How to Fix MM/FI Field Status Errors


How to Fix MM/FI Field Status Errors
How to Fix MM/FI Field Status Errors
by Rohana Gunawardena, SAP Practice Director, Quality Software & Systems
Examine why field status errors occur for Materials Management (MM) transactions. Understand
the relationship between MM and Financial Accounting field status. Discover the steps required to
correct field status group errors and the special considerations for configuring field status groups.
When you post Materials Management
(MM) transactions that have a Financial
Accounting (FI) impact, you may receive
the error message M7 093 Different field
selection for movement type 501/account
400020 differs from Profit Center 042 or
F5 808 Field Cost Center is a required
field for G/L account 3000 792000. These
error messages are caused by an inconsistency in the field status group for the MM
movement type and the FI G/L account to
which you are posting. Common MM
transactions such as MB01, MB1A,
MB1B, MB1C, and VL01 and SAP Enjoy
transactions such as MIGO and MIRO
can trigger these messages.
When configuring a movement type using
transaction OMJJ to set the field status
group, you miss the similar field status
group for the G/L account configured
using transaction OBC4. To help resolve
these issues, SAP provides standard report
RM07CUFA to help analyze the inconsistencies. I’ll show you how to use this
report to update field selections, and also
explain in greater detail the considerations
you need to take into account when
adjusting the configuration.
Consider the following scenario: The Financial Accounting (FI) General Ledger (G/L)
team has decided that profit center should
be a compulsory account for material consumption accounts. When a user performs a
goods receipt using movement type 501,
goods issue (GI) receipt without purchase
order (PO), they receive error message Fld
selectn for mvmt type 501/acct 400020
differs for Profit Center (042). Note 042
indicates the profit center fields are controlled by the forty-second position in the
raw data display of field T156B-FAUSN.
What should your next step as an analyst
be? To resolve this message you need to
know the field selection for a movement
type. First I’ll explain what MM field
status is and how it interacts with FI field
status. Then I’ll show you how to quickly
identify and correct any inconsistencies.
MM Field Status
When you post an MM document certain
information is required to process the
transaction, such as plant, storage location, and material. Additional information
can be required of an MM transaction
(e.g., movement type 201 requires a cost
center). The field status group controls
what information is required to complete
an MM transaction.
To configure MM field status, use transaction OMJJ and select the sub-dialog Field
selection (from 201)/Batch search procedure (Figure 1). The text (from 201)
means it applies to movement types from
201 to 999 only, not to the purchasing
goods receipt transactions 101 to 199. One
>> Key Concept
A Materials Management (MM)
movement type and a general ledger
(G/L) account both have field selection strings. Field selection strings
need to be consistent between
Financial Accounting and MM. For
example, it is inconsistent for an
MM movement type to suppress a
profit center, but for the G/L account
to require a profit center.
entry per special stock indicator is active
for each movement type. Double-click on
the appropriate entry to see the field status
group overview (Figure 2).
The field status groups break the individual
fields in the MM document into logically
related groups. Double-click on a group to
see the full field details (Figure 3). If the
field status group name is in blue it means
at least one field in the group is optional or
required; if it is black then all fields are
suppressed. The text (FI only) refers to
fields that are only used in FI, but you may
need to update these settings if you run into
the error messages I have discussed.
The field status group detail shows the
settings for individual fields such as
Profit Center. The options Suppress,
Req. Entry, and Opt. Entry control the
field status during MM document entry
for the specific movement type. You can
Figure 1 Transaction OMJJ for movement type field selection update
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use the page up and page down keys to
navigate between pages.
Figure 2 Transaction OMJJ detail after
you double-click on the movement type
Sometimes a single row in the field status
group can refer to more than one field in
the MM document (e.g., the Sales order
option controls the sales order document
and sales order item fields). Use the Field
check button in Figure 3 to see which
fields a single setting controls.
The settings in the OMJJ sub-dialog Field
selection (from 201)/Batch search procedure do not apply to SAP Enjoy transaction
MIGO (goods receipt with a purchase
order). Instead you need to enter the field
for which you want to change the status in
the sub-dialog Field selection (Enjoy)
shown in Figure 4. Note the SAP Enjoy
logic applies to all movement types from
101 to 999. It has no special text, as
opposed to Figure 1, which says from 201.
FI Configuration
Now that I have discussed the configuration for MM field status group, you know
the error messages occur due to an inconsistency between MM and FI field status
groups. FI has two field status groups, one
for the G/L account and one for the
posting key (Table 1).
OBC4: G/L Account Field Status Group
Each G/L account is assigned a field status
group. You can display the field status
group assignment with transaction FS03
(Figure 5 on the next page).
An FI field status group is not unique. You
need to know its field status variant. Click
on the drop-down arrow next to Field
status group G003 or press F4 for help.
Then the field status variant 1000 is displayed at the top of the selection list
(Figure 6 on the next page).
You can find the details of the FI field
status groups with transaction OBC4. Select the correct Field status name and then
double-click on the Field status groups
folder in the Dialog Structure to display
the Change View Field status groups:
Overview screen (Figure 7 on the next
page). From there you can drill down to a
screen similar to Figure 2, then proceed to
Figure 3 to set the options for suppressed,
required, or optional entry control.
Figure 3 Transaction OMJJ field status group update for Additional account
assignments group
OB41: Posting Key Field Status
Figure 4 Profit center PRCTR added as a required field for SAP Enjoy transactions
G/L account
Field status group
assigned to G/L
account has configuration, display link using
transaction FS03
OBC4: configuration by field
status group
The M7 093 and F5 808 error
messages compare MM field
status to this FI field status
Posting key
Directly part of posting
key configuration
OB41: configuration by
posting key
Nearly all fields are defined as
optional for material related
posting keys 80 to 99. Usually
you do not need to adjust them.
Table 1
Comparison of the two types of field status group settings in FI
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In FI there is also a field status setting for
each posting key, which is configured
using transaction OB41 (Figure 8 on the
next page). The FI posting keys relevant
for MM transactions are 80 to 99. In this
transaction double-click on the posting
key to go to the detail screen. In the detail
screen click on the Maintain Field Status
button to see a screen similar to the MM
Maintain Field Status Group: Overview screen in Figure 2. From there you
can drill down to set the options for suppressed, required, or optional entry con-
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trol, similar to the MM Maintain Field
Status Group: Detail screen in Figure 3.
If you need to review the settings at a
more technical level, see Table 2, which
shows the tables where the three field
status group settings I have introduced
earlier are stored.
When the raw data in these tables is displayed using transactions SE16, SE16N,
or SE17, the field selection string appears
as a set of plus (+), minus (-) and period
(.) characters (Figure 9). You can interpret
the raw data characters using the descriptions in Table 3.
Invalid Combinations
I have discussed the configuration for MM
field status group and error messages that
occur due to an inconsistency between MM
and FI field status groups. Table 4 shows
the logic SAP applies to the comparison of
the MM movement type and FI G/L
account field status group settings. Table 5
provides additional detail on the four combinations that cause errors. Analyze your
own business scenarios before proceeding
with the possible corrections suggested.
Figure 5 Field status group assignment for a G/L account
Figure 6 Find the field status variant for a field status group
Figure 7 Transaction OBC4 field status group overview
Error Report
Now I will introduce a report to quickly
identify and correct any inconsistencies. You
can use report RM07CUFA (Field Selection
Comparison: Movement Type G/L Account)
to identify the field selection string errors.
See SAP Note 9281for more information.
Enter the data from the error message Fld
selectn for mvmt type 501/acct 400020
differs for Profit Center (042) into the
selection screen of RM07CUFA.
Figure 8 Transaction OB41 configures FI posting keys
Configuration object
Table description
MM movement type
Movement types: screen selection
FI G/L field status group
Field status definition groups
FI posting key
Posting key
Table 2
List of configuration tables where field status group settings are stored
Execute the report and it highlights conflicts between MM and FI field status
groups (Figure 10). To execute the report,
populate the selection screen and click on
the execute icon.
To change the field status group with transaction OMJJ or OBC4, click on the
Figure 9 Raw data display of field
selection string
Required entry
Optional entry
Table 3
Display entry
Rarely used
Field status symbols
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appropriate symbol for the row in error. The
left symbol with the header MvT is the
MM field status and the hotspot links to
transaction OMJJ. The symbol on the right
hand with header A/c is the FI G/L field
status and the hotspot links to transaction
OBC4. In both cases, a screen similar to the
MM Maintain Field Status Group: Overview screen appears as shown in Figure 2.
Click on the error log icon
of the main
report output to take you to a summary list
of all errors (Figure 11). This is useful as
the report has a long list of field status
groups you have to scroll through.
In this case the error is resolved by making profit center a required field in the
MM movement type 501 field status
Table 4
Suppressed (–)
Required (+)
Optional (.)
Suppressed (–)
Required (+)
Optional (.)
Matrix showing intersection of MM and FI field status group settings
MM T156B
FI T004F
Possible correction
in MM, but
in FI
The field is populated in
MM, but the data cannot
be transferred to the FI
posting, resulting in loss of
data in the FI document
Make field status
optional in FI or suppress in MM
in MM, but
in FI
The field cannot be populated in MM resulting in an
error in the FI posting for
the required field
Make field status
required in MM or
optional in FI or suppressed in FI
Optional (.)
Optional in
MM, but
in FI
The field may not be populated in MM resulting in an
error in the FI posting for
the required field
Make field status
required in MM or
optional in FI
Optional in
MM, but
in FI
The field maybe populated
in MM, but the data cannot
be transferred to the FI
posting, resulting in loss of
data in the FI document
Make field status
optional in FI or suppress in MM
Optional (.)
Table 5
Field status group settings that cause errors
group. This was done by clicking on the symbol for Profit Center in Figure 10,
going to the Field Status Overview,
double clicking on the Additional account
assignments group, and then setting the
required entry option for Profit Center.
Issues with RM07CUFA
Report RM07CUFA is very useful but you
cannot resolve all issues directly form this
report. There is no link to OMJJ subdialog Field selection (Enjoy), so you
need to enter OMJJ directly to update
configuration for SAP Enjoy transactions.
The report does not compare settings for
FI posting keys. Usually this is not an
issue as the MM relevant posting keys 80
to 99 have default settings with nearly all
fields optional, which allows all field data
to pass through. If there is an issue with
the posting key field status group you see
the error message Rules for posting key
91 and acct 400020 set incorrectly for
PRCTR field. n
Rohana Gunawardena is the
SAP practice director of
Quality Systems & Software, a specialist SAP
consulting firm. Rohana has
been working with SAP
since 1992, focusing on the order-to-cash
process with emphasis on global rollouts,
business segment reporting, cross-module
integration, and the financial impact of
SCM transactions. Plus, he has helped
multiple clients on detailed system correction projects (e.g., correcting inventory
balances, retrospectively activating group
currency, and cleaning up intercompany
accounting transactions). Rohana has
Figure 10 Field status group error found for profit center field
spoken at many SAP conferences and has
published more than 20 articles on various
aspects of SAP. He is a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England
& Wales. You may contact Rohana via
Figure 11 Error log for report RM07CUFA
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email at
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