Document 6512053
Document 6512053
電話 Tel: (+852) 3923 2328 傳真 Fax: (+852) 2518 8665 網頁 Website: 電郵 Email: 每份申請表只限申請一課程 One application form can be used to apply for one course only 聰明八爪班(中一至中三)申請表格 Application Form for Octopus Education Programme (S.1-3) 學校名稱 School Name: (中文) (Eng) 學校地址 Address: 學校電話號碼 Tel. No.: 學校傳真號碼 Fax No.: 聯絡人姓名 Contact Person: 手提電話號碼 Mobile Phone No.: 學校電郵地址 Email Address: 閣下從哪個途徑得知「香港海洋公園學院」的課程?(可選多項) Where did you hear about the education programmes of Ocean Park Academy, Hong Kong (OPAHK)? □ 海洋公園學院參觀日 Ocean Park Academy preview visit □ 同業轉介 Referral □互聯網 Internet □宣傳刊物 Promotional materials □ 學與教博覽 Learning and Teaching Expo □ 其他,請註明: Others, please specify: _________________________________________________________ □ 如欲透過傳真或電郵收到本院最新資訊,請於方格內劃上✓號。 Please check if you would like to receive updates about OPAHK via fax or email. 參觀日期 Visiting Date: (請填妥三個日期以供安排 Please fill in 3 options of date in the space provided) 第一選擇 1st choice 語言 Language: 第二選擇 2nd choice □ 粵語 Cantonese □ 英語 English 課程 Course: 第三選擇 3rd choice □ 普通話 Putonghua (容後確定 To be confirmed later) 參加者之級別 Participating class: 請選擇所參加之課程並在適當位置上填上學生人數 Please select course and fill in the no. of students in the appropriate boxes. 時間 學生人數 課程 時間 課程 Time No. of Students Course Time Course (全新) 10:00 – 11:30 極地之旅 3 14:00 – 15:30 海洋奇趣大典 (New) Polar Voyage 1 11:30 – 13:00 Ocean Treasures 13:00 – 14:30 海豚生活寫真 4 14:00 – 15:30 Dolphin Snapshot 10:00 – 11:30 竹林隱士 11:30 – 13:00 2 海獅廚房 Bamboo Eaters 5 11:00 – 12:30 Sea Lion Kitchen 13:00 – 14:30 活動前考察 : Pre-tour site visit: 學生人數 No. of Students 若參加學生多於 80 人,本院可安排最多兩位老師作活動前考察。 A pre-tour site visit will be arranged for not more than two teachers when number of student exceeds 80. □ 需要 Required □不需要 Not required (本院將聯絡老師以作安排 Pre-visit is subject to availability, date will be confirmed later) 餐盒訂購: Meal package order: 本院可代學校訂購學生餐盒,如有需要,請填上所選套餐及數量。 Student meal packages are available for order; please fill in details below: □ 餐盒 Meal plan: ________ 數量 Quantity: _________ □ 不需要 Not required (本園餐飲部職員會稍後聯絡負責老師 Food Service Department staff will contact teacher in-charge for arrangement) 團體紀念相片訂購: Group photo order: 本院課程設有團體紀念相片訂購服務,每位學生只需港幣$15。 We offer professional photography service for students joining our education course at HK$15 each. □ 需要 Required □ 不需要 Not required 付款 Payment: (1) 課程費用 Course fee: 學生人數 No. of Students: # # 成人人數 No. of Adults : # x HK$ 80 x HK$ 225 = = HK$ HK$ = 免費 Free 成人票數目不可多於學生人數。Ratio of adults to students cannot exceed 1:1. 老師贈劵數量* No. of Teacher Complimentary Tickets*: *每購買十張學生票可得導師贈券乙張。One teacher complimentary ticket will be provided for every 10 student tickets. 費用 Sub-total: (2) □ 課程後停留額外費用 Stay-behind fee: No. of Students: 學生人數 x HK$ 30 = 費用 Sub-total: 總金額 Total Amount: HK$ HK$ HK$ HK$ 本校已獲批「賽馬會海洋公園教育計劃」 ,並於______________________(活動日期) 共 ______ 名學生參加相關課程。 Our application for the “Jockey Club Ocean Park Education Programme” has been approved. __________ students will join the programme on ___________________(programme date).