welcome! how to contact us receptionist hours


welcome! how to contact us receptionist hours
September 20 & 21, 2014
W.A.T.C.H. Worship Night
Celebrate Recovery
St. James Church Renovations
Does your heart yearn for adoption, foster
parenting, medical care host families, mission
trips, child sponsorship, and support? On
September 23 at 7:00pm in the Axis, join us for a
night of Worship by Kelly Spallinger, along with
Awareness, Testimonies, Connections & Hope!
No tickets required, but a love offering will be
taken for His Home for Children in Haiti. For
more information contact Katlin at 419.223.9646
Celebrate Recovery launches Thursday,
September 25 in the AXIS with dinner at 6:30pm
and worship at 7:15pm. Celebrate Recovery is a
biblical and balanced program that helps us
overcome our hurts, hang-ups, and habits. Also
available with registration is Celebration Place,
an age appropriate program for K - 5th grades
that mirrors Celebrate Recovery. More
information and registration are available at the
Get Connected Counter, by emailing
celebraterecovery@limacc.com, or at
Through Faith Promise funds, Lima Community
Church is helping to complete the renovation of
St James Church in Lima. There is another way
you can help! The renovation team is looking for
skilled volunteers to complete drywall, electrical,
plumbing and general labor projects over the
next few Saturdays. If you are interested in
volunteering, please contact Pastor Levi Collins
at 419-604-9652 for more details.
Before you enter the worship service, we invite you to take your children to Rainbow Island (birth-kindergarten) or Segullah Clubhouse
(1st - 5th grade) where they can join their own special worship and teaching designed just for kids. A number will be given to you and your
child for security purposes. This number will appear on the small screen in your service if your child needs you.
As a courtesy to others in the service, we ask that you please silence your cell phones.
The prayer line at 419-223-9646 ext. 1400 is available for all prayer requests. If you need to speak with a pastor, please call the church
office at 419-223-9646 Monday/Tuesday/Thursday, 9am-4pm;Wednesday, 10am-4pm; and Friday 9am-1pm. In case of an emergency
after office hours, please call ext. 1407 and a pastor will contact you.
We are so glad you have taken time to worship with us today!
service times
Weekend Services
Saturday 6:00 pm (Auditorium)
Sunday 9:00 am (Auditorium)
Sunday 10:45 am (Auditorium)
AXIS Student Ministry (6th- 12th grade)
Sunday 6:00 pm (AXIS)
Lead pastor
Dr. Doug Boquist
how to contact us
receptionist hours
2945 N. Cole St., Lima, OH 45801
operating statistics
Ministry Extensions
Children / Youth
Worship Arts
Finance Office
Prayer Line
Monday/Tuesday/Thursday: 9am - 4pm
Wednesday: 10am – 4pm
Friday: 9am -1pm
Erika Lowry
Katlin Brown
Heidi Barnett
Tammy Bryan
Anne Anderson
Jill Eberle
Cindy Unruh
x 1102
x 1118
x 1113
x 1139
x 1128
x 1108
x 1123
x 1400
Attendance for September 13/14 – 1,624
Faith Promise Update as of Sept. 14, 2014:
*2014 Commitments to date - $281,648.00
Collected to date - $173,085.35
NEXT Update as Sept. 14, 2014:
*2014 Commitments to date- $158,189.00
Collected to date - $138,800.70
After NEXT funds have been applied,
the new loan balance is $569,241.42
message notes: September 20-21
topic: Behind the Smile
speaker: Doug Boquist
All Church News
Mission Shaped Communities
Segullah Clubhouse (Grades 1-5)
Empower the Church District Event
This Week’s MSC Gatherings
Tales of the Not Forgotten
An Empower the Church District Event is
being held on Sat., October 18 from 9am –
3pm at Lima Community Church and is for all
leaders of the local church to attend. Stan
Toler will be speaking and there will be break
out sessions to choose from. Early registration
is available before September 29 at
Lost & Found Baking Dishes
If you are missing any baking dishes, you may
want to check at the lost & found by the
information counter. We have found several
in the Journey Building.
Acts – 6pm / JB Rm 401
Choir Room
Spencerville Nazarene Church is looking for
choir singers for their presentation of the
Living Christmas Tree. Singers do not need to
be affiliated with the church – anyone who
likes to sing is welcome! Practices will be held
on Sunday afternoons beginning late
September. For more information, contact
Pastor Shobe at 419-296-2561.
Temple Keepers – 8am / JB 400
Dorcas – 4pm / JB Rm 403
First Responders – 6pm /
Old Collision space (Nursery wing)
Restoration – 6pm / Stockton’s
Dorcas – 9:30am / JB Rm 403
Acts – 6pm / Lochaven
Spencerville Nazarene Church Choir
College Connections - 6:30pm/
Home Educate – 5:30pm /
Old Collision Space (Nursery Wing)
College Connections - 6:30pm/
Choir Room
For more information, please visit our website
www.LimaCommunityChurch.com or call
Katlin at 419-223-9646 x1118.
Beginning Sept. 20/21, kids in Segullah are
going to travel around the world to discover
orphaned kids who need God's love - they
may feel forgotten, but God doesn't forget
about them! Our Bible verse Hebrews 13:5&6
says “God has said, Never will I leave you;
never will I forsake you.' So we say with
confidence, 'The Lord is my helper; I will not
be afraid.” Our series goes along with the
book "Tales of the Not Forgotten" by Beth
Guckenberger. To find out more about this
book & ministry, visit http://back2back.org/.
Parent Resources
As your child learns about missions in the
"Tales of the Not Forgotten" series, you will
have access to the Kidz Kan for Families
resource which will give your kids a heart for
the world while making Jesus real in the midst
of everyday life. Throughout this series, we
will be sending home a snippet from KidZ KaN
each week. The full resource is available for
$23 a year. At the end of the series we will be
having a drawing to give 5 different families a
subscription to KidZ KaN! For more
information visit www.kidzkan.org.
KidZ at Heart International Offering
Missions and Outreach
Adult Ministries
Temple Keepers
Are you looking for a place of fellowship and
fitness without all of the pressure? Join us in
the Journey Bldg foyer beginning Monday,
September 22 at 8:30am as we gather for a
time of fellowship followed by a workout for
all levels. For more information and to RSVP,
please contact casperfit21@gmail.com.
Naked Truth Conference
Women were designed for intimacy with their
husbands and with their Creator. God has an
opinion about your spiritual and sexual
health, and Dr. Juli Slattery & Linda Dillow are
brave enough to share it with you. Join us
Friday evening, October 3rd and Saturday
morning, October 4th at Shawnee Alliance
Church for this unique conference for women
of all ages. For more information check out:
Meals Til Monday 5k Fundraiser
Meals 'til Monday's 5th annual fundraiser Keeping Hunger on the Run - will be held on
Saturday, October 25 at 9:00am at Elida
Elementary School. Early online registration is
open for the 5k ($21.00) and the half
marathon ($42.00) at active.com. Entry fees
for all participants include chip timing and
lunch following the race. Race shirts are
guaranteed only if registered by Sept 27.
Visit mealstilmonday.org for all the details.
Family Ministry is collecting items for our
Heartbeat Gift Bag Collection:
- Rainbow Island Nursery / Preschool 22.5 oz bottles of shampoo
- Segullah Clubhouse Elementary 22.5 oz bottles of conditioner
Our goal is to collect 100 bottles of shampoo
& conditioner by Sunday, September 21st.
The items can be taken to Rainbow Island,
Segullah Clubhouse, or the Get Connected
Counter in the main foyer. This is a simple
way to teach your child about giving and
helping those in need.
Next Steps Baptism Class
Is your 4th or 5th grader interested in being
baptized? Join Ms. Lindsey for a two week
class designed to teach salvation, baptism,
communion, and discipleship for kids and
parents together. This class will be held in the
Journey building on Wednesdays, October 1
and October 8, from 7-8:15pm. A parent must
attend each week of the class with your child.
Please RSVP by September 29 to Erika at
erikalowry@limacc.com or 419-223-9646.
Youth Ministries (Grades 6-12)
Fall Retreat & Film Festival
we want to hear from you
Located in the seat pocket in front of
you, you’ll find communication cards.
Please share with us what God is doing
in your life, if you need prayer, or have
a YAY God! story.
Rainbow Island Preschool
While you’re at it, jot down your email
address and other contact info so that
we can get to know you better.
God’s Got It!
Each week, someone prays over every
card. Let us pray for you!
KidZ at Heart International equips people to
reach and teach kids for Christ within their
own culture in over 25 countries. Segullah is
excited to give our offering towards KidZ at
Heart International throughout the "Tales of
the Not Forgotten" series (September 20/21October 25/26). During Segullah services on
September 20/21, Leah Lynch, KidZ at Heart
Communications Coordinator, will be sharing
her passion for missions and the 2.3 billion
kids who need Jesus. For more info visit
We want our preschoolers to learn during
September that God has the power to answer
prayer, the power to speak to us, the power
to show us the right way to go, and He is so
powerful that He is ALWAYS with us. Our
Bible verse is "God is with you wherever you
go." Joshua 1:9
After a few months of school and activities,
we know you 6th-12th graders will be ready
for a weekend to stop and catch your breath.
So sign up for the Fall Retreat & Film Festival
happening November 14 - November 16 at
Camp Crosley in Indiana. This retreat is your
chance to hang out with friends, be
challenged in your relationship with Jesus,
and have a whole lot of fun while doing it!
Camp Crosley offers great cabins, gaga ball, a
game room, basketball, a low ropes course,
and more. Early bird cost by 10/26 is $85;
registration after that by 11/2 is $95. Online
registration starts September 21 at
axisrevo.org. Please contact Jenny Earl for
any info or questions: jennyearl@limacc.com.