January 14, 2011 10am - 11am (EST)


January 14, 2011 10am - 11am (EST)
January 14, 2011 10am - 11am (EST)
How To Choose A College That's Right For YOU
Guest Speaker
Stephanie Enstice, Associate Director of International Admissions
Florida Institute of Technology
Email: senstice@fit.edu
Website: www.fit.edu
Q: Hello. Do I need to prove that I took part at some social organizations?
A: That will depend on the university's requirements. We usually like to see some of your outside
Q: and if yes, how?
A: Many universities do like to see what you have done outside of school. Do check with those you
apply to.
Q: Do FIT Provide masters in Biomedical engineering
A: YEs, FIT does have a masters in biomedical engineering
Q: What should be my GRE and TOEFL score
A: This will depend on the school which you apply. You should consider what the minimum test score is
required before you apply
Q: I have a 3 years Bachelor’s Degree my major is finance and i am looking forward to do MBA. Can i get
MBA with a 3 years bachelor degree.
A: There are some universities which will accept the 3 year degree, but for the most part, a 4 year
degree is required
Q: Does FIT want volunteering work ?
A: We do not require volunteer work for admission, but we like to see if you have been involved in
Q: hello. How is the education in US
A: Hello Katherine. Higher Education in the U.S. is an incredibly diverse landscape of institutions and
experiences. For international students, we always talk about how many different choices you have. As
our presentation talked about today, there are so many types of institutions available. The good news is
there is at least one school that is a good fit for you. College life on campus we will cover in later
presentations this spring, but so much of what you learn in college in the U.S. happens outside the
classroom, a very different approach than other countries.
Q: What is the GRE like? I am very worried, I've always been a good student (I have an outstanding GPA,
for instance) but I didn't do very well on my SATs.
A: The GRE is similar to the SAT. In some majors, it may not be required. At this university, we do not
require it for all degree programs.
Q: Is it possible to have to majors at a time?
A: Yes, you can take a double major, but it may take more time and a major and minor could be more
Q: when is the earliest my daughter, who is a junior should start applying for college? Is it in September
of her senior year.
A: Universities require proof of completion of junior year before the student can apply. I would
recommend after the final grades are out for junior year. Many students apply early in their senior year.
Q: Some universities don't require the SAT SUBJECT TEST. If we present the scores, it could be an
advantage for us ?
A: Hello Ayton. It cannot hurt your application if you submit SAT Subject test results when the
institution may not require them. Depending on how competitive the pool of applicants is at a school,
those scores could potentially help you case, but in the end, each school is different and will have their
own view on that answer.
Q: and if do not get my visa How could I go to the USA
A: You need to have a student visa in order to study in the USA. Without it, you could begin in your
home country and perhaps try for your master’s degree in the states.
Q: so what score do generally FIT look for
A: FIT will consider your academic performance as the most important aspect of the review. We also
use teacher recommendation letters and your one page essay to learn more about you as a person. The
SAT is recommended, but not required.
Q: My major in Brazil is English. Would I have to take the TOEFL anyway in order to apply for a Master's
A: Again, that would depend on the university. Most will ask for a TOEFL or some proof of English
language proficiency especially for a master’s degree program
Q: what about GRE
EducationUSA * (privately): I’m sorry could you repeat and clarify your question?
Q: does FIT have any subject related to microbiology
A: FIT offers a masters and doctoral degree in molecular biology and several other masters and PhD
programs in the biological sciences
Q: HELLO plz i would like to study master program in mechanical engineering which universities have the
best reputation in this specialization?
A: Hello Soso. There are many quality programs in mechanical engineering, and reputation is a very
tricky thing to quantify. We would recommend doing the self-analysis that was discussed in the
presentations to find out what are the most important criteria you want to find in an institution. Next,
find out using various search engines we have available on our EducationUSA site for students
(http://www.educationusa.info/pages/students/search.php) what schools match your criteria. Then
consult with the EducationUSA Advising Center nearest you for help throughout the process. A
searchable list of those centers is available at: http://www.educationusa.info/centers.php
Q: Thank you for the wonderful presentation! I am an EducationUSA adviser in Skopje, Macedonia. I
have a question regarding sports scholarships, namely basketball scholarships. I know that it is
preferable that coaches communicate with one another, but what happens if my advisee's coach is not
so familiar with US coaches? What can my advisee do to increase his chances of admission more besides
sending a tape to the university? Can he contact the coach himself? Thank you!
A: The student is allowed to contact the coach during the senior year. I often intercede for athletes
since I work with the coaches and the students. We often combine the scholarships to help them.
Q: and how can I get that free study?
A: Look for colleges and universities that may offer full scholarships. You can learn more about financing
your studies at http://www.educationusa.info/pages/students/finance.php
Q: For masters what GPA will be an acceptable one in FIT
A: In most majors, a GPA of 3.0 is required for the masters
Q: Is it very important to show extracurricular activities in order to be admitted to a university in the US?
A: For some universities it is important, for others, not so. Best to check with those you are interested
Q: do top-10 universities of the USA support free studying for international students?
A: Interesting questions Alex, as there is no official ranking of institutions in the U.S. so it is hard to
answer your question accurately. What I will say is that in 2009-10, international students received over
$7 billion in financial support from US sources. At the undergraduate level, close to 100 institutions
offered international students full financial support.
Q: In FIT, what are the minimum requirements in TOEFL , SAT test and what is the average cost of year in
an undergraduate degree ?
A: At FIT we do not require the TOEFL for admission but we recommend it before you arrive. We offer
our own paper based test if you do not have a score. We require a 79 IBT or 550 on our paper based for
full academic study. If lower, we place you in some English classes along with academic Cost for
everything is around $42000-$44000 per year, but we do offer partial scholar
Q: so do top-10 universities of the USA support free studying for international students and is it hard to
win it?
A: Of course, the competition for these full scholarships at the undergraduate level is extremely strong.
Q: can you please tell the required GPA on a scale of 10
A: Again, it depends on the grading system of your country and how challenging your curriculum is. We
would like to see 6 or better in most subject
Q: What about full scholarships at the graduate level?
A: There are some full awards at the graduate level, most offered in the form of assistantships which can
be competitive
Q: what do I need to do to win the financial support
A: Every school has their own selection process, and the criteria will vary from school to school, and
event from year to year within the same school. Once you identify which schools would be good fits for
you academically and otherwise, you would be best served by contacting each of those schools
separately to find out what their exact requirements are.
Q: For people who are not familiar with filling admission's formats, are there any web pages that can
help students to fill the basic information?
A: If the university has an on line application, it is usually self-explanatory. A university contact person
can help a great deal in the preparation of the app
Q: Do you know when the fiscal year begins?
A: The academic year in the US is Sept - May, and some schools may offer summer semesters
Q: Can a student who has started with his undergraduate studies in his native country and completed
the first 2 years transfer directly into a pre-med program in the US? Will they usually be required to take
the SATs to be able to do so?
A: Premed is a challenging major but you can transfer to a program in the states, as long as you have
very good grades. In the states you would most likely have access to good research experience as part
of your UG degree as well. The SAT is usually not required from transfer students
Q: I want to study PhD in animal science, this area required to GRE test.
A: that would depend on the university but for most PhD programs, the GRE would be required
Q: i completed my master’s degree with 77% from Nepal how can i convert it to GPA
A: Hello Dinesh. Each institution will have its own system for converting your Nepalese percentage to a
U.S. equivalent. I would recommend checking in with our EducationUSA Advising Center in Kathmandu
for assistance, to see where your marks might be if converted on a generic US scale.
Q: if one of the subjects is 4 and the others are from 6 till 9 it's a good result for GPA test?
A: I believe these are good scores. At FIT I would look at the types of courses and specifically those
which would pertain to your selected major
Q: Can I start studying at American University right after the ending of 11 year school(In Ukraine 11
years school studying is full)
A: Hello Alex. That question can only be answered by staff at American University. Each school makes
their own decisions and policies when evaluating students for admissions.
Q: now I study tourism, and which universities have the best reputation in this area in US?
A: That is a difficult question since you need to select where you would feel comfortable and where you
may feel you would have a good experience. There are many good choices and your Education USA
center can help
Q: does FIT require a 4 year program or 3 for Master's?
A: For most masters programs, especially engineering, a 4 year bachelor’s degree is required at FIT
Q: What criteria is used for providing financial aid at masters level
A: At the master’s level, aid can be awarded based on merit, on need or on expertise in an area of
research, again check with each university.
Q: I am interested in doctoral studies in monetary economy. Which university is the most suitable?
A: Hello Emanuel. That is the right question to ask, but only you can answer as it applies to you. What I
recommend first is to survey/generate a list of institutions that offer the subject you are looking for at
the PhD level. There are a couple of search engines on our EducationUSA site for students that you can
use to find graduate program: http://www.educationusa.info/pages/students/search.php From there
please get in touch with the EducationUSA Advising Center nearest you for direct assistance throughout
the process: http://www.educationusa.info/centers.php
Q: At FIT, are there special scholarships for undergraduate engineering degree besides the Merit
scholarship ?
A: FIT does offer some need based aid and some athletic awards. We also now offer a Coop program in
engineering where students can earn $30000 in their second two years of studies by working and
studying. The students need a 3.0 in their first year to qualify for the work experience.
Q: If I get the scholarship, then I could transfer to another University keeping the scholarship
A: If the scholarship is offered by the institution, it will most likely not transfer with you to another
institution. However, if the scholarship is provided by an organization/government, home institution,
you should check the rules about that scholarship before you decide to transfer.
Q: Can i apply before taking any test like GRE and TOEFL
A: Yes at FIT you can apply before the test results are in. Depending on the major, the GRE may or may
not be required.
Q: I know that but tell me please do universities take me right after the school and all my tests are
good?(show your opinion)
A: You would begin your studies after the completion of your secondary school. Most universities
cannot wait for final grades if you are applying during your final year of school. If your grades drop
significantly after you were admitted, the decision can be changed.
Q: How can i know about the colleges that accept 3 years bachelors or have Pre-MBA courses?
A: Hello Dipa. That list is an ever-changing list. US Graduate Schools have only in the last three or four
years begun having serious discussions as to whether to accept 3 yr. bachelor's degrees (from India for
example) as acceptable pre-master's degree course of study. Each institution makes their own policies
on this regard. Once you identify schools that are of interest to you, then it would be best to reach out
to them to see what their policies are.
Q: i was offered admission in a certain college but was not able to enroll this year
A: You need to check with the university. I know at FIT we can defer admission and also hold your
scholarship if you cannot attend during the term you were admitted. Some students have visa issues or
personal issues that may delay them for a term
Q: AT FIT . When is the deadline for undergraduate studies ?
A: Florida Tech has a rolling admission policy which means we read and admit as applications come in.
The recommended deadline to allow time for visa paperwork is around June 15 for fall term. FIT begins
in mid-August.
Q: When there is an online application, I still have to send documents through snail mail, right?
A: Hello Leonardo--each institution will have their own policies on how they will accept documents
electronically. It's best to check with each institution that you apply to. Something’s like official test
scores can be received and or confirmed electronically, but things like transcripts and any bank records
will usually still need to be sent by regular mail or courier.
Q: What GRE scores are acceptable ones at FIT
A: A score of 1000 is required for master’s degree programs, if the particular major requires this. In
some cases, with work experience, the GRE MAY be waived
Q: Does FIT have Business School?
A: Yes, FIT does have a College of Business
Q: are there universities that offer master’s degree in mining Engineering_
A: Try using that major in the college search engine when searching for schools - a list of search engines
is available at http://www.educationusa.info/pages/students/search.php
Q: How do I locate schools with good pre-med programs?
A: Premed can be any major so you would have to decide on your area of interest. Most students
choose a science and FIT offers 5 choices of majors for our pre-med students.
Q: can i apply to FIT without the SAT?
A: Yes, it is not a requirement for admission or scholarship. If you do take the test, I recommend that
you submit the scores. I can take a scanned copy of your test results
Q: Hi! Can I repeat the fourth class in the USA... (High school) to prepare for the SAT.....(university)??
A: Hello Saco, the option that may make most sense is to check into high school exchange programs for
students in your country.
Q: when is the dead line for Graduate degree in FIT
A: Again, the programs vary. Most are on rolling admission but some more competitive programs do
have deadlines, such as our ABA in Psychology or some PhD pr
Q: Is the GRE score the most important part of the application material? Do you consider also other
aspects ?
A: The university transcripts are most important. Some degree programs require letters of
recommendation and your personal statement of objectives
Q: how much does the work in university can help me to pay for my studying?(mostly) (in% of the full
year cost,)
A: Hello Alex. Most institutions would say that you should not expect to earn more than two to three
thousand dollars per academic year from an on-campus job (20hours per week max).
Q: can you please give me the link so i can perhaps apply to FIT
A: Check www.fit.edu/ugrad for undergraduate admission and www.fit.edu/grad for graduate programs
Q: Thank you. I have found few colleges. But, having more options or finding more colleges is being
difficult for me. How can i make my search easier ?
A: Dipa. Get in contact with our EducationUSA Advising Center nearest you for help with your search.
Q: If I apply to FIT at February 1 , in how many weeks do I receive a responded ?
A: For the undergraduate program, you should hear within 10 working days. I may be in India in
February for 2 weeks so it may be a bit longer
Q: do you offer need base financial aid sch.?
A: FIT does offer some need based, but most of our aid is merit based.
Q: What is the average scholarship that you can give us?
A: I would say the average last year was around $10000 per year for undergraduate students
Q: i am an Indian. Which of the four different provincial divisions you meant in your presentation will
suit climatically or culturally
A: FIT is in the southeastern region of the United States. Florida is known for sunshine and a mild
Q: Merit based aids are on what bases in FIT
A: Grades! Also, good teacher recommendation letters
Q: What happens if the student gets his diploma issued by the school in the beginning of August? Will
you still admit the student and issue the I-20 then ask him/ her to send you the diploma once they have
it? In Macedonia they issue the diploma at the beginning of August.
A: Hello Gordana. In the end, almost all US schools will say that their admissions decisions are based on
successful completion of the student's current term and/or diploma, and issue I-20s/DS-2019 forms
based on that pre-condition. During the orientation program (or even before the student arrives)
students are asked to send their final documents/degrees/transcripts to the new US school before they
may be allowed to begin classes.
Q: The pre-med transfer student has to have a specific major in mind. Does that mean that they had to
have taken certain courses before they transfer into the pre-med program?
A: Not necessarily, but they should transfer into a major similar to what they are studying since they
would like to get as much transfer credit as possible.
Q: i have not taken any test yet but i want to apply for Ph. D in some biology subject for August 2011 can
i do ?
A: That would depend on the university requirements. Usually the GRE is required for PhD candidates
A: Hello Soso, there are no real make or break scores for most schools, as each program at different
schools will have different minimum scores. Keep in mind that test scores are only a part of what
institutions will use to evaluate students for admissions.
Q: does FIT offer mining programs?
A: FIT does not have mining programs.
Q: Talking about housing, at FIT what are the types of resident and what is the average cost for a room ?
A: FIT offers standard residence halls, suite style living and also apartment style living. The cost per year
ranges from $8000-$10000 which includes meals
Q: can international students be off campus in the first year of study?
A: Fiifi, in general, for most residential campuses in the U.S. international students, as first
year/freshman students will be required to live on campus unless they are living with family.
Q: If I am applying for financial aid, and the university requires a minimum score on the GRE,let's say
1000 (no matter how much in each part of the test),but I didn't reach it. Should I ask the university if I
am able to apply still with that score? Should I retake it?
A: You should work with the graduate office at that university to check on specific issues.
Q: what is the best ranking FIT has ever achieved
A: FIT has been ranked in several organizations including US News & World Report, recently ranked in
Tier 1
Q: If I am in the third year of medicine, could I apply for a scholarship in the same degree?
A: Hello David--medicine in the U.S. is studied first at the graduate level. Applying to medical schools as
an international student is possible but is extremely competitive, with on average less than 20% of those
who apply getting admitted. Getting funding even if you are admitted to medical school in the U.S. is
very competitive, if not more so.
Q: When universities ask for university transcripts what kind of seals are needed (university, ministry of
foreign affairs, National Council of Universities, etc.) I am writing from Peru
A: In most cases, official copies are requested and these should come from university to university in a
sealed envelope. In some cases where a student can only receive one transcript, an attested copy is
acceptable. The Education USA office can provide this service
Q: I am holding this session with a group of advises in my center
A: Great, I hope they found it helpful!
Q: Hi! Sandro here from EducationUSA, will FIT be participating in the next EducationUSA fair to Latin
A: I have been there in the past, not sure about the coming fall schedule yet. Thanks for checking.
Q: what is the graduate acceptance rate at FIT
A: Since I work in undergraduate admission, I am not sure of the acceptance rate for the graduate
students. You can write to grad-admissions@fit.edu
Q: how long does application process last_
A: Hello Paula. The answer to that question depends on the institution you apply to, when their
deadlines are (if they have any), and when notifications are made once decisions are made. At some
schools that have rolling admissions, like FIT, you might hear within a month of applying (if all your
documents are in order) whether you are admitted. At other schools that have a Jan or December
deadline, you may not hear till April 1.
Q: Hello from Macedonia again! If a student is awarded a scholarship with a declared major, can the
student later change this major? Thank you.
A: Yes, the student can always change the major At FIT, the student must maintain a certain grade point
to keep the award
Q: Hi Stephanie! I am an educational adviser in Lima Peru. Thanks for answering to all these questions.
At this point I would like to ask a question regarding international students applying as transfer
students. Are both high school and college transcripts required at FIT? Are these students considered for
merit based scholarships?
A: IF the student applies as a transfer with less than one year completed at a university, FIT would also
ask for the high school grades. FIT does offer transfer scholarships, both merit and need based