HOW TO CREATE CITATIONS It is extremely important to have accurate source citations. They will later be used in your note taking and will be entered onto your Works Cited page. Follow the examples in this guide or ask your teacher or librarian for help. IMPORTANT RULES AND GUIDELINES: Authors – write last name first followed by a comma and then the first name. See examples in this guide for two or more authors. Editors – First write Ed. Followed by the editor’s full name (e.g. Ed. William Scott). Publication Information – Always use the first listed (city, company, copyright year). Include page numbers when the specific pages of the original source are known. Underline titles of books, magazines, journals, newspapers Underline titles of databases (e.g. History Resource Center). Use quotation marks around titles of articles, essays, short stories, chapters. Use angle brackets < > around URLs (e.g. <>). PRINT SOURCES PRINT SOURCES ARE BOOKS, MAGAZINES, JOURNALS, NEWSPAPERS, ENCYCLOPEDIAS Example 1 - Format for a book by one author AUTHOR. TITLE OF BOOK. CITY OF PUBLICATION: PUBLISHER, COPYRIGHT DATE. Last name first Jones, Alan R. The Life of Thomas Edison. New York: Borzoi Books, 1952. Example 2 – Format for a book by two authors BOTH AUTHORS. TITLE OF BOOK. CITY OF PUBLICATION: PUBLISHER, COPYRIGHT DATE. Brockway, Wallace and Herbert Weinstock. The World of Opera. New York: Pantheon Books, 1962. Example 3 – Format for three or more authors First AUTHOR followed by et al. TITLE OF BOOK, CITY OF PUBLICATION: PUBLISHER, COPYRIGHT DATE. NOTE: et al. means “and others.” Brockway, Wallace, et al. The World of Opera. New York: Pantheon Books, 1962. Example 4 - Format for a book with no author’s name TITLE OF BOOK. CITY OF PUBLICATION: PUBLISHER, COPYRIGHT DATE. Webster’s Biographical Dictionary. 1961. New York: G. & C. Merriam Co., Example 5 – Format for an essay, poem or chapter from an anthology Note: An anthology is usually a book that is a collection of writings, articles, stories, etc. each having a different author. Both the editor and the specific author must be cited. AUTHOR OF ARTICLE. “TITLE OF ARTICLE.” TITLE OF ANTHOLOGY. EDITORS’ NAMES. CITY OF PUBLICATON: PUBLISHER, COPYRIGHT DATE. PAGES USED. Brockington, William S. “Hitler.” Twentieth Century, Vol. 8. Fitzroy Dearborn, 1999. Dictionary of World Biography: The Ed. Frank N. Magill. Chicago: 1692-1697. Example 6 – Format for an introduction, preface, forward, or afterword AUTHOR. INTRODUCTION. TITLE OF BOOK. COPYRIGHT DATE. PAGES USED. Doctrow, E.L. Introduction. York: Bantam, 1982. AUTHOR OF BOOK. CITY OF PUBLICATION: Sister Carrie. By Theodore Dreiser. PUBLISHER, New v-xi. CITING ENCYCLOPEDIAS (The formats #7- #9 are for print versions. For online encyclopedias, see World book online example in this book) Example 7 – Format for encyclopedia article with an author NOTE: When citing familiar reference works, like Compton’s or World Book, do not cite the editor or publisher. AUTHOR. “TITLE OF ARTICLE.” NAME OF ENCYCLOPEDIA. alphabetically, you may omit the volume and pages Kaufman, Burton I. COPYRIGHT DATE. “Cold War,” World Book Encyclopedia. If the articles are arranged 2005. Example 8 – Format for an encyclopedia article with no author “TITLE OF ARTICLE.” NAME OF ENCYCLOPEDIA. COPYRIGHT DATE. If the articles are arranged alphabetically, you may omit the volume and pages “Cold War,” World Book Encyclopedia. 2005. CITING ENCYCLOPEDIAS continued Example 9 – Format for less familiar encyclopedias and reference books. Give FULL publication information AUTHOR. “TITLE OF ARTICLE.” NAME OF ENCYCLOPEDIA. EDITOR. EDITION. NUMBER OF TOTAL VOLS. PLACE OF PUBLICATION. PUBLISHER. COPYRIGHT YEAR. If the articles are arranged alphabetically, you may omit the specific volume and pages. Ruse, Michael. “Darwinism.” Encyclopedia of Bioethics. Ed. Warren T. Reich. Rev. ed. 5 vols. New York: Macmillan-Simon, 1995. Example 10 – Format for other works of more than one volume but not encyclopedias If you are using two or more volumes of a multivolume work, cite the total number of volumes in the work. (MLA Handbook, p. 167) AUTHOR. TITLE OF BOOK. EDITION. NUMBER OF VOLUMES. CITY OF PUBLICATION: PUBLISHER, COPYRIGHT DATE. Hakim, Joy. A History of US. 3rd ed. 11 vols. New York: Oxford University Press, 203. If you are using only ONE volume of a multivolume work, state the number of the volume and give publication information for that volume alone; then you need give only page numbers when you refer to that work in the text. (MLA Handbook 168). See example #11 below. Example 11 – Format for CLC, a multivolume work with one used volume number AUTHOR. "ARTICLE TITLE" TITLE OF BOOK. EDITOR. VOLUME USED. CITY OF PUBLICATION: PUBLISHING COMPANY, COPYRIGHT. PAGES OF ARTICLE. Ozick, Cynthia. "Isaac Bashevis Singer." Contemporary Literary Criticism. Ed. Daniel G. Marowski. Vol. 38. Kansas City: Gale Research Company, 1986. 407-408. Example 12 – Format for (History of US) a multivolume work with one used volume number AUTHOR. "ARTICLE TITLE" TITLE OF BOOK.. VOLUME USED. CITY OF PUBLICATION: PUBLISHING COMPANY, COPYRIGHT. PAGES USED. Hakim, Joy. A History of US. 3rd ed. Vol 5. New York: Oxford University Press, 2003. 67-74. Example 13 – Format for Contemporary Authors, a multivolume work AUTHOR. "ARTICLE TITLE." TITLE OF BOOK. VOLUME USED. CITY OF PUBLICATION: PUBLISHER, COPYRIGHT. PAGE NUMBERS OF ARTICLE. Locher, Frances, “Mao Tse-tung.” Contemporary Authors. Vol. 73-76. Detroit: Gale Research Company, 1978. 400-402. Example 14 – Format for Dictionary of World Biography, a multivolume work AUTHOR. “TITLE OF ARTICLE.” NAME OF ENCYCLOPEDIA. EDITOR. EDITION. NUMBER OF TOTAL VOLS. OR SPECIFIC VOLUME. PLACE OF PUBLICATION. PUBLISHER. COPYRIGHT YEAR. Here the volume and pages, not number of volumes, are included for FULL documentation. Williams, Michael W. “Nelson Mandela.” Dictionary of World Biography. Ed.Frank N. Magill. Vol. VIII. Chicago: Fitzroy Dearborn, 1999. 2384-2288. A word about DATABASES Read carefully When citing database articles, the writer must include the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Author of the article, if given Title of the article in quotation marks Title of the original source underlined Page numbers of the original source, if given Publication date of the original source (format: day month year) Title of the database underlined (See section on “Database Services &URLs”) Name of the online service (See section on “Database Services &URLs”) Access date, the date the article was found (format: day month year) Abbreviate the months except for May, June and July. [Sept, Oct, Nov, Dec, Feb, Mar, Apr, Aug] 10. FULL name of the subscribing library – no abbreviations 11. URL in angle brackets. If the URL that is printed on your article is short, use it! If too long, you may use the URLs provided in this guide in section on “Database Services &URLs.” DATABASES SERVICES & URLs For your works cited page, make a distinction between the database SERVICE and database TITLE. See below. Use the Web addresses (URL’s) below for Schenectady High School databases or copy the citation (when it is short) found in your printed article. 1. Online Service: EBSCOHOST Database titles and URLs for EBSCO service o o o o o o MasterFile Select - Literary Reference Center- History Reference Center - International Bibliography of Theatre & Dance - TOPICsearch- General Science Collection - o o o Funk & Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia - EBSCO Animals - Novelist - 2. Online Service: Gale Group Database titles and URLs for Gale Group Service o o o o o o o o PowerSearch: eBooks: Student Resource Center - Gold: Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center: Literature Resource Center: Biography Resource Center: History Resource Center - World: History Resource Center - U.S.: 3. Online Service: SIRS Knowledge Source Database Title: SIRS Researcher URL - 4. Online Service: ABC-Clio School Subscription Database Title: World History, Ancient & Medieval Times URL – 5. Online Service: The World and I Database Title: The World & I Online URL - HOW TO CITE DATABASES WHEN THE ORIGINAL SOURCE IS A BOOK Example 15 - Format an article from Biography Resource Center ARTICLE AUTHOR . “TITLE OF ARTICLE.” TITLE OF ORIGINAL SOURCE. PUBLICATION DATE. TITLE OF DATABASE . NAME OF SERVICE. NAME OF SUBSCRIBING LIBRARY. DAY MONTH YEAR OF ACCESS <URL WITH ANGLE BRACKETS>. Haynes, Randall. “Rudolph Fisher.” Contemporary Black Biography, Vol. 17, 1998. Biography Resource Center. Gale Group. Schenectady High School Library. 09 Feb. 2006 <>. DATES: Abbreviate the months in all citations except for May, June and July. [Sept, Oct, Nov, Dec, Feb, Mar, Apr, Aug] WHEN THE ORIGINAL SOURCE IS A PERIODICAL ( PERIODICALS ARE MAGAZINES, JOURNALS, NEWSPAPERS) Example 16 – Format for an article from History Resource Center ARTICLE AUTHOR. “ARTICLE TITLE.” TITLE OF ORIGINAL SOURCE. DATE OF PUBLICATION (DAY MONTH YEAR). DATABASE TITLE UNDERLINED. NAME OF SERVICE. SUBSCRIBING LIBRARY. ACCESS DATE. <URL OR WEB SITE ADDRESS> IN ANGLE BRACKETS. Bogert, Carroll and George Wehrfritz. “Rethinking Family Values.” Newsweek, 22 Jan.1996:44. History Resource Center US. Gale Group. Schenectady High School Library. 03 Mar. 2006 <>. WHEN THERE ARE MORE THAN THREE AUTHORS Example 17 – Format for multiple authors NOTE: For more than three authors, “et al” is used; it is an abbreviation for “and others.” The rest of the format is the same as Example 16. Lacey, Vincent A., et al. “The Scopes Trial, 1925 (1920s).” American Decades CDRom, 1998. History Resource Center. Gale Group. Schenectady High School Library. 09 Nov. 2004 < >. EBSCO ARTICLES Example 18 – Format for an EBSCO article LAST, FIRST NAME OF AUTHOR . “TITLE OF ARTICLE.” TITLE OF ORIGINAL SOURCE. PUBLICATION DATE: PAGE NO (if given). TITLE OF DATABASE . NAME OF SERVICE. SUBSCRIBING LIBRARY. DAY MONTH YEAR OF ACCESS. <URL WITH ANGLE BRACKETS. Coolidge, Carrie. “Moral Hazard.” Forbes. 3 Oct. 2005:176. MasterFILE Select. EBSCO Schenectady High School Library. 30 Sept. 2005 <>. DATES: Abbreviate the months in all citations except for May, June and July. [Sept, Oct, Nov, Dec, Feb, Mar, Apr, Aug] SIRS ARTICLES Example 19 – Format for a SIRS Article ARTICLE AUTHOR. “ARTICLE TITLE.” TITLE OF ORIGINAL SOURCE. DATE OF PUBLICATION (DAY MONTH YEAR). PAGE NO. (if given). DATABASE TITLE UNDERLINED. NAME OF SERVICE. NAME OF SUBSCRIBING LIBRARY. ACCESS DATE. <URL OR WEB SITE ADDRESS> WITH ANGLE BRACKETS. Keegan, John, and Tom Wolfe. Time. 30 Aug. 1999:15+. "Who Should be Person of the Century?" SIRS Researcher. Source. Schenectady High School Library. SIRS Knowledge 25 Sept. 2005 < >. DATES: Abbreviate the months in all citations except for May, June and July. [Sept, Oct, Nov, Dec, Feb, Mar, Apr, Aug] WHEN THERE IS NO AUTHOR Example 20 – Format when there is no author NOTE: Sometimes a database article is unsigned; no author’s name appears in the citation. When that is the case, start your source card with the title "Artemisia Gentileschi." International Dictionary of Art and Artists, 1990. Biography Resource Center. Gale Group. Schenectady High School Library. 12 Feb. 2005 <>. HOW TO CITE WEB PAGES “Internet sites…vary significantly in the publication information they provide. …Electronic publication information typically includes: the title of the site (underlined), the date of electronic publication or the latest update, and the name of any institution or organization that sponsors the site. If an editor’s name or version number is stated, give that information directly following the title of the site. o The date of electronic publication is required in addition to a date printed publication because the Internet version of the document may well differ from the print version. o The name of the sponsoring institution or organization normally appears at the bottom of the site’s home page.” Excerpted from MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Paper, 6th edition. o o o o Two Examples follow: Example 21 – Format for Web article above (with author) AUTHOR OF ARTICLE. “TITLE OF ARTICLE.” PUBLICATION DATE. TITLE OF SITE. ACCESS DATE <URL OR WEB SITE ADDRESS in angle brackets>. Wheeland, Matthew. “Howlin’Hurricane Rita.” 23 Sept. 2005. 30 Sept. 2005 <>. Example 22 – Format for Web article below. Site is sponsored by an organization. “TITLE OF ARTICLE.” PUBLICATION DATE. TITLE OF SITE. NAME OF ORGANIZATIN RESPONSILBE FOR SITE. ACCESS DATE <URL OR WEB SITE ADDRESS>. NOTE: AUTHOR IS UNKNOWN IN EXAMPLE BELOW. “Edgar Allan Poe Mystery.” 24 Sept. 1996. 1996 Releases – University of Maryland Medical News. University of Maryland Medical Center. 30 Sept. 2005 <>. DATES: Abbreviate the months in all citations except for May, June and July. [Sept, Oct, Nov, Dec, Feb, Mar, Apr, Aug] HOW TO CITE AN INTERVIEW Example 23 – Format for a personal interview NAME OF PERSON INTERVIEWED. TYPE OF INTERVIEW. DATE OF INTERVIEW Chang, Da. Personal interview. 22 May 2006. Example 24 – Format for an email interview NAME OF PERSON INTERVIEWED. TYPE OF INTERVIEW. DATE OF INTERVIEW Anderson, Laurie. E-mail interview. 15 Apr. 2006. MORE EXAMPLES Many of the following examples were taken from <>. Example 25- EMAIL TO YOU Author interviewed. "Title of the message (if any)" E-mail to person's name/title. Date of the message. Kunka, Andrew. "Re: Modernist Literature." E-mail from the author. 15 Nov. 2000 Example 26- ONLINE IMAGE OR SERIES OF IMAGES Artist name if available. "Description or title of image." Date of image. Online image. Title of larger site. Date of download. <Web address>. Taylor, Joe. "The Writing Patriot." No date. Online image. JC Picture Gallery. 3 May 2007. <http://writingpatriot.jpg>. Example- 27 WEBLOGS Treat entire "Blog" just as you would a Web site. For single-author Blogs, include the author ‘s name (or screen name or alias, as a last resort); Blogs with many authors, or an anonymous author, should be listed by the title of the blog itself: Nolan, Clarence. Literary Criticism: Rhetoric and Feminism. 7 May 2006. 11 May 2006 <http://Rhetoric and>. Example - 28 A LISTSERV POSTING Author. "Title of Posting." Online posting. Date when material was posted (for example: 18 Mar. 1998). Name of listserv. Date of access <electronic address for retrieval>. Karper, Erin. "Welcome!" Online posting. 23 Oct. 2000. Professional Writing Bulletin Board. 12 Nov. 2000 <>. Example 29 - WORLD BOOKONLINE ENCYCLOPEDIA At the end of each World BookOnline article, a citation is given. If the writer copies and pastes that citation, he should then follow the format that is detailed in the box below. Citation as it appears at bottom of World Book online article Firpo, Meri T. "Stem cell." World Book Online Reference Center. 2007. [Place of access. Date of access.]>. Insert Schenectady High School Library for [PLACE OF ACCESS]. Insert your access date [DATE OF ACCESS] in this order: DD MMM YYYY (e.g. 24 May 2007.) Remove all brackets. Copy URL given in citation. Use angel brackets < >. The example below shows the final acceptable format edited by the writer. Firpo, Meri T. "Stem cell." World Book Online Reference Center. 2007. Schenectady High School Library. 18 June 2007. <>. Example 30- NEWSPAPER – Format for local and national newspapers Author(s). "Title of Article." Title of Newspaper Day Month Year: pages. Trembacki, Paul. "Brees Hopes to Win Heisman for Team." Daily Gazette 5 Dec. 2000: 20. Example 31- MAGAZINES Author(s). "Title of Article." Title of Magazine Day Month Year: pages Poniewozik, James. "TV Makes a Too-Close Call." Time 20 Nov. 2000: 70-71.