HOW TO GROW N10,000 INTO N18,000,000 IN 25 YEARS
HOW TO GROW N10,000 INTO N18,000,000 IN 25 YEARS
HOW TO GROW N10,000 INTO N18,000,000 (EIGHTEEN MILLION NAIRA) IN 25 YEARS A Newly Discovered Wealth Building Formula That is Guaranteed To Transform You Into a Multi Millionaire In Your Lifetime…Despite Your Present Income Level! By Anthony Chukwurah WWW.ONWEALTHCLUB.COM You have the 100% Right to share or distribute this discovery report to your friends and loved ones for free. 1 This is indeed a fantastic business revelation; a more assureable money making opportunity hidden from investors. I’m really glad for being present and getting this revelation. The savings strategy revealed here today is another amazing reality. May God give you more wisdom to research into more hope giving and life sustaining business opportunities! Bennett Christian Accountant Lagos ************************************************* Hello friend, What if I tell you that I can show you how to grow - N10,000 into N18,127,762 N20,000 into N36,255,525 N40,000 into 72,511,051 Etc, within 20 – 25 years using a proven wealth building formula that is currently rocking the entire world Would you believe me? I’m talking about growing your little money into millions of Naira through powerful, yet little known investments that have existed for many years now. Would you be interested in that? If yes, then come with me as I expose you to hot wealth building strategies and investment opportunities that will totally change the entire phase of your financial life. This information will change your life forever! 2 I discovered long ago that one’s ability to create wealth is narrowed down to the amount of information that is available to him or her. You cannot travel beyond your wisdom no matter how hard you work. Once you are shown how living people like you are transformed into multi millionaires following some simple steps, your life will be changed forever. Today I will open your eyes to incredible facts you may not have known about your financial status. I will show you the reason why so many people are poor in the world today; and why so many will retire poor despite how rich they are at present. I unveil to you one single ingredient that can transform you into a multi millionaire in the nearest future no matter how little you are currently earning. I will show you how to grow as little as N10,000 into N18m (Eighteen Million Naira) and above in 25 years. Finally, I will show you five incredible investment opportunities you can start with small amount of money and build great wealth from there. I’m talking about showing your proven places where your money can generate more money for you daily, weekly, monthly or yearly…without you working or selling anything! I strongly assure you that with this newly discovered wealth building formula, you are definitely on your way to financial freedom despite your present financial level. 3 AS YOU MAY KNOW, THERE ARE THREE CLASSES OF PEOPLE IN THE WORLD TODAY 1. The poor class 2. The middle class and 3. The wealthy class In case you don’t know which class you fall into, let me quickly help you out: 1. The poor according to FORBES are those that earn below $25,000 (N4 million Naira) annually. They constitute 70% of the population. 2. The Middle class according to The Drum Major Institute are those who earn from $25,000 - $100,000 (N4m – N16m) annually. This class makes up 25% of the population. 3. The Wealthy class: those who can comfortably afford anything they want through income they earn from different businesses or investments many of which they are not directly involved in. This class of people makes up 5% of the population. As you can see, the poor, the middle class and the wealthy all earn income. However, what makes the difference in their lives is not in the quantity of money each has but in what each of them do with their money. WHY DO MANY END UP POOR? Let me start by telling you a little story about my parents: my father was a very successful and good hearted banker. He loved us as his family; loved his extended families and close friends as well. We lived quite comfortable lifestyle when I was younger with lots of close and distant relations trooping in and out of our house for one assistance or the other. It was a blissful period for all of us until he was retired. His gratuity was paid to him but he couldn’t run a successful business with it. I think that was because he hadn’t tried any business his entire life. My father ended up poor…depending on friends and relations for daily sustenance. If not for my mum who was a petty trader, we all would have ended up in the village. I am 4 strongly convinced that my dad wouldn’t have believe if anyone had told him during his prosperous years that he will end up poor. It’s simply unbelievable! My dad is not the only victim of this demise; just take your time to look around; you will notice so many parents, neighbors, old friends, family members, colleagues, religious group members, etc who ended up this way. What could be the cause? - Could it be that they did not work hard enough? Is it because they spend extravagantly on frivolities? Could it be that they lack wisdom? What do you think is the reason for them not being wealthy at this advanced age? When you look closely, you will observe that there is a pattern of lifestyle that has been revolving from generation to generation: - First, we were young and dependent Second, we Get matured Third, we Start Earning a living Fourth, We Produce our own children Fifth, We Train them with our hard earned money Sixth, We Get old and Finally, We Start depending on our children and others for survival Is that the way it should be? Must we work so hard at youthful age only to retire poor and broke at old age? I don’t know much about your family background; yet I know that your father or mother may be a little more comfortable when you were younger. Are they still comfortable now? And what about you? How old are you at present? What do you do for a living? 5 Probably you are busy earning salary or doing business…earning a living just as your parents and the others did when they were at your age. What is the guarantee that you won’t end up just the way they did? The reason why majority of the people end up retiring poor despite leading a comfortable youthful age is due to what I called ‘SELF HATRED’. WHAT IS SELF HATRED? Self hatred as the name implies simply means one hating or disliking him or herself for no just cause. To explain this self hatred syndrome better, I will love to ask one simple question: Where does the money you earn go to? When you think critically, your expenses may be narrowed down to some of these: 1. On family commitments taking care of your parent’s needs, taking care of relation’s needs when they ask for help, taking care of your immediate family (spouse, children, siblings), etc. 2. On basic commitments you buy clothes for yourself and family members, pay the landlord for shelter, get comfort for your family (TV, Cable channel, car, petrol for the generator, good food, etc), buy fuel for your car or for transportation, etc. 3. On religious commitments you pay offerings and tithes, sow seed, pay dues in your church group or other religious group, redeem pledges in church or church group, etc. 4. On social commitments pay dues and redeem pledges made in social clubs, committee of friends or 6 village meeting where you belong ;you host friends during child dedication, child naming ceremony, burial, etc; buy gifts for friends during wedding ceremonies, naming ceremonies, launching, etc., entertain friends or family members during outings, etc. 5. On bills you pay rents, electricity bills, water bills, waste disposal bills, school fees, hospital bills, tax, etc. 6. On charity you help the needy, give money to beggars, donate to charity, help relations and friends, etc. 7. And a few others Virtually every matured adult (the poor, the middle class and the wealthy) have these commitments. In fact, the more your money grows the more these commitments grow to meet up with your income. Not knowing this fact, we struggle to meet up with these commitments; in fact we pray and work harder to have more money to satisfy these good commitments of ours. However, we totally ignore the most important commitment: ‘OURSELVES’. Have you seen where ‘SELF HATRED’ comes in? ‘Self Hatred’ in this context means paying or spending your money on every other person or thing and ignoring to pay to yourself as well. Human beings as we know do not exchange their money with whatsoever they do not value. If you don’t pay money to yourself as you pay to others, it simply means that you don’t value yourself (even though you think you do). That is self hatred. I want you to take just ten minutes to write down the long list of people and things you pay your money to on daily, weekly and monthly basis. 7 Take your time to go through this list. Have you done that? Now tell me; Are you being fair to yourself? We find it much easier to give money to others in need forgetting that we ourselves are also in greater need. We pay our electricity bills, school fees, fulfill pledges and promises made in church than to pay ourselves first. In fact, keeping part of our money to ourselves seems like capital punishment to majority of the people. We simply feel we do not have enough to spend on our various commitments let alone keeping some for ourselves. At the end of every year, you discover that - You end up paying every other person but yourself! - You help every other person but yourself! - You value every other person but yourself! - You love your neighbor but yourself instead of loving your neighbor as yourself! Why are you doing that to yourself? Those that belong to the poor class complain of insufficient money to spend on commitments and so have no extra to save for tomorrow. The middle class (like my father) that earns million annually spends lavishly on commitments thinking that life will continue that way forever. For that they totally ignore saving part of their income for tomorrow. The simple truth this: ‘if you cannot save money when you earn N20,000 monthly, you cannot save money when you earn N1,000,000 monthly either.’ Don’t misunderstand me; there is nothing wrong with helping others and meeting up with your various commitments. You can go ahead and do them …but please do a little for yourself first. 8 If you earn N10,000 monthly, go ahead and squander N9,000 or N9,500 anyhow you want but keep just N500 or N1,000 to yourself. That 5% or 10% you keep for yourself is the money that will make you wealthy in life when invested where it will generate more income for you annually. Over ninety percent of the great and successful men and women in the world today were once in the poor class. However, their lives changed as a result of the small fraction of their money, which they consistently set aside and put into investments and businesses that yield more money for them. Listen friend, what you’ve just read is the key reason why majority of our parents end up average or poor today despite their youthful productive years. It is also the main reason why many of us will end up poor tomorrow despite our present financial level. Though you may presently be in the poor or middle class, do not behave like them anymore. Get wiser today and pay yourself first before any other commitment. 9 PART 2 THE WINNING WEALTH BUILDING FORMULA THAT THE RICH USE I want to show you a few proven steps on how to grow wealthy. First of all, I want you to understand that the law of ‘Opportunity Cost’ (foregone alternative) is highly essential for your wealth building to be guaranteed. You don’t have to continue spending the same way you presently do and expect to grow financially or retire wealthy. Something must have to give way for another to come in. To start your journey to financial freedom, your first step should be to start writing down your daily expenses. Every penny you spend must have to be written down in black and white. At the end of the month, get your expenses register and check the amount of money you spent in one month. Break the expenses down into different categories e.g. food, beverage, clothing, transportation, water, entertainment, donations, charity, etc. then start cutting down on some unnecessary expenses. You will be amazed at the amount of money you’ll carve out. (Please do this if you sincerely want to retire wealthy in life). Formally, I felt I could not save money due to insufficient income until I started cutting down on some expenses. I had to take my time to review some expenses: 1. I buy beverage of N2,200 (excluding milk and sugar) monthly in my house 2. I take bike transportation (okada) to and fro my house to the bus stop (at N50 per drop). That is about N700 weekly or N3,800 monthly. 3. I take soft drinks and snack (worth N300) at least four times a week. That is about N1,200 weekly or N4,800 monthly. These are some expenses I can comfortably live without. To be able to save 10 1. I had to replace the use of beverage with tea bags (Lipton tea), which cost just N200 a pack. Two packs can serve for one full month for me. With this I was able to save extra N1,800 in a month. 2. I had to walk down from my house to the bus stop (which is just about 350 meters away) everyday. With this, I saved extra N3,800 monthly. 3. I stopped taking soft drinks and snacks as I do and saved myself extra N4,800 monthly. On the whole, I was able to save N1,800 + N3,800 + N4,800 = N10,400 on monthly basis. That means in one year I will save N10,400 x 12 = 124,800. In ten years I must have saved 1,248,000 (one million two hundred and forty eight thousand Naira). Assuming I decide to invest my one month savings (N10,400) where it can generate 35% interest per annum and forget it there, I will make N18,127,762 (i.e. eighteen million Naira Plus) in twenty five years. Or if I decide to invest my one year savings which is N124,800 (N10,400 x 12) where it can yield 35% interest annually, what I will make in ten years is about N2,509,298.17 (i.e. two million, five hundred and nine thousand, two hundred and ninety eight naira). In twenty years it will yield about N50,453,343 (i.e. fifty million, four hundred and fifty three thousand, three hundred and forty three Naira). That means, if I am able to endure spending this N10,400 on bike, beverage and snacks just for one month, I will retire a multi millionaire. If I try harder to endure it for one year, I will have made over fifty million Naira in twenty years. If I invest the N124,800 yearly for a period of ten years at 35% interest I will make a total of N9,197,350 (i.e. Nine million, one hundred and ninety seven thousand, three hundred and fifty naira) or N194,124,384 (i.e. one hundred and ninety four million, one hundred and ninety seven thousand, three hundred and fifty Naira) if I save the same amount for twenty years. Even if you feel you are too old and may not be alive in the next twenty or twenty five years, you can live a great inheritance for your family. 11 Imagine such huge and fantastic financial result you stand to gain if only you can discipline yourself just for one month. It’s simply incredible. I will show you how to do your calculations to get to this above results as you read on. This small revelation I believe has opened your eyes to the amount of money that has been slipping through your fingers yearly while you complain of hardship. Have you come to realize that you can definitely become a multi millionaire in the nearest future if you practice this new money discovery…despite your present financial level? Some Factors That Prevent People From Saving Money Impatience: majority of us feels that saving small amount monthly is worthless compared to their high achievement expectations. Of course we all want to save something tangible; something that will amount to huge money when accumulated in one year. But that is just where the problem lies. Due to this high expectation, we end up not saving at all. Just as the wise man in the Bible called Solomon said “a wounded dog is better than a dead lion”; I say to you today: “it is better to save something little than not save at all.” Another challenge to saving is extremism: most people starve themselves and ignore some key responsibilities in order to save something tangible. At the end, they are tempted to deep their hands into their savings to satisfy some vital needs when pushed to the wall. When that happens, they get discouraged and the idea of saving money is discontinued. That is not the right way to save. It is the living that enjoys wealth…not the dead. 12 The right way to save is to set aside any amount that will not be felt when removed from your income. Just like money for a bottle of soft drink and snack. A person that earns N20,000 monthly and save N500 is better than the big guy that earns N1,000,000 monthly (lives in comfort) but saves nothing. My encouragement to you today is that you can grow that small N10,000 of yours (which may have taken you one full year to save) into over N18,000,000 (eighteen million Naira) in 25 years when invested where it can yield 35% annual interest. HOW TO BUILD N10,000 INTO N18,000,000 IN 25 YEARS Pick up your calculator right now and join me in this calculation. Are you ready? I believe you know how to get the percentage of a figure with calculator. To get 35% or N10,000 with your calculator, punch 10,000 x 35 and then punch %, or 10,000 x 0.35. The result is the 35% (thirty five percent) of N10,000, which is N3,500. Is yours N3,500? Ok, add that result (N3,500) to the main principal (N10,000); what did you get? N13,500? Good; that means, if you invest N10,000 where it can yield 35% in one year, your total amount of principal will increase to N13,500 (thirteen thousand five hundred Naira only). In the second year, you invest your entire N13,500 again in a 35% annual interest investment. The interest for the second year will be N4,725. Add it to N13,500 and at the end of the year your principal has grown to N18,225. Repeat the above calculation again for the third, fourth, fifth….till the 25th year; What you will get is about N18,127,762 (i.e. eighteen million, one hundred and twenty seven thousand, seven hundred and sixty two Naira). 13 This is the actual amount N10,000 one time investment can yield for you in twenty five years when invested where it yields 35% interest annually. What if you save a little more yearly or monthly from your salary or business profit for a period of twenty to twenty five years? Don’t you think you will retire a multi millionaire in your lifetime? I want you to know that no matter how little you are able to save today, your chances of retiring a multi millionaire is high no matter the state of the economy. This piece of advice is an incredible revelation for anyone who sincerely wishes to retire financially free in life. That means, with this practice, you can grow wealthier tomorrow than that extravagant rich guy who currently earns N1,000,000 monthly. It is not how comfortable you are today that matters, but how comfortable you are at old age and how much you leave behind for your children. If what you’re able to save monthly is N500, why not go ahead and save it. It is better than not save anything at all. N500 saved monthly for one year is N6,000. For two years is N12,000, three years is N18,000, etc. investing N18,000 once in an investment where it will yield 35% per annum will earn you N32,629,973 (thirty two million, six hundred and twenty nine thousand, nine hundred and seventy three thousand Naira) in 25 years. MY UNIQUE SAVING FORMULA Due to the high level of discipline needed in order to sustain a continuous saving lifestyle (which many lack), there are some tactics I use and also recommend to you: 1. Open a Savings Account: Open a savings bank account and instruct your bank to block the account for a specified period of time. It could be for three months, six months or more depending on what you want. With this instruction, neither you nor 14 any other will have the right to withdraw money from that account until a written letter to unblock the account is written to the bank by you. After the account opening, start depositing 5% or 10% of your earning into that account daily, weekly or monthly depending on how your income flows. 2. Request Standing Order from your Bank: if you are a business person or salary earner, instruct your bank to deduct certain amount from your income daily, weekly or monthly to your savings account (which is already blocked for withdrawal). As a salary earner, a certain amount specified by you will automatically go off your salary account as soon as the salary hits your account. As a business person, if your business generates daily income to your bank account, a specific amount is automatically deducted daily from your current account to your savings account. This act will relieve you from the difficultly of removing the money from your income for savings by yourself. In fact, you will not feel the impact of saving when it is automatically deducted from your account. 3. Do not activate ATM debit card on the bank account you wish to use for your savings. This will prevent you from being tempted to withdraw money in case of emergency. 4. Join a reputable Corporative group: Due to the penalty of not fulfilling your own part of contribution to your corporative group, you will be motivated to set aside any agreed amount for savings regularly. 5. Build a savings box: Ask a carpenter to construct a savings box for you with opening at the top. With this you will have to be conscious of how you spend. For example, anytime you trek a short distance (which normally cost you N50 transport fare, save the extra N50 in the savings box). Anytime you take pure water instead of the N100 bottle water you take in a day, save that saved N90 in 15 your saving box. At the end of the month, calculate how much you’ve made and put it away in your savings account (which has zero withdrawal instruction on it). With this few saving strategies you must definitely save something that has the capacity to catapult your finances to height you least expected when invested in the right places as you will come to find out later. My encouragement to you today is that you can grow that small amount of yours into millions in the nearest future when invested where it can yield good annual interest. The more you save the more you earn. 16 PART 3 INVESTING YOUR SAVINGS I clearly said earlier that the difference between the wealthy and the poor is that the wealthy saves part of their income, which they invest in other businesses while the poor and middle class spend theirs on different commitments. I also mentioned that to grow N10,000 into N18 million an above in 25 years, one need to invest it where it can yield 35% interest annually. The question that could be coming to your mind right now is: - “How and where can I invest my savings in order to get such fantastic results?” I will answer this question by showing you the different investments I know and the places where I invest my savings. Before I proceed, let me quickly show you an investment chart prepared by Robert Allen, Author of ‘Multiple Streams of Income’. According to the author in his book ‘Multiple Streams of Income’, there are two ways to MILLIONIZE your life - two routes to climbing the millionaire mountain: the long route and the short route. The long route is the safest and easiest route. According to him, to become a millionaire in your lifetime, all that is required is: 1) The ability to find investment that yields at least 10% annually after tax and 2) The discipline to keep up the process, year in year out. He used the following chart to illustrate what can happen if an individual saves one dollar a day from the day they are born until they reach retirement age of sixty six years. 17 One dollar a day invested at various interest rates for 66 years: Type of Investment % Interest Rate Per Annum Money hidden in a mattress Savings account Corporate bonds Fixed deposit account Treasury Bills Real Estate 0% Stocks and Shares 20% 5% 8% 8% 16% 20% Amount Accumulated in 66 Yrs $24,000 $193,000 $1,000,000 $2,700,000 $50,000,000 $1,000,000,000 billion) $1,000,000,000 billion) (i.e.N1 (i.e.N1 As you can see, you can even become a billionaire on the investment of one naira a day - giving enough time and the right compound interest rate. The reason why I displayed this chart is so that you would know that it’s not only 35% annual interest on investment that can make you a multi millionaire in future. Investing where you can earn 10%, 15% and 20% annually can as well achieve that beautiful wealth dream for you. When you attend our FREE monthly seminar on wealth building, we shall show you how much you stand to accumulate in future with any amount you can afford to start saving now. It’s an eye opener. To get the next date for the free seminar, please visit 18 THE NEED TO SPREAD YOUR INVESTMENT When investing your savings, the easiest way of achieve fantastic result is by spreading your investment capital among different instruments. Spreading investment is like having multiple streams of income at the same time. Each of the investments would be yielding income for you from their different sources. To spread investment means dividing your investment capital among different investment instruments. For example you can spread your savings by investing it in shares, real estate, another person’s business, fixed deposit account and other good investments. With this style of investment, it is almost impossible to lose your entire investment capital at once if a particular industry is experiencing challenges. If company ‘A’ registers loss for the year, company ‘B’ and company ‘C’ may register profit. This style of investment is less risky and more profitable. It’s better to spread your investments other than putting all your eggs in one basket. Though spreading of investment is very advisable, the key challenge that the low and average income earners have with it is the problem of INSUFFICIENT CAPITAL. Low and average income earners may not afford enough amount of money needed to effectively spread their investments. Because of this challenge, the rich keep getting richer…enjoying the entire benefits associated with investments; while the poor keep getting poorer. This challenge gave birth to MUTUAL FUND Investment…a powerful solution for low income earners who want to start investment. WHAT IS MUTUAL FUND? It is an investment vehicle, which involves the pulling together of funds by different people from different works of life for the purpose of investing in securities such as stocks, bonds, real estate, money market instruments and others. 19 Mutual funds are operated by money managers, who invest people’s capital and attempt to produce capital gains and income for these investors. Mutual fund is a fantastic avenue for small investors to easily make capital investments and earn high interest rates as if they invested huge amount. For example, a low income earner who knows that real estate investment yields about 34% interest annually in Nigeria (as at the time of this writing) cannot invest in it due to cash limitations. However, with mutual fund, hundreds of such small investors can contribute certain small amount each to invest in real estate. This pull of fund can accumulate into millions or billions and each investor will at the end of the investment term earn the same level of interest associated with real estate investment. Meanwhile, where small investors may encounter another problem is in identifying a proven mutual fund company or investment club where members pull their small amount of money together to invest and get good return on investment. That is where the first and second investments I want to introduce to you come in: 1. IBTC MUTUAL FUND INVESTMENT: The first mutual fund I will introduce to you is the one owned by STANBIC IBTC Bank ( It is a fantastic mutual fund investment. They invest in Nigeria Stock Exchange market. Their initial investment capital as at the time of this teaching is N50,000 and N20,000 monthly investment. You can check out their website or visit any of the bank branches to learn more about the investment and return on investment. This is a good place to invest your money if you can afford it. 2. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT: an investment club that can help you generate good annual interest through real estate and other businesses is FINGERPRINTS INVESTMENT CLUB powered by Common Sense Ltd 20 ( You can invest a minimum of N5,000 monthly and earn up to 20% interest per annum depending on your chosen duration of investment. It is a very interesting way of getting good return on investment. Check out their website, visit their office, call them and do your due diligence before investing your money with them. 3. FOREIGN CURRENCY EXCHANGE FUND MANAGERS: FOREX or the Foreign currency exchange market is an international market where various currency exchange transactions take place; it is the most profitable Market for investments. In fact, forex has become the world's largest financial market with over $1.9 trillion USD being traded on a daily basis. Professional forex traders generate as much as 90 % - 1000% and above interest on their investment annually while the unskilled ones loss 100% of their money in forex. Meanwhile finding skillful traders that can accept to manage funds for investors like you and I who knows the incredible profit potential in forex market but cannot trade is the hard part. It could take you months or years of hard research and risk to be able to determine which forex fund manager is real and which is good in terms of performance. But instead of going through such stress and heart breaks, why not take advantage of our powerful discovery of Proven Professional Fund managers who can generate good interest for you on daily, weekly and monthly basis without sweat. With this forex fund managing investment, you don’t have to crack your brain, spend your scarce time, money and patience to learn and experiment on FOREX trading winning strategies; you can have professionals do the trading for you and give you high returns. It’s Amazing! But don’t take my word for it, here is what some people who we introduced to this investment have to say: 21 Dear Mr Anthony, I really thank God for granting me the opportunity to be one of the benefactors of this wonderful investment seminar today. My happiness is that I have invested in forex business in which is very difficult to make profit since I’m not a professional trader. Today I have discovered this investment that can give me good returns. My decision now is that I am going to withdraw all my capital from my forex account and put into this investment, which I consider better decision. Columba Udosen Applicant Lagos Hello Sir, I am happy for the opportunity to access well researched information/business opportunity. Today’s business revelation is intriguing in the sense that I can now do investment without worrying myself about the calculations and speculations. Akinyola Akindamola Philip Personal Assistance Lagos This club is very educative and quite interesting. The business revelation is an eye opener. Very practical and less stressful than forex trading itself. It’s an investment worth going into. Mr. Emmanuel Oladimeji Marketer Lagos Dear Tony, this is a wonderful opportunity to lay hold for future financial freedom. I will go out there and let my friends and all sundry know about this. Pst Oduh Mattew Lecturer Uyo 22 ONWEALTH CLUB is the best place to be when seeking avenues to build wealth. Sani Muhammed Yakubu computer operator Lagos And lots more! The beauty of this type of forex investment is: a. You can start small: unlike the other types of investment, which requires huge capital, you can start up this investment with as low as $10. b. You earn higher: you can earn over 100% interest annually. This is quite unlike the other investments that yield 5% - 30% interest rate per annum. c. You can monitor your investment daily: you don’t need to bug anyone to send account statement to you at the end of each month. You monitor your investment online by yourself anytime of the day you want. d. Quick fund withdrawal: you can withdraw your money at anytime of choice and get it cleared to your account the same day. That means, in case of emergency, this investment is to be relied on. No need of feeling forms or writing letters and waiting for confirmation before having access to your investment proceed. e. You can spread your investment: though your investment capital may be small, you can spread your investment among different capital in this investment. This will drastically reduce the risk of losing and increase your chances of making more money as earlier discussed. f. You earn money in hard currency: with this investment, it does not matter how bad the economy of your country is, you earn your money in hard currency. In fact, the more the value of your local currency drops the better for you. Subsidy or no subsidy will not in any way affect your finance. Even if the entire country goes on strike action, your money still flows into your account. g. Easy wealth transfer: you can easily transfer your wealth to your next of kin or children in case of death. No rigorous procedure is required. It’s amazing. h. It’s secured: this investment has existed for more than thirty years now. i. You have control over your account: This form of investment was developed 23 with investor’s security in mind. Unlike other investments where you are expected to pay money into the fund manager’s account, your money will be in your own account. The forex fund manager can only have access to your account to trade with your money. They cannot withdraw money from your account. You are t he sole person that can withdraw your money anytime you want. It is an interesting investment. To get started with this type of investment, you will have to learn how to do it. The learning curve is not difficult; you can master the act in two hours and invest your money the same or next day. I strongly suggest that you get the video tutorial called “How to Earn $20 - $100 Daily through Proven International Professional Forex Fund Managers”, produced by ONWEALTH CLUB. The cost of this video tutorial is N3,500. But since you are already a member of ONWEALTH CLUB, you can get it for FREE. To get your own copy, please call me 08021376169. Or come over to ANTLEAD INNOVATIONS office at 38, Toyin street, Ikeja, Lagos. 4. INSURANCE: investing in insurance is a very good way of saving for the future. This form of investment may not be as profitable as the rest of the investments mentioned earlier, but it is advisable. This is because no one knows tomorrow. Eventualities of life can happen without prior notice. People suddenly develop terminal diseases, die of accident; suffer permanent disability without having prior plans for it. Majority of these people have good plans for their lives and family and are also saving money for their future just like the rest of us. However, the bad news is that when such eventualities happen to them, their future wealth plan is automatically halted. Members of his or her family can only claim the amount he has so far accumulated. With part of your future wealth building savings plan channeled into insurance, you will always have the last laugh. 24 If one decide to save N10,000 monthly for a period of 10 years with the intention of earning N1,000,000 at maturity of the policy . Peradventure any eventuality leading to permanent disability, death, terminal disease, etc, happens to such person after, one week, one month , six months, etc of starting the savings, the insurance company pays the members of the family the N1,000,000 he intend to accumulate at the end of the policy (not minding when he started). Let me use these two scenarios to explain this point: Mr Eze is investing N10,000 monthly with a real estate company for ten years to earn 20% annually. If after two years Mr. Eze suddenly develops a terminal disease, gets involved in an accident, which result to permanent disability or dies of illness; the investment company pays his family the amount he has so far invested. This could be N10,000 x 24 months + 20% interest = N316,800 (using compound interest calculation). If it is in insurance that Mr. Eze invests his N10,000 monthly savings to earn N1 million after ten years; his family will receive the N1 million if anything happens to Mr. Eze… even after just one month of signing up with the insurance company. So while spreading your investment, please consider insurance as one of your key places to invest your savings. It is a decision that every wise man or woman that have real future plans should make. The insurance company I know and recommend is the GTASSUR owned by GTB BANK. They have different interesting packages that can suit your investment savings for the future. However, the one I love most and participate in is their ‘Life Savings Plus’. You can visit their website at or go to any GTB close to you for further inquiries. 5. LANDED PROPERTY: it’s true that lands are expensive, but you can invest in Landed properties through some real estate companies that allow you to pay in installment. For now, the real estate companies I know buy lands in Lagos, Ogun state and Abuja. Depending on your budget, you can pay N20,000, N25,000, N30,000, etc. monthly for a specific period of time to own a land for yourself. The beauty of saving in landed properties can be found in the speed of appreciation. Most of the time, before completing the payment for land, the land in question must have appreciated. Some people even sell off their land with good profit 25 before completing the payment for such land. I wouldn’t want to mention the real estate companies that do such now; rather I suggest that you send email to me at with the subject: “WHICH REAL ESTATE COMPANY CAN I INVEST WITH?” Some banks like First Bank also have good properties you can pay for a period of 20 years. You can visit any of their branches to learn more. 6. SMALL BUSINESS: with the proceeds from your savings you can invest in small businesses. The proceeds from this business will strictly be for investment. You can start a business like selling of recharge card. Such business hardly makes losses. If your only customers are close neighbors, colleagues, business associates and friends, you can make good profit from them monthly. It’s better than not doing anything. There are some other hot small part time home business ideas you can get. To get trained on how to start such good and lucrative part time home businesses that can generate N5,000, N10,000, N20,000 and above daily, get the hot business opportunities available in the member area of the ONWEALTH CLUB website. 26 CONCLUSION The knowledge of this savings and investment opportunity is highly desirable by anyone who aspires to retire wealthy in life. It does not matter whether you feel you are ready for this investment now or not. Get started immediately. Remember that your savings is the money you’ve already paid to yourself. That means, the money has already been spent just like the other ones you spend on commitments. There would be times when you are pressured to use the saved money on the usual commitments. Please resist this pressure with the last drop of your blood. The best solution to this temptation is to save and invest your money where you cannot easily have access to it. I look forward to seeing you in the millionaire’s club. Best regards, Anthony Chukwurah 27
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