How to meet wireless test world
How to meet wireless test world
1 How to meet wireless test world Veikko Loukusa, Nokia Mobile Phones, Jukka Antila, Nokia Networks ,Tapio Koivukangas, Nokia Mobile Phones, Markku Moilanen, Oulu University Abstract Test methods of the future will communicate test data through advanced wireless technologies. As technology progresses so these wireless interfaces will progress. In this paper we propose an approach toward a wireless test standard and describe how its implementation contributes to the life cycle phases of the product. 1.Introduction The trends of semiconductor designs are such that the density and complexity of ICs (Integrated Circuits) increase and the cost of the basic elements decrease. The frequencies increase, especially inside the ICs. Correspondingly, the use of external automated test equipment (ATE) becomes more difficult and the test costs rise. There is a delay in the development of external ATE technology compared to that in the DUT (Device Under Test) [1]. The above mentioned problems can be avoided by carrying out test functions inside the ICs and at a higher level, as embedded solutions in devices (embedded test). With this approach testing will have the same technological features available as the IC functions themselves. The application of embedded testing decreases the service cost of the device too, because no resources are needed to invest in external instruments or test interfaces in service points. The same tests are available in production, service and field testing. The complexity of IC design and frequency of operation are continually increasing. The amount of new generations of products goes up and the product life time shortens. These factors have an effect on failure modes, failure diagnostics in the field, and the nature of service operations. Standardised telecommunication interfaces and the remote driving of the embedded test environment can be utilized both in production and in the field, because testing, configuration and re-programming can be carried out during the whole life cycle of the product through communication interfaces [2]. In order to use wireless interfaces with different communication speeds for testing in the production phase, there have to be in the embedded test environment such test methods that shorten the test time and decrease the need of transferring data. These kind of methods are at-speed HW built-in selftests (BIST) and software based functional selftests, called at-speed SW self-tests [3]. In addition, the embedded test solution has to enable the use of tools for external boundary scan equipment and test and vector formats like SVF (Serial Vector Format). This kind of format offers a higher data capacity than currently available [4]. Our approach is a suggestion to ‘standardise’ wireless testing in order to be more ready to face the expected test challenges. In section 2, the background to wireless testing is described. Section 3 outlines the main requirements. In section 4, we describe the wireless test architecture. Section 5 outlines the implementation towards a standard structure with the description of the test environment and the Embedded Test Manager. Section 6 shows the anticipated results. Section 7 introduces future work and needed actions, and section 8 concludes the paper. 2.Wireless Testing Several visions have been presented describing the future of the wireless world [5]. Wireless communication systems are widening ever more from “connecting people” to “connecting technical constructions of a modern infrastructure”. This UBI (Ubiquitous Computing) environment consists of cars, household appliances, watches, remote health 2 care and health monitoring devices, etc., which can communicate with each others as well as with external devices [6]. In order to answer to the questions such as “is this the future ?” and “how widespread will the wireless world be ?”, the wireless systems will be dependent on many factors among which the key issues are reliable operation of the systems and cost effective products with easy use. This environment is undoubtedly very complex, containing devices from different product manufacturers, and the applications of the devices in systems are different (Fig. 1). Wireless Test Standard needed ! Mobile Terminals MA CD /W BT M GS /W LA N Signature / Wellbeing information Signature / Wellbeing information Wireless Applications Base Stations GSM / WCDMA Fixed Network Fig.1. Wireless testing. The devices operating in the future environments are based on challenging new technologies as they must have more intelligence in smaller dimensions, operate at higher frequencies, etc. Due to the increased complexity of the devices and the whole system, it is reasonable to assume that more things can fail. The first challenge is how to locate the failure in the environment and in the actual device. From a consumer’s point of view the crucial question is what he or she should do. Some proposed applications of the UBI world are meant to perform critical tasks. Remote health monitoring applications demand continuous reliable operation and guidance information because failure can even be fatal. Proactive diagnostics of the devices in use and the entire communication link providing information about their present and future status is therefore required. Even in non-critical consumer products, advance availability of information about predicted technical problems and how to solve them is user-friendly and strongly supports the expansion of the new technology and business opportunities. The interoperability of the devices in the operational networks can be assured in the R&D phase by following the common accepted standards. Continuous reliable operation calls for standardised co-operation and agreement in terms of testability and testing, these being the most powerful instruments to verify the quality and reliability of the device. Therefore the creation of the Wireless Test Standard (WTS) in global co-operation with industry and research institutes is an essential effort for building the wireless world. The life cycle testing has to be cost effective while including high fault coverage and advanced diagnostics. Continuous debate is underway on concentrating on different solutions for optimisation of the entire testing process of an electronic device. Certainly, the optimum testing strategy depends on the type of the device. The testing solutions of high volume, low cost or low volume, high cost products respectively may need quite different life cycle testing strategies. Extensive effort is executed to develop generic tools for optimising the test strategy of the electronic devices. However, some common requirements are usually presented for different kind of products. The cost effectiveness of testing means almost in every case shorter test times and reusability of the tests during the entire life cycle. Use of embedded test constructions can, in principle, meet these requirements [7]. 3.Requirements Testing will be a continuous feature of future devices. The complexity of devices is increasing and the amount of testing increases with it in R&D, in use and in the field repair phase. In production and in installation the amount of tests has to be kept as low as possible. To be cost effective, production testing has to be considered carefully in order to set the future wireless test. An increase in integration and complexity of the products mean more defect possibilities and more features and parts (blocks, circuits, etc.) to be tested. Miniaturization decreases the visibility of interconnections and components and increases the quantity of these connections giving the impetus to use wireless test methods. Reducing production test cost is at variance with long test times using expensive instruments and expensive fault finding 3 equipment. The future of board testing in production can be seen as a transfer from functional testing with external instruments to process inspection and embedded test. Process inspection can be e.g. automatic x-ray or optical inspection, and embedded test can be provided by self-tests, selfcalibrations and SW supported Go/No-Go tests. Standardisation of the wireless test would enable test re-use, shorten the test development time and decrease total cost. Standardisation can be viewed at different levels, inside a product family, inside a company, inside wireless telecom or even worldwide. The most important area for standardisation is the test communication between devices or systems (or between tester and device/system). This enables more standard solutions in the areas like test software implementation in the product and selftest methods and algorithms. bottom layer up to the top layer (like HW, interface, IP, TCP/UDP, SNMP, MIB, data stream, FTTP, http, etc.) are proposed in fig. 3. Ethernet, GPRS/EDGE/3G, Bluetooth/WLAN and ISDN Fixed specify already the electrical and mechanical characteristics to process the test data signal. The IP protocol is a suitable manager protocol between different networks. The transport layer can consist of a transfer communication protocol (TCP) and User datagram protocol (UDP). In application layer, HTTP (hypertext transfer protocol), FTP (file transfer protocol), SNMP (simple network management protocol), MIB (management information base) and data stream are also suitable alternatives. In this layer, a vendor specific protocol has to be booked for test applications. SyncML as one solution that offers a common data protocol for universal data synchronization [9]. Test Synchronization File transfer Statistics Wireless Test Standard needed ! Mobile Terminals RF RF RF ASIC ASIC ASIC MIXED MIXED MIXED ASIC ASIC ASIC SYSTEM SYSTEM SYSTEM ASIC ASIC ASIC Baseband Baseband Baseband TX TX TX Stream Specific FTP SNMP L7 HTTP L6 MIB UDP L5 TCP Test points LNA LNA LNA RF RFRF N WLA Signature / Wellbeinginformation L4 L3 L2 MA CD /W BT / IP Signature / Wellbeinginformation RX RX RX Wireless Applications TX Vendor App SyncML M GS Embedded tests: 1149.x/BIST/Histo rylog info/selftuning etc. PA PA PA Data Applications Ethernet Base Stations GPRS / EDGE/ 3G BT/ WLAN ISDN FIXED L1 TX BB BB BB TX RF TX RF BB RF RX RF RX RX GSM / WCDMA RX BB BB BB RF RF RF TX TX TX Fig. 3. Wireless test architecture. RX RX RX Due to the structure of SNMP being simple, it has become the only protocol up to now that has achieved wide acceptance for network management purposes [10]. In this respect, SNMP as a test network protocol is a good candidate for wireless test protocol. MIB provides status information, such as hardware configuration of test modules, type information of these modules and the possibility to switch on or off one of these modules. As transporting protocol, UDP is less reliable than TCP. The transport layer is a set of rules by which the test modules talk to each other. Fig. 2. Applied wireless test 4.Wireless test architecture Test Program Sets for networked ATE are presented in [8]. In this solution, test data, calibration data and other files on ATE stations can be monitored for troubleshooting of the system. It can be suggested that the wireless test architecture has been inherited from the OSI model. According to [8], the OSI layers can assist in protecting data and equipment from illegal accesses. Based on selected model, contents, architecture and protocols from the On top of communication layers there are applications which use standard commands to make communication between different systems possible. 4 To widen the use of embedded testing, the main focus here is in managing test software in the DUT and the communication between tester and DUT. The actual technical solutions for embedded tests are covered shortly as necessity elements, the hardware and the test flow. The lack of standardisation has been limiting efficient utilization of embedded testing. The software, which manages test cases, settings and control communication in DUT, has usually been specified and implemented separately for every project. There is a need to improve software modules of the product for testing it in production, and this generates many possibilities to utilize the same architecture in other phases of the product’s life. The proposed wireless test architecture enables efficient built-in test solutions in products. scan tests, core tests, interconnection tests and SW self-tests. The test execution can be launched from different interconnection layers, which calls for a user / controller access point at the implemented layers. STANDARD TEST STANDARD TEST 5.Implementation of WTS Application: FTP,SNMP, MIB,HTTP,SyncML,etc Transport: TCP,UDP Network:IP 5.1.Target HW Environment Embedded test as an applied implementation for wireless test is shown in fig. 4. The implementation looks forward to extending use of DFT structures at IP (intellectual property) level, at IC level and at system level [11]. In future, there will be DFT structures serving all these levels in the digital, mixed-signal and RF domains. The use of boundary scan and core access will be a standard test method, and BIST in all the domains will be a part of the test implementation. The hardware calls for embedded test structures, such as embedded boundary scan (IEEE 1149.1 and 1149.4), core access such as P1500, and BIST structures to be applied to the application. The test controller is a test manager SW module, which is loaded into memory. The module runs the earlier mentioned HW related test structures and forms a connection to the upper layers. The BISTs (embedded in the system) are the key elements for the use of the standardised communication channels in the testing. The BIST can be controlled via low speed communication channels and can be run at all stages of the product’s life cycle. The BIST means less test time, less vectors and can be run without ATE. The test itself is a layered standard test, which runs DFT based tests like BIST tests, boundary G G ICs with DFT(BIST, BS) ICs with DFT (BIST,BS) DFT ICs uP core ICs with DFT(BIST,BS) System Memory Physical:standard bus(es) Fig 4. Embedded test in HW. 5.2. SW Application The main SW application element can be called the Embedded Test Manager (ETM), which is implemented in the product. When testing boards in production there are some basic needs for the ETM in the DUT while it is communicating with the test system; tasks such as starting any self-test and returning the result. Setting the DUT to a predefined state/mode for performance tests is also needed in many cases. When considering the test phases which may have a long duration (ESS, aging, reliability, etc.), scheduled self-tests and result logging are important. The log containing test results is read after completing the test. 5 When considering testing during the R&D phases, more needs can be seen. It is useful to install the ETM to the product for testing the prototype assembly and HW design. The product’s own SW is probably the last task to be ready in the project and so it cannot be utilized in early HW verification. A HW engineer needs easy ways to run and update the embedded tests at any time in his/her work. The tests are separate modules which can be updated and loaded into the product during operation. R&D may also need tools to control the product without any tester PC. Just a terminal or a web browser would be suitable for running the selftests and setting the parameters. This feature could be used also in manufacturing if volumes are low and automation is not mandatory. In fig. 5 a typical production test environment is shown. Tester standards: for example, a terminal can be connected simultaneously to other systems via GSM, WCDMA, Bluetooth and IR (infrared) interfaces. In a complicated network it is difficult to identify which node in the network is not operating properly. This sets new requirements on every product to be able to identify whether it itself is working or not. The equipment should be able to run different tests: power-on tests are the first to be done, but during operation some scheduled tests should be done or, if there are too many errors in the data stream, dedicated tests should be run. A smart telecommunication network can, of course, also diagnose itself by negotiating: nodes in the network ask each other to run self-tests when they see that something is wrong. DUT 5.3.Test Control Interface Communication Communication Standard Tester/ Test ExecutiveDUT interface SW Test Test Manager Test Setup Fig 5. Production test environment. We have seen that production and R&D can utilize ETM effectively. It is easy to understand how satisfied service and repair departments are when fault finding is supported with easy selftests. A standard laptop with a terminal emulator or a browser connected to the faulty equipment is attractive. The defect can, however, be in the processor block or in the interface, which renders the self-tests useless. However, in that case too, the maintenance engineer knows where to search for the defect. The scope of this paper is to propose a future methodology for testing telecommunication equipment. The nature of telecommunication networks bring more possibilities. Testing over a network is a feature which has an increasing importance when the network becomes more and more complicated. This is important especially in the dynamic wireless environment where equipment can be connected to other systems with many interfaces conforming to different When looking for the possibilities to standardise embedded testing, the first issue is a standardised way of communicating in all environments. The actual SW may be different in different systems, but what makes this environment work is standardised communication. This proposal defines the needed levels for the interface and the standard commands which the Test Manager SW in the product must understand. It is essential to identify the levels of the communication interface to make it possible to mix different HW interfaces with different protocols. It is most useful to use for test control those standard HW interfaces which already exist in the product. Generalised levels of the interface are shown in fig. 6. Fig. 6. Generalised Interface Levels. 6 5.4.Standardisation structure The command syntax must define how the commands are built and how parameters and variables are transferred. Commands finally define what the Embedded Test Manager has to do. Since there are numerous possible situations to use this standard control procedure, the standardisation should be implemented at different levels: basic communication standard, extensions for various purposes and product specific features. Fig. 7. shows the detailed structure. WTS Stacks Controlling System or Device (Test System) Device Under Test (DUT) Interface Level Specifications Commands Syntax Configuring commands Standard Questions (wellbeing, log,…) Standard test commands (run/response) Other commands Command syntax(strings, delimiters, parameters,…) HW related protocols HW protocol HW level SW dowload Std Wired IF Std Wireless IF (Ethernet, RS 232,…) (GSM, BT, WLAN,…) Wireless Test IF (new standard) Fig.7. WTS structure. The basic communication standard includes the protocols, command syntax and a limited set of basic commands. Extensions for various purposes define the user environments: R&D, production, repair, use. This definition means that the features can also be defined as restricted sets. This supports efficiently a definition for the controlling system: the production tester has to support only the basic communication standard and production extension. The third level, product specific features are reserved for ones which are only needed in certain products: mobile handset, IP router, etc. 6.Anticipated results The expected results are considered at two levels: in general, and separately in different life cycles of the product. The implementation requires better test understanding over the life cycle. It calls for co-operation during the specification phase of tests for life cycle purposes. The total cost is visible only when all the test needs are evaluated at the same time. Tests (self-tests) contain parameter values so they are flexible for configuration. The delivery and download of up-to-date test cases is straightforward work. A good version control is mandatory. The re-use of the same tests in different phases of the product’s life cycle is realistic. A test and diagnostic SW has to be developed and tested, which needs extra work. In the R&D, the product is set in test mode, which enables the use of flexible and configurable test procedures. A standard environment aids concentration on characterization of the DUT. Tests are available early in design phase. R&D’s role in test development is strong, which itself means more work in the R&D phase. In production, if any traditional instruments are needed they will have a WTS interface, which gives the DUT the possibilities of communicating with the instruments. Self-tests can be performed during transport or waiting time. Self-tests are the main mode of testing, which means a short test time. The re-use of the tests is an ordinary action. During production, customer application software and test cases can be downloaded too. The testers are simple, standard low-cost ones. In installation, the installation setup is a laptop with the necessary interface. Installation is not dependent on the manufacturer of the products. Identification of the detected/not-detected plugin unit is a function of installation. Remote installation is possible. The installation procedure can be done over a longer period with the results sent afterwards to the control centre. The “install” command does everything mandatory for the product (self-tests, communication with others in the network, etc.). Other equipment in the network can check the installed system and tell if the installation is successful. After sales operations, which are the daily use and the unavoidable repair of the device, change dramatically. Identifying the faulty device can be made in the network by self-tests, communication between systems and by diagnostics. Proactive diagnosis is possible for identification of weak equipment beforehand. Self-tests and network diagnostics can report the defects to the service centre. All earlier phase tests are available for fault search. The history log can be read from the equipment and the repair history can be saved to the device after 7 repairing. SW updates can be done via WTS. There are business possibilities to develop “advanced” tests and sell test services to operators or device owners or make reviews for magazines. Traceability is a realistic feature because products are located in the network with a certain ID (identification code). 7.Future work / needed actions The main purpose of the Embedded Test Manager (ETM) is just to transfer information in a controlled and standardised way between different devices. It is a long way to make such an ETM software platform which could run in many very different products. The processor and other SW environment are different and the needs are not the same. This software can surely be somehow standardised inside a company and for certain similar products, but a general purpose SW platform is probably not the first step to be taken. The best way to proceed is to standardise the communication interface between the devices. The main issue is that the structure, the syntax and the contents of the commands and messages are standardised. 8.Conclusions A standardised way of managing embedded test actions in a product is needed to improve effective and flexible implementation of selftesting in telecommunication products. The key element in this development is to standardise the communication protocol, syntax and commands for product test control. This will be done in such a way that the same environment can be utilized in all phases of product’s life cycle: from design to production, use and service. 9.Acknowledgements The authors would like to thank Nothern Center of Electronics Manufacturing,NCEM, Testing Board work. Acknowledgement is especially due to Ari Ahola ( Nokia Networks), Pekka Kaukko (Elektrobit Group), Timo Piironen (Elektrobit Group), Janne Göös (VTT), Jukka Rautio (VTT ) and Jussi Roivainen (VTT). 10.References [1] 2001 Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors, Computer, Vol. 33, Issue 1, Jan 2002, pp. 42-53 [2] M.M. Saha, O. Werner-Erichsen, K. Wilhelmsson, Network Protection and Control Using Standardised Communications, in Conf. Publ. No. 434 ,Sixth International Conference on Developments in Power System Protection, 1997, pp. 172 –175 [3] N. Kranitis, A. Paschalis, D. Gizopoulos, Y.Zorian, Effective software self-test methodology for processor cores in Proceedings of Design, Automation and Test in Europe Conference and Exhibition, 2002,pp. 592 –597 [4] G. Wedge,T. Conner, A Roadmap for Boundary-Scan Test Reuse in Proceedings of International Test Conference 1996, pp. 340-346 [5] M.H. Dunham, A. Al-Mogren,; A.Y.Seydim; V. 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