
Pierre Noël
The gas relationship with Russia has become an
extremely contentious issue among EU Member States.
It is a major reason for the EU’s failure to develop the
common policy approach towards Moscow it so badly
needs. Yet the relationship is often misunderstood.
Russia is the largest external gas supplier to the EU, but
it is far from a monopoly provider. Since 1980, Europe’s
diversification of its gas supply has seen Russia’s share
of EU gas imports roughly halve, from 80% to 40%.
Russian gas represents just 6.5% of the EU primary
energy supply, a figure that has remained essentially
unchanged over 20 years. And contrary to widely held
belief, Russian gas exports to Europe are unlikely to
increase significantly in the foreseeable future.
So calls for Europe to diversify its energy supply even
further miss the point. The problem is divisiveness, not
dependence. Russian gas is divisive because Europe’s
gas market is dysfunctional and segmented. Most of
the EU’s imports of Russian gas go to a few countries
in western Europe, where supply is diversified, while
several Member States in central and eastern Europe
consume relatively little Russian gas but have no
other external suppliers. Only the emergence of a
single competitive European gas market can create
real solidarity between consumers and ‘Europeanise’
the current large bilateral contracts between European
importers and Gazprom.
To address the specific concerns of central and eastern
European Member States, the EU should build on the
2004 directive on security of supply in natural gas,
and help these Member States devise and implement
national action plans for gas security.
Europe’s dependence on Russian gas has become a central
issue in the European Union’s internal debates about its
relationship with Russia and its energy policy. The recent
war between Georgia and Russia has added a sense of
urgency to the EU’s search for a better Russia policy, fuelling
fears that Moscow might use its power as a major energy
supplier to blackmail Europeans into submission. Following
the war, Gordon Brown, the British prime minister, wrote:
“No nation can be allowed to exert an energy stranglehold
over Europe, and the events of August have shown the
critical importance of diversifying our energy supply.”1
Such concerns are exaggerated — and miss the real problem.
Two essential figures should inform the debate. First,
Russian gas accounts for just 6.5% of the EU’s total primary
energy supply, a share that has barely changed since 1990.
Second, Russia’s market share of EU gas imports has been
halved since 1980, from 80% to just over 40%. Contrary
to popular perception, overdependence on Russia is not a
pressing issue for Europe2 as a whole.
Yet there are important differences between EU Member
States. The EU’s eastern national gas markets are, for the
1 Gordon Brown, “This is how we will stand up to Russia’s naked aggression”,
The Observer, 31 August 2008.
2 Unless otherwise stated, “Europe” refers to the current membership of the EU
(27 members).
most part, small but highly dependent on Russia, whilst
the bigger western markets benefit from greater supply
diversity. And while the countries that critically depend
on Russia for their gas are to be found among the new
Member States, Gazprom’s big clients are Germany and
Italy, which together account for almost half of all Russian
gas consumed in the EU.
These national differences would not matter too much if
there were a single European gas market. But the reality
is that Europe’s gas market is segmented along national
lines. There is little cross-border trading within the EU, and
when supply disruptions occur – as in January 2006 at
the height of the gas crisis between Ukraine and Russia, or,
two months later, when a fire at the Rough storage facility
disrupted the UK market – we see very little reallocation of
supply between national markets.
The result is that Russian gas has become an extremely
divisive issue in European politics. The highly dependent
countries in eastern Europe resent the German, Italian or
French pro-Russian stance, which they largely ascribe to
the strategic partnerships between Gazprom and importers
in these countries. Conversely, Moscow’s self-declared
strategic partners in the EU resent the anti-Russian
approach of some eastern Member States and argue that
cultivating good relations with Russia is essential to the
EU’s energy security.
November 2008
Current attempts to use direct diplomacy to solve Europe’s
problem with Russian gas are unlikely to succeed because
the EU and Russia have divergent interests. Europe
wants to depoliticise the EU-Russia gas relationship in
order to integrate Russian gas imports into a competitive
pan-European gas market and to maximise the volumes
it can import from Russia. But Russia - or its current
leadership, at least – wants precisely the opposite: to
keep the politics in the gas relationship. A depoliticised
EU-Russia gas relationship would be a disaster from the
Russian leadership’s point of view, as it would leave Russia
in something like the position of Norway vis-à-vis Europe
or Canada vis-à-vis the US. From Russia’s perspective, a
stagnant or even declining gas relationship with Europe is
preferable to an expanding but depoliticised gas trade.
A politicised gas relationship is a central part of Russia’s
European strategy. This explains the failure of the EURussia “energy dialogue” of the late 1990s, the failure to
secure Russia’s ratification of the Energy Charter Treaty,
and the failure to link Russia’s entry into the WTO to
liberalisation of its gas sector. At the EU-Russia summit in
Sochi on 25 May 2006, Russia explicitly rejected proposals
advanced by the EU to restructure and depoliticise the gas
relationship3. Russia’s vested interest in the status quo
drives its fierce opposition to the European pursuit of gas
market liberalisation and integration.
3 See Vladimir Putin’s comments in: “Press conference following the Russia-EU
summit”, 25 May 2006 (kremlin.ru).
What about oil?
As well as relying on Russia for a significant part of its
gas imports, Europe is highly dependent on Russian
crude oil and petroleum products. But while the gas
relationship has significant implications for EU-Russia
political relations, this is not true for oil - even in the
case of those EU countries that are highly reliant on
Russia for supply of crude oil or refined products.
The reason for this lies in the different structures of
the oil and gas market and the varying nature of the
products. Oil is a highly fungible commodity that can
be transported by pipelines, tankers, barges, railway
and trucks; and it is traded on a deep and liquid global
market in which Europe is fully integrated. In the case
of a supply disruption, a refinery or large consumer can
almost invariably turn to the spot (short-term) market.
Furthermore, the cost of storing oil products is only a
fraction of that for natural gas, which means importers
with limited oil supply diversity have a strong incentive
to maintain big inventories (or can be forced to do so
by regulation).
In 2006, Russia turned off the oil taps to Lithuania;
more recently it did the same to the Czech Republic.
These were regrettable events, but they have had very
limited, if any, lasting impact on the energy supply of
these two countries or their overall economic welfare.
The most effective way for the EU to counter Russian
attempts to divide Member States is to restructure its
internal gas market, making it much more difficult for
Russia to advance its political interests. This paper will
argue that European policymakers should focus on building
a single, competitive European gas market by aggressively
pursuing legislative and regulatory reforms that will lead to
continental-wide competitive trading.
Over the past three years, the debate has evolved around
three equally unsatisfactory proposals for EU responses to
the Russian gas challenge:
• Regain energy independence from Russia by developing
alternatives to natural gas, especially nuclear power
and renewables. This is not a credible option. Although
nuclear and renewables are competitors to natural gas,
they cannot marginalise it in the medium term. Pushing
for alternatives to Russian gas will not keep it from
dividing Member States.
• Further diversify Europe’s gas supply through aggressive
pursuit of sources of non-Russian gas. The record shows
that Europe’s gas supply has considerably diversified
in recent years, and Russia’s share of EU imports has
declined continuously since 1980. Yet during this time
The first section of this paper analyses the dynamics of the
European gas supply, with special reference to the level
of dependence on Russia. The second explains the link
between the fragmentation of the European gas market and
the political divisiveness of Russian gas in Europe. The third
examines the EU’s failure to build an integrated gas market.
The fourth evaluates the gas security situation in central
and eastern Europe. The fifth and final section summarises
the policy recommendations.
Figure 1. EU27 gas consumption,
There are no serious physical, infrastructural or legal
barriers to European gas market integration. The tools are
provided by the second gas directive of 2003 and will be
reinforced by the forthcoming third directive. The EU’s task
now is political: key Member States, especially France and
Germany, must live up to the spirit of the “Energy Policy
for Europe” document adopted at the European Council
of March 2007, which stated that “a truly competitive,
interconnected and single Europe-wide internal energy
market... will have major benefits for the competitiveness of
EU consumers as well as security of supply (...)”4.
• Make Member States’ bilateral relations with Russia
largely irrelevant to the conditions of access to Russian
gas for consumers. An integrated market would
‘Europeanise’ bilateral commercial relationships with
Gazprom, without the need for political involvement from
the EU.
As figure 1 shows, over the past 40 years, natural gas
consumption has grown steadily in Europe, and much faster
than primary energy consumption. (Gas now accounts
for around a quarter of energy use in Europe.) Since the
mid-1970s, imports have covered all this growth. In 2007,
Europe imported 300 billion cubic metres (bcm) of gas,
accounting for 60% of consumption (figures 2 and 4).
• Improve collective supply security by allowing the price
mechanism to re-allocate physical supply across the entire
market in times of supply or demand shocks.
• Create the maximum possible degree of solidarity
between European gas consumers.
But the conventional wisdom is wrong: Europe’s gas supply
is not dominated by Russia, or, for that matter, by any other
exporter. Since 1980, and particularly since 1995, Europe
has considerably diversified its sources of gas imports.
Today, for the EU as a whole, gas supply diversity is not a
pressing problem.
The solution to the Russian gas challenge lies not in foreign
energy policy but in reform of the European gas market itself.
An integrated and competitive European gas market would:
Conventional wisdom has it that Russia dominates
Europe’s natural gas market, and that European imports
of Russian gas are growing and can only continue to grow.
This supposedly places the EU in a dangerous state of
dependency and compromises its strategic position towards
Russia5. All sides of the debate over Europe’s Russia policy
share these premises, including those “realists” who argue
that dependency on Russian gas makes it irresponsible for
the EU to pursue policies that antagonise Moscow6.
• Bind Russia’s hands by having it accept treaty-backed
policy and behavioural disciplines. Such an approach
depends entirely on Russian goodwill, which has lately
been in short supply. The EU is powerless to force a
sovereign state of Russia’s might to bend to treaty-backed
disciplines Moscow sees as detrimental to its national
How dependent is
Europe on Russian gas?
Russian gas has become more divisive politically, not less.
So it is unclear how further diversification would help
resolve the issue.
Source: BP Statistical Review of World Energy (from Cedigaz)
5 See for example Frank Umbach, “Europe’s Next Cold War”, IP, Summer 2006, p. 64-71;
Zeyno Baran, “EU Energy Security: Time to End Russian Leverage”, The Washington
Quarterly, Autumn 2007, p. 131-144.
4 Energy Policy for Europe (EPE), Annex to the Presidency Conclusions,
European Council, 8/9 March 2007, p. 16.
6 For a recent example from the US, see F. Leverett and H. Mann Leverett, “Wrong on
Russia”, The National Interest Online, 20 August 2008 (www.nationalinterest.org).
Figure 2. EU27 gas supply, 1970-2007
Source: BP Statistical Review of World Energy
Figure 3. Structure of the EU gas supply, 2006
Source: BP Statistical Review
of World Energy (from Cedigaz)
Figure 4. EU27 gas imports, 1990-2006
Source: BP Statistical Review; Eurostat
November 2008
Russia remains the largest exporter of gas to the EU, with
total annual exports of 130 bcm today. But since the early
1980s, and particularly over the past decade, import growth
from other countries has outpaced that from Russia. Since
1990, 80% of the growth in European gas imports has
originated from countries other than Russia, especially
Norway, Algeria, Nigeria and middle eastern countries.
Accordingly, Russia’s share of EU gas imports has declined
sharply, from 75% in 1990 to just over 40% today (figure 5).
The share of EU gas consumption covered by Russian
imports grew rapidly in the 1970s and 1980s, peaking at
30% in the early 1990s before stabilising at about 25%.
Yet as a share of Europe’s primary energy consumption,
gas imports from Russia have stabilised since 1990
at around 6.5% (figure 5). In other words, 93.5% of the
energy consumed in Europe is covered by sources other
than Russian gas – and natural gas, unlike oil, faces direct
competition from other fuels and technologies.
Transport modes and routes for gas have also diversified.
Until the early 2000s, most of Europe’s imports came via
pipelines7. But over the past decade, Europe has become a
major customer in the rapidly growing market for liquefied
natural gas (LNG), which is transported by sea. Since 2002,
LNG from new suppliers such as Nigeria, Egypt, Trinidad or
Qatar has accounted for most of the rise in EU gas imports.
The share of LNG in EU gas imports has grown from 15% in
2000 to more than 20% in 20078. Even pipeline routes from
Russia itself have diversified: the “Yamal-Europe” pipeline,
which was opened in the 1990s, has reduced reliance on the
Ukrainian corridor.
Figure 5. EU27 dependence on
Russian gas, 1990-2006
There may be no problem of European overdependence
on Russian gas, but this is not to say that all is well on the
supply front. Over the next 15-20 years, Gazprom faces
serious supply challenges, and the international gas market
is likely to experience considerable tightening9. These issues,
combined with declining indigenous production, mean
that in the coming decades Europe could face a gas supply
crunch, leading to stagnant or even declining consumption.
Despite controlling the world’s largest gas reserves,
Gazprom will find it difficult to maintain its current supply
levels. Production from the three “super-giant” west
Siberian gas fields, which account for the bulk of Gazprom’s
output, is now in steep decline (figure 6). The company’s
ability to maintain, let alone increase, production in the
coming decades depends on the development of a new
generation of fields on the Yamal Peninsula in northwest
Siberia. Gazprom’s official line is that Yamal will come on
stream in 2010 (as illustrated in figure 6). But independent
analysts and most of the European gas industry think this is
highly unlikely. Some mention 2015 as a more realistic date
for Yamal’s completion10.
In fact, Gazprom’s production is already insufficient to
meet all the company’s commitments. It depends on two
other sources of gas – “independent” Russian producers
and imports from Central Asia, especially Turkmenistan
– to make up the shortfall. This “bridge”11 is supposed to
supply Gazprom’s needs until the Yamal fields come
online. But there is uncertainty over whether Gazprom will
be able to source sufficient volumes from Turkmenistan,
while independent Russian producers have little incentive
to increase their production in the absence of access to
Gazprom’s transmission network, which would enable
them to reach consumers directly. Moreover, domestic gas
consumption in Russia is growing12, driven by economic
expansion and a gas-intensive electricity mix. So there is at
least a risk that Gazprom’s “bridge” to Yamal could collapse.
Industry assessments vary from a tight but manageable
supply situation to an impending crisis13.
As long as Gazprom relies on the Turkmen/independent
supplier “gas bridge”, it is unlikely that exports to Europe,
at least those under long-term contracts, will increase at
all. Depending on how quickly Gazprom can get the Yamal
fields on stream, there could be room for increased exports
to Europe in the second part of the next decade, though
any additional commitments are unlikely to be large. In
2006, major long-term contracts with European importers
9 Several discussions with Jonathan Stern from the Oxford Institute for Energy Studies
have informed the analysis presented in this section. I also rely on J. Stern, “The
new security environment for European gas: worsening geopolitics and increasing
competition for LNG”, Oxford Institute for Energy Studies, NG15, 2006.
10 Interviews in energy companies in Norway, France and the UK, May-June 2008.
Source: Eurostat; BP Statistical Review of World Energy
11 I owe the bridge analogy to a conversation with Thane Gufstanson of Georgetown
12 Though growth seems to have slowed in 2007 compared with the previous three years.
7 Though Algeria has been exporting liquefied natural gas to Europe since the late 1960s.
8 Source: data from BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2007.
13 For a recent analysis developing a moderately pessimistic view, see Nadejda Makarova
Victor, “Gazprom: Gas Giant under Strain”, Stanford University, Programme on
Energy and Sustainable Development, January 2008.
Figure 6. Gazprom’s gas output (2000-2035)
� �
Source: Gazprom’s output graph from gazprom.ru;
Russia’s natural gas consumption from BP Statistical Review of World Energy
November 2008
were renewed until 2030-3514; as west Siberian production
declines, these contracts will be serviced increasingly from
Yamal, limiting the volumes available for new contracts.
Finally, Russia’s political willingness to expand exports to
Europe beyond current levels remains unclear15.
What are the implications of Gazprom’s supply difficulties
for the EU? Indigenous production will not be able to take
up the strain. Today, the UK and the Netherlands together
account for three quarters of total EU gas production.
But output from both countries is decreasing - rapidly in
the case of the UK - and this is driving a general decline
in indigenous EU production. This, along with stagnant
Russian exports, suggests that imports of non-Russian
gas will have to increase even faster to allow for continued
growth in consumption. Such imports have grown rapidly
over the past 25 years, mainly thanks to Algerian and
Norwegian pipeline gas, and LNG from countries in north
Africa, the middle east and sub-Saharan Africa. But in a
tightening global market, continuing this trend may prove
Concerning pipelines, the potential for expansion from
Norway is limited, and rising internal consumption will
limit export growth from Algeria. One of the few bright
spots is Libya, where substantial recent gas discoveries and
14 2036 for E.On-Ruhrgas, 2035 for ENI, 2030 for BASF-Wintershall, 2026 for OMV
and 2030 for GDF. See Dominique Finon and Catherine Locatelli, “Russian and
European Gas Interdependence. Could Contractual Trade Channel Geopolitics?”,
Energy Policy (36) 2008, p. 430.
15 See J. Stern, “The new security environment for European gas”, op. cit., p. 7.
the government’s positive attitude towards foreign investorled gas export projects, along with the general thawing in
relations with the west, all bode well for future expansion of
exports to the EU.
With regard to LNG, Europe has largely benefited from the
rapid expansion of the international market since the late
1990s. Throughout the 2000s, the share of LNG in EU gas
imports has increased more than the share of LNG in the
international gas trade. In theory, Russia’s supply difficulties
should accentuate this trend. Yet the global LNG market is
becoming increasingly integrated, something which may not
work in Europe’s favour. Contracts have become more flexible,
and cargoes, even contracted ones, tend to go where the spot
price is highest. In this context, the EU’s attractiveness as an
LNG importer may be hindered by the absence of a single
wholesale gas market in continental Europe.
Moreover, there is a growing industry consensus that
the current tightness of the global LNG market will
be sustained to 2015 and beyond16. LNG supply growth,
though impressive, has not flooded global markets. Gasshort buyers, especially in Asia and at times Europe or
North America, are bidding up the price. On the supply side,
resources are still plentiful but a combination of political
barriers to large international gas export projects and the
sheer scale of the industrial challenge is keeping supply
growth behind global demand. Some of these barriers
16 See Deutsche Bank Global Market Research, “Global LNG: Sink without a Tap”,
18 June 2008.
Figure 7. Year-on-year energy and natural gas
consumption growth (EU27, 1987-2007)
Source: BP Statistical Review of World Energy
are becoming higher, notably in Iran, where multilateral
sanctions and growing political isolation have effectively
killed the prospects of LNG development for the foreseeable
Gazprom’s supply problems, the tightening international
market and a decline in indigenous production mean that
continued growth in European gas demand cannot be taken
for granted. It is true that over the past 20 years, demand
for gas in the EU27 has grown much faster on average
than overall energy consumption (by 2.2% and 0.23% per
year respectively). But more recently, high prices seem to
have had a significant impact on consumption, triggering
fuel substitution, conservation measures and efficiency
improvements. Gas consumption in the EU declined in
2006 and 2007 by 1.6% and 1.8% respectively (figure 7).
Since 2000, the electricity generation sector has been
responsible for more than 80% of the growth of gas demand
in Europe18. Yet at current prices, natural gas faces tough
competition from coal and even nuclear power for new
generation capacity.
should help boost demand for gas. The emissions trading
scheme has introduced an incentive for more intensive use
of gas-fired power plants at the expense of coal19. And even
if the EU does meet its targets on renewable energy and
energy efficiency – which is far from certain – Europe will
still need new gas-fired capacity to reach its goal of a 20%
reduction in CO2 emission levels by 2020 (compared with
1990)20. Finally, the need for new gas-fired capacity would
be significantly increased if Germany carries on with the
early phasing out of its nuclear reactors fleet.
Yet none of this lends support to the simplistic view that
Europe’s dependence on Russian gas is destined to grow
because the EU needs gas and Russia has huge resources.
Demand for gas in Europe will grow only if it can be supplied
at a competitive price compared with other energy sources.
Russia, as we have seen, is in no position to significantly
increase exports to Europe. There may be welcome surprises
to come on the supply side from outside Russia. But looking
ahead, the least likely scenario of all is a growing European
gas market increasingly dominated by Russia.
Still, one should not write off entirely the possibility of gas
demand growth in Europe. The recent collapse of the oil
price will boost the competitiveness of natural gas, since
gas prices in European long-term contracts are indexed on
the prices of oil. In addition, the EU’s climate change policy
17 In May 2008, Shell and Repsol announced that they were pulling out of their LNG
project in Iran, followed in July by Total.
18 Author’s calculations from Eurostat data.
19 See the evidence presented in M. McGuiness and Denny Ellerman, “CO2 abatement in
the UK power sector: evidence from the EU ETS trial period”, MIT, CEEPR Working
Paper 08-010, September 2008.
20 See Deutsche Bank Global Market Research, “Abatement statement: a big need for
fuel-switching over 2008-2020”, 10 March 2008.
Why is Russian gas
so politically divisive?
The problem for Europe is not overdependence on Russian
gas, but political division stemming from a fragmented
market. This hinders the development of a common
European foreign policy towards Moscow.
To understand better the link between energy market
organisation and the politics of energy dependence, it is
useful to compare Europe’s reliance on Russian gas with
the world’s dependence on the Organisation of Petroleum
Exporting Countries (OPEC).
November 2008
The world is more reliant on OPEC oil than the EU is on
Russian gas. Oil exports from OPEC cover 10% of global
primary energy consumption (excluding OPEC countries)
while, as noted above, gas exports from Russia account
for only 6.5% of Europe’s primary consumption (figure
8). Furthermore, natural gas is a more “substitutable” fuel
than oil — roughly half of global oil demand (and up to 70%
in the United States) is in the transport sector, where oil
products enjoy a near monopoly.
The most efficient solution to the Russian gas problem lies
not in the development of an external energy policy, but
in further restructuring of the EU’s internal gas market.
The emergence of pan-European competitive trading, and
therefore of a single European gas market, would create
solidarity among European consumers and significantly
improve Europe’s ability to speak with one voice to Russia.
Far from being a distraction from other, supposedly more
pressing challenges21, the building of a single competitive
gas market should be a crucial part of Europe’s strategic
energy policy.
Figure 8. EU dependence on Russian gas
and world dependence on OPEC oil
Yet OPEC is for the most part politically benign; contrary
to the predictions of most observers in the early 1970s, it
has not emerged as a global political force. Neither OPEC
as an organisation nor its member governments tie their
oil export policies and contracts to the pursuit of specific
foreign policy objectives. The reason for this is simple: the
oil market does not allow it. The market for oil is globally
integrated; it is not possible for a single exporter to threaten
individual importers with reduced or suspended shipments
in the event of a dispute, political or otherwise. Exporters
can reduce volumes, but this drives up the price for all
consumers. The market always reallocates available supply
instantaneously and anonymously.
Source: BP Statistical Review of World Energy (from Cedigaz)
or to accommodate exporters’ political demands22. When a
particular bilateral commercial relationship is broken – be
it for political or technical reasons – the market simply
transforms a local supply shortage into a global price
increase. For oil-importing countries, therefore, OPEC’s
role is an economic issue, not a geopolitical one.
Bilateral relations between European gas importers and
Gazprom, on the other hand, really do matter. European
gas importers forged their first relationships with Russia
in the 1970s, when western European countries (Austria,
France, Germany and Italy) signed their first gas import
contracts, following the first large-scale exports of Soviet
gas to eastern Europe. The western clients of the Soviet
Ministry of Gas (Gazprom’s precursor) were large utility
companies with a dominant, often monopolistic, position
in their national markets. They were able to agree contracts
for large volumes of gas over two or three decades under
a rigid contractual structure designed to support massive
investment in infrastructure, especially the 5,000-km
pipelines from west Siberia to Europe. These contracts
benefited from strong political backing; they often
amounted to government-to-government agreements.
Importers of OPEC oil understand that their political
relationships with large exporters have no impact on the
conditions of their oil supply. They therefore feel no need
to look for “strategic partnerships” with OPEC countries,
The gas relationship between Europe and Russia
developed into the largest such relationship in the world.
The penetration of natural gas in Europe contributed to
the diversification of energy balances after the first oil
shock in 1973. But the industrial and contractual model
under which the relationship grew was incompatible with
21 Several interviewees in the European gas industry expressed the idea that reform of
the internal gas market was a “distraction” from “real” energy policy challenges, such
as climate change or energy security.
22 One might object that China links its oil procurement policy to political relations with
exporters. But the energy benefits of these policies are dubious. France had a similar
approach in the 1960s and 1970s, but later abandoned it, as did Japan. China will
(and has actually started to) move along the same “learning curve”. See P. Noël and
M. Meidan, “L’approvisionnement énergétique de la Chine: marchés et politiques”, in
F. Godement and S. Boisseau du Rocher (eds.), Asie. Annuaire 2005-2006 (Paris: La
Documentation Française), 2005.
the development of a competitive, continental market
for gas. The whole system was based on the absence of
competition between national gas companies. The idea of
a single European gas market was explicitly rejected by the
industrial players that had built up gas relationships with
the Soviet Union.
But as gas consumption increased and western European
markets matured, the economic inefficiencies of this model
became apparent, strengthening the case for restructuring
and liberalisation. Furthermore, a strong political rationale
for reforming Europe’s gas market gradually emerged. First,
it became clear that market segmentation was impeding
the flow of gas across Europe, limiting collective supply
security. And when Russia under Vladimir Putin embarked
on a more ambitious and aggressive foreign policy, the full
political cost of the segmentation of Europe’s gas market
became clear. The nature of the European gas market
made it extremely difficult for the EU to develop a common
foreign policy approach towards Russia — and very easy for
Moscow to fuel Europe’s divisions.
At the root of the problem is the variation among EU
Member States in the size of their gas markets and their
levels of dependence on Russian gas. When it comes to
gas, the Iron Curtain still seems to cut Europe in two. In
the western EU, markets are large but diversified. In the
east, the markets are smaller but much more dependent
on Russia. The old 15 member states (EU15) account for
86% of EU gas consumption (figure 9). The UK, Germany
and Italy each consume more gas alone than the 12 new
member states combined. Yet Russian gas represents, on
average, just 20% of the EU15 primary gas supply, and more
than 50% of supply only in Finland, Greece and Austria –
three of the smallest gas markets in the EU15 (figure 10).
Conversely, all ten eastern European NMS, apart from
Romania, rely on Russia for at least 50% of their gas. For six
of them the figure is 80% or more.
But the size of the western European markets means that
slightly more than two thirds of Russian gas consumed
in Europe is imported by the EU15, despite their lesser
dependence on Russia. Two countries, Germany and Italy23,
together account for nearly half of the total (figure 11).
(France is the third biggest importer of Russian gas, but
imports less than half the Italian total and only a quarter
of that of Germany.) As a result, roughly 40% of Gazprom’s
entire profits are generated by exports to Germany and
Italy. The large gas-importing companies in these countries
truly are strategic partners for Gazprom. Eastern European
countries, meanwhile, though highly dependent on Russia,
amount to a tiny share of the Russian company’s exports
and profits.
The extreme variations throughout Europe in gas import
volumes and dependence on Russia – as illustrated in
figure 12 – present the EU with a strategic challenge. In the
23 According to gazprom.ru, Gazprom makes around 80% of its profits from
exports to Europe.
absence of an integrated European market creating effective
solidarity between gas consumers across national markets24 –
especially between the big western importing countries and
the smaller eastern European ones – Russia is able to exploit
these variations to divide EU governments. Moscow extends
privileged energy “co-operation” offers to its strategic
partners – inviting the German companies involved in the
building of the Nordstream pipeline to participate in gas
field projects in Russia, for example - something European
governments find very hard to refuse, even with the political
strings that are always attached to such offers25. Because
Germany and Italy can effectively capture the economic
benefits of their cosy political relationships with Moscow,
they have a strong incentive to accommodate Russia
politically at the expense of European unity.
If, however, Europe had an integrated and competitive gas
market, bilateral contracts between Gazprom and German,
Italian or French importers would be “Europeanised”. They
would no longer bring gas to Germany, Italy or France, but
to Europe. Physical allocation would be left to competitive
trading, just as, increasingly, LNG contracts bring gas to
the world market while LNG cargoes physically go where
the short-term price is the highest. In an integrated
European market, political and energy relationships would
be decoupled: Germany and Italy would still be Gazprom’s
largest clients, but they would no longer feel the same
incentive to accommodate Russia’s political views.
Furthermore, European market integration would help
highly Russia-dependent countries in eastern Europe
to overcome their gas supply insecurity syndrome, even
in the absence of new infrastructure. Existing east-west
pipelines would enable gas swaps with the diversified
markets in western Europe, moving non-Russian gas east
without having to physically reverse the flow. Countries
like Hungary, Slovakia and Poland would be especially well
placed to benefit26.
In short, market integration and the emergence of panEuropean competitive trading would turn Europe into a
single export market for Gazprom, making bilateral relations
with Moscow much less critical to accessing Russian gas.
Large importers of Russian gas in western Europe would
have less incentive to accommodate Moscow politically,
while highly dependent eastern European countries would
feel less insecure. As a result, Europe would face fewer
obstacles in speaking with one voice to Moscow.
24 As the North American example demonstrates, competitive gas trading in a
single market is both necessary and sufficient to create a very high degree of de
facto solidarity between consumers, even in times of supply or demand shocks.
See Jeff D. Makholm, “Seeking Competition and Supply Security in Natural Gas:
the US Experience and European Challenge”, Boston, NERA Economic Consulting,
2007, p. 8-11.
25 The rationale for the Nordstream and Southstream projects, which bypass the
Ukraine-Slovakia and Belarus-Poland corridors, is not to bring additional Russian gas
to Europe but to preserve and consolidate the conditions of Gazprom’s differentiated
gas export policy, which is inseparable from Russia’s differentiated foreign policy
towards Europe.
26 An integrated competitive gas market would also create a rationale for investing in
new transmission capacity to exploit price differentials between regional markets.
See International Energy Agency, Development of Competitive Gas Trading in
Continental Europe, Paris, OECD/IEA, 2008, p. 80-81.
November 2008
Source: BP Statistical Review; Eurostat
Figure 9. Natural gas consumption in the EU (2006)
Source: BP Statistical Review of World Energy (from Cedigaz)
Figure 10. Russian gas as a share of primary gas supply (2006)
Figure 11. Gas imports from Russia (2006)
Source: BP Statistical Review; Eurostat
Figure 12. Imports of Russian gas, rate of “dependence”
on Russia and size of the gas market (2006)
������ �������
Source: BP Statistical Review; Eurostat
Barriers to a single gas market
Integration of the European gas market has been a stated
goal of EU policy for almost fifteen years, but so far the
story has been one of failure. This cannot be explained
simply by pointing to the technical limitations of the EU
gas directives or to their improper implementation. There
is a deeper, political problem: some key Member States,
especially Germany and to some extent France, continue
to have reservations about a truly integrated, competitive
European gas market. The third gas directive, now being
drafted by the European Commission, contains important
new technical provisions. But the fate of the European
gas market integration project depends on a full political
commitment from Germany and France.
European efforts towards building a single gas market took
shape with the first gas directive, enacted in 1998. A second
followed in 2003. Each focused on realising the two main
conditions for a competitive gas market to develop: first,
separating gas transmission facilities from the supply and
marketing business of gas companies, a process known
as “unbundling”, and second, establishing independent
regulation of transmission system operators.
Yet despite these unbundling and regulatory provisions, the
European gas market has remained highly dysfunctional,
and market integration has not progressed meaningfully.
Such were the findings of the sector enquiry conducted
by the Directorate General for Competition of the EU
Commission in 2005-0627.
November 2008
Now, following 18 months of intense European gas policy
debate, a third gas directive is in preparation 28, which
will follow the second in aiming towards more effective
unbundling and more independent regulators. The
Commission’s original proposal for the directive would
have mandated separation of transmission ownership from
supply, a rule that would effectively have forced “vertically
integrated” European gas companies like Gaz de France,
E.On, RWE and ENI to split. But France and Germany
opposed this ownership unbundling29, and the directive
will now not mandate it.
Still, the new directive, or “third gas package,” will introduce
regulatory provisions aimed at making unbundling more
effective by ensuring greater independence for those
transmission system operators still owned by vertically
integrated gas companies. These provisions, together
with greater co-operation between transmission system
27 European Commission, Inquiry pursuant to Article 17 of Regulation (EC) 1/2003 into
the European gas and electricity sectors (Final Report), COM (2006) 851 final, 10
January 2007.
28 See the “Room Document” drafted by the Slovenian Presidency at the Transport,
Telecommunication and Energy Council of 6 June 2008 and available on euractiv.
com. See also European Parliament, Texts adopted by the Parliament, Internal
market in natural gas, P6_TA (2008)0347, 9 July 2008.
29 See the letter from the energy ministers of Austria, Bulgaria, Germany, France,
Greece, Luxembourg, Latvia and Slovakia to Angelika Niebler, Chairwoman of the
ITRE Commission, European Parliament, dated 29 January 2008, and the attached
document entitled “Efficient and Effective Unbundling of Transmission System
Operators” (available from www.euractiv.com).
operators, should lower some of the barriers that stand in
the way of investment in transmission capacity, especially
cross-border pipelines, and should therefore smooth the
process of market integration. The third package also
includes the creation of an Agency for the Co-operation
of Energy Regulators (ACER) – something that in theory
could be the embryo of a European regulator, but that as
envisaged under the directive will have limited powers.
In March 2007, the European Council reaffirmed that
Europe should move towards an integrated and competitive
gas market30. A superficial reading of the European gas
debate of the last two years might suggest that the 27
EU Member States share this vision and that the only
disagreement is over how to achieve it. Unfortunately, this
is not the case. Behind the battle over the technicalities of
the third package, there is a more fundamental divide in the
debate: between those Member States who fully embrace
the vision of a single competitive gas market, and those who
still have reservations.
Ever since the beginning of the European restructuring
effort, large gas utility companies in continental Europe
and their national governments, especially France and
Germany, have resisted the move towards integration. They
see liberalisation as a dangerous leap into the unknown,
potentially endangering the security of Europe’s gas supply
by calling into question the organisation of the links with
external suppliers31. What is at stake is not whether this
or that regulatory or ownership regime is more conducive
to market integration so much as whether a competitive
European gas market is desirable in the first place.
It is no exaggeration to say that the fate of Europe’s gas
integration project depends on France and Germany.
Whatever the technical merits of the third package, the vision
of an integrated competitive market will not be realised as
long as these two governments fail to fully embrace it. As for
gas companies, they have for some time now been hedging
against the possibility of a revolution in European gas; the
mega-mergers of recent years are evidence of adaptation
and anticipation as much as of resistance.
Europe needs its key Member States to take a leap of faith
on the benefits of market integration. The decisive change
will come when political elites come to appreciate how the
segmentation of the European gas market not only costs
Europe economically and reduces security of supply but
also impedes the development of a united European foreign
policy towards Russia.
30 See Council of the European Union, “Brussels European Council 8/9 March 2007.
Presidency Conclusions”, 7224/1/07 REV 1, CONCL 1, 2 May 2007, p. 16.
31 For an account of the opposition between the two visions for European gas, see
Jonathan Stern, “Traditionalists versus the New Economy: Competing Agendas for
European Gas Markets to 2020”, The Royal Institute for International Affairs, Briefing
Paper New Series No. 26, November 2001; little has changed since.
How exposed is central
and eastern Europe?
Integrating Europe’s gas market would enhance the
security of gas supply in central and eastern Europe. But
it is a medium-term prospect, depending on political and
industrial processes over which governments in the new
member states have little control. In the short term, a more
direct approach is needed to address gas security issues in
the most exposed EU Member States.
As we shall see below, the gas security situation in central
and eastern European countries is probably better than
it is generally thought to be, even if a few countries face
serious challenges. But markets vary considerably across
the ten new Member States, and there is a need for in-depth
economic analysis in each of them. Such analysis would
inform market-specific policies that could be implemented
to improve the security of gas supply in each country.
Six of the ten new member states in central and eastern
Europe import more than 80% of their gas supply from
Russia. But as figure 13 shows, on average, the rate of energy
dependence on Russian gas – the share of total primary
energy covered by imports of Russian gas – is about 15%
(the figure for the EU15 is about 5%). Russian gas supplies a
particularly high share of total energy in only four countries
- Lithuania, Latvia, Hungary and Slovakia - each of which is
reliant on Russian gas for around a third of its energy use.
Specific attention should be paid to these four countries.
Diversity of supply does not tell the whole story; the structure
of gas consumption is another important determinant of
gas security. Countries like Lithuania, Estonia, Bulgaria
and Poland consume relatively large volumes of gas as
feedstock for the petrochemical industry (figure 14). This
type of consumption is highly interruptible; in the event of
gas supply disruption, the plants can simply be shut down
and petrochemical products imported.
Similarly, Lithuania, Estonia, Bulgaria and Latvia consume
virtually no gas in the household sector (home heating), the
least interruptible of all (figure 15). But in Hungary, the
Czech Republic, Slovakia and Poland, this sector represents
between 25% and 35% of gas consumption, suggesting a
greater need for storage capacity in these countries. Hungary
and Slovakia in fact already have significant storage capacity
(85 and 100 days of baseload demand respectively)32.
partial substitution away from natural gas, in favour of oil
products and imported electricity, given the relatively small
volumes involved.
This analysis suggests that the gas security situation in most
central and eastern new Member States is not as bad as is
often suggested. But much more detailed research is needed
to obtain a precise picture in the countries that are highly
dependent on Russian gas, and to determine what the most
cost-effective policy measures to improve security of supply
would be33.
There is a clear role for the EU to play, especially as only
four of the ten new member states in eastern Europe
(the Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovakia and Poland) are
members of the International Energy Agency34. Brussels
should build on the 2004 directive on the security of
gas supply (2004/67/EC), the fourth article of which
rightly states that security of supply - ensuring that noninterruptible gas demand can be met in the face of extreme
weather events, or various categories of supply disruptions
- is a responsibility for member states. The directive lists a
series of instruments member states can employ to ensure
supply security: from diversification of import sources to
development of interruptible contracts, from back-up fuels
for power generation and industrial demand to investment
in new storage capacities. But the directive does not define
a legally binding minimum standard of gas supply security
- something for which there is a strong case.
Building on the 2004 directive, the EU should now extend
an offer to finance an in-depth economic study of the gas
security situation in all new Member States, determining
the relative costs and benefits of various measures to
improve security of supply. Brussels should then negotiate
and co-finance national action plans with those member
states that agree to comply with a minimum standard of
security of supply.
Finally, it is worth noting that, in absolute terms, gas
imports from Russia amount to relatively small amounts
of energy in the four highly exposed countries, especially
Latvia and Lithuania (figure 16). This suggests that it may
be possible for these countries to implement policies of
32 International Energy Agency, Hungary 2006 Review, Energy Policies of IEA
Countries (Paris, OECD/IEA, 2007), p. 105. See also IEA, Slovak Republic Energy
Policy Review 2005 (Paris, OECD/IEA, 2006), p, 62 ff. After the Russian-Ukrainian
crisis of January 2006, the Hungarian government decided to construct a strategic
gas storage facility.
33 The IEA review of Hungary implicitly suggests that developing strategic gas storage is
an expensive way of improving the country’s security of supply, but does not present
the economic analysis.
34 Poland joined the IEA on 25 September 2008.
Figure 13. Russian gas as a share of primary energy supply (2006)
Source: BP Statistical Review of World Energy (from Cedigaz)
Figure 14. Dependence on Russian gas versus gas
consumption in the petrochemical sector (2006)
November 2008
Source: BP Statistical Review; Eurostat
Figure 15. Dependence on Russian gas versus gas
consumption by households (2006)
Source: BP Statistical Review; Eurostat
Figure 16. Imports of Russian gas: absolute volumes
versus share of total primary energy
supply (2006)
Source: BP Statistical Review; Eurostat
What should the EU do?
In the post-Georgian war environment, with Member
States divided over what approach the EU should take to its
political engagement with Russia, it is of critical importance
that Europe deals with its Russian gas problem. The Czech
government has made clear that energy security will be one
of the priorities of its presidency of the European Council,
which runs for the first half of 2009. On 12 November
2008, the European Commission will publish its second
Strategic Energy Review, with a focus on energy security.
The review will form the basis of the next phase of EU
energy policymaking, going beyond the “climate and energy
package,” currently being negotiated. Based on the analysis
presented in this policy brief, we recommend that the EU:
• makes gas market integration the priority of its strategic
energy policy. A single competitive gas market would help
de-politicise the EU-Russia gas relationship, with major
foreign policy benefits for Europe.
• helps Member States, especially those in central and
eastern Europe who are highly dependent on Russia,
to develop and implement national action plans for
improving their gas security.
• does not commit too many resources to its external energy
policy, which can do little to solve Europe’s problem with
Russian gas.
1. The EU should make gas market integration the priority
of its strategic energy policy
The EU must put an end to what amounts to more than
a decade of policy failure on gas market integration. The
following steps should be taken:
November 2008
• The regulatory provisions of the forthcoming third
gas directive should be implemented fully and strictly,
especially those that aim to ensure effective independence
of transmission system operators.
• The proposed powers of the new Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER) should be
increased. Without the creation of effective pan-European
regulatory oversight, it is unlikely that the third gas
directive will succeed where the second failed. What is
needed is a powerful regulatory co-ordinator with a clear
political mandate to deliver market integration. The new
agency must be adequately staffed and financed, but the
current proposals do not go far enough: ACER should
have the authority to force national regulators to work
towards common rules, standards and network codes and
then to control their implementation. A true, powerful
and independent European energy regulator should be the
long-term goal. Furthermore, the new Strategic Energy
Review should be the occasion to launch a political debate
on pan-European regulatory oversight of energy markets.
• The Directorate General for Competition (DG
Competition) should continue to investigate abuses
of dominant position in the gas industry and, where
appropriate, demand that companies sell their
transmission networks35.
• As suggested by DG Competition’s 2007 sector enquiry,
EU authorities should seek to remove the anticompetitive
effect of long-term import contracts and long-term
transmission capacity contracts. ACER and DG
Competition should work towards generalising the
auctioning of unused capacity rights (the so-called ‘use-itor-lose-it’ rule). Auctioning a small share of gas volumes
exchanged under long-term contracts should be studied
as a way to boost liquidity at continental European
gas hubs36.
• Russia has a vested interest in market segmentation.
Allowing Gazprom to acquire European transmission or
storage assets carries the risk of reinforcing barriers to
market integration. Therefore the authorities in charge
of the European market should screen all proposed
takeover projects. Typically this would be a task for a
European energy regulatory agency, or for national energy
regulators as co-ordinated and controlled by ACER. The
European competition authorities should also be involved.
The agreement on the third directive reached on 10
October 2008 would leave the screening of Gazprom’s
downstream acquisitions in Europe entirely to national
authorities37. This is problematic: national regulatory
authorities do not have a mandate to protect the European
market, and their autonomy may be tested in the case
of gas deals supported at the highest political level. As
part of its call for stronger pan-European regulatory
oversight, the Strategic Energy Review should propose
that responsibility for screening downstream investments
by companies from third countries be vested in the new
ACER rather than in national authorities.
2. The EU should help each central and eastern European
Member State assess its gas security situation and
devise a national action plan for gas security.
A well-functioning European gas market would in itself
enhance supply security in the highly dependent new
Member States. But there is also a strong case for specific
gas security measures in those central and eastern
European countries where supply is concentrated, market
and regulatory institutions are underdeveloped or weak,
and energy insecurity is a major determinant of foreign
policy attitudes towards Russia.
35 As part of settlement packages to close enquiries involving E.On and RWE, the
two major German energy companies have agreed to sell their electricity and gas
transmission networks respectively. Ongoing competition enquiries in the gas sector
may lead to more such decisions.
36 I owe this idea to Patrick Heren.
37 See “EU weakens ‘Gazprom clause’ on foreign energy investors”, EU Observer,
13 October 2008.
The EU should be involved in helping Member States devise
and implement these gas security measures. The directive
from 2004 on security of natural gas supply offers a good
conceptual and legal framework for Brussels to build upon;
the Strategic Energy Review will include a review of how
this directive has been implemented by Member States and
how it can be improved. The Commission and the future
ACER should:
• Finance in-depth economic analysis of the gas security
situation in each eastern European member state to
determine the relative costs and benefits of different
measures to improve security of supply. A one-size-fitsall approach would not work, given the huge differences
across Member States in the structure of gas demand,
electricity and gas interconnections, geological conditions
relating to underground storage and other physical or
institutional factors.
• Negotiate national action plans with Member States’
governmental and regulatory authorities. The EU should
offer co-financing of the national action plans to those
Member States who agree to comply with a minimum
standard of security of supply, negotiated on the basis of
article 4 of the 2004 directive.
3. The EU should not commit too many resources to its
external energy policy
The idea that the EU needs an ambitious external energy
policy to deal with the challenge of dependence on Russia
has been gaining momentum over the past five years. The
consensus is that the EU should focus on two priorities:
obtaining Russia’s ratification of the Energy Charter Treaty
(ECT); and building a “fourth gas corridor” through Turkey
(the Nabucco pipeline) to bring Central Asian and possibly
middle eastern gas to Europe without transiting through
Russia. Neither proposal makes sense as an EU policy
• The EU should not attempt to introduce the ECT principles
in its separate negotiations with Russia over the renewal
of the Partnership and Co-operation Agreement (PCA).
If the principles are not made legally binding, they will
be of no practical value to Europe; if they are, Russia will
reject them and the whole agreement could be derailed.
As for Nabucco and the “fourth gas corridor”, it is not a
viable project. Azerbaijan simply does not have enough
gas to justify another major export pipeline, while Iran is
politically isolated and has never managed to negotiate
and implement a large-scale international gas contract.
Moreover, Iranian gas is more likely to be exported as
LNG, which would allow arbitrages between Asian and
Western markets and would remove the transit issues39.
The prospects for a trans-Caspian gas pipeline between
Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan seem as slim as ever – and
without it Turkmen gas could not be exported through
Nabucco. And offering Russia access to Nabucco is unlikely
to appeal to Gazprom (or the Russian political leadership),
which has made a strategic decision to dispense with
• The EU should not subsidise Nabucco in the hope that
“the gas will follow”. If and when gas companies are in a
position to negotiate a contract with a credible supplier
east of Turkey, diplomacy will have a role to play in
reducing the non-commercial risks. But no amount of
political negotiation can make up for the absence of an
original commercial rationale.
In short, the potential contribution of an external energy
policy to dealing with Russian gas has been overestimated.
The EU should concentrate its political, administrative and
financial resources on building a single competitive gas
market and on helping new Member States in central and
eastern Europe to devise and implement national action
plans for gas security.
Russian ratification of the ECT, especially if it included the
transit protocol, would improve EU gas security – though
the change would not be fundamental38. But the Russian
leadership sees nothing to gain from accepting ECT-like
discipline. No amount of EU unity will force the Russians
to be bound by a treaty they do not see as advancing their
national interest.
• The EU should stop publicly demanding Russia’s
ratification, but in private talks should continue to stress
the potential benefits of the ECT to Russia – especially the
improvement of security of gas transit through Ukraine.
38 There is a pending legal case under the investment-protection provisions of the
ECT, whereby the former majority investor in Yukos is suing the Russian state for
expropriation. For Russia to be condemned the arbitration tribunal would have
to judge that Russia is actually bound by a treaty it did not ratify, but also that the
former majority investor in Yukos, registered in Cyprus, is not Russian (Russian
investments in Russia are not covered by the ECT). This is unlikely to be the case.
In any case, better foreign investment protection in Russia, though it is desirable
in itself, would not result in direct improvement of the security of supply to the EU.
39 This is also true of Nigerian gas. A pipeline to Europe through north Africa makes no
commercial sense and the EU should not subsidise its building.
About the author
Pierre Noël is a Senior Policy Fellow at the European Council
on Foreign Relations, specialising in energy security and
EU energy policy. He is also a Research Associate at the
Electricity Policy Research Group, University of Cambridge.
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New World Order: The Balance of Soft
Power and the Rise of Herbivorous Powers
(ECFR/01) by Ivan Krastev and Mark Leonard
A Power Audit of EU-Russia Relations
(ECFR/02) by Mark Leonard and Nicu Popescu
Poland’s Second Return to Europe?
(ECFR/03) by Paweł Swieboda
Afghanistan: Europe’s Forgotten War
(ECFR/04) by Daniel Korski
Meeting Medvedev:
The Politics of the Putin Succession
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Re-energising Europe’s Security and Defence Policy
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Can the EU win the peace in Georgia?
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A Global Force for Human Rights?
An Audit of European Power at the EN
November 2008
(ECFR/08) by Richard Gowan and Franziska Branter
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© ECFR November 2008.
ISBN: 978-1-906538-08-8
Published by the European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR),
5th Floor Cambridge House, 100 Cambridge Grove, London W6 0LE. UK.
Contact: london@ecfr.eu