Milan Training course “HOW TO MONITOR THE QUALITY OF PLANTS FOR FOOD SUPPLEMENTS” Milan, 11th February 2014 Sala Napoleonica, Palazzo Greppi, Via S. Antonio 10 PlantLIBRA is a four year (2010-2014) European research project aiming to foster the safe use of food supplements containing plants or botanical preparations by increasing science-based decision-making by regulators and food chain operators. The project is structured to develop, validate and disseminate data and methodologies for risk and benefit assessment and implement sustainable international cooperation. The quality of food supplements made from plants is an ongoing subject of debate inside the European community. These products are usually a complex mixtures of ingredients derived from plants of different origins and composition, and the quality of products can be affected by a countless number of factors including the incorrect identification of the plant species, the presence of naturally present compounds of some concern, unintentional contamination by biological, physical or chemical contaminants, or fraudulent adulteration with other plants and/or the addition of illegal substances. Furthermore, the application of good agricultural and collection practices and effective implementation of quality control systems of the original raw plant ingredients can prevent losses of quality during processing and help maintain the safe and consistent production of botanical food supplements. The specific quality issues of plants for food supplements will be addressed and discussed at the upcoming training course on “How to monitor the quality of Plants for Food Supplements”. The event will take place in Milan next February 11 2014, hosted by University of Milan, at Sala Napoleonica, Palazzo Greppi, Via S. Antonio 10. This occasion will tackle the various aspects comprising the quality of plant food supplements including product composition and analysis, the genetic identity from plants to final products, phytochemical identity and profiles of herbal raw materials and preparations, and analytical Identification of contaminants and substances of concern. The conference will provide an excellent opportunity for discussion among researchers, authorities and companies of the PFS sector, the Industry requirements to ensure high quality finished products and quality needs of herbs and PFS for the EU market. PlantLIBRA strives through this event to promote awareness in the quality practice in all stages of production of food supplements containing botanicals and botanical preparations and communicate to participating SME and food operators the quality related results being investigated by PlantLIBRA and its partners. PLANT LIBRA project number: 245199 PROGRAM 09.30 Registration 10.00 Welcome and opening (Giorgio RACAGNI) 10.30 PlantlLIBRA project introduction (Patrizia RESTANI ) 11.00 Plants for food supplements: identification, caracterisation and quality (Chlodwig FRANZ ) 11.30 Phytochemical identity of herbal raw materials and preparations (Hartwig SIEVERS) 12.00 Analytical Identification of substances of concerns (Patrizia RESTANI) 12.30 Analytical control of contaminants and residues - heavy metals, mycotoxins and pesticides? (Mihaela BADEA) 13.00 Discussion 13.30 Break 14.30 Medicinal plants cultivation: how to provide the best raw material (Andrea PRIMAVERA) 15.00 Market situation: national experiences and main questions (Bruno SCARPA) 15.30 Creation of a network of laboratories for high quality analysis of plants and botanical preparations (Brunella CARRATÚ) 16.00-17.00 Final discussion and closing session 1 The event is organized as part of the dissemination activities (WP9 ) of the project Plantlibra and the scientific 2 program was edited in collaboration with WP7 , partner of the project and the participation is free of charge. The research leading to these results has received funding from the European UnionSeventh Framework Programme ([FP7/2007-2013] [FP7/2007-2011]) under grant agreement n. [245199]. Languages: all presentation will be given in either English or Italian. Bidirectional simultaneous translation between English and Italian will be provided The number of places available in the room is limited. In case of entries exceeding the places available, preference will be given based on the registration’s date. 1 2 WP9 Dissemination, international cooperation and stakeholder WP7 Investigation on botanical ingredients and plant food supplements (PFS): plant identity, methods, new compounds, network of laboratories PLANT LIBRA project number: 245199 SPEAKERS Mihaela BADEA Dept. of Fundamental and Prophylactic Disciplines Faculty of Medicine -Transilvania University of Brasov Nicolae Balcescu St.56 500019 Brasov - Romania mbadeaplantlibra@yahoo.com Brunella CARRATÙ Department of Veterinary Public Health and Food Safety, Units of Dietetics Istituto Superiore di Sanità Viale Regina Elena 299-00161 Roma brunella.carratu@iss.it Chlodwig FRANZ Institute of Animal Nutrition and Functional plant compounds University of Veterinary Medicine Veterinärplatz 1A-1210 Vienna Chlodwig.Franz@vetmeduni.ac.at Andrea PRIMAVERA FIPPO- Federazione italiana produttori di piante officinali info@fippo.org Giorgio RACAGNI Università di Milano Direttore Dipartimento di Scienze Farmacologiche e Biomolecolari DiSFeb Via Balzaretti 9, 20133 Milano giorgio.racagni@unimi.it Patrizia RESTANI Università di Milano Dipartimento di Scienze Farmacologiche e Biomolecolari DiSFeb Via Balzaretti 9, 20133 Milano patrizia.restani@unimi.it Bruno SCARPA Ministero della salute, Ufficio IV ex DGSAN Roma b.scarpa@sanita.it Hartwig SIEVERS Phytolab Dutendorfer Str. 5-7 91487 Vesternbergsgreuth hartwig.sievers@phytolab.de Contacts Marinella TROVATO - Cinzia BALLABIO Italian society of science applied to botanicals and health products (SISTE) Via Francesco Ferrucci 22, Milan, Italy POST CODE 20145 TEL: +39-02-45487428 FAX: +39-02-45487903 E-MAIL: info@sisteweb.it; events@plantlibra.eu PLANT LIBRA project number: 245199
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