Constitutional Amendment 3 - Vote
Constitutional Amendment 3 - Vote
November 2012 St. Louis MetroVoice Page 8 Missouri’s Statewide Ballot Questions: How to Vote on these Issues on Nov. 6th By Kerry Messer Here in Missouri registered voters often have the opportunity to vote on state-wide ballot measures which are proposed to change State Statutes (Propositions) or the State Constitution (Constitutional Amendments). These ballot measures come from two sources, either the State Legislature or citizen initiatives. The citizen’s initiative process is regulated by the State Constitution and is always designated to appear on the next General Election ballot following their successful completion of the signature gathering process. Constitutional Amendment 3 - Vote “YES” (Proposed by the General Assembly, SJR 51) Official Ballot Title: (what voters will see in the voting booth) Shall the Missouri Constitution be amended to change the current nonpartisan selection of supreme court and court of appeals judges to a process that gives the governor increased authority to: appoint a majority of the commission that selects these court nominees; and appoint all lawyers to the commission by removing the requirement that the governor’s appointees be nonlawyers? There are no estimated costs or savings expected if this proposal is approved by voters. Fair Ballot Language: A “yes” vote will amend the Missouri Constitution to change the current nonpartisan selection of supreme court and court of appeals judges to a process that gives the governor increased authority to appoint a majority of the commission that selects these court nominees. This measure also allows the governor to appoint all lawyers to the commission by removing the requirement that the governor’s appointees be non-lawyers. A “no” vote will not change the current constitutional provisions for the nonpartisan selection of supreme court and court of appeals judges. If passed, this measure will have no impact on taxes. Analysis: Constitutional Amendment 3 addresses the infamous “Missouri Nonpartisan Court Plan.” Falsely reported to be of such popularity that several States have used it as a pattern for their own applications. The truth is that no State has duplicated it without first making significant alterations! Now, for the first time, Missouri voters have an opportunity to address some of the faults of this constitutional provision that have led our State into judicial darkness. Under the current nonpartisan court plan, all higher court judges (State Supreme Court and Appeals Court judges) and certain specified Circuit Court judges are appointed rather than elected. This has led to widespread confusion and frustration among voters, and insulation from accountability for the judges. Currently these judges are preselected by a non-elected judicial commission. When a vacancy occurs on these courts a judicial commission fields applications from interested individuals. A slate of potential finalists are presented to the sitting Governor, who in turn makes the final ap- pointment from the slate. Once appointed, judges serving on the bench face an initial retention vote on the ballots of voters from the appropriate jurisdictions, and repeated retention votes thereafter. However, due to the nature of the process there are no campaigns or advertising related to these retention votes which results in voters having no idea how to discern anything about such judges. Human nature leads the majority of voters to support the status quo and 99% of judges never lose their retention. To make matters worse these retention votes can take as long as twelve years (Supreme Court members) to recycle! It is all too common for voters to go to the polls on election day and see judge retention questions for the very first time, not knowing they were even going to be on the ballot. When anything questionable regarding a judge comes up, there is no one to hold accountable. The appointing Governor points to the judicial commission for not advancing better finalists to pick from and commission members wash their hands saying it was the Governor who appointed the judge. No lawmaker had anything to do with the appointment. Voters end up with no way to hold anyone accountable. To make matters worse, the Missouri Bar Association, and the trial lawyers in particular, control the process behind the scenes to elevate their own selections without approval from or accountability to the voters. Only until recent months, and following years of high profile criticism, has the judicial commission process even allowed public access to the interviews conducted with applicants for vacant judgeships. Constitutional Amendment 3 realigns the appointments and tenure of members of the judicial commission to coincide with the sitting Governor. This creates a political environment that removes the excuses used to avoid accountability. While the commissioners never have to face voters, at least the Governor cannot pass blame if voters can tie the commission’s slate of finalists to the Governor. This provides some degree of accountability, and possible recourse for voters. Other changes include expanding the number of finalists presented to the Governor to appoint from. The current three finalists would grow to four. This increases the possibility of a pro-life applicant to survive the process during years in which a pro-life Governor is in office. The end result of Constitutional Amendment 3 is that a poor quality Governor will continue to appoint judges which voters Those statewide ballot questions put forward by the Legislature may have a designated election date embedded in the proposal, otherwise such issues default to the next General Election date, or another election as directed by the Governor. On November 6, 2012 Missouri voters will see four State-wide ballot questions. Two have come from the General Assembly of the Legislature, and two have come to the ballot through citizen initiative efforts. Of the four, one is a Constitutional Amendment and three are Propositions would never elect. But voters would have opportunities to hold a Governor accountable for doing so. However, a pro-life Governor would be in a much better position to bring pro-life judges forward by appointing conscientious commission members. Missouri Family Network recommends a “YES” vote for Constitutional Amendment 3 as a vote for accountability. It is not a magic pill to fix everything wrong with Missouri’s judiciary, but at least it is a step in the right direction. Proposition A - Vote “YES” (Proposed by a citizen’s initiative petition.) Official Ballot Title: (what voters will see in the voting booth) Shall Missouri law be amended to: allow any city not within a county (the City of St. Louis) the option of transferring certain obligations and control of the city’s police force from the board of police commissioners currently appointed by the governor to the city and establishing a municipal police force; establish certain procedures and requirements for governing such a municipal police force including residency, rank, salary, benefits, insurance, and pension; and prohibit retaliation against any employee of such municipal police force who reports conduct believed to be illegal to a superior, government agency, or the press? State governmental entities estimated savings will eventually be up to $500,000 annually. Local governmental entities estimated annual potential savings of $3.5 million; however, consolidation decisions with an unknown outcome may result in the savings being more or less than estimated. Fair Ballot Language: A “yes” vote will amend Missouri law to allow any city not within a county (the City of St. Louis) the option of establishing a municipal police force by transferring certain obligations and control of the city’s police force from the board of police commissioners currently appointed by the governor to the city. This amendment also establishes certain procedures and requirements for governing such a municipal police force including residency, rank, salary, benefits, insurance, and pension. The amendment further prohibits retaliation against any employee of such municipal police force who reports conduct believed to be illegal to a superior, government agency, or the press. A “no” vote will not change the current Missouri law regarding St. Louis City’s police force. If passed, this measure will have no impact on taxes. seeking to change State statutes. The purpose of this article is to help provide voters with some additional information on each of these four ballot questions so you can make a more informed vote. Here at Missouri Family Network we provide our recommendations of “YES” or “NO” votes so voters understand the perspective of our analysis up front. All voters are challenged to take the time to seek out opposing information and vote your convictions with clarity. Analysis: Proponents of Prop. A primarily argue from a “local control” perspective, as well as outlining the history of the current law. Opponents focus on the concern of mismanagement and/or possible corruption at risk from placing the St. Louis Police board under the control of the City. Missouri Family Network (MFN) rejects the bulk of both positions and makes our final recommendation of a “YES” vote based on citizen’s control. Allow me to explain. Let’s first look at “local Control.” This is not a fully valid reason for changing current policies and practices. The principles of local control come from the historic debates surrounding education. At the base of these education debates are divided philosophies regarding any government’s jurisdiction over education in the first place. While government may provide a free system of public education, it certainly has no moral authority to dictate education policy to those not interested in government schools. In fact many effectively argue the State has no compelling purpose for being involved. (This is an ongoing debate.) Because education ultimately resides with the will of parents alone, local control principles play an incredibly important role. However, law enforcement is in fact one of the basic purposes of government. Thus the local control argument in this case does not fit well. To make the case stronger is the fact that while the State of Missouri should rightfully be seen as a sovereign State (in relationship to other States, nations, and even our own Country, the United States of America), it is also THE sovereign political/civil entity. All cities, towns, villages, counties, townships, precincts, etc. are subservient to the State as the sovereign authority which allows all the others to exist, and in what form. In all matters of political sub-divisions within the State, the authority of the State ultimately trumps local control. The single legitimate use of this argument resides in the values of locally directed and customized control that is often only realized at the local level and bearing the benefits of efficiency not otherwise recognized or appreciated from a central planning bigger government. Secondly we reject opponents’ concerns over possible mismanagement and/or corruption. If the City of St. Louis is this untrustworthy we should be hearing ongoing cries for disbandment of the City’s charter, or a State take-over of City management. (Stick with me a moment longer please.) No one claims the City does not have significant political problems. However, among the hundreds of thousands of residents, there are many fine citizens who work tirelessly to improve the City and support efforts to hold people accountable. And amazingly, there is no hue and cry for the City to be dissolved. Yet this writer has seen several towns and villages come and go in less than 50 years, including urban, suburban, and rural communities! Facts: Over 150 years ago the State’s population distribution was weighted within the City of St. Louis by staggering proportions. With the Civil War bearing down the Governor and State leaders realized that the St. Louis Police Department was by far the largest para-military force both in Missouri as well as west of the Mississippi River! To risk divided factions targeting control of this force was a major concern for the State and the safety of thousands. As a result of these developing political/military dynamics, the State asserted its sovereignty and took over control of the police department. So here we are over 150 years later and the State has never restored control of the St. Louis Police Department back to the citizens of the City! What if this were your local police, fire department, or other service providers or local infrastructure? In fact the citizens of every other community in the State regulates its own services through the constitutional republic methods of civil structure. As a result people can hold local politicians accountable for any mismanagement and/or questions of corruption. It has proven to be inefficient and costly to Missouri taxpayers to have the members of our State Legislature micro-manage the policies of the local police in St. Louis City. To save Missouri taxpayers money and to treat St. Louis City citizens with proper respect, it is incumbent upon Missouri voters to say “YES” to Proposition A. Proposition B - Vote “NO” (Proposed by a citizen’s initiative petition.) Official Ballot Title: (what voters will see in the voting booth) Shall Missouri law be amended to: create the Health and Education Trust Fund with proceeds of a tax of $0.0365 per cigarette and 25% of the manufacturer’s invoice price for roll-your-own tobacco and 15% for other tobacco products; use Fund proceeds to reduce and prevent tobacco use and for elementary, secondary, college, and university public school fundSee How to Vote on page 9 November 2012 How to Vote Continued from page 8 ing; and increase the amount that certain tobacco product manufacturers must maintain in their escrow accounts, to pay judgments or settlements, before any funds in escrow can be refunded to the tobacco product manufacturer and create bonding requirements for these manufacturers? Estimated additional revenue to state government is $283 million to $423 million annually with limited estimated implementation costs or savings. The revenue will fund only programs and services allowed by the proposal. The fiscal impact to local governmental entities is unknown. Escrow fund changes may result in an unknown increase in future state revenue. Fair Ballot Language: A “yes” vote will amend Missouri law to create the Health and Education Trust Fund with proceeds from a tax on cigarettes and other tobacco products. The amount of the tax is $0.0365 per cigarette and 25% of the manufacturer’s invoice price for rollyour-own tobacco and 15% for other tobacco products. The Fund proceeds will be used to reduce and prevent tobacco use and for elementary, secondary, college, and university public school funding. This amendment also increases the amount that certain tobacco product manufacturers must maintain in their escrow accounts, to pay judgments or settlements, before any funds in escrow can be refunded to the tobacco product manufacturer and creates bonding requirements for these manufacturers. A “no” vote will not change the current Missouri law regarding taxes on cigarettes and other tobacco products or the escrow account and bonding requirements for certain tobacco product manufacturers. If passed, this measure will increase taxes on cigarettes and other tobacco products. Analysis: Proposition B is a massive tax increase at best, which should be rejected. At its worse, it is a politically correct attempt at social engineering that must be rejected. Giving proponents the benefit of the doubt, let’s simply evaluate the tax perspective. Just a few years ago Missouri shared in the “tobacco settlement agreement” brought about by the 1990’s politically motivated attacks and resulting litigations created by a Democrat congress angry over tobacco industry support of Republican candidates over Democrats. Hundreds of billions of dollars were distributed to the States, including Missouri, with little going to cessation programs or assistance for those harmed by tobacco. Basically the money was absorbed by the State to prop up its 1990’s government growth spurt (a time in which State government doubled in size and costs). Now we are being asked to accept a tobacco tax increase for the purpose of funding tobacco related medical services and education. (What supporters of Prop B need to do is go back to the Legislature and ask them to reallocate current State revenues to make up for the funds already spent that should have provided these programs.) St. Louis MetroVoice There are two groups of voters facing this tax increase: First are consumers who would face a significant tax jump on their tobacco products. For these folks a “NO” vote is easy. However, they may find it more difficult to sway their friends – so take a puff, or bite off a chaw and read on about the second group, the non-tobacco users who pitch their tents in two different camps. The first camp of non-tobacco users see tobacco use as a personal choice. These campers believe smokers have been warned for decades that tobacco use is harmful and that more taxes will not create any resolve for the problems associated with tobacco use. For these folks let us consider the implications of such a new tax within the context of a politically correct culture. Governments today believe they have the right to dictate such things as the size of your soft drink. (You get the picture.) What may be the next target of politically motivated taxes? Fast food? Non-eco friendly products? The second camp of nontobacco users see tobacco as a vice, or a sin. For these folks let’s consult Scripture. Let’s see, how many times does the Bible point to civil government leaders being blinded to the victims of vice because of tax revenues received? (Check out the minor prophets and the teachings of Proverbs, as well as other precepts.) This is exactly why the State cannot bring itself to stop casinos or alcohol abuse. There is just too much money coming into State coffers while the social costs (which are higher) gush out through multiple agencies and services. So for tobacco users and nonusers, a huge tobacco tax increase is not an attractive proposal. Missouri Family Network recommends a “NO” vote for all citizens heading to the polls on November 6th, no matter which group or camp they reside in. Proposition E - Vote “YES” (Proposed by the General Assembly SB 464) First a little background information. Last year a group of Missouri State Senators and the Lt. Governor’s office discovered and diverted plans by certain members of Governor Nixon’s administration to create the health care exchanges for implementing ObamaCare in Missouri. These healthcare exchanges provide the administrative framework for enabling the federal government’s healthcare takeover and is opposed by a supermajority of Missouri citizens. (See Prop. C, 71% adoption vote, August 3, 2010.) Following the revelations of what many citizens consider a “scandal” the State Legislature passed SB 464 which seeks to prohibit the Governor, or any state bureaucracies from establishing such exchanges without voter approval or that of the voter’s elected members of the General Assembly. After passage of the legislation proposing this constitutional amendment, the Secretary of State (Robin Carnahan) in tandem with the Attorney General (Chris Koster) drafted the summary ballot question for voters to read in the polling booth. But because their ballot question was so misleading and designed to taint the election, Lt. Governor Peter Kinder and a large host of Republican members of the Legislature filed suit challenging the legality of the ballot title. To help you better understand this situation in this issue we have provided both the original version of the ballot question (which was rejected by the court as misleading) as well as the replacement question which will appear on your ballot as written by the court. See box below. Analysis: Proposition E simply asserts that without voter approval, or that of the citizen’s duly elected members of the State House and Senate, the Governor nor his agencies shall enable ObamaCare on their own. Implementation of the “Affordable Care Act” requires a new healthcare exchange system which carries a price tag of upwards to fifty million tax dollars ($50,000,000.00). However the Page 9 federal government is willing to provide the money (which still comes out of our pockets) if Missouri‘s Governor or another State agency agrees to accept it. Thus it is important to expressly prohibit such a move through the executive orders of the Governor or other actions by unelected bureaucrats. Missouri Family Network recommends that citizens concerned about the various implications of ObamaCare should cast a “YES” vote for Constitutional Amendment 3 in order to reserve such a move to themselves. As a Constitutional Republic it is wholly appropriate to restrict such authority to voter approval or that of the 197 member Legislature. † † † Kerry Messer is the President and founder of Missouri Family Network (MFN). The services of MFN are free to those who wish to be informed. MFN is a faith ministry seeking to encourage and equip Christians and local churches to be the “Salt & Light” as we are called to be in our culture. We provide the lead voice for the traditionally conservative pro-family community on the full scope of public policy issues in Missouri. To schedule a speaker for your church, civic organization or other special event, contact Missouri Family Network via mail at P.O. Box 1288, Festus, MO 63028, by phone at (573) 483-2007, or by email at For more information about MFN, please visit their website at If you wish to be added to MFN’s E@ lert Network please email them your name, postal address and phone number at mofamnet@ Official Ballot Title: (Original Version) Official Ballot Title: (NEW Version) (What voters would have seen in the voting booth) (What voters WILL see in the voting booth) Shall Missouri law be amended to deny individuals, families, and small businesses the ability to access affordable health care plans through a statebased health benefit exchange unless authorized by statute, initiative or referendum or through an exchange operated by the federal government as required by the federal health care act? No direct costs or savings for state and local governmental entities are expected from this proposal. Indirect costs or savings related to enforcement actions, missed federal funding, avoided implementation costs, and other issues are unknown. Shall Missouri Law be amended to prohibit the Governor or any state agency, from establishing or operating state-based health insurance exchanges unless authorized by a vote of the people or by the legislature? No direct costs or savings for state and local governmental entities are expected from this proposal. Indirect costs or savings related to enforcement actions, missed federal funding, avoided implementation costs, and other issues are unknown. Fair Ballot Language: A “yes” vote will amend Missouri law to deny individuals, families, and small businesses the ability to access affordable health care plans through a state-based health benefit exchange unless authorized by statute, initiative or referendum or through an exchange operated by the federal government as required by the federal health care act. A “no” vote will not change the current Missouri law regarding access to affordable health care plans through a state-based health benefit exchange. If passed, this measure will have no impact on taxes. Fair Ballot Language: A “yes” vote will amend Missouri law to prohibit the Governor or any state agency, from establishing or operating state-based health insurance exchanges unless authorized by a vote of the people or by the legislature. A “no” vote will not amend Missouri law to prohibit the Governor or any state agency, from establishing or operating state-based health insurance exchanges unless authorized by a vote of the people or by the legislature. If passed, this measure will have no impact on taxes. November 2012 St. Louis MetroVoice Page 10 2012 Election Questionnaire Process & Responses By Jim Day As you can see, our stated purpose was clearly to provide candidates the opportunity to relate their opinions or positions on issues that we decided were of major concern to our readers and the public at large. We emphasized the point that we the questionnaires were initially mailed, the candidates were given a deadline of September 27th to respond. Knowing that most candidates receive a great number of questionnaires and are typically busy campaigning or working, we went the extra mile and extended the due date deadline to October 2nd just to make sure every candidate had ample time to respond. At various times during the process I personally contacted a number of the candidates and encouraged them to respond. The Reasoning Behind the Process Why did we go through such a lengthy, time consuming and costly process to make sure every candidate got our questionnaire and had the opportunity to respond? The answer is quite simple and in fact was printed at the end of the questionnaire itself which read: “If it [the questionnaire] is not returned we will assume you Chose Not to Respond, which will be noted next to your name in our section.” We obviously took our efforts and questionnaire seriously. We strongly believe that citizens should be informed as to where a candidate stands on issues which presently (or could in the future) affect their lives -- before they vote for any candidate. In fact, we believe that those who are in public office or vying for public office are actually ‘obligated’ to inform citizens of their positions on issues because of their potential or present representative status. With this in mind, the readers will note that several candidates have “Chose Not to Respond” printed next to their names. This was their choice -- not ours. We would have rather that they had responded. If your candidate didn’t respond, I suggest you call them and ask them why not. I can assure you, it was not because they were not given the opportunity. The Questionnaires In structuring the questionnaires, we didn’t actually ask the candidates a question per se. Instead, we provided them with 10 different topics each with at least two, and some with more than two, statements under each topic. In our instructions we asked the candidate to circle only one of the statements under each topic that reflected their opinion or position or came the closest to their opinion or position. By in large, we attempted to provide the candidates with a range of choices which reflected opinions from one end of the political spectrum to the other. And, for good measure, we threw in choices which tested the candidate’s knowledge of political philosophy and history, such as some of the statements offered under the topics of + The Process were non-partisan and did not endorse candidates or political parties. The cover letter was sent on MetroVoice stationery, which plainly read “St. Louis’ Christian News and Events Publication.” Not only was this an excellent opportunity for the candidates to relate their personal opinions or positions on some of the critical issues of our day but, at the same time, show the differences between themselves and their opponents on the issues. By extension, it allowed them to connect with prospective supporters/voters who agree with their positions/opinions. Quite clearly, candidates had nothing to lose from answering our questionnaire and everything to gain. Candidates were given clear and concise instructions regarding a number of ways they could return their questionnaires and photos (either by U.S. Mail, fax or e-mail). All candidates were mailed the questionnaire via First Class U.S. Mail to the address or addresses which they themselves provided to the Missouri Secretary of State. By mailing the questionnaires First Class, we were assured that the candidate would receive the questionnaire or it would be returned to us as “undeliverable.” Only two questionnaires were returned as “undeliverable.” To further ensure that every candidate received our questionnaire we employed the services of Mr. Darrell Day to call each of the candidates and if need be mail, fax, or e-mail another copy of the questionnaire and cover letter should the candidate (or their representative) state that they had not received the questionnaire or that it had been misplaced or lost. As mentioned earlier, when + On September 10th, 2012 we mailed each of the candidates within our Missouri readership area our General Election 2012 Questionnaire. Along with the questionnaire, we mailed a cover letter explaining who we were, the purpose of our questionnaire and how they could respond. The cover letter began with the following: “The St. Louis MetroVoice is a NON-PARTISAN monthly newspaper that is distributed throughout the greater St. Louis metropolitan area and surrounding communities (including Illinois), that reaches approximately 40 to 50,000 readers in over 675 distribution points. We are presently assembling our November 2012 General Election Special Focus Issue, which will be distributed October 16, 2010. The purpose of this special issue is to provide candidates with the opportunity to relate their opinions and/or positions on issues that concern our readers and the general public. We do not endorse candidates or political parties and would greatly appreciate your participation in this issue by completing the enclosed candidate questionnaire and providing us with your photograph.” The candidates were initially asked to return their questionnaire by September 27th to participate but a few were given an extension via phone until October 2nd because they had called to request an extension. Legislative Philosophy, U.S. Constitution and the Second Amendment. Our objective was not just to get the candidate’s opinion, but to encourage them to really think about the topic and their opinion/position on each topic. Hopefully -- assuming the candidate was honest -- our readers will be able ascertain from the candidate’s selections how the candidate thinks, how informed they are, and what type of world view they possess. On the surface it may appear that our questionnaire was simple, but I assure you, it was not a nobrainer. Candidates’ Answers The vast majority of candidates who responded chose (as they were asked to do) just one of the statements provided under each topic. Although it was not specifically stated in our cover letter or on the questionnaire itself, we did allow candidates to add short clarification comments if they felt that the selections we provided under each topic did not quite reflect their opinion or position. Some candidates chose a statement, but wrote a clarifying comment. Others chose not to give any opinion or left the topic blank and wrote in a comment. If a candidate selected one of our statements but added a comment, we recorded their choice, added an asterisk (*) next to their selection, and recorded their comment in their total list of answers. For example, under our topic of “Abortion,” one of the four choices we provided was “[c] Abortions should only be allowed in rare cases to save the life of the mother.” A candidate may have selected [c] but added a clarifying statement such as “Only in the case of an ectopic pregnancy.” In this particular case you’ll see their recorded response as “5. c*”. Then, in their list of recorded responses, you’ll find “*5. Chose ‘c’ and wrote in: ‘Only in the case of an ectopic pregnancy.’” On questionnaires where a candidate chose not to select any of our choices but chose instead to make a comment or write in their opinion/position, we recorded their response as “NR*” (No Response with an asterisk *). Here again, in their list of recorded answers we quoted their written response/ comment. A few candidates cherry picked which questions to respond to and which questions not to respond to. In those cases we put “NR” (No Response) in their answer list on the questions they did not answer. If a candidate did not respond to our questionnaire at all, you’ll find “CHOSE NOT TO RESPOND” next to their name. If any reader wishes to obtain a copy of a candidate’s completed questionnaire they are more than welcome to call me and I will send them a copy so they can see for themselves how the candidate responded. Incumbent candidates, those presently holding either a Federal or State office are indicated by a lower case italicized and bolded “i” after their name. Can’t Find Your Candidate? If you can’t find your candidate listed there are four possibilities; 1. They are in a contest outside of our readership area, 2. They are a candidate running for an office below that of a State Representative (i.e. County Executive), 3. They are a writein candidate, and 4. They have already won their race by default (meaning no one from another political party will be running against them in the November 6th General Election). Score Your Candidate Before reviewing and scoring a candidate’s responses to our questionnaire we highly recommend that you first read our Biblical Responses section – the responses which we feel a candidate should have chosen from a Christian, biblical worldview perspective on pages 16 through 18. To see whether or not a candidate agrees with your view point on our topics you will need to compare their answers to our questionnaire printed on page 11. We recommend that you first list the answers of your favorite candidates on a separate piece of paper then go to the questionnaire and compare their answers. This will save you the time and effort of having to turn back and forth between the questionnaire and your candidates’ answers. On pages 12 through 14 are the responses to our 2012 General Election Candidate Questionnaire from candidates running for office from the Republican, Democrat, Libertarian, and U.S. Constitution Party. Due to the importance of this election cycle we also mailed questionnaires to candidates running for U.S. Congress that were not in our readership area as well as the Presidential and Vice Presidential candidates from each of the Parties mentioned above. Our prayer is that this information will assist you in making the right choice on whom to vote for in the upcoming election. In closing, I want to make sure everyone remembers that regardless of the outcome of this election that Christ Jesus is still on His throne at the right hand of His Father, He is still in charge, and He works everything for good for those who are called according to His purpose. He is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords! May HIS will be done in this critical time in the history of our nation. SUPPORT PRO-LIFE CANDIDATES November 2012 St. Louis MetroVoice Page 11 + + + ST. LOUIS METROVOICE 2012 GENERAL ELECTION CANDIDATE QUESTIONNAIRE 1. LEGISLATIVE PHILOSOPHY [a] America is a melting pot of beliefs & values. Since we live in a democracy, laws that relate to moral issues should reflect the view of the majority of our citizens and not impose any one group’s values over another’s. [b] Issues related to morality are very subjective. Therefore, government should not legislate morality. [c] Laws, by their nature, legislate morality. Since our nation was founded upon the specific moral principles of the Judeo-Christian belief system, those principles should be our guide to the enactment of any legislation. 2. HEALTH CARE [a] The new federal Affordable Health Care Act should be fully implemented because it is fair, equitable and provides everyone with affordable health care. ourselves as a nation. The Constitution is a document that requires continual scrutiny and revision as the needs of our society change. [b] The U.S. Constitution is one of the primary founding documents of our country. It should never be interpreted without first considering the intent of our founding fathers when it was written. It should only be changed through a properly enacted amendment after careful consideration and exhaustive public debate. 7. EDUCATION [a] Education should be supported and monitored at state and local levels with minimal federal involvement. [b] Support and oversight of education by federal, state and local government is absolutely necessary to ensure that all children receive a high quality education so they may compete in the global market. [b] The Affordable Health Care Act should be repealed. The Act is neither fair, equitable nor Constitutional. Government should not be forcing citizens to purchase goods or services be it health care or anything else. [c] Education of children should be left in the hands of parents without federal or state intervention or control. 3. PRIVATE PROPERTY [a] The 2nd Amendment was intended to apply only to the federal military, state militias (today’s National Guard) and law enforcement, not the general public. 8. SECOND AMENDMENT [a] Private property should, in some situations, be subject to public opinion and consensus as to its use. [b] Private property is fundamental to freedom and prosperity and should not be subject to external controls. [c] Private property cannot be allowed to stand in the way of civic progress or the good of a community. [b] The use of firearms for sporting, recreational and home defense purposes are perfectly legitimate uses, but in the interest of public safety, firearms should be registered to help law enforcement fight crime. [c] The 2nd Amendment broadly protects the rights of individual Americans to keep and bear arms. Gun control infringes upon this Constitutional right and violates the original intent of our founding fathers. 4. TAXATION [a] Taxes should be a fixed percentage of commercial activity and government services held to that percentage of income without the ability to borrow past that limit. [b] Taxes should be pro-rated. Those at the highest income levels should pay the highest rates. Conversely, those who are at the lowest income levels should pay the lowest rates or none at all. 5. ABORTION [a] The freedom to have an abortion is, and should remain, a woman’s choice. [b] Abortions should only be allowed in cases of rape, incest or to save the life of the mother. [c] Abortions should only be allowed in rare cases to save the life of the mother. [d] Under no circumstances should any type of abortion be allowed. 6. THE U.S. CONSTITUTION [a] The U.S. Constitution is a historical part of the founding of our country. It is the document that gave us our rights and liberties and outlines how we should govern 9. IMMIGRATION [a] We are a nation of immigrants. As a wealthy, compassionate and benevolent country we should welcome immigrants to our country and support their needs without challenges to their circumstances. [b] Illegal immigration threatens our national sovereignty, security and culture. Our present immigration policy can and should be better enforced and controlled but we should recognize and accept legitimate immigrants without burdensome red tape. Criminal aliens however should be rejected and deported without question. 10. MARRIAGE [a] Denying same-sex couples the right to legally marry is discrimination and a violation of their First Amendment rights. Same-sex couples should have the same right to marry as heterosexual couples. [b] Marriage is the union of one man and one woman and has been the foundation of the family since the beginning of time. Legalization of same-sex marriages stands opposed to the laws of nature and God. NOTE: Please mail your questionnaire to: St. Louis MetroVoice, PO Box 1533, St. Peters, MO 63376 or e-mail it to You may also fax it (please call first) to (636) 936-8119. Your questionnaire MUST BE RECEIVED NOT LATER THAN SEPTEMBER 27 to be included in our election issue. If it is not returned we will assume you “Chose Not to Respond” which will be noted next to your name in our section. On behalf of the MetroVoice staff and those who you are seeking to represent, thank you. - Jim Day, Publisher Don’t forget to take the + + QUICK REFERENCE VOTING GUIDE with you to the polls when you vote! + + + + November 2012 St. Louis MetroVoice Page 12 General Election 2012 Questionnaire Presidential and Missouri Candidate Responses CANDIDATE RESPONSE KEY Republican Party Libertarian Party Democrat Party Constitution Party U.S. President & Vice President i Barack Obama - President Joseph Biden - Vice President i to provide – not the federal government. The course of education for minors is for parents to decide.” *9. Candidate wrote in “c” and wrote: “We must totally end illegal immigration and significantly reduce legal immigration.” i Robb Cunningham CHOSE NOT TO RESPOND 2.b 7.c 3.b 8.c 4.a 9.b U.S. Senator Claire McCaskill Gary Johnson President James Gray – Vice President 1.c 6.b i 3.b 8.c CHOSE NOT TO RESPOND 1.c 6.b 1.b 6.b 2.b 7.a 3.b 8.c 4.a 9.b 5.c 10.b 2.b 7.c 3.b 8.c 4.a 9.a 5.a 10.a 4.a 9.b 5.c 10.b 1.b 2.b 3.b 4.NR* 5.NR* 6.b 7.c 8.c 9.a* 10.a *4. Candidate wrote in: “Neither.” *5. Candidate wrote in: “None of the above.” *9. Marked ‘a’ and scratched through “and support their needs.” 1.c 6.b 2.b 7.c 3.b 4.a 5.d 10.b U.S. Representative District 5 Emanuel Cleaver II 3.b 8.c 4.a 9.a 5.a 10.a U.S. Representative District 1 CHOSE NOT TO RESPOND Anatol Zorikova i CHOSE NOT TO RESPOND David Spence 1.c 6.b 2.b 7.a 3.b 8.c 4.a 9.b 5.c 10.b 3.b 8.c 4.a 9.a 5.a 10.a Jim Higgins 1.c 6.b 2.b 7.c 3.b 8.c 4.b 9.b 5.b 10.b Randall Langkraeher U.S. Representative District 3 CHOSE NOT TO RESPOND Robyn Hamlin CHOSE NOT TO RESPOND Blaine Luetkemeyer 1.c 2.b 3.b 4.b 5.b 6.b 7.a 8.c 9.b 10.b* *10. Candidate chose ‘b’ and wrote in: “Marriage is one man and one woman. That is not to say that other people don’t have the right to a civil union, whether they are heterosexual or not. People should have the right to name their closest human.” 1.c 6.b 2.b 7.a 1.b 6.b 2.b 7.c Missouri Lt. Governor Susan Monte CHOSE NOT TO RESPOND Peter Kinder i CHOSE NOT TO RESPOND CHOSE NOT TO RESPOND Matthew Copple CHOSE NOT TO RESPOND CHOSE NOT TO RESPOND Eric Mayer William Clay i i Jacob Turk 2.b 7.a Missouri Governor i Jonathan Dine 1.b 6.b CHOSE NOT TO RESPOND Greg Cowan Bill Slantz i 2.b 7.a Rick Vandeven Jay Nixon Ann Wagner Virgil Goode Jr. - President 1.c 2.b 3.b 4.NR* 5.d 6.b 7.NR* 8.c 9.NR* 10.b *4. Candidate wrote in “c” and wrote: “Taxes should be fair, simple and Constitutional!” *7. Candidate wrote in “d” and wrote: “Public education is for state and local governments CHOSE NOT TO RESPOND Thomas Holbrook CHOSE NOT TO RESPOND Todd Akin comment 5.c 10.b + MISSOURI + CHOSE NOT TO RESPOND NR Teresa Hensley CHOSE NOT TO RESPOND 1.c 6.b No Response, * but made a U.S. Representative District 4 Vicky Hartzler CHOSE NOT TO RESPOND No Response 1RUHVSRQVHWRWKHWRSLF U.S. Representative District 2 Glenn Koenen 1.b 2.b 3.b 4.NR* 5.a 6.b 7.a 8.c 9.NR* 10.a *4. Candidates wrote in: “Other: Federal income and payroll taxes should be repealed, the IRS abolished, and a consumption tax enacted to tax sales rather than income, investment and other productive economic activity.” *9. Candidates wrote in: “Other: Immigration should be easier for those who wish to come to the U.S. to work, and work visas should be issued on the basis of the market, rather than arbitrary limits or quotas. Those who pass a basic criminal background check and can find work should be allowed to enter with minimal government obstacles.” Incumbent NOTE: Incumbent includes anyone UXQQLQJIRUVDLGRIÀFHRUSUHVHQWO\ KROGLQJDQRWKHURIÀFH Jim Clymer – Vice President Mitt Romney - President Paul Ryan - Vice President NR Cynthia Davis U.S. Representative District 8 Jack Rushin i CHOSE NOT TO RESPOND 3.b 8.c 4.a 9.b 5.b 10.b Jo Ann Emerson i Steven Wilson CHOSE NOT TO RESPOND 1.c 2.b 3.b 4.a 5.c 6.b 7.a* 8.c 9.b 10.b *7. Marked ‘a’ and added: “but it is not totally reflective of my philosophy since it says ‘minimal federal involvement’ and I don’t believe we should have any federal involvement.” See Questionnaire page 13 1.c 2.b 3.b 4.NR* 5.b 6.b 7.a 8.c 9.b 10.b *4. Wrote in: “I support tax reform to make our tax code flatter and fairer, as well as a reduction in the corporate tax rate.” It’s YOUR Christian Civic Duty To Vote! November 2012 St. Louis MetroVoice Questionnaire Missouri Secretary of State Jason Kander i 2.b 7.a MO Senate District 3 Joseph Fallert CHOSE NOT TO RESPOND i Shane Schoeller 1.c 6.b Continued from page 12 3.b 8.c i CHOSE NOT TO RESPOND 4.a 9.b 5.c 10.b MO Senate District 13 CHOSE NOT TO RESPOND Gina Walsh CHOSE NOT TO RESPOND Jacquelyn Thomas CHOSE NOT TO RESPOND Justin Harter CHOSE NOT TO RESPOND Missouri Treasurer i CHOSE NOT TO RESPOND State Representative District 41 Ed Schieffer i i Cole McNary State Representative District 65 Ann Zerr i CHOSE NOT TO RESPOND CHOSE NOT TO RESPOND John Alsup 1.b 6.b 2.b 7.a 3.b 8.c 4.b 9.b 5.b 10.b Sean O’Toole CHOSE NOT TO RESPOND State Representative District 63 Chris Koster i CHOSE NOT TO RESPOND State Representative District 66 Ed Martin 1.c 6.b 2.b 7.c 3.b 8.c 4.a 9.b 5.d 10.b Dave Browning CHOSE NOT TO RESPOND MO Senate District 1 Scott Sifton Jim Lembke i CHOSE NOT TO RESPOND i NOT TO RESPOND CHOSE NOT TO RESPOND State Representative District 64 Wayne Henke CHOSE NOT TO RESPOND 1.c 6.b 2.b 7.a 3.b 8.c CHOSE NOT TO RESPOND 4.a 9.b 5.c 10.b State Representative District 90 Deb Lavender Rick Stream State Representative District 68 2.b 7.a 3.a 8.c 4.a 9.b CHOSE NOT TO RESPOND Rekha Sharma CHOSE NOT TO RESPOND State Representative District 69 Margo McNeil i CHOSE NOT TO RESPOND CHOSE NOT TO RESPOND State Representative District 70 Joe Zelle i 1.a 6.b 2.a 7.b 3.a 8.c Marsha Haefner 1.c 6.b 2.b 7.a 3.b 8.c 4.a 9.b 4.b 9.b State Representative District 91 Jeanne Kirkton i CHOSE CHOSE NOT TO RESPOND State Representative District 97 Sam Komo NOT TO RESPOND CHOSE NOT TO RESPOND Elizabeth Deal CHOSE NOT TO RESPOND State Representative District 92 Genise Montecillo i CHOSE NOT TO RESPOND John McCaherty 1.c 6.b 2.b 7.c 3.b 8.c 3.b 8.c 1.c 6.b 4.a 9.b 5.c 10.b 2.b 3.b 4.b 5.d 10.b CHOSE NOT TO RESPOND Mary Nichols CHOSE NOT TO RESPOND 1.c 6.b 2.b 7.c 3.b 8.c State Representative District 99 5.d 10.b 1.b 2.NR 3.b 4.b* 5.NR 6.a 7.a 8.c 9.b 10.NR *4. Choose ‘b’ and scratched through “or none at all.” Andrew Koenig i 1.c 2.b 3.b 4.a 5.c 6.b 7.a* 8.c 9.b 10.b *7. Chose ‘a’ and wrote “no” above the word “minimal.” State Representative District 102 1.c 2.b 3.a 4.a 5.b* 6.b 7.a 8.c* 9.b 10.b *5. Chose ‘b’ and wrote in: “I have a MO Right to Life endorsement.” *8. Chose ‘c’ and wrote in: “I am rated ‘AQ’ from the NRA.” 4.a 9.b 5.d 10.b Bob Burns State Representative District 72 Patrick Brennan 4.a 9.b NO PHOTO AVAILABLE State Representative District 93 2.b 7.a i William Pinkston Al Faulstich CHOSE NOT TO RESPOND 1.c 6.b 5.b 10.a i 5.c 10.b Bill Otto Eugene Dokes 5.c 10.b State Representative District 95 Keith English Robert Cornejo VOTE November 6th 1.c 6.b CHOSE NOT TO RESPOND Tony Leech CHOSE NOT TO RESPOND CHOSE NOT TO RESPOND Cloria Brown Julie Stone Bryan Spencer CHOSE NOT TO RESPOND 1.c 2.b 3.b 4.a 5.c 6.b 7.a* 8.c 9.b 10.b *7. Chose ‘a’ and struck through the words “with minimal federal involvement.” iCHOSE Tommie Pierson Glen Lindemann 1.a 2.a* 3.a 4.b 5.b 6.b 7.b 8.b* 9.b* 10.b* *2. Marked ‘a’ and added: “May need future amendments.” *8. Marked ‘b’ and added a comma after the word “crime,” and wrote in “only automatic.” *9. Marked ‘b’ and underscored the words “Criminal aliens.” *10. Marked ‘b’, underscored the word “Legalization,” and wrote: “Never to receive same tax & legal benefits.” Vicki Englund Edward Harlow Bill Stinson Missouri Attorney General i State Representative District 94 CHOSE NOT TO RESPOND Beverly Steiniger CHOSE NOT TO RESPOND State Representative District 82 Michele Kratky Gary Romine Cisse Spragins Clint Zweifel CHOSE NOT TO RESPOND Page 13 John Callahan CHOSE NOT TO RESPOND See Questionnaire page 14 November 2012 St. Louis MetroVoice Page 14 Questionnaire Kurt Bahr i Continued from page 13 State Representative District 104 Kathie Conway Ron Hicks i CHOSE NOT TO RESPOND Terry Lesinski November 6, 2012 Missouri’s Four State-wide Ballot Issues Constitutional Amendment 3 Vote YES Accountability for Nonpartisan Judges 3.b 8.c i Dan Smith Ann Schroeder CHOSE NOT TO RESPOND Paul Curtman 1.NR 2.a* 3.b* 4.b 5.a 6.b 7.b 8.b 9.b 10.a *2. Marked ‘a’ and wrote in: “National Health Care is needed, this particular one may still need some changes.” *3. Marked ‘b’ but underscored “some situations” in choice ‘a’ and wrote in “Usually each subdivision has rules & when you purchase there, you agree to abide by them,” under selection ‘b’. CHOSE NOT TO RESPOND State Representative District 109 Debbie Bixler Proposition A......................... Vote YES Returning Control of St. Louis Police to Local Citizens Proposition E ......................... Vote YES Limits to Creating ObamaCare Healthcare Exchanges 5.b 10.b State Representative District 105 Mark Parkinson Proposition B .......................... Vote NO Massive 500%+ Tax Increase on All Tobacco Products 4.a 9.b 1.c 6.b 2.b 7.c i 3.b 8.c 4.a 9.b 5.c 10.b State Representative District 111 NO PHOTO AVAILABLE 1.c 2.b 3.b 4.a 5.d* 6.b 7.a 8.c 9.b 10.b *5. Marked ‘d’ and wrote in: “I really believe ‘c’ should be the case & these cases should be extremely rare with our modern medicine & technical advancements in saving lives however I am a realist & know if you make the exception then ‘every’ abortion will be because of the ‘life of the mother’ is in danger.” Michael Frame CHOSE NOT TO RESPOND State Representative District 114 T. J. McKenna Derrick Good CHOSE NOT TO RESPOND 1.c 6.b 2.b 7.c 3.b 8.c 4.a 9.b 5.b 10.b State Representative District 107 Rod Hoffman CHOSE NOT TO RESPOND 1.c 6.b 2.b 7.a 3.b 8.c 4.a 9.b 5.c 10.b State Representative District 112 Danie CHOSE NOT TO RESPOND Paul Wieland Becky Ruth CHOSE NOT TO RESPOND State Representative District 115 Rich McCane CHOSE NOT TO RESPOND i Elaine Gannon 1.c 6.b + QUICK REFERENCE VOTING GUIDE 2.b 7.a 2.b 7.a 3.b 8.c 4.a 9.b 5.c 10.b CHOSE NOT TO RESPOND + VOTE November 6th 1.c 6.b Jeff Roorda + 1.c 2.b 3.b* 4.a 5.c* 6.b 7.c 8.c 9.b 10.b *3. Marked ‘b’ and wrote in: “Eminent Domain is acceptably only within Constitutional limits.” *5. Marked ‘c’ and wrote in: “Specifically, ectopic pregnancy.” CHOSE NOT TO RESPOND State Representative District 113 SUPPORT PRO-LIFE CANDIDATES + + + will STAND TOUGH for Christian Values On November 6th Vote Ed Martin for Attorney General PAID FOR BY MISSOURIANS FOR ED MARTIN, RANDY MCARTHUR, TREASURER November 2012 St. Louis MetroVoice Page 15 Missouri Right to Life PAC Candidate Endorsements General Election – November 6, 2012 These candidates are endorsed by Missouri Right to Life Political Action Committees for the November 6, 2012, general election. Unlisted races have no endorsements. Complete candidate ratings at U. S. President U.S. Senate MITT ROMNEY (R) TODD AKIN (R) “If I have the opportunity to serve as our nation’s next president, I commit to doing everything in my power to cultivate, promote, and support a culture of life in America.” U.S. Congress District 1 ROBYN HAMLIN (R) District 2 A ANN W WAGNE R (R) District 3 BLAINE LUETKEMEYER R (R) District 4 VICKY HARTZLER R (R) District 5 JACOB TURK (R) District 6 SAM GR GRAVES (R) District 7 BILLY LONG (R) District 8 JO ANN A EMERSON (R) District 6 TIM REMOLE (R) DIANA J. SCOTT (D) District 7 HARRY RR W WYSE (D) District 8 JAMES W W. (JIM) NEELY (R) District 9 DELUS JOHNSON (R) District 12 K KEN WILSON (R) District 13 NICK MARSHALL (R) District 14 RON SCHIEBER R (R) District 15 K KEVIN CORLEW (R) Missouri Statewide Races District 20 BRENT LASA LASATER R (R) Governor DAVID (DAVE) SPENCE (R) District 21 VICKI RILEY (R) Lieutenant Governor CYNTHIA L. DAVIS (C) District 25 SALLY MILLER R (R) Attorney General ED MARTIN (R) District 28 JIM AZIERE (R) Missouri Senate District 31 DALE WALKU W P (D) District 1 JIM LEMBKE (R) District 3 GARY R ROMINE (R) JOSEPH FALLE F RT, JR. (D) District 13 JACQUELYN THOMAS (R) District 25 TERRY RR SWINGER R (D) District 27 W WAYNE W WALLINGFO RD (R) District 29 DAVID SAT A ER R (R) District 31 ED EMERY R (R) Missouri House of Representatives District 3 NATE WALKE NA W R (R) District 5 LINDELL F. F SHUMAKE (R) TOM SHIVELY (D) District 33 RON HARVEY R (D) District 37 NOLA WOOD (R) District 39 JOE DON MCGAUGH (R) WILL TALBERT (D) “I believe that life begins at conception, and I’m appalled that we do not protect the innocent lives of our unborn children.” District 46 FRED BERRY RR (R) District 82 EDWARD HARLOW (R) District 127 MIKE K KELLEY (R) District 47 MITCH RICHARDS (R) District 91 ELIZABETH DEAL (R) District 128 SUE ENTLICHER R (R) District 48 DAVE MUNTZEL (R) District 92 A FAULS AL F TICH (R) District 129 SANDY D CRAWFO CR RD (R) District 49 JEANIE RIDDLE (R) District 93 TONY LEECH (R) District 130 JEFF MESSENGER R (R) District 51 DEAN A. DOHRMAN (R) District 94 CLORIA BROWN (R) District 52 ST STANLEY COX (R) District 99 A DREW KOENIG (R) AN District 131 SONYA MURRAY RR AN A DER A DERSON (R) AN District 53 GLEN KOLKMEYER R (R) District 102 K RT BAHR KU R (R) District 55 RICK BRA BRATTIN (R) District 104 KATHIE CONWAY (R) KA District 57 DON BULLOCK (D) District 106 CHRISSY SOMMER R (R) District 58 DAVID WOOD (R) District 107 RON HICKS (R) District 59 MIKE BERNSKOE R TTER R (R) District 109 PAUL CURTMAN (R) District 61 DAVE SCHAT CHA Z (R) District 111 DERRICK R. GOOD (R) District 62 TOM HURST (R) GREG STRA STRATMAN (D) District 112 PAUL WIELAND (R) District 63 BR BRYAN SPENCER R (R) BILL STINSON (D) District 64 ROBERT CORNE RNEJO (R) WAYNE J. HENKE (D) W District 132 MELISSA LEACH (R) District 133 ERIC W. W BURLISON (R) District 134 ELIJ LIJAH HAAHR R (R) District 136 K KEVIN A TIN (R) AUS District 138 DON PHILLIPS (R) District 140 L LYNN MORRIS (R) District 141 TONY DUGGER R (R) District 113 DAN E. SMITH (R) District 143 JEFFREY POGUE (R) SHANE VAN V STEENIS (D) District 114 BECKY RUTH (R) District 144 PAUL FITZWAT ZWA ER R (R) District 115 District 147 ELAINE FREEMAN GANNON (R) KATHY SWAN (R) KA GANNON (R) District 148 RICH MCCANE (D) HOLLY REHDER R (R) District 118 District 40 PAUL QUINN (D) District 68 REKHA SHARMA (R) K TH ENGLISH (D) KEI District 41 ED SCHIEFFER R (D) District 69 GLEN LINDEMANN (R) District 120 JASON T. SMITH (R) District 42 BART KORMAN (R) District 70 EUGENE DOKES (R) District 122 STEVE L LYNCH (R) District 44 CALEB ROWDEN (R) District 72 PA ICK J. BRENNEN (R) PATR BEN HARRIS (D) District 123 DIANE FR FRANKLIN (R) Elections have consequences Elections have consequences District 149 NEAL E. BOYD (R) District 150 K KEN T HAMPTON (R) District 151 DENNIS FOWLER R (R) District 153 STEVE COOKSON (R) District 158 SCOTT FITZPA PATRICK (R) District 162 CHARLIE DAVIS (R) Paid for by Missouri Right to Life Political Action Committees, Patricia Skain, Treasurer. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate committee. Page 16 November 2012 St. Louis MetroVoice The Biblical Answers to Our 2012 General Election Questionnaire By Dr. David J. Vaughan What follows are the Judeo-Christian belief system, Questionnaire ‘topics’ and those principles should be our ‘statements’ guide to the under each topic enactment of any from our 2012 legislation. General Election Questionnaire. Legislative Questionnaires Philosophy were sent to - The Biblical Missouri StateResponse is [c] wide and local According to candidates within Romans chapter our readership 13, God ordains area as well as the human government Presidential and as a means to curb Dr. David J. Vaughan Vice Presidential evil and reward candidates who will be on the good in this life. Government November 6th ballot in Missouri. officials are here called the Unfortunately we were unable “servants” of God. Government to send our Questionnaire to the originates in the Divine will; Illinois candidates within our therefore, God desires that it readership area and for that we sincerely apologize to our Illinois conform to the Divine will or law. Civil government is not, readers. as some have taught, an evil institution. It is a good institution The Process designed to punish evil. The State Candidates were asked to is required by God to keep law ponder statements under 10 and order by protecting the lawdifferent major topics and select abiding citizen and punishing the one of the statements listed that law-breaking criminal. The State either directly reflected or came is, therefore, an agency of “wrath” the closest to reflecting their or “vengeance” against those who personal opinion, position or violate the law. To this end, God beliefs on that particular topic. has given the State the “sword,” The statements under each topic were structured to not only reveal which is a symbol of its power to inflict physical punishments on the candidates knowledge of the criminals. subject but, more importantly, However, it is erroneous to their overall world-view. assume, therefore, that because Following each topic and Church and State are distinct its respective statements we institutions, that the State is a have provided the appropriate non-religious, or purely secular, response from a biblical, institution. Romans 13 teaches Christian world-view that civil government has its origin perspective. We encourage you in the Divine Will, thus it does to compare the answers that your not have a secular (non-religious) candidate provided through their foundation. Moreover, the duty of Questionnaire to the appropriate the State is to implement law, and biblical responses that we’ve law has its foundation in religious listed before casting your vote. belief. Law is inescapably moral, An individual’s world-view and morality expresses notions reveals how they think and act of ultimate value or religious privately as well as publicly. presupposition. In a sense, law is Knowing, or at least having a the legal codification of a society’s sense of an individual’s worldreligious values. For instance, in view, is extremely important our founding legal document, we - particularly when he or she is are told that “men are endowed running for public office. Values with certain inalienable rights,” voters, i.e. Christian citizens, such as “life, liberty and the should expect, and should pursuit of happiness;” and that be most supportive of, those these rights are derived from “the candidates whose answers reflect laws of Nature and Nature’s God.” a biblical, Christian world-view on each of the subjects covered in Here we have a religious principle codified in a legal document. As a our Questionnaire. result, we criminalize and punish murder. Yet, we do so because we 1. Legislative Philosophy believe that human life is sacred. [a] America is But our belief in the sanctity of a melting pot of human life is religiously derived; it beliefs & values. is an article of faith. Since we live in a democracy, 2. Health Care laws that relate [a] The to moral issues new federal should reflect the view of the Affordable majority of our citizens and not Health Care Act impose any one group’s values should be fully over another’s. implemented because it is fair, [b] Issues related to morality equitable and provides everyone are very subjective. Therefore, with affordable health care. government should not legislate morality. [b] The Affordable Health Care Act should be repealed. The [c] Laws, by their nature, Act is neither fair, equitable nor legislate morality. Since our Constitutional. Government nation was founded upon the should not be forcing citizens to specific moral principles of the purchase goods or services be it health care or anything else. Health Care - The Biblical Response is [b] The modern issue of health care must be viewed through the biblical teaching on ‘charity.’ In the Scriptures there are three “circles of concern:” the family, the Church and the State. Which has the primary duty of caring for the poor and infirm? That duty falls mainly on the family. Next in line is the Church, which is also to help those who have no family support (I Tim. 5: 1-16). Other than the example of famine in Egypt under Joseph, which was a genuine national emergency, we have no biblical example of civil government directly supporting the poor. Therefore, it can be argued that the responsibility to provide health care falls first on the family and secondarily on the Church. To that end, various laws in the Old Testament (such as gleaning regulations, the festival tithe, and priestly hygienic laws) were established to encourage compassion and generosity to the needy, and to ensure the general health of the people of Israel. The role of the civil government ought to be one of insuring fair and equitable medical and legal practices, not one of providing health care itself. Of course, this would require two areas of reform. First taxes must be lowered so families have the economic means to care for their own. And secondly, the insurance industry must be reformed, the result of which would be the lowering of medical costs. These two reforms alone would alleviate the socalled “crisis” in health care, and eliminate the need for direct government intervention. 3. Private Property [a] Private property should, in some situations, be subject to public opinion and consensus as to its use. [b] Private property is fundamental to freedom and prosperity and should not be subject to external controls. [c] Private property cannot be allowed to stand in the way of civic progress or the good of a community. Private Property - The Biblical Response is [b] The biblical teaching on private property assumes the following: 1) All wealth is owned by God (Dt. 10:14; Job 41:11; Ps. 24:1-2; Ps 50:10-12). God repeatedly says in His Word, “The earth is mine!” Because He is the Creator He is the absolute owner of all. 2) All personal and social wealth comes from God (Dt. 8:18; Pr. 10:22; Ps. 127:2; Mt. 6:25-26). The Bible does recognize the private ownership of property, but it is a relative right not an absolute one. God is the absolute owner, and the wealth He bestows on any given person is a stewardship. 3) All wealth should be used according to God’s will (Lk. 12:41-48; Mt. 25:14-46). The Decalogue forbids theft: “Thou shalt not steal.” And this command, as well as many others in the Old Testament, recognizes the right to private property. The Eminent Domain Supreme Court Decision, as well as many laws on taxation, not only directly violate the U. S. Constitution; more importantly, they directly violate God’s sacred law, “thou shalt not steal.” Theft is theft regardless of the perpetrator whether he be a hooded robber with a loaded gun or a blackrobed judge with an unrighteous decree. 4. Taxation [a] Taxes should be a fixed percentage of commercial activity and government services held to that percentage of income without the ability to borrow past that limit. [b] Taxes should be pro-rated. Those at the highest income levels should pay the highest rates. Conversely, those who are at the lowest income levels should pay the lowest rates or none at all. Taxation – The Biblical Response is [a] The fundamental difference between the modern method of taxation and the biblical model is very simple: modern taxation is progressive, whereas biblical taxation is regressive. A progressive tax means different percentages (hence, different tax brackets) for diverse groups, whereas a regressive tax requires the same percentage for all groups or persons. In Mosaic legislation, taxation was referred to as the “tithe,” which literally means 10%. There were three tithes instituted in Israel, the Levitical tithe (Lev. 17: 30-34; Nu. 18: 21, 24), the Festival tithe (Dt. 12: 5-7, 17-18; 14: 23), and the Poor tithe (Dt. 14: 28-29; 26: 12-13). The Levitical tithe was used to support the priests and Levites as they ministered to the religious and spiritual needs of Israel. This tithe maintained the proper public worship of God. The Festival tithe was used to celebrate the three annual festivals held in Jerusalem. The Poor tithe was given every third year, and replaced the festival tithe of that year. This meant that every family in Israel paid an average tax of 23% of their increase (income). However, we must note that this included “religious” giving as well as civil taxes. In addition to these tithes there was a minor tax for “redeeming the first born,” and a minor “head tax” when the men of Israel came of age. There were no property taxes, no real estate taxes, no gift taxes, no inheritance taxes, etc. The annual tax was on increase (income) only. If we exclude the Levitical tithe from our calculations (since Israel was a theocracy and the priesthood was part of the government), the application of the Mosaic legislation to today would result in a tax rate of approximately 13-15% of income paid for all civil services – local, state and federal. Moreover, the most important point to note is, that this tax would be applied equally to all, rich and poor. The same percentage paid by all; hence, genuine equality before the law. Further, if we limit the definition of commercial activity to a ‘sales tax’ and exclude personal or corporate income from potential taxation, a uniform rate applicable to all would accomplish the aim of equality under the law, necessarily fulfill the scriptural precedent of ‘to whom much is given much is required’ for the wealthiest individuals/ corporations/businesses would logically pay more in the aggregate, and could allow for exemptions to the national sales tax targeted to the very poor and destitute among us (as transpires currently where life necessities are sales tax free for WIC/SNAP purchases). 5. Abortion [a] The freedom to have an abortion is, and should remain, a woman’s choice. [b] Abortions should only be allowed in cases of rape, incest or to save the life of the mother. [c] Abortions should only be allowed in rare cases to save the life of the mother. [d] Under no circumstances should any type of abortion be allowed. Abortion - The Biblical Response is [c] The Christian view of abortion can only be understood in the broader context of the Bible’s overwhelmingly pro-life teaching. The indisputable sanctity of human life is taught throughout the Scriptures. From Genesis onward, for instance, the creation account states that men and women are created in the very image of God (Gen.1:26-28). This simple but profound fact gives human life a priceless value. Moreover, Genesis also tells us that God commanded man to be fruitful and multiply, a command that includes a moral judgment that human life is a positive good that should be reproduced. In addition, God required that murder be punished by death because man is made in the image of God (Gen. 9:5-6). Of course, the ultimate statement on the value of innocent human life is the death of Christ for mankind. How See Biblical Answers page 17 November 2012 St. Louis MetroVoice Biblical Answers Continued from page 16 6. The U.S. Constitution [a] The U.S. Constitution is a historical part of the founding of our country. It is the document that gave us our rights and liberties and outlines how we should govern ourselves as a nation. The Constitution is however a living, breathing document that requires continual scrutiny and revision as the needs of our society change. [b] The U.S. Constitution is one of the primary founding documents of our country. It should never be interpreted without first considering the intent of our founding fathers when it was written. It should only be changed through a properly enacted amendment after careful consideration and exhaustive public debate. The U.S. Constitution - The Biblical Response is [b] The Bible does not directly address the question of Constitutional interpretation. However, it does address the issue of truth telling. In the Ninth Commandment, we are told not to bear false witness; this requires not only that we tell the truth, but also that we accurately represent the words and actions of others. Misrepresentation of someone else’s words is a distortion or perversion of meaning. It is a form of lying. This is forbidden by Scripture, and is the biblical basis for a strict interpretation of the Constitution – indeed, of any written document. To read the Constitution contrary to the meaning of the drafters is to falsify their meaning, which the Bible forbids. Those who argue that the Constitution is a “living, breathing document” generally attempt to change the plain meaning of the text to fit a modern politicallycorrect agenda. 7. Education [a] Federal support and oversight of education is absolutely necessary to ensure that all of our nation’s children receive a high quality education so they are prepared to compete in today’s global economy. [b] Education should be supported and monitored at state and local levels with minimal federal involvement. [c] Education should be left in the hands of parents without federal or state oversight, intervention, or control. Education - The Biblical Response is [c] The Bible recognizes at least three “orders” or “institutions” ordained by God to administer His authority: the State, the Church and the Family. These three are institutionally separate, with different duties and rights. The State is to administer civil justice as defined by God: its symbol is the sword. The Church is to administer grace through the Gospel, the sacraments and charity: its symbol is the keys. The Family is to administer nurture, instruction and welfare: its symbol is the rod. Thus, there is no biblical mandate for State involvement in education, while there is a clear and forceful mandate to the Family (the parents) to train and educate their children (See Dt. 4:9; 6:39, 20-25; Pr. 1: 8-9; 22:6; Eph. 6:1-4). A biblical approach to education, therefore, will limit the involvement of civil government while simultaneously encouraging parents to assume full responsibility for their children’s education. 9 Immigration [a] We are a nation of immigrants. As a wealthy, compassionate and benevolent country we should welcome immigrants to our country and support their needs without challenges to their circumstances or qualifications for citizenship. [b] Uncontrolled immigration threatens our national sovereignty, security and culture. Immigration policy should be crafted and enforced which recognizes and accepts legitimate immigrants without burdensome red tape. Illegal aliens, however, should be held accountable to the established law. Immigration - The Biblical Response is [b] The Bible has much to say regarding the “stranger,” “foreigner” or “alien.” The most common Hebrew term used is gûr (or gêr), which literally means “client” or “stranger.” It refers to a person who has taken up permanent residence in a foreign country. (See Vine, Expository Dictionary) According to Old Testament, legislation the “client” is to observe the Sabbath rest (Ex. 20:10) and to share obligations with the Israelite population (Ex. 12:19; Lev. 16:29). Although these “clients had no inherited rights in the land (as did the descendants of Abraham under the provisions of the covenant promise), they were nevertheless granted concessional rights, privileges and also responsibilities, under the law. The Israelites were required to treat the “clients” kindly (Lev. 19:10; 23:22; Dt. 10:18-19; 14:29; 24:19-21), and not oppress them (Lev. 19:33; Dt. 24:14, etc.). (See Renn, Expository Dictionary of Bible Words) The current immigration debate is primary a matter of border security. In an age of global terrorism, it is incumbent on nation-states to secure their borders against invasions of every kind. In fact, God established the boundaries of each nation, knowing that man’s quest for power required contending nations as checks and balances to restrain tyrannical and oppressive regimes. The civil government is required to punish evil and reward good (Rom. 13:1ff). Therefore, each nation has a right to defend its boundaries from foreign invasion, whether covert infiltration or overt attack, by using military and legislative measures. It is a matter of both prudence and stewardship that each nation must establish reasonable immigration policies to insure its economic, social and political stability. An “open border” policy is national suicide. Repeatedly in the Old Testament, God required that there be “One Law” in the land to be observed by both Jews and “clients” (Ex. 12:49; Lev. 24:22; Nu. 15:14ff). This requirement was designed to guarantee where there was “justice for all” – neither oppression nor privilege. Everyone had to obey the same laws. An “illegal” immigrant is, by definition, in violation of the law (hence, the term “illegal”) and should be dealt with accordingly. See Biblical Answers page 18 Your vote is her voice . . . 8. Second Amendment [a] The 2nd Amendment was intended to apply only to the federal military, state militias (today’s National Guard) and law enforcement, not the general public. [b] The use of firearms for sporting, recreational and home defense purposes are perfectly legitimate uses, but in the interest of public safety, guns and ammunition should be registered to help law enforcement fight crime. [c] The 2nd Amendment broadly protects the rights of individual Americans to keep and bear arms. Gun control infringes upon this Constitutional right and violates the original intent of our founding fathers. Second Amendment - The Biblical Response is [c] Although the Bible does not directly speak to the issues of You can help save her generation. Vote Pro-Life! Missouri Right to Life Political Action Committee For candidate information, please telephone 573-635-5110 or visit our website at Paid for by Missouri Right to Life PAC, Patty Skain Treasurer Copyright © 2011 Speed of Life Photography. All Rights Reserved. precious is a human soul for which Christ was willing to die? In light of this biblical testimony, we must answer the question of the “hard cases” such as rape and incest. According to the Bible, only those who commit a crime should be punished. Thus, the offending party, the rapist or incestuous perpetrator should suffer, not the unborn child who is the innocent party. Life begins at fertilization. For many Christians the most difficult case is when a mother’s life is in danger from childbirth. Everything should be done to save the life of both mother and child. In the case of a genuine medical emergency (such as an ectopic pregnancy) the mother, in agreement with her husband, might choose to spare her own life for the benefit of her family. However, the same Christ who laid down His life for us has told us to lay down our lives for others. When necessary, we are to follow Christ’s example and die that others may live. A Christian mother, who risks her life that her child might live, is the ultimate example of Christ-like love. gun control or the “right to bear arms” as we understand them, it does teach that self-defense is permissible; thus the “means” of defense, or the right to bear arms is assumed. The Bible gives us a specific law that teaches the right of self-defense. Exodus 22: 2 reads: “If the thief is found breaking in, and he is struck so that he dies, there shall be no guilt for his bloodshed.” Commenting on this verse, Old Testament scholar Walter Kaiser says, “the thief was exposed to the loss of his life as the householder defended himself, his family, and his home by delivering a lethal blow. This was especially true at night when the thief ’s intentions (whether to steal, kill or both) could not be easily and quickly determined.” Because the Bible recognizes the right to private property, as well as the sanctity of marriage, a man has the right to defend both his property and family from violent criminal action. The right to self-defense would be useless of course, if law-abiding citizens did not have the appropriate means to halt aggressive criminals. Thus, selfdefense assumes and requires the right to bear arms. A disarmed citizen is a defenseless citizen, regardless of his supposed “rights.” This was surely the view of our nation’s Founders who drafted and ratified the Second Amendment. Page 17 November 2012 St. Louis MetroVoice Page 18 Biblical Answers Continued from page 17 10. Marriage [a] Denying same-sex couples the right to legally marry is discrimination and a violation of their First Amendment rights. Same-sex couples should have the same right to marry as heterosexual couples. [b] Marriage is the union of one man and one woman and has been the foundation of the family since the beginning of time. Legalization of same-sex marriages stands opposed to the laws of nature and God. Marriage - The Biblical Response is [b] The Bible does not encourage persecution against persons because of race, religion, nationality, religion or gender. The modern notion of “sexual preference” (a code word for homosexual) is foreign to a biblical world-view. In the Bible, we are told that God created “male and female” and commanded them to “be fruitful and multiply” (Gen. 1:2728). Marriage was instituted to facilitate procreation and alleviate man’s loneliness, requiring the “man to leave his mother and father, and cleave unto his wife” (Gen. 2:18-25). Clearly, then, God’s created order for human sexual expression is heterosexual monogamous marriage. All sexual activity outside of the marriage institution is considered sinful. Therefore, the Scriptures prohibit adultery (Ex. 20:14; Rom. 13:9); fornication (Dt. 22:28-29; Mk. 7:21); bestiality (Ex. 22:19; Lev. 20:15); incest (Lev. 18:6-18; I Cor. 5:1), and homosexuality (Lev. 18:22; Rom. 1:24f; I Tim 1:10). Since the duty of the State is to punish evil and reward good, it has a legitimate right (if not duty) to discourage or criminalize each of these activities, rather than grant any of them a protected status. So-called “constitutional” arguments for abolishing heterosexual marriage, such as “freedom of expression” or a “right to happiness,” not only are contrary to the Founder’s original intention (see topic 6), but also cannot be squared with the biblical requirements for human sexuality and marriage. † † † Dr. David J. Vaughan is Pastor of Liberty Christian Church in O’Fallon, MO, Director of the Liberty Leadership Institute (a division of Whitefield Theological Seminary) and President of Liberty Classical School. He also serves a Consulting Editor for the St. Louis MetroVoice and Highland Books. As a prolific writer, Dr. Vaughan has written a multitude of articles which have appeared in numerous national publications. He has also authored a number of books which include: Give Me Liberty: the Uncompromising Statesmanship of Patrick Henry; The Pillars of Leadership; Jonathan Edwards; Extra Muros; and Statesman and Saint: The Principled Politics of William Wilberforce. As a lecturer and community leader, Dr. Vaughan speaks at a variety of church and civic functions, has appeared on nationally syndicated television and radio, and is a host of an Encounter radio program on Christian radio station KSIV 1320 AM here in St. Louis. Dr. Vaughan may be contacted by email at DavidVaughan@LibertySTL. com or by calling (636) 240-4412. For more information regarding Liberty Christian Church visit Joplin is Under Siege by Islam! By B. J. Armstrong I was a first responder volunteer after the 2011 F5 tornado that ripped through Joplin, MO destroying one-third of the city. I was in Joplin four days after the devastating tornado hit and was shocked at the enormous upheaval of what looked like a war zone with only slab foundations and piles of rubble where homes and businesses once stood. Emergency vehicles were still sounding, and ambulances and police cars were still scrambling to reach victims who were trapped under the rubble. I struggled to hold back tears as I drove through the stricken city. The whole thing hit me all at once that people might still be inside some of the hundreds of homes and mangled cars that were picked up by the tornado and slammed back to the ground; everything was smashed beyond recognition. A year later I knew in May that God was tugging at my heart to return to Joplin. It was a place where Christians wanted to be. This friendly, quaint town was just a speck on the map until the deadly May 22 tornado made a three mile wide swathe through the city. For over a year Christian volunteers from virtually every State covered Joplin with daily prayer, not only ly for the City Of Officials who were instantly put into a realm of decision-making that would impact the way Joplin would survive, but for volunteers who saw the overwhelming need and responded with love. I witnessed how that prayer was protecting not only the citizens of Joplin, but those Christian volunteers who faced 105 degree temperatures daily to help rebuild homes and lives. North County Christian School Investing in Eternity One Student at a Time NOW ENROLLING PreK-12th Grade NOR TH ACSI Accredited TY UN CO CE LE B RAT CHRIST IA N S L OO CH » Dual Enrollment/ College Credit and AP Classes » Full College Preparatory Curriculum » Fine Arts and Athletic Programs » Extended Care and Summer Programs E I NG 50 Y AR 845 Dunn Rd. Florissant, MO 63031 314.972.6227 S By this August most volunteers who had come to Joplin and covered it with prayer had returned home because the school year was about to start. Joplin desperately needs Christian volunteers to step forward once again and come to Joplin to help a town still in dire need. They need to rally together and pray for this community which is now facing a much greater danger than the tornado that ravished her. That danger is Islam! What I wasn’t aware of when I first came to Joplin in 2011 was that there was an Islamic Mosque in Joplin. The devastating tornado brought the quaint town’s existence to the attention of the world bringing thousands of both Christian and non-Christian volunteers to help the town. Unfortunately the disaster also provided Islamic leaders with an opportunity. Within days after the tornado The Joplin Globe printed an article about a $500,000 donation to purchase laptops for Joplin schools. The press release said only that the donation was from a ““foreign country.” That country turned out to be the United Arab Emirates an oil rich Muslim country located on the Persian Gulf. The people of Joplin had not even had time to mourn their losses when an Islamic country made its appearance. Just ten days after the storm, while the hurting people of Joplin were still searching for loved ones, and even before the people of Joplin had time to fully grasp what had happened in their lives, Islam was there. City Officials hadn’t even had time to fully organize disaster relief efforts when out of the blue the United Arab Emirates had stepped in with a $500,000 donation – a donation I might add to Joplin’s Public School District to provide laptops for every Joplin high school student. The donation was not earmarked for clean-up, rebuilding homes or infrastructure but to provide laptop computers for Joplin high school students! The Superintendent of Joplin Schools and City Officials either didn’t take the time or didn’t have the time to rationalize why an Islamic country would be offering such money for their school system. The following is a quote from an article that appeared in The Joplin Globe’s August 10, 2011 newspaper confirming Islam’s intrusion came just ten days after the tornado devastated the town and people of Joplin. The Globe article stated, “A Representative from the United Arab Emirates Embassy in Washington D.C., on Tuesday announced an initial donation of $500,000 toward the local school district’s plan to provide laptops computers this year to all Joplin High School students. The announcement regarding the district $2.7 million One-on-One initiative was made at Joplin High School’s temporary 11th and 12th grade campus at Northpark Mall.” The article quoted Dana Al Marashi, head of the Heritage and Social Affairs Department for the United Arab Emirates Embassy who stated, “When we saw the devastation (from the May 22 tornado) that took place, the Ambassador (of the United Arab Emirates) decided that we needed to do something as a country.” “We reached out to Joplin to figure out what we needed to do as far as contributing. We got in touch with the Joplin public schools in terms of helping with the One-toOne initiative.” Al Marashi also stated that “one of her colleagues had visited Joplin ten days after the tornado and spoke to school officials to start mobilizing the effort.” On August 11, 2012 the United Arab Emirates offered a matching fund which upped their donation to $1,000,000 asking for an ongoing ‘partnership’ with the Joplin Public School District. On August 6, 2012, a year af after the tornado and the offer of $1,000,000 for the public school system, the Islamic Mosque in Joplin was burned to the ground. Many citizens of Joplin, including some pastors and other religious groups eagerly tried to make amends for the August 2012 burning of the Mosque even though the FBI has stated it has not been determined who set the fire. Rumors in Joplin have it that an Islamist realizing that Joplin was a strong family oriented Christian city actually set fire to the Mosque to gain sympathy from the City using Joplin’s weakened state to secure a strong hold on Joplin. It worked! The Joplin Globe rallied behind the Muslims and on August 11, 2012 The Globe printed another full page-plus article with the caption “FAITH - Spiritual Studying - Ramadan a Holy Month That Allows Muslims to Purify Soul.” The two page article listed approximately eighty names of people who participated. The list of churches and religious organizations who are supporting this false religious movement is enough to boggle the mind of any discerning Christian who knows that Islam’s goal is to wipe out Christianity – world-wide! On August 20, 2012 The Joplin Globe ran another large front page article entitled “Love Conquers Joplin Muslims Share Eid al-Fitr with community.” However, the article did not explain what Eid al-Fitr celebrates. The article listed religious invitees such as Jews, Christians and Hindus as well as others who helped celebrate Eid al-Fitr. Readers were told that the celebration was like celebrating Christmas and Thanksgiving. I couldn’t believe what I read. I say let the Muslim community worship as they choose and celebrate their holiday; but do not compare Christmas and Thanksgiving to See Joplin Under Siege page 19