How to Hook-up 1ShoppingCart Systems with a Payment Gateway


How to Hook-up 1ShoppingCart Systems with a Payment Gateway
How to Hook-up
1ShoppingCart Systems
with a Payment Gateway
(a.k.a. How do I accept
money NOW?)
Sandra Martini
The Automatic Business Coach™ & Mentor
Dedicated to all virtual professionals
in need of the occasional water cooler chat.
Copyright © 2008 by Sandra P. Martini
All rights reserved. No part of this e-book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form
or by any means, electronically or mechanically, including photocopying, recording,
retrieval system, without prior written permission from the author, except for the
inclusion of quotes.
Requests for permission to make copies of any part of this e-book can be made to:
Sandra Martini
330 Bedford St., #897
Lakeville, MA 02347
Phone: 508.946.0676
©2008 Sandra P. Martini, All Rights Reserved.
Table of Contents
Introduction .......................................................................................................... 3
SECTION 1: Get Ready ....................................................................................... 4
SECTION 2: Get Set Up!...................................................................................... 6
SECTION 3: Get Going! ..................................................................................... 11
APPENDIX A: Merchant Account Providers ....................................................... 12
About Sandra Martini ......................................................................................... 13
©2008 Sandra P. Martini, All Rights Reserved.
Dear Fellow Entrepreneur,
CONGRATULATIONS on investing in yourself and your business by purchasing
this “Step-by-Step” module on How to Hook-up 1ShoppingCart Systems With a
Payment Gateway (a.k.a. How Do I Get Paid NOW?)!
Signing up for a shopping cart service is just the beginning – the shopping cart
alone will not allow you to collect monies and it will not deposit them into your
bank account.
Now that you have your shopping cart account however, we’re ready to go to the
next step.
Ready? Let’s get started!
Dedicated To Your Extraordinary Success,
Sandra Martini
The Automatic Business Coach™ & Mentor
July 2008
©2008 Sandra P. Martini, All Rights Reserved.
SECTION 1: Get Ready
Before we fully begin, I want to ensure you understand what we’re doing.
If you wish to sell items on your website (ebooks, teleclass registrations, private
or group coaching programs, services, shippable products, recipes, etc.), you
need 3 things:
1. A shopping cart service which allows clients to order something and which
has the capability of AUTOMATICALLY delivering it (in the case of
ebooks, for example) with no involvement from you.
2. A Payment Gateway which takes the order from the shopping cart and
transmits it to
3. A Merchant Account service which actually charges the client’s credit or
debit card and which transfers the funds to your business bank account.
The flow of the “transaction” would look something like this:
©2008 Sandra P. Martini, All Rights Reserved.
Means through which client choose to order from you
Method by which product is delivered to client (if digital product)
Authorizes customer credit /debit card information and tells the the
Merchant Account
Transfers notice of approval/denial of the card back to the shopping cart
Entity which actually charges client credit or debit card (MasterCard, VISA,
Discover, Amex, etc.)
Entity which transfers the funds to your bank account (less their percentage)
In order to sell products and services online and accept payments in the most
efficient way possible, we need all three of the above.
Before we can begin the process of hooking up your 1Shopping
Cart with a
Payment Gateway, you need to have an account with a brand of 1ShoppingCart.
If you do not yet have one, I highly recommend as a
perfect solution. Go ahead and sign up, we’ll wait for you here (they offer a free
30 day trial as well!). ☺
If you plan on accepting credit cards, OTHER THAN through PayPal, you will
need a Merchant Account service provider as well (if you don’t yet have this, you
can start with PayPal only and add this whe
when received – you’ll see how easy it is
in a few pages)
(You can see some Merchant Account providers in Appendix A.)
©2008 Sandra
ndra P. Martini, All Rights Reserved.
SECTION 2: Get Set Up!
A Gateway and Merchant Account are required to process credit card
information. In order to process credit cards in real-time (as orders are placed on
your website) you will need to have a gateway account that is compatible with (or any of the other 1ShoppingCart brands which you may
To setup a compatible Gateway account, log in to your shopping cart account
and click Setup from the Main Menu and then scroll down to Gateway Setup.
©2008 Sandra P. Martini, All Rights Reserved.
You should see the following:
The first section on the page is PayPal Setup. Options include:
Use PayPal as your Only Payment Provider - If you would like to use
PayPal as your only payment provider, place a checkmark in this field.
This option works if you do not yet have a Merchant Account.
Use PayPal as a Secondary Payment Provider - If you would like to
provide PayPal as an optional payment provider, place a checkmark in
this field. If you have a Merchant Account AND a PayPal account, I
recommend you check this section off as many people prefer to pay via
PayPal Email - If you are using PayPal, you must enter your PayPal email
address (ID) in this field.
©2008 Sandra P. Martini, All Rights Reserved.
PayPal Express Checkout - PayPal Express Checkout allows customers
to select their preferred PayPal account and checkout quicker, without
having to return to PayPal's site to complete their order. Personally, I
prefer to have my clients re-enter their PayPal username and password as
a security feature and I do not have this option checked – do what works
best for your business.
Website Payments Standard - When using this option, your customers
confirm their order on the shopping cart before being redirected to PayPal
to complete their payment.
Paypal PDT (Payment Data Transfer) - PDT allows you to receive
notification of successful payments as they are made, increasing the
reliability of PayPal's response. In order for PDT to work, you must turn
on Auto Return within your PayPal account.
Enable PayPal IPN Verification – Instant Payment Notification (IPN) is
PayPal’s interface for handling real-time purchase confirmation and
server-to-server communications.
Instantly Accept PayPal E-Check Orders - By default, whenever one of
your customers submits a PayPal e-check as a payment type, the
shopping cart will mark the order as 'Pending approval - e-check' and it
will be up to you to manually update the status once you have confirmed
receipt of funds through your PayPal account. Enabling this field by
placing a checkmark in the box, will tell the shopping cart to automatically
mark all PayPal e-check orders as accepted, requiring no future status
update from you.
©2008 Sandra P. Martini, All Rights Reserved.
The next section of options on the Gateway Setup page is Real-Time
Processing Setup.
There are only five options in this section:
Credit Card Processing - This field enables you to tell the shopping cart
whether or not you can process credit cards online. You need a
Merchant Account in order to accept credit cards online. If you do not
have one set up, you can indicate that you do not accept credit cards at
this time and change it any time later.
Cards Accepted - This field enables you to determine which credit cards
you accept. Simply choose the Credit Cards that you accept from the box
on the left, and click the > (Greater Than) arrow to move them over to the
box on the right. Repeat this for all cards that you will be accepting.
You will need to have set up a Merchant Account prior to this step. I use and love them – I accept MasterCard, VISA,
Discover and American Express.
Real-Time Payment Gateway - This field allows you to select your
Gateway provider. Simply select your Gateway from the drop-down
menu. Personally, I use LINKPOINT/YOURPAY and have never had an
issue (see next bullet for setting up).
Unique Gateway ID - Provide your selected Gateways unique ID in this
field. Once you have selected your Real-Time Payment Gateway, click on
the Click Here link that appears in the Unique Gateway ID field. This will
open a pop-up with detailed information regarding the Gateway that
you selected and how to set it up.
©2008 Sandra P. Martini, All Rights Reserved.
Sale Type - This field allows you to specify how you process credit cards
online. The two choices here are Authorize & Capture, and Authorize
Only. Regardless of which you select, your clients Credit Cards will be
authorized through your gateway, but if you choose Authorize & Capture,
your gateway will automatically claim the funds from the transaction
whereas if you select Authorize Only, you will have to log into your
account, go to the Order Details page and manually capture the funds at
a later time.
For expediency, I chose “Authorize & Capture” – no sense in my delaying
the funds hitting my account. ☺
Remember to SAVE CHANGES when you are done!
Some Gateways will require additional pieces of information. If you are using
one of these gateways, clicking a Save Changes button will take you to the
Additional Gateway Information page.
The third section on the Gateway Setup page are the Check Processing
Setup options:
The only option in this section is Check Printing Software. This field allows you to
specify whether or not you accept online checks. Personally, I do not and have
no plans to.
Once you set these up, you won’t have to touch them again unless you change
your business practice about any portion of it.
©2008 Sandra P. Martini, All Rights Reserved.
SECTION 3: Get Going!
You now have everything you need in order to start accepting monies online:
A shopping cart
A Payment Gateway
A Merchant Account (or PayPal or both)
Now that you have the ability, what’s the first thing you are going to offer for
Don’t let this account sit – keep it active with monies coming in and in and in!
©2008 Sandra P. Martini, All Rights Reserved.
APPENDIX A: Merchant Account Providers
Here is a listing of merchant account providers for your review.
Note that some will charge “setup” fees and others will not – that is not included
here as their policies frequently change.
Within the US
CardService International (this is the one I use and love)
In Canada
Rob Cootes
Regional Account Manager
Unified Network Payment Solutions
1.800.886.1052 ext. 5213
In the United Kingdom
In Australia
There are hundreds of other vendors and you will want to research the one who
is best for you.
©2008 Sandra P. Martini, All Rights Reserved.
About Sandra Martini
Sandra Martini, award-winning author and leading small
business expert is known as “The Automatic Business Coach
& Mentor”.
Having “been there” in trying to grow a small business and
wondering where her next client would come from, Sandra
immersed herself in learning everything she could – attending
seminars and reading everything she could get her hands on
and, while testing it all, she created a system for success.
As a result of her trials, she is passionate about teaching her clients how to avoid the
pitfalls and create a business which supports their desired lifestyle.
Known for her ability to teach clients how to create multiple streams of income while
better marketing their business and attracting more clients, Sandra works with
entrepreneurs in a variety of industries – from coaches and internet marketers to
financial consultants and real estate investors to feng shui practitioners, physicians,
security consultants and virtual assistants.
Sandra offers teleseminars, workshops, information products, and coaching programs
designed to teach her clients how to build a successful business.
Unlike most other business and marketing coaches who only tell their clients what to do,
Sandra shows her clients HOW to do it – and in the lowest cost, highest impact way.
Sandra avidly volunteers her time and talents to SERVE New England, the Council on
Aging, Middleborough Services to the Elderly and is the past president of the
Middleborough Lions Club.
She currently resides in rural Massachusetts with her fabulous husband Jerry, their three
dogs and three cats and spends her time with her nieces and nephews, reading,
gardening, swimming and embracing raw foods and natural health practices.
©2008 Sandra P. Martini, All Rights Reserved.