Document 6510713


Document 6510713
February 23, 2014
email ___________________________
date of birth ______________________
Spouse ___________________________
email ___________________________
date of birth ______________________
Address ___________________________
City______________________ State ____
Zip_________ Phone _______________
Names of Children
living at home
date of
Opportunities This Week
8:00 AM Worship Service
9:15 AM Life Groups/Worship Service
10:45 AM Life Groups/Worship Service
Edge Worship - Edge Building
Kids Church - Building A, upper level
4:00 PM Hand Bell Rehearsal - WC1
10:00 AM Strong Women - ROC
6:00 PM Ladies’ Aerobics - ROC
6:15 PM Ladies’ Bible Study - MPR
6:00 PM Ladies Knitting Class - B105
9:00 AM
9:30 AM
5:00 PM
6:30 PM
MOPS - Upstairs in Building B
Ladies’ Bible Study - ROC
Family Supper
Infant/toddler care - Nursery
Play & Worship (2yrs) - 2nd Street
Lil - K (3 - 4 yrs) - Preschool Bldg
Kidmo (K - 4th) - Kids Church
Middle School (5th - 7th) James Bldg.
EDGE (8th - 12th) - EDGE bldg.
Ladies Bible Studies - ROC
Men’s Impact - ROC
Adult Bible Study - MPR
Choir Rehearsal - Choir Room
7:30 PM Strings n’ Things - WC
10:00 AM Strong Women - ROC
6:00 PM Ladies’ Aerobics - ROC
6:30 PM Praise Team Rehearsal - WC
Today I attended the service at:
8:00 a.m.
9:15 a.m.
10:45 a.m.
6:00 p.m.
10:45 a.m. Edge Worship
6:00 AM Pastor’s Men’s Bible Study - MPR
9:00 AM Upward Games - All Day
7:00 PM Worship Center Open for Prayer Until 10:00PM
I am a…
First time guest
Second time or more guest
Member of First Baptist
Member of another church
Name _____________________
Today I prayed to receive Christ
I would like information about
becoming a Christian
Please contact me
Are you considering joining First
Baptist Church?
I would like to join First Baptist
I am interested, please contact me
with more information.
No, just visiting today. I am a
guest of:______________________
Please complete both sides, detach, and
place in the offering plate.
Morning Sermon Notes 2.23.14
“How To Love The Next Generation”
1 Timothy 4:12
Church League Baseball
Time to Sign-Up!
For your child to be placed on a team,
please go to the ROC and fill out registration form and pay fees. The deadline
to sign up is February 28 or until roster
is full. If you have any questions please
call Kyle Elmore or Beth Keisling at 9962166.
Knitting Class
February 25th
6:00pm in B105
Come join us on Tuesday night for a knitting
class led by Jane Anderson! We will be continuing to learn to make a hat. Beginner to
experienced knitters are all welcome! Feel
free to bring any project you are working
on. For more information, contact the
church office at 996.2166.
Supplies needed: 1 skein of worsted weight
yarn and 1 pair of size 9 knitting needles
All lyrics on screen and print during this week’s
services are covered by
CCLI License #640586.
All videos and clips are covered by
CVLI License #502850980
For more information about FBC or to contact one of our ministers,
please visit us at
How to Become a Christian…
Realize that we are all sinners and cannot save ourselves. (Romans 3:23)
Understand that the penalty for sin is eternal death in Hell. (Romans 6:23)
Know that God loves us so much that He gave His Son, Jesus, to die for our sins. (Romans 5:8)
Believe in God’s plan of forgiveness and the promise of eternal life through Jesus. (Romans 10:9)
Accept His promise by repenting of sin and asking Jesus to be the Lord of your life. (Romans 10:13)
February 23, 2014
“How To Love The Next Generation”
1 Timothy 4:12
How to Join our Church …
1. By making a public profession of faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord and testifying to
that by baptism.
2. By a transfer of membership from another Baptist church.
3. By your statement of faith in Christ and believer’s baptism by immersion.
4. By believer’s baptism.
If you would like to pray to receive Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, rededicate your life to Him,
become part of our church family, or otherwise have a question or special prayer need, you
are invited to go forward during the invitation song that follows the sermon and speak with
one of our staff or indicate your decision on the Communication Card and place in offering plate.
“Leading People to a Love Relationship with Jesus Christ”
Sunday morning services can be heard through our website at and
are broadcast at 11:00am each Sunday on Spirit 106.3
CD’s of all worship services are available through the church office for $1.00.
P.O. Box 635, 19 North Adair
Greenwood, AR 72936, (479) 996-2166
Ronnie Deal, Lead Pastor
I am interested in serving in:
From Our Lead Pastor
Pray For Our Students
In each of our Worship Services this morning, you will be asked to take a card
with a student’s name on it and to pray for that student. Our kids need to
know they are loved and I don’t know a better way to show them love than
to pray for them. As a church, we have a challenge to reach the next generation for Christ. I believe it all begins with praying for students! Let’s all commit to pray for our kids...get a card this morning and join us as we ask God to
do His work in the lives of our students.
Thank you to Grant Lowe, our Student Minister, Marca Cain, our Minister to Girls, Beth Keisling,
our Student Ministry Administrative Assistant, and all our volunteers for all your hard work and
dedication this weekend. Disciple Now Weekend couldn’t have happened without you!
Staff Anniversary
Gina Scantling
Education Ministry Assistant
16 years
(Kansas) will be July 9-13, partnering with Aviator church to reach out during the
annual Community Wheat Festival! Contact Jacque Gordon for more information
at: or call the office at 479.996.2166.
On this mission trip, we will be participating in the following:
With Rachel Lovingood
March 8, 2014
9:00 - 3:00pm
Central Baptist Church
Ladies, you won’t want to miss this conference!
The price includes dynamic speakers, engaging
worship, lunch, and breakout sessions designed
to inspire and encourage. Speakers and Breakout leaders include: Chris Adams, Debbie Stuart,
Sally Hennard, and Kelly Stamps. Contact Rae
Deal at for more information. Registration deadline is March 1st. Check
out for
conference updates.
Outdoor Ministry
Petit Jean State Park Hike
Setting up inflatables, dunk tank, and face painting stations.
Working at the Picnic at the Park
Canvassing Wellington and passing out door hangers to invite the community to church.
March 22nd
Meet at the ROC Parking Lot at
Setting up for Street Dance and cleaning up after the event.
Reaching out to business leaders.
Setting up for a parade and cleaning up the streets afterwards.
Setting up for a Family Fun Day at the Park
A ministry is forming for foster families in our
church to be able to connect with and minister to each other. This is a ministry for experienced and new foster families. For more
information, please contact Stacey Quinton:
414.2265 or
Bring sack lunch, water, and snacks
To sign up, contact Renae Hughart at 650.9863
Ladies, mark your calendars for April 26th!! You
won’t want to miss out on this event with
speaker and author, Rachel Lovingood. Watch
the bulletin for more information! Tell your
neighbors and your friends, and let’s join together for a picnic!
MOG Fishing
March 8th
Our yearly fishing tournament will be held at
Sugar Loaf Lake on March 8th. Registration
starts at 7:00am. Tournament will start at
7:30am. Weigh in at 12:00pm. $20.00 per boat
and $5.00 per fisherman for big bass. 100% payback. Contact: Jackie Dolan 1-479-252-0166.
MOG Coed Motorcycle Ride
March 15th
Join us for a motorcycle ride! We leave from
the ROC parking lot at 8:00am and ride to Petit
Jean where we will have lunch. After lunch,
return at your leisure! For more information,
contact Bill Lane at 479.629.3160.
Ladies’ Book Club
March 13
Misery Loves Company
By Rene Gutterridge
Now is the time to begin reading for our
next book club meeting! For more information, contact Rachel Grigg at or
Week of 2.16.14
Joined by Baptism
Abbey Efurd
1814 Cherrybark Dr., Greenwood
Joined by Letter
Paul & Debbie Efurd
Emily Efurd, Marybeth Efurd
1814 Cherrybark Dr., Greenwood
Emalie Miller
Natalie Miller
1150A Grinnel Circle, Greenwood
Prayed to Receive Christ
Kendra Shipley
305 Cherrybark Pl., Greenwood
Worship Attendance
Nursery Ministry
Preschool Ministry
Children’s Ministry
Middle School (5th - 7th grade)
Students (8th - 12th grade)
College Ministry
Adult Ministry
Men’s Ministry
Women’s Ministry
Senior Adult Ministry
Music (Worship Arts)
Recreation (ROC) Ministry
Homebound Ministry
Funeral Meals
Wednesday Night Meals
Food Pantry
Clothes Closet Open
Our Clothes Closet, located at the corner of
Aster and Atlanta, is helping serve the needs of
people in our community. It’s open every
Tuesday • 10:00am - 1:00pm
2nd Saturday of the Month - 10:00am 2:00pm
February 25 Volunteer: Ruth McConnell
New Ladies’ Bible Studies
Wednesday Nights - 6:30pm - Beginning March 5th
Malachi: A Love That Never Lets Go - On our worst day, God doesn’t walk away from us. And His
love for us is not determined by our performances. No matter how many times we mess up, God
loves (and never leaves) broken people. Women taking this study with gain a fresh perspective
on the book of Malachi. A book study by Lisa Harper, Led by Rae Deal. Wednesday Nights R202.
"A Beautiful Offering" by Angela Thomas. This study encourages women to rekindle their hearts
by returning their lives to God. How can an imperfect life with blemishes and scars reflect back
to God a true gratefulness for His love? Jesus knows you are not perfect, but He also knows that
you are made perfect in Him, if only you will come and surrender to Him daily. Led by Erin Bartlett & Amy Daniel - R200
Wednesday Mornings - 9:30am - Beginning February 26th
The Inheritance - nine session lecture-only series that takes an in-depth look at Inheritance
throughout God's Word. Each session is approximately one hour in length and is based on the
key verse: Psalm 16:5-6 "The lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; indeed, I have a beautiful inheritance." A video study by Beth Moore. Led by Shirley Hunt - ROC
Wye Mountain
Daffodil Festival
March 8th
Watch the bulletin for more information!
Life Group Attendance
Popcorn, Goodies,
& A Movie
When: March 6th, 1:00pm
Where: ROC
Remember: Sign up in the Worship
Center or call: Billie White at
996.2527 or Fredia Holland at
Wednesday Night
Family Meal
Ham Steak
Potatoes, pinto beans, turnip greens, dessert
If you would like a healthy choice salad, please
contact the office by Tuesday.
Kids’ Menu: Chicken Nuggets
Adults $4.00, 12 & under $3.00,
3 yrs. & under free, $15 limit per household
Meal Volunteers: Patti Smith’s Life Group
Days of Prayer
Non - Christian parents
Maintenance & upkeep of
recreation area
Wednesday Safety for all players and
Thursday Coaches who need spiritual
A spirit of sportsmanship
among parents
Those leading halftimes on
Our Upward program reaches hundreds
and hundreds of kids, parents, grandparents and friends each week. Commit
with us to be a prayer warrior throughout
this season.
Adults.................................................. 463
Students................................................ 84
Middle School ....................................... 55
Children ................................................ 99
Preschool .............................................. 31
Nursery ................................................. 58
Total ............................................ 790
Wednesday Night........................470
Ministerial Staff
Lead Pastor ..................................... Ronnie Deal
Spiritual Formation/Teaching Pastor ....... Jeff Ivey
Worship Arts Minister ...................... Tom McCone
EDGE Worship Leader........................Justin Trice
Sr Adult/Pastoral Care Minister .... Stan Escalante
Student Minister .................................Grant Lowe
Minister Jr.High & High School Girls...Marca Cain
Middle School Minister/Recreation .... Kyle Elmore
Children’s Minister ....................... Jacque Gordon
Preschool Director ................. Lyndi Bracamontes
Preschool Ministry Intern ............... Jessica Brown
Second Street Coordinator ......... Rebecca Selkirk
Nursery Director ............................... Tonia Hobbs
Women’s Ministry Coordinator .............. Rae Deal
Please list any prayer requests you
would like our staff to pray for. Comments about our service are also welcome.