The How to Keep ALL of Your Money! Tax-Saving


The How to Keep ALL of Your Money! Tax-Saving
The How to Keep ALL of
Your Money!
Question & Answer
Presented by...
Sandra Sargent
Legal Notice
This publication is NOT an official IRS tax publication or a Shaklee Corporation
publication. It is compiled from publicly available information and is published for
marketing purposes only. No promises or guarantees are intended or implied.
Notice: The publisher and author(s) are providing business management and tax
planning tools and are not providing tax, legal, accounting, or other professional
advice. Tax planning and business management approaches should be aligned to a
business owner’s needs and circumstances; therefore, the information contained in
the information or presentations must be adapted to the individual business
operating and tax situation to establish applicability. Further, the complexity and
continuing change in the tax code dictates that each taxpayer either collaborate
with tax professionals or use a prudent evaluation approach before implementing
tax or business approaches outlined in the system or presented in seminars or
training sessions.
Copyright © January 2010 SHAIDS, LLC,,, 888-395-0136, in collaboration with Tax Matters 4U,
877-301-4681. No part of this publication may be altered, reproduced or
distributed in any form without the express and written permission of the
author, SHAIDS, LLC and Tax Matters 4U, LLC. Violators of this policy will
be reported and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
If you are aware of any illegal copies (partial or complete) of “The How to Keep
ALL of Your Money Tax-Saving Strategy” please contact either SHAIDS, LLC at
888-395-0136 or Tax Matters 4U, LLC at 877-301-4681. A cash reward will be
given to anyone who reports a violation of our copyright, upon successful
prosecution of the violator.
For more information about “The How to Keep ALL of Your Money TaxSaving Strategy” contact:
Sandra Sargent
To our Shaklee business builder friends,
We have made every effort to make The How to Keep ALL of Your Money!
Tax-Saving Strategy simple and easy to understand. With that goal in mind, we
have included this Script and accompanying Question and Answer Primer to
assist you in making a seamless and professional Presentation.
In the Script, the instructions to you, the Presenter, will appear in brackets [ ] and
in green type. The actual script you will say will appear in quotation marks “ ” and
in black type.
If you have any questions, contact:
Tax Matters 4U • 877-301-4681
Basic Tax Matters 4U • 269-273-8272
Yours in Health, Prosperity and... No More Taxes!
The Friendly Staff at...
In collaboration with...
Basic Tax Matters 4 U
Susan Brokaw
ComSer Acctng/Tax Prep
William “Bill” Taylor
Sandra Sargent
The How to Keep ALL of Your Money! Tax-Saving Strategy
Presentation Script
Page 1(Cover Page)
Page 2(Legal Notice)
Page 3
“Does this sound too good to be true? It's not because…”
Page 4
“What I'm about to reveal to you will alter your financial future forever. You are at an important
crossroads. This new information will require a decision from you... a decision that is risk-free.”
Page 5
[Pre-print this page, hand it to them and have them mentally check off the answers. Leave this
page for them to think about later.]
“As I read the questions, mentally answer yes or no. You do not have to tell me your answers.”
[Read the questions, one at a time.]
“Did you answer ‘Yes’ to any of these questions?”
[If they answered “Yes”, continue with the presentation. If they answered “No”, then you’re
probably wasting your time with them. Politely excuse yourself and go on to the next person.]
“Let's get started with the first secret.”
Page 6
“Can you imagine paying no taxes? I'm sure you must think I'm crazy! Or you’re wondering if
it’s really possible... and how can you do it?”
Page 7
“No matter what else you do to make money... whether you're a bus driver, doctor, lawyer,
teacher, waiter… to keep your hard-earned money you absolutely MUST start a home-based
business! This lady knows the secret!” [Point out picture of woman in bathrobe.]
Sandra Sargent
Page 8
“This is not really a ‘secret’ because the information has always been available. But the fact is... most
people don't know that the Supreme Court declared, ‘There are two tax systems in this country.’”
“You're probably thinking, ‘What?’ That’s what I thought when I heard it.”
Page 9
“The Uneducated Tax System is essentially for people who work and have a J.O.B. Do you know what
J.O.B. means?” [Wait for a response.]
“J.O.B. means... you are Just Over Broke. You have 53 cents of each dollar left to live on to pay your
mortgage, your credit card payments, your insurances, your food, your clothing, etc., etc., etc.”
Page 10
“You may work for someone else and receive a W-2 income, but if you're an Educated Taxpayer… you
also own a business. Because you own a home-based business, you, as an Educated Taxpayer are then
able to take advantage of over 400 business deductions when paying your personal taxes. This means you
could keep ALL of your money from now on!”
Page 11
“It's in the law… you have the Constitutional right to lower your taxes. The U.S. Supreme Court says so!”
Page 12
“What about you? Remember that decision we talked about before? Do you want to stay uneducated and
broke or... benefit from the tax laws and learn how to keep ALL your money?”
Page 13
“The law requires each taxpayer to pay the minimum tax, and any tax paid greater than the minimum
becomes a volunteer tax on the part of the taxpayer. Get educated and stop voluntarily donating your
hard-earned money to the IRS! If your decision is to become an Educated Taxpayer we'll show you how
to put an extra $100 in your pocket weekly, keep thousands of dollars of your tax money, build true
financial security, let Uncle Sam pay for your restaurant meals, car expenses, and family vacations. Let's
take a closer look at some of these.”
Page 14
“You can instantly put an extra 100 dollars or more in your pocket each week from your employer. You
can do this only if you are an Educated Taxpayer.”
Page 15
“If you make the right decision, instead of paying your children an allowance, you can hire them. This
deduction is worth up to $5,700 per child per year. You can spend this for your child however you see fit.
Once you understand this business deduction, you'll see what an unbelievable deal it is.”
Sandra Sargent
Page 16
“Car expenses for the Educated Taxpayer is one of the biggest deductions you can take. Keeping track of
your mileage could equal $3,000 to $6,000 in deductions per year. The key to your biggest deduction
could be in your ignition... so start your engine and save!”
Page 17
“Can you imagine Uncle Sam paying for this? It's true. So, have fun on that family vacation. It's a
business expense only if you make the right decision. Bon Voyage!”
Page 18
“No matter where you have your office in your home, be it large or small, you can take all of the home
expense deductions listed. That adds up to big bucks!”
Page 19
“Let Uncle Sam treat you every time you eat out! Have fun, but be sure to leave your business card with
your check and you’ll save bundles of money on food!”
Page 20
“This is HUGE! You balance your checkbook anyway. Just do it in a ‘Business Review Meeting’ in your
home and save an amazing amount of money on your taxes!”
[Smile] “What do you like about what you've heard or seen so far?” [You’re pausing to take their “pulse”
at this point.]
Page 21
“If putting thousands of dollars per year into your pocket instead of sending it to Uncle Sam sounds like a
smart thing to do, then you need to take the first step.”
Page 22
“To get all these deductions, you need a home-based business. You need a home-based business that is
completely risk free. You need a home-based business that can be run from your home. You need a homebased business that has a long history of mentoring and training successful business owners. And... you
need a home-based business that requires a minimal investment to start. So….”
Page 23
“That business is Shaklee… the BEST home-based business for the Educated Taxpayer! There are just
four things you MUST do to legally keep ALL of your money. Are you ready?”
Page 24
“You must operate your in-home Shaklee network marketing business as a legitimate enterprise with the
intention of making a profit. You must work your business on a regular and consistent basis and make
sure you keep track of everything you do in your appointment book. That's it! It’s so simple! So... are you
ready to begin?”
Sandra Sargent
Page 25
“Remember, once you've started your Shaklee home-based business you can legally stop donating your
money to Uncle Sam, put an extra $100 in your pocket weekly, save thousands of dollars on your taxes
yearly, build true financial security, have Uncle Sam pay for your restaurant meals, car expenses, and
family vacations. These are just a few of the IRS-approved tax deductions you can start taking as a
Shaklee business owner. Wouldn’t you like to take your name off of Uncle Sam's mailing list? [Wait for a
response.] Now imagine your pay stub...”
Page 26
“How much federal and state taxes are you paying? Imagine zeros instead! That tax money can now stay
in your paycheck. Are you ready to be a fully Educated Taxpayer? Are you ready to start saving
thousands of dollars and stop donating it to Uncle Sam?” [Wait for a response.]
Page 27
“Let's get started now. Are you ready to keep ALL of your money?” [Wait for a response.]
Page 28
“We'll go step by step. It’s this simple...
Step 1) Become a Shaklee Distributor.
Step 2) Purchase a starter package.
Step 3) Sign the commitment form.
Step 4) Purchase a scheduling diary and start keeping track of mileage and daily activities.
Step 5) Plan and work your business consistently. A proven, consistent effort is required in order to take
these deductions.
Step 6) Increase your allowances on your W-4 with your employer to fund your new business. Don't
worry... we'll show you how.
Before we go any further, on a scale of one to ten, where ONE means you're not interested and TEN
means you're ready to get started, where are you?”
[THIS IS IMPORTANT! They MUST be a 9 or 10 for you to work with them. This is a serious
commitment with important tax benefits and consequences for them. If they are at an 8 or below, say…]
“What would it take to get you to a 9 or 10?” [Wait for response. If they’re still at an 8 or below, say...]
“Sorry, I can't work with an 8 or below. It doesn't sound like this is for you. You have my contact
information. When you’re ready, give me a call.”
Sandra Sargent
Page 29
“Once you've completed step 1 and step 2, this is step 3. Make sure you fill it out, get a copy of this form
to me and put one in your file with your personal papers. This is the commitment you must make in order
to take the tax deductions we’ve talked about. Let's look over the Commitment Form. [Give them a
minute to read it.] I'm going to read this next part where it begins with “If applicable”. Do you see it?
Let’s review it together.”
If applicable, I will go to my employer and increase allowances on my W-4 to reduce the amount
of taxes withheld from my paycheck so that I will have money to fund my new business. I
understand that if I increase the allowances on my W-4 form to finance my business, and I later
decide not to pursue a Shaklee business, it is my responsibility to go back to my employer and
decrease my allowances to what they were originally. I further understand that Shaklee
Corporation, Tax Matters 4U, SHAIDS, and/or my Presenter/Witness/Sponsor are NOT
responsible for my tax liability if I fail to consistently work my Shaklee business or stop working
my Shaklee business.
Do you understand this paragraph? Is this something you are willing and able to do? [Get a response. If
yes… go to next page.]
[If they say no, you say…] “No problem. If you were going to pursue this business, who would be the
first person you would talk to about it? Who would be next? Who else do you know?” [At this point get
as many referrals as possible... names and phone numbers.]
Page 30
“You have on file with your employer a W-4 form listing the number of allowances that tells your
employer how much of your wages to withhold for taxes. Since the additional deductions you’re going to
be taking means you’re going to pay less in taxes, you are now eligible to increase your number of
allowances, putting much more of your wages into your take-home pay.”
Page 31
“This W-4 Allowance Estimator will take you through a process of determining the approximate number
of Allowances you could claim on your own W-4. If this number is higher or lower than the number on
your current W-4, you may wish to consider submitting a revised W-4. CAUTION: Do not take more
than nine (9) allowances on your W-4.”
Page 32
“Here's a note of caution. Don't expect your CPA or tax preparer to tell you about or to apply the over 400
deductions now available to you as a Shaklee business owner. Chances are they don't know about many
of them. Learn more about becoming an Educated Taxpayer by visiting these websites:
For Tax Classes:
For Tax Preparation:
Sandra Sargent
Questions & Answers
Q: Why is Shaklee the best business?
A: Shaklee is a proven, successful business model with a 50+ year history
Q: What do I have to do?
A: Become a Shaklee distributor; work your business 5-7 hours (minimum) on a regular and consistent
basis; keep brief handwritten notes in a scheduling diary to document your activities.
Q: Why can I only deduct 50% of meal expenses?
A: That's the tax law. The IRS only allows 50% of the total meal cost as an expense.
Q: Why keep track of ALL activities?
A: Documentation is REQUIRED. Write in your scheduling diary (appointment book) your work,
personal, social, etc activities and keep track of the total miles for all activities. Then at the end of the
year you will have a record of the business related activities that you actually did, plus you will have the
mileage total for automobile expenses.
Q: Are these deductions legitimate?
A: Go to and type in a key word (ex: hire your children) in the search box. You'll
find an IRS publication or publications that reference that deduction. Open that publication PDF file. Go
to the index or glossary and look for the specific key words for whatever you’re looking for.
Q: Why should I not take more than 9 allowances on my W-4 form?
A: When 10 or more allowances are submitted on a W- form, the employer is required by law to submit
your W-4 to the IRS and to your state department of revenue.
Q: With the tax laws changing every year how applicable are your brochures and information for
the future?
A: Our material is pretty broad and generic. We have included topics that have been in the IRS Code for
many years and if any changes have been made, they have only been to enhance and clarify the deduction
over the past decade. We do not discuss any material that is considered to be a “GRAY AREA” as it is
not necessary from our experience with Home Based Businesses. We are simply informing people of a
few of the primary deductions and some of the most overlooked deductions available to home-based
business owners. Our material will be updated as needed for future printings.
If you do not have an experienced tax preparer and need one, we recommended COMSER
If you have not done any tax planning and are grossing a substantial amount of money, an expert tax
accountant/preparer can help you minimize your tax liability. Once again, if you do not have an
experienced Tax Accountant/Preparer, please feel free to contact COMSER ACCTNG/TAX PREP.
Sandra Sargent
References and Bibliography
Ron Mueller
MBA, Ph.D.
Investigative Journalist
Author, “Home Business Tax Savings Made Easy!”
Drew Miles
J.D., Tax Attorney
Author “Zero 2 Success”
Teacher and international speaker
Featured in Forbes, Dallas Morning News, American Banker, and Yahoo! Finance
Sandy Botkin
Spent 3 years in the tax department of the international accounting firm Deloitte & Touché (3rd largest
accounting firm in the United States)
Former Tax Attorney for the Internal Revenue Service
One of eight attorneys who taught other attorneys at the IRS
Author, “Lower Your Taxes-Big Time! Wealth-Building, Tax Reduction Secrets from an IRS Insider”
In preparing this information, IRS official publications were used to verify information used; these are
available at
Publication 1 - The Taxpayer Bill of Rights
Publication 17 -Your Federal Income Tax (Individuals)
Publication 213 - You may need to check your Withholding
Publication 334 - Tax Guide for Small Business - Schedule C
Publication 535 - Business Expenses
Publication 583 - Starting a Business & Keeping Records
Publication 587 - Business Use of Your Home
Publication 929 - Tax Rules for Children & Dependents
Publication 1542 - Per Diem Rates For Travel within Continental US
Publication 2105 - Why Do I Have to Pay Taxes?
--------------------------------------------The “Taxpayer Bill of Rights” was written by Congress and is contained within IRS Publication 1.
--------------------------------------------The Educated Taxpayer and Volunteer tax information is also contained within Publication 1 at: Ref: U.S. Supreme Court in the case of Gregory v Helvering,
293 US 465
Sandra Sargent
Know your rights when dealing with the IRS at:,,id=98206,00.html
Information about Tax Matters 4U
Susan Brokaw of Three Rivers, Michigan, has been associated with the Shaklee for 33 years and is
currently a Senior Director.
She holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Education from Eastern Michigan University; is a former fulltime and substitute teacher; gymnastics coach; income tax preparer; Dale Carnegie Graduate Assistant;
Women On Fire (WOF) TEAM founder; Launch Your Future website/webcast training room founder;
Wealth Master Team founder; and Star Achievers Team founder and Core Team member; and author of
several Shaklee business training manuals.
After taking an income tax class in 1976, she realized the many tax benefits available to business owners.
Within a year of completing the tax preparer class, Susie opened an income tax preparation business and
later, a Shaklee business, as well. For 25 years Susie has saved $5,000-$12,000 a year in taxes while
working part-time.
Susie continued to study the tax benefits for in-home businesses and worked as an income tax preparer for
25 years. After successfully passing four audits (which occurred when two CPA's hired for two different
tax years incorrectly completed her tax returns), she began a steadfast study of the tax laws to further her
In 2001, she attended a specialized tax class (costing $1500.00) designed for Shaklee business builders.
Having completed her “due diligence”, Susie created a Tax Strategies educational workbook. The Tax
Strategies seminars she previously taught exclusively to her downline business builders blossomed into
her Tax Strategies TeleSeminar (open to everyone) in 2003.
Learn how to become an Educated Taxpayer by attending a Basic Tax Strategies class. For details, visit:
--------------------------------------------Bill Taylor, who lives in Chesapeake, VA, has been a Shaklee Coordinator for over 5 years and is also a
Certified Nutritionist and a Wellness Coach.
Bill personally started his own CPA / TAX PREP Home Based Business over 30 years ago and has never
paid a single dime in income tax because of his extensive knowledge of the U.S. Tax Code. Bill is a CPA,
CFA, ABA, ATA, ATP, CPB, TaxWise Partner, and a Peachtree Partner Advisor.
Bill is generally regarded in the professional accounting industry as one of the 10 foremost tax
accountants in the United States. He is often subpoenaed by both prosecution and defense attorneys to
authenticate both personal and business financial statements in both domestic and fraud cases and testify
in court as to their veracity. He is also called on to perform peer reviews of other accountants when the
legitimacy of their work is called into question.
Sandra Sargent
Bill’s Memberships include: Accountants World, American Institute of CPAs, (ACATI) Accreditation
Council for Accountancy & Taxation, Inc., (NSA) National Society of Accountants, (CPAVA)
Accountants Society of VA, (NSTP) National Society of Tax Professionals, (NCPE) National Center for
Professional Education, (AIPB)American Institute of Professional Bookkeepers, and the, (NCPCB)
National Center of Professional Certified Bookkeepers.
Bill must maintain 76 credit hours yearly in Continuing Professional Education to maintain his license as
a: CPA (Certified Public Accountant), ABA (Accredited Business Accountant), ATA (Accredited Tax
Accountant), ATP (Accredited Tax Preparer), and CPB (Certified Professional Bookkeeper). These
classes are offered by reputable, accredited sponsors such as NCPE (National Center for Professional
Education), NSA (National Society of Accountants) CFA (Certified Forensic Accountant) and ACAT
(Accreditation Counsel for Accountancy and Taxation). Most, in the past few years have been using the
patented Shaklee Business Plan Blueprint, to teach the basic Schedule C - Home Business, in their
examples for MLM Home Business plans. For expert Accounting/Tax Preparation services visit
While we have addressed commonly asked questions about the typical Shaklee home-based business and
standard business tax deductions, if other questions arise as you go through the presentation, please
submit them to:
Susan Brokaw at: