HOW TO ENROL IN A PH.D. PROGRAM AT VERONA... 1 phase - PRE-ENROLMENT (on-line procedure - deadline November, 27


HOW TO ENROL IN A PH.D. PROGRAM AT VERONA... 1 phase - PRE-ENROLMENT (on-line procedure - deadline November, 27
1st phase - PRE-ENROLMENT (on-line procedure - deadline November, 27th 2013)
1.1 Please, go to the web page and select the item “LOGIN” on the left
menu. To log-in you have to enter the same access credentials (password and username) used during
the on-line registration for the Ph.D. selection.
1.2 It appears a welcome page. Click on “Registrar’s Office” at the bottom of the same page.
1.3 A check list section appears. Click on “Enrolment” at the bottom of the same page.
1.4 Select the option “Enrolment to reserved access programs” and then click on “NEXT” to proceed.
1.5 Select the option “Ph.D.” and then click on “NEXT” to proceed.
1.6 Select the Ph.D. program and then click on “NEXT” to proceed.
Department of
Ph.D. Program in Cardiovascular Sciences
1.7 It appears a summary page. Click on “Confirm” to proceed.
Department of Surgery
Ph.D. Program in Cardiovascular Sciences
1.8 If you need to modify the status of your qualification click on this icon. Then click on “NEXT” to proceed.
1.9 In this section, that reports a summary of the candidate’s enrolment, prospective Ph.D. students are
required to enter some details concerning their university career. In particular, after selecting the item
“Standard enrolment” from the drop-down list at the section “Enrolment typology”, the student has to fill
in the second part of the form following the instructions reported below:
If you have already attended an University program in Italy, you have to enter the academic year of your first
enrolment in the Italian University System (IUS). For example if you have a Master of Science degree
awarded by an Italian University you need to write the academic year and the date of your enrolment in the
master program.
On the contrary, if this is your first enrolment at an Italian University and you don’t have a previous university
career in Italy, please fill in the form as follows:
Academic Year of first enrolment in the IUS: 2013/2014
Date of first enrolment in the IUS: enter the current date
University of first enrolment in the IUS: select the option “Verona University” (or “Università degli studi
di Verona”) from the drop-down list.
Then click on “NEXT” to proceed.
Department of Surgery
Ph.D. Program in Cardiovascular Sciences
2.1 It appears a summary section. Check it and then click on “CONFIRM” to proceed.
Department of Surgery
Ph.D. Program in Cardiovascular Sciences
2.2 This section shows a summary of your on-line pre-enrolment.
After checking it, click on “Print enrolment form” at the bottom of the present page, to print your enrolment
Department of Surgery
Ph.D. Program in Cardiovascular Sciences
Please remember that, according to art. 9 of the Official Call for Admissions, the deadline to complete the
above described pre-enrolment procedure is set for November 27th 2013.
Should a student not pre-enrol within the settled deadline, the University will consider him/her as having
given up his/her place (with or without scholarship), and this place will be assigned to the candidate that
comes immediately after him/her on the ranking. This candidate will be informed by e-mail and within three
days from receiving it, he/she will have to pre-enrol following the procedure described in the present
After completing the on-line pre-enrolment procedure, prospective Ph.D. students are required to print the
enrolment form and send it, duly filled in and signed, following the instruction reported below.
Payment of the enrolment fees
Payments from Italy: Prospective PhD students are required to use the payment form attached to their
Enrolment Form. The enrolment fees are payable at any counters of the following banks: Banca Popolare di
Verona, Cassa di risparmio del Veneto, Intesa San Paolo.
Payments from abroad must be made by a bank transfer to the bank account of
Banca Popolare di Verona, address: Piazza Nogara nr. 2, Verona, Italy
IBAN: IT65-U-05034-11750-000000011000
Swift code: BAPPIT21001
Reason for payment: “Enrolment - “Candidate’s Surname, Name – Ph.D. Program”
On the payment form there is reported the correct amount of fees that the student is required to pay for the
admission in his/her 1 year of attendance.
As for the on-line pre-enrolment procedure, the deadline for the payment of the enrolment fees is set for
November 27th 2013.
In the scheme reported below there are specified the amounts of enrolment fees to pay, divided for typology
of student:
Ph.D. students with scholarship/Research Funding/Alto Apprendistato Contract must carry out a
single payment of € 179,50 made up of
 € 160,00 for regional Tax Study Rights,
 € 3,50 for Accident Insurance,
 € 16,00 for Stamp Duty.
Ph.D. students without scholarship must carry out a single payment of € 375,50 made up of
 € 160,00 for regional Tax Study Rights,
 € 3,50 for Accident Insurance,
 € 16,00 for Stamp Duty,
 € 196,00 for Tuition Fees
After the payment, the enrolment form duly filled in and signed, along with all the documents required and
specified above, has to be submitted, no longer than 5 days after the expiration date of the online enrolment,
to the U.O. Dottorati di Ricerca Nazionali ed Internazionali, by means of:
Postal delivery: the documentation must be addressed to: Università degli Studi di Verona, Via
dell’Artigliere nr. 8 – 37129, Verona, Italia, specifying on the envelope Enrolment Form for the PhD
Program in ………………………………….., XXIX Cycle, Year 2014;
Hand delivery to the Verona University Post Office, Via dell’Artigliere nr. 8 – 37129, Verona, in
with the following calendar: Monday to Friday form 9.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m. specifying on the envelope
Enrolment Form for the PhD Program in ………………………………….., XXIX Cycle, Year 2014;
e-mail to (Reserved to prospective PhD students resident
abroad that need to start the procedure for a VISA for Study Reason).
The enrolment form must be accompanied by the following documents:
- One set photocopy of PhD student’s passport (only pages used) or another ID bearing applicant’s
photo and signature
- DAF Form (Self-declaration for the administration of contributions to INPS- National Institution for
Social Security). Only for PhD students benefitting from a scholarship;
- Copy of the enrolment fees payment receipt;
- Copy of the Italian Fiscal Code (if available);
- Copy of Italian Permit to Stay (Permesso di Soggiorno) (if available);
- Request for the authorization of the Teaching Staff Committee of his/her program in order to
perform/keep on performing an external activity of work (If applicable);
- Authorization issued by the organization which she /he belongs to concerning the paid/unpaid leave
(If applicable).
Ph.D. Programs officially start on January 2nd 2014.
The scholarship will be granted for the entire duration of the Doctoral program (three years) and the
instalments will be monthly paid. The first instalment of January 2014 will be paid at the end of the same
month ONLY IF within the deadline set for December 15th, 2013 students will be correctly enrolled in our
programmes and submitted all the necessary documentation required. Otherwise at the end of February a
two-month-instalment will be paid.
Università degli Studi di Verona
Area Ricerca – U.O. Dottorati di Ricerca Nazionali ed Internazionali
tel. 045.802.8608 / 8092 - fax 045.802.8411 - Via Giardino Giusti n. 2 - 37129 Verona
If you are a PhD student coming from non-EU country, you must obtain an appropriate Visa from the Italian
Embassy in your country (or the nearest Italian Consulate, if applicable). The Visa must be a Study-VISA
Type D (=”Long Duration”, that is valid for more than 90 days, also called “National Visa, VN).
Obtaining a VISA can take a long time (weeks or months) then we suggest that you file in your application
long ahead of time. It is strongly recommended that you contact the Italian Embassy in your country or the
nearest Italian Consulate to ask information about VISA requirements for the attendance of a three-year PhD
program in Italy.
However, for your information, the following documents are generally required by the Diplomatic Authorities:
 Passport, valid at least 3 months (for some countries at least 6 months) beyond the end of your
stay in Italy;
 Documentation from the University of Verona certifying your admission to the PhD program you
plan to follow;
 statement providing evidence of sufficient financial means for the time spent in Italy (for students
receiving a PhD scholarship, the documentation provided by our University should be sufficient);
 A statement providing evidence of adequate lodging arrangements (optional);
Documents that prove possession of sufficient fund to buy a return ticket to your home country
As a PhD student, you will be insured against injuries at workplace during your stay in rooms and buildings in
Verona University or in any other place, also outside the University, in Italy or abroad, but only if authorized
by the PhD Coordinator or PhD Teaching Staff Committee (Collegio Docenti). Insurance guarantee starts
from the enrolment and expires by the end of the PhD program legal duration (the validity is extended also for
the year of prorogation).
In order to get a healthcare coverage, students from Extra European countries are advised to enrol with the
The enrolment with the SSN gives you the same services as Italian citizens: you will be allocated for free a
general practitioner or family doctor (in Italian Medico di Base o Medico di Famiglia) and your costs for
medical examinations, treatments and analyses will be cheaper (no free). Hospitalization and surgery are
To be entitled to SSN you have to pay an annual fee that amounts to 149,77 Euros. The payment can be
made at any Post Office through a “bollettino postale” on the C/C n. 343301 – in favour of Regione Veneto
specifying as reason of payment (or in Italian Causale di Versamento) “Iscrizione al Servizio Sanitario
After the payment you have to go to ULLS 20 Office (Via Valverde 42, Verona), with the following documents:
 identity document;
 original and copy of the receipt of payment of 149,77 Euros (please remember that the payment
provides coverage only until 31st December of the current year)
 original of the receipt issued by the Post Office at the moment of the application of the stay permit or
the stay permit if you have already done it;
 fiscal code;
 original of a certificate of enrolment at the University
Università degli Studi di Verona
Area Ricerca – U.O. Dottorati di Ricerca Nazionali ed Internazionali
tel. 045.802.8608 / 8092 - fax 045.802.8411 - Via Giardino Giusti n. 2 - 37129 Verona
You will have to show your payment receipt near the “pratiche amministrative” counter and fill in three
applications forms that they will give you. In one of them you have to specify which family doctor you have
decided to choose.
You are invited to choose a family doctor who speaks your language and whose office is near your
home/department. You can find the list visiting the following web site:
The Health Insurance Card (in Italian Tessera Sanitaria) will be issued immediately and free of charge. The
validity is annual (from January to December) and it has to be renewed.
After getting your Italian Health Insurance Card, a photocopy of it has to be e-mailed or delivered to the PhD
For the registration with the Italian Health Service you will be assisted by Dr. Andres Maldonado of
International Students Union - ISU. Please contact him before your leaving using the following e-mail
address: and forwarding the same e-mail to
In case of specific agreements existing between your home country and Italy please refer to the Health
Institution in your home country, asking for a specific model that permit you to obtain an extension for Italy of
your health coverage.
It is your responsibility to get al information about bilateral agreements from Italian diplomatic representations
abroad and from the competent health Institution in your Country.
At the moment agreements exist with the following Countries: Argentina, Australia, Brasil, Republic of Cape
Verde, Croatia, former Yugoslavia (Serbia, Kosovo, Vojvodina), Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro,
Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Principality of Monaco, Republic of San Marino, Tunisia, State of the
Vatican City.
Before leaving for Italy you have to go to the competent Health Institution in your home country in
order to ask for an extension to Italy of your health assistance through the release of one of the following
- E 106* Form. It certifies entitlement to health benefits in a country other than that in which the
person concerned is normally or was previously insured.
- E 109** Form. It certifies entitlement to health benefits in a country other than that in which the
person concerned is normally or was previously insured. E 109 can be issued by your local
insurance institution only if you are dependant on your family’s financial support.
These forms give you the right to benefits of health cares at the same condition of people enrolled in
the Italian Health Service, SSN.
If you will stay in Italy for more than 90 days, you can register with the SSN by submitting your application at
the ASL, only if you have the E 106 or E 109 Forms. In order to be registered with the SSN you must be
resident in Verona . The E 106 or E 109 are considered valid health insurance if you want to take up
The following documents are needed to be entitled to public healthcare services:
 Passport or valid ID
 Tax identification number (Codice Fiscale)
 Original of a certificate of enrolment at the University
 Form E 106 or Form 109
In order to be registered and get the Italian Health Insurance Card (tessera sanitaria) you have to go to the
Distretto Sanitario – ASL which you belong to. Remember to bring with you all the originals of the papers
listed above. The health insurance card (tessera sanitaria) will be issued immediately and free of charge.
The validity is annual (from January to December) and it has to be renewed.
Università degli Studi di Verona
Area Ricerca – U.O. Dottorati di Ricerca Nazionali ed Internazionali
tel. 045.802.8608 / 8092 - fax 045.802.8411 - Via Giardino Giusti n. 2 - 37129 Verona
For the registration with the Italian Health Service you will be assisted by Dr. Andres Maldonado of
International Students Union - ISU. Please contact him before your leaving using the following e-mail
address: and forwarding the same e-mail to
If you do not have a E106 or E109 Form from the Health organisation in your country of origins, you must be
aware that you can not register with the Italian National Health System (SSN). Therefore, you must
underwrite a private health insurance policy (either in your country of origin or in Italy) which covers all risks
(maternity included). Please note that a private health insurance does not mean you may automatically
benefit from the SSN services but only that the insurance company will cover your medical fees.
Please, be informed that your insurance must meet the following requirements:
 have a geographical scope including all of Italy
 guarantee the policy-holder’s return to his/her country in case of serious illness;
 provide full coverage for healthcare risks
 cover expensive in case of emergency treatment and urgent hospitalization (recovery in casualty)
 cover the entire duration of your stay in Italy
 specify what formalities the underwriter must comply with to be refunded.
 be valid in the Schengen Area
If you underwrite a private health insurance policy before leaving your country with a foreign Insurance
Company, it must be in English or translated in Italian and legalized by the Italian Embassy, Consulate.
IMPORTANT: The insurance cost will have to be covered by the student.
This is a personal identification number, indispensable for many activities such as:
 Opening a Bank account
 Collecting your scholarship
As for the registration with the Italian National Health Service Dr. Andres Maldonado of International Students
Union – ISU can help you. Please contact him before your leaving using the following e-mail address: and forwarding the same e-mail to
The Residence Permit is the only legal document that legitimizes your stay in our country. It is issued in
electronic format on a smart card in which your personal data, photograph and fingerprints are stored in
digital format. Its duration corresponds to the duration of your VISA.
According to the Italian Law in force PhD students with non-EU citizenship must apply for their Residence
Permit for study purposes within eight working days of their arrival in Italy.
Applications form packets (the “Yellow Kit” for Non-EU) can be found at selected Post Offices with the
“Sportello Amico” Service.
According to the Home Ministry Decree 12.10.2005, applicants have to pay Euro 30,00 +27,50 at the Post
Office cash desk when submitting the envelope with the documentation required.
The application must include the following documents:
- Filled and signed Application form (Modulo 1);
- A copy of all pages of the passport, or any other valid equivalent document of identification, including
the entry Visa, if needed;
- One revenue stamp of Euro 14,62;
- Letter of admission to the PhD program or similar declaration issued by our University;
- A copy of the medical insurance policy valid within the terms of residence permit;
Università degli Studi di Verona
Area Ricerca – U.O. Dottorati di Ricerca Nazionali ed Internazionali
tel. 045.802.8608 / 8092 - fax 045.802.8411 - Via Giardino Giusti n. 2 - 37129 Verona
4 recent and identical passport size photos
Applications must be handed over in an unsealed envelope.
Please remember that applications without your signature will not be processed.
Upon verification of the documentation submitted, the applicant will receive a receipt (Modello 22) which
includes an user ID and a password to be used to check the progress of the application. For that purpose the
applicant can visit the reserved area of the Immigration web portal:
Please, always keep a photocopy of this receipt with you because it is the only document that proves
you are in Italy legally.
After submitting the application, the Post Office will send you a registration letter and an SMS message
inviting you to go to the Immigration Office at the Local Police Headquarters (Questura) where you will be
identified and asked to provide 4 passport-sized pictures (recent and identical with a white background) and
to show the original documents of which you have produced copies to the Post Office.
The Immigration Office will inform you when your Residence Permit is ready. Note that:
- It may take several weeks/months to get your Residence Permit
- The Residence Permit can be renewed only if you have been issued a VISA allowing enrolment in a
study program of more than one year;
- The Residence Permit for study cannot be used for other Degree Courses but the one for which it
has been issued, except for some particular cases.
Family dependences should apply for a Residence Permit as well and submit as separate application except
for children under the age of 14.
FAMILY REUNION (Coesione familiare)
A foreign national, holder of an EC Long-Term Residence Permit or a residence permit for subordinate work,
self-employment, asylum, study ,family or religious reasons, valid for at least one year, can apply for a family
clearance (Nulla-Osta) for his/her family members, as a right to family reunion.
The term “Family member” includes:
- The spouse;
- Children under 18, even if they are the spouse’s children or they were born out of wedlock,
unmarried or separated parents’ children; providing that the other parent, if existing, gives his/her
- Dependent children over 18, in case they cannot provide for their keep due to serious health
conditions resulting and permanent inability to earn their living;
- Dependent parents who have not adequate family support in the country of origin or provenance.
If the above mentioned conditions are met, application for an entry clearance (Nulla-Osta) shall be submitted
or sent to the competent Sportello Unico with the necessary documentation concerning adequate
accommodation and required minimum income, as well as a copy of the applicant’s passport and residence
The family member shall submit to the Italian Consular Authority in his/her country of residence supporting
document in regard to family relationship, his/her minority or health conditions.
A receipt of the application and documentation received us given to the applicant by Sportello Unico.
If all requirements are satisfied, Sportello Unico issues an entry clearance within 90 days or rejects the
application informing the competent Italian Consular Authorities.
Università degli Studi di Verona
Area Ricerca – U.O. Dottorati di Ricerca Nazionali ed Internazionali
tel. 045.802.8608 / 8092 - fax 045.802.8411 - Via Giardino Giusti n. 2 - 37129 Verona
If you are a PhD student coming from abroad and you need assistance in finding an accommodation in our
city during your program, the PhD Office in collaboration with the International Students Union (ISU) will
help you to find an adequate solution.
For this purpose before you leave your country please contact Dr. Igor Fracaro of ISU, who will support you
in your research. You can contact him using the following e-mail address:,
forwarding the same e-mail to
Please remember that rents vary depending on the location of the flat and the kind of room you choose to live
in (single room or sharing room) and private accommodation is not guaranteed: finding a private flat
depends on places available at the moment of your request. In any case International students Union will
provide every student with necessary information on private accommodation options and support in law
As a general rule, the lease must be registered by the landlord, and you will be asked to pay half of the
registration charges that amount to 2% of the total amount of the rent.
You will probably be asked to pay in advance also a two-month security deposit (in Italian “Deposito”) to
cover possible damages.
Living in Verona will cost approximately 900,00 Euro per month. With this amount you will cover all basic
living costs (accommodation, food, books, public transport).
As a general rule, the lease must be registered by the landlord, and you will be asked to pay half of the
registration charges that amount to 2% of the total amount of the rent.
You will probably be asked to pay in advance also a two-month security deposit that corresponds to 500,00
Euro (in Italian “Deposito”) to cover possible damages.
Please consider that, for the first month of your stay in Verona you will need about 1.000,00 Euro to cover
expenses related to the rent of your flat (500,00 for a two-month security deposit + monthly rate).
For that reason doctoral students have to be in possession of own financial resources in order to be
able to cover any type of expenditure connected with their stay in Verona during their PhD Program.
You can refer to the International Students Union even if you need only a temporary accommodation for first
few days after your arrival in Verona. If you wish to search for accommodation autonomously you can:
Look at rent ads that are published on local papers (i.e. for the city of Verona L’Arena (only on Wednesdays) and on
classified magazines (i.e. Corriere Casa - Verona)
- Go to a real estate agency. Please note that real estate agencies charge a fee for their service.
Short-term lodging can be found contacting the following Youth Hostels:
Salita Fontana del Ferro, 15 – 37129 Verona
Phone 0039 045 590360
Fax 0039 045 8009127
The Hostel is open from 7.00 am to 11.00 pm
Via S. Chiara, 10
Phone 0039 045 597807
Fax 0039 045 8009127
Via Pigna, 7 – 37121 Verona
Ph. 0039 045 596880
Fax 0039 045 8005449
Università degli Studi di Verona
Area Ricerca – U.O. Dottorati di Ricerca Nazionali ed Internazionali
tel. 045.802.8608 / 8092 - fax 045.802.8411 - Via Giardino Giusti n. 2 - 37129 Verona
Two University Canteens are available in Verona, both run by ESU –A.R.D.S.U.
Mensa “San Francesco” (Veronetta)
Viale dell’Università, 4
Phone 0039 045 8003704
More tha 400 seats, with restaurant, pizzeria and Bar
Meal Hours:
from 11.30 a.m. to 2.30 p.m. Monday from 7.00 p.m. to 9.00 p.m. from 8.00 a.m. to 8.30 p.m. Monday
– Saturday
Monday – Saturday
– Saturday
Mensa “Le Grazie” (Borgo Roma)
Strada Le grazie, 8 – Ph. 0039 045 583324
More than 350 seats, restaurant, fast-food and sandwich bar
Meal hours:
from 11.45 a.m. to 2.15 p.m. Monday to Friday
from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. Monday to Friday
PhD Students may access the University canteens with a card, which provides two meals a day (lunch and
dinner) at the cost of 4,20 Euro per complete meal and 3,50 Euro per smaller meal (you pay before eating). A
wide variety of food is available. PhD Students will be provided with the canteen card by the International
Students Union (ISU) once in Verona.
The required documents are:
 A copy of your enrolment certificate (that you can ask to the PhD Office)
 Tax code (Tax Payer ID)
The University has two main libraries (Biblioteca A. Frinzi and Biblioteca E. Meneghetti), and other libraries in
each Department.
For more information concerning catalogues, opening times and service offered by the different libraries
please refer to: (Biblioteche).
Biblioteca centralizzata “A. Frinzi”
Via S. Francesco, 20 37129 VERONA
Phone 0039 045 8028458 – Fax 0039 045 8028461 – email:
September to July opening times: 8:15-23:45 (Monday to Friday); 8:15-19.45 (on Saturdays and Sundays)
Biblioteca centrale “E. Meneghetti”
Strada le grazie, 8 37134 VERONA
Phone 0039 045 8027115/7117 - Fax 0039 045 8027119 – email:
Opening times: 8.15 – 19.45 (Monday to Friday); 8.15 – 13.00 (Saturday)
The University Languages Centre (Centro Linguistico di Ateneo - CLA) provides all the Faculties with
language-teaching services in English, German, French, Spanish, Russian and Italian as a foreign language,
allowing students to achieve the A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2 European levels (Italian only A2, B1, B2, C1).
Opening times:
- Offices are open from Monday to Friday at 10.30 -13.00, 15-16.30
- PC Laboratories are open from Monday to Friday at 8.00-17.45
- Testing Office is open from Monday to Thursday at 9.00 – 12.00
Università degli Studi di Verona
Area Ricerca – U.O. Dottorati di Ricerca Nazionali ed Internazionali
tel. 045.802.8608 / 8092 - fax 045.802.8411 - Via Giardino Giusti n. 2 - 37129 Verona
Viale dell’Università, 4 – 37129 Verona
Phone +39 045 8028704
Fax +39 045 8028705
Email: segreteria.cla@ateneo.univr.itItalian
1) For emergencies, call the medical emergency ("Pronto Soccorso"):
Ospedale Civile Maggiore di B.go Trento
Ph. Pronto Soccorso 045 8122120
Ospedale Policlinico G.B. Rossi - B.go Roma
Ph. Pronto Soccorso 045 8124333
If you require an ambulance call 118
If you go to the casualty ward (Pronto Soccorso) you will be asked whether you are in pain and its severity:
on the basis of your answer you will be given a colour code (white, yellow, green, red, according to the
seriousness of your problem). Treatment will be according to this order, not according to the time of your
arrival. If you have a white code (no pain), you may have to wait for some hours before seeing a doctor. If
you present your Italian Health Insurance Card - Tessera Sanitaria (the receipt of payment is not enough)
all examinations and hospitalisation, if needed, will be free.
2) For emergency medical treatment in the evening, you can go to the "Guardia Medica" (emergency doctor
service) which is open every day (also on Sundays) and often throughout the night.
The telephone numbers are:
Guardia Medica - Verona Centro
Guardia Medica - Verona Sud
Guardia Medica - Verona Est
You are advised to call first to check that they are open.
In case of emergency, one of the emergency doctors may come to your home to treat you. Home visits are
free. Always take your stay permit with you and your Italian Health Insurance Card - Tessera Sanitaria.
3) For "normal", "general" medical treatment (for flu, a cold, etc.), go to your “MEDICO DI BASE” or
“MEDICO DI FAMIGLIA" (general practitioner or family doctor) and the visit will be free. Home visits are also
4) For specialist treatment (gynaecological, dentistry, etc.) you should go to your "Medico di Base" first. He
will write a prescription. You should then call the CUP (Centro Unico Prenotazioni) in order to make an
appointment with a doctor (Phone: 848 242 200) from Monday to Friday from 8.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m.
You will pay the ticket for the visit, corresponding to the medical tax. Always take your stay permit with you
and your Italian Health Insurance Card - Tessera Sanitaria.
Pharmacies can be recognized by a sigh with a red or green cross outside the shop. Most pharmacies keep
normal shop hours, but some are open 24 hours a day. A rotation system is used for night service and
A closed pharmacy usually displays in its window a list of the nearest open pharmacies in the area.
Università degli Studi di Verona
Area Ricerca – U.O. Dottorati di Ricerca Nazionali ed Internazionali
tel. 045.802.8608 / 8092 - fax 045.802.8411 - Via Giardino Giusti n. 2 - 37129 Verona
Pharmacists usually give advice on the proper use and side effects of medications and sell both over the
counter medicines and prescription drugs. They are not allowed to dispense prescription drugs to patients
without the doctors’ authorizations
By plane
“Valerio Catullo” International airport is situated in Villafranca, 10 km far from the centre of Verona. Every 20
minutes, a special bus-shuttle connects the airport to Verona Porta Nuova railway station, from 5.15 to 23.10
(price 6 Euro).
For information (from 7.00 to 24.00):
Ph. +39 045 8095666
Fax: +39 045 8619074
Other International airports not far from Verona are:
- Orio al Serio International Airport - Bergamo ( )
- Marco Polo International Airport – Venezia ( )
- SEA Milano Linate – Milano Malpensa ( )
- Aeroporto di Treviso ( )
By train
Verona is situated on two main railway lines, Milan-Venice and the Brenner-Bologna. The National Railways
(“Ferrovie dello Stato”) arrange expensive and fast trains (Intercity, Eurocity, Eurostar) as well as cheaper
and slower trains.
The central railway station is:
Call Center: Ph. 89.20.21 (from 7.00 to 21.00)
By car
Verona is easily reachable by fee-paying motorways:
- A4 Milano-Venezia - exit: Verona SUD
- A22 Brennero-Modena – exit: Verona NORD.
In various streets in the city centre cars are forbidden, as there are many pedestrian areas. In order to park in
the centre you need to pay an hourly rate or to get an authorisation (Verona Pass) issued by “Ufficio
Permessi” at the Town Hall.
By bus
How to get to University seats from the railway station “Porta Nuova”:
Offices located in Veronetta district:
- Ph.D. Office, Via Giardino Giusti n° 2: bus n. 11-12-13-51-72
- Department of Economics, Vicolo Campofiore n° 2: bus n. 11-12-13
- Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures, Lungadige Porta Vittoria n° 41, bus n. 11-12-13
Department of Law, Via Carlo Montanari n° 9: bus n. 51
- Department of Philology, Literature and Linguistics, Viale dell'Università n° 4: bus n. 11-12-13
- Department of Philosophy, Education and Psychology, Lungadige Porta Vittoria n° 17: bus n. 11-1213
- Department of Time Space Image and Society, Via San Francesco n° 22: bus n. 11-12-13
Offices located in Borgo Roma district:
- Department of Biotechnology, Ca' Vignal 1, Strada Le Grazie n° 15: bus n. 21-22 (direction Borgo
Università degli Studi di Verona
Area Ricerca – U.O. Dottorati di Ricerca Nazionali ed Internazionali
tel. 045.802.8608 / 8092 - fax 045.802.8411 - Via Giardino Giusti n. 2 - 37129 Verona
Department of Computer Science, Ca' Vignal 2, Strada Le Grazie n° 15: bus n. 21-22 (direction
Borgo Roma)
- Department of Life and Reproduction Sciences, Istituti Biologici, Strada Le Grazie n° 8: bus n. 21-22
(direction Borgo Roma)
- Department of Neurological, Neuropsychological, Morphological, and Movement Science, Policlinico
G.B. Rossi, Piazzale L.A. Scuro n° 10: bus n. 21-22 (direction Borgo Roma)
- Department of Pathology and Diagnostics, Policlinico G.B. Rossi, Piazzale L.A. Scuro n° 10: bus n.
21-22 (direction Borgo Roma)
- Department of Public Health and Community Medicine, Policlinico G.B. Rossi, Piazzale L.A. Scuro n°
10: bus n. 21-22 (direction Borgo Roma)
- Department of Surgery, Policlinico G.B. Rossi, Piazzale L.A. Scuro n° 10: bus n. 21-22 (direction
Borgo Roma)
Offices located in Borgo Trento district:
- Department of Medicine, Ospedale Civile Maggiore, Piazzale A. Stefani n° 1: bus n. 21-22-41
(direction Borgo Trento)
For information about ticket costs, monthly and annual passes and reductions please visit the ATV web site:
ATV (Azienda Trasporti Verona)
Ph. : + 39 045 8057922 (from Monday to Saturday 8.00 – 14.00)
Important: PhD students under 26 years of age can benefit from a reduced pass to travel on the entire
Verona urban network without time limits. Check on the web site cost and modalities to get it.
The climate in Verona is Mediterranean – sunny and hot summers (average temperature is around 27°
Celsius) and quite mild winters (average temperature is around 5° Celsius).
Living Costs
Currency in Italy is Euro.
Università degli Studi di Verona
Area Ricerca – U.O. Dottorati di Ricerca Nazionali ed Internazionali
tel. 045.802.8608 / 8092 - fax 045.802.8411 - Via Giardino Giusti n. 2 - 37129 Verona