Document 6507630
Document 6507630
.January necora*rress Irwin S. Gleich WESTFIELD — Irwin S. Gleich, 76, died Dec. 30 at St. Joseph Hospital in Savannah, Ga. ." He was born in New York City and lived in Westfield before moving to Hilton Head Island in 1989. During World War II, served in the U.S. Army Signal Corps. He graduated with honors from the City College of New York. He had been a certified public accountant and was active in the Westfield Community Players theater troupe. He was a partner in N. Tannenbaum & Co., the accounting firm he was associat- ed with for 38 years. He was a member of the Townsend Harris Alumni Association and the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. Surviving are his wife, Gladys Wechsler Gleich, and daughters Debra of Burbank, Calif., and Cynthia Meryl Gleich Agress (and husband Ted) of Westfield. A memorial service was held Wednesday in Hilton Head Island. Memorial donations may be sent to American Diabetes Association, 2711 Middleburg Drive, Suite 205, Columbia, SC 29204. Jerome Morrow Obituaries WESTFIELD — Jerome Samuel Morrow dkul Dec.'24at his home. He was born in Brooklyn, N.Y., and lived in Mountainside before moving to Westfiold in 1978. Ho served in the U.S. Army during tlu» Korean \Y;u\ Ho graduated from New York University. Hi< developed i\ transdormal delivery system for medication while with Cibu-Geigy Corp. Uiow Novartis Corp.). lie retired from Cibn-Ctcigy in Kenneth Iversen Past UCC president 1992 as its director of medical affairs, based in Summit. lie was a member of the American Board of Rheumatology, the Masonic lodge in Westfield and the Salaam Temple in Livingston. Surviving are his wife, Phyllis Heder Morrow, and daughter Lisa. i Graveside services were held Dec. 26 at Mount Ararat Cemetery in Fnrmingdale, N.Y. Arrangements were by the Menorali Chapels at Millburn, in Union. CRANFORD — Kenneth W. doctorate from NYU in 1945. Iversen, 88, a past president and Dr. Iversen was born in former dean of Union County Schenectady, N.Y., and had lived College, died Friday at Rahway in Cranford since 1949. He was a Hospital. member of the Cranford Kiwanis He also was a professor at the Club. county college and retired in Surviving are his wife of 61 1978 after a 32-year career on its years, Mildred F.; a daughter, main campus in Cranford. In Carol Diane Iversen of Cranford; addition to his college duties, Dr. and a son, Gary Kenneth Iversen Iversen headed the Cranford of Salinas, Calif., and adult school. Huntington, N.Y. He received a bachelor's Private arrangements were by degree in liberal arts and psy- the Gray Memorial Funeral chology from Louisiana State Home in Cranford. Donations WESTFIELD — Salvatore J. DiFonzo, Ruth Venturella and, University in 1934, a master's may be sent to the Cranford First Amoroso, SCOTCH PLAINS - Plainfield. degree in psychology from New Aid Squad or Union County Gnrwood. 82, died Dec, 24 in Shirley; brother Pnt DeSure; 1Q grandchildren; seven great} Margaret B. Johansen, 80, died Surviving are her husband, York University in 1940 and a College. Ho was born in Kenilworth grandchildren; nnd many Dec. 26 at her home. Jack C; daughter Joyce Dolan of and lived in Westfield stare nieces and nephews. She was born in Plainfield Scotch Plains; three grandchil1955. and lived in Scotch Plains since dren and four great-grandchilServices were held Dec. 28 nt He retired in 15)92 after 60 the Mnstupeter Funeral Home, 1952. dren. WESTFIELD - Helen F. Theodore) of Hendersonville, yenrs us the owner of Mayfair She was a member of the Services were held Friday at Slater, Rosetle Park, followed by a 88, died Dec. 26 at Gmiden N.C; three grandchildren, three Provisions in Kenilworth. Echo Lake Country Club in the Memorial Funeral Home in Huetten funeral Mnss at Holy Trinity Memorial Hospital in grent-grandchildren, a niece and He was a member of the Elks Westfield and a former member Fanwood. Burial was in Hillside Lehighton, Pa. Roman Catholic Church. Buriaj a nephew. of the Monday Afternoon Club in Cemetery. lodge in Mountainside. She was born in Jersey City \ A memorial service was held Predeceased by his wife, wns in Fairview Cemetery. and lived in Westfield before Tuesday at Redeemer Lutheran Mildred Memorial donations may be Del Conte Amoroso, he moving in 1988 to Jim Thorpe, Church, of which Mrs, Slater was is survived by daughters sent to the Gnrwood First Aid Pa. a member. Mildred Marris, Dolores Squad. WESTFIELD — Mary H. She is survived by her daughShe had been a clerical worker Arrangements were by the Moriarty, 79, died Dec. 30 in ter, Joanne Romer of Westfield, in New Jersey prior to her retireEdward F. Melber Funeral Home Westfield. four grandchildren and four ment. She was born in New York great-grandchildren. Predeceased in 1971 by her in Jim Thorpe. Memorial donations may be City and lived in Springfield A funeral Mass was celebrated husband, Alexander Joseph WESTFIELD — Lorraine E. Fla.; son Philip of Weatfield; before moving to Westfield in Wednesday at St. Helen's Roman Slater, she is survived by son sent to American Cancor Society, 1993. Catholic Church, of which Mrs. Richard of Jim Thorpe; daughter 33 W. Ridge St., Lnnsford, PA Kovvalewski Kwnsek, 75, died daughter Lorrio Biolon of Dec. 27 at St. Michael's Medical Ringoes; brother ' Her husband, John J., died in Moriarty was a parishioner. Joan Schasny (and husband 18232. Stanley Center in Newark. 1993. Two sons are deceased, Burial was in St. Teresa's Kownlewaki of Keunsburg; and Neil in 1968 and Joel in 1974. Cemetery, Summit. She was born in Newark and sister Dorothy Wall of Bayville. Another daughter, Marianne, lived in Westfield since 1952. Arrangements were by the A funeral Mass was celebrate died in 1992. She had been a bookkeeper Gray Funeral Home. CRANFORD — Rose Bnrraia A member of the Telephone for the Westfield High School ed Tuesday nt St. Helon'd Bracchitta, 87, died Dec. 25 atPioneers of America, she wus n cafeteria for the past HO years. Roman Catholic Church, of Overlook Hospital in Summit. longtime member of the Altar Predeceased in 1986 by her which Mrs. Kwnsek was a She was born in New York Rosary Society and Senior Social husband, .John, and in 1999 by parishioner. Burial was in KEN1LWORTH — Ruth Cranford. City and lived in Cranford before Club at Holy Trinity Roman sister Helen Wolfe, she is sur- Fnirview Cemetery with Decker Bergstrom, 87, died Dec. Predeceased by her husband, moving to Westfield in 1934. Catholic Church in Westfield. arrangements by the Dooley vived by her mother, Mary 27 at her home. Carl G., and sons Carl G. Jr. and She received an associate's Surviving are her husband, : She was born in Elizabeth and Howard, she is survived by degree in business from the Salvatore, and daughter Jonn Cowalcwttki of Homestead, Colonial Home. lived in Kenilworth since 1949. daughters Constance R. Kregge Drake Business College in Cavannugh of Westflcld. She once was a supervisor for and Lorraine A. Voll; 10 grand- Elizabeth. A funeral Mnss was celebrated a toy manufacturer. She joined children and 20 great-grandchilThursday at Holy Trinity She once was a chief operator the Roselle Park-based dren. Church. Burial was in Fairview with the former New Jersey Bell Childhood Interest toy company Services were held Tuesday at Co. She was with New Cemetery, Westfiold. in 1957 and retired as a supervi- the Mastapeter Funeral Home in Telephone Jersey Bell for more than 39 Arrangements were by the CRANFORD — G. Arthur ments until his retirement in. sor in 1975. Roselle Park. Burial was in years and retired in 1968 from its Dooley Colonial Home in Lepree, 91, died Dec. 27 at the 1974. ! She was a member of the Graceland Memorial Park. Monroe Village Health Center Surviving are his wife; Elizabeth offices. Westfield. Kenilworth Senior Citizens Club Memorial donations may be in Monroe. Candida Crincoli Lepree; and the Martha Circle at sent to Calvary Lutheran A native of Elizabeth, he daughter Andrea Richel of Calvary Lutheran Church in Church. in Cranford and Berkeley Heights; son Robert of CRANFORD — Peter Anthony in Newark prior to his 1976 lived Jamesburg before moving to Fanwood; sister Ellen Farinola, Piccirillo, 90, died Dec. 26 at retirement. Rahway Hospital. He was a life member of New Monroe in 1992. He graduated from the Now of Stamford, Conn.; three! He was born in Newark and Jersey Chapter 524, 7th Armored grnndchildren and four great-*' CRANFORD — Henry E. Catholic Church. Division Association, and •Jersey Law School (now the grandchildren. lived in Cranford since 1947. Rutgers Law School) in 1929. Predeceased in 1986 by his He was a decorated World War Veternns of Foreign Wars Post Kramkowski, 81, died Dec. 30 at Private arrangements were wife, Emma C. Gallini II soldier. He served in northern 681 in Clark. He began a 52-year grocery his home. He was born in Jersey City Kramkowski, he is survived by France, Belgium and the Surviving is his friend of 50 career as a delivery boy and by the Higgins & Bonner Echq and lived in Union before mov- daughter Rosemary Kargus of Netherlands with Company C, years, Anna Gymkowski of ended it as a supermarket exec- Lnko Funeral Home in, Garwood; sons Raymond of 40th Tank Battalion, 7th Crnnford. ing to Cranford in 1956. utive. Westfield. ; Services were held Tuesday in During World War II, he was Westfield and Richard of Armored Division. He was He started delivering groMemorial donations may bo sisters Stella awarded a Purple Heart plus the the chapel at the Brig, Gen. ceries nt age 13; he continued a technician third grade with Garwood; Company E, 3rd Military Andrews and Nellie Wnrren, European-African-Middle William C. Doylo Veterans to work part-time, through high sent to Center for Hope Hospice, 176 Hua»a St., Linden, both of Toms River; and six Eastern Campaign Medal with Memorial Cemetery, Arnytown. Regiment. school and college. three bronze stars. Arrangements were by the Ho joined the Great Atlantic NJ 070.J6, or to the American He retired in 1984 after 35 grandchildren. In civilian life, he wns a ware- Pettit-Davis Funeral Home in & Pacific Tea Co. in 1929 and Heart Association, 2550 Route A funeral Mass was celebratyears as a frame man in Jersey City with the former New ed Thursday at St. Michael's house worker with Dodge Motors Rahway. worked in A&P's national 1, North Brunswick, NJ 08902-; Church on Alden Street. Burial Jersey Bell Telephone Co. claims nnd personnel depart- 4301. He was a member of the was in Fairview Cemetery, Cranford Senior Citizens Westfield. Arraogements are by the CRANFORD — Hannah B. 49 yenrs, George; daughters Loin Wednesday Club and a parishPhillips Buzzone, 87, died Dec. Garrison, Nancy Powers and ioner of St. Michael's Roman Gray Memorial Funeral Home. Cheryl Miller; brother Chester 25 at her home. sister Bessie She was born in Arcola, Vu., Phillips; and lived in Cranford since 1960. McDermott; 10 gnmdchildren She worked in a defense plant and eight great-grandchildren. CRANFORD — Virginia A. dren. Services were held Dec. 29 at in Newark during World War II. Stafford Ehrler, 99, died Dec. Visitation is 9 u.m. today at the Cranford United Methodist She was a banker with the 29 at the Cranford Hall St. Michael's Church, 40 Alden former Kenilworth State Bank. Church, of which Mrs. Buzzone Nursing Home. St., where a funeral Mass will She also was a member of the was a member. Entombment was She was born in Brooklyn, be follow at 9:30 a.m. Cranford Senior Citizens in the Hollywood Memorial Park N.Y., and lived in AUendale, Arrangements are by the Wednesday Club; Order of the mausoleum, Union. EVANGEL BAPTIST Ho-Ho-Kus and Verona before Dooley Funeral Home. Eastern Star Chapter 87; and Arrangements wen; by the CHURCH moving to Cranford in 1966. Memorial donations may be the Ladies Auxiliary to Capt. Dooley Funeral Home. 10:30 AM SUNDAY WORSHIP She later moved in 1966 to New sent to Mount St. Vincent Newell Rodney Fiske Post 335, 242 .SIH'NI'IKH KOAI). Sl'UINOIvlHI.I) Port Richey, Fla., and returned Convent, 125 Oakland St., Veterans of Foreign Wars. 973-379-4351 to Cranford in 1978. Surviving are her husband of I incl m . l At A ! I ' l l A Wellesley Hills, MA 02481. < She retired in 1963 after 20 ( iHlliilLl LEGAL NOTICE years as a seamstress with the TOWNSHIP OF SCOTCH CLAIMS former Hahne & Co. in UNION COUNTY, NEW JEHSEV The First Baptist Church NOTICE OF REGULAR SCHEDULED MEETINGS OF CELEBRATE JESUS Montclair. THE TOWNSHIP OF SCOTCH PLAINS ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION 170 Klin Sl. Wcslilcltl T She was a member of the DIAMOND HILL UMC (lncoro|jluin«i with opfirt IIUMK rnnatinys ncl r.haplor 231. |i I WJ'i) Cranford Senior Citizens 90K-233-227K Invites you to join us in Noiice is Iwfeby [jivun Lr/ thn Lrr/inininnnlal fjdinirnssiuo Tuesday Club and the Altar o l Ihe Township oi StrjWi I'la™ ul Itirt lulluwmfi ,„, Worship on Sunday <tt Scheduled Motrtings Rosary Society at St. Michael's J,1fhi;uy B ?MW H:.W ;im • Slnfiinft A Fnlifiiary I? ;'M1 Roman Catholic Church. She The Record-Press prints obituaries and memorial service Communion Service Man.ti I? VIM also was a Red Cross volunteer April !). }WJl notices free of charge, Trinity Pentecostal Miy H . ?Of)l 11:00 ;tm • Traditional Service while living in New Port Juno I* 2WH The deadline for submission of obituaries is noon Tuesday. j u i / ' ) . yrjoi Holiness Fellowship 105 Diamond Mill Road Richey. Auyiltl 13. >*WI Obituaries received after this time will be published the followKsiilomljnr 10, 21)01 ays 1:H) pin Predeceased by her husband, Berkeley Heights OUObnf VV. ?W>\ ing week. Nrwarnb«F2(j. J001 Vincent, she is survived by Oanforii VIW I'd-.! .W, South Aw. liant UMnmljnr 10 2WM Please ask funeral directors to forward the information to us daughterVirginia A. Ball of All mttolings urn IwUl ni fl 00 u m on tlio '•<-".'/fi'l <!'>'» <'• 908-464-1807 Sun. 10:0(1 am NursltiH Ilouif VHiil«.try via fax at (908) 575-6683 or e-mail at ttw Municipal ISiiiMirx) Hoom 7W, Iwnlml ;ii < ' i " I'"' " Hobe Sound, Fla.; son Vincent Avenuo, Scotch Plmira. N u * Jurtftf Sun ihOOiiin Sunday Sdicml For more information, call Editor Gregory Zeller at (908) 575HP I U UW1 Jr. of Florida; seven grandchilSim. (K.Wpiii Worship 6686. dren and 11 great-grandchilSat. Ti.Wpin 1'iiiUtDSlai l'r;i)ir Salvatore Amoroso Margaret Johansen Helen F. Slater Mary Moriarty Lorraine Kwasek Rose Bracchitta Ruth Bergstrom G, Arthur Lepree Peter Piccirillo Henry Kramkowski Hannah Buzzone Virginia Ehrler win CHRISTMAS? Legal Notices How to submit obituaries to the Record-Press 1 ( c i l l Tor liK.iilon Inform.iiiini I Pastor I'riinh Sfor/a (908) 276-6244 III! Fax us your news! (908) 575-6683 Before you select a family plot, consider Ihe beauly, service, care and maintenance at Hillside Cemetery. All lols arc in fully developed areas and include perpetual care. Hillside Cemetery, located on Woodland Avenue in Scotch Plains, is n non-profit organization. For further information, telephone (90S) 756-1729. I••limo.itim HOLY CROSS LIJTIItiRAN CHURCH iiV; Mmniniiii Aviv, Sprinnficltl 973-379-4525 Sunday School & Worship services-loam at fonathnn Dayton HI Hi) School www.liilUidcceiiietcfy.cufii InThe Classifieds Adult & Musk Minislrks Yimlli « < hildnn's I'n>Ki';tiiiN Nursery School & U mvw .hnly