How to engage with the ARTES Applications Programme Dr. P.Mancini


How to engage with the ARTES Applications Programme Dr. P.Mancini
How to engage with the ARTES
Applications Programme
Dr. P.Mancini
Head of the Awareness and Feasibility study division
Directorate of Telecommunications and Integrated applications
• ARTES 3-4 Satcom Applications
• ARTES 20 (IAP) Feasibility Studies
• ARTES 20 (IAP) Demonstration Projects
• What are the opportunities
• How to get involved in ARTES Applications
• On going Austrian activities
ARTES – Advanced Research in
Telecommunication Systems
ARTES Objective
– Objectives
– Maintain and improve the capability and
competitiveness of industry of participating
countries in the world satellite satcom market
– Develop satellite-based Solutions that meet the
needs of the European Society and European
– ARTES is a «frame» programme which hosts
different Elements and each of these Elements
has a set of specific objectives and conditions
ARTES 3-4 Satcom Applications
ESA’s Telecom Products Programme
(ARTES 3-4)
The goal :
Maintain and improve the capability and competitiveness of
the industry in the world satellite telecommunication market.
Ensure the short-term readiness of the industry to respond to
commercial opportunities by focusing the ARTES 3- 4
activities on products ready for the commercial or
institutional market.
Incubator of Products
ARTES 3-4 – Commercial Satcom Applications
Open Call AO/1-5891/08/NL/US ARTES 3-4 “Telecom - Products Programme”
Study Activities
max 250k
ESA price
Satcom Apps
For all activities: ESA price
can be up to 50% of the
project costs
How to apply
1. To facilitate the preparation of the Outline Proposal for ARTES 3-4
SatCom Apps Projects, a Guideline Template has been prepared
2. The template is a MS Word document that can be used as a starting
point to fill in the content of the Outline Proposal
3. The Template can be accessed from:
Outline Proposal
ESA’s Integrated Applications Promotion
Programme (ARTES 20)
ESA’s Integrated Applications
Promotion Programme (ARTES 20)
The goal :
Foster new utilization of existing space capacity and
capability, in close partnership with end-users, through the
development of integrated (different space and non space
technologies) applications projects which demonstrate a
potential for sustainable services.
Addressing global challenges in different thematic areas:
Space for: Health, Development, Transport, Security, Safety,
ESA’s Integrated Applications
Promotion Programme (ARTES 20)
ESA IAP Involvement
Funding by ESA:
Awareness phase
Funding by ESA:
Contact with ESA:
• 100% - ESA initiated • 50% - initiated by
ESA or industry
activities in close
collaboration with
users / stake-holders
• conferences
• ambassadors
• call for user ideas
• 50% * - Partner /
industry initiated
activities in close
collaboration with
users / stakeholders
* For Feasibility Studies only:
Work carried out by universities and research
institutes may be funded 100% by the Agency
ARTES 20 – Integrated Applications
Programme Characteristics
– Objective: Development, integration and pilot utilisation of
Integrated Applications based on several space assets
– User driven activities aiming for sustainable services
– Scope: Feasibility Studies & Demonstration Projects
– A) Ideas originated by ESA in collaboration with users
=> Specific Open Competitive Tenders (ITT)
=> fully funded
– B) Ideas originated by Industry in collaboration with users
=> Continuous Open Call for Proposals (AO 6124)
=> Outline Proposal  JCB Approval  Full Proposal
=> co-funded
– Letter of authorisation from National Delegations
IAP Feasibility Studies
(fully funded and co-funded)
User involvement as starting point for every IAP activity
Proof of interest and involvement of users/stakeholders is required for any IAP
activity (feasibility studies and demonstration projects)
Open competitive tenders (fully funded):
Expressions of Interest to be attached to the proposal including:
- information on the motivation of the user organization to participate
- confirmation of active contribution to several tasks (i.e. user needs, validation of the user requirements,
information on existing services and operational procedures, validation of specifications of services and solution,
contribution to the validation of the Proof of Concept, contribution to the implementation roadmap)
Direct negotiation activities (co-funded):
Expressions of Interest to be attached to the Outline Proposal including:
- information on the motivation of the user organization to participate
- information how they intend to contribute to the study and to which tasks,
- for Feasibility Studies: information if they are interested to engage in a potential follow-on demo project
in case of successful study outcome
- for Demo Projects:
information if they consider to subscribe to operational services in case of successful
completion of the demonstration project
Feasibility Studies
(fully funded and co-funded)
Principle Study Logic of an IAP Feasibility Study
Task 1:
Stakeholder /
User Analysis &
Task 2:
Analysis &
(incl. space
Task 4:
Proof-of-Concept /
(when applicable)
Task 3:
Service and
Task 6:
Roadmap and
ons &
Preparation of
Demo Project
Task 5: Viability Analysis (economic & non-economic)
Meeting /
Kick-off (KO)
1st Progress
Mid Term
• Task 1 – consolidating the interest of the related
stakeholders and users, analysing their needs and
defining the user requirements,
• Task 2 – performing a state-of-the-art analysis of the
different existing technological solutions (both space
and terrestrial based)
• Task 3 – defining the services and the service value
chain, generating the specifications and architecture of
the related system
2nd Progress
• Task 4 – proving the feasibility of critical technical
and non-technical elements of the system and/or of
parts thereof (Proof of Concept) in collaboration with
the users
• Task 5 – analysing the economic and non-economic
viability of the services and the associated system,
• Task 6 – preparing the roadmap for the further
implementation of the system and its associated
services (e.g. via a demonstration project), securing
the involvement of users/stakeholders
What are the opportunities?
1. Continuous Open Call for proposals for
Feasibility Studies and Demonstration Projects (AO 6124)
Beginner’s Guide and Proposal Guides on IAP website including:
- Administrative Guide
- Outline Proposal Guidelines Feasibility & Demo
- Process Flowcharts
accessible under
What are the opportunities? (2)
2. Competitive tenders (Feasibility Studies):
Information to be found on the IAP website (announcements):
and on ESA’s electronic tendering system (tender documents):
ESA offers …
 Financial support in the co-funded programmes ARTES 20 (Integrated
Applications Promotion) and ARTES 34 (Satcom Applications)
 Consultancy from idea generation until introduction of a sustainable
application / service
 Access to ESA’s technological expertise in a number of disciplines
covering not only space
 Networking within and access to the community of the ESA Telecom
and Integrated Applications programs (regular workshops on various
subjects), i.e. a plethora of organisations and industries
 Organisation of awareness activities on specific subjects (thematic
workshops, PR campaigns, etc.)
 Credibility through the involvement with ESA as international
acknowledged organisation
ESA expects applicants to…
 Identify the user community and the needs/demands that could
trigger a new sustainable service
 Identify the gaps that prevent the users to do their job optimally or to
expand … may be, there is a chance for space systems to fill the gaps
 Come to us with their idea and discuss together if and where space
can help, identifying the best route through the system of ESA
programs (Satcom, Integrated Applications, others)
 Get in contact with their national ESA delegation, as they are the
ones needed to support the activity as well
ESA’s Integrated Applications
Promotion Programme (ARTES 20)
Selection criteria for an IAP activity:
Strong user needs, interest & involvement
Utilisation of two or more space assets
Evidence of a clear added value
Potential for sustainability
Strength in background and experience (credibility) of the
bidding team with respect to proposed activity
And for Demonstration Projects:
Need for and the representativeness of the future service
(incl. scalability).
Partner/industry initiated Activities (co-funded)
Feasibility Studies or Demonstration Projects
How to prepare for Direct Negotiation Activities (1):
Outline Proposal
• Ruling document for Outline and Full Proposals is the continuous “Open
Call for Proposals for Feasibility Studies and Demonstration Projects”: Open Invitations to Tender AO 6124
• Submission of an Outline Proposal to email address:
• Beginner and Outline Proposal guidelines on IAP website
• ESA assessment and iteration on promising ideas together with
• Coordination with national delegations necessary
• Insertion in the rolling IAP workplan for approval by IAP Member
States (JCB: 4x per year)
Partner/industry initiated Activities (co-funded)
Feasibility Studies or Demonstration Projects
How to prepare for Direct Negotiation Activities (2):
Full Proposal
• After approval, invitation to submit a full proposal
• Full proposal to be prepared according to requirements of ‘Open Call
for Proposals’ (AO 6124) including letters of authorisation of the
related national delegations (early coordination process recommended)
• Submission of the Full Proposal triggers the ESA evaluation process
• If the proposal contains major non-compliances, clarification iterations
will be initiated with the bidder(s)
• When the proposal is considered compliant, the negotiation process will
be initiated
• Contract award is subject to successful negotiation meeting
Proposal preparation
(fully funded and co-funded)
Points to pay attention to:
The involvement of the stakeholders / users in most of the tasks is
indispensable: it needs to be explained how this involvement is done.
Experience and completeness of the team: it needs to be explained which
know-how is already in the team, but also which know-how is missing and how
this will be acquired (training, new partner, external service, advisor, etc.).
The identification / involvement of a potential service provider is highly
recommendable for FS and indispensable for DP (ideal case: the service
provider is the prime).
The viability analysis is often done by technical persons which is often
inappropriate, as they do not have the know-how.
The coordination with the national delegations related to the consortium
partners has to be established from the very beginning, as their approval
procedures to issue the required authorisation letters need time as well.
IAP references
• IAP Website:
• “Integrated Applications Handbook”
available as hardcopy and via the IAP website:
• IAP Open Call for co-funded activities online on
- EMITS: (ITT AO6124)
• Information on IAP Open Competitive Tenders online on
- IAP website
- EMITS at the time of publishing
• IAP general email address:
Space for Transport
Human Space
Flight techn.
SafeRail – Improving Safety at
Railway Level Crossings
- Trains and road vehicles equipped with
navigation receivers
- Communication in remote areas
- Monitoring of visibility at railway level
SafeRail (1/2)
– Many level crossings lack barriers and/or warning signs.
– Ignorance and impatience with road users or pedestrians
– Lack of overview with train driver of what is happening at
the crossing (e.g. due to distance or line of sight).
– Visibility with road users.
– In case of an accident, a good understanding of the
accident and the reaction time of emergency services is
important in minimising the consequences and saving lives
Objective of Feasibility Study
– Identify stakeholder and user needs among level crossing
users and operators
– Develop a service and a system architecture
– Build a business model and investigate options for providing
the service
SafeRail (2/2)
Added value of Space
 With Satellite Navigation, the
position and speed of the train
will be known at any time, able
to increase awareness of an
approaching train and reduce
closing time of level crossings,
 Satellite communications
services provide coverage in
remote areas with little to none
terrestrial communications
solutions and provide
contingency in case terrestrial
solutions fail,
 Earth Observation provides
information on visibility around
level crossings
Project team and users
– Team: Berner & Mattner (DE),
Avanti (UK), Brimatech (AT),
Joanneum Research (AT),
TeleConsult Austria (AT)
– Key Users: ÖBB (AT), Stern
und Hafferl (AT), JHMD (CZ),
SZDZ (CZ), ADAC (DE), Rotes
Kreuz (AT), TU Dresden (DE)
– Feasibility Study 300 k€ (300
k€ ESA funding)
– To be finished early 2014
Space for Safety
Human Space
Flight techn.
MATIST – Monitoring Alpine
Transportation Infrastructure using
Space Technologies
- Use of satellite and terrestrial based SAR
in combination with GNSS networks to
understand long and short term
movements of land masses.
MATIST (1/2)
– Landslides and rock fall constitute a major geological
hazard, naturally occurring or affected by human
activities (land use),
– Whereas the effects of landslides and rock fall upon
communities in mountainous and coastal areas is well
known, less well recognised is the danger of terrain
movements to the transport infrastructure across the
Alpine areas,
– Landslide and rock fall affecting transport infrastructure
poses a threat to life and imposes a heavy burden in
terms of direct and indirect costs,
– With the transport operators, there is a need to have
both a wide area overview of the landslide hazards on
long term, as well as a short term small area overview of
eminent risks.
MATIST (2/2)
Added value of Space
Earth observation
- With satellite InSAR data,
large area overviews can be
generated of land mass
movements, in support of
identifying those areas which
need further attention, .g.
via GNSS sensor networks.
Satellite navigation
- With networks consisting of
cost efficient GNSS
receivers, using accuracy
augmentation, real time
indications from land mass
movements can be observed
for smaller areas.
Project team and users
– Team: GAMMA (CH), INAS
– Feasibility Study 280 k€
(180 k€ ESA funding)
– Key Users: SBB (CH), ÖBB
– To be finished fall 2013
Space for Transport
Human Space
Flight techn.
EUROPORT - Optimising Intermodal Freight Transport through Ports
-Reduce Congestion
-Maximizing efficiency
-Reduce carbon foot print
-Improve Safety and Security
– Routing and scheduling of inter-modal freight traffic to, from and through to ports is sub optimal,
resulting in e.g.;
– Ships waiting for berths, where other ports may have spare capacity.
– Delays of ship leaving berths, due to late arrival of freight by trucks, rail or inland waterways
– Trucking companies habitually routing their vehicles through more expensive ports,
– Trucks arriving too late, due to traffic conditions,
– Lack of information for both operators and customers on the location, content and status of
– Competition between both port and transport operators inhibits sharing of information and uniform
adoption of best practices
Added-value of space
– Satellite Navigation; understanding the
positioning of the modalities or
transports (including their freight) is
essential in the planning and
scheduling process.
– Satellite Communication; timely
communication of planning and
scheduling information is key in
optimising freight transport. Satellite
communication offers global coverage
and redundancy to ensure continuity of
– Earth Observation; weather information
plays an important but often underused role in planning and scheduling of
seaborne transport. New earth
observation services also provide
information on ocean currents and sea
state conditions.
Project team and users
– Team: GMV (ES), Brimatech (AT),
TEIRLOG (ES), BAE Systems (UK)
and TeleConsult Austria (AT)
– Key Users: Peel Ports, ACL and JMD
(UK), Via Donau (AT) etc.
– Feasibility Study 300 k€ (300 k€
ESA funding)
– Finished May 2013
Space for Safety
Human Space
Flight techn.
SASISA – Small Aircraft Service for
Instant Situational Awareness
- Small aircraft equipped with sensors and
satellite communication
- Downlink of data in real-time
- Integration into operational system for
situational awareness
SASISA (1/2)
– Monitoring of disaster events using real-time imagery
is of vital importance for rescue organisations
– Satellite images are useful, but seldom offer sufficient
timeliness, resolution, and revisit frequency
– Airborne platforms offer higher resolution and higher
operational flexibility
– With broadband satellite communication sensor data
from the airborne platforms can be shared quickly and
integrated into a networked system for maximum
situational awareness
Objective of Feasibility Study
– Identify stakeholder and user needs among first responders
– Develop a service and a system architecture
– Validate the broadband satellite communication link
– Feasibility Study 218k€
(143k€ ESA funding),
finished March 2013
– Demo project 2304k€
(1152k€ ESA funding),
started March 2013
– Build a business model and investigate options for providing the service
SASISA (2/2)
Feasibility Study Project team
and users
– Primes: Knowledge & Analysis
LLP (UK), Diamond Aircraft
Industries (AT), Jast (CH),
Joanneum Research (AT)
Added value of Space
Satellite communication
- Communication between aircraft
and operations centre over long
distances, adding flexibility to
operations and making them
independent of ground-based
communication infrastructure
Operations centre in Austria
Satellite navigation
– Key Users: Departments of Civil
Protection of the State
Governments of Steiermark
and Lower Austria (AT)
- Aircraft navigation
- Geo-tagging sensor data
Demo Project
Earth observation
– New partners: DiamondExecutive Aircraft (UK),
Atmosphere (DE), HiTec (LU)
(Diamond Aircraft involved as
- Provides background data
(images, terrain models) for
geographical information systems
(outside focus of project)
Infrared heat source detection
– New user: Emergency.lux (LU)
Space for Transport
Human Space
Flight techn.
SELIAT – Safe Emergency Landing in
Alpine Terrain
Emergency landing support for Helicopters
involved in rescue operations and for Small
Aircraft in case of accidents
SELIAT (1/2)
– Helicopters are vital for providing medical assistance and
for rescue operations in mountainous terrain
– Finding suitable landing areas close to the location of an
accident is a challenge, especially in bad weather and at
– Similarly, for a small aircraft forced to make an emergency
landing, a safe landing area can be difficult to find
– Use of earth observation data and precision navigation can
help pilots finding suitable locations and provide flight
Objective of Feasibility Study
– Identify stakeholder and user needs, define requirements
– Develop a service and a system architecture
– Validate the technical feasibility and earth observation data sources
– Build a business model and investigate options for providing the service
SELIAT (2/2)
Feasibility Study Project team
and users
– Prime: University of Salzburg
– Sub-contractors: DLR (DE),
Brimatech (AT)
– Key Users: Heli-Austria (AT),
Bayern (DE)
– Key Stakeholders: GENA
Systems (AT), Eurocopter (DE),
Astrium Servcies (DE), GAF
Added value of Space
Earth Observation
- Data from various sources is used
to determine suitable emergency
landing locations depending on
aircraft parameters, weather, etc.
Satellite navigation
- Provide accurate guidance to the
selected landing location
Satellite communication
- Provides up-to-date information
to the aircraft and report aircraft
parameters back to base
– Feasibility Study 330k€
(310k€ ESA funding)
Avionics equipment
– Expected to finish in Summer
Fully Automated Aqua Processing Service
(ARTES 20 Integrated Application Promotion
Demonstration Project)
Fully Automated Aqua Processing Service
The project objectives are to develop, validate, demonstrate and assess the benefits for
flood management authorities of a future operational service delivering near real time flood
extent maps generated by processing satellite Synthetic Aperture Radar data (e.g.
Sentinel-1). During this project a fully automatic processing chain (i.e. without manual
interaction) is being implemented and validated together with two user interfaces concepts:
i) mobile application displaying latest flood information with the user’s position for field
operations ii) a professional gateway allowing on-line access to current and historic flood
extent maps for disaster management team.
Prime: Capgemini Consulting Österreich AG (AT)
Sub-contractors: Capgemni Technology Services (FR), GeoVille (AT), TU Vienna (AT),
GeoVille Environmental Services (LU), CRP Lippmann (LU)
User(s): National and state flood management authorities (AT):
Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Environment and Water Management (AT), Ministry of Interior (AT),
Department for Protective Hydraulic Engineering and Soil Water Management Office of the Styrian Government
(AT), Department of Fire, Disaster and Civil protection of Lower Austria (AT), Department of Crisis and Disaster
management of Styria (AT)
and Agency for International Cooperation (DE).
Activity completion planned for June 2013.
Project Web Page:
Price to ESA: 1605 k Euro, 69% of
the project cost (ARTES 20: 39% ;
StrIN: 30%)
Thank you
Contact information