How to Order Immunotherapy from IDEXX Reference Laboratories Allergy Lab IDEXX
How to Order Immunotherapy from IDEXX Reference Laboratories Allergy Lab IDEXX
IDEXX Allergy Lab Trusted. Complete. Fast. How to Order Immunotherapy from IDEXX Reference Laboratories >> Before You Start Because the VMD (or the RCVS via the Practice Stands Scheme) may inspect your practice, having the right paperwork with your immunotherapy orders is essential. There are three important things to know about immunotherapy: •TheVMDregardimmunotherapyasapharmaceuticalproduct •TherearenoveterinaryimmunotherapyproductswithMarketingAuthorisationintheUKwhichmeans that vets must follow the “cascade” (1) when making choices •TheveterinarysurgeonresponsibleforthecasemustobtainaVMDcertiicatebeforeorderingand using immunotherapy Followingthe“cascade”method,veterinarysurgeonsshouldchooseirstaproductthathasMarketing AuthorisationfromanotherEUmemberstate.Foranyindividualpatient,alternativesmayonlybe consideredifthereisaspeciicclinicalreason. Required Import Certificates Nomatterwhichimmunotherapyyouuse,besuretosecuretheappropriatecertiicatefromtheVMDbefore placinganyorder.Thetablebelowshowsthetwotypesofimportcertiicatesavailableandwhentousethem: Certificate Type When to Use The Process Cost SIC (Special Import Certiicate) For products with Marketing Authorisationfromanother EU member state. •Goon-line:ittakesjusttwominutes on the VMD website. •Includewitheveryimmunotherapy request. Free STC (Special Treatment Certiicate) For products with no MarketingAuthorisationwithin theEU.Yourclinicaljustiication must be detailed on VMD application form. •Make the initial application by paper; repeat STCs for that patient can be obtained on-line. •Includewitheachimmunotherapy request. ~ £30 for initial certiicate (payable to the VMD) IDEXX Immunotherapy IDEXXReferenceLaboratoriesoffersanimmunotherapywithMarketingAuthorisationfromtheNetherlands, so a free-of-charge SIC is required to be submitted with each request. In exceptional situations, we can supply other types of immunotherapy. For these you will need a STC. If this is the case, please give us a call and we’ll help you through the process. > Ready to Start! UK082-0412 Assess Your Patient IDEXXusesaprovenandreliableserologicalallergyassessment.Alternatively,youmayprefertouse intradermalskintesting(IDT).Whicheverassessmentyouuse,ourboard-certiieddermatologyspecialists will be happy to help you select the appropriate allergens for immunotherapy. Please turn over for our Step-by-Step Guide to obtaining your SIC from the VMD (1) VMD guidance notes on the “prescribing cascade” can be found at IDEXX Laboratories Ltd Tel: 00800 1234 3399 · Fax: 01937 544001 · Step-By-Step Guide → SIC from IDEXX Reference Laboratories >The VMD require that the MRCVS responsible for the case obtain the SIC before ordering the immunotherapy and it is their responsibility that the certificate conditions are met. How to Obtain Your SIC 1. Go to and select “Special Import Site” (found on the right-hand-side under “Quick Links”). 2. Select “Apply for Special Import Certificate” 3. Enter your RCVS membership number, click “Lookup RCVSNo” and select the correct practice for this patient. Note: If you have not obtained an importation certificate from the VMD previously (on-line or paper) your membership number will not be recognised. You will need to either complete the “Online Vet Registration Form” or call the VMD Licensing Administration team on 01932 338442. 4. Select the product name from the drop down menu: “Artuvetrin – Injectable suspension” (Not the test kit) 5. Select the Country of Origin, choose “Netherlands” 6. Select the appropriate species: dog/cat/horse. Click “Next”. There is no need to enter details in “Your Reference” box, but we recommend that you enter the pet’s name or the identification number from your practice management software. 7. For the “No of Animals”: Enter “1” – you will need an SIC for each individual patient. 8. “Total amount”: 1 to 8 allergens 9 to 16 allergens 17 to 24 allergens 10 millilitres 20 millilitres 30 millilitres Click “Next” 9. Select “IDEXX Laboratories” as your proposed importer. The Wetherby address that appears is correct even if you use one of our other UK Laboratories. Click “Next” Note: You can obtain an SIC by post and we’d be happy to supply a form, however, the VMD will charge ~£15 for this service. 10. Complete the declaration by checking the details, entering an e-mail address and ticking the box. Click “Next” 11. Print the certificate and write the VMD reference number (e.g. VMDxxxx/2013/xxxxx) on the IDEXX Laboratories Immunotherapy Requisition Form. You will need to submit all the pages of the certificate with your completed Immunotherapy Requisition Form. The vials of immunotherapy will be sent directly to your practice within 8 working days Note: You can obtain an SIC by post and we are happy to supply a form; however, the VMD charge approximately £15 for this service.