Document 6507796
Document 6507796
177 Page6 CRANFORD (N.J.) CITIZEN AND CHRONICLE Thursday, June 19,1975 Tennis lessonsr6] Brearley graduation Monday atWard Field irs.' Frolich. Gillet municipal chairmen 'first come, first serve Juqe 30 at 9 a!tn. sessions which begin July 1 —KENILWORTH- Rirharri .1. Safles, recreation director, Chifdreri ages 6 - 16 mayand are held in the band room c,ar wvoofJ PTA & Teachers ' KENILWORTH- GraduaOn Jurte II _an academic has. announced that tennis register at the playgrounds on at Brearley High Schdbl from W e s s o n s for beginners will start - the first day. Playgrounds are 7 - 9 p.m. on Tuesdays and tion, exercises for David 'awards assembly was, held Cut wood l-ion1- Club. Gary Pruh, Mflry j.iru- Y()u//lAk . Mernvird SJtflncr June 30 at the Michigan Ave. " located at 9th St. and Sheridan Thursdays. C&ncerts are Brearley Regional High Over 40 students received lyjl, K *ir en L.«i Vrtn , Gfif wood' KENILWORTH-- A reor- secretary; Gerald Ramos, courts'; Hours of instruction PI., 16th St. and Sheridan and scheduled-'for July 15 aijd 31 School seniors will be held scholarships from the Slate of f/cmor Womiin'i CIutj. J: 11hmi«T S/ivpf qiarf n/iVn. Health c«/»'*>s fiufa. Lori Murk. ganization meeting of thedistrict 5, treasurer; "Anthony will be from 6 - 8 p.m. Space is Michigan and Quintori Aves. and Aug. 14 at Ward field Monday at Ward Field, 14th New Jersey, school clubs and Mflrthrt Tor ma, AAonwnto Company, Kenilworfh Democratic Zeleniak, district 4, coor- limited and will be on a "first Hours are 9-11 and 12»$p.m., starting at 7:30 p.m. On July St. and Boulevard at 7 p.m.local businesses ycmlworth, PW«r w«»rf hoi Kontlworth Municipal Committee was dinator; and Amelia Nagy come, first serve -basis" with Sports, games, tournaments, 17 a concert will be held at Art Assof irttion, O'.'twirrth AAufflV There will be 27H. in the The following 'awards were •> / Worth Jfriff.y Alumni Asiocl/itlon of held last week at the home of Copney, district 3, publicity registration being- held the trips and contests are plan- Michigan Ave. playground. graduating class. '}<) v.tnn.ih Strtlp CoHrrfji* ,^ "Vvi'ihtl, presented: , Gertrude Frqlich for thechairwoman. Insurance is required for all W'Mirtrn*.. Wfjrncn'\ Auxiliary cH P>*n first session. This class will ned. Valedictorian will be Miss wri/ no-.pi Ml, Jani;t F mm moo, Elkv election ( o f officers for the • • • programs and is ' $ ! ' for The Republican Municipal last for two weeks with Mary Jane Yawylak,, :M3 [Sernflrd Sifinor Mf-mor 1..1I. K-iri-n L iiurri fir ynwood. K iwjimt, K rfJ'en IN COMEDY.— Cranford Band concerts are a|so set children up to age 18. Adults coming year. Mrs, Frolich Committee reelected Russell sessions LflvJin, Drcflrlty Blark Student'. Union scheduled for Second Ave., Oarwood Vrvn In*.tilu1o, LiM» Romrtno, 1 actor Roy Douglass who was elected chairman. Williams. Bri'drlfy (u»o-.tcr Out/ . M.jf*cncil/i ',' hool. Sh/iron rVr.Nnm<T, Gillet chairman. Others Monday, Tuesday and Thurs- for the summer. Anyone in- are charged $i;50. If insurance Salutatorian will bo Miss Lori V.ishti MrtyrrjonrJ Miinnion. M«ir/ O f U i C ' ['oil- '.rhfjol, k/ir«;n K.l^por, terested in playing in the has been paid, for previous elected include: Mrs. day. . Stark, 323 l_ath SI . Kcnijworth. Ertw.ird B Frvin '>< hol/ir'.rur>. ",<i r..ui I ^fjni Iwrjf Jl'i Wet. n-/(I ion Commitk'c played Harry Edison in the Hor.irc W Ho»<rr),inM<-rnoM/il Holiday Inn Dinner concerts should contact Lynn programs, it is good for the ' horuJ i, C df'^n Lrtvan, Por r o Ro**»inii) Others elected were: Margaret Gutekunst, vice Tennis permits issued free An address of welt'onu' will he Sopr.ino. Uflymnrut AA.innmn dnt / I'MMI VrnilworHi V61«»fy' Club 'HondJ, Lflur.i production of Neil chairman; Mrs.Sue VizzoniN i r o m t h JfBorough clerk's Blecker at the practice year. •"presehTe'd—IW—1W—riirsr- TVrc'.irlpy Nriim,i' (.lull. V«i«T3TI WI iimv 1 |Yr lli'i > f y C luh Kciih V i,itir;n -Simon's . "Prisoner of vice chairman; Patricia secretary treasurer, arid office for residents a r e f oner'. president Chris 'Bruce, 4H2 nri'Arlpy l).ivi^i hrcrtf.|ny' PTA. Mnry district 2, Robert Woods, delegate. Second Avenue." Douglass Waldvogel, firadloy, Carolyn Coppola, e. hleen Boulevard; Kenilworth. :• required for use on the courts J Icromr I pf'/tdr*. John into, previously directed , and ' Charles K Vifale J r . . Lc^ry, at Michigan Ave. and at the [v<»ymoncl Won N.ition,il Honor ' HI-VJ Jervy Mrtt.e ,'if holrtr',hir>v Wo*- r rj acted .in Cranford Hospital seeking summer volunteers iifT'jxinelhi. Cttrfjl / n f rrx f'Vcr/i, fiirOl president of the I'nion County H.irlj.u.) K I V . A V . K J I ' . W ' H " M highlschool. ;KENILWORTH- Vincent F. member of the council who KiTiilworlh U o l n f / r lut. I N U r i t M - n , Nfrtl F 11 /'. im rnon«t, Mrt? V~ Regional High School Board of M,i'rlhrt Dramatic Club producSalles also announced that a Scorese was named the has performed in an outlorrn/t. Student Couruil ellri»,< (*<it ing, JcrrjfTii' L (*Pn(jf*, Prf /rnfjnrj at 381-4200 Monday through 1 Hahway Hospital is seeking t Education will IK the main [)opl. flfl^bnrft Korsrhfk . VI vV I '.l No flfifnon, Will.) M.ithiv N<inf 1 tions. weight-training class will V7KJ. F'.ltruiri IJuwell. '..imucl '. adult volunteers for vacation Friday between 8:30 a.m. and begin June 27 at the high "Knight of Year" by Father standing fashion during the speaker. McVeigh Council 4186, year, and displays leadership • ' coverage, during the summer 5 p.m. school. Bob Taylor will be Knights of Columbus, at the qualities which have aided the Knights plan months. directing this class. These are council's annual Grand grand knight and the memBible school set open to 7 - 8th graders from 6 - Knight's Nite, Volunteers with, various bership. bus trip to Shea KENILWORTH- Tbe Kenil- 7 p.m., high school students skills 41 re needed in many • Scorese has been an active worth Gospel Chapel will-hold ' K K N I L W O K T H T . . Father Scorese is a past president i from 7 - 8 p. m. and adults from member of the council for areas ranging from the Mc:ViMj»h C o u n c i l 418(5, dietary department to nursing its annual Vacation " Bible 8 - 9 p.m. Registration will be eight years and served as of the Kenilworth Jaycees and wasliamed Jaycee of the Year Knights of Columbus, stations to office work. A School beginning at 9:30 a.m. held on the first session. All the beauty of genuine wood in a rich grand knight in 1971-1972. to noon on Wednesday, June twice. • ; a bus trip to Shea Stadium on Playgrounds are scheduled particular need is for This award is given to walnut finish! ' Friday, .June 27 The has will . volunteers with craft skills 25, through Wednesday, July Scorese is a Democratic: —Del u-xe- q ua Iity- w OVG n-walfl u t-v i nyUil at_. -David PnHock_i)L_W,eiiL_ Candidate fpx_cpuncilrnan. VtBtnta:w111"ne; the"director. p rn Ki'fn'shmcnts will lie roll-up window blinds. work with patients in Rose J Bible stories, singing to served on the has Hall, the hospital's skilled For all int.-ext.. rooms • Ready to guitar accompaniment and P r o c e e d s .will he used for t h e Thursday, June 19 nur-Ktng facility. hang • Complete with hardware. handcrafts will be featured. councils Youth Activities 6:30 p.m.- Lions Club, Mountainside Inn. KJIIHI K o r / i c k c t r e s e r v a t i o n s Adults interested in being All children age four through 7:30 p.m.- Chess'Club, Recreation Center. Size. - Reg. Sa le grade eight are welcome. No cnll Vincent S c o r e s e ' a t • 27(>- volunteer at Flahway. Hospital 8 p.m.-- Graduation, Harding .School. . x 3x6 8.95 6.99 71HI7. - - . ' . may call .the volunteer office fee is charged. 8 p.m.-- Board of Health, Borough Hall. 4x6 10.95 8.99 Saturday, June 21 KENILWORTH-. Over 100. 6x6 15.95 10.95 guests attended a retirement 9 a.m.-Girls'Softball,-Harding Field. ~ tea recently given in honor of 10xr> . • ' .29.95 : "• • 21.99 Monday, "June 23 • . Mrs. Adolf Leikauskas in the Harding School, Mrs. 12:15 p.m.- Rotary Club, Holiday Inn. Leikauskas, secretary to / superintendent of schools Tuesday, June 24 1 John J. Kish, retired after 8 p.m.- Borough Council, Borough Hall. many years of service. Her activities have included Wednesday, June 25 Girl Scouts, supervisor of 8p.m.--t>emocratic Club, Ange and Min's Restaurant. playgrounds, Band Boosters, 1 Mothers' Clubs, PTA, Art < Friday, June 27 ^ Association; secretary of the 8:30 p.m.- Bicentennial dance sponsored by Recreation Union County Secretaries. ' Committee, St. Theresa School. Miss Kenilworth will be $ Association and volunteer crowned. ' worker at Alexian Brothers iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiii mi Hospital. A "This Is Your Life" program in 1971 and a PTA life membership award paid tribute to Mrs. Leikauskas. K of C cites Scorese WINDOW SHADE SALE!! ICeriilworth calendar Tea fetes secretary ED & JOANNE FORCE' ROOM DARKEMHG VMl PLASTIC MOIRE WINDOW SHADES in 'cut to order tins ub to 37 1/4" W. - 6ft.L Reg. 5.95 OUR PRICE RFCT'S D A i r r i A i i r Schering-Plough Corp. introduces skin cream STRAW « M »BOUTIQUE 3.99ft449 U n i q u e S e l e c t i o n of S u m m e r J e w e l r y at DISC. P R I C E S & " O N E OF A I AstroTurt "WELCOME" door mats (24" x 16"M.") $3.49 (reg. 4.9S) 276-0866 Ow,n6div5 ALBAN-LEWIS HARDWARE • 10V Nofth Union Avo., Cranford _ TKurs 8 9 EARN THE HIGHEST RATES ALLOWEO BY LAW! 9 0 DAY SAVINGS ^ €3 Doily nl 6 p.m. Thursdays til y THE PINGRY SCHOOL for Methodists 215 North Avenue, Hillside1, N.J. 07205 Telephone: (201)-355-6990 COEDUCATIONAL Grades 2-12 " Wf^JM/S 8 :JUNE 30-AUGUST8 3 0AM v 5 K ^ - to 12:55 P.M. <$£u&> Transportation available ACADEMICS Elementary — Review and Exceptional Children ——U-mir>r High. Slcihnnl — Ppwipvft/ rind Preview Senior High School — Review, Preview, and Credit READING INSTITUTE • Remedial — Developmental — Speed ~ 3-WEEK and 6-WEEK COURSES per annum annual yield on ETK1D i r UAACT KIT. Open to Children, Teenagers, AND ADULTS OFFERINGS Theater • Pottery Photography Horticulture Great Books . Darice Painting Stitchery Piano Trip Programs Computer Programming COMPOUNDED CONTINUOUSLY • CREDITED QUARTERLY A substantial interest penalty is required for early withdrawal. PASSBOOK SAVINGS ACCOUNTS PAY FROM DAY OF DEPOSIT TO DAY OF WITHDRAWAL. FOR INFORMATION AND APPLICATIONS, PHONE (201 )-355-6990 WB"¥ # opens an Account NO PENALTIES! LEARN ELECTROLYSIS the KREE way un<hftj . . . . Kcwardlnit career IA permanent lialr removal. AKO no barrier. Kull or part time. Day or Kvi». Men, Women. Coniu, w.rito or phon© for FREE nOOKLiT K. ^'ELECTROLYSIS 1 J ; w. 4i st.. N r too3i M WORLD'S r * M O U S TRAINING Cmtft HOUSE PAINT How to buya lawn mower. COMPOUNDED CONTINUOUSLY CRFDITI D P OUR TIMES A YEAR Only $1.00 of Schering-Plough Corp. The product, which has been available in_several overseasmarkets, has therapeutic advantages over competitive products In the growing topical steroid market in the' United States, according to Schering. 100 N UNION AVE..CRANFORD 276-2224 Love is topic AND ADULTS $500 MINIMUM Y SUMMER PROGRAMS The week of June 30 will mark the opening of summer . programs at the Five Points— Branch YMCA. The bulk of the Y's summer pVogram i s _ centered around day camp for 'children, but the Y also will offer ..teenage gymnastics, men's basketball and a '•'Diprosone," (betametha- women's fitness -• and ;, sone dipropionate), a topical recreation program during, steroid anti-inflammatory nine weeks of the summer, compound, is used in theJune 30 through the week of treatment of several types of Aug. 25. All of the programs derma loses. Response is will be held at the Y's facility KENILWORTH- "Love., evident quickly,! ~ usually at 201 Tucker Ave., Union. The More Excellent Way" will within seven • days in conbe the sermon topic for d i t i o W s u c h as_ psoraisis, The Konilworth Board ol Education Community Methodist Church atopicTaermatitis, contact irioots the temwlMonday,ol oach month Sunday at the 9:30 a:m. single dermatitis and. seborrheic .it I p.m. in Harding Sclfool. service, preached by thedermatitis. pastor, Rev. D. Marvin ,W. Green. The sermon will deal with the Kith chapter of First Corinthians, in which "eros" LAJestJiclJ s jpinest or humanitarian lovq, and "agape" . or suffering, Kucrificial love, is contrasted. Rev. Don Knott. educational frief --ttitaitrtmvtT—w-Hl—eoiwene—theMethodist' Youth Fellowship Sunday evening at 7 o'clock. The trustees will meet on Thursday, June 26, at 7:30 p.m. . • KENILWORTH- "Diprosone" Cream, a prescription product for the treatment of a variety of inflammatory skin disorders, has been introduced to the medical profession in the United States, it was announced today hy the ScherinR Division ( M A F U H ; i l , J U N t ;)0. SS PT 30; D f C 3.1) provn11MI] ,t b i i l . m i i' o l $1 r c m i i m s in Ihu . l i i n u i i l l o I lii> t'Mil n l Iht' nu.irler T h e a b o v e y i e l d s a p p l y w h e n e a r n i n g s a m i p r i n c i p a l a r e le.M o n d e p o s i t f o r t h ee n t i r e year SAVINGS NOW INSURED UP TO $40,000 by U.S. GOV T AGENCY. 1. Mako'sure tin1 urass hag is mounted Iwt'iMi tin* handles, so it t h m * close on I f s i d i ' s You can mow anywhere, with no I ups : # • I I I SLK I I MAIN OFFIC€ KENJLWORTH OFFICE 40 Commerce Street . Newark, N.J. 07102 . t>-U O.'t.o Houk'varit .it South ,.'Oth Street Konilworth. N J 0/033 . 272-9560 O p e n D a i l y : 8 3 0 ,i m t<> 4 a n p m Open Doily. H 111 .1 m lo -1 .10 p ni Wcdnetdaya 8 30 a.m to !. p m , .10 ,i m |,i H p ni O i r c k lo sin1 it il h a s ; r ai'ify ^ r a s s ' ) a M 111ii_t n e e d s ollen \ - —=- Ti Look for a lough, (i-speed transmission. For extra power and easy handling. \\. • Ask il'_il has \aruuin ac lion A powerful suction that cleans ' your lawn as you mow T&JLAWNMOWER Open Thurs.. titl 8 00 \ I i I I I I (j. Now, it it has everything we've • mentioned so far, buy it. It's a B Snapper. . H I MAPPER Saturdays 9 . m i to 1 p m FREE PARKING AT BOTH OFFICES 4. Be certain the selfpropelled mower has rearwheel drive for greater traction. And automatic freewheeling action for safer control.' 332 North Avenue Cranford 272-5415 / W • Cov*r> solidly last and oasy' Soap n water cleanup1 , • Paint even <n damp weathor resists blistering and p*almo' Dries m 1 2 Hour bug-(r»« and duti-tree1 • E»c«llant color retention — resists ui>•igntly chalking1 WHITE AND MOST COLORS LATEX TRIM A SHUTTER PAINT SAVE 3oo 899 RICHARD HARTIG Perfect for u t * on tath shuittr*. primed metal doort ind •hmgia inaxe or clapboard lidinQ ^ QAL. WHITE ONLY Opmt 9 AM. to 5 PM. Clo»ed Wtdimdayt 101 N. Union Av». 276-1540 Cr.nford
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