How To Research Profitable Nonfiction eBook Ideas That Will


How To Research Profitable Nonfiction eBook Ideas That Will
How To Research Profitable Nonfiction eBook Ideas That Will
Make You Money Forever
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How To Research Profitable Nonfiction eBook Ideas
That Will MakeYou Money Forever by Darren Stock
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Text Copyright © 2013 by Darren Stock
How To Research Profitable Nonfiction eBook Ideas
That Will MakeYou Money Forever by Darren Stock
Disclaimer and FTC Compliance
No part of this book may be reproduced, or stored in a retrieval system, or
transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording,
or otherwise without express written permission of the author. This book is for the sole
purpose of entertainment. All the views detailed in this book are those of the author,
therefore should not be taken as any from of instruction of an expert.
The reader is solely responsible for their actions. Both the author and the publisher
does not accept any responsibility or liability whatsoever on behalf of the purchaser or
reader of these materials. As an affiliate marketer my ebooks on occasions contain affiliate
links - simply put, I will receive a commission payment on a purchase through the affiliate
link. I advise you to carry out your own research before completing a purchase. All affiliate
products I promote in my ebooks are products that I have personally used and have found
to be useful.
How To Research Profitable Nonfiction eBook Ideas
That Will MakeYou Money Forever by Darren Stock
My Free Gift to You
Thank you for downloading my book. I would like to offer you this Free Gift - my
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How to Maximize Your Traffic on Twitter
Usual Mistakes Committed By Twitter Users
Additional Tips in Twitter Marketing
How To Research Profitable Nonfiction eBook Ideas
That Will MakeYou Money Forever by Darren Stock
Here's the download link.
How To Research Profitable Nonfiction eBook Ideas
That Will MakeYou Money Forever by Darren Stock
If you are thinking about writing an eBook, you must first ask yourself this question
'why am I creating an eBook?' Let me expand on this. In my eyes there are two types of
people who create eBooks: writers who want to provide a solution to a problem and are
not concerned about making money from their eBook, and the second person is an
entrepreneur, someone who wants to write and profit from eBooks. Are you the former or
latter person? I will be 100% honest here – this book is written for those who want to write
profitable nonfiction eBooks.
In addition, this book is dedicated to nonfiction authors and not fiction authors. Why
you ask? Well, you can create multiple eBooks by the time it takes to write a novel. A well
plotted fiction novel typically takes 6-9 months to complete.
A good 5-7,000 word
nonfiction eBook will typically take 14 days. So, at a push you could realistically create two
nonfiction eBooks per month.
The wonderful part regarding eBooks is that there are hundreds of topics you can
write about. All you need to do is find a topical problem and deliver unique content that
solves a problem or set of problems. The trick is research, research and research – find a
problem and write a solution that the reader will love and derive benefit.
Writing non fiction books is easier than it seems. The only thing you need is a great,
compelling and unique idea that you are passionate about and related to a topic you know
people is also willing to learn more about.
How To Research Profitable Nonfiction eBook Ideas
That Will MakeYou Money Forever by Darren Stock
Table Of Contents
My Free Gift to You
Writing Nonfiction eBooks Is Easier Than You Think
Why Benjamin Franklin Is Related To Research
Nonfiction Problems Are The Key To A Great eBook
Strategies Which I Use To Sell Nonfiction Books
How To Begin The Research For A Profitable eBook
Putting It All Together - The Fool Proof Blueprint
Betterbook Tools: Optional Cool Product
The Framework To Build Upon - The Outline
Creative Writing - Completing The Outline
Book Marketing - Conquer the Kindle Store
How To Research Profitable Nonfiction eBook Ideas
That Will MakeYou Money Forever by Darren Stock
Writing Nonfiction eBooks Is Easier Than You Think
Writing nonfiction eBooks is actually far easier than you think. By writing great
content that is both unique and provides value to the reader, should lead to a popular
Getting the idea for your books content is probably the hardest part. By reading this
book you should have a clearer vision on how to find great topics - this hard part is then
taken care of. There are many ways to source and brain storm ideas for your nonfiction
book. What I have done in this book is to share with you the best ways which I have
discovered during writing nonfiction books. Later in the book I detail my 3 step blueprint to
research a profitable topic for your book that will sell.
One of the early mistakes I made when writing nonfiction eBooks was writing about
topics which I didn't find interesting. When writing your nonfiction book you need to have
some sort of interest in the topic for your book to prevent this becoming a chore.
Personally I would always try and not write about any topic which I find boring. I prefer to
write about something that interests me. Another tip for you is to always think that you are
knowledgeable in the topic; this will help you sound knowledgeable through your writing.
How To Research Profitable Nonfiction eBook Ideas
That Will MakeYou Money Forever by Darren Stock
Why Benjamin Franklin Is Related To Research
Have you heard the famous Benjamin Franklin saying “Failing to plan is planning to
fail”? How true are his wise words – they apply to most situations in life. Think of planning
as research and you are more than halfway there to creating a great eBook – trust me!
This book is split in two parts – Part 1 Research and Part 2 Sense checking and
ensuring your researched topic will be profitable. After all, the last thing you want is to
create a great book only to find there's no hungry market with any potential and thus, sell
very few books. What a waste of time and a great way to crush your passion for creating
Research is incredibly important when creating an eBook. If you were fortunate
enough to research a unique topic to discover a topical problem, you could hit the jackpot.
With just one eBook published on Amazon Kindle that made the top 1,000 selling books,
you could earn a few thousand dollars each month on autopilot. Later in the book I will
discuss this in more detail and explain the power of the Amazon Sales Rank to research
and sense check your ideas.
How To Research Profitable Nonfiction eBook Ideas
That Will MakeYou Money Forever by Darren Stock
Nonfiction Problems Are The Key To A Great eBook
A nonfiction eBook should always address a problem or problems by providing
solutions. This is the golden rule. The easiest way this works for me is to start thinking
about a broad topic. Take the broad topic and come up with a lesser related broad topic
and then drill down and come up with a set of specific problems. The key to being a
successful nonfiction self publisher is choose a broad topic and then write a series of
books related to that topic. By doing this you will find that when someone buys your book
they will then go on to purchase your other books. I like to look at my books as sales
people, each book will pass on a lead to the other book.
Let me show what I mean…..
Online dating ... How to write an online profile
Get your ex back ... How to catch a cheating partner
Short game ... How to stop the YIPS
Dog biting ... How to stop a Jack Russell biting
Recipes ... Sugar free recipes
How To Research Profitable Nonfiction eBook Ideas
That Will MakeYou Money Forever by Darren Stock
Make Money
Paid surveys ... How to find reputable paid surveys companies
Health Problems
Women’s problems ... Ovarian cyst pain relief
Social Media
LinkedIn .... How to write a professional LinkedIn profile
Cold calling ... How to keep a prospect engaged on the phone
After discovering a topic and a set of reader problems, you need to ensure there’s a
hungry market that looks to solve their problems with a great eBook. Some authors will
prefer to write a book in a market with less competition so that they have a greater chance
of being seen. I personally disagree with these authors. If you step in front of a hungry
market that has lots of competition, this is a positive sign. It means that there’s good
money to be made and you only need a small slice of this market to make money with
Here are examples of some hot and hungry markets:
relationships, dating, diet, weight loss, fitness, make money, do it yourself, health,
weddings and pets. Later I will show you how to find profitable markets using Clickbank.
A tip which I’ve learned when researching topics is to write everything down and
when on the move to make notes on my iPhone using the notes app. No matter how silly
your ideas may sound, write them down and make a note.
How To Research Profitable Nonfiction eBook Ideas
That Will MakeYou Money Forever by Darren Stock
Strategies Which I Use To Sell Nonfiction Books
A strategy which I use - which is common sense - is to write a series of eBooks
under a single topic or subtopic. By doing this you will find that one customer will buy
some or all of your other eBooks. All you need to do is include links to your other eBooks
in your eBook and add all your eBook titles to your Amazon Author Central account. This
is an effective strategy to profit from your eBooks.
Another strategy that works for me is to write 5 books and price your best selling
book at $4.99. Make one or two of your books $.99 and the rest $2.99. Your $4.99 book
really needs to be the crème de la crème out of the 5 books. In addition, use your KDP
Promotion days sporadically across the 90-day period. This way you will have a constant
flow of customers purchasing your books and some will enjoy your writing so much that
they will buy the $4.99 book. KDP Promotions is a service you can utilize when you sign
up for KDP Select. KDP stands for Kindle Direct Publishing and KDP Select is when you
agree to only sell your book on Kindle for 90 days. Promotions can be found in the
bookshelf tab in the dropdown menu next to the book’s title.
How To Research Profitable Nonfiction eBook Ideas
That Will MakeYou Money Forever by Darren Stock
How To Begin The Research For A Profitable eBook
In this chapter the primary focus is to look at the research process. There are
multiple ways to research a topic or niche, so I have listed what I feel are the best ways to
research a topic. Now I could have listed a large number of research methods to bulk this
book out and make it fluffy, but if you have read my other books I try to write in a straight to
the point writing style.
Research for an eBook is very similar to researching a blog or website niche. Over
the years I have built a portfolio of affiliate marketing websites using HTML and
Wordpress, so after trying different methods and learning from my mistakes I can now
pass on to you what has worked for me.
By far the easiest method to start with is to write about a topic that you are
passionate and know about. Referring back to the previous chapter, think of a topic which
you know about and then drill down to discover problems. I suggest you find yourself a
quiet room with no distractions and brainstorm for ideas. To help you, think of hobbies,
jobs you’ve had, life experiences, memorable places or personal feelings you remember.
You will be amazed how much information is stored in your memory. Open your mind and
flood the paper with your stored information. At the end of this exercise you should have a
few broad topics and problems listed.
How To Research Profitable Nonfiction eBook Ideas
That Will MakeYou Money Forever by Darren Stock
Ask family, friends and colleagues
Ask your family, friends, and work colleagues about the topics that they are
knowledgeable about. Tell them you will be writing a book and ask them which topic they
would recommend. You will be surprised of the stored knowledge that your closest friends,
family members and work colleagues have stuffed in their brain!
Radio Stations
Whilst travelling to work or cruising in your car, tune in to live talk shows or chat
shows. Try to listen to radio shows where listeners call in and reveal their problems. If you
decide on writing a relationship book, those live call in shows at night are excellent at
discovering relationship problems.
TV Programs
Watch TV chat shows or advice shows to uncover people’s issues and problems.
Watching relationship shows that focus on family breakups is a great way to research in
the relationship niche. You will discover problem after problem watching these shows. At
the time of writing this book Jeremy Kyle is the new Jerry Springer. Watch his TV shows
and make note of the titles for each part of the show. These titles are both creative and
tend to be extremely topical.
Ask a librarian
Are you a member of your local library? You will be surprised what an experienced
librarian can share with you. Ask them what’s popular in the nonfiction market and they
should be able to let you know about the nonfiction books that are borrowed.
How To Research Profitable Nonfiction eBook Ideas
That Will MakeYou Money Forever by Darren Stock
There are a variety of forums on the World Wide Web where you can research
ideas for your book. There are two ways to use forums – to research popular topics and to
find problems that the users experience.
My preferred forum for research is Google
Groups. Google Groups has a variety of forums focusing on specific topics. By browsing
through the different groups you will get a feel how popular a topic is by the number of
questions asked and the answers given.
LinkedIn Groups
LinkedIn is commonly known as a B2B social networking platform, however you can
find popular topics for your books. One of my focused topics is creating how to books for
authors. I am a member of a few LinkedIn author groups and I regularly participate in the
discussions. By regularly participating in the discussions I keep up to date with the issues
that authors experience. On the odd occasion I plug my books to help specific author
problems. In addition, I will add an extra chapter to my book and mention that my books
have a chapter dedicated to a problem that is discussed. As you can see, this helps me to
sell more books.
New York Times Best Sellers
The New York Times Best Sellers is a great place to see what’s trending in the
nonfiction book market. Visit and browse through the nonfiction books. Look out for the
numbers under ‘Weeks on List’ – this will tell you how long the book has been on the NY
Times Best Seller list. In addition, this will give you an indication on how hot the topic for
these books are.
How To Research Profitable Nonfiction eBook Ideas
That Will MakeYou Money Forever by Darren Stock
Amazon Kindle Top 100
Later in the book I will discuss Amazon Kindle Top 100 in more detail. This method
of research makes up my arsenal of tools to create a nonfiction book. In brief, you drill
down through each category and ascertain which books are hot sellers. Since this is the
biggest marketplace for eBooks it makes common sense to use Amazon Kindle for both
research and sense checking your topic ideas.
Ezine Articles
There are many article directories online. My favorite is Ezine Articles since it’s one
of the original and well-established article directories. Ezine Articles is an excellent place
to research as they list main categories and subcategories. Next to each subcategory
displays the number of articles published in that subcategory. This illustrates how popular
a subcategory is. Furthermore, you can download articles to understand problems that are
addressed in the articles. Ezine Articles is not the website it use to be, but it's still a great
place to research book ideas.
Another great place to research topics and understand problems.
displays the number of views and the date each video was published. So, if a video has
over 1,000 views and was published less than 2 months ago, this is a positive sign that the
topic is current and most likely profitable.
How To Research Profitable Nonfiction eBook Ideas
That Will MakeYou Money Forever by Darren Stock
Magazines and Newspapers
To uncover problems and issues, magazines and newspapers come in very handy.
Let’s take one of the women’s magazines that contain relationship stories. My wife reads
these by the dozens! These magazines are full of relationship problems and the questions
and answer pages are priceless when researching. Look through a few magazines and
see what problems are trending. Write your book focusing on solving these problems and
you should end up with a profitable book. The relationship niche has been a hot niche for
years and I would think it will remain a hot niche for many years to come. The same
applies to daily newspapers, nearly all newspapers have a section focusing on
relationships. From my experience, nonfiction books that solve problems for women will
out sell those which focus on men problems.
Clickbank is another tool in my arsenal for research and sense checking topic ideas.
I will discuss Clickbank in a later chapter and how to use it effectively to create an eBook.
Clickbank is a marketplace full of digital products that affiliates can promote. To use
Clickbank you have to register, which is free, and then visit their marketplace to find great
hot products. The marketplace is user friendly and very easy to navigate. Once you
understand their terminology such as gravity, you can source a nonfiction profitable idea
within minutes.
That concludes my list of ways to research a topic, next I shall discuss my blueprint
and ways to see if your nonfiction has a profitable market. After all, there’s no point
creating a fantastic eBook only to learn there’s no demand in that niche. As said previous,
the key to making money from self-publishing nonfiction eBooks is to create a book full of
great content that solves problems.
How To Research Profitable Nonfiction eBook Ideas
That Will MakeYou Money Forever by Darren Stock
Next you need to market your book effectively which will lead to a volume of sales.
Then once your book has an Amazon Sales Rank of say 20,000 and below, Amazon will
market your book and increase the number of sales for your book. Amazon is incredibly
smart when it comes to marketing, they promote the best selling eBooks to their customers
and each book is aligned to the customer's interest. When you view a book on Amazon
you will the see the following just below the fold of the page:
Customers Who Bought This Item Also Bought
This is just one of the ways Amazon market best selling books. One of my Marketing
books under a pseudonym has a Sales Rank under 5,000 – this book makes between 2030 sales per day. In the next chapter we shall go into more detail about the Amazon Sales
Rank since it's extremely powerful and is a must tool to focus on regularly.
Putting It All Together - The Fool Proof Blueprint
Now we get to the exciting chapter - my blueprint. My blueprint is what I have used
for years to research nonfiction book ideas. Here are the basics - how to research a topic,
how to drill down to find a subtopic, sense check the topic/subtopic to ensure it's profitable
and finally, get ideas to build the outline for a nonfiction eBook. The following step by step
guide assumes that you don’t know about the topic. This is a proven strategy to create a
profitable eBook. Don’t think for an instance you are cheating, what you are doing is
creating a low priced eBook to save the reader hours of research.
How To Research Profitable Nonfiction eBook Ideas
That Will MakeYou Money Forever by Darren Stock
Step 1: Clickbank to Discover and Sensecheck
To use Clickbank you need to register for a free account. This can be accomplished
at Once you have successfully created an account, click on
marketplace – this is found on the top right. On the marketplace page click the magnifying
glass and leave the search field blank. This will apply no filters and you will see the full list
of products. Select the highest number of results per page to make the next process
easier. Sort the results by Gravity and display high to low. Gravity is Clickbank’s guide to
show how many affiliates have sold the vendors’ product in the past 12 weeks. There is
more to the calculation, but to keep this simple, let’s say that the highest gravity product is
the hottest selling product on Clickbank.
Now for the purpose of this exercise, I would only consider products with gravity of
50 and above. If you feel not enough products are displayed, try 30 gravity and above.
Now if you know the niche you want to write about, select a category on the left and see if
any products have 50 gravity and above. If there are a few, chances are there’s a demand
in that niche or topic. Write down a few topics that interest you and are over 50 gravity.
Whilst we are discussing Clickbank, I want to show you another very useful tip. This
tip is about drilling down and discovering subtopics and problems, plus getting ideas for
your book. Let’s take a look at the Clickbank product called Blogging with John Chow,
here’s the link: Now, if you look at the home page you
will see his sales page for his Clickbank product. Scroll down the page and you will
discover problems that his Blogger audience experience, and some great ideas for a book.
How To Research Profitable Nonfiction eBook Ideas
That Will MakeYou Money Forever by Darren Stock
For example:
You have no expertise in your niche
You have no technical knowledge
Total financial independence
What to write about
Mistakes newbie bloggers make
Importance of picking a good domain name
How to attract visitors
To see more vendor sales pages, you can visit each vendor by clicking the hyperlink
displayed for the title. Clickbank vendors tend to spend months researching copy for their
sales pages. Clickbank vendors tend to put the highest searched phrases and problems in
bold or listed as bullet points. A reputable, experienced vendor will typically have an
affiliate section on their site.
In the affiliate section they will have articles and auto
responder articles.
These articles can give away topical problems people experience in that niche.
After spending some time on Clickbank and viewing vendor sales pages, you should now
have a list of possible topics for your book. I recommend that you check out vendor sales
pages after you have selected your topic and subtopic to identify problems. Obviously the
choice is yours, but I found that looking at vendor sales pages before I decided on a topic
was distracting and slowed down the research process.
How To Research Profitable Nonfiction eBook Ideas
That Will MakeYou Money Forever by Darren Stock
Step 2: Traffic Travis
Now we are going to check our prospective topic ideas with a free, cool software
There are two versions of Traffic Travis, Free and Pro, both are great
products. For us authors, the free version will do just fine for the purpose of research.
Here’s the link: The free version offers many features, such as
details about your blog or website like Page Rank, Backlinks, Page Warnings, and SEO
Warnings. For our research we are only interested in the Research function.
I would like to point out that I now prefer using Traffic Travis to the new Google
keyword tool called Keyword Planner. Before you start researching on Traffic Travis, you
need to add your Google Adwords account. If you don’t have one, you can set one up by
clicking on the File menu on the top menu bar. In the File menu you will add your Adwords
Using the Research function
Type your top ideas into the keyword field and select how many related
keywords/topic ideas you want to see. Traffic Travis will now display a list of related
keywords/topics and how many times they are searched for on Google. Let’s stay with the
topic Blogging. At the time of writing this book, when I type blogging in the keyword field, I
can see that the words blogs, fashion blogs, blog sites, free blog, create a blog, and
starting a blog are the most searched terms.
How To Research Profitable Nonfiction eBook Ideas
That Will MakeYou Money Forever by Darren Stock
The search figures displayed are global searches.
Personally I only consider
searches with over 5,000 globally. Taking blogging as the example, I can instantly see that
there are a number of keyword suggestions exceeding 5,000 searches. This tells me this
topic is in demand and should make money as an eBook. Considering Fashion Blogs and
Create a Blog have very high global search results, I would write about How to Start a
Fashion Blog.
How To Research Profitable Nonfiction eBook Ideas
That Will MakeYou Money Forever by Darren Stock
Step 3: Amazon Sales Rank
As an author, Amazon’s Sales Rank is and should be your best friend. The Sales
Rank can be found below the Book Description under Product Details. By focusing on
getting a Sales Rank of 8,000 and below, you can be confident your book will sell between
Calculator and enter a Sales Rank figure. By typing a Sales Rank figure into
the KDP Calculator, you see an estimate of how many books you can expect to sell. As an
example, a Sales Rank of 8,000 will mean sales of 10-30 books per day.
Your focus is to improve your book’s Sales Rank and the sales will take care of
themselves. Many authors overlook the powerful insight benefit that it produces. Knowing
the Sales Rank of a competitor’s book will give you an indication as to how many copies of
their book has been sold daily. The other benefit of the Amazon Sales Rank is to track
your marketing efforts since it’s updated hourly. Let me give you an example.
Let’s say your book has a Amazon Sales Rank of 50,000. Make a note and track
your Amazon Sales Rank on a spreadsheet. Now create a marketing project such as
recording a YouTube video, publish a Slideshare presentation and post a few promotional
tweets on Twitter with a link to your book. Place a link to your book on all of the above and
ideally a call to action so the reader knows exactly what to do next. Regularly check your
Sales Rank following each marketing project and see if your Sales Rank improves. Do this
over a 24 hour period and note on your spreadsheet the time you published your tweet,
Slideshare or YouTube video and the Sales Rank. If your Sales Rank improves, you will
be able to identify which marketing method worked best.
So, if you saw the best
improvement with your YouTube videos, then spend your time recording more videos.
How To Research Profitable Nonfiction eBook Ideas
That Will MakeYou Money Forever by Darren Stock
Now type your topic idea in the Amazon search bar at the top of the page. Select
Kindle Store or Kindle eBooks from the drop down when you do this. Now look at a few
books related to your book idea and view their Sales Ranks. If you can find at least three
books with a Sales Rank of 20,000 and less, you will be reassured that the topic is
definitely popular on Amazon.
That’s my killer 3 Steps to research a profitable topic for your eBook. Now that you
know your topic you can start researching content and ideas for the book’s outline. If you
get stuck, head back to Clickbank and view the Vendors Sales Page for ideas.
Furthermore, expand your Traffic Travis search under the Research tab and take note of
other topical search terms.
How To Research Profitable Nonfiction eBook Ideas
That Will MakeYou Money Forever by Darren Stock
Betterbook Tools: Optional Cool Product
Recently I discovered Better Book Tools which has some very handy features for an
author. Now it does cost £47 at this current time for the full suite or $27 for the lite version,
but if you are aiming to publish multiple books, then over time you will definitely cover your
investment cost. Here's the link
The key features and benefits are:
Create great looking book descriptions by adding images, videos and Amazon HTML
codes in KDP and Author Central.
Find profitable categories on Amazon.
Analyze categories on Amazon to discover hot topics.
Review the best sellers’ book covers by category or keyword.
I have posted a video on my blog which demonstrates how to format and add a video to an
How To Research Profitable Nonfiction eBook Ideas
That Will MakeYou Money Forever by Darren Stock
I would like to say thank you for choosing my book since there are a large number
of similar Kindle books. If you liked my book, please, please take the time and leave a
review - I would be extremely grateful.
As an author, reviews are like Gold to me so a few positive words make the world of
difference and helps other readers like yourself find my books. Here are the links to leave a
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How To Research Profitable Nonfiction eBook Ideas
That Will MakeYou Money Forever by Darren Stock
One last thing. When you turn the page Kindle will ask you to rate this book and
share it with your friends on Facebook and Twitter. I would really appreciate it if you would
share my book.
In addition, if you need any help, advice or feel I missed something in this book, please do
email me - I would love to hear from you.
The very best of luck and get writing.....
How To Research Profitable Nonfiction eBook Ideas
That Will MakeYou Money Forever by Darren Stock
How To Write A Non Fiction eBook In 7 -14 Days That Will Make You
Money Forever
Here's an example of the Table of Contents
Why You Should Publish Your eBooks On Kindle
How Much Can You Make Publishing Kindle eBooks?
Using The KDP Calculator For Maximum Profit
How To Research A Topic For Your Book
How To Find Hot Selling Book Topics
How Track Your Books And Best Selling Books
How To Starting Writing Your New Book
The Framework To Build Upon - The Outline
Simple Way To Complete The Outline
Which Additional Pages You Must Include
How To Research Profitable Nonfiction eBook Ideas
That Will MakeYou Money Forever by Darren Stock
How To Ramp Up Your Profits Selling eBooks
How To Write Your Books Description
How To Design Your eBook Cover
How To Use KDP Select For Maximum Profit
Strategies To Sell Your Book
Why You Should Give Your Book Away For Free
How To Use Twitter To Sell Your eBooks
This book will teach you how to write a profitable eBook in less than 14 days and how to
research a topic that makes money on Amazon.
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UK -
How To Research Profitable Nonfiction eBook Ideas
That Will MakeYou Money Forever by Darren Stock
Book Marketing - Conquer the Kindle Store
Here's an example of the Table of Contents
How to Sell More Books the Simple Way
The Forgotten Simple Online Methods
Start Books At 99¢
Amazon Author Central
Link Your Other Books in Your Book
Redirect Your Domain Name to Author Central
Placing Links in Your Book
How To Research Profitable Nonfiction eBook Ideas
That Will MakeYou Money Forever by Darren Stock
Book Categories
Make Your Book Available in Print
Book Trailers
Don’t Enable DRM
List Building 'How to Use AWeber'
Social Adr - Automated Bookmarking Marketing
Add This Social Sharing buttons
Your Book Description on Amazon
Introducing Better Book Tools
How To Get Book Reviews
This book details a variety of proven marketing techniques that can be deployed to sell
more books.
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UK -
How To Research Profitable Nonfiction eBook Ideas
That Will MakeYou Money Forever by Darren Stock