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ume_hhgu_0506.doc saved at 20060821 16:37 1 / 8
saved at 20060821 16:37
compiled from the news of by Uli Merkel
From the editor................................................................................................................................................ 1
How to read a text file(ASCII) in Uniface? .................................................................................................... 1
Error while importing .exp file........................................................................................................................ 2
Function which stores the last structure editor function.................................................................................. 2
Asynchronous interupt trigger......................................................................................................................... 3
Grid-Widget with hidden fields....................................................................................................................... 3
selectdb behind a read builds a complete hitlist .............................................................................................. 4
Cannot print Uniface font 4 character ............................................................................................................. 5
Accept overides LMO ..................................................................................................................................... 5
Crypt .asn file .................................................................................................................................................. 6
Swapping databases with 8401 ....................................................................................................................... 7
Implicit commits with sql statements.............................................................................................................. 7
Uniface + xml, retrieve/reconnect (7.2.06, patch w2kz049/ w2kz048 ).......................................................... 8
From the editor
Hello TURF-users,
the first reply was encouraging enough to compile again.
There have not so many helpdesk-problems reported to be solved, so it
took some time to get a proper pile of topics.
Please give me your feedback if it is woth to continue this,
How to read a text file(ASCII) in Uniface?
yash_2707 File is generated from non-uniface system suppose MANRECS.txt.
This will be renamed to 'MANRCES.YYYYMMDDHHMM' to reflect the date of the
transactions lines in it.
Now, this is to be uploaded in uniface.
How do we read this file sequentially and also need to know the table name that
would be use in Uniface alongwith the fields in it.
(Because the file to be uploaded will not have a constant name as mentioned
I suppose, the only way to upload the file is the fileload command (espacially
because you use variable filenames).
After a fileload the complete content of the file is in a variable or field.
fileload{/image | /raw | /web} FileName, Target
You can search for carriage returns (%%^) to seperate your data.
Be careful with fileload as ther is a limit to the number of chars that can be
loaded(65536). Maybe you would be better off using:
lfileload {/web | /image | /raw} FilePath, Target
I can't see that this has the same limitations
on $uuu, there is some sourcecode for a DLL which allows you to open a file and read
ist line by line.
This does not request the memory to hold all the file (as fileload will do), but gives
you´line-by-line info. .. and it is pretty fast too ...
saved at 20060821 16:37
compiled from the news of by Uli Merkel
Error while importing .exp file
simplutions When I tried importing .exp file from Uniface 8.2.03 to Uniface 7.2 version.
I got the following error : 8066: Copy failed : Open error on input file/table.
Do you have any idea why this error is coming up?
What does the error 8066 means?
the error 8066 means that Uniface cannot find the file you want to import.
Take a look at your ASN-File. Look where *.EXP-Files are saved.
E.g: you want to import myfile.exp and in your ASN-Section files looks like this:
*.exp c:\mydir\exp\*.exp
You have to copy the file in the directory c:\mydir\exp. Then you have to import the
exp-file without "c:\mydir\exp\". You just have to import myfile.exp.
... and by the way:
There are a lot of differences in the repository of V8 and V7 of UNIFACE; therefore it
is NOT possible to take just an exp from the higher version and load it to the lower
You will find strange effects just as you can open a form, but you will get no data
(due to read errors caused by "unknown" fields at the end of the record).
So downgrading a UNIFACE application is a harder thing to do.
simplutions I saved the the .exp file in the proper folder of the directory in C: drive.
But, again it said Import failed : 6814.
And in the error message same old - 8066 : Cannot copy a file/table.
as Uli said, you cannot import an export file from Uniface 8.2.03 to Uniface 7.2!
Just the other way round makes sense -> from 7.2 to 8.2.03.
...also if you have .exp's mapped in your asn file, when importing, do not use the
'browse' feature, as putting in the full patch confuses Uniface.
Instead, just type the name of the file (e.g. myfile.exp, not c:\folder\myfile.exp). If
you do use the browse feature, remove the path to leave the filename.
Alternatively, rename the file to .exp1 and you can then browse to it and use the full
Function which stores the last structure editor function
Is there any function in Uniface 7.2 which stores the last structure editor function
that was fired. e.g. ^QUIT, ^LAST_OCC, ^NEXT_OCC etc.
There is a precompiler directive in uniface which tells you the trigger.
At the start of each trigger, you could do
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compiled from the news of by Uli Merkel
$triggername$ = "<$trigger>"
$triggername$ = "<$triggerAbbr>"
(I have no idea what the difference is)
However, I'm not sure whether this will work in v7. I am testing in 8.
Unfortunately, there is no way to catch the last structure editor command.
Because there are many ways to activate the structure editor (menu, panels, proc
code, keyboard) there is little chance to intercept all the different activations by
proc code.
Just for curiosity: what do you want to achieve with this "last command" ??
Asynchronous interupt trigger
petemonk On a form(PROGRESS) I have some code as follows, in which I am trying to set a
On the field gets focus trigger of the field called "timer" I set the Uniface internal timer
as follows, where I try to send a message to the same form I am running and then try
to stop the timer when my service has finished:
newinstance "UTIMER",$timer$
activate $timer$.SETREPEAT(0)
activate $timer$.SETMESSAGE("PROGRESS","check","")
activate $timer$.SETMESSAGE("$net:JMSVCREP","check","")
activate $timer$.START("00.00.01") ;every second
activate "jmsvcrep".EXEC($$instancepath,$$username,$$ups_user_name
activate $timer$.STOP()
On the asynchronous interrupt trigger of "PROGRESS" I have this code:
if ($msgid = "check")
timer.dummy = timer.dummy + 1s
message "%%timer.dummy"
What happens is all the interrupts are stored up until the service is finished.
Is there anyway of getting the field "timer" to display whilst the service is running?
I've tried "show", but this has no effect!
UNIFACE collects all Asyncronous Interrupt Invocations in a queue.
Only when UNIFACE returns to the Structure Editor (Dialog Mode)
the trigger will be executed with all requests.
To show your messages, activate an operation in your PROGRESS-form.
Grid-Widget with hidden fields
I have a dummy entity painted on a form. Its property is Grid-Widget. There are 6 visible
fields and 1 hidden field in it.
When I retrieve the data from different entities the hidden field is filled with the key fields of
saved at 20060821 16:37
compiled from the news of by Uli Merkel
read occ. When all data is retrieved and the form is active, the hidden field is visible! The
content of the field is unvisible but the field itself is visible.
Uniface ( 1215_3) on W2K (Oracle DB on HP UX).
Could you use the format trigger to clear out the values in the columns that are to be
Not ideal, but I don't think the grids are that friendly.
as I said, the field is visible but the content of the field is NOT visible.
helveticus Fields that should not be displayed in a Grid should not be painted on the form. In case your
"dummy" entity is defined as e.g. a non-database entity in the model then value of the
"hidden" field should be available in proc and is not displayed as column in the Grid.
It's currently not possible to either dynamically or hard coded hide a column in a Grid if the
field is painted on the paint tableau.
thanks for your answer. I have found a workaround. I do not paint the hidden
field, but use the $fieldproperties of a "normal" field instead to store the key of
the occurrence.
It is a trick Uli mentioned some time ago. Look at It works the same with
It's currently not possible to either dynamically or hard coded hide a column in a Grid
if the field is painted on the paint tableau.
That means it is a Bug, isn't it?
helveticus The Grid widget works according to its design specification and therefore this (of course)
cannot be classified as bug.
the Grid widget.
But you could call it a "limitation" of the current version of
instead of using a $fieldproperties of a "normal" field, it would be more accurate to use
This list is connected to the occurence of an entity, not to a defined field.
thanx for your tip. It works fine.
selectdb behind a read builds a complete hitlist
I've found a funny feature:
We have some components where we display many occs and the users want to see
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compiled from the news of by Uli Merkel
it looks like UNIFACE treats a selectdb now as a concurrent access to the same entity,
in which case the hitlist of the "open" cursor is completed at first.
What about "lookup" instead of the selectdb before you do the first "retrieve"? $status
will show the number of hits (unfortunately only of a "global" retrieve, not for a
you are right, lookup is even better than selectdb, because you don't have to modify
the profiles.
Cannot print Uniface font 4 character
petemonk I hope someone can help. On version 7 of uniface I could print the square root symbol
in a field by having the code to do this in a trigger.
This was possible in version 7 because the trigger editors are unifields, so you can
type in characters in different Uniface fonts. However, in version 8 the triggers are
edit boxes so this is not possible.
Can anybody help?
petemonk I've sorted this problem out now. I've defined a help message which still uses unifields
and loaded this in using $text(MYMSG), a bit long winded I know, especially if you are
using a lot of these special characters.
Thanks to everyone for looking,
if you have a lot of these special characters, why not just define one text message
containing all of your special characters and then reference the individual characters
using global constants
your specialchars string may contain two values, your square root symbol and a hash.
the constant "SQROOT" could be defined as 1:1
the constant "HASH" could be defined as 2:1
Then, you could simply use $text(specialchars)[SQROOT] or
petemonk I never thought of that, great idea.
Accept overides LMO
When I press STORE and the validation in the LMO returns -1, no store occurs.
When I press ACCEPT, the LMO goes straight into the ACCEPT trigger which tries to
store, resulting in an error.
Investigating this, a straight 8401 install works fine. As soon as I install patch D102
(to get around bug 25810 - long fields in boilerplates), this store problem occurs.
saved at 20060821 16:37
compiled from the news of by Uli Merkel
The described problem sounds like bug 25876 "Problems with error triggers
introduced in patches C206 and D101" that was fixed in D104 (and higher).
But why are you using such an old version 8.4 patch level? I would advise you to
install the latest available, which currently is 8.4.02 + D206. And in about 2 weeks
the version 8.4.03 (Service Pack M421) will be released.
Many thanks, Daniel.
I was looking for bugs to do with Accept or Store.
Crypt .asn file
I want to crypt an asn file, because in this file appears the user/password string to access
to the database (in the [PATHS] section).
In order to have more security i don't the users can connect directly tro the database
withe database tools (actually it is an Access database).
I someane have an idea to do this!
instead of holding the userid/password in the asn-file, you can define the
databse-connect parameters with the "open" command inside of the UNIFACE
You can either hardcode the user-info or store it wherever you like in a cryped
file and acces it via file_load.
P.S.: UNIFACE has/had a feature "PATHSCRAMBLER" to keep the logon-info of
an ASN-file confidential. I do not know where it is documented.
Some more info an the pathscrambler and how to use it:
Betrifft:Re: [U-L] Pathscrambler crashes
I've got the same problem. Solution is a bit tricky:
As the hotline told me ages ago, it depends on the Uniface-Cd-burned-Version.
If you have an early uniface-CD-Version 7.2.06, the pathscrambler will
crash. Just ask for a new pathscrambler from the hotline. this worked fine.
> <> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
> > on NT, to try :
> > c:
> > cd c:\unif726\bin
> > pathscrambler.exe -asn=c:\unif726\usys\myfile.asn
> It works OK for me:
> pathscrambler.exe -asn=M:\Discos7\qwas.asn
> Created: M:\Discos7\qwas.asn.enc
I tried open and in the .asn no password, it works very well
thanks a lot for your response
saved at 20060821 16:37
compiled from the news of by Uli Merkel
Swapping databases with 8401
I have multiple oracle databases defined under different users with the first defined
$DATA ORA:instance|login|password
when I try to swap user with a close and open
close "$DATA"
open "instance|user2|password2","$DATA"
it returns zero $status but doesnt swap user. When I define it as
$DATA ORA:instance|?|?
and hard-code an initial oracle login|password into the startup shell it swaps fine.
It also does the same on 7206 and 8401 using MSS. (I have seen bug 26042 is
Anyone seen/solved this? Is it a bug?
Uniface uses at first the data from the ASN and adds then the parameter of your open
This is exactly the documented behaviour and you have already found what you have
to change in the ASN to allow flexible open parameters.
Thanks for that, Uli,
Does that mean I cannot define
$DATA ORA:instance|login|password
in the assignment file and after logon, swap to login2|password2 using
open "instance|login2|password2",$data
Yes, if you fix the parameters in the ASN, they are fixed.
BUT: you can place [logicals] in the ASN-file and use these in your OPEN.
I eventually defined a default login as below, after which I can swap oracle instances
as I need with open and close.
$DATA ORA:?|?|?
Implicit commits with sql statements
It is my understanding that Uniface does not want a commit statement when using a
sql statement because it confuses Uniface. My question is, does Uniface treat each sql
statement as a seperate transaction and commit each transaction as its ran or will it
commit any uncommited transactions?
creocc "test_table"
a.test_table = 1
store/e "test_table"
sql "update test_table_2 set b = 2","SYB"
What is committed at this point? Both the store and the sql statement or just the sql
saved at 20060821 16:37
compiled from the news of by Uli Merkel
UNIFACE does NOT have implicit commits; you have to commit by yourself.
The "problem" with the SQL command is that you may have 2 different SQL working
areas and a commit may not be recognized properly in both worlds. This may result in
lost cursors etc.
Uniface + xml, retrieve/reconnect (7.2.06, patch w2kz049/ w2kz048 )
sirius2000 Posted: 11.07.05 06:32
Post subject: Uniface + xml, retrieve/reconnect
I was just wondering if you would be able to assist me. I am currently developing in V7.2.06 of
UNIFACE and have just started looking into XML streams. I noticed that in V8 the retrieve/reconnect
has a possible status value of "mod" that is not documented in V7.2.06. Can anyone tell me anything
about this additional status and why it was added? Was there a problem with the statement in V7?
In my testing I seem to be unable to load a modified occ (ie occurrence that has had data changed
saved to an xml stream with a status of "est" - it doesn't merge the change data in the stream to the
db record)? I am wondering if I am just doing something wrong or if this was actually a problem in V7?
This is what I am doing:
I have a form "xml_1" where I retrieve the entity. There is only one occurrence.
I then modify one of the field values, say from "test string" to "changed data".
Then I save the one occurrence to an XML stream.
I clear the occurrence in "xml_1".
Then I pass the stream to a 2nd form "xml_2".
In "xml_2" I load the xml stream.
I retrieve/reconnect. The data from the stream is then overwritten with the data in the database.
Is this right? My understanding is that the database occurrence should be retrieved and merged with
any changed data from the stream. So this should result with the field value = "changed data"???
Uli Posted: 12.07.05 06:07
Post subject:
With patch w2kz049 installed retrieve/reconnect doesn't work. you have to come back to
W2KZ048. ("Ezio" <>)
sirius2000Posted: 12.07.05 06:29
Post subject:
I had to install the previous patch and it works now (as mentioned in the reply).