Document 6513064


Document 6513064
Kent County News
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Learn how to get more heat
with less firewood this winter
From the left, Cody Skipper, Jacob Rausch and Ben Ahrens earned the rank of Eagle Scout.
Three earn rank of Eagle Scout
CRUMPTON — Boy Scout Troop 130 honored
three new Eagle Scouts on Nov. 3 at the
Crumpton Volunteer Fire Department.
The recipients of the prestigious rank were
Cody Skipper, Jacob Rausch and Ben
Ahrens. The rank is achieved by earning a
minimum of 21 merit badges, serving in
leadership positions for a minimum of 16
months and completing a service project
that benefits the community outside of the
Boy Scout troop.
To complete the service projects, Skipper
worked with the Maryland Department of
Natural Resources, Department of Fisheries
to build and place 10 PVC mono filament
recycling bins covering a three-county area;
Rausch worked with the Town of
Chestertown to refurbish public park
benches on the waterfront; and Ahrens
worked with local 4-H clubs to design and
build a new multi-purpose horse arena at the
Kent County fairgrounds that can be used
by 4-H horse clubs and small animal clubs.
During the ceremony, each Eagle rank
recipient was presented with a flag that was
flown over the U.S. Capitol Building and a
Certificate of Special Congressional
Recognition by former Maryland House of
Delegates Representative Richard Sossi on
behalf of Andy Harris, U.S. House of
Representatives. State Delegate Jay Jacob
presented the boys with official citations
from the Maryland General Assembly.
Mark Mumford also presented framed
county seals on behalf of the Kent County
Volunteer Opportunities
Call ser vice. The Kent County
Program provides a call service
to those who live alone and
would like to have someone
check on them daily by phone.
Call 410-778-2564 if interested.
Coordinated by Upper Shore
Aging and the Kent County
Sheriff’s Office.
Drivers. To transport veterans
to and from appointments at
the Cambridge VA Outpatient
Clinic to the Perry Point VA
Medical Center. Call 800-9491003 for information.
Drivers. Needed for Kent
County Meals-on-Wheels, three
days a week, to deliver meals
to homebound senior citizens.
Call 410-778-2564 for details.
4-H program. The Extension
Office is looking for volunteers
as Kent County Fair 4-H Division
chairpersons, judges and
more. Call 410-778-1661.
Hospice. Chester River Home
Care and Hospice is looking for
caring individuals to share their
passion for helping others.
Training available. Call Sheila
Montigny for details at 410778-1049 or e-mail Smontigny
auxiliar y. The
Chester River Hospital Center
Auxiliary needs volunteers in
medical records, radiology, second and third floor, maternity,
mail distribution, corporate
communications and other
Bottomley at 410-778-7668
ext. 2400 for information.
KAR T. Kent Association of
Riding Therapy is looking for
volunteers. For information, call
Wendy Coslett at 410-3482264, or visit www.kentriding
Nearly New Shop. Chester
River Hospital Center Auxiliary’s
Nearly New Shop, 320 High
St., Chestertown, needs volunteers. Shop hours are 10 a.m.4 p.m. Monday to Friday; 10
Volunteers work three-hour
shifts. Call Charlotte at 410778-0611 for information.
CENTREVILLE — Do you heat with wood or
pellets or are you considering doing so?
Perhaps you are interested in an inside
stove or an outdoor wood boiler. If so, consider attending the “More Heat - Less
Firewood” session from 7 to 9 p.m.
Tuesday, Dec. 4, at the Queen Anne’s
County 4-H Park, 100 Dulin Clark Road.
Firewood is one of the most economical
forms of renewable energy available today
and the advances made in wood-burning
technology have dramatically improved efficiency and reduced emissions. The use of
wood pellets is increasing as well, but many
people are unsure how it differs from firewood. The goal of the session is to educate
people who use wood to save money, time
and lessen the environmental impact
through the use of best practices.
Below are some of the topics to be covered:
•Advances in wood energy technology
(stove, pellet and boiler);
•How to buy and install a new wood stove
or boiler;
•Buying and storing firewood and pellet;
•How to properly season (dry) firewood;
•Increasing the efficiency of wood burning
•Wood stove audit checklist;
•Outdoor wood boiler research, best practices for sizing, underground waterline
insulation and firewood moisture;
•Improvements in wood boiler technology
with EPA Phase 2 boilers.
Speakers from the University of Maryland
Extension will include Jonathan Kays, a natural resources extension specialist, and
Derrick Bender, of Western Mar yland
Alternative Energy and CRED.
The session is $5 per person. To register,
mail checks, payable to University of
Maryland, to: More Heat-Less Firewood,
Wye Research & Education Center, 124
Wye Narrows Drive, Queenstown, MD
21658, call 410-827-8056 or email Carol
Taylor at Please register
by Nov. 30.
Get in the
spirit for
House Tour
To help Chestertown get
into the Colonial spirit
ahead of the Holiday
House Tour, residents
are encouraged to decorate their homes. The
owners of the best-decorated house will win
this wreath, which is
currently displayed in
the window of Evergrain
bakery. The house tour
is scheduled for Dec. 8;
judging will take place
Dec. 7. For more information on the tour, visit
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