Document 6508252
Document 6508252
P. O. Box 2488 Crystal Lake, IL 60039-2488 E-Mail: General Office Tel.: 815-356-5987 Executive Office Tel.: 847-277-1721 MEMBERSHIP YEAR: JANUARY 1, 2014 through DECEMBER 31, 2014 It is necessary to renew your membership (by mail or online) & pay the required fee each year to remain a current member. See Membership Information on page 2 for eligibility and member types. Please Print: (Note: Name, city, state, zip, website and subject matter information provided below will be searchable on the OPA online member directory. To respect the privacy of our members, we do not include address, phone numbers or email addresses in the member directory) Salutation (please choose from the following) □ Mr. □ Mrs. □ Ms. □ Miss □ Dr. First Name ______________________Middle_______________ Last Name________________________________________ Address ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ City/State/Zip _____________________________________________________________________________________ Contact Phone_______________________________ E-mail ______________________________________________ Website___________________________________________________________________________________________ Brushstrokes Newsletter: I would like to receive my newsletter by email in lieu of US mail Subject Matter: Please circle those that apply to your artwork Animal Cityscape Figurative Floral Landscape Portrait Seascape Still Life Vehicle Western How to Apply Online application: Go to and click on the Member Services tab. Follow the submission instructions. Mail application: Fill out this application, mail along with a check for $60, and if a new Associate required examples of work. (digital images, slides or photos (5” x 7” or smaller) with name, title, size.) All checks must be in US funds only. Check One of the below membership dues categories (see page 2 for eligibility requirements) ! New applicants dues for Associate Membership - annual dues check for $60 plus two samples of work ! Renewal dues for Associate or Signature Membership – annual dues check for $60 ! Supporting Membership (new or renewal) - annual dues of $60 (non-artist only) Donations – In Addition to Dues: (For supporters and member artists who would like to provide a tax deductible contribution to OPA. Special recognition will be given in annual catalog. These contributions will be used for awards and special projects.) □ Angel Donation of $40 to $59 □ Friend Donation of $60 to $499 □ Benefactor Donation of $2,500 or more Amount U.S. Funds Enclosed: $__________ for dues, $__________ for donation, $___________Total Please return a copy of this form, your check made payable to OPA and samples of your work (for new Associates) to: Oil Painters of America PO Box 2488 Crystal Lake, IL. 60039-2488 Signature _______________________________________________________________ Date ______________ NOTE! Please allow a minimum of 2-3 weeks for processing. Membership Information The goal of Oil Painters of America is to be instrumental in fostering interest in the beauty of representational painting. You are encouraged to participate in developing public awareness by creating excellent paintings and exhibiting in national and regional OPA competitions. To join, complete the application form and submit two recent images of your work. ELIGIBILITY: All artists working in the oil medium, in any representational style, who are residents of the US, Canada or Mexico. (Please refer to OPA By-Laws Article II. K. Definition of Residency.) Oil Painters of America offers the following membership types: Associate- Work will be reviewed prior to initial acceptance. Paintings in any representational style will be considered. Original work only. Copies from other artists or published material will not be accepted. Submission of two samples of work may be digital images, slides or photos (5” x 7” or smaller) with name, title, and size on each of the two samples. (Email: No portfolios, please! Signature- artists who consistently demonstrate high quality work and have been selected to participate in 3 national shows (not necessarily consecutive) or 2 national and 3 regional OPA shows. Regional shows must be within the last 5 years. Associate members meeting these eligibility requirements may apply before October 15 for review and approval by the OPA Board of Directors. Master Signature- artists who have exhibited exceptional merit in their work and accomplishment in the field of art. Signature members may apply before September 1 for review and approval by the OPA Board of Directors. Supporter- for individuals/organizations that are not artists but are interested in supporting the arts. Supporters will not be eligible to participate in shows. International Supporter – individuals who are not residents of the US, Canada or Mexico. International Supporters receive the national exhibition catalog and the Brushstrokes newsletters. They are not eligible to participate in shows. Gallery- art galleries who represent at least 1 OPA member’s work at all times. Galleries apply online at QUESTIONS? Please call OPA at 815-356-5987 or email
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