How to register Accommodation


How to register Accommodation
How to register
• Through the Conference web-site at:
where registration form, additional information and most
recent details of the programme can be found.
• Or filling out and sending the attached registration form
before 25 October 2002 to:
AQUAECO-Conference Secretariat
Information and Public Relations
Joint Research Centre (attention: Patrizia Waschuth)
Ispra Site, TP 020, I-21020 ISPRA (VA), Italy
Accommodation will be arranged in the Regina Palace
Hotel, Stresa (Lago Maggiore), Italy. Room rates from
99 € onwards. For more details check the web page:
Registration will commence on Monday 25 November
between 18.00 and 22.00, during the Welcome Reception
at the lobby of the Hotel Regina Palace.
Registration desk will be opened again at 8.00 on 26
November, and it will be open throughout the conference.
The conference presentations will start on 26 November
at 9.00.
Social program
• 25 November (starting at 18.00): Welcome reception.
• 27 November: Conference Dinner.
• 28 November: Visit to EC-JRC Ispra-site.
For more information contact:
Patrizia Waschuth
+39-0332-78.97.99 or 78.98.89
+39-0332-78.24.35 or 78.54.09
Hosted by JRC-IES
Institute for
Environment and
The EU water policy is facing new challenges which require continuous
research support; one of the most important tasks is the implementation
of the Water Framework Directive (WFD), which discards the end-ofpipe approaches and moves to establish integrated water resource and
ecological water quality assessment and management approaches at river
basin or catchment scale.
Background & Objective
The conference will include keynote lectures, invited presentations and
a poster session. Attendees are invited to submit abstracts for posters.
The poster session will be active throughout the conference.
3) Integrated approaches for research and management of aquatic
ecosystems and catchments
2) Assessment of the ecological status and sustainablity
1) Water Policy – Key policy issues and research needs
Thematic Sessions
➤ Presentation of approaches and case studies of integrated research,
assessment and management of inland waters and coastal areas; and
examples of the applicability of methods and tools for the assessment
and prediction of integrated catchment management for the use of
river basin managers and policy makers.
➤ Recent advances in integrated water management models, assessment
and management tools, and technologies to monitor, prevent and
mitigate pollution, and in the development of indicators of ecological
status of water bodies.
➤ Challenges in the ecological quality assessment of aquatic ecosystems,
with special focus on the definition and assessment of ecosystem
sustainability in relation to the structure and functioning of ecosystems.
The conference topics will address the key scientific challenges related
to the requirements of EU water policies, with a special focus on issues
deriving from the implementation of the Water Framework Directive,
with cross-cutting issues with the Nitrates, Urban Waste Water Treatment, Bathing Water and Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control
Directives. Global perspectives and experiences of water quality
management and the long-term impacts of climate change will be
highlighted as well:
The key issues are to assess how river basins, aquatic and wetland
ecosystems, groundwaters, estuarine and coastal waters under human
pressures from agriculture, industry, urban development, and recreation
—on the background of global, mainly climatic changes — will sustain
their vital functions, maintain biodiversity, and supply ecosystem services
necessary for the sustainability of the environment and society. Further,
there is a strong need to develop methods, strategies and tools for
integrated water resources management at catchment scale.
Addressing both natural science, environmental socio-economics and
policy aspects, scientists and managers have to develop practical tools
for the integrated management of catchments and the evaluation of the
ecological quality of aquatic and wetland ecosystems, groundwater
bodies, and the coastal zone. Such classification systems should reflect
deviation from reference conditions, and allow harmonised approaches
to define good ecological status of the various water body types.
The European Commission research and technological development is
implemented through the RTD Framework Programmes. The FP-5
comprises both projects executed by external consortia of institutes
managed by the Research Directorate General (DG RTD), and in-house
research executed by the Directorate General Joint Research Centre (DG
The Key Action «Sustainable Management and Quality of Water» of DG
RTD, and activities within the Institute for Environment and Sustainability
(DG JRC) have established thematic projects which contribute advanced
knowledge, management and policy tools and enabling technologies in
support to the EU water policies. Within the context of the Common
Implementation Strategy of the WFD, co-ordinated by the Environment
Directorate General (DG ENV), and in line with FP-6 research programmes, the JRC is launching the European Centre for Ecological Water
Quality and Intercalibration (EEWAI), with a special focus on comparison
and harmonization of the surface water ecological quality assessment
systems in Europe.
co-organisers :
Institute for Environment and Sustainability
Prof. Steven Eisenreich
Dr. Anna-Stiina Heiskanen
Energy, Environment and Sustainable
Development Programme (EESD)
Key Action «Sustainable Development and Quality of Water»
Dr. Andrea Tilche
Poster Sessions
Abstracts for the Poster sessions are invited to be submitted
(electronic submission is recommended), with a maximum of
400 words, through the Conference web-page:
by 25 October 2002.
The instructions for abstracts and abstract submission forms
are available at the web-page. Please send abstracts as email
attachments (RTF or word documents) to email:
Stresa on the Lago Maggiore can be reached by flight to Milan
Malpensa (35 km; recommended) or Linate (110 km) Airports.
Bus transport will be organised from the Malpensa Airport to
Stresa. There is also public transport to Stresa (bus and train).
See conference web-page for more details.
The Venue
The conference will take place in Stresa, Italy, at the Lago
Maggiore, in the Regina Palace Hotel (
Registration fee
The registration fee is 100 € per person for registrations received
before 25 October (80 € for participants from the EU Candidate Countries and accompanying persons).
After 25 October, registration fee will be 130 €, and can be
paid upon registration. The fee includes admission to conference
and poster sessions, the book of abstracts and conference information, welcome reception, refreshments, lunches, conference dinner, and visit to JRC Ispra.