable people
Staff qualifications, training, support and skills
Key person
Staff:child ratios
Managing behaviour
Safety and suitability of premises, environment and equipment
Equal opportunities
Information and records
Starting a business
Local Authority - HCC (Services for Young
Children - SfYC)
District Council
• Planning Dept and Environmental
Self employed/HM Revenue & Customs
Marketing your business
Being proactive to find information
Registration Requirements - learning
Pre-registration Learning requirements:
• Complete ‘Home-based childcare for childminders
and nannies’ pre-registration training (CYPOP 5)
• Available through PACEY or other training providers as an online
learning package.
• Roughly 12 week home learning course
• Complete a Paediatric First Aid Course
• Course content must cover children and babies
• List of providers available from HCC
• Complete a Safeguarding Course
• Available through PACEY or other training providers
Registration Requirements – checks
Pre-registration Suitability Checks and Registration:
• DBS (formally known as CRB)
• Cost of from £52 per check
• All people who live or work on the premises require a DBS
• Checks addresses from last 5 years
• Health Declaration Form
• GP required to complete second part of this form
• Admin fee applied by GP surgery
• References
• 3 references required, most recent or current employer and 2
character references can be friends but not family
Ofsted Registration
Online Registration:
• Registration with Ofsted
• Only completed once you have DBS disclosure certificate back
• Registration fee of £35 applies
• Ofsted state it will take 12 weeks from submitting an online
• Registration visit
Within the 12 weeks of registration
Inspector will call to arrange the visit – not unannounced
Supporting booklet from Ofsted to help you prepare
Will tell you during the visit if they intend to recommend you for
registration or not
Recap - What next? 1 of 2
Before application:
• Research and book onto ‘Home-based childcare for
childminders and nannies’ pre-registration training
(CYPOP5) (Inform PACEY of your training provider, so we
can fully support your through your childminding journey)
Research and book onto First Aid training
Book Safeguarding Training Workshop
Apply online for DBS check(s)
Submit your Health Declaration
Contact referees
What’s next 2 of 2
Complete Ofsted Application - Online only
Pay registration fee
Receive Ofsted Registration visit
Receive Ofsted registration certificate
Obtain Public Liability Insurance, this is
required before childminding. (Legal
• Contact PACEY co-ordinator to receive free
training and support to get you started
Potential Costs to Consider
Before registration:
• CYPOP (5) Training
• First Aid Training
• Safeguarding Training
• DBS check(s) (From £52 per check)
• Registration Fee (£35)
• Health declaration
• Public Liability Insurance
• Resources (Toys, safety equipment, paperwork etc)
Please note all costs are
New Childcare Business Grants Scheme
This scheme has been introduced to support new
childcare provision
• Grants of £250 are available until 31st
December 2014.
• You may be eligible for a grant if you intend to
start up a NEW childcare business in the next 6
• Ofsted:
Helpline number: 0300 123 1231
DBS check portal:
• Services for Young Children:
Helpline number: 01962 847070
• Family Info Directory:
• PACEY in Hampshire:
Main line number: 0845 200 3890
General Info site: (subscribe for free updates)
Resources site:
PACEY website (Nationally):
& Deane
Suzanne Shields
07734 -734088
Test Valley
Heidi Rehman
Eastleigh &
Penny Redwood
New Forest
Tiffany Morris
Hart &
Karen Jarvis
East Hants
Gillian Herring
Fareham &
Jayne Baines
Mandy Knights