Your commercial team
Your commercial team
pow e r a n d wat e r corporat i on Your commercial team Power and Water’s commercial team is based in the Northern Territory with extensive knowledge of the Territory’s electricity market. The team understands clients’ day-to-day requirements and the extreme environment we operate in. Contact us Lyn Raeburn Client Support Manager Over 22 years experience and 40-plus years as a Territorian Phone: 08 8985 7228 Retail Customer Service 1800 245 092 (8am-8pm, Monday-Friday) Faults 1800 245 092 (24 hours, 7 days) Life Threatening Emergencies 000 or 1800 245 090 (24 hours, 7 days) Kyra Jackson SME Account Manager Over 15 years experience and 20-plus years as a Territorian Phone: 08 8985 7224 Nicola Castillon Corporate Account Manager Over 10 years experience and 30-plus years as a Territorian Phone: 08 8985 7221 Andrew Ferreira Corporate Account Manager Over four years experience and 30-plus years as a Territorian Phone: 08 8985 7220 Interpreter Service 13 14 50 Email Website Twitter Follow PowerWaterCorp How to read your power bill pow e r a n d wat e r corporat i on e Tax InvoicSew erage ter • Electricity • Wa 1 2 3 4 5 6 Customer name and billing address Name of the individual(s) or business for the Power and Water account. Outstanding amount How much, if any, you still owe on your last invoice. ary Account Summ 8 Date of issue When the invoice was issued. Due date Please pay your account by this date. 3 New Charges TOTAL DUE 12 $0.00 5 00222222-2 Total Due BER INVOICE NUM 13 Faults 4hours,7days) 1800245092(2 Emergencies ng eni eat Thr Life s,7days) 5090(24hour 000or180024 Interpreter Ser 131450 352 n | abn 15 947 How to pay due Total amount to be paid on your account. Customer ID This identifies you as a Power and Water customer at a particular property. Please refer to this number when contacting our Call Centre. 21/03/20 vice 15 Barcode Reference for post office payments. arge (kW h) 102880.58 31 Days 51440.2 9 51440.2 9 Detail (kV a) 283.50 251.03 12 Paymen t Receive 17 Payment Bill Perio d 01/03/20 /03/2012 $0.0011 $113.17 $16.181 861 $1506.8 3 $1408.6 3 $5.6041 2 $1.3128 6 $0.0061 90 $0.0041 60 $0.0150 70 Goingawa y If you are going on holidays away for or will be an exten ded perio call 1800 d of tim 245 092 to make paym e, arrangeme ent nts to en sure servi disconnec ce is not ted in your absence. Su $501.63 $0.0292 9 $0.0273 8 $0.3016 4 $0.2809 9 DirectDebit to The easiest way . Go make payments to powerwater direct to download a form debit application . 092 or call 1800 245 Internet Go to powerw card to pay by credit e 24 hours online. Availabl a week. days n seve day, a 360 Phone Call 1800 644 849 . card to pay by credit rs a Available 24 hou a week. day, seven days Disconne ctionfees $17067.99 $13008.99 Paying yo ur Power and Wate time is im r account portant to on avoid dis of your se connectio rvice. On n ce the pro disconnec cess of ting your service ha you will inc s commen ur a recon ce d, ne of wheth ction fee er the se regardles rvice is ph s disconnec ysically ted or othe rwise. $637.14 $427.78 $1550.4 1 d - THAN K YOU Meterre adin $23,524 Centrepay uctions, To arrange ded trelink. please call Cen Post cheque Mail this slip and and er (payable to Pow ion) to: Water Corporat er Corporation Power and Wat Inperson GPO Box 3596, Water in NT 0801 At any Power and e Darw Offic or Australia Post .au 092 | website phone 1800 245 Twitter aterCorp FollowPowerW ivacy DUE DATE 9 23/04/2012 6 14 Concessio ns To find ou t if you are eligible for on your Po a concessio wer and Water bil n the Depa ls, please rtment of contact Health an on 1800 42 d Familie 1 887. s TOTAL DUE $38,140.90 NCE NUMBER ERE CUSTOMER REF 22 2222 2 0022 2222 22 15 00000000 *0000 00000000 0 Find out water an how to save pow d the en Downloa vironme er, da or pick up copy of our Green nt. Guide at one from pow an y of our cu stomer se Please ca rvice cent ll res. Follow Po 1800 245 092 or vis werWater Corp on Twit m .au itter. 7 printed on options A range of payment options to make it easier for you to pay your account. 16 Payment 17 19 g Custome rs are req uired to pro and reaso vide safe nable acce ss to meter infrastru s and cture loc ated on yo If we cann ur property ot access . meters (eg locked ga dog, te or overg rown vege we may as tation) k you to rea d it on ou or we ma r behalf y estimate the usag e. Pr For inform ation on your priva powerwate cy rights go to or call 180 0 245 09 Customer 2. contract The Custo mer with inform Contract provides you ation abou t your rig obligation hts and s. Downloa d a copy our webs from ite at powe or call 180 0 245 09 2. vice Bpay ne Pay using the onli king or telephone ban ncial fina services of your y Bpa Use institution. and your biller code 7256 rence Customer Refe Number. pplychar ge The supp ly charge covers pa making se rt of the rvices avail costs of able, even are used. if no servi The charg ces es includ providing e the cost and maint of aining inf meter rea rastructu ding and re, billing. 18 $1588.7 7 $329.57 Remittance ad 16 Your acco unt is du e to be pa 21 days fro id within m the da te of issue your invoic shown on e. If at an ytime yo to make u are unab a paymen le t by the du call 1800 e date, ple 245 092 im ase mediatel us before y. Please ca the due da ll te. 12 to 31 Website Contact us Details of how you can get in touch with us. You will need this number to make payments by BPAY, to set up BPAY through your internet banking website and to make phone payments using our automated credit card payment system. ges .36 Identifies this specific invoice. 14 Customer reference number , AUS Meter: 22 2222 Non Regu lated En ergy Ch arge (kW Peak En h) erg Off Peak y (kWh) Energy (kW h) 56584.0 0 Environ 46296.0 ment Sc 0 heme Ch arges Small-sc ale Rene wa Large-sc ble Energ ale y Carbon Pr Renewable Energ 102880.58 ice Mech y anism 102880.58 102880.58 Paymen ts 12 Invoice number 13 Charge NT 0830 Email e@powerwate customerservic er corporatio power and wat ton City, 22 Control Ch Peak De ma Off Peak nd 22222222 more, it can ng your aircon your l? If you’re usi 24 and 27 as her than norma aircon between r Is your bill hig you p ler. Go to Kee to your bill. each degree coo add hundreds ses by 10% with uce your bill. rea inc n ptio energy consum er ways to red for oth www.powerwate 7 Demand er Service Retail Custom 1800245092 nday-Friday) (8am-8pm,Mo $38,140.90 ed Char Palmers Energy Charge Detail (kW h) Peak En erg Off Peak y CUSTOMER ID $38,140.90 $3,467.35 arges Total of New Ch *GST er ID: 10 22222 Network Charges Access Ch arge $38,140.90 $38,140.90 Electricity 6 11 System t Forward 10 Total amount 11 $23,524.36 $23,524.36 Regulat 23/12/2012 10 Balance Brough 4 Total amount due Total amount to be paid on your account. Customer messages This area will show messages of interest. e Last Bill Balanc ved Payments Recei 2 Current charges The total cost of electricity for the current supply period. Details are shown on the back of the invoice. 7 9 1 Consum DUE DATE 9 PTY LTD CUSTOMER PO BOX 1 RTH NT 0801 CUSTOMER NO Previous amount Value of your previous account. Previous payment How much you paid on your previous invoice. Issued 02/04/2012 8 Reading your power bill New Ch arges Electricit y Lot 1111 , 1 Custo mer Pl, Property identification The address where your electricity meter(s) is/are located and corresponding number(s) as well as your property identification number (Consumer ID) and supply period. 100% rec ycled pap er 18 Breakdown of your charges A detailed breakdown of all the charges for this invoice, amount of energy you used, regulated and non regulated supply and environment scheme charges. 19 Useful information This is where you’ll find information about services provided by Power and Water and explanations of other items on your account. pow e r a n d wat e r corporat i on Your commercial team Power and Water’s commercial team is based in the Northern Territory with extensive knowledge of the Territory’s electricity market. The team understands clients’ day-to-day requirements and the extreme environment we operate in. Contact us Lyn Raeburn Client Support Manager Over 22 years experience and 40-plus years as a Territorian Phone: 08 8985 7228 Retail Customer Service 1800 245 092 (8am-8pm, Monday-Friday) Faults 1800 245 092 (24 hours, 7 days) Life Threatening Emergencies 000 or 1800 245 090 (24 hours, 7 days) Kyra Jackson SME Account Manager Over 15 years experience and 20-plus years as a Territorian Phone: 08 8985 7224 Nicola Castillon Corporate Account Manager Over 10 years experience and 30-plus years as a Territorian Phone: 08 8985 7221 Andrew Ferreira Corporate Account Manager Over four years experience and 30-plus years as a Territorian Phone: 08 8985 7220 Interpreter Service 13 14 50 Email Website Twitter Follow PowerWaterCorp How to read your power bill