How to choose a bearing? - Explanation of The Bearings Background
How to choose a bearing? - Explanation of The Bearings Background
Bearing Selection - How To Select A Bearing? How to choose a bearing? - Explanation of The Bearings And Guidelines And Tips For Selecting Bearings Background By Solaris2006 [ GFDL or CC-BY-SA-3.0 ], via Wikimedia Commons Bearing is a mechanical component consists of two bodies when one is fixed and the other can move relatively to the other. Bearing are very common in every motion mechanism, especially in robotics and automation. The bearing allows motion between mechanical elements and lowers the friction between them. The motion can be either angular or linear. 1 / 37 Bearing Selection - How To Select A Bearing? The first bearings were invented in ancient times. Large stones were placed on round wood logs so they can roll on the logs. In this way the wooden logs were rotating between the stone and the ground. Even after thousands of years, the principle I the same – only the size, the accuracy and the technology have changed. General Bearing Structure Bearing internal structure consists of outer ring, inner ring, balls or other round shaped bodies, cage and protective plates. 2 / 37 Bearing Selection - How To Select A Bearing? By Silberwolf [to CC-BY-2.5 via Wikimedia Commons Suppose balls the internal). dynamic cause that itring When one slip rotates ofthe one thedynamic on rings at],athe speed isother. static ringofstarts At (Say 1000 theto the rpm, same rotate external) then time, then the the and the round round friction the balls second balls between rolls roll ring at onaitisthe speed and dynamic static theofround ring. (say If 500rpm. lowering A plain bodies. relatively bearing This between type is also the bearings two consists rings. of time internal of external between rings but thewithout two rings theand internal the motion bearing is cage rollperformance isplates toof maintain anconsists equal distance between the internal bearing balls. The protective the roll isand to prevent life dirt oflow the andfriction bearing. dust from entering inside the bearing huts How To Select A Bearing? - Bearing Specifications Radial Force Force acting perpendicular to the rotation axis of the bearing 3 / 37 Bearing Selection - How To Select A Bearing? Axial Force Force acting Parallel to the rotation axis of the bearing 4 / 37 Bearing Selection - How To Select A Bearing? Combined Forces A Combination of radial and axial forces: 5 / 37 Bearing Selection - How To Select A Bearing? Bearing Material Material from which the bearing is made. There are many common materials such as: metal, plastic and glass. Rotation Speed Every bearing has a maximum allowable rotation speed. As with any design of a mechanical system, you should never design the bearing to rotate at 100% of the maximum allowable speed. Safety factor should always be considered. Shielded Bearing 6 / 37 Bearing Selection - How To Select A Bearing? Bearing protective plates that cover the entire structure of the bearing. Typically, protective plates shall be fixed to the outer ring by “C” Shaped tightening ring. These plates provide good protection against dust and dirt, but not perfect insulation. The protective plates are pressed against the outer ring but there is always some very small gap in which dirt and dust can enter. Sealed Bearing Sealed bearing are protected bearing based on the same principle as shielding plates but in this type of bearing the plates replaced with rubber plates. The rubber plates create perfect insulation that prevent dust, dirt and even liquid to enter inside the bearing. However there is a downside – the rubber ring may touch the inner ring and reduce the rotation speed of the bearing. Loading Direction Loading direction is the direction of the stresses in the bearing. For example, the following picture: 7 / 37 Bearing Selection - How To Select A Bearing? © SKF The bearing in the image placed in a way to withstand stress that exerted from the left side. If the same force will be exerted from the right side, the bearing might fail. Therefore, it is very important to analyze what is the load direction. When using bearing with shifted rings (as in the picture), various loading direction can be addressed by using several bearing arranged in three main methods: Tandem Arrangement © SKF In this arrangement, the load lines are parallel and the bearing is distributing evenly the axial and radial forces. However, this arrangement allows axial forces in one direction only. If additional force is exerted on the opposite direction, or combined forces are expected, the a third bearing or different arrangements should be considered. Back-to-Back Arrangement 8 / 37 Bearing Selection - How To Select A Bearing? © SKF In acting this on arrangement, bothisdirections a rigidthe one load are and handled lines canare handle well acting but well towards each withdirection torque the outside exerted is handled ofon thethe with bearings. bearings. one bearing. Axial forces This arrangement Face-to-Face Arrangement © SKF In this arrangement, the load lines are acting towards the inside of the bearings. Axial forces acting on both directions are handled well but each direction is handled with one bearing. This arrangement is a less rigid then the last one and deals less with torque exerted on the bearings. Basic Rating Life Bearing is one of the few mechanical components that have an actual formula to calculate the life time. The formula calculates the bearing life time according to standard ISO 281:1990: 9 / 37 Bearing Selection - How To Select A Bearing? When: – Bearing life (in million hours) – Characteristic of the bearing dynamic load (kN) – dynamic load (radial + axial) on the bearing (kN) – Lifetime Coefficient. P=3 for ball bearing and p=10/3 for sleeve bearing. If the rotational speed is known and constant, then the following formula should be used: When: – Rotational Speed of the bearing (rpm) 10 / 37 Bearing Selection - How To Select A Bearing? –you Life time (in million hours) appropriate with: There are three thumb rules about the life time of bearings. bearing lifeand time achived 1. rotational Lower bearing loads 3. Larger bearing Diameter. IfMachinery used of a2. very to cannot help reliable life assess determine time bearing (reliability the the bearing (too exact reliable), =speeds life money). life time time itApplication is based aappliances, recommended bearing the should application toHigher have, follow the of this the following table table To select save can the be cost L10h Type of 300 -12000 3000 Machines used inon domestic, agricultural equipment, instruments, technica 3000 8000 intended for short use: Manual freight elevators inbearing. garages and workshops, const 8000 Machines designed to work reliably during a short actions: lifts, cranes 10000 25000 but not regularly: transmission 20000 30000 eight hours a day and regularly: metalworking m 40000 50000 Machines for continuous 24 hours a day: Turn in machining equipment, med 60000 100000 Water industry machinery, cable manufacturing machines, equipment, vehic >100000 electric machines, power plants, pumps Mines, Mine Fans Large Static Bearing Load Static load characteristic a characteristic of the and indicated the symbol and measured in units ofisforce (N). It is used for bearing calculations related to by bearings rotating at very low speeds (n <10rpm), and perform very slow periodic movements. Dynamic Bearing Load Dynamic load characteristic is a(N). characteristic of the bearing and indicated the symbol and measured in units of force It is used for calculations related to the by rotating bearings and loads exerted on them. Equivalent Static Bearing Load 11 / 37 Bearing Selection - How To Select A Bearing? © SKF Equivalent static load is a characteristic that summarizes the forces acting on the bearing at rest or at very low rotation speed. This is one of the most important characteristic when selecting bearings. Equivalent static load is calculated using the following formula: When: – Equivalent Static Bearing Load (kN) – Radial force exerted on the bearing (kN) – Axial force exerted on the bearing (kN) – Radial bearing load coefficient (each bearing has its own coefficient) 12 / 37 Bearing Selection - How To Select A Bearing? – Axial bearing load coefficient (each bearing has its own coefficient) Static Safety Factor Static Safety Factor is one of the characteristic that affect the decision whether to choose one bearing or the other. The static safety factor is calculated using the following formula: – Static Safety Factor – Static Bearing Load Coefficient – Equivalent Static Bearing Load Checking against the following table for the case where the bearing is supposed to work: Type of Motion Smooth movement without Standard vibration Shocks Ball Bearing (noise irrelevant) 0.5 0.5 >1.5 SleeveBearing (noise irrelevant) 1 1 >2.5 13 / 37 Bearing Selection - How To Select A Bearing? Ball Bearing (Standard) 1 1 SleeveBearing (Standard)1.5 >1.5 1.5 >3 Ball Bearing (Quite Motion) 2 2 >2 Sleeve Bearing (Quite Motion) 3 3.5 >4 Ball Bearing (Non-rotating) 0.4 0.5 >1 Sleeve Bearing (Non-rotating) 0.8 >2 * A Basic Table describing two bearings. Consult bearing manufacturers regarding these figures. If calculated static factor a “stronger” bearing should be selected that fits the load isthe lower than the one safety in the table, requirements and the desired safety factors. Equivalent Dynamic Bearing Load 14 / 37 Bearing Selection - How To Select A Bearing? © SKF Equivalent Dynamic load is a characteristic that summarizes the forces acting on the bearing at rest or at very low rotation speed. This is one of the most important characteristic when selecting bearings. Equivalent static load is calculated using the following formula: When: – Equivalent dynamic load (kN) – Radial force on the bearing (kN) 15 / 37 Bearing Selection - How To Select A Bearing? – Axial force on the bearing (kN) (each bearing has its own coefficient) bearing load coefficient – Axial bearing load coefficient (each bearing has its own coefficient) – Radial Friction Moment Friction Moment is describing the resistance of the bearing to motion. When a torque equation of motion mechanism is calculated, these characteristic has to be taken into account. There are bearing with extremely low friction moment and some with higher friction moment. The friction moment is calculated using the following formula: – Friction moment of the bearing (Nmm) - Coefficient of friction of the bearing (see table) – Equivalent dynamic load (N) – Inner diameter of the bearing (mm). Friction Coefficient 0.0015 0.0020 0.0024 0.0024 0.0010 0.0011 Type of Bearing Deep groove ball bearings Angular contact ball bearings single row Angular contact ball bearings double row Angular contact ball bearings four-point contact ball bearings Self-aligning ball bearings Cylindrical roller bearings with cage, when Fa≈0 16 / 37 Bearing Selection - How To Select A Bearing? 0.0020 0.0022 0.0018 0.0018 0.0016 0.0013 0.0050 0.0050 0.0018 Cylindrical roller bearings full complement, when Fa≈0 Needle roller bearings Tapered roller bearings Spherical roller bearings CARB toroidal roller bearings Thrust ball bearings Cylindrical roller thrust bearings Needle roller thrust bearings Spherical roller thrust bearings A video demonstrating a production process of bearings: How To Select A Bearing? - Bearing Types Ball Bearing 17 / 37 Bearing Selection - How To Select A Bearing? By Silberwolf [ CC-BY-2.5 ], via Wikimedia Commons Rolling bearing based on spherical bearing bodies. Designed for higher speeds and smaller loads due to small contact area between the balls and the rings. Can also carry axial load in addition to radial loads. Cheap bearings relative to other types of bearings. Angular Contact Ball Bearing © SKF Bearing is based on the spherical bearing bodies. The difference between this type of bearing 18 / 37 Bearing Selection - How To Select A Bearing? and the previous one is that the internal slide rails are asymmetric. These bearing support much better combined loads. It is important to diagnose the loading direction. Positioning the bearing in the wrong loading direction can cause malfunction in the robot or the moving mechanical mechanism. Self Aligning Ball Roller Bearing This bearing is very similar to the rolling ball bearing except that the slide rails are spherical instead of straight ones. This means that when a mismatch is created between the tracks of the inner ring and the outer ring tracks, the rolling balls can align itself in the center of the sliding 19 / 37 Bearing Selection - How To Select A Bearing? tracks automatically. Ball Thrust Bearing Thrust bearing based on spherical bearing bodies. Unlike the standard ball bearing, these bearing designed to withstand much higher axial forces and not intended to deal with radial force. 20 / 37 Bearing Selection - How To Select A Bearing? By Silberwolf [ CC-BY-2.5 ], via Wikimedia Commons Cylindrical Bearing 21 / 37 Bearing Selection - How To Select A Bearing? Rolling bearing based on cylindrical bearing bodies. Designed for lower speeds applications due to increased friction but can deal with high loads and forces. Bearing performance lowered drastically if the sliding tracks are not aligned with each other. By Silberwolf [ CC-BY-2.5 ], via Wikimedia Commons Cylindrical Thrust Bearing 22 / 37 Bearing Selection - How To Select A Bearing? Thrust bear high bearing because axial[ CC-BY-2.5 based loads thereand on arecylindrical no differences radial loads. bearing in the Bearings bodies. rotationare Unlike of each usually cylindrical point cheaper on the rolling but rollers. tend bearing, to erode destined moreto quickly By ], via Wikimedia Commons Silberwolf Needle Bearing Rolling bearing based on needles as the body bearing. The needles are actually long cylinders with very small diameter. Due to the small diameter of the rolling bodies (the needles), the inner ring and the outer ring are very close one to the other. This contributes to a design when one has to choose an internal diameter bearing closely as possible to the axis. Bearing is characterized by quick degradation and low reliability. 23 / 37 Bearing Selection - How To Select A Bearing? Tapered Bearing Rolling bearing based on conical bearings bodies. The cones roll on the inner rail that is shaped as conical rails too. Most of the bearing can deal with axial and radial forces but this type of bearing can deal much better with combined and inclined loads. Usually, they are more expansive due to the complication of the manufacturing process. By Silberwolf [ CC-BY-2.5 ], via Wikimedia Commons 24 / 37 Bearing Selection - How To Select A Bearing? Tapered Thrust Bearing Thrust bearing based on conical bearings bodies. Bearing that, unlike standard tapered bearing, can deal with much higher axial loads and almost no radial loads. These bearings are usually expensive due to the complexity in manufacturing. By Silberwolf [ CC-BY-2.5 ], via Wikimedia Commons 25 / 37 Bearing Selection - How To Select A Bearing? Spherical Roller Bearing Rolling bearing based on barrel-shaped bearing body (thick center and thinner at the edges). This bearing can deal much better with non-concentric bearing rings. Bearings are expensive due to their manufacturing complexity. 26 / 37 Bearing Selection - How To Select A Bearing? By Silberwolf [ CC-BY-2.5 ], via Wikimedia Commons Fluid Dynamic Bearing 27 / 37 Bearing Selection - How To Select A Bearing? These bearings consist of two sealed rings and no internal bearing elements. Pressurized liquid (usually, oil, water or air) is put inside and between the two rings. The advantages of these bearings are low cost and much lower friction mechanical bearings. However, these bearings are very sensitive to temperature changes and can fail in an instant when subjected to sudden high loads (shocks). Spherical Bearing By Androstachys [ CC-BY-SA-3.0 or GFDL ], via Wikimedia Commons 28 / 37 Bearing Selection - How To Select A Bearing? Spherical bearing allows a slight angular movement of the drive shaft relatively to the bearing rings. The inner ring supports the drive shaft and can turn relatively to the outer ring. Magnetic Bearing © NASA Magnetic bearing is bearing with no internal bearing elements. Bearing supports the rotating 29 / 37 Bearing Selection - How To Select A Bearing? axis inside by electromagnetic force that cause “hovering” of the two rings in a constant distance. In this type of bearing there is no mechanical contact between the two rings. This bearing has almost zero degradation over time and characterized with extremely low friction. Another advantage is that this bearing has no speed limit. These bearings can turn around at any speed. Downside is that these magnets require constant electrical input voltage (for example, a machine that moves the axis and suddenly there is an electrical failure of the bearing may be damaged severely due to the collapse of the bearing). Plain Bearing 30 / 37 Bearing Selection - How To Select A Bearing? Plain bearing is the simplest type of bearing without any internal bearing elements and based on sliding motion. This bearing is built from one ring (sleeve), where the drive shaft is turning inside it. Sliding bearing is very common and most affordable. It is a good choice where high radial loads may be subjected but has a very high degradation rate. This type of bearing is not built for high speed applications due to the high friction By Silberwolf [ CC-BY-SA-2.5 ], via Wikimedia Commons How To Select A Bearing - So How To Select A Bearing? Loads 31 / 37 Bearing Selection - How To Select A Bearing? Is there an axial load on the bearing? Is there radial loads? Or maybe a combination of both? it is important to define the size and the direction of the loads. Now begins the stage of trial and error. first choose a bearing from the catalog that corresponds to the expected loads. Using the Characteristics of the bearing ( ,, ,, ,) Calculate the equivalent dynamic load and the equivalent static load. First calculate the equivalent static load using the formula: Compare the equivalent static load to the static safety factor. Choose a safety factor from the top table and use it in the following formula: 32 / 37 Bearing Selection - How To Select A Bearing? Now check the bearingone. manufactures tables and lookselected, for a bearing static loaddynamic factor fits to the calculated After a bearing has been checkwith theaequivalent load of the bearing. To do so use the following equation: or This is the equivalent dynamic load calculated according to the formula: 33 / 37 Bearing Selection - How To Select A Bearing? Coefficient depends on the bearing type. m=3 for ball bearings, m=3.3 for sleeve bearings. This figure describes the bearing life in units of millions of turns. This figure describes the bearing life in units of millions of hours – Rotation speed of the bearing Now estimate how long the bearing should work. If you don’t know exactly how long the bearing should work, you can use the following table: : Type of application 300 - 3000 3000 - 8000 8000 - 12000 10000 - 25000 20000 - 30000 40000 - 50000 60000 - 100000 <100000 Machines used in domestic, agricultural equipment, instruments, technica Machinery intended for short use: Manual appliances, freight elevators in ga Machines designed to work reliably during a short actions: lifts, cranes Machines designed to work eight hours a day but not regularly: transmission Machines designed to work eight hours a day and regularly: metalworking m Machines for continuous 24 hours a day: Turn in machining equipment, med Water industry machinery, cable manufacturing machines, equipment, vehic Large electric machines, power plants, pumps Mines, Mine Fans Put all the gathered data in the formula to get C. now check the bearing tables for the most 34 / 37 Bearing Selection - How To Select A Bearing? suitable load and the equivalent equivalent static dynamic load . If one of the calculated figures is smaller than the one in the table, a “stronger” bearing has to be selected and the dynamic load has to be recalculated (X and Y are variables and depended on the selected bearing). If the two calculated figures are higher than the one appearing in the table the one of the two following choices can be made: - Stay with the selected bearing with the knowledge that it has higher requirements than needed. - Choose a "weaker" bearing to lower cost and the safetey factor as well. What is the bearing’s expected angular velocity? Using bearings manufacturer’s catalogs, you can select the appropriate bearing by the indicated speed in the technical datasheets. What are the geometric dimensions of the bearing? 35 / 37 Bearing Selection - How To Select A Bearing? The critical part is the drive shaft. Therefore, the bearing selection process should be aimed towards matching the inner diameter of the bearing to the outer diameter of the drive shaft. What are the environmental conditions of the bearing? If dust or dirt is expected in the work environment, protected and sealed bearing should be considered. If large environment temperature variations are expected, then avoid using hydrostatic bearings. If a sensitive instruments for EMC or electrostatic positioned near the bearings, then avoid using magnetic bearings or find a way to protect the sensitive instruments. 36 / 37 Bearing Selection - How To Select A Bearing? Written by Eran Cenciper (Robot-and-Machines-Design webmaster) 37 / 37