How to Register a Healthcare Organisation for the


How to Register a Healthcare Organisation for the
How to Register a
Healthcare Organisation
for the
Personally Controlled Electronic Health
Record (PCEHR)
Northern Territory Medicare Local Ltd (ABN 17 158 970 480)
Purpose ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 3
What is eHealth? .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 3
How do I register my healthcare organisation for the PCEHR? .................................................................................................................... 3
Flowchart ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
Step by step explanation............................................................................................................................................................................... 5
Forms............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 8
Checklist ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 11
Northern Territory Medicare Local Ltd (ABN 17 158 970 480)
This document aims to outline the process for an organisation to register for the Personally Controlled Electronic Healthcare Record (national eHealth
record). If you are an Individual Healthcare Provider wishing to register please refer to the “Guide to Register an Individual Provider for the Personally
Controlled Electronic Health Record”.
What is eHealth?
The World Health Organisation defines eHealth as “the combined use of electronic communication and information technology in the health sector”1.
An example of some eHealth initiatives are the eHealth record, electronic secure messaging, telehealth and electronic transfer of prescriptions.
How do I register my healthcare organisation for the PCEHR?
A flowchart (page 4) has been developed to guide your healthcare organisation through the registration process.
Please note:
Each step in the process has been identified with a number.
Each of these numbers corresponds to a more detailed explanation on pages 5 to 7.
It is recommended that you have the Glossary, Acronyms and Important Phone numbers documents from your Blue NTML eHealth File
available to assist you whilst completing the registration process.
The flowchart shows any forms that you may need to complete. Links to these forms are provided on pages 9 to 10.
A checklist is provided for your convenience on page 11.
*Please note that the registration process is constantly being updated and improved by the Department of Health and Medicare, therefore
it is the responsibility of the user of this form to ensure you are using the most current version of any given document throughout the
process. The NTML will make every attempt to provide you with the most current information at all time
Northern Territory Medicare Local Ltd (ABN 17 158 970 480)
Step by step explanation
1. Have a
To participate in the PCEHR each organisation needs to obtain a HPI-O. This allows the organisation to be correctly identified
and able to access the HI service.
If your organisation already has a HPI-O please ensure the details are up to date. (see step 4)
If your organisation doesn’t have a HPI-O you will need to apply for one (see step 2)
You will need to find out if your organisation is a seed (simple structure) or network (complex structure). The majority of
2. Type of
Australian healthcare organisations are independent; therefore they would register as a seed organisation. An example of this
is a stand-alone General Practice. Alternatively a network organisation is when an organisation exists as part of a hierarchy.
An example of this is a hospital (seed organisation) with wards (network organisations). Please note that it is also possible to
complete steps 5 & 7 as part of Form 1.
If you are a network organisation you must be registered under the seed organisation. Please note that the seed organisation
3. Seed
needs to be registered prior to the network organisation registering.
If you already have a HPI-O it is possible to update the organisation details using Form 3, 4 or 5.
4. The details are
up to date?
Northern Territory Medicare Local Ltd (ABN 17 158 970 480)
It is necessary to register your organisation to the eHealth record system. This can be completed as a seed (Form 1, Part B)
5. Registered for
eHealth record
or network (Form 6).
If you are a seed organisation please note that it is possible to complete Part B at the same time as Part A (You may or may
not have done this previously depending on the version of the form used i.e. the HI Service have since upgraded the form to
6. Type of
include Part B). Please note that the Participation Agreement (step 7) needs to be submitted with this form.
The Participation Agreement is required to be signed in order to register for the PCEHR. There are seven different types of
7. Participation
agreements which are dependent on the organisation structure. They are; Sole Director Company, Company, Partnership,
Sole Trader, Trust, Unincorporated Association and Incorporated Association. Please ensure that the organisation is correctly
identified. (see Form 7)
Each organisation needs to meet strict security requirements to participate in the PCEHR. This includes PKIs (secure digital
8. Has an
organisation PKI?
certificates that enable the secure exchange of data). Your organisation may already have a PKI. If your organisation utilises
the Medicare online claiming system you will have an organisation PKI (aka site certificate). Please go to the following
website to check if you already have a PKI ( If you
do not have an organisation PKI please complete Form 12.
If your organisation has a PKI, please provide these details to Medicare so linking to the HI Service can be enabled. This step
9. Organisation PKI
is HI enabled?
can be completed as part of Form 1 Part A, Form 2 or Form 8.
Each organisation also needs a NASH PKI which is specifically for eHealth to participate in the PCEHR. Your organisation
10. Have an eHealth
may already have a NASH PKI. If your organisation doesn't have the NASH PKI certificate, you will need to request the
certificate by completing Form 9. By accepting the terms and conditions of use, you are giving consent for your organisation's
details to be published in the NASH directory (this is a mandatory process).
Northern Territory Medicare Local Ltd (ABN 17 158 970 480)
The PCEHR can be accessed through different methods including a CIS or web portal (view only). If you wish to access the
11. Method to
Access PCEHR
PCEHR via a CIS (eg. Medical Director, Best Practice or Genie), please go to "Access via CIS" process for further
information. If you wish to access the PCEHR via the view only web portal you will need to complete Form 10 & 11. Please go
to “Access via Portal”.
Access via
Your CIS will need to be set up. Please complete the following:
Enter the HPI-O and HPI-I’s into the CIS
Install your organisation PKI if you applied for one
Install your NASH PKI in your CIS
Please contact your CIS vendor if you require technical assistance.
If you are using the web portal to access the PCEHR you will need complete the following:
Access via
Establish a list of authorised healthcare providers (see Form 10)
Each individual healthcare provider needs to have their own eHealth PKI to access the PCEHR Provider Portal. To
apply for this each healthcare provider will need to complete Form 11.
Northern Territory Medicare Local Ltd (ABN 17 158 970 480)
Forms that are developed by Medicare’s HI service can be searched on the internet by inserting HI Service + the form number. If the form
has been developed by another area of Medicare try searching the form number on its own.
By pressing the search button this will generate a link to the form
In order to establish the form number; please see the appendix of the bottom of form. The first four digits are the form number, if there are
letters in front of the four digits include these into the search such as AH2543:
Northern Territory Medicare Local Ltd (ABN 17 158 970 480)
Form 1
Form 2
Form 3, 4 or
Form 3, 4 or
Form 3, 4 or
Form 6
Form 7
Form 8
Form 9
Form Name
Form Number
Application to register a Seed
Application to register a Network
Application to replace a
Responsible Officer or
add/remove an Organisation
Maintenance Officer for an
Application to Amend an
Organisation Officer’s Personal
Application to Amend a
Healthcare Organisation Record
HW018.1308 (formerly 2978)
HI Service 2849.1211
Application to register Network
Organisation in the eHealth
record system
Participation Agreement
HI Service HA1041
Healthcare Identifiers Service
Application to request or update a
Public Key Infrastructure
Application to Request a National
Authentication Service for Health
Public Key Infrastructure
Certificate for Healthcare Provider
Northern Territory Medicare Local Ltd (ABN 17 158 970 480)
HI Service 2711.1211
HI Service 2791.1211
HI Service 2883.1211
eHealth Participation
HI Service 3054.1211
HW021 (formerly
Form 10
Form 11
Form 12
Form Name
Form Number
Application to establish list of
authorised healthcare provider
Application for an Individual
Healthcare Provider to Request a
Department of Human Services
eHealth Record Individual Public
Key Infrastructure (PKI)
Application for a Public Key
Infrastructure Site Certificate
HW022.1309 (formerly
HWA001.1306 (formerly
*Please note that the registration process is constantly being updated and improved by the Department of Health and Medicare,
therefore it is the responsibility of the user of this form to ensure you are using the most current version of any given document
throughout the process. The NTML will make every attempt to provide you with the most current information at all times.
Northern Territory Medicare Local Ltd (ABN 17 158 970 480)
Obtained a HPI-O
Applied to participate in the eHealth Record System (DoH/DHS)
Signed the Participation Agreement (PCEHR)
Obtained an organisation PKI
The organisation PKI is HI enabled
Obtained a NASH PKI
CIS is configured for the PCEHR and HI service. This is for organisations that are using a CIS to access the PCEHR.
Obtained individual HPI-Is and HI Service PKIs for each healthcare provider. This is for organisations that will be using the
web portal to view the PCEHR. (optional)
Northern Territory Medicare Local Ltd (ABN 17 158 970 480)