How to complete a LNR application form online


How to complete a LNR application form online
How to complete a LNR application form online
The online LNR can be found at:
For Detailed instructions please refer to the manual
Create an account
Create new project
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Fill out the form
Start with section 1 and press next but you can also fill the different sections
separately. Click on
for more explanations.
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Section 3: Our HREC is the South Eastern Sydney Local Health District
(Northern Sector)
Section 5 “project detailed information”
Clear aims and objectives
Methodology - describe every step of the project
Describe recruitment and consent process: who, where, when and by
Data collection: what, where, when and by whom? Include data collection
sheet, questionnaires, interview questions etc
Data analysis plan – relevant to study methods
Section 6 “consent”
There are 3 types of consents;
• Informed consent : Patient Information Sheet (PIS) & Consent form (CF) , use
standard where applicable
• Implied consent: e.g. surveys, interviews. questionnaires
• Waiver of consent : e.g. when undertaking a retrospective review of medical
records (see section 7.2 to provide rationale for waiver of consent)
section 7 “data, privacy, storage and confidentiality”
It is essential to ensure that the privacy of persons participating in research projects is
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7.1 Tick YES to “state department or agencies” if you use medical notes, SEALS
database, radiology reports etc…
7.2 Please complete if you are asking for a waiver of consent to use personal information
7.3 Storage of data
See examples below
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Section 9 “Declaration by head of department”
All projects must be signed of by the head of department – inked signature
ONLY (after form has been locked and printed).
A study investigator CANNOT sign off as Head of department
A study investigator cannot sign off as
Head of Department – inked signature
must be sought from someone more
senior – after form has been locked
and printed
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Our HREC accepts electronic authorisation. Electronic authorisation is available as an
alternative to ink signatures for investigators only.
The user must have a valid Online Forms username and password, as this is used to
authenticate the electronic authorisation.
If you use the electronic authorisation option, the authorisation must take place BEFORE the
form is locked and submitted
For more information on electronic authorisation, refer to page 18 of the manual (4.4
authorisation tab)
Submission tab
Select generate submission code, a message appears, click OK. A submission code will be
generated and the form will be ‘locked’ so no further changes can be made.
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Generate a PDF
by clicking the text ‘Generate PDF’. Make sure you select ‘PDF without text
changes’ and save the file to your computer so it can be emailed.
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Submission to the RSO process
! The online forms submission is an independent process. We don’t have any record
of your submission online. For your application to be reviewed by the Executive
committee, you have to submit it to the RSO
Please send one electronic copy of LNR in pdf format to with:
1. a covering letter; and
2. documentation for review by the HREC, for example:
o _ Protocol;
o _ Curriculum vitae of the Co-ordinating Investigator and Principal
o _ Signed declaration & undertaking by the Data Custodian and Co-ordinatingInvestigator (if seeking access to a NSW Health owned or managed statewide
data collection);
o _ Participant Information Sheet and Consent Form;
o _ Questionnaires/surveys;
o _ Data collection forms; and
o _ Recruitment materials (e.g. advertisements, letter to potential participants
or others such as doctors)
A hard copy of LNR with original signatures is no longer required. We now accept
scanned or faxed signatures.
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