How to Contact Us PAID


How to Contact Us PAID
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How to
Contact Us
Address: The McKenzie Institute USA
600 E. Genesee St., Suite 124
Syracuse, NY 13202-2132
Board of
Ted Dreisinger MS, Ph.D. Chairman
Preventive Care,
Jefferson City, MO
Dan Kelley PT, Dip.MDT,
Vice Chairman
St. Louis P. T. & Sports Medicine
St. Louis, MO
Maryann Winters CPA Treasurer, Partner, Baasch,
Winters & Breen, P.C. Syracuse, NY
Patrick Pedro Attorney
Partner, Bond, Schoeneck & King,
LLP, Syracuse, NY
Robert Colley MS
Syracuse University Continuing Education, Syracuse, NY
Ron Donelson MD, Dip.MDT
Hanover, NH
Elaine Gilman PT, Dip.MDT
St. Petersburg, FL
Dana Greene PT, Dip.MDT
Summit Physical Therapy,
Syracuse, NY
Carol Harnett MS
The Hartford Insurance Co.
Simsbury, CT
Stacey A. Lyon
Executive Director
McKenzie Institute USA
McKenzie Outcome Tool
We Need to Hear From You!
The McKenzie Institute has been in the development stages with an outcome tool (McKenzie
Outcome Tool or ‘MOT’) for the past year and
a half. It has had an initial beta test both in
the US and Internationally in selected McKenzie
certified clinics.
Do you have a testimonial about why the McKenzie
Method has benefited your practice and your patients?
Any interesting patient stories? How you have successfully
marketed to physicians and insurance companies
promoting your certification in McKenzie? We’d like to
reprint your story in the SpineLine or the Journal.
Our Journal and Spineline deadlines for 2000:
We would like to do a final beta test here in the
US to see how well it will work in ‘live clinics’.
However, please understand this is only to gather
data to finalize our database development and
reports will not yet be available.
Vol. 8, #1
Vol. 8, #2
Vol. 8, #3
Vol. 8, #4
Beta testing always takes some time and requires
certain conditions to be met. Anyone who has taken
at least McKenzie Part A is welcome to test the
McKenzie Outcome Tool (MOT) providing that you
commit to sending data on 10 patients within
6 weeks of receipt.
Vol. 4, #2
Vol. 4, #3
Vol. 4, #4
If you are interested, please contact MIUSA
by February 18, 2000 at 1-800-635-8380 for
a copy of the instrument and instructions.
And it’s never too late to join The McKenzie Institute, USA
so you don’t miss out on the great member benefits –
especially with the conference coming up!
For only $125 a year, you can’t go wrong!
(Note: outside the US $145 per year and
are you
our NEW student rate is $65 per year.)
waiting for?
Join Today.
Volume 4; Number 1 • Winter 2000
The Newsletter of the McKenzie Institute USA
Our commitment is to continue to encourage completing the Program
of Certification in the McKenzie Method. Without completing the
core education of the McKenzie system through the McKenzie Institute
(4 successive courses and passing the Credentialing Examination) the
resulting use is not likely to be a fair representation of the full extent
of success using the McKenzie Method.
How indeed can we as an organization and you as the grassroots
of McKenzie certified practitioners tell the world – McKenzie
works! We just keep on trying; one student at a time, one patient
at a time.
A Few Words of Inspiration
Once upon a time there was a wise man
who used to go to the ocean to do his writing.
He had a habit of walking on the beach
before he began his work.
One day he was walking along the shore.
As he looked down the beach,
he saw a human figure moving like a dancer.
He smiled to himself to think of someone
who would dance to the day.
So he began to walk faster to catch up.
As he got closer, he saw that it was a young man
and the young man wasn’t dancing,
but instead he was reaching down to the shore,
picking up something and very gently
throwing it into the ocean.
As he got closer he called out,
“Good morning! What are you doing?”
The young man paused, looked up and replied,
“Throwing starfish in the ocean.”
“I guess I should have asked,
why are you throwing starfish in the ocean?”
“The sun is up and the tide is going out.
And if I don’t throw them in they’ll die.”
“But, young man, don’t you realize that there are miles
and miles of beach and starfish all along it.
You can’t possibly make a difference!”
The young man listened politely.
Then bent down, picked up another starfish
and threw it into the sea past the breaking waves and said –
“It made a difference for that one.”
There is something very special in each and every one of us.
We have all been gifted with the ability to make a difference.
And if we can become aware of that gift,
we gain through the strength of our visions
the power to shape the future.
– Loren Eisley
Our upcoming conference,
Pathology-Practice-Outcomes, is
just around the corner. We have
scheduled some excellent
practical workshops, and a great
line-up of speakers, including
Robin McKenzie. And new this
year is the MD workshop, a
don’t-miss for physicians.
The conference is a not only a
great educational opportunity, it
is also a wonderful chance to do
some networking with peers
from near and far. We’ll have the
MIUSA membership discount
again, so if you’re not a member
yet, now is the time to join!
Deadline for registration is May 26. Act now and save $45
when you register before April 15 – pay only $450.
Plus, save an additional 10% off with your MIUSA membership you pay just $405.
After April 15, registration fee is $495. On-site registration is $525.
Register early and save money!
Hotel reservation deadline is May 10 – no exceptions. Beyond our
block the hotel is sold out, so be sure to reserve your rooms early.
The NEW MD workshop
You’ve been asking what there is for your physicians… well, here it is!
One of our new conference features in Orlando will be a special
five-hour symposium exclusively for medical and osteopathic doctors.
Doctors from the Orlando area not otherwise attending the full
conference will also be invited to attend.
The program will introduce and review McKenzie concepts and
methods, discuss the role of the McKenzie approach within various
practices and specialties, and include group participatory sessions
focusing on patient assessment, both its performance and the interpretation of findings.
Dr. Ron Donelson will chair the symposium with presentations by Robin McKenzie and other
McKenzie-trained physicians from various specialties. Dr. Donelson is the Orthopedic Consultant
and Research Director with the International Institute and holds Adjunct Faculty positions with
the Departments of Surgery/Orthopedics and Community & Family Medicine at Dartmouth School
in New Hampshire.
We intend for this to be a valuable networking and educational opportunity for all who attend.
Brochures are now available.
Call 1-800-635-8380
Another new year and still voices
resound… “how do we reach
physicians?… the insurance companies?”
2000 North American Conference
in Orlando, Florida June 2-4
Stacey A. Lyon
Executive Director
Visit our web site for conference
information and details!
A Word From
Clinical Corner
By David Poulter
Make Noise
‘During’ and Listen
Happy New Year, century and millennium to you!
Hopefully the Y2K bug won’t have caused widespread world
disaster, Armageddon will not have occurred, and this will be
just another gloriously mundane day in your life.
I wanted to pass on a very simple but very effective clinical tip for
my first article of the millennium. Of course, if all the predicted
bad things have occurred this could be my last article.
Keeping things simple has always been an extremely effective
educational approach. Over the years, I have observed over a
hundred Diploma residents in clinical situations. One of the
most consistent habits that I observe is the lack of noise on the
patients’ part during the performance of repeated movements.
Repeated movements should be an interactive sport. Prior to
the patient performing the test movement, the therapist should
explain in simple terms the requirements and roles of both
parties. The patient’s role is to perform the exercise and “sing”
the symptomatic response during the performance of the
movement. The therapist’s role is to listen to the responses
during and offer advice, assistance and coaching.
Have you ever, or do you still use the following phrases after the
patient has done 10-15 movements: “How was that for you?”,
“What happened?”, “Did anything change?”, “Did your pain
move?”, (ah! Yes, the old centralization prompt) “Does anything
feel different?”, and (my favorite) “Does that feel better now?”
Study Groups
Are you interested in participating in a McKenzie Study Group?
If you live in one of the areas listed below, there is an established
study group near you:
Loma Linda CA
Sacramento CA
Southern CA
Front Range CO
Fairfield County CT
Mid-Florida FL
Pensacola FL
Atlanta GA
Central IL
Chicago IL
West-Central IL
Michigan IN
Univ of Kentucky KY
Twin Cities MN
Hendersonville NC
High Point NC
Exeter NH
Mesilla Valley NM
Syracuse NY
Utica/Rome NY
Northeast OH
Portland Oregon
Philadelphia PA
South Central PA
Austin T X
Dallas/Ft. Worth T X
El Paso T X
Houston T X
Northern Virginia VA
Richmond VA
To learn more about how to join an existing study group or to
start your own study group, contact:
Alyce Britton, PT, CertMDT
(714) 969-0301
Also check out:
Online study group at:
To join:
McKenzie Website:
For current study group information
McKenzie Education Program
15 Day Certification Process
Notice that all these phrases are in the past tense.
As clinicians, we need to be able to effectively monitor the
symptomatic response during mechanical testing. The only way
to do this is ask the patient to report the response frequently
whilst they are performing the test.
Hence your questioning should always be in the present tense
during the mechanical test. e.g., “What effect is this movement
having on your symptoms?”
Practicing and applying this simple discipline may change the
whole clinical picture. It also allows the patient to understand
the importance of monitoring their own symptoms during the
mechanical test, so that when it becomes their treatment it
remains safe and effective.
The effective monitoring during responses also allows you
to effectively measure the afterwards response, or the overall
mechanical test response.
Remember, make noise during and listen.
Part A
Part B
MDT of the Lumbar
Spine (28 Hrs.)
MDT of the Cervical/
Thoracic Spine (21 Hrs.)
Austin, TX 1/13-16
Winston-Salem, NC 1/20-23 ★
San Diego, CA 1/22-25 ★
Ft. Myers, FL 1/27-30
Prerequisite: Part A
Peoria, IL 2/3-6 ★
Edison, NJ 2/10-13 ★
Baltimore, MD 2/24-27
Jackson, MS 2/24-27
St. Louis, MO 3/2-5
Pomona, (LA) CA 3/9-12
Pompano Beach, FL 3/16-19
Bristol, CT 3/16-19 ★
Minneapolis, MN 3/23-26
Evanston, IL 4/6-9
Staten Island, NY 4/6-9
Atlanta, GA 4/13-16
Denver, CO 4/13-16
Lebanon, NH 4/27-30
Flint, MI 4/27-30
Houston, TX 1/21-23
Tulsa, OK 2/4-6
Chicago, IL 2/11-13 ★
Boston, MA 2/25-27
Ft. Myers, FL 3/3-5
San Diego, CA 3/4-6
Winston-Salem, NC 3/17-19 ★
Seattle, WA 3/24-26
Edison, NJ 3/24-26
Austin, TX 3/31-4/2
Madison, WI 4/14-16
Baltimore, MD 4/28-30
Honolulu, HI 4/28-30
Part C
MDT of Problem Solving
(21 Hrs.)
Prerequisite: Parts A & B
Staten Island, NY 1/21-23 ★
Evanston, IL 2/11-13 ★
Atlanta, GA 2/25-27
Syracuse, NY 3/4-6 ★
W. Orange, NJ 3/10-12 ★
Cleveland, OH 4/7-9
Dallas, TX 4/14-16
Minneapolis, MN 4/28-30
LaJolla, CA 5/5-7
Visit our web site for the most up-to-date information o
“Courage does not always
roar. Sometimes it is
the quiet voice at the end
of the day saying,
I will try again tomorrow.”
Don’t forget all the
to be had away from the conference activities…
There’s never a dull moment in Orlando. The Omni Rosen
Hotel is convenient to all the major attractions in the area.
Here is just a short list of things to see and do:
•Walt Disney World® including: the Magic Kingdom,
Disney-MGM Studios, Disney’s Animal Kingdom and EPCOT
•Universal Studios®: Escape, Islands of Adventure and CityWalk
•Sea World®
•Busch Gardens®
•Fabulous golf courses
•Church Street Station
•Ben-Hur: The Musical (next door at the Orlando Convention Center)
•Not to mention all the options on International Drive
★ Hurry – Filling up fast!
art D
DT of Adv. Problem
lving Workshop (28 Hrs.)
erequisite: Parts A, B & C
Boston, MA 1/20-23
LaCrosse, WI 2/18-21 (FULL)
LaJolla, CA 2/24-27 ★
Syracuse, NY 3/9-12 ★
Philadelphia, PA 3/16-19 ★
Pensacola, FL 3/23-26
Prerequisite: Parts A, B, C & D
Offered her creative genius for your enjoyment.
‘Twas the night before Christmas
And all through the house
Not a creature did stir
Not even a mouse
Santa Whoaed,"This is a terrible matter"
McKenzie concluded
You must go lateral
"OH OH OH There is hope"
"No No No To the end you must go"
"Donner Blitzen Prancer Bring me my bag"
"Not till you sag"
The sled glistened
Toys were all packed
And if you listened
You could here Santa say
Oh my aching back!
As old St. Nick clung to the chimney
He soon realized
That this was the home of Mckenzie
Into the home he groaned
To find McKenzie next to the tree
With a twinkle in Robin's eye
He said ,"Santa you must prone lie"
Santa rose to his feet and chuckled
"Oh Oh Oh Thank you Mckenzie"
And with a poof he was gone from that nook
But not till Robin gave him a book
And on this magical glistening night
If you listen
You will hear Santa say
"Merry Christmas and to all a good night"
Credentialing Examination
The good news is that we will again hold a
Credentialing Examination on Thursday,
June 1 prior to the conference. This
has always helped to consolidate one trip to benefit
from two important activities.
And even better, we are offering a discount on the
conference registration fee for those taking the exam
AND desiring to stay for the conference. For more
information, contact Cindy Butler at MIUSA 1-800-635-8380
LaCrosse, WI 4/8
Somerville, NJ 5/6 (FULL)
Diploma Course
n the 2000 course schedule.
St. Mary’s Spine Orthopedic and Sports PT, San Francisco, CA
Austin, TX 3/4 ★
Somerville, NJ 4/13-16 ★
Chicago, IL 4/27-30
Tulsa, OK 5/18-21
Elaine Huddon, PT, Cert.MDT
Atlanta, GA 2/12 ★
Orlando, FL 6/1 (Pre-conference)
Staten Island, NY 6/8-11
Post-Holiday Fun
January 3 – March 17
April 3 – May 16
July 3 – September 15
October 2 – December 15
“Conflict is the primary engine of creativity and
innovation…people don’t learn by staring into a
mirror, people learn by encountering difference.”
-- Ronald Heifetz