Importance of Supply Chain Visibility – the Next Generation
Importance of Supply Chain Visibility – the Next Generation
Importance of Supply Chain Visibility – the Next Generation Supply Chain Anna Lin - Chief Executive, GS1 Hong Kong - Shepherd of e-logistics Project Group, LOGSCOUNCIL Nov 25, 2011 Trading & Logistics Industry Largest contribution to GDP among 4 Pillar Industries HK’s robust re-export growth led by China’s strong export performance in 2010. 25% 24.1% Percentage Contribution to GDP 20% 15% 15.2% 13.1% 10% Re-export growth 123% in the past 10 years. 70% of the throughput handled in HK is related to South China Region, approx. 20% related to transshipment Transshipments cargo rose by an annual 15% 5% Each Week: 400 liner services to 480 destinations 3.3% 0% Trading & Logistics Financial Services Tourism (Source: Census and Statistics Department) Professional Services 6,000 flights to 1600 locations worldwide (Source: TDC statistics, HKIA ) Hong Kong – a Global Supply Chain Manager Guangdong: Manufacturing base with concentration of contract manufacturers Hong Kong: Gateway to backend manufacturing cities with high concentration of buying/managemen t offices for sourcing & logistics support Located at the centre of a global and multi-modal network of cargo and transport routes by land, sea and air, Hong Kong offers maximum choice, flexibility and efficiency in supply chain management. 100,000 HK-invested enterprises in Guangdong ( 2009 yr-end ) 50% outward processing operations © 2011 GS1 Hong Kong Emerging Trend for Global Logistics Supply Chain Over 50% of the responding companies agreed on the importance of supply chain visibility and had supply chain visibility initiative over a year…… Increasing visibility is a critical strategy to dramatically reduce cost and improve supply chain operation performance in the global economy. End-to-end Visibility is at the heart of the next-generation supply chain (Source: Supply Chain Visibility Excellence Research Preview, Aberdeen Group, October 2009) APEC Supply Chain Visibility In 2010, APEC has proposed a Supply Chain Visibility initiative to facilitate trade and create values for supply chain stakeholders amongst APEC economies. Values The establishment of a visibility platform to share cargo movement information will Reduce consolidated stocks ・lead-time to be reduced by 1.1 days on average ・consolidated stocks to be reduced by 1.6 days’ worth of stock on average Reduce workload ・exporting workloads to be reduced by 9%~30% ・importing workloads to be reduced by 10%~25% Recommendations Standardization of systems interfacing (EPCIS) of cross-border cargo movement APEC Guideline on Supply Chain Visibility implementation Cross-border pilot projects amongst APEC economies Supply Chain Visibility Value to Hong Kong Logistics Industry 1. Provide real time and reliable logistics information to facilitate cross border trade 2. Strengthen Guangdong - Hong Kong collaboration and integration 3. Enable logistics operation to provide value-added services for greater customer satisfaction 4. Enhance the competitiveness of Hong Kong’s logistics industry 1. Provide Real-time Logistics Info to Facilitate Cross-border Trade In 2011, LOGSCOUNCIL embarked on an e-Logistics supply chain initiative (“Supply Chain Visibility Feasibility Study”) to Investigate the business values of cross-border visibility Implement a feasibility study on economic, technology and operation Conduct pilots: Trade route – Guangdong HK Asia Hong Kong Logistics Information Platform China Logistics Information Platform Location, Seal Status, Container Number 1st Pilot DongGuang Factory 2nd Pilot: Trucking Asia Logistics Information Platform Location, Seal Status, Container number, Cargo Info Hong Kong Customs Clearance Customs Clearance Hong Kong Asia Countries Ocean Guangdong West Guangdong West Port Feeder Location, Seal Status, Container number, Cargo Info Buyer Asia Countries Ocean Buyer 2. Strengthen Guangdong - Hong Kong Collaboration and Integration Road Cargo System (ROCAS) Everyday, an average of around 44,000 vehicles cross the land border between Hong Kong and the Mainland. In an attempt to facilitate customs clearance, Hong Kong Customs and Excise Department launched the Road Cargo System (ROCAS) in 2010, providing the necessary infrastructure for electronic Customs clearance of road cargoes. The System has been fully implemented in November 2011. 3. Enable Logistics Operation to Provide Value- added Services for Greater Customer Satisfaction Enabling Source-to-store Supply Chain Visibility A group of leading apparel retailers and brand manufacturers, in US including Walmart, Macys, Jones Apparel, JC Penney, VF, Levi's have formed a consortium to facilitate the wider adoption of RFID item-level tagging for apparel goods within the retail environment. Significant benefits of item-level tagging have been seen for the industry, including 95%+ accuracy ( industry average 62%) Bringing huge improvement in inventory accuracy, 50% drops in Out-of-stock Reduced time spent receiving goods at the store Reduced time required to perform cycle counts (Source: University of Arkansas) To enable the industry to reap the full benefits of item-level tagging, the consortium is now pushing the tagging process back to the source of manufacture, realizing source-to-store supply chain visibility. Enabling Source-to-store Supply Chain Visibility Retailers in US Manufacturers in China Deploying RFID tags at the source, from fabric, parts, garments Visualize the whole process on a real time basis via EPCIS standard based network 4. Bringing Logistics Quality to a New Level Hong Kong - A Leading Wine Hub With the announcement of duties exemption on wine in 2008, Hong Kong has become the first free wine port among major economies and the world’s second largest wine auction centre. To ensure better quality control of wine, especially real-time temperature monitor, three wine traceability projects, involving tagging of wines (bottles, boxes and pallet levels) at the origin vineyard warehouse, shipped from Italy to Hong Kong’s importers and retailers. Product traceability information and temperature are real-time captured on a common visibility platform, monitoring wine quality along the entire supply chain. RFID tagging-enabled EPC Data Interchange Implementation of Global Wine Supply Chain Visibility Project EPC Data Interchange / Event Query Italy EPCIS ( RFID tags installed ) Tag 4 Event Event Event Event Event Upload Upload Upload Upload Upload Tag 3 Tag 1 Storage 1) Install a sensor-based EPC/RFID tag at warehouse Hong Kong EPCIS Tag 2 Pack 1) Install Enough stock EPC/RFID to fulfill the tag -order bottles, cases and Stocking pallet takinglevels How long 2) Install sensor How basedmany people EPC/RFID How tag –accuracy pallet level Dispatch Container Port Warehouse Hong Kong Port Warehouse 1) Read will andthe When 1) Read When the the When the wine Inventory 1) Read the 1) Read level the associate the wine be shipped? EPC/RFID tag is arrived Out of stock tag wine is loaded to EPC/RFID tag EPC/RFID EPC/RFID tag Does shipment - pallet level stocking on the ship? Hong Kong? - pallet level Over - cases level - bottles, contain thecases right upload and Shrinkage and upload Stock and upload and pallet products onto EPCIS replenishment detection onto EPCIS onto EPCIS levels and Human error When 2) Read Isupload the onto How manythe sensor-based EPCIS environment fine? Room availability EPC/RFID tag for stock and upload When onto EPCIS Wine Retail Read the 1) Backroom EPC/RFID inventory level tag ( cases level bottles of wine) and upload Shelf onto EPCIS replenishment 2) When Read the Howsensor-based many EPC/RFID tag and upload onto EPCIS Summary End-to-end visibility is the key enabler to achieve greater efficiency and quality in logistics. Supply chain visibility coupled with e-logistics connectivity, will help Hong Kong better integrate with China and the global marketplace to facilitate cross-border trade and further strengthen its position as the regional logistics hub and global supply chain manager. Visibility Collaboration Enhancing Hong Kong’s logistics industry’s Competitiveness Value Quality Technology Environmental Sustainability Contact Details Anna Lin Chief Executive Officer GS1 Hong Kong Email: GS1 Hong Kong Office 22/F, OTB Building, 160 Gloucester Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong T (852) 2861-2819 F (852) 2861-2423 W
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