Extension for 2013 Microsoft New Zealand School Enrolment for Education Solutions (EES)


Extension for 2013 Microsoft New Zealand School Enrolment for Education Solutions (EES)
Microsoft EES Agreement 2013
Microsoft New Zealand School
Enrolment for Education Solutions (EES)
Extension for 2013
The Enrolment for Education Solutions Agreement (EES)
The Ministry of Education has extended the Microsoft Enrolment for Education Solutions
(EES) agreement for a further year, 1 January 2013 to 31 December 2013.
The Microsoft EES agreement includes:
Core Product for Schools
Office Professional, Windows Upgrade, Core CAL and the Microsoft Desktop Optimisation
Pack (MDOP). This core product for schools covers school owned and leased desktops.
Core CAL for Students
The Core CAL for Students has been added to allow students to bring their own personal
devices into school and connect to school Microsoft servers.
Please note that students are not personally covered for Microsoft Office or the Microsoft
Windows Operating System under this program.
Licensing of these products still remains the students own responsibility or alternatively you
can license these products under the EES but it must be for the equivalent number of
students under your EES enrolment.
Core Server Platform for Teachers and Students
The Core Server Platform includes unlimited use of the Microsoft servers, as noted below, at
no additional cost and provides a broader platform from which to launch new solutions.
Please Note:
All of the EES products including the Desktop Optimisation Pack, Core CAL for Students and
Core Server Platform are all subscription products. This means that whilst you do not have to
pay for them as you have done in the past, if at some time the Ministry decides not to renew
the Microsoft Agreement, these new products will not be part of the Ministry‘s buyout price.
Your school will be required to either buy out these licenses under a perpetual model, or deinstall the products in use.
Core Product for Schools includes:
Office Professional Plus (Win & Mac)
Windows Professional – Upgrade only (incl. Mac)
Client Access License for:
 Exchange Server CAL – Standard
 Lync Server CAL – Standard
 SharePoint Server CAL – Standard
 Systems Centre Configuration Manager Server Client Management License
 Windows Server CAL
 Forefront EndPoint Protection
Datacom Systems (Wellington) Ltd
Microsoft EES Agreement 2013
Additional to the current Microsoft Core product set is the:
Microsoft Desktop Optimisation Pack
 http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/enterprise/products-andtechnologies/mdop/default.aspx
Core CAL for Students includes:
Client Access License for:
 Exchange Server CAL – Standard
 Lync Server CAL – Standard
 SharePoint Server CAL – Standard
 Systems Centre Configuration Manager Server Client Management License
 Windows Server CAL
 Forefront EndPoint Protection
Core Server Platform for Teachers and Students
Exchange Server – all editions
Lync Server – all editions
SharePoint Server – all editions
SharePoint FIS
Systems Centre Configuration Manager Server Management Licenses – Standard
and Enterprise editions
Systems Centre Configuration Manager Server
Windows Server – all editions
All External Connectors
Forefront EndPoint Protection Device Subscription
There are no actions required to extend your agreement in 2013 unless you want to order
Non-Core product.
Payment for Non-Core Products
You will still receive an invoice for the 2013 year for Non-Core products. If you require new or
additional Non-Core product, you will need to place a purchase order as usual. Windows
Remote Desktop Services CALs still require a purchase order by your school. Additional
Application products such as Project and Visio are now ordered in unit quantities rather than
in the same quantity as your desktop count.
Should you wish to change your non-core products or quantities, please email
Microsoft Volume Licensing Services & Software Assurance Benefits
The contacts in your current Microsoft EES agreement and your enrolment number will
remain unchanged. However, once your EES agreement is extended for a further year
effective from 1 January 2013, you will need to re-activate your Software Assurance Benefits
through the Microsoft Volume Licensing Services (VLSC), site.
Should you have any queries please contact us at nzschools@datacom.co.nz.
Datacom Systems (Wellington) Ltd