Microwave Kettle Corn
Microwave Kettle Corn
Microwave Kettle Corn Ingredients 1/3 cup popcorn kernels 1/4 cup superfine sugar (known as bakers sugar) 1/2 stick butter 2 Tbs vegetable oil 1/2 tsp kosher salt Prep Wash and dry a large glass bowl. Combine This r ecip e w ill ch an g e th e way you think a bout p op corn. Sooo m u ch b et ter th an th e st uff th a t com es in th e box, but h a r dly any m or e work. 1: Place the butter in the bowl, melt in the microwave. 2: Combine the remaining ingredients in the bowl, stir to combine. 3: Cover the bowl with a microwave safe vented lid or plate. Cook 4: Microwave the popcorn. Start with 10 minutes on the timer. You will most likely not need this much time, but this does take a longer cooking time than normal microwave popcorn. Note: Our microwave usually cooks our popcorn in about 7 1/2 minutes. 5: Remove the popcorn from the microwave when the pops are about 3 - 4 seconds apart. Remove Carefully! 6: Remove the popcorn from the microwave carefully and with oven mitts. It is very hot! The butter and oil have to reach boiling temperatures to make the popcorn pop and will still be very hot to the touch. Allow the popcorn to sit with the lid until the popping has completely stopped. 7: Gently stir the popcorn to combine. Enjoy! Adapted by Sandi Henderson from Sarah & Ken Wrights fabulous Kettle Corn