Billing and Accounts Receivable Introduction


Billing and Accounts Receivable Introduction
Billing and Accounts Receivable Introduction
The Accounts Receivable office provides a service of central collection of invoices issued to external customers
by various departments on campus.
Departments produce invoices for goods and services supplied to external customers by using the PeopleSoft
Billing module. Departments receive credit for the invoice in their accounts at time of issuance. Once the invoice
is created the PeopleSoft Accounts Receivable module keeps track of outstanding invoices. Payments are
received in the Accounts Receivable Office and processed against the invoice.
How to contact us
Mailing Address
Phone: 519-661-3870
Fax: 519-661-3829
Staff: Rosemarie DeFrias
Pat Marshall
Katherine Wojtowich
Financial Services PeopleSoft Help Desk
Phone: 519-661-2111 ext.85432
University of Western Ontario
Accounts Receivable Office
Room 220
Stevenson-Lawson Bldg
London, ON
N6A 5B8
Accounts Receivable Forms
Accounts Receivable Forms are available on the web at
Official Invoice paper supplies
Final Invoices should be printed on purple perforated invoice paper. Additional supplies of this paper can
be obtained by contacting the Accounts Receivable Office.
Issuing Department Responsibilities
Extending credit privileges to customers has been delegated to the department involved. See Policies
and Procedures 3.00 Accounts Receivable
Departments are responsible for preparing and issuing invoices to external customers for goods and
services supplied. The PeopleSoft Billing module is used for this. Training is required before using the
PeopleSoft Billing module. To update the database for individuals issuing invoices the Bill Type
Request/Update form must be completed and sent to the Accounts Receivable Office.
Disputes over the amount of an invoice will be referred to the issuing department for negotiation with the
customer. Full or partial cancellation of an invoice will require that the Accounts Receivable Office
prepare a credit note. The form to request a credit note is located on the web as noted above.
Terms of Payment
Invoices are issued with payment terms of “On Receipt”, “2% net 10”, and “30 Days”.
Invoices for Canadian customers should be issued in CAD funds. Invoices for US customers should be
issued in USD funds. Invoices for Foreign customers should be issued in USD funds.
Cheque, cash, VISA, and MasterCard are accepted in the Accounts Receivable Office for payment of an
Wire transfers from Canadian, US and foreign customers can be accepted, contact the Accounts
Receivable Office for banking instructions.
Electronic funds transfers are also accepted, contact the Accounts Receivable Office for banking
Follow Up on Accounts Receivable
Collection of general accounts receivable is the ultimate responsibility of the department or unit providing
the goods or services. See Policies and Procedures 5.01 Accounts Receivable
The Accounts Receivable Office provides the following assistance for collection of outstanding invoices.
A reminder notice is issued to the customer requesting payment when the outstanding invoice is 60 days
overdue. Reminder notices continue until the invoice is collected. The reminder notice shows all invoices
outstanding for the customer and finance charges at 1.5% per month on items over 30 days outstanding.
When an invoice is 120 days overdue the Accounts Receivable Office issues a report to the Department.
It is at this time the Department must decide if the invoice is still valid or if it should be written off as uncollectable. If it is still valid the Department should be contacting the customer to find out when payment
can be expected.
Un-collectible invoices will be charged back to the issuing department. Invoices greater than $100.00 can
be sent to the external collection agency for further collection. Any amounts collected will be returned to
the issuing department net of service fees charged by the collection agency.
Accounts Receivable Reports
Various Reports are available to departments to help manage your Accounts Receivable invoices. They
are available in the UWO Menu>UWO Accounts Receivable>A/R Customer area of PeopleSoft Financials.
Part 1: Billing
By the end of this session you will be able to:
• Navigate to Customer Page and look up a Customer and Contact
• Navigate to Billing Pages
• Create a Bill/Invoice
• Print a single proforma Bill/Invoice
• Print a single final Bill/Invoice
1.01 Looking up a Customer Number
Navigate as follows
Customer Information
General Information
Enter "Huron" in the Name 1 field
Click on
Click on Huron University College
General Info Page. It gives the Customers Status as Active or Inactive and the full Name
of the customer in Name 1 along with the Short Name.
Page 2
Click on the Address Tab
Address Page. You will see that there are 14 addresses for this Customer. You can view
them one at a time by using the next row arrow or change the display to view all, and use
the scroll bar to see the addresses.
To find a Contact for the customer
Navigate as follows
Contact Information
Enter "1576" in the Contact Id field
Page 3
Click on
Page 4
Click on
You have now successfully looked up a customer from the database. This customer can be used when
creating a bill/invoice. When you are back at your own desktop, you can try searching for a customer
with some of the new search fields. As before, to request a new customer or update an existing customer
please use the Customer Request/Update form available on the web at
Page 5
1.02 Creating a Bill/Invoice
1. Navigate as follows
Maintain Bills
Standard Billing
Add a New Value
Bill Entry Search page. You have a choice to find an existing invoice that has not been
completed or add a new invoice. We will add a new invoice.
2. Click on Add a New Value
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3. Type in your Bill Type Identifier
If you do not remember your number click on the
and look for your Billing Unit.
4. Type "WES000677" in the Customer Number field
To search for a customer here you can click on the
5. Click Add
Page 7
and type "Huron U" in the Name 1
Header Info 1 page. PeopleSoft will automatically fill in many of the fields that have been
preset for your Bill Type along with the Customer number and name.
The Header section for entering a bill/invoice groups the pages related to the header for ease
of entering.
To Change the Biller, click on the and search for you name. Bill Inquiry Phone can also
be changed. The terms "Due Upon Receipt" are the standard payment terms for the
University. Click on the magnifying glass to select different payment terms.
This information will be printed on the invoice.
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6. Enter a From/To date
For this lesson, the date range will be Jan 1, 2005 to Jan 31, 2005.
If the invoice is for a specific period, enter it in these fields and it will print on the invoice.
7. Click
beside the customer number to move to the Address Info Page
8. Verify the Address for the Customer
Click on the magnifying glass
beside Location to see the other addresses for this
9. Verify the Contact for the Customer
Click on the magnifying glass beside Contact to see other contacts for this Customer.
Highlight the contact you want to send the invoice to and double-click. If the person you
want to send the invoice to is not in the list you can type the person's name in the Contact
field. (this will not add the name to the database)
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This completes the Bill Header information for this lesson. Now we will add line information to
complete the Bill/Invoice.
10. Click the Lines-Info 1 tab
The Line section for entering a bill/invoice groups the pages related to the line for ease of
11. Enter the Description: Winter Maintenance. This will appear on the printed invoice.
12. Enter the Gross Extended: $500.00
When tabbing out of the Gross Extended field, the Quantity and Unit Price fields have not
been filled in yet. Once you move to another page, or do a search in another field, the
Quantity and Unit Price fields will be filled in.
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13. Click on
beside Tax Code:
14. Click on 07 or GST=7%
15. Click on Accounting
16. Enter the following
Speed Code
Enter the Speed Code in the Code field, use the magnifying glass to verify the Code field. This
will fill in the combination related to the Speed Code. Then enter the account field.
Page 11
This is one of the pages that cannot be viewed all at once on the screen. Use the scroll bars
to see more of the screen. You can collapse the Menu on the left side by clicking on the
negative sign.
17. Click on Save
You have now created a basic invoice. Write your invoice number here T__________
18. Click on Summary
19. Click on Calculate Taxes
20. Click on Save
1.03 Printing a Proforma Bill(Invoice)
1. Click on the proforma button
The proforma invoice is run so you can review the invoice.
The button runs two jobs
BIIVC000 – pre-process and finalization
BIVCPRN – print portrait invoices (the proforma invoice will launch into a window where
you can review it on the screen then print it)
Two windows will appear on your screen one for each job.
If the windows do not appear, then go to your Report Manager to view the report.
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1.04 Printing a Final Bill(Invoice)
After printing the proforma you need to tell the system that you are ready to print the final
1. Click on Header Info1
You are now back on the General Header Info 1 page
2. Change the status to RDY
Type in RDY or click on the magnifying glass to see the options available
3. Click on
The Final Print button now is visible on the page
4. Click on the Final Print button
5. Click Okay when the Print warning box comes up.
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The Final Print button runs two jobs
BIIVC000 – pre-process and finalization
BIVCPRN – print portrait invoices (the invoice will launch into a window where you can
review it on the screen then print it)
If the windows do not appear, then go to your Report Manager to view the report.
The account combination must pass budget checking, once this has happened the nightly
processing will credit the account combination. This can be seen through the GL Inquiry,
the reference will be the invoice number and the description will be the customer name.
The final invoice should be printed on purple invoice paper supplied through the
Accounts Receivable office.
Page 15
UWO Billing Basics
Header Info 1
Bill Type Identifier
Date Range
Adress Info
Attention To
calc taxes
Pro Forma
view or print
RDY status
Line - Info 1
Gross Extended
Tax Codes
Dept Id
OR Speed Code and Account
Navigation: Billing
Maintain Bills
Standard Billing-Bill Entry
Add a New Value
Print Invoice on
UWO paper
Part 2: Billing
By the end of this session you will be able to:
• Copy a Bill/Invoice
• Modify a Bill/Invoice
• Create a Bill/Invoice on your own
• Cancel and Invoice before it is Finalized
• Print multiple proforma Bill/Invoice
• Change the status of a group of Bill/Invoices to RDY
• Print multiple Final Bills/Invoices
• Report Manager
1.01 Copy an Invoice
1. Navigate as follows
Maintain Bills
Copy Single Bill
2. Enter "UWO" in the Business Unit field
Page 1
3. Enter the bill/invoice number you created in the last section
4. Click
Copy Single Bill Page. Verify that you have chosen the correct invoice by checking the
Customer and the amount of the old invoice
Page 2
5. Click on Copy Bill
6. Click on
7. Write down your Bill/Invoice Number T_____________
You have now copied a bill/invoice. Your choices are to write down the invoice number
and navigate to the Standard Billing Page or to Click on Go to Bill Header-Gen. Info. The
second choice will open a new window for you.
Page 3
1.02 Modify Copied Bill/Invoice
Now that you have used the pages for creating an invoice, you should be able to modify the
invoice you just copied. Use one of the methods above to get to your invoice.
1. Change the From Date and To Date Feb 1, 2005 to Feb 28, 2005 .
2. Click on Notes
3. Enter “This is for snow plowing and sidewalk clearing”
4. Choose HEADER for the Note Type
Page 4
5. Click on the
to add a new row for a footer note.
6. Enter “Thanks for your continued business”
7. Choose FOOTER for the Note Type
8. Click on down arrow for Navigation box (use the scroll to move up and down in the box)
9. Choose Header – Misc Info
Page 5
10. Enter PO number 1234567
The PO number can also be entered on the Line Info 2 page. If you enter it on the Header before
you add your line it will automatically fill in.
11. Click on Line Info 1 tab
Page 6
12. Enter amount $1000.00 in the Unit Price or Gross Extended fields
13. Click on the
to add a new row for a second line for the invoice
14. Enter line description “Special Charges”
15. Enter amount $2000.00
16. Click on Notes
17. Enter “Overtime for storm on Feb 14,2005”
Page 7
18. Click on Accounting
19. Enter the following
Speed Code
Enter the Speed Code in the Code field, use the magnifying glass to verify the Code field. This
will fill in the combination related to the Speed Code. Then enter the account field.
20. Change the Amount to $1000.00 OR change the % to 50.00
21. Click on the
to add a new row
Page 8
22. Enter the second account combination listed above
23. Ensure the Percent = 100.00 and that Net Extended, Amount, and Gross Extended = $2000.00
24. Click on the Line – Tax Info in the Navigation Box
25. Enter "WES000677" in the Ship To:
26. Use the
and choose location 6 for the Library
27. Click on
You have now copied and modified an invoice. We will print this invoice as a group later.
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1.03 Create a new Bill/Invoice
1. Enter the following information
Bill Type
Customer No
From Date
To Date
Header Note
Line Description
Line Amount
Account Combination
Line Note
Your Number
Feb 1, 2005
Feb 28, 2005
For Dr. Stuart
$175.00 USD
532610 1 470400 38001 or use HK11 532610
Picked up by Josh Brown on Jan 26, 2005
2. Click on
For Customers in the United States we issue invoices in USD currency.
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1.04Cancel an Invoice before it is Finalized
To cancel an invoice before it is finalized can be done on the Bill Header Panel 1.
If you discover that an invoice has been created and you have a number but do not need to use then
1. Navigate as follows
Maintain Bills
Standard Billing
Find and Existing Value
2. Enter the Invoice Number
3. Change Status to CAN for Cancelled
4. Click on Save
If you have already Finalized and invoice you will have to have the Accounts Receivable Office Cancel
the Invoice. Please use the Invoice Cancel/Write Off form from the Financial Services Forms web page.
Page 11
1.05Print Proforma Multiple Bills/Invoices
1. Navigate as follows
Generate Invoices
Print Pro Forma
for an existing run control and click on it
OR click on Add a new value enter new run control name Proforma and click on
3. Choose to run by Invoice ID or Bill Type
4. Enter range of invoices or your Bill Type
5. Click on Print Options
6. Choose the sort option for the invoices
7. Check Print Only Primary Copy
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8. Click on Proforma tab
9. Click on Run
10. Select Proforma & Print (process name BIJOBP01)
Page 13
Check that the BIIVCPN job is set to Type Window and Format PDF by clicking on the
description Proforma & Print
to move back to the Process Scheduler Request
11. Click
A window will start up on your desktop. The invoice will be in PDF format. You can choose to
review this on screen to ensure the invoices look good or you can print them to review and use as
your file copy.
If the windows do not appear, then go to your Report Manager to view the report.
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1.06Change Status of Bills
1. Navigate as follows
Maintain Bills
Change Status of Bills
for an existing run control and click on it
OR click on Add a new value enter BillStatusChange as a new run control name and click on
3. Ensure that From Status "New" is checked, and that To Status shows "Ready Bill"
4. Choose a Range Selection of Invoice ID or Bill Type
5. Enter a range of Invoices or your Bill Type
Page 15
6. Click on Run
7. Select Invoice Status Change
8. Type should be "Window" and Format should be "PDF"
9. Click
10. Review results. Print report if you want
If the window does not appear, then go to your Report Manager to view the report.
Page 16
1.07Print Final Multiple Bills/Invoices
1. Navigate as follows
Generate Invoices
Finalize and Print
for an existing run control and click on it
OR click on Add a new value, enter Invoices as a new run control name and click on
3. Choose a Range Selection to run by Invoice ID or Bill Type
4. Enter a range of Invoices or your Bill Type
5. Click on Print Options
6. Choose the sort option for the invoices
7. Ensure that Print only Unprinted Invoices is checked
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8. Click on Finalize and Print tab
9. Click on Run
10. Select
Finalize and Print (process
name BIJOB01)
Check that the BIIVCPN job is set to Type Window and Format PDF by clicking on the description
to move back to the Process Scheduler Request
Page 18
11. Click
A window will start up on your desktop. The invoice will be in PDF format. To Print the invoices
please use the purple invoice paper provided for you through the Accounts Receivable Office. If
you really do not like to print the summary page then change the Print Range Pages by one. Also in
this format you could save as a file and attach the file to an e-mail if you wish.
If the windows do not appear, then go to your Report Manager to view the report.
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1.08Report Manager
1. Navigate as follows
Reporting Tools
Report Manager
All reports including invoices that you run will be put in the Report Manager. Reports/Invoices will
be kept for one week before they are deleted from the Report Manager.
The Report Manager has three tabs you can use: Explorer; List; and Administration. Each tab
stores your reports in different ways. The Explorer stores your invoices in the general folder by the
process name and time in alphabetical order. The List stores your invoice by run time and gives the
Report and Report Description. The Administration tab also stores your invoices by run time and
gives the Description.
2. The Explorer tab should be highlighted
3. Click on the General Folder
4. Search for BIIVCPRN, this is the name of the process for the printing of invoices
5. Click once on the report you want, then click on the biivcprn ####.PDF from the file list
6. Click on the List tab
7. Search for BIIVCPN with the Report Description PRINT PORTRAIT INVOICES
8. Click on BIIVCPN, then click on the biivcprn ####.PDF from the file list
9. Click on the Administration tab
10. Search for Print Portrait Invoices and click on it
Once you have clicked on the Report it will come up to a window and you can print if you wish.
Page 20
UWO Billing Detailed Overview
Header Info 1
Bill Type Identifier
Date Range
Adress Info
Attention To
Header - Note
Header OR Footer
Standard Or Free form
Header - Misc Info
PO #
Contract #
calc taxes
Line - Note
Line - Tax Info
Pro Forma
Line - Info 1
Gross Extended
Tax Codes
Free Form
Dept Id
OR Speed Code and Account
Ship To Customer
Ship To Location
Line - Info 1
Line - Note
Line - Tax Info
Line - Note
Line - Tax Info
Line - Info 1
Print Invoice on
UWO paper
Navigation: Billing
Maintain Bills
Standard Billing-Bill Entry
Add a New Value