Document 6505148


Document 6505148
TODAY’S Readings
Welcome on this special Jubilee Celebration Weekend
Matthew 22: 1-14
The Leaders and members of both churches would like to give you a very
warm welcome to our services today. If you are visiting us for the first time,
we hope you will feel at home with us and return again soon.
(TNIV pages 936,37 Large Print pages 1472)
This week readings
Mon 4
2 Peter 1: 2-7
Mark 12: 1-12
Tue 5
2 Peter 3:11-15a, 17-end
Mark 12: 13-17
Wed 6
2 Timothy 1: 1-3,6-12
Mark 12: 18-27
Thu 7
2 Timothy 2: 8-15
Mark 12: 28-34
2 Timothy 3: 10-end
Mark 12: 35-37
2 Timothy 4: 1-8
Mark 12: 38- end
St Paul’s Pastoral Care
If you have need of pastoral care or are aware of an unmet need within our fellowship,
please contact;
Christine Brooks on Tel: 468584 or email
Helen Mellows on 697114,
Canford Heath Baptist Church Pastoral Care
I you have need of pastoral care please contact a member of our Pastoral
Care Team: Dave Hunt, Peter Freeborn or Muriel Watts
(Their contact details are in the church directory)
Alternatively: contact Bryan Shaw (details below) if you do not have a directory
For emergency prayer needs please contact: Margaret Jennings on 01202
698346 or email:
CHBC Website:
How to Contact us:
St. Paul’s Anglican Church:Canford Heath Baptist Church:Revd. Christine Brooks
Church Contact: Bryan Shaw
Lay Minister Hellen Mellows 697114
email: or
Church Office
phone: 07855 006510
Opening Hours Mon-Thur 9am-12noon
Admin Team Contact:
Fri 9:30am-12:30
Services for Sunday 3rd June 2012 are as follows:
8 am Holy Communion Service
Leader: Paul Renyard
Preacher: Paul Renyard
10.30am Joint All Age Service
Leader: Paul Barnard
Preacher: Christine Brooks
This is followed by a Jubilee Community Lunch in the car park outside
Asda from 1 to 4pm. Everyone is welcome to join us. Bring and share some
food. There will be music, games, a bouncy castle, fancy hat competition…
6.45 pm Café Style Service
Other Services this week:
SUNDAY 10 June
10am Holy Communion Service
9:30am Holy Communion Service
11,15am Baptist Morning Worship
6:45pm Café Style Worship
For our Queen and the work she does for our country.
For the local community as we celebrate the jubilee
this weekend.
For families on half term and all people travelling this coming
Please pray for those living in:
Steeple Close, Edgarton Road,
Plantation Road, Plantation Court,
Deneve Avenue, Stanley Pearce House,
Terrance Avenue and Sandyhurst Close.
If you have a hearing aid please select the ‘T’ position (induction
Toilets are via the lobby and baby changing facilities are
available in the disabled toilet.
A Crèche area, at the back of the church, is available if you wish for
you and your child to use during the service.
Jubilee Sunday 3rd June 2012
Jubilee Lunch
Big Lunch TODAY! Starting at 1pm* in the Asda car park
followed by family games, music, a bouncy castle, tea,
cake and much more here at St Paul's. Don’t worry if you
haven’t brought your sandwiches. Asda will be selling refreshments and there’s a burger van in the car park!
Please join us!
You may wish to join in the prayer for the Queen which will be used in the
Jubilee Thanksgiving Service in St Paul's Cathedral on Tuesday, 5 June.
God of time and eternity, whose Son reigns as servant, not master; we give
you thanks and praise that you have blessed this Nation, the Realms and
Territories with Elizabeth our beloved and glorious Queen. In this year of
Jubilee, grant her your gifts of love and joy and peace as she continues in
faithful obedience to you, her Lord and God and in devoted service to her
lands and peoples, and those of the Commonwealth, now and all the days
of her life; through Jesus Christ our Lord.
* This will be held in St. Paul’s if wet.
St Paul’s Church OFFICE HOURS—Please note that the office will be
open on Thursday 7 June ONLY from 9:30am-12:30.
Christine is on holiday from Monday 4—Monday 11 June, whilst Christine is
on holiday please contact Helen Mellows for any pastoral issues for all other
issues please contact the church wardens. Thank You
Dateline: 31 May
Report by Pastor Willie
Seeing how perfect God’s plans are, a
pastor in Papua New Guinea shares
about his flight with MAF to attend a
conference. Although low clouds delayed
his arrival at the conference, read on to see
how God’s timing was just right….
After a short night’s sleep, we were ready to be at the airstrip at 5.30 am. It was a
cold and foggy morning as we walked down our mountain to the airstrip. The
Wycliffe Bible Translators’ aviation bus came to pick us up; then we waited and
waited. Those low, thick clouds were preventing the MAF plane from taking off from
Goroka to come and pick us up so that we could go to Christian Leader’s Training
College (CLTC) to attend the Langham Preaching Conference.
When the plane did finally arrive, we were all so very excited! Now we could get to
CLTC to learn more about how to design and better present our sermons.
As we flew up above Aiyura Valley it was so very exciting, for some of us who had
never flown before. I saw my house and church and it made me smile. This is how
God sees us from way up…
Mon 4 Jun No prayer meeting this week as it is a Bank Holiday
We were a bit anxious that, due to the delay, we would be missing out on those very
important first moments of the course. It appeared that we had arrived and were
about to land, but as I looked out my window I realized this was not the CLTC Bible
School. We were in the middle of nowhere. There were some people on the small
airstrip below; wow, this was serious. There was a man on a stretcher with a drip.
He was severely wounded. The people had been trying to get him to medical
attention, but no one had been able to get to them to help him. But MAF came, and
praise God; there was enough space for him on the stretcher and his two
Tue 5 to Sat 9 Jun 10 am to 4 pm Craft Exhibition @ St.
Paul’s including displays from local schools, Art Club, wood
carving, ceramics and pottery. Everyone welcome to view it
and perhaps join in with Caroline’s Pottery Painting class on
6th, 7th and 9th June.
I started feeling so guilty that earlier I had been upset that we were going to be late
and miss our first session. For the sake of this man, we had arrived at exactly the
right moment. God is His Jehovah Jireh too. That we were going to be a few hours
late for our very first session that morning now became just a minor detail. I was so
blessed to witness MAF helping out people in dire need.
Meetings and Events for this coming week:
CHBC Housegroups—meet at various times and in different homes during
the week. If you wish to join a housegroup please contact Martin Rumney
for further details. (See him on Sunday or find his contact details in the
Church Directory).
Wed 6 Jun 10 am Ladies Coffee Morning—Jubilee walk at Branksome
Thu 7 Jun 7 pm The Beacon Church in Mitchell Road, Canford Heath,
have the very great privilege to welcome Brother Yun (The Heavenly Man)
along with his agents Flame International.
Sat 9 Jun King’s Cru half term holiday
We arrived at CLTC during the break time, got settled and ready for the next session
to begin. As we studied we realised that for us, who had never flown before, what a
blessing it was. We had experienced exactly what the teacher was explaining.
God, Your plan is so great, and You know all the details. Thank You for the network
of ministries that You provide to strengthen the work of the Church in Papua New
Angie’s recipe for Coronation Chicken
Looking further ahead: Events and notices for JUNE
I promised a number of folk that I would put the recipe for Coronation
Chicken in the News Sheet so here it is.......
Charity Fun Day at Poole Quay 16 June from 12 noon. Parade of the
pirates, water sports, street entertainment, live bands, competitions and so
much more. Please see the poster on the notice board for further details.
Coronation Chicken
Serves 2 - 3 people
Lena Williams and myself are taking part in the Run For Life at Poole Park
on June 24th. We are Running/Walking for Dee and if anyone would like to
Sponsor either of us to support Dee please see us after the service.
Thanks, Muriel
Ingredients:500g chicken diced
100g mayonnaise
100g Greek yoghurt
1 tablespoon Madras curry paste (I use Sharwoods)
2 tablespoon of good spicy fruit chutney
CVM Men’s camp 29June-1July. Booking deadline 18 June. Please see
poster on notice board for further details or talk to Paul Brayshaw.
To serve:50g toasted flaked almonds
Fresh chopped chives or coriander or use both
PHATFISH—Higher Tour Fri 29 June 7:30pm @ The Wessex Christian
Centre, Bournemouth. Admission free but reserve your free space by calling
Mix the chutney, mayonnaise and yoghurt with the curry paste in a large
bowl. Mix in the chicken and chill for 2 hours.
To serve top with the flaked almonds and herbs
Faith Short 2012—Hugh Jackman and Tony Blair
launch a global film competition for any young person aged
14-27 to submit a short film showing how faith impacts their
life and the lives of those around them. The winning entry
will be premiered at 195 Piccadilly, the home of BAFTA.
The foundation is accepting film submissions until Monday
9 July.
Visit for more information.
Free —Peter & Jane Gibbs have just had to purchase a new colour printer
and have the following unused ink cartridges to give away: Brother Printer
LC900 cartridges.
If you would like these please just email Jane on
Events and notices for JULY
Bournemouth & Poole Convention—2-6 July entitled Meeting God in
the Psalms & Romans. There are both morning events 4-6 July @
10:30am at Christ Church Westbourne, Alumhurst Road and evening
events 4-6 July @ 7:45pm at Lansdowne Baptist Church, Lansdowne Road,
Bournemouth. For further details of speakers etc please see the notice
board in the foyer and take away a leaflet if you would like one.
St Edwards School, Summer Concert Wednesday 4 July,
7:30pm at St Edwards School Hall . Tickets £3.50, concessions
£2.50 available from the student office on 740950.
St Edwards school Preview Open Evening for year 5 students is taking
place on Thursday 5 July from 4-6:30pm . Details of future open evenings
are available on the notice board in the foyer along with leaflets.
Olympic Torch Relay coming our way on Fri 13 July. The roads
involved in Poole are available on Poole Borough Website. Matt
Bifield, Helen & Stuart’s son is one of the torch bearers, he would
love support so please come along and cheer him on. We will know
the exact location 4 weeks before.
Brownsea Open Air Theatre (BOAT) have been using St Paul's church
every Wed & Thur evening for the last 5 weeks to rehearse for their production of Love Labour’s Lost. The play will take place on Brownsea Island
from 25 July—10 August. Tickets can be purchased either online at or the box office 251987. Please see poster in
foyer for further details.
Saturday 8 Sep 2012 CHBC Talent Night and American Supper
Let us pray…
It probably seems like a long way off but we have booked the date for the
annual Talent Night and American supper to give you plenty of time to
think of an act and practice.
There is a great tradition throughout the history of the church of
God’s people setting aside time to pray at regular religious communities but for most of us, in amongst our points throughout
the day. It sill happens within the religious communities but for
most of us, in amongst our busy lives, stopping what we are
doing for a time of extended prayer is more than we can manage. On Pentecost Sunday we launched the Lord’s Prayer
Challenge, a call for us as a church to join the challenge of committing to
pray together the prayer that Jesus gave us every day for 30 days.
Please also put the date in your diary and think and pray about who you
might invite.
If you would like to do an act please let Angie & Mark know
Help Needed—
We need Volunteers to help with the new youth group starting up in June. It
will be for teens between 13 and 18 on Friday evening’s from 7.30 till
For more details please contact Hayley Hills or Sarah Bladen at CHBC or
Paul Brayshaw or Adrian Palmer at St Pauls Church.
leaders/helpers (18+) to help us at weekly meetings, so that we can continue to offer Girlguiding to girls on Canford Heath. At the moment we are
particularly in need of more leaders within the Brownie section (girls age 710), on a Wednesday or Thursday evening, but other opportunities are
available. If you are interested, please contact Helen Metcalfe to find out
more. Tel 01202 690621 / 07502 333468, or . If you wish to find out more about Girlguiding UK and what volunteering entails, visit
Grass Cutting—Can you help by going on a rota to cut the
grass at the church? The church has a motor mower and the
job takes about 2 hours. If you can help us it would be very
much appreciated, please sign the rota on the PCC notice
board in the foyer and let Neil know.
Thank you to everyone who helped in any way with Christian Aid week. The
walkers raised £185 and the collection tins used outside Asda and with
regular church / hall users, raised £120. So we are able to send a total of
£305 to Christian Aid.
Thank you again for your contributions.
We are now retiring from our roles as Christian Aid representatives, so if
anyone feels they are able to help out please do let the church wardens or
office know.
If you missed out there are some reminder cards at the
back of the church- please feel free to take one. Just commit to praying the Lord’s Prayer at either or all of the times
and it doesn’t matter where you are you can know that you
will not be praying alone. Amazing things happen when
God’s people come together in prayer. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to see God’s Kingdom come and His will being done
in our own lives, in our church and across our community?
Routes to Roots urgently need sleeping bags for the homeless in Poole. Last week there were 15 people sleeping rough in
Poole. New or second hand sleeping bags are suitable but the
best ones are those which can be packed up into a small stuff
If you can help, please contact Caroline Foy on 07901387643.
Sleeping bags can be dropped off at the Routes to Roots office
at Skinner Street URC, Skinner Street, Poole. Thank you.
A BIG THANK YOU to all of you who very kindly donate to
Poole Food Bank. The items are very much appreciated. A
thank you also to those of you who take the items from the
church down to the food bank.
A reminder of what they require: Poole Food Bank still
needs food for families who find themselves in crisis. Food
required: Milk (UHT or Powdered); cereal, tinned soup, fruit
juice, pasta sauses, baked beans, rice/sponge puddings
(tinned); Tomatoes (tinned); pasta/rice; tinned vegetables;
tea bags/coffee; instant mash potatoes; tinned meat/fish; tinned fruit; sugar
(500g); biscuits or snack bars.
All need to have a ‘use by’ date at least 6 months ahead please. Collection
point at the back of the church.
Thank you. Trevor and Lorraine Muddimer