How to create a VPN (Virtual Private Network)


How to create a VPN (Virtual Private Network)
How to create a VPN (Virtual Private Network)
This is a provisional manual. VPN is now being tested at Geosciences.
Please email remarks and questions to
1. Connect to the University network
Installation of the software on your homecomputer
Connect to the University Network
2. Connect to the U:\ drive in the office
3. Connect to your own office computer
Share a folder on your office computer
Connect to the University network
Connect to your office computer
4. Disconnect
Through a VPN connection you can use your office files from your home.
In order to access your files you have to make two steps.
1. Connect to the University network using your SolisID and password.
2. Connect to your files using your FRW network loginname and password.
1. To connect to the University network
Installation of the software on your home computer.
- Browse on the internet to and save the
zip file in a folder on your computer.
- Extract all the files in a new folder (rightclick the zip file, Extract to ..).
- Doubleclick ‘setup exe’.
- Click four times ‘next’ to accept the License Agreement, the installation
directory, and the position in the Menu Start.
- Click Finish to restart your computer.
Connect to the University network
Open the VPN client (Menu Start, All Programs, Cisco Systems VPN Client, VPN
Click the line Solis VPN and click the ‘Connect’ button.
Type your Solis-ID and password. Your Solis-ID is not the same as the user name
for the FRW network. (If you do not know your Solis-ID password please contact
the Ugids administrator at
Click OK.
Click Continue.
The secure connection is made. Now you can connect to the shared folders on the
FRW network.
2. Connect to the office U: drive.
Connect to the U: drive in the Command prompt.
Open a Command Prompt (Menu Start, All Programs, Accesoires, Command
Type in the Command Prompt:
Net use u: \\\username (Replace username with your FRW
login name).
Press Enter
Now you have the opportunity to logon. Use your FRW network login name and
password. (NOT your SolisID and password)
In the Windows Explorer you will find the U: drive with all the files it contains.
To connect to the U: drive in Windows Explorer.
Type in the address box: \\\username (Replace username with
your FRW login name).
It may take a little while to connect.
Now you have the opportunity to logon. Use your FRW network login name and
password. (NOT your SolisID and password)
In the appearing window you will see all the files the U: drive contains.
3. Connect to your own office computer
3.1 Share a folder on the office computer
Rightclick in the Windows Explorer on the folder you want to share.
Choose ‘Sharing and Security’
Tick off ‘Share this folder’ and type a ‘Share name’ (remember the Share
Click the button ‘Permissions’
Click Everyone and click the button ‘Remove’.
Click the button ‘Add’
Type your login name for the FRW network.
Click OK.
On tab page ‘Share Permissions’ tick off for your username the rights ‘read’ and
Click OK.
Find your office computer Host-Name.
Menu Start, All Programs, Accessories, Command Prompt.
Type ipconfig /all in the Command Prompt. Press Enter.
Find the Host-Name. (maybe you will have to scroll upwards to find the HostName). Make a note of the Host-Name and the Share-Name you typed earlier.
You will need this information when you connect at home.
3.2 Connect to the University Network.
Open the VPN client (Menu Start, All Programs, Cisco Systems VPN Client, VPN
Client). Installation of the VPN software is already done in 1.1.
Click the line Solis VPN and click the ‘Connect’ button.
Type your Solis-ID and password. Your Solis-ID is not the same as the user name
for the FRW network. (If you do not know your Solis-ID password please contact
the Ugids administrator at
Click OK.
Click Continue.
The secure connection is made. Now you can connect to the shared folders on the
FRW network.
3.3 Connect to your office computer
Connect toyour office computer in the Command prompt.
Open a Command Prompt (Menu Start, All Programs, Accesoires, Command
Type in the Command Prompt:
Net use x: \\\Share-Name.
Press Enter
Now you have the opportunity to logon. Use your FRW network login name and
password. (NOT your SolisID and password)
In the Windows Explorer you will find the X: drive with all the files it contains.
To connect to the U: drive in Windows Explorer.
Type in the address box: \\\Share-Name.
It may take a little while to connect.
Now you have the opportunity to logon. Use your FRW network login name and
password. (NOT your SolisID and password)
In the appearing window you will see all the files that your shared folder on the
office computer contains.
To Disconnect
Doubleclick the yellow icon (VPN – Client) in the Start bar.
Click the line Solis-VPN.
Click the ‘Disconnect’ button. Your connection will be closed