Announcements 8/27/13 English
Announcements 8/27/13 English
Always remember the A, B, C’s! Announcements 8/27/13 Julia Martin, daughter of Mrs. Martin (Titan teacher) Be sure to meet our Japanese students today! English Good morning Good afternoon Good-bye Thank you very much Yes Excuse me What is your name? Japanese ohayō gozaimasu konnichiwa sayōnara dōmo arigatō hai Sumimasen O-namae wa nan desu ka. How to say it oh-hah-YOH go-zigh-moss kon-nee-chee-WAH sa-YOH-nah-rah doh-moh ah-ree-GAH-toh HIGH soo-mee-mah-sen Oh-NAH-mah-eh wah NAHN dessKAH? Cafeteria Lunch Schedule BACON CHEESEBURGER OR ORANGE CHICKEN STIR FRY, BROWN RICE, AND ROLL 1. Attention all 8th graders…….Would you be interested in bowling on a junior varsity team for high school? High school bowling is close to starting. If interested please have parents contact Sonya Harrison, Nurse at North High School, (812)376-4278 or Beacon has now started. If you have registered you can report to Room 210 after school. 2. Only a few spots left for the spring trip to Washington, D.C. See Mr. Lax (he is located in the Guidance Office) about duck sales! A picture of Mr. Lax taking a picture of students taking pictures at the U.S. Capitol building. 3. Add @NorthsideMS to your Twitter account. 4. Play students: Play rehearsal has been cancelled for tonight. Your first rehearsal will be this Thursday from 3:20-5:30 p.m. 5. Attention spellers! Just a reminder that Spell Bowl practice has started. See Mrs. Fountain if you have questions or are interested (Room 207). 6. Dance Team sign-ups: Sign-ups available in the main office. Once you sign-up Mrs. Toppe will send you information and will offer an invite to join the dance team. A physical must be on file. Dance Team starts September 24th. 7. Mathletes in Action will meet after school in room 220 from 3:15-4:00 p.m. Have your rides arranged for a prompt pick-up. 8. THE FOLLOWING STUDENTS NEED TO BE SEEN IN THE OFFICE BEFORE GOING TO CLASS: This Friday is the NCAA college spirit day! Staff and students are encouraged to wear the colors of their favorite college team or alma maters! Remember that everyone looks great in cream and crimson! 7/8 VOLLEYBALL (A) SOUTH DECATUR 6:00 PM Both the girls and boys XC teams won the 14-team Greensburg Invitational on Monday. Both JV teams also won. Arig Tong won the Invitational. Other finishers in the varsity race: Ensley Hammond- 7th Madelyn Sanders- 21st Taylor Newell- 13th Sarah Park- 41st Kirsten Ballard- 20th Julia Martin- 53rd Finishes for the boys: Evan Porter- 2nd Roman Cylaix- 9th Rishi Poludasu- 16th Drew Smith- 6th Matt Newland-11th Peyton Shelton-7th Ross Gill- 12th Sophie Bailey was 3rd in the JV girls race, and Matt Boldrey won the JV boys race. The 8th grade girls’ volleyball team faced a very good Hauser team last night and lost 5-25 and 19-25. Even though they came up short, they have made tremendous growth from last year! A shout out goes to Kendal Williams for serving 2 of 4 aces and to Katie McAnich for being aggressive at the net and scoring several kills. Good luck tonight against south Decatur. The 7th grade volleyball team defeated Hauser 25-19, 25-20. It was a great way to begin our competitive season! Some statistical leaders from the match are: Madeline Sebahar 3 Kills Halley Woodruff 3 Aces Lauryn James 3 Aces Agustina Fainguersch 5 Aces Good Job Team! Good Luck tonight against South Decatur! Northside Middle School 8th Boys: Open gym will be on Monday/ Thursday evening from 6-8 p.m. Northside Middle School 7th Boys open gym: 7th boys basketball open gym will be on Monday/Thursday evenings from 6-8 p.m. Northside Middle School Girls open gym: Northside Middle School will host open gyms for all seventh and eighth grade girls basketball players: August: 6,8,13,15,20,22,27,29 6-8pm Sept: 4,5,10,11,18,19,24,26 6-8pm Information: Coach Ballard 812-249-3407 Columbus East SAQ's begin next week on Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday's afterschool until 5:00 pm. SAQ's is a weights and conditioning program that is open to any athletes not currently involved in a fall sport. All athletes not currently in a fall sport are welcome to attend, meet in the Columbus East Gym.
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