How to complete the application form
How to complete the application form
How to complete the application form NOTE : only complete applications submitted within the specified time limit will be examined. If one or more of the documents referred to below are missing without justification, the application will not be considered. 1. PROCEDURE Candidates must send their completed application (see below) to the following address within the specified time limit : Université de Lausanne Service des immatriculations et inscriptions Unicentre CH-1015 Lausanne Switzerland Content of applications for admission to a Bachelor’s programme - the application form duly completed and signed (in case of online enrolment, please do not send the application form) 1 passport format photograph glued to the application form certified photocopies of the diploma of secondary education and, where relevant, the university diploma and diploma supplement certified copies of records of grades (transcripts) for the last three years of secondary education where relevant, certified photocopies of records of grades (transcripts) obtained in all university examinations a complete curriculum vitae a copy of the passport or identity card a copy of proof of payment of CHF 200 / CHF 250 see under 3. Administrative Costs an authenticated translation of documents not written in French, German, English or Italian. Content of applications for admission to a Master’s programme - the application form duly completed and signed; in case of online enrolment, please do not send the application form - 1 passport format photo glued to the application form - a certified copy of the diploma of secondary education, the university or HES diploma and the diploma supplement (for candidates in possession of a Bachelor’s degree awarded by a Swiss university or HES, non-certified copies are sufficient) - a certified copy of all records of marks (transcripts) obtained in all examinations taken at the university or HES (for candidates holding a Bachelor’s degree awarded by a Swiss university or HES, non-certified copies are sufficient) - a copy of the programme description of the final semester of the Bachelor’s degree, if the Bachelor’s degree has not yet been obtained - a complete curriculum vitae - a copy of the passport or identity card - a copy of proof of payment of CHF 200 / CHF 250, see 3. Administrative Costs -for an inscription to part-time studies, documents attesting the candidate’s situation, see - a copy of an authenticated translation of documents not written in French, German, English or Italian. Content of applications for admission to a doctoral programme - the application form duly completed and signed - 1 passport format photo glued to the application form - a certified copy of the diploma of secondary education, the university diploma(s) and the diploma supplement (for candidates in possession of a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree awarded by a Swiss university, non-certified copies are sufficient) - a certified copy of all records of marks (transcripts) obtained in all examinations taken at the university (for candidates holding a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree awarded by a Swiss university, non-certified copies are sufficient) - a confirmation that the candidate is formally eligible for the doctoral programme within his/her previous university (or, where relevant, another university located in the same country and recognised by UNIL), except for candidates who hold a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree awarded by a Swiss university - a complete curriculum vitae - a copy of the passport or identity card - a copy of an authenticated translation of documents not written in French, German, English or Italian. MAS Candidates interested in a MAS should not use this application form ; they are invited to contact the respective faculties to obtain information regarding the content of applications and submission deadlines for the chosen programme. 2. UNIVERSITY OR FACULTY TRANSFERS Transfer requests should be sent within the stipulated time limit to the Admissions Department of the University of Lausanne. Candidates’ requests may be subject to restrictions. The current regulations of the University of Lausanne specify in particular that : - Registration at the University of Lausanne is refused if : the student has been expelled or excluded on disciplinary grounds from another university ; the student has been registered and enrolled on one or more universities for six semesters without the said study period being sanctioned by the award of sixty ECTS credits in any given programme ; the student has been registered and enrolled successively in two faculties or at two universities without having obtained a Bachelor’s degree or a qualification deemed equivalent. Transfer from one faculty to another or from one section to another is excluded if one of the conditions listed above and applied by analogy is applicable. - A student expelled from a faculty of the University or from another university, whose enrolment in a different faculty is approved, has only one chance to sit the first series of examinations, subject to Federal law. - A student no longer authorised to follow his/her studies in another Swiss or foreign university is not authorised to enrol in the same subject area or discipline at the University of Lausanne. - In some faculties, a student expelled from a section may not enrol in another section of the same faculty. Double registration (at UNIL and at an other Higher Education Institution during the same study period) is not authorised. 3. ADMINISTRATIVE COSTS Candidates of foreign nationality whose parents are resident abroad must pay a fee to cover the administrative costs of preparing and examining applications. This fee is waived for doctoral students. Proof of payment of this fee must be enclosed with the application form. Otherwise the application will not be processed. There are three ways to make this payment 1. transfer the sum of CHF 200 (two hundred Swiss francs) to the giro account of : Université de Lausanne – 1015 Lausanne Compte no. 10-13575-3 IBAN : CH17 0900 0000 1001 3575 3 SWIFT/BIC : POFICHBEXXX Université de Lausanne Service Immat 2. transfer the sum of CHF 200 (two hundred Swiss francs) to : Banque Cantonale Vaudoise (B.C.V.) Place Saint-François 14 1003 Lausanne Account number : 710.091.2 Bank clearing : 767 – SWIFT : BCVLCH2L IBAN CH65 0076 7001 Z071 0091 2 Bank charges, if applicable, are payable by the issuer. No refunds can be made, even where applications are withdrawn or refused. It is essential to enclose proof of payment with your application; failing this, the application will not be processed. Candidates of Swiss nationality or those whose parents are resident in Switzerland do not pay these fees. 3. make out a cheque for CHF 250 (two hundred and fifty Swiss francs) payable to : Université de Lausanne / Immat. and enclose it with your application. 4. SOME INFORMATION TO HELP YOU COMPLETE THE APLICATION FORM 2/ Personal data Reference number: indicate your student number if you have already studied at another Swiss university, HES/HEP or EPFL/EPFZ. 3/ Address in Switzerland To be notified to us as soon as possible; all subsequent correspondence from UNIL will be sent to this address. Do not forget to mention the date from which this address is valid. 5/ Studies envisaged at the UNIL Do not forget to mention the chosen faculty and programme. Find out more about all programmes available at the University of Lausanne : Important : - for the Bachelor’s degree in Arts (Lettres), you must indicate two basic disciplines - for the Bachelor’s degree in SSP, you must indicate the major and the minor discipline - Master’s in Arts (Lettres) : indicate both study plans - Master’s in Psychology (SSP) : indicate the major and the minor subject - Master of Science in Human Movement and Sports Sciences (SSP) : indicate the minor subject - guest students: see special criteria : - students in German law enrol as regular students (not as guest students). 6/ Diploma of secondary education This section should be completed even if you have not yet obtained your diploma. If you need to provide us with a certificate of admission into a recognised university or pass the « Examen de Fribourg », please let us know your choice by selecting – I will provide a certificate of admission before the beginning of the academic year or – I will enter for the « Examen de Fribourg » This does not apply to candidates who must provide us with both the certificate of admission and pass the « Examen de Fribourg » The French version of the registration conditions prevails Université de Lausanne | Service des Immatriculations et Inscriptions | Unicentre CH-1015 Lausanne | Tél. ++41 (0)21 692 21 00 | Fax ++41 (0)21 692 21 05 | | application form 2010-2011 PLEASE DO NOT COMPLETE Préavis Immatriculations: l admissible l refusé/e Condition Immatriculations: l obtention BA/BSc l autre ................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................... Préavis Faculté: l admis/e l refusé/e Please glue your photograph here. Condition Faculté: l obtention BA/BSc l autre ................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................... Décision: l admis/e sans condition Avec: l BA/BSc l exa fra l exa Frib l OTA l exa class l pas échec déf. l autre : ........................... ...................................................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................................................... Dossier reçu le ....................... Visa ............. Attestation envoyée le ..................... Visa ............ l photo scannée A demander : l ex-mat l notes 09– 10 ...................... l dde équiv. l RR l Taxe retard l A pré-inscrire ..................................................................................... PLEASE FILL IN CAPITAL LETTERS ................................................................................ 1. REGISTRATION FOR l AUTOMN SEMESTER 10/11 l SPRING SEMESTER 11 (choose only one semester) 2. PERSONAL DATA Swiss student N° Surname .................................................................................................... Maiden name ................................................................................... First name .................................................................................................. Date of birth Citizenship ................................................................................................ Place of birth .................................................................................... Canton and commune of origin ............................................................. Mother tongue ................................................................................. 2nd citizenship ........................................................................................... E-mail address ............................................................................................ Gender l F l M . . – . . . – . . . (if you have already been registered at another Swiss university, HES/HEP or EPFL/EPFZ) . . / . . / . . (DD/MM/YY) Marital status l single l married l divorced l widow/er l registered Permit l C l B l refugee l diplomat l none partnership Do you have a grant? l no l yes Which?............................................................... Duration from ............... until .................. 3. ADDRESS IN SWITZERLAND DURING YOUR STUDIES AT UNIL (to be communicated asap, as it will be used for all correspondence) As of C/o ...................................................................................................... Street.................................................................................. n°........... Postcode ............................................................................................. City ...................................................................................................... Phone n° ............................................................................................. Fax n° .................................................................................................. . . / . . / . . 4. PARENTAL OR PERMANENT ADDRESS Surname .............................................................................................. Street ................................................................................ n°............. Postcode .......................... City ......................................................... Canton (in Switzerland) or Country .................................................. Phone n° .............................................................................................. Fax n° .................................................................................................. First name .......................................................................................... 5. REGISTRATION FOR l Theology l Law l ESC l Arts l EFLE l SSP l HEC l GSE l Pharmacy l FBM l IDHEAP Title envisaged at UNIL (bachelor, master, ...) ...................................................................................... Subjects to be studied ............................................................................................................................................................................................. Master l part time Student category l regular l guest l full time Doctoral candidates : name of the thesis supervisor ............................................................................................................................................ Has this professor agreed to supervise your thesis ? l yes l no Université de Lausanne | Service des Immatriculations et Inscriptions | Unicentre CH-1015 Lausanne | Tél. ++41 (0)21 692 21 00 | Fax ++41 (0)21 692 21 05 | | 6. SECONDARY SCHOOL LEAVING CERTIFICATE 6.1 General Data Year of issue of secondary school leaving certificate ............................................................................................................................................. Legal place of residence at the time the certificate was issued (to be completed obligatorily) (parents’ or guardian’s legal residence if the candidate was under age at that time) Commune ........................................................................................ Canton ..................................................................................................... Name of the school issuing/having issued the secondary school leaving certificate ............................................................................................... 6.2 Diplôme de fin d’études secondaires suisse (to be filled by holders of Swiss certificates only) Nouvelle maturité cantonale reconnue par la Confédération l option : langues anciennes (latin et/ou grec) l option : langue moderne (troisième langue nationale, anglais, espagnol ou russe) l option : biologie et chimie l option : physique et application des mathématiques l option : musique l option : économie et droit l option : philosophie / pédagogie / psychologie l option : arts visuels Autre maturité suisse l cantonale, reconnue par la Confédération, type ................... l délivrée par la Commission suisse de maturité, type .................. l cantonale, non reconnue par la Confédération, type ............ Autre diplôme suisse permettant l’immatriculation .................................................................................................... l passerelle Dubs l préalable UNIL 6.3 Foreign secondary school leaving certificate Exact title of certificate ...................................................................................................................................................................................... Average grade/mark obtained ............................................................................................................................................................................ Country of issue ................................................................................................................................................................................................. If you need to provide us with a certificate of admission into a recognised university or pass the « Examen de Fribourg » (refer to the Regulations concerning registration conditions), please let us know your choice (does not apply to candidates who must provide us with both the certificate of admission and pass the « Examen de Fribourg ») : l I will provide a certificate of admission before the beginning of the academic year l I will enter for the « Examen de Fribourg » (applies only to bachelor programmes) 7. FORMER UNIVERSITY STUDIES I. Name of university (or HES) ..................................................................................................................... Number of semesters ....................... Subject area .............................................................................................................................. from (year) .............. to (year) ............... Exams 1st year 2nd year 3rd year passed l l l Did you obtain a degree? failed l l l final failure / elimination Exams 4th year 5th year 6th year l l l passed l l l failed l l l final failure / elimination l l l l no l yes Exact title of the diploma ..................................................................................................... l forseen (date : .................................................... ) II. Name of university (or HES) ................................................................................................................... Number of semesters ......................... Subject area .............................................................................................................................. from (year) .............. to (year) ............... Exams 1st year 2nd year 3rd year passed l l l failed l l l final failure / elimination l l l Exams 4th year 5th year 6th year passed failed l l l l l l final failure / elimination l l l Did you obtain a degree? l no l yes Exact title of the diploma..................................................................................................... l forseen (date : .................................................... ) III. Did you study in other universities (or HES) ? l yes l no if you did, please mention your curricula on a separate sheet. 8. EQUIVALENCES Would you like to apply for equivalences for your former university (or HES) studies ? l yes l no 9. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 10. FOR STUDENTS APPLYING FOR EFLE (ECOLE DE FRANÇAIS LANGUE ÉTRANGÈRE) l I am applying for an EFLE diploma l I wish to improve my French knowledge in order to apply for another faculty later This information has no influence on your admission. It is of a purely informative character (pre-treatment of any potential transfer of faculty). I hereby certify : –not to have definitively failed or been eliminated from another university in the subject area or discipline chosen at UNIL ; – to be ready to inform immediately UNIL of a possible final failure (or elimination) communicated after the remittance of this form ; –to have answered truly and completely all above mentioned questions, under the penalty of being excluded from further studies at UNIL ; –that UNIL is authorised, if necessary, to verify my diplomas and results with the school or university of issue. I accept the above data be communicated with due respect to the Federal and Cantonal law on data protection. Date.................................................................................................... Signature...................................................................................................