Untitled - Geoscience Resources of Newfoundland and Labrador
Untitled - Geoscience Resources of Newfoundland and Labrador
Table of expenditures for the period of January 1, 2007 to January 31, 2008 - Buchans River Limited - Buchans Property. Licence 5668M 8295M 10452M 10453M 10524M 10525M 10526M 10546M 10547M 10548M 10551M 11431M 11432M 11433M 11793M 11794M 11795M 11796M 11797M 11798M 11799M 11801M 11808M 13320M 13423M 13539M Fol 61 Fol 62 Geology Drilling Surveys Assays Misc Subtotal 15% Admin Total 11,142.08 3,649.63 1,821.67 0.00 1,058.12 17,671.50 2,650.72 20,322.22 28,779.53 100,719.92 10,463.87 544.63 3,976.34 144,484.29 21,672.64 166,156.93 288.56 1,745.49 905.21 0.00 233.19 3,172.45 475.87 3,648.32 2,753.77 86.88 2,168.74 0.00 0.00 138.96 2,394.58 359.19 597.44 1,583.89 101,862.24 0.00 190.75 104,234.31 15,635.15 119,869.46 127,683.19 2,397.53 4,894.34 103,081.77 0.00 655.21 111,028.86 16,654.33 885.82 1,428.12 2,273.99 1,474.99 190.75 6,253.67 938.05 7,191.72 21,339.39 4,271.61 8,251.08 4,279.17 0.00 1,754.14 18,555.99 2,783.40 1,093.75 2,024.83 329.18 0.00 84.82 3,532.58 529.89 4,062.47 1,135.04 1,269.42 1,950.26 0.00 169.59 4,524.31 678.65 5,202.96 108,210.80 881,149.95 717,631.85 54,597.67 17,296.80 1,778,887.07 266,833.06 2,045,720.13 57.63 952.08 493.73 0.00 123.55 1,626.99 244.05 1,871.04 11,658.40 19.17 331.56 9,745.84 0.00 41.17 10,137.74 1,520.66 38.46 631.42 270.59 0.00 82.38 1,022.85 153.43 1,176.28 24,601.43 6,247.49 7,652.26 6,504.57 0.00 988.23 21,392.55 3,208.88 1,001.68 5,871.16 3,044.79 0.00 821.54 10,739.17 1,610.88 12,350.05 451.54 7,457.95 3,867.70 0.00 967.62 12,744.81 1,911.72 14,656.53 2,291.17 5,680.03 220,984.86 0.00 629.75 229,585.81 34,437.87 264,023.68 86.46 1,428.11 825.48 0.00 185.27 2,525.32 378.80 2,904.12 2,806.55 86.46 1,428.11 740.63 0.00 185.27 2,440.47 366.07 182.48 3,025.05 8,081.63 0.00 391.21 11,680.37 1,752.06 13,432.43 10,167.19 994.26 4,760.37 2,468.76 0.00 617.65 8,841.03 1,326.16 19.17 317.37 164.59 0.00 41.17 542.30 81.34 623.64 190,067.27 1,773.58 4,045.00 158,945.00 0.00 512.31 165,275.89 24,791.38 585.95 331.52 9,745.86 0.00 41.17 10,704.49 1,605.67 12,310.16 225.52 823.26 37,202.90 142.84 38,394.53 5,759.18 44,153.71 13,366.88 638.93 3,176.62 1,645.84 5,750.22 411.76 11,623.37 1,743.51 4,900.36 25,954.08 3,589.87 5,864.22 555.85 40,864.39 6,129.66 46,994.04 2 N.T.S.: 12 A/15 BUCHANS RIVER LIMITED REPORT OF WORK BUCHANS PROJECT RED INDIAN LAKE AREA, NEWFOUNDLAND January 1, 2007 to April 30, 2008 Compilation, Review of Past Mining Operations, Aerial Topography/Photography, Line Cutting & GPS Grid Surveys, Titan 24 Geophysical Surveys, Soil Sampling, Diamond Drilling (Billiton Targets & Little Sandy), and Whole Rock Geochemistry Map Staked Licences: 05668M, 08295M, 10452M, 10453M, 10524M, 10525M, 10526M, 10546M, 10547M, 10548M, 10551M, 11431M, 11432M, 11433M, 11793M, 11794M, 11795M, 11796M, 11797M, 11798M, 11799M, 11801M, 11808M, 13320M, 13423M, 13539M, and Terra Nova Properties Fee Simple Mining Grant Vol. 1, Folio 61 Terra Nova Properties Fee Simple Mining Grant Vol. 1, Folio 62 P. Moore & D. Butler May 5, 2008 SUMMARY The Buchans property consists of 26 Mineral Licences comprising 512 contiguous mapstaked claims and two Fee Simple Grants, for a total of 13,433 hectares. The Fee Simple Grants cover an area equivalent to 25.3 claims (632.81 ha). The property was acquired to explore for polymetallic volcanogenic massive sulphide deposits within the Buchans mining camp of central Newfoundland. Many of the mineral licences that comprise the property are held under option agreement through a number of previous licence holders. Although these properties are now held 100% by Buchans River Ltd (BUV), many are subject to Net Smelter Return (NSR) royalties ranging from 1 to 3 percent with buyout clauses in most of the underlying agreements for portions of the respective royalties. Details for each of the properties are listed below in Table 1. The property surrounds the community of Buchans, centered at 510,700mE, 5,407,830mN UTM NAD 27 Zone 21, north of Red Indian Lake in central Newfoundland (Figure 1). The town of Buchans has a population of approximately 800 and lies at the end of Route 370, which joins the Trans Canada Highway west of Grand Falls. Grand Falls-Windsor is located 90 kilometres northeast of Buchans and represents one of Newfoundland’s largest municipalities (population over 13,500) and industrial centers, underpinned by a paper mill and hydroelectric generating station operated by Abitibi Bowater. The property covers the historic Buchans mining camp, including all sites of past production from which American Smelting and Refining Company (“Asarco”) mined 16,196,876 tonnes of ore from 5 major orebodies, having an average head grade of 14.51% zinc, 1.33% copper, 7.56% lead, 126 g/t silver and 1.37g/t gold, between 1928 and 1984 (Kirkham, 1987). Milling capacity for this operation was 1,250 short tonnes per day with separate Cu (chalcopyrite), Pb (galena), and Zn (sphalerite) concentrates produced (Thurlow, 2001). Recoveries near the end of the mine’s life are reported to have been 58.22% for Cu, 83.11% for Pb, 80.00% for Zn, 67.47% for Ag, and 69.16% for Au (1974 to 1979; Asarco Buchans Mine Operation, 1980 Annual Report). During the reporting period, BUV completed line-cutting, Titan 24 DCIP and MT geophysical surveys (102 line km), aerial photography (full property), diamond drilling (4,907 m in 14 holes) and ii soil sampling (62 sample), as well as several non-field-based activities on the property. The latter activities included compilation of previous diamond drilling, a review of past mining operations (check for possible remaining mineral resources) and initiation of a digital compilation of previous exploration data. Of these activities, compilation of mining and exploration data within this longlived mining camp is an enormous undertaking involving review and compilation of over seven decades of work, of which the vast majority was completed in advance of the digital age. The compilation therefore relies on archived paper maps and documents located in Asarco’s private data collection in Buchans, as well as records housed at the Newfoundland Archives and the Department of Natural Resources. Initial compilation efforts have focused on scanning all available drill logs and assays (in excess of 3,518 surface and underground holes totaling 394,846 m of drilling) as well as Asarco’s collection of mine development plans and sections for the former mines (scanned to PDF files). These digital files are included with this report for assessment and archival purposes, and are being entered into digital databases to be submitted with future assessment reports. The Mineral Lands Division of the Department of Natural Resources has advised BUV that, given the large amount of work involved, ongoing compilation (including digital databases) will be permissible for filing for assessment credit, as opposed to once every five years as currently stipulated by the regulations. New drilling completed during the reporting period included completion of an 6 hole, 850 metre drill program on the Little Sandy copper prospect in August 2007, as well as completion of an 8 hole, 4,059 metre fall drill program designed to test targets previously proposed and prioritized by Billiton Resources Canada Inc., in May 2001. The Little Sandy drill program was designed to test the Little Sandy prospect which represents a known outcropping zone of copper stringer mineralization informally reported to host an uncategorized historical resource of 160,000 tonnes of 1.9% Cu. This historical resource estimate is not NI 43-101 compliant, and is presented on several maps compiled by past explorers; however, no specific reference could be found for the source of this estimate, and as such, the iii resource should not be relied upon. Prior to drilling the prospect, previous drilling had returned intersections assaying up to 3.30% Cu over 7.9 metres (e.g., hole BJ-38; Thurlow and Pearce, 1979). Highlights from BUV’s drilling include intersections of 3.21% Cu over 3.1 metres and 0.42% Cu over 17.96 metres at shallow vertical depths of 100 m or less. While results are considered favourable, further review of the drill results in conjunction with available historical data is recommended before additional work is proposed for this prospect. Among the questions to be addressed is the prospect’s relative stratigraphic position with respect to the geology of the Buchans deposits located 13 km to the west of the prospect. Previous workers have assigned the prospect to various units within the belt including rocks interpreted to represent both older and younger volcanic stratigraphy than those rocks which host the Buchans orebodies. Furthermore, ongoing mapping and research by the GSC is expected to refine the geology of this relatively poorly explored portion of the Buchans property (e.g., Zagorevski and Rogers, 2008). Between October 2007 and January 2008, the company drilled 8 holes on targets prioritized by former JV partner Billiton Resources Canada Inc., in May 2001. All eight holes intersected targeted favourable felsic volcanic rocks, but failed to identify significant sulphide accumulations as either massive sulphides or transported sulphide clasts typical of ores previously mined at Buchans. Intersected mineralization was limited to disseminated and stringer sulphides, as well as sections hosting altered and sulphide-mineralized clasts. Billiton selected the targets after detailed compilation and re-interpretation of the geology of the former Buchans mines yielded 126 targets totaling 46,020 metres of proposed drilling. The highest priority targets were drilled by BUV in the fall of 2007 and had been assigned their priority, as the targets were defined as areas of favourable stratigraphy near known deposits, where sufficient room existed to host high-grade massive sulphide deposits analogous in size and grade to the former Lucky Strike mine. Historical production from the main Lucky Strike mine totaled 4.75 million tonnes averaging 18.36% Zn, 8.42% Pb, 1.67% Cu, 113 g/t Ag and 1.7 g/t Au (Thurlow and Swanson, 1981). Shortly after compiling the targets, Billiton abandoned all Newfoundland joint ventures and allowed their option iv on the Buchans property to lapse without further drilling. Further consideration will be given to the others targets identified by Billiton, once BUV has completed its own compilation of the property. Also during the work period, BUV contracted Quantec Geoscience Ltd. to complete Titan 24 DCIP (Direct Current Induced Polarization) & MT (Magnetotelluric) geophysical surveys over an area measuring 3.6 km by 5.1 km, covering several past producing orebodies west of the townsite, including the former Rothermere, McLean and MacLean Extension orebodies, as well as the undeveloped Clementine deposit. The Titan surveys are designed to locate deep sulphide rich zones down to depths of 750 m by DCIP, and to depths of 1,500 metres and beyond by MT. The surveys were completed during the period of September 2007 to January 2008, and at time of writing, only unprocessed data had been received (logistics report filed with this report), while the final interpreted data, including maps and inverted sections, are anticipated to be received the end of May (2008) and will be filed in a supplementary assessment report. Once data are received, the Company will analyze and prioritize targets for future drilling to be scheduled for the second half of 2008. During the work period, compilation and review of historical archive documents for the former Buchans mine operation uncovered data for a historical and uncategorized resource referred to by Asarco as the Lucky Strike Low Grade mineralization. The latter was identified as part of a review of possible remaining mineral resources left behind by Asarco, the previous mine operators. This review was undertaken by Mr. Paul O’Brien, a consulting engineer and former Mine Superintendent for Asarco’s Buchans Mine. The Lucky Strike Low Grade mineralization has since been renamed the Lundberg zone by BUV, and is considered to represent an uncategorized, non National Instrument 43-101 compliant resource which Asarco estimated to host 11.9 million tonnes with combined base metal grades of 2.88%, comprised of 1.83% zinc, 0.67% lead, 0.38% copper, and 5.5 g/t silver (archived internal Asarco company correspondence, 1974). Archived Asarco correspondence indicate this resource was to be evaluated by Asarco in early 1975 as a possible open pit mine operation, as the resource comes to surface and partially underlies the v former Lucky Strike Mine’s glory hole. A search of archived records shows detailed data was forwarded to Asarco management for feasibility study in February of 1975, but no records could be located that stated the outcome of this assessment. It is; however, assumed that the economics at the time were not favourable; and given that some of the highest grade and shallowest mineralization within the resource lies beneath key mine infrastructure (mill and other buildings), it was not pursued. With metal prices now well above those prices seen over the period since the mine closed in 1984, this resource is now considered to be of potential economic interest as a possible bulk tonnage, open pit mineable resource and is currently the subject of an ongoing 6,000 metre, 40 drill hole drilling program by BUV. Results of this drilling program will be used to compile a NI 43-101 compliant Inferred resource, as well as assess the zone for higher grade resources within the global resource. Among the other field activities undertaken during the reporting period are soil sampling surveys completed by Ionex Ltd. This work included collection of 62 B-horizon samples from three separate exploration licenses, two in the eastern portion (licenses 10547M & 10548M), and one in the western portion (10526M) of the property. No significant anomalies were defined; however, sampling in each of the areas was limited to single line traverse, and results should therefore be reviewed in conjunction with historical soil geochemical data once historical data has been compiled. Recommendations for future work on the property includes review of Titan 24 datasets for identification drill targets potentially associated with high grade sulphide deposits analogous to those previously mined at Buchans (i.e. buried high grade deposits). Other recommendations include further compilation of past drilling results (including assays) in areas adjacent to nearsurface past producing mines (i.e. Oriental and Old Buchans deposit areas), as possible bulk tonnage, lower grade, open pit mineable resources. Furthermore, ongoing efforts to compile previous exploration data should be accelerated to help identify and assess other targets that may exist on the property, including undeveloped sulphide prospects such as the Clementine, Sandfill vi and Middle Branch prospects. Of these, the Clementine prospect is located approximately 2 km west of the former Buchans Mines and hosts an undeveloped resource (uncategorized, historical, non-43-101 compliant resource estimate) of 363,000 tonnes averaging 4.9% Zn, 2.6% Pb, 0.3% Cu & 10.3 g/t Ag at depths ranging between 207 and 485 m below surface (Calhoun and Hutchinson, 1981). TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................1 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS.............................................................................................................4 LOCATION, ACCESS AND PHYSIOGRAPHY ............................................................................5 CLAIMS.........................................................................................................................................7 PREVIOUS WORK .....................................................................................................................10 REGIONAL AND PROPERTY GEOLOGY.................................................................................22 MINERALIZATION......................................................................................................................30 2007 EXPLORATION PROGRAM..............................................................................................34 Compilation of Previous Work ......................................................................................................... 34 Review of Past Mining Operations .................................................................................................. 34 Aerial Photography.......................................................................................................................... 36 Buchans Property....................................................................................................................... 36 Grid Establishment .......................................................................................................................... 36 Titan 24 DCIP and MT Survey ........................................................................................................ 37 Soil Sampling (Licenses 10547M, 10548M & 10526M) .................................................................. 37 Diamond Drilling .............................................................................................................................. 41 Little Sandy................................................................................................................................. 43 Billiton Targets............................................................................................................................ 43 Whole Rock Geochemistry (Lithogeochemistry) ............................................................................. 48 RECOMMENDATIONS...............................................................................................................49 REFERENCES............................................................................................................................50 TABLES Table 1: Summary of Claims – Buchans Property ..........................................................................3 Table 2: Buchans Project, Personnel and Contractors ....................................................................4 Table 3: Soil survey, sample statistics. ..........................................................................................38 Table 4: Assay highlights, Little Sandy drill program, July-August 2007 .......................................43 Table 5: Assay highlights, Billiton Targets drill program, October 2007 to January 2008.............48 viii FIGURES Figure 1. Communities and Buchans property location, Newfoundland...........................................6 Figure 2: Buchans Property – Claims location map ........................................................................8 Figure 3: Buchans Property – Ownership and Royalties.................................................................9 Figure 4: Buchans orebodies (projected to surface) (Calhoun and Hutchinson, 1981, p. 190).....11 Figure 5: Generalized geology of the Buchans area after Thurlow, (2001)...................................24 Figure 6: Generalized stratigraphy of the Buchans Group (after Thurlow, 2001)..........................26 Figure 7: Schematic cross section through the Buchans area. ....................................................29 Figure 8: Generalized geological map of the Buchans mine area.................................................29 Figure 9: Schematic block diagram of the MacLean channel, from the Lucky Strike area in the southeast to the MacLean Extension area in the northwest............................................................33 Figure 10: Soil sampling locations and Cu, Pb, Zn values from License 10526M.........................39 Figure 11: Soil sampling locations and Cu, Pb, Zn values from License 10547, 10548M.............40 Figure 12: Diamond drilling plan map – Little Sandy. ....................................................................45 Figure 13: Diamond drilling plan map – Billiton Targets. ...............................................................47 Drawings 1 Location Property Geology...................................................................................................In Folder ix APPENDICES Titles I Location Compilation of Previous Work – Digital Archive of Drill Logs & Archived Asarco Mine Plans and Drawings (PDF Files). In Folder II Review of Past Mining Operations at Buchans. Report prepared by Paul J. O’Brien P. Eng., for Buchans River Limited. In Appendix Volume III Buchans Property, Aerial Photography and Topographic Processing Summary Report – Eagle Mapping Ltd. In Appendix Volume IV DGPS Surveys of Titan Grid, Buchans Property. In Appendix Volume Logistics Report, DGPS Positioning on Titan Grid, Buchans Mine Area, Project 0706, By Eastern Geophysics Limited V Titan 24 Geophysical Surveys In Appendix Volume Quantec Geoscience Ltd., Geophysical Survey Logistics Report Regarding the Quantec Titan-24 Distributed Acquisition System Tensor MT and DCIP Surveys over the Buchans Project, Buchans, NL on behalf of Buchans River Limited, St. John’s NL. VI Diamond Drilling Drill Logs Little Sandy Drill Plan & Sections Billiton Targets Drill Plan & Sections In Appendix Volume Analytical Results Sampling and QAQC Procedures Sample Preparation - ALS-CHEMEX Analytical Procedures – ALS-Chemex Whole Rock & Metal Assays Sample Preparation - Eastern Analytical Limited Sample Analyses - Eastern Analytical Limited (assays and soils only) Certificates of Analytical Results In Appendix Volume VII In Folder In Folder 1 INTRODUCTION This report documents work completed by Buchans River Limited (BUV), on the Buchans property in central Newfoundland (Figures 1 & 2) between January 1, 2007 and January 31, 2008. The property consists of 26 mineral licences, comprising 512 contiguous map-staked claims and two Fee Simple Grants, for a grand total of 13,433 hectares (Figure 2). Fee Simple Grants cover an area equivalent to 25.3 claims (632.81 ha). The property was acquired to explore for polymetallic volcanogenic massive sulphide deposits within the Buchans mining camp of central Newfoundland. Many of the mineral licences that comprise the property are held under option agreement through a number of previous licence holders. Although these properties are now held 100% by BUV, many are subject to Net Smelter Return (NSR) royalties ranging from 1 to 3 percent with buyout clauses for portions of the respective royalties available in most of the underlying agreements. Details for each of the properties are listed below in Table 1, and illustrated in Figure 3. The property surrounds the community of Buchans, centered at 510,700mE, 5,407,830mN UTM NAD 27 Zone 21, north of Red Indian Lake in central Newfoundland (Figures 1 and 2). The town has a population of approximately 800, and lies at the end of Route 370, which joins the Trans Canada Highway west of Grand Falls. Grand Falls-Windsor is located 90 kilometres northeast of Buchans and represents one of Newfoundland’s largest municipalities (population over 13,500) and industrial centers, underpinned by a paper mill and hydroelectric generating station operated by Abitibi Bowater. The property covers the historic Buchans mining camp, including all sites of past production from which American Smelting and Refining Company (“Asarco”) mined 16,196,876 tonnes of ore from 5 major orebodies having an average head grade of 14.51% zinc, 1.33% copper, 7.56% lead, 126 g/t silver and 1.37 g/t gold, between 1928 and 1984 (Kirkham, 1987). Milling capacity for this operation was 1,250 short tonnes per day with separate Cu (chalcopyrite, Pb (galena), and Zn (sphalerite) concentrates produced (Thurlow, 2001). 2 Recoveries near the end of the mine’s life are reported to have been 58.22% for Cu, 83.11% for Pb, 80.00% for Zn, 67.47% for Ag, and 69.16% for Au (1974 to 1979; Asarco Buchans Mine Operation, 1980 Annual Report). During the reporting period, BUV completed line-cutting, Titan 24 DCIP and MT geophysical surveys, aerial photography, diamond drilling and soil sampling, as well as several non-field-based activities on the property. The latter activities included compilation of previous diamond drilling, a review of past mining operations (check for possible remaining mineral resources) and initiation of a digital compilation of previous exploration data. Of these activities, compilation of mining and exploration represents a considerable undertaking involving review and compilation of more than seven decades of work, of which the vast majority was completed in advance of the digital age. The compilation therefore relies on archived paper maps and documents borrowed from Asarco’s private data collection in Buchans, as well as records housed at the Newfoundland Archives and the Department of Natural Resources. Initial compilation efforts have focused on scanning all available drill logs and assays (in excess of 3,518 surface and underground holes, totaling 394,846 m of drilling) as well as Asarco’s private collection of mine development plans and sections for the former mines (scanned to PDF files). New drilling completed during the reporting period included completion of an 6 hole, 850 metre drill program on the Little Sandy copper prospect, as well as completion of an 8 hole, 4,059 metre program designed to test targets previously proposed and prioritized by Billiton Resources Canada Inc. in May 2001. Also during the work period, Buchans River contracted Quantec Geoscience Ltd. to complete a Titan 24 DCIP (Direct Current Induced Polarization) & MT (Magnetotelluric) geophysical survey over an area measuring 3.6 km by 5.1 km, covering several past producing ore-bodies west of the town, including the former Rothermere, McLean and MacLean Extension orebodies as well as the undeveloped Clementine deposit. 3 Other field activities completed during the work period included soil sampling, with 62 Bhorizon samples collected from three exploration licenses, two in the eastern portion (licenses 10547M & 10548M), and one in the western portion (10526M) of the property. Compilation and review of historical records undertaken during the work period identified a historical and uncategorized resource estimate by Asarco, formerly referred to as the Lucky Strike Low Grade Zone. This resource was identified as part of a review of possible remaining mineral resources left behind by Asarco, and is currently being explored by a 6,000 metre drill program at the time of writing this report. BUV has undertaken this program as part of its strategy to explore for near surface, bulk tonnage resources that have potential to be mined by open pit methods. Results of this work will be released in a supplementary assessment report to be files later in 2008. Results of all drilling described herein (i.e., Little Sandy and Billiton Targets) had been released into the public domain. Results for the Titan surveys have not been released as BUV are awaiting final interpreted results from Quantec. The latter will also be filed in a supplementary assessment report to be filed later in 2008. Table 1: Summary of Claims – Buchans Property Date Issued 31-May-96 28-Jun-96 9-Nov-04 9-Nov-04 6-Jan-05 6-Jan-05 6-Jan-05 17-Jan-05 17-Jan-05 17-Jan-05 1-Feb-93 1-Dec-05 1-Dec-05 1-Dec-05 9-Mar-06 Licence No. 05668M 08295M 10452M 10453M 10524M 10525M 10526M 10546M 10547M 10548M 10551M 11431M 11432M 11433M 11793M Registered Owner Buchans River Ltd. Buchans River Ltd. Buchans River Ltd. Buchans River Ltd. Buchans River Ltd. Buchans River Ltd. Buchans River Ltd. Buchans River Ltd. Buchans River Ltd. Buchans River Ltd. Buchans River Ltd. Buchans River Ltd. Buchans River Ltd. Buchans River Ltd. Buchans River Ltd. No. of Claims 12 66 6 5 5 16 5 28 2 4 215 3 1 2 26 No. of Hectares 300 1650 150 125 125 400 125 700 50 100 5375 75 25 50 650 NTS 12A/15 12A/15 12A/15 12A/15 12A/15 12A/15 12A/15 12A/15 12A/15 12A/15 12A/15 12A/15 12A/15 12A/15 12A/15 4 9-Mar-06 9-Mar-06 9-Mar-06 9-Mar-06 9-Mar-06 9-Mar-06 9-Mar-06 9-Mar-06 9-Apr-07 30-Apr-07 25-May-07 n/a n/a 11794M 11795M 11796M 11797M 11798M 11799M 11801M 11808M 13320M 13423M 13539M Terra Nova Properties Fee Simple Mining Grant Vol. 1, Folio 61 Terra Nova Properties Fee Simple Mining Grant Vol. 1, Folio 62 Buchans River Ltd. Buchans River Ltd. Buchans River Ltd. Buchans River Ltd. Buchans River Ltd. Buchans River Ltd. Buchans River Ltd. Buchans River Ltd. Buchans River Ltd. Buchans River Ltd. Buchans River Ltd. 20 25 17 5 5 10 16 1 13 1 3 500 625 425 125 125 250 400 25 325 25 75 12A/15 12A/15 12A/15 12A/15 12A/15 12A/15 12A/15 12A/15 12A/15 12A/15 12A/15 Buchans River Ltd. n/a 265.51 12A/15 Buchans River Ltd. n/a Total (ha) 367.3 13,433 12A/15 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS A list of personnel and contractors who worked on the Buchans Property during the reporting period is presented in Table 2 below. Name BUV PERSONNEL Table 2: Buchans Project, Personnel and Contractors Position Residence Paul Moore, P. Geo. David Butler, P. Geo. Linda Snow Vice President Exploration Exploration Manager Office Manager Company/ Individual CONTRACTORS Service Location Exploration Contractors Mercator Geological consultant Mercator Geological consultant Mercator Geological consultant Mercator Geological consultant Mercator Geological consultant Mercator Geological consultant Mercator Geological consultant Mercator Geological consultant Mercator Geological consultant Dartmouth, Nova Scotia Dartmouth, Nova Scotia Dartmouth, Nova Scotia Dartmouth, Nova Scotia Dartmouth, Nova Scotia Dartmouth, Nova Scotia Dartmouth, Nova Scotia Dartmouth, Nova Scotia Buchans, Newfoundland Buchans, Newfoundland Mercator Geoscience Consultants Peter Webster Jim Barr Jim Reeves Shane Legere Andrew Hilchey Matthieu Lapointe Michael Clough Derek Keats Michael Keats St. John’s, Newfoundland St. John’s, Newfoundland Cape Broyle, Newfoundland 5 Company/ Individual Ionex Exploration Services Eastern Geophysics Springdale Forest Resources Gerard Lambert Eastern Analytical ALS Chemex Canadian Helicopters Eagle Mapping Ltd. CDN Resource Laboratories Red Indian Lake Surveys Gary Rowsell Red Ochre Inn MapInfo/ DIGEOS SCI Exploration Ltd. Waymar Communications Rick Soper Taiga Consultants Ltd. DMT Mechanical Buchans Enterprises Dennis Fowlow/ Home Hardware Service Soil sampling DGPS Survey surveys Diamond drilling Geophysical consultant Assays and soil geochemistry Check Assays Air transport Aerial photography & DEM Assay standards Surveying Field technician & accommodations Accommodations & meals GIS software & support Line cutting Communications Polished rocks & core 43-101 report & resource estimate Bridge Repairs Snow clearing – core shed Core shed rental Location Springdale, Newfoundland West Pubnico, NS Springdale, Newfoundland St-Andre-Avellin, Quebec Springdale, Newfoundland Sudbury, ON Pasadena, NL Port Coquitlam, BC Delta, BC Grand Falls-Windsor, NL Buchans, NL Buchans, NL Paradise, NL Miles Cove, NL Grand Falls-Windsor, NL St. John’s, Newfoundland Calgary, AB Springdale, Newfoundland Buchans, NL Buchans, NL LOCATION, ACCESS AND PHYSIOGRAPHY The Buchans area property is located near the community of Buchans, centered at 510,700mE, 5,407,830mN UTM NAD 27 Zone 21, along the north shore of Red Indian Lake, in central Newfoundland, Canada (Figure 2). The town of Buchans lies at the end of Route 370, which joins the Trans Canada Highway 30 kilometres west of the town of Grand Falls. The former mining town of Buchans has a population of approximately 800 and the logging town of Millertown has a population of approximately 200 people. Both towns offer reasonable infrastructure with hardware stores, accommodations, gas stations and many other amenities. Contract exploration support services including assayers, diamond drillers, line cutters and surveyors are available in Springdale (Figure 1). 800,000 mE 400,000 mE 6 5,600,000 mN Atlantic Atlantic Ocean Ocean Springdale Springdale Buchans Buchans 5,400,000 mN Grand Grand Falls Falls Millertown Millertown Tulks Tulks North North Property Property St. St. John's John's 5,200,000 mN 50 0 50 100 Kilometers Figure 1. Communities and Buchans property location, Newfoundland. 7 The project covers an area of 135 km2 within an area measuring 25 km by 5 km and encompasses the southern portion of NTS sheet 12 A/15 (Figure 2). The approximate geographic center of the project is located at UTM coordinates 510,700mE, 5,407,830mN (UTM NAD 27 Zone 21, projection for Canada). The climate is temperate and year round exploration is possible. The area is generally flat to gently rolling with elevation ranging from 155m to 165m at Red Indian Lake to approximately 130 m to 280 m inland. There are numerous small brooks which drain into Red Indian Lake with spruce and fir growing on the slopes. The northern portion of the property is poorly drained and covered by areas of shallow bogs and extensive muskeg in the flat areas. The depth of till is typically 2 metres or less, with less than 5% outcrop exposure. To the south of the property Red Indian Lake occupies a large northeast trending valley. CLAIMS The Buchans property consists of 26 mineral licences comprising 512 contiguous mapstaked claims and two Fee Simple Grants, for a grand total of 13,433 hectares (Table 1 & Figure 2). The Fee Simple Grants cover an area equivalent to 25.3 claims (632.81 ha) and include Terra Nova Properties Volume 1, Folios 61 and 62. The property was acquired to explore for polymetallic volcanogenic massive sulphide deposits within the Buchans mining camp of central Newfoundland. Many of the mineral licences that comprise the property are held under option agreement through a number of previous licence holders. Although these properties are now held 100% by Buchans River Ltd (BUV), many are subject to Net Smelter Return (NSR) royalties ranging from 1 to 3 percent with buyout clauses in most of the underlying agreements for portions of the respective royalties (Figure 3). Properties details are presented in Table 1. Property acquisition history is also briefly discussed under Previous Work. 8 Figure 2: Buchans Property – Claims location map 9 Figure 3: Buchans Property – Ownership and Royalties 10 PREVIOUS WORK The earliest report of lead-zinc mineralization in the Buchans area was in 1905 when Matty Mitchell a local prospector working for the A.N.D. Company (Anglo Newfoundland Development Company) discovered high grade base metal sulphide mineralization within the banks of Buchans River (Neary, 1981). Following some early evaluations and unsuccessful development attempts, the discovery property became part of joint venture between the A.N.D. Company as Terra Nova Properties Limited (since succeeded by Abitibi Price, now Abitibi Bowater) and Asarco, in 1926. Under Asarco’s direction, mining operations commenced in 1928 with Asarco operating the mine continuously from then on until ore reserves were depleted in 1984 (Neary, 1981). In total, the Buchans orebodies have produced 16,196,876 tonnes of ore from the five known major orebodies. The average grades are reported to be 14.51% zinc, 7.65% lead, 1.33% copper, 126 grams per tonne silver, and 1.37 grams per tonne gold (Kirkham, 1987). A complete history of the initial discovery and early exploration and development of the Buchans Mine can be found in Neary (1981). Some of the more pertinent points described by Neary which relate to exploration on the property are summarized as follows. In 1926, geophysical surveys conducted under contract to the Swedish American Prospecting Company and led by Hans Lundberg, using an equipotential method, resulted in the discovery of the Oriental and Lucky Strike orebodies (Figure 4). In 1947, the Rothermere orebody was discovered by systematic drilling from surface and underground west of the Lucky Strike mine at a depth of 240 m (approximate depth to top). Subsequent drilling northwest of Rothermere led to the deeper discovery of the McLean orebody at 650 m (approximate depth to top) in 1950. In 1953, surface and underground drilling aided by a drill hole equipotential geophysical method lead to the discovery of the shallowly buried Oriental No. 2 orebody in close proximity to the Oriental orebody (Neary, 1981). In 1960, the buried, and still undeveloped, Clementine deposit was discovered at a depth of 207 m (approximate depth to top; Calhoun and Hutchinson, 1981) 11 by deep drilling directed by geologic interpretation without the aid of geophysics (Moss and Perkins, 1981). In 1976, imposition of the Mi9neral Holdings Impost Act ended the concession mineral rights system and much of the Buchans mine property was converted to ground staked claims. Around this time, a Cotenancy agreement was negotiated with Abitibi-Price (51%) as exploration managers and Asarco Inc., (49%) as mine operators, as the original agreement between Asarco and the A.N.D. Company expired. .In 1979, the McLean Extension orebody was discovered by further underground drilling from the McLean mine. In 1984, the mine was closed due to exhaustion of reserves. Figure 4: Buchans orebodies (projected to surface) (Calhoun and Hutchinson, 1981, p. 190) A discussion of the exploration applied to the property during the life of the mine (1928-1984) can be described as follows. Asarco commenced exploration of the Buchans Mine property in 1928. Between 1930 and 1984 extensive drilling programs totalling in excess of 3,500 surface 12 and underground holes totalling 375,000 m of drilling), leading to the discovery of all of the known mineralized zones and orebodies (Figure 4). Holes drilled during this period reached to varying depths, with many extending to depths of only 200 metres or less, and the deepest typically reaching to depths of less than 1,200 metres. Some holes were drilled directly from the underground workings. The vast majority of drilling was vertical, with core sizes varying from 22 mm (EX core) to 47.6 mm (NQ core). As much of the drilling was done before development of wireline drilling core recovery was highly variable and often poor. In many cases, if mineralization was considered subeconomic, it was not sampled, and large gaps remain in drill holes completed during Asarco’s tenure. The earliest Asarco drilling was closely spaced and concentrated primarily on near surface equipotential anomalies outlined by Hans Lundberg. This approach resulted in the discovery of the Lucky Strike and Oriental orebodies. Later expansion of the program, by way of systematic outward extension of the drill sites, lead to the discovery of the Rothermere, MacLean and MacLean Extension orebodies without the benefit of geophysical targets. Despite the intensity and scale of drilling completed by Asarco, it was widely considered by subsequent explorers that substantial gaps remain in the drill pattern and that many of the shallower drill holes could be extended to test prospective geology at depth. Gravity and IP surveys were conducted primarily in surrounding areas north of Red Indian Lake in the 1940s, and yielded few new targets. In the 1960s, soil and till sampling southwest of the main Buchans property detected an anomalous trend believed to be derived from the Lucky Strike area, but at the time was not considered to be a significant enough indication to warrant further exploration. Asarco also conducted exploration west of the mines in an area now referred to as the West Clementine trend. This work drew significant attention in 1970, when two diamond drill holes intersected mineralized and altered mafic and felsic volcanics. These holes, 2811 and 2813, were later re-logged by Newfoundland Mining and Exploration Limited in 1993, and flagged as possibly containing material comparable to the ore horizon indicators noted in the 13 Buchans River Formation. The presence of strong stockwork mineralization and chloritic alteration and associated pyrite, sphalerite, galena and chalcopyrite confirmed this area to be highly prospective for discovery of additional massive high grade sulphide deposits akin to Lucky Strike and remains an area of interest for current exploration activities. BP Canada optioned Abitibi-Price’s mineral properties throughout central Newfoundland and the Abitibi-Price - Asarco’s Cotenancy Buchans mine property in 1985. In 1991, BP returned the Buchans property to the Cotenants and sold the remaining mineral rights for the former Abitibi-Price properties outside of Buchans to Noranda Mining and Exploration. In 1995, the Cotenants relinquished their mineral rights to the Buchans property and the ground came open for ground staking on August 29, 1995. BP commenced its work on the property in 1986 when the company completed an Input Airborne EM survey over the entire Buchans camp plus a variety of other work that included borehole TDEM EM surveys on 13 diamond drill holes (Wallis 2002). During BP’s tenure, between 1985 and 1991, the company completed additional ground and airborne geophysical surveys, soil geochemistry and at least 3 additional diamond drill holes. It was also during this period that thrust belt tectonic models emerged for the camp that resulted in a simplified stratigraphic interpretation of the camp’s geology; but a significantly more complex structural interpretation of the camp’s geology that recognized duplex structures, antiformal stacks, multiple thrusts and related features (Thurlow and Swanson, 1987). Thurlow and Swanson (1987) further suggested that, based on variations in facies distribution identified within the volcanic and related sedimentary rocks, that some thrusts propagated along early, high-angle, normal faults which were active at the time of deposition and were important in determining the positions of paleochannels that contain the transported ores. This reinterpretation of the camp’s geology was a turning point in the exploration of the camp and came after the mines had closed leaving Asarco’s successors to explore the camp with a entirely new geological understanding that was absent during the camp’s entire productive lifetime. Regrettably, BP’s tenure in 14 Buchans was short and exploration resources over the period were spread though out much of Newfoundland with their discovery and development of the Hope Brook gold mine on the southwest coast of Newfoundland as well as multiple new discoveries south of Red Indian Lake within the Victoria Lake Supergroup that included the Daniels Pond massive sulphide deposit. BP’s involvement in Newfoundland was halted because the company’s parent company, British Petroleum, decided to abandon its global mineral exploration efforts and divest itself of its mineral assets. On the departure of BP in 1991 and the subsequent lapse of the Cotenancy’s mineral rights in the camp in August 1995, a consortium of affiliated private companies with common management, namely GT Geological, Newfoundland Mining and Exploration, and Buchans River Limited, acquired a large land position by staking which in part defines the current property now 100% owned by Buchans River Limited. Meanwhile, large blocks within the current property were staked or maintained by competing junior and senior mining companies (e.g. CBM resources, Phelps Dodge Canada, Noranda Mining and Exploration). In 1995 this consortium (GT Geological and Newfoundland Mining and Exploration) began exploring their properties starting with a re-logging program dedicated to re-interpreting results of past drilling programs in the context of the recent stratigraphic and structural concepts developed in the 1980’s (e.g. Thurlow and Swanson, 1987; Calon and Green, 1987). The relogging program soon confirmed that the effects of thrusting had not been appreciated by earlier exploration drilling. As a result, a majority of surface drill holes on the Buchans property were relogged between 1997 and 2000. This work identified several potential targets not adequately tested by previous drilling, and several mineralized and altered zones ignored by previous workers, were identified as potential targets. This work generated recommendations for significant further drilling and additional geophysical and geochemical exploration surveys. During the period of 1995 to 1998, exploration was conducted throughout the current property by a variety of private and public companies including companies associated with 15 Buchans River Limited consortium (i.e., GT Exploration Ltd., Newfoundland Mining & Exploration) as well as several competing companies including Noranda Mining and Exploration Limited (now Xstrata Plc), Phelps Dodge Corporation of Canada Limited (now FreeportMcMoRan Copper & Gold Inc.), and Thunderwood Resources (ground optioned from CBM Resources). Each of these companies conducted various geophysical and geochemical surveys largely consisting of soil and whole rock geochemistry, gravity, IP, surface and borehole TDEM geophysical surveys, and limited diamond drilling. This period of work is referenced in the References section of this report under Assessment Reports, where the references are sorted by date and author and list the corresponding Newfoundland and Labrador Geological Survey Assessment File (Geofile) numbers given for each reference. Work undertaken during the period of 1993 to 1998 (pre Billiton JV described below) is documented in assessment reports dated between 1993 and 2000. Also during this period, in 1996, GT Exploration Ltd., entered into an option agreement giving Phelps Dodge Corporation of Canada Limited the right to earn 50% interests in the Duhart's Pond property (licence 4805) consisting of 12 claims (192 hectares) situated immediately south of the former Buchans River and Oriental mines. The agreement gave Phelps Dodge the option to earn an additional 20% interest in the property if Phelps Dodge provided a positive feasibility report. This option terminated after the first year, after Phelps drilled a single hole without significant results (Thurlow, 1996b), and without Phelps Dodge earning an interest in the property. In 1997, the various property holdings in the Buchans camp held by Newfoundland Mining & Exploration Ltd., and associated private company GT Exploration Ltd., were amalgamated under Buchans River Limited. The properties included claims in the immediate Buchans mines area, including the former MacLean and Rothermere mines and ground adjacent to the former Oriental mine. In March of 1997, Buchan River Limited listed on the Alberta stock exchange as a public company. Between 1997 and 2001, Buchans River, who until that time controlled property largely limited to the area east of the former mines, acquired 16 by option several key properties consolidating what would become the current property now owned 100% by Buchans River Limited. These options include the following option agreements. (i) CBM Resources: Buchans River Limited entered into an option agreement with private company, CBM Resources, granting BUV the right to earn a 100% interest in 279 claims (licences 4272 and 4273) in the Buchans. The agreement required BUV to complete assessment work totalling $110,000 by February 01, 1998, and issue to CBM 50,000 shares on signing a formal agreement and an additional 50,000 shares on each of the first, second and third anniversaries of the agreement. A further 200,000 shares will be issued by Buchans River on attainment of commercial production from the properties. CBM retains a 3% Net Smelter Interest in the property with Buchans River having the right to purchase 2% for $2,000,000. Licence 4272 lies to the west and south of Buchans and hosts the Clementine deposit. Licence 4273 lies to the northeast of Buchans and adjacent to the Middle Branch prospect where previous drilling returned an intersection of 4.8% zinc, 3.1% lead, 0.47% copper, 48 grams per tonne silver and 0.7 grams per tonne gold over 1.8 metres at a vertical depth of 518 metres (BUV press release dated October 30, 1997). The CBM properties had previously been optioned to Thunderwood Resources in 1994, but allowed the option to lapse after a brief period. (ii) Phelps Dodge Corporation of Canada Ltd. (now Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold Inc.) Buchans River Ltd. entered into an option agreement with Phelps Dodge Corporation of Canada Ltd., to acquire 100% interest in 37 mineral exploration claims (5.5 square kilometres) in the Buchans area (licences 4775 and 4823). The claims include the former Oriental and Old Buchans mines, and the east part of the former Lucky Strike Mine. Buchans River issued 300,000 shares and 400,000 share purchase warrants to Phelps Dodge. The warrants allowed Phelps Dodge to purchase Buchans River shares at a price of 75 cents in year one and 85 cents in year two. In addition Buchans River will issue an additional 400,000 shares on completion of a bankable feasibility study. Phelps Dodge retains a 2% Net Smelter Returns interest, of which Buchans River can repurchase 1% on a discounted cash flow basis (BUV press release dated June 11, 1998). (iii) Noranda Mining and Exploration Limited (now Xstrata Plc) Buchans River Ltd. entered into an option agreement with (iii) Noranda Mining and Exploration Limited to acquire 100% interest in the Little Sandy properties, consisting of two long-term exploration leases known as Fee Simple Grants (Volume 1, Folios 61 and 62) and attached Charter Lands (totalling about 7 square kilometres). Noranda retains a 2% NSR interest in the property and the right to buy back a 50% interest on delivery of a positive feasibility study. The properties are located from 7 to 15 kilometres east of the former Buchans Mines and host the Little Sandy prospect. The agreement required BUV to spend $100,000 on exploration over 4 years to acquire 100% interest in the properties. Noranda retains the right to buy back a 50% interest by paying twice the 17 cumulative exploration and development expenditure to the date of election to buy back, and the right to buy back will terminate within 90 days from delivery to Noranda of a positive feasibility study. Should Noranda elect to participate in the project, a joint venture will be formed and Noranda will have the right to operate. In the event that either party is diluted to a 20% participating interest, then their interest will convert to a 2% Net Profits Interest (BUV press release dated July 13, 1998). (iv) GT Exploration Ltd., and Newfoundland Mining & Exploration Ltd. Buchans River Ltd., optioned 230 mineral exploration claims (37 square kilometres) in the Buchans mine area from Newfoundland Mining & Exploration Ltd. and GT Exploration Ltd., (non-arms length companies with directors-in-common with Buchans River Ltd). The vendors retain a 2% net smelter return interest in the properties. Buchans River purchased 126 claims (20 square kilometres) from GT Exploration Ltd., for 800,000 shares and 800,000 warrants. The warrants were exercisable at a price of $0.45 for the first year and $0.50 during the second year from the date of exchange approval. These claims contain the former Rothermere and MacLean Mines as well as the Sandfill and HAG prospects. Buchans River Ltd. purchased 104 claims (17 square kilometres) from Newfoundland Mining & Exploration Ltd., for 1,200,000 shares and 1,200,000 warrants. The warrants were exercisable at a price of $0.45 in the first year, and $0.50 in the second year from the date of exchange approval. The claims contain the Clementine West prospect, discovered in 1999. The acquisitions consolidated all of the highly prospective ground in the Buchans area into Buchans River Ltd., (BUV press release dated November 20, 2001). In September 1998, Billiton Resources Canada Inc. (Billiton), together with Buchans River Ltd., Newfoundland Mining & Exploration Ltd., and GT Exploration Ltd., formed the Buchans River Joint Venture. The agreement gave Billiton the right to earn a 51% interest in the Buchans property by spending $3,500,000 over a four-year period with a minimum of $600,000 to be expended in the first year. The agreement gave Billiton the additional option to earn an additional 19% interest by making a payment of $1,000,000 and conducting an additional $4,000,000 in exploration. Over this period, Billiton completed extensive exploration that included airborne geophysical surveys, geological investigations and relogging (including creation of a 3D computer database a geologic model for the area surrounding the former Buchans mines, a variety of geochemical surveys including MMI and precision trace element whole rock lithogeochemical studies, and limited diamond drilling over select portions of the property, largely dedicated to testing IP anomalies derived from ground follow-up of the initial airborne EM survey. During this period, Billiton had many other properties under option from other junior companies throughout the Buchans district and its interpreted northern extension, 18 as well as other VMS properties in other districts of central Newfoundland (e.g., Point Leamington deposit) and operated the joint ventures from a small exploration office in Grand Falls with much of the work programs being undertaken by the same companies that had optioned the various projects to Billiton. Acquisition of the extensive land position within and beyond the main Buchans area was largely predicated on the use of modern, deep seeking airborne geophysical surveys in conjunction with proprietary geophysical interpretation techniques being used by Billiton. While the initial airborne surveys yielded some new targets in other areas, it failed to identify significant new targets in and around the former Buchans mines. After 3 short years, of which much of the exploration work was dedicated to assessing targets identified by the initial airborne survey; the joint venture finished in September 2001 without Billiton testing any of the geological targets they identified by their efforts to reinterpret and compile the geology near the former mines. On leaving, Billiton failed to retain any interest in the property (Halpin 2001), which was handed back to Buchans River Limited 100%. Among the work undertaken by the Buchans River Joint Venture, the airborne EM survey conducted in 1998 (Geoterrex-Dighem, 1999), identified a weak conductivity anomaly in the Clementine West region. Two holes drilled by Asarco (2811 and 2813), had been flagged for the presence of possible ore horizon indicators and lay within the anomaly. To test this relationship hole BR-11-01 was drilled and yielded promising results that lead to further IP, soil surveys and additional diamond drilling of what is now referred to as the Clementine West prospect (Saunders and Harris, 2001). Another notable milestone in the exploration of Buchans occurred between 1997 and 2001, when lithogeochemical sampling allowed for the differentiation between footwall and hanging wall signatures in the ore horizon sequence (Winter and Wilton, 2001; Jenner, 2002). This development resulted in the modification of the previously interpreted stratigraphy, and allowed for improved prioritization of targets. Furthermore, a modified structural interpretation was proposed that suggested excellent exploration potential in areas which may contain 19 untested ore horizon sequence. Based on this work and relogging of previous drill holes, new targets were proposed. Highlights from the Joint Venture’s exploration on the property included new intersections of alteration and mineralization at Clementine West prospect, the HAG zone, Middle Branch prospect, and the Airport zone. Of particular interest was the area to the south of the Lucky Strike Mine known as the HAG zone, which has a characteristic style of mineralization and many holes drilled intersected high grade sulphide clasts hosted in shear zones, the source of which is still unknown. In 2000-2001 consultants Era-Maptec Ltd., (2001), a company based in Dublin, Ireland, conducted a structural reinterpretation of the Buchans mine area with on-site geologists working for Billiton. The study utilized results of 3D modelling, with a goal of validating or developing the location of the ore horizon sequence into a modified structural model. The refining of previous structural models (i.e., Thurlow and Swanson, 1987; Calon and Green, 1987) saw the modification of the originally proposed antiformal stack structure into a nappe-like structure overturned to the south (Era-Maptec, 2001). This new model suggested the possibility of significant regions at exploitable depths within an overturned limb of folds that may remain inadequately tested for ore horizons (i.e. folded repeats of productive stratigraphy at depth). Era-Maptec’s structural reinterpretation entailed re-examination of relationships between the local major faults and their control on the area’s mineralization. The study proposed that the synvolcanic faults trending northeast are major feeders for the in situ Buchans deposits. These ideas, like those of Thurlow and Swanson (1987), propose that the intersections of these faults with the ore horizon are potentially very valuable target areas. Developments in the structural and stratigraphic interpretations of the area lead drilling by the Buchans River Joint Venture to be conducted in several stages. Six new targeted holes were drilled on the Buchans property between 1999 and 2000. Two of these holes intersected what is now known as HAG-type mineralization, or shear zone hosted massive sulphide clasts. The best results from these holes (hole BR-2K-01-05) yielded a 40 cm clast which assayed 20 14.4% zinc, 7.6% lead, 0.4% copper and 5.6 grams per tonne gold, 253 grams per tonne silver at a depth of 298 metres (Saunders, Harris, Reed, and Woods, 2000). In the Middle Branch Trend (a northeast trend of favourable geology extending north from the former Oriental mines) and the Airport zone (an adjacent area northwest of the Middle Branch trend), the four holes in this area all encountered low grade mineralization (Saunders, Harris, Reed, and Woods, 2000). Clementine West was the subject of an IP survey in 1999 and 2000 by GeoScott Exploration Consultants and Discovery Geophysics. The area covered a strike length of 4.8 km, at 200 and 400 metre line spacing. Results were interpreted for Billiton by consultant geophysicist, L. Reed, who identified several notable anomalous trends. The most significant trend was a one kilometre long chargeability high, with low resistivity. This zone was believed to be associated with disseminated and stinger sulphides, and had been traced by diamond drilling (see References Assessment Reports for references). Soil sampling was conducted over the Clementine West region using detection of metal ions at low levels via the Mobile Metal Ion procedure, or MMI sampling. The study area covered a strike length of 2.4 km at a line spacing of between 200 and 700 metres. Samples were spaced at 50 metres, totalling 240 samples (see References Assessment Reports for references). Results of this sampling program showed anomalies in four areas, with two of these falling along the projected Clementine West mineralized zone. Buchans River and its associated companies initiated a lithogeochemical sampling program in 1997 which continued until 2001 (Winter and Wilton, 2001; Jenner, 2002). D. Wilton, L. Winter and G. Jenner of Memorial University of Newfoundland conducted the work over various intervals. A total of 83 samples were collected and analyzed by XRF or ICP/MS at the university. These studies suggested hanging wall and footwall rocks from the Lucky Strike area can be differentiated from one another through major and trace element signatures (see References Assessment Reports for references). The transition between tholeiitic and calc- 21 alkaline rocks marks the change from footwall to hanging wall, and also the location of the occurrence of the ore horizon sequence. A model of the chemical stratigraphy for the Buchans area has been composed based on major, trace, and rare earth element geochemistry. The purpose of this model is to potentially aid in identification of areas where unexplored ore horizon stratigraphy could be found under hanging wall rocks which have been previously misidentified as from the footwall (Jenner, 2001). Based on comparisons with host rocks of the known Buchans orebodies, and on the geochemical results regarding base metal and barium content, Clementine West was considered highly prospective. Most of the samples from Clementine West contained footwall signatures, with two anomalous results coming from hole 1994. These two samples contain hanging wall signatures, which could suggest a possible exploration vector in the given direction (Wilton, 2001). Further sampling was recommended to confirm these findings in this area. Galena samples from Clementine West were found to have lead isotope signatures which are identical to those from the former Lucky Strike Mine, which infers a common source of lead for both areas (Wallis, 2001b). Over the Joint Venture period, Billiton spent approximately $2.4 million on exploration before selecting targets based on detailed compilation and re-interpretation of the geology of the former Buchans mines. In May 2001, Billiton authored an internal report presenting a list of 126 priority targets totalling 46,020 metres of drilling. Targets were selected and prioritized based on their potential to host high-grade massive sulphide deposits similar in size and grade to the former Lucky Strike mine. When the joint venture was terminated in September 2001, Billiton returned the property to Buchans River before drilling any of the targets recommended in their 2001 report. Since the JV ended, very little work has been completed on the property, which has largely been limited maintaining required assessment work as well as a small drill program designed to test the Hag zone southeast of the former Lucky Strike mine. This drilling failed to 22 return significant results (Harris, 2005) but met exchange requirements for minimal activity of a publicly listed company. At time of writing this assessment report, all previous work was being assembled for compilation into a digital compilation as MapInfo GIS files. Results of this work and other compilation activity will be filed in future assessment reports. REGIONAL AND PROPERTY GEOLOGY The property is located within the Dunnage Zone of the Newfoundland Appalachians, and represents vestiges of Cambro-Ordovician continental and intra-oceanic crusts, back-arc basins, and ophiolites that formed in the Iapteus Ocean (Williams, 1979; Williams et al., 1988; Swinden, 1990; Swinden, 1991; Williams 1995). The zone is divided by an extensive fault system (the Red Indian Line) into a western peri-Laurentian segment (Notre Dame and Dashwoods subzones), and an eastern peri-Gondwanan segment (Exploits Subzone) (Williams et al., 1988). In the immediate property area, the Red Indian Line separates the rocks of the Buchans Group, which formed on the Laurentian or North American side of the Iapetus Ocean, from the Victoria Lake Supergroup, which formed on the Gondwanan side of Iapetus. Deformation associated with the final closure of Iapetus culminated during the Late Silurian (Colman-Sadd et al., 1992), at which time, thrusting and folding juxtaposed these initially geographically distinct volcanic belts. The two main subzones of the Dunnage Zone have been conclusively differentiated based on stratigraphic, structural, faunal, an isotopic characteristics (Williams et al., 1988). The property covers productive volcanic and sedimentary rocks of the Ordovician Buchans Group (Drawing 1). The Buchans Group (Swanson and Brown, 1962) forms part Notre Dame Subzone. The Buchans Group is comprised of a dominantly calc-alkalic suite volcanic suite having mature arc characteristics (Thurlow et al., 1975; Strong, 1977; Swinden 1991). Geochemical and Nd isotopic data presented by Swinden et al., (1997) suggests that 23 the Buchans Group magmas were partially derived from, and built upon, a basement of continental lithosphere. The Buchans Group represents a complex assemblage of Lower Ordovician, supaqueous mafic and felsic volcanic rocks and related proximal clastic sediments that are correlated regionally with the Robert’s Arm Group of Notre Dame Bay (Swanson and Brown, 1962). The Buchans Group is dated as being 473 +3/-2 Ma, based on a U-Pb zircon age determination from a sample of Buchans Group rhyolite collected from the MacLean mine in Buchans (Dunning et al., 1987). This age also agrees with Whiterockian conodonts recovered from resedimented polylithic breccias (Nowlan and Thurlow, 1984), and until recently, represented the definitive age determinations of the Buchans Group rocks in Buchans. More recently, however, new U-Pb zircon dating of other localities of rhyolite within the Buchans mining camp, has returned an age of 465-462 Ma (Zagorevski et al., 2007) from rhyolites near the former Oriental Mine and may suggest minor revision is required to the accepted age of the Buchans deposits. The Feeder Granodiorite (Figure 5) is an intrusive body that has been interpreted to represent part of the subvolcanic magma chamber that fed the Buchans Group volcanic, and textural and geochemical evidence suggests that this unit is the source of abundant granitoid boulders that form an integral part of distinctive breccia-conglomerate deposits within the transported ores of the former Buchans mines (Thurlow and Swanson, 1981; Stewart, 1987). The Buchans Group lies structurally above deformed volcaniclastic rocks that may be part of the Victoria Lake Supergroup, along a structure (Figure 5) termed the Victoria River Delta Fault (Thurlow et al., 1992). Thurlow et al., (1992) suggest the relationship between the Victoria River Delta Fault and the Red Indian Line is not clear, although they suggest they are probably related structures. In the area around Buchans, rocks of the Buchans Group are over thrust by polydeformed plutonic rocks of the Hungry Mountain Complex and deformed mafic volcanics of the Harry’s River Metabasites. This thrust zone is intruded by peralkaline dykes 24 related to the Early Silurian Topsails Igneous Suite (Thurlow and Swanson, 1981; Whalen and Currie, 1987). Subaerial volcanic rocks of presumed Silurian age, informally known as the Ken’s Brook volcanics, are presumed to structurally overlie the Buchans Group, though this relationship is unconfirmed. Figure 5: Generalized geology of the Buchans area after Thurlow, (2001). The pre-Topsails, south-southeasterly thrusting event represents the major period of deformation of the Buchans Group and subjected the rocks to prehniite-pumpelyite facies metamorphism. Thurlow et al., (1992) suggest some out of sequence thrust movement of uncertain age also occurred. Carboniferous red sandstone and conglomerate unconformably overlie the Buchans Group in the Red Indian Lake basin, and are the youngest rocks in the area (e.g., Thurlow, 2001). 25 The five main ore bodies historically mined at Buchans are thought to occur within one of four formations assigned to the Buchans Group, known as the Buchans River Formation (Thurlow and Swanson, 1987). The Buchans Group is broken down into four felsic and mafic formations, that include the Lundberg Hill, Ski Hill, Buchans River, and Sandy Lake Formations in addition to the Feeder Granodiorite and an unresolved unit named the Woodmans Brook Volcanics (Thurlow, 2001) (Figure 6). 26 Figure 6: Generalized stratigraphy of the Buchans Group (after Thurlow, 2001). 27 The lowermost unit of the Buchans Group is the Lundberg Hill Formation and consists of widespread felsic volcanics and related sediments. It is in turn overlain by the dominantly mafic pillow lavas and hyaloclastitic breccias of the Ski Hill Formation that is subsequently overlain by the ore-bearing felsic volcanics of the Buchans River Formation (Thurlow, 2001). Each of these formations are characterised by rapid lithologic variations and facies changes, considered diagnostic of a proximal volcanic environment (Thurlow, 2001). Mafic volcanics are typically pillowed and amygdaloidal and contain augite and plagioclase phenocrysts (Thurlow, 2001). Pillow breccias are commonly interbedded with pillow lava (Thurlow, 2001). Felsic rocks are reported to range from dacitic to rhyolitic compositions and normally contain quartz and feldspar phenocrysts (Thurlow, 2001). Felsic volcanics are commonly coarsely fragmental and characterized by a considerable array of fragment lithologies, sizes and matrix abundance as well as matrix composition which ranges from pumaceous epiclastic material to wackes lacking juvenile material (Thurlow, 2001). Discontinuous lenses of siltstone, wacke and volcanic conglomerate are commonly associated with felsic volcanic sequences, and true chemical sediments are quite rare (Thurlow, 2001). Carbonate rocks are absent, except as clasts in breccias; and graphitic sediments do occur but are quite rare (Thurlow, 2001). Overlying rocks of the Sandy lake Formation are interpreted by Thurlow (2001) to lack the abrupt facies variations of the more proximal-style underlying formations and instead is comprised of regionally monotonous pillow lava with interbedded fine to coarse, felsic epiclastic sediments sometimes referred to as arkose. The unresolved package of volcanic rocks known as the Woodmans Brook Volcanics have for a long time been appreciated as being different than the main part of the Buchans stratigraphy as defined in and around the former Buchans mines and are currently interpreted to represent possible older rocks potentially related to the Lundberg Hill formation. There is little concrete evidence to support this interpretation other than the recognition of the Airport Thrust 28 which may imply an older over younger relationship, as well as the equally circumstantial evidence provided by comparison of the trace element signatures of basaltic rocks within the Woodmans Brook Volcanics which are island arc tholeiites as opposed to the more calc-alkaline basalts of the Lundberg Hill and Ski Hill formations (Thurlow, 2001). The main structural event to have affected rocks of the Buchans Group is a pre-Topsail (i.e. younger than the Early Silurian Topsails Igneous Suite) event of south-easterly-directed thrusting, during which the Hungry Mountain Complex was thrust over the Buchans Group. This period of thrusting disrupted the orebodies and all other units within the Buchans Group (Thurlow and Swanson, 1981; 1987; McClay, 1987; Calon and Green, 1987). Deformation is interpreted to have been inhomogeneous as thin brittle-ductile fault/shear zones separating unstrained panels (Thurlow, 2001). This thrust system was further interpreted to be dominated by duplex and antiformal stack geometries nested at a variety of scales ranging from the orebody scale to that of the entire Buchans Group (Thurlow, 2001) (Figure 7, 8). Thurlow (2001) further suggests that altered and mineralized rocks associated with the VMS mineralization served as a focus for strain and that all the major orebodies are bound on at least one side by thrust faults. Thurlow and Swanson (1987) further suggest that there is strong evidence that these faults exploited earlier syn-volcanic normal faults which were also important in determining the locations of submarine hydrothermal discharge and paleotopographic channels which constrained transport of the debris flow ores. 29 F igure 7: Schematic cross section through the Buchans area illustrating relationships between various units and thrust faults. OBF = Old Buchans Fault, SHF = Ski Hill Fault, HAG = Harry A. Guess Fault (from Thurlow 2001). Figure 8: Generalized geological map of the Buchans mine area. Black areas are orebody outlines projected vertically to surface. C - Clementine, LS - Lucky Strike, M – McLean, O – Oriental, OB – Old Buchans, R – Rothermere, S – Sandfill, TL – Two Level, Numbers and letters refer to stratigraphic formations, from oldest to youngest: WBV – Woodman’s Brook Volcanics, 1 – Lundberg Hill Fm., 2 – Ski Hill Fm., 3 – Buchans River Fm., 4 – Little Sandy Fm., 5 – Late diabase (from Thurlow, 2001). 30 In 2001, ERA-Maptec (2001) proposed a modified structural model to explain repetitions of geology within the Buchans Group. This re-interpretation suggested that instead of imbricated thrust stacks, the structural geology could also be locally explained by recumbent nappe structures, overturned to the south (Millar, 2001). At the time, this model was thought to provide an alternate explanation of some of the inter-relationships between the various faults and thrusts that controlled emplacement and deformation of the Buchans mineralization. While this model is essentially untested, there remain concerns that macroscopic folds that would be expected with recumbent folds, have not been previously highlighted by past workers and researchers that worked in the area, and to the authors’ limited knowledge, have not been seen in drill cores. MINERALIZATION The Buchans area deposits and prospects represent VMS style mineralization (volcanogenic massive sulphide) recognized internationally as a classic example of this genre of polymetallic base metal sulphide deposits. Mineralization is primarily comprised of base-metal sulphides and barite, and show strong similarities to the Kuroko style deposits of Japan (Thurlow, 1981). The Buchans orebodies comprise three distinct, but genetically related deposit types and occur as in-situ ore, mechanically transported ore, and stockwork ore (Thurlow and Swanson, 1981). The high grade in-situ and transported ores were the focus of historic mining in the area and account for 98% of production (Thurlow, 2001) and the stockwork zone, which tends to be lower grade, is the focus of the current exploration program by BUV. The stockwork mineralization represents typical footwall stringer sulphide zone with associated alteration common to VMS deposits. At Buchans, stockwork mineralization and associated alteration is superimposed upon mafic volcanic rocks of the Ski Hill Formation and the lowermost felsic volcanic rocks of the Buchans River Formation (Thurlow, 2001). Host rocks are strongly silicified and or chloritized, while peripheral stockwork-related alteration is 31 dominated by sericite and disseminated pyrite with only minor base metals (Thurlow, 2001). The low grade stockwork ores are more pyritic than the high-grade orebodies (i.e., Insitu and breccia ores), and are, on a metal ratio basis, relatively more Cu-rich and Pb-Zn poor. The largest known concentration of stockwork and disseminated mineralization underlies the Lucky Strike deposit and has been renamed the Lundberg Zone (formerly known as Lucky Strike Low Grade mineralization by Asarco), and is currently the subject of a diamond drilling program by BUV. Stockwork ore is more pyrite rich than in-situ ores and consists of fine to coarse grained pyrite with lesser amounts of chalcopyrite, sphalerite, galena and barite (Thurlow and Swanson, 1981). The footwall alteration zones at Buchans are reported to display widespread and strong Na2O depletion (Thurlow, 2001). Thurlow (2001) also suggests that these stockwork alteration zones acted as preferred points of weakness along which thrusting was preferentially focused and suggests the Old Buchans Thrust represents a dominant structure which floors the stockwork mineralization as a whole. In-situ ores are developed at the Lucky Strike and Oriental deposits and Thurlow (2001) suggests these ores structurally overlie the stockwork ores, suggesting banding observed in the ores is indicative of ductile strain. An alternative interpretation is that they in part sit stratigraphically above the stockwork zones that immediately below them and that the stockwork zones fed the mounds of massive sulphides that form the In-situ ores (Thurlow and Swanson, 1981). The in-situ deposits consist of thick lenses of high grade ore and form the largest ore bodies in the Buchans area. In-situ ores are often overlain by a capping of massive barite, which is characteristic of the Buchans deposits (Thurlow et al., 1975). Transported ores consist of unsorted, matrix-supported, resedimented, polylithic breccia deposits hosted within a channel-fill sequence comprising felsic fragmentals, barren breccias, and finer grained volcaniclastic material (Thurlow and Swanson, 1987). These ores typically host lithic fragments characteristic of breccia-conglomerate units, typically comprised of altered and mineralized lithologies derived from the stratigraphic footwall of the deposits and include 32 conspicuous granitoid pebbles, cobbles and boulders which have been suggested to be derived form the Feeder Granodiorite-like intrusive rocks (Stewart, 1987). Perhaps surprisingly, ore grades within orebodies of this type bears no correlation with inferred distance to the distance of transport form the presumed source areas (e.g., Thurlow, 2001). Transported ores at Buchans are elongate-tabular accumulations of high grade massive sulphide and lithic fragments that occur within paleo-topographic channels (Figure 9). Six of these channels, containing at least seven orebodies or sub-economic sulphide deposits are recognized in the Buchans area (Walker and Barbour, 1981). The orebodies consist of discrete sulphide breccia lenses, which grade laterally into low-grade breccia conglomerate and granite conglomerate. Breccia ores have been noted to be wide spread within the Buchans area in historic drill holes. Normally occurring as polylithic breccias, they appear to be located in the same stratigraphic horizon as the major in-situ and transported ores, although clasts have also been noted in areas up to 6.7 km from any known occurrence of in-situ ore (Thurlow and Swanson, 1981). These rocks are interpreted to have formed as a result of disruption of in-situ massive sulphides, transported as part of debris flows along paleo-topographic channels, and consist of massive sulphide and lithic fragments in a matrix of finer grained material that is compositionally similar to the fragments. Clasts include various volcanic, sedimentary and plutonic lithologies, all of which are locally derived. Granitoid fragments show an anomalous composition and a higher degree of rounding then other fragments (Thurlow, 2001). Massive sulphides and barite occur both as clasts and matrix material. The breccias display a wide variation in fragment type and in the development of sedimentary features (e.g. bedding, sorting, grading). All occur as channel fillings, having sharp footwall and hanging wall contacts and showing evidence of scouring and incorporation of fragments of underlying lithologies (Walker and Barbour, 1981). 33 Figure 9: Schematic block diagram of the MacLean channel, from the Lucky Strike area in the southeast to the MacLean Extension area in the northwest, illustrating hydrothermal vents along synvolcanic faults, diatreme activity associated with subvolcanic plutonic body, ore bearing slumps, and debris flows (modified from Kirkham and Thurlow, 1987; from Thurlow, 2001). 34 2007 EXPLORATION PROGRAM Compilation of Previous Work During the reporting period, Buchans River Limited together with Mercator Geosciences of Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, undertook a compilation of compilation of previous exploration and mining on the property in an effort to produce digital datasets to be used to guide future exploration on the property. This work was largely focused on previous diamond drilling, and initiation of a digital compilation of previous exploration data. This work relied upon archived paper drill logs, maps and documents located in Asarco’s private data collection in Buchans, as well as records housed at the Newfoundland Archives and the Department of Natural Resources. Initial compilation efforts focused on scanning all available drill logs and assays (in excess of 3,518 surface and underground holes totaling 394,846 m of drilling) as well as Asarco’s collection of mine development plans and sections for the former mines (scanned to PDF files). The above noted digital files are filed with this report for assessment and archival purposes as Appendix I. These data are being entered into digital databases to be submitted with future assessment reports; however, a digital database of compiled drill logs and assays is also filed with this report in Appendix I. The Mineral Lands Division of the Department of Natural Resources has advised BUV that, given the large amount of work involved, ongoing compilation (including digital databases) will be permissible for filing for assessment credit, as opposed to once every five years as currently stipulated by the regulations. Review of Past Mining Operations A review of past mining operations was undertaken during the reporting period as a check for possible remaining mineral resources that may remain for future exploitation. This review was undertaken by Paul O’Brien P.Eng. of Buchans Enterprises during the spring of 2007 and relied upon Mr. O’Brien’s first hand knowledge of the former mines where he had 35 been employed as a mining engineer including mine superintendent. The results of this review are contained within a contractor report appended with this report as Appendix II. It was this review that initially brought the Lucky Strike Low Grade mineralization (Lundberg zone) to BUV’s attention as Mr. O’Brien located the paper sections and plans associated with the zone, from which Asarco completed its pre-NI-43-101, historical, uncategorized resource estimate of 11.9 million tonnes with combined base metal grades of 2.88%, comprised of 1.83% zinc, 0.67% lead, 0.38% copper, and 5.5 g/t silver (archived internal Asarco company correspondence, 1974). Archived Asarco correspondence indicate this resource was to be evaluated by Asarco in early 1975 as a possible open pit mine operation, as the resource comes to surface and partially underlies the former Lucky Strike Mine’s glory hole. Digital scans of the associated plans and sections used for this estimate are included on DVDs of archived material included in Appendix I of this report (Asarco Archive, 5 DVDs). These archived records indicate detailed data was forwarded to Asarco management for feasibility study in February of 1975, but no records could be located that stated the outcome of this assessment. It is assumed; however, that the economics at the time were not favourable; and given that some of the highest grade and shallowest mineralization lies beneath key mine infrastructure (mill and other buildings), it was not pursued. With metal prices now well above those prices seen over the period since the mine closed in 1984, this resource is considered to be of potential economic interest as a possible bulk tonnage, open pit mineable resource and is currently the subject of an ongoing 6,000 metre 40 drill hole drilling program by BUV. Results of this drilling program will be used to compile a NI 43-101 compliant Inferred resource, as well as assess the zone for higher grade resources within the global resource. 36 Aerial Photography Buchans Property An aerial photography survey was contracted to Eagle Mapping Limited, of Vancouver, BC. Eagle Mapping Ltd., through their partner The Airborne Sensing Corporation (“Airborne Sensing”), acquired new colour aerial photography in conjunction with other projects in central Newfoundland during July of 2007. The coverage over the Buchans area is approximately 244 km2 at a scale of 1:20,000. Detailed (low-level) aerial photography was also obtained over the Buchans mines area at a scale of 1:10,000, covering approximately 8 km2. A logistics report covering the aerial photography survey is appended with this report as Appendix III (aerial photographs and data included on portable hard drive). Grid Establishment A line-cutting program was initiated on June 2, 2007 and was completed on August 10, 2007 by SCI Limited of Miles Cove, NL. Approximately 90 km of grid line was cut in preparation for Titan 24 DCIP and MT surveys planned for later in the summer (Quantec Geoscience discussed later in this report). Grid lines were cut approximately 3.6 km in length, established at 200 m spacings, and turned off a baseline bearing azimuth 118°. All lines were picketed at 25 m intervals, and labeled with an aluminum tag having a line and station location. SCI Limited was confirmed to be registered with Workers’ Compensation (WHCC) in the province, prior to undertaking the work. The Titan 24 Grid was GPS-surveyed upon completion to ensure location accuracy, and to allow Quantec to have correct geospatial processing of all geophysical data upon completion of the Titan 24 DCIP and MT surveys. The Differential Global Positioning System (DGPS) survey was contracted to Eastern Geophysics of West Pubnico, Nova Scotia, to accurately locate all cut lines within the grid. The survey was completed between June 19 and September 37 4, 2007. The data for the survey was collected in coordinate system NAD83, Zone 21, and is presented as Appendix IV of this report. Titan 24 DCIP and MT Survey During the work period, BUV contracted Quantec Geosciences Inc. of Toronto, Ontario, to conduct TITAN 24 Distributed Acquisition System TENSOR MT and DCIP Surveys over the Buchans area (Figure 4). The surveys were completed during the period from September 13, 2007 to January 31, 2008 by a field crew of approximately 14 people. The Titan surveys are designed to locate deep sulphide rich zones down to depths of 750 m by DCIP and to depths of 1,500 metres and beyond by MT. An area measuring 3.6 km by 5.1 km was surveyed west of the town site, including several the former Rothermere, McLean and MacLean Extension orebodies as well as the undeveloped Clementine deposit. The Clementine prospect is located approximately 2 km west of the former Buchans Mines and hosts an undeveloped resource (uncategorized, historical, non-43-101 compliant resource estimate) of 363,000 tonnes averaging 4.9% Zn, 2.6% Pb, 0.3% Cu & 10.3 g/t Ag at depths ranging between 207 and 485 m below surface (Calhoun and Hutchinson, 1981). Results for the Titan surveys have not been released at time of writing this report, as BUV is awaiting final interpreted results from Quantec. The latter will also be filed in a supplementary assessment report to be filed later in 2008. Company will analyze and prioritize targets for future drilling. Once data are received, the A complete logistics report, including data from the survey, is appended to this report as Appendix V (survey data included on portable hard drive). Soil Sampling (Licenses 10547M, 10548M & 10526M) A soil sampling program was completed over three exploration licenses, two in the eastern portion (Licenses 10547M & 10548M), and one in the western portion (10526M) of the 38 property. Sampling was completed in early December, 2007, by Ionex Ltd., of Springdale, NL. A total of 62 B-horizon soil samples were collected where available over three licenses along flagged, N-S lines at an average sample spacing of 50 m. Analyses were completed by Eastern Analytical of Springdale, NL, with ICP-11 (Fe, Mn, Pb, Zn, Co, Cu, Ni, Mo, Ag, As, Sb) and Au fire assay methods employed. Details of the analytical procedures, and assay certificates of results for this work are presented in Appendix VII. No significant anomalies were defined; however, sampling in each of the areas was limited to single line traverse, and results should therefore be reviewed in conjunction with historical soil geochemical data once historical data has been compiled. Details of the surveys are discussed below. Data from the soil surveys were plotted using MapInfo© software, and statistics for Cu, Pb and Zn data is presented below in Table 3. Figures 10 and 11 below show the sample locations and metal values for the soil samples collected. Table 3: Soil survey, sample statistics. 28 samples – 10526M Cu (ppm) Pb (ppm) Zn (ppm) Minimum Value 2 5 3 Maximum Value 20 14 44 9.11 8.57 17.79 Average Value Standard Deviation 4.92 2.62 10.12 Variance 24.17 6.85 102.47 90th Percentile 15.30 12.00 30.00 Cu (ppm) Pb (ppm) Zn (ppm) Minimum Value 1 4 3 Maximum Value 20 17 160 Average Value 6.32 7.94 38.85 Standard Deviation 4.61 3.90 31.94 Variance 21.26 15.21 1020.01 90th Percentile 12.00 14.70 61.80 34 samples – 10547M, 10548M 39 Figure 10: Soil sampling locations and Cu, Pb, Zn values from License 10526M. 40 The distribution of Cu, Pb and Zn for the soil samples collected within mineral license 10526M indicate an area of anomalous Cu in samples 12 and 16, and sample 24, in the central and northern portion of the survey, respectively. There is no coincident anomalous Pb and Zn within the aforementioned samples. Figure 11: Soil sampling locations and Cu, Pb, Zn values from License 10547, 10548M. 41 The distribution of metals within the soils collected on mineral licenses 10547M and 10548M shows one sample with coincident Cu and Zn anomalies; this is sample 34 in the western portion of license 10548M. One other sample worthy of comment in sample 47 located in the northeast portion of license 10548M, having the second highest Zn value of the 34 samples collected within the two licenses. Diamond Drilling New drilling completed during the reporting period included completion of an 6 hole, 850 metre drill program on the Little Sandy copper prospect in August 2007, as well as completion of an 8 hole, 4,059 metre fall drill program designed to test targets previously proposed and prioritized by Billiton Resources Canada Inc., in May 2001. All drilling was conducted by Springdale Forest Resources of Springdale, NL. NQ-size holes were drilled using a Duralite 500 (Triton, NL built) drill rig. Appendix VI includes all drill logs, cross sections, and location plans for all drilling completed under this report. Certificates of analyses completed on drill core are found within Appendix VII. The Little Sandy drill program was designed to test the Little Sandy prospect which represents a known outcropping zone of copper stringer mineralization informally reported to host an uncategorized historical resource of 160,000 tonnes of 1.9% Cu. This historical resource estimate is not NI 43-101 compliant and is presented on several maps compiled by past explorers; however, no specific reference could be found for the source of this estimate, and as such, the resource should not be relied upon. Prior to drilling the prospect, previous drilling had returned intersections assaying up to 3.30% Cu over 7.9 metres (e.g., hole BJ-38; Thurlow and Pearce, 1979). Highlights from BUV’s drilling include intersections of 3.21% Cu over 3.1 metres and 0.42% Cu over 17.96 metres at shallow vertical depths of 100 m or less. While results are considered favourable, further review of the drill results in conjunction with available historical data is recommended before additional work is proposed for this prospect. 42 Among the questions to be addressed is the prospect’s relative stratigraphic position with respect to the geology of the Buchans deposits located 13 km to the west of the prospect. Previous workers have assigned the prospect to various units within the belt including rocks interpreted to represent both older and younger volcanic stratigraphy than those rocks which host the Buchans orebodies (e.g., Thurlow and Swanson, 1981; Thurlow and Swanson, 1987; and Thurlow, 2001). Furthermore, ongoing mapping and research by the GSC is expected to refine the geology of this relatively poorly explored portion of the Buchans property (e.g., Zagorevski and Rogers, 2008). Between October 2007 and January 2008, the company drilled 8 holes on targets prioritized by former JV partner Billiton Resources Canada Inc., in May 2001. All eight holes intersected targeted favourable felsic volcanic rocks, but failed to identify significant sulphide accumulations as either massive sulphides or transported sulphide clasts typical of ores previously mined at Buchans. Intersected mineralization was limited to disseminated and stringer sulphides, as well as sections hosting altered and sulphide-mineralized clasts. Billiton selected the targets after detailed compilation and re-interpretation of the geology of the former Buchans mines yielded 126 targets totaling 46,020 metres of proposed drilling. The highest priority targets were drilled by BUV in the fall of 2007 and had been assigned their priority as the targets were defined as areas of favourable stratigraphy near known deposits, where sufficient room existed to host high-grade massive sulphide deposits analogous in size and grade to the former Lucky Strike mine. Historical production from the main Lucky Strike mine totaled 4.75 million tonnes averaging 18.36% Zn, 8.42% Pb, 1.67% Cu, 113 g/t Ag and 1.7 g/t Au (Thurlow and Swanson, 1981). Shortly after compiling the targets, Billiton abandoned all Newfoundland joint ventures and allowed their option on the Buchans property to lapse without further drilling. Further consideration will be given to the others targets identified by Billiton, once BUV has completed its own compilation of the property. Details of both drill programs are presented below. 43 Little Sandy A six-hole, 848 m diamond drilling program was completed at Little Sandy, located approximately 14 km east of the former Buchans mine (Figure 12, from July 19, 2007 to August 10, 2007. Minor amounts of stringer chalcopyrite mineralization were intersected in most of the holes, with LS-07-17 returning the most impressive sulphide intersection; 9.30 m of 1.80% Cu, including 3.9 m of 3.21% Cu, and 8.40% Cu over 0.50 m. Other highlights include drill hole LS07-13 which intersected 17.96 m averaging 0.42% Cu. The mineralization highlights are presented below in Table 4. Table 4: Assay highlights, Little Sandy drill program, July-August 2007 Drill hole LS-07-13 incl. and. and and LS-07-14 incl. incl. LS-07-15 LS-07-16 and incl. incl. incl. LS-07-17 incl. incl. LS-07-18 From (m) 5.32 5.32 14.00 18.52 22.07 82.25 90.96 94.33 142.46 140.20 158.49 158.49 168.35 172.77 81.70 84.75 88.15 94.85 109.00 To (m) 23.28 6.28 14.57 19.18 23.28 95.00 91.41 95.00 143.46 140.76 173.48 159.16 169.05 173.48 91.00 88.65 88.65 95.30 109.50 * Core Length (m) 17.96 0.69 0.57 0.66 1.21 12.75 0.45 0.67 1.00 0.56 14.99 0.67 0.70 0.71 9.30 3.90 0.50 0.45 0.50 Collar Dip Angle -90º -90º -90º -90º -90º -90º -90º -90º -60º -60º -60º -60º -60º -60º -60º -60º -60º -60º -60º Approx. Vertical Depth (m) 5 82 123 121 137 71 82 94 Zn (%) 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.04 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 Pb (%) 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 Cu (%) 0.42 1.23 1.18 1.67 1.12 0.39 2.29 3.00 0.47 1.06 0.39 1.57 1.67 3.90 1.80 3.21 8.40 2.19 1.84 Ag (g/t) 0.44 0.34 0.34 0.68 0.68 0.63 4.11 3.42 0.34 0.34 0.40 0.68 1.71 1.71 1.82 2.79 9.93 1.71 3.08 Au (g/t) <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 * Note: stringer style of mineralization is not considered suitable for estimation of “True Widths”. Readers are referred to Buchans River drill sections for an interpretation of the mineralization’s attitude and distribution. Billiton Targets An eight-hole, 4,059 m diamond drilling program was completed to test targets identified by Billiton in 2001, with drilling undertaken from October 25, 2007 to January 8, 2008 (Figure 13). The best assays returned from the program included an interval in hole H-3351, located 400 m 44 northwest of the former Oriental mine, and approximately 2 km northeast of the former Lucky Strike mine. This hole cut a 1.5 m wide section of mineralized felsic volcanic rocks assaying 1.34% Zn, 2.95% Pb, 0.13% Cu, 24.4 g/t Ag and 0.68 g/t Au; including 1.50% Zn, 4.40% Pb, 0.13% Cu, 38.0 g/t Ag and 1.82 g/t Au over a core length of 0.5 m. Highlights from the Billiton target drill program are presented below in Table 5. 45 Figure 12: Diamond drilling plan map – Little Sandy. 46 Figure 13: Diamond drilling plan map – Billiton Targets. 47 Table 5: Assay highlights, Billiton Targets drill program, October 2007 to January 2008. Hole From To Width Zn-Pb-Cu Combined (%) ** Zn% Pb% Cu% Ag g/t Au g/t H-07-3350 and and H-07-3351 226.60 228.10 458.65 193.50 227.60 228.60 459.15 194.00 1.00 0.50 0.50 0.50 1.75 1.60 3.09 1.63 1.24 1.16 1.52 0.45 0.48 0.41 1.40 1.11 0.03 0.03 0.17 0.07 47.30 28.40 4.45 2.74 1.38 2.38 0.21 0.04 and and including and H-07-3352 H-07-3353 198.50 202.50 202.50 305.00 327.00 210.49 199.00 204.00 203.00 308.00 328.00 211.50 0.50 1.50 0.50 3.00 1.00 1.01 2.31 4.42 6.03 1.50 1.78 2.72 0.60 1.34 1.50 0.84 0.71 1.58 1.64 2.95 4.40 0.63 0.98 1.07 0.07 0.13 0.13 0.03 0.09 0.07 8.56 24.43 38.00 1.60 2.4 46.60 0.09 0.68 1.82 0.03 0.034 0.33 Whole Rock Geochemistry (Lithogeochemistry) A total of 145 lithogeochemical whole rock samples were collected from diamond drill cores during the 2007 drilling programs (33 from Little Sandy holes & 112 from Billiton Target holes) and shipped to ALS Chemex in Sudbury Ontario for whole rock analyses. Samples were comprised of representative rock material collected at 30 m intervals or lithology changes with each sample comprising either sawed drill core up to 20 cm long or a complete core up to 10 cm long. In all cases, care was taken not to include exotic material such as quartz veins and or significant sulphide mineralization which could contaminate analyses of the primary lithology. The purpose of this survey was to: (i) define areas of favourable alteration using Na2O depletion as an alteration indicator, (ii) define areas of base metal enrichment, and (iii) aid identification of lithologies. Complete analytical results, certificates of assay and rock sample logs are presented in Appendix VII. At time of writing this report analytical results for the sampling had been received but remains to be reviewed and interpreted. This work will be undertaken at a later date in conjunction with historical whole rock data that may be available from previous exploration on the property. 48 RECOMMENDATIONS Recommendations for future work on the property include review of Titan 24 datasets for identification drill targets potentially associated with high grade sulphide deposits analogous to those previously mined at Buchans (i.e. buried high grade deposits). Other recommendations include further compilation of past drilling results (including assays) in areas adjacent to nearsurface past producing mines (i.e. Oriental and Old Buchans deposit areas), as possible bulk tonnage, lower grade, open pit mineable resources. Furthermore, ongoing efforts to compile previous exploration data should be accelerated to help identify and assess other targets that may exist on the property, including the undeveloped Clementine, Sandfill and Middle Branch sulphide prospects. Of these, the Clementine prospect is located approximately 2 km west of the former Buchans Mines, and hosts an undeveloped resource (uncategorized, historical, non43-101 compliant resource estimate) of 363,000 tonnes averaging 4.9% Zn, 2.6% Pb, 0.3% Cu & 10.3 g/t Ag at depths ranging between 207 and 485 m below surface (Calhoun and Hutchinson, 1981). A three dimensional model of this prospect may yield additional drilling targets in conjunction with Titan 24 results. Data compiled from the above initiatives should perhaps be imported into a three dimensional GIS software package for further review and target identification. The GOCAD platform should be investigated as a possible platform for this work. Respectfully Submitted: Buchans River Ltd. Paul Moore, M.Sc. P. Geo Vice President Exploration And David J. Butler, P. Geo. Exploration Manager 49 REFERENCES Publications Agnerian, H., 2007: Technical Report on the Bobby’s Pond Pb-Zn deposit, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada. Prepared for Mountain Lake Resources Inc., by Scott Wilson Roscoe Postle Associates Inc. 111 pp. Calhoun, T. A., and Hutchinson, R.W., 1981: Determination of flow directions and source of fragmental sulphides, Clementine Deposit Buchans, Newfoundland. In Swanson, E.A., Strong., D.F., and Thurlow, J.G., editors, The Buchans orebodies: Fifty Years of Geology and Mining, Geological Association of Canada Special Paper 22, p. 187-204. Calon, T.J., and Green, F.K., 1987: Preliminary results of a detailed structural analysis of the Buchans Mine area. In Buchans Geology, Newfoundland. R.V. Kirkham (editor), Geological Survey of Canada, Paper 86-24, p. 273-288. Colman-Sadd, S.P., Dunning, G.R., and Dec, T., 1992: Dunnage-Gander relationships and Ordovician orogeny in central Newfoundland; a sediment provenance and U/Pb age study. American Journal of Science, Vol. 292, p. 317-355. De Mark, P. and Dearin, C., 2007: Messina Minerals Inc.: Tulks South Property, Central Newfoundland, Canada. Technical Report, August 2007. Prepared for Messina Minerals Inc., by Snowden. 97 pp. Dunning, G.R., Kean, B.F., Thurlow, J.G., and Swinden, H.S., 1987: Geochronology of the Buchans, Roberts Arm, Victoria Lake groups and Mansfield Cove Complex, Newfoundland. Canadian Journal of Earth Science, vol. 24, p. 1175-1184. Evans, D.T.W. and Kean, B.F., 2002: The Victoria Lake supergroup, central Newfoundland – it’s definition, setting and volcanogenic massive sulphide mineralization. Newfoundland Department of Mines and Energy, Geological Survey, Open File NFLD/2790, 68 pp. Evans, D.T.W., Kean, B.F., and Dunning, G.R., 1990: Geological studies, Victoria Lake Group, central Newfoundland. In Current Research. Newfoundland Department of Mines and Energy, Geological Survey Branch, Report 901, p. 131-144. Kean, B. F., Dean, P.L., and Strong, D.F., 1981: Regional geology of the Central Volcanic Belt of Newfoundland. 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Jenner, G.A., 2002: Assessment report on geochemical exploration for 2001 submission for fee simple grants volume 1 folios 61-62 and for second year supplementary, fourth year supplementary, fifth year, sixth year supplementary, seventh year and ninth year supplementary assessment for licence 4805 on claim 16398, licence 4823 on claims 16431-16432, licence 4867 on claims 16397, 16400-16401, 16424-16426 and 17688, licence 4868 on claim block 6648, and licences 5576M, 5649M, 5668M, 6003M, 7420M, 8295M, 8312M and 8444M on claims in the Buchans area, central Newfoundland. Assessment report prepared for Billiton Exploration Canada and Buchans River Limited. Newfoundland and Labrador Geological Survey, Assessment File 12A/1008, 131 pp. Wallis, R.H., 2002: Third, sixth and seventh year, seventh year supplementary, and ninth year supplementary assessment report on compilation and exploration history for licence 4317 on claim block 6665, licence 4865 on claim 16399, licence 4867 on claims 16397, 16400-16401, 16424-16426 and 17688, licence 4868 on claim block 6648, licence 4869 on claim block 6649, licence 4875 on claim blocks 6663 and 7793-7794 and licences 53 4974M and 6973M on claims in the Buchans area, central Newfoundland. Assessment report prepared for Buchans River Limited (owner of property). Newfoundland and Labrador Geological Survey, Assessment File 12A/15/0936, 325 pages. ERA-Maptec Limited, 2001: First year supplementary and sixth year supplementary assessment report on geological exploration for licence 4823 on claims 16431-16432, licence 4865 on claim 16399, licence 4867 on claims 16397, 16400-16401, 16424-16426 and 17688 and licence 7420M on claims in the Buchans area, central Newfoundland. Assessment report prepared for Billiton Exploration Canada Limited (joint venture partner) and Buchans River Limited (owner of property). Newfoundland and Labrador Geological Survey, Assessment File 12A/15/0921, 42 pages. Harris, J., 2001: Fifth year supplementary assessment on diamond drilling exploration for licence 5668M on claims in the Wileys Brook area, Buchans, central Newfoundland. Assessment report prepared for Billiton Resources Canada Incorporated (joint venture partner), Billiton Exploration Canada Limited (joint venture partner), and GT Exploration Limited (owner of property). Newfoundland and Labrador Geological Survey, Assessment File 12A/15/0975, 25 pages. Harris, J., and Woods, D.V., 2001a: Assessment report on geophysical and diamond drilling exploration for 2000 submission for fee simple grant volume 1 folio 62 and for fourth, sixth and eighth year assessment for licence 4603 on claim 16496, licence 4859 on claim blocks 7916-7917 and claim 16513, and licence 5649M on claims in the Buchans area, central Newfoundland, 2 reports. Assessment report prepared for Billiton Resources Canada Incorporated (joint venture partner) and Buchans River Limited (owner of property). Newfoundland and Labrador Geological Survey, Assessment File 12A/15/0996, 101 pages. Harris, J., and Woods, D.V., 2001b: Eighth year and eighth year supplementary assessment report on geophysical and diamond drilling exploration for licence 4317 on claim block 7984 and licence 4875 on claim blocks 6663 and 7793-7794 in the Buchans area, central Newfoundland, 2 reports. Assessment report prepared for Billiton Resources Canada Incorporated (joint venture partner), Billiton Exploration Canada Limited (joint venture partner), and Newfoundland Mining and Exploration Limited (owner of property). Newfoundland and Labrador Geological Survey, Assessment File 12A/15/0976, 76 pages. Harris, J., Saunders, P., and Wallis, R., 2001: First year supplementary and sixth year assessment report on structural interpretation for licence 4823 on claims 16431-16432, licence 4867 on claims 16397, 16400-16401, 16424-16426, and 17688 and licence 7420M on claims in the Buchans area, central Newfoundland, 4 reports. Assessment report prepared for Billiton Exploration Canada Limited (joint venture partner), GT Exploration Limited (owner of property), Buchans River Limited (owner of property), and Newfoundland Mining and Exploration Limited (owner of property). Newfoundland and Labrador Geological Survey, Assessment File 12A/15/0984, 97 pages. Harris, J., Saunders, P., and Wilton, D. H. C., 54 2001: Eighth year supplementary assessment report on compilation and geochemical exploration for licence 4858 on claim blocks 6666-6668 and claims 16512 and 16514 in the Clementine Lake-Wileys Lake area, Buchans, central Newfoundland. Assessment report prepared for Buchans River Limited (owner of property). Newfoundland and Labrador Geological Survey, Assessment File 12A/15/0979, 30 pages. Millar, G., 2001: Re-interpretation of Sections across the Lucky Strike Deposit, Buchans Camp, Newfoundland. Unpublished Report for Billiton Exploration Canada Limited. Saunders, P., 2001: Assessment report on geochemical exploration for 2000 submission for fee simple grant volume 1 folio 62 and for second year, second year supplementary, third year, fourth year, fifth year, eighth year, and eighth year supplementary assessment for licence 4319 on claim blocks 6663-6664 and 7793-7794, licence 4858 on claim blocks 7919-7921 and claims 16512 and 16514, licence 4859 on claim blocks 7916-7917 and claim 16513 and licences 4973M, 5576M, 5668M, 6285M, 6712M, 6715M, 7225M and 7376M on claims in the Buchans area, central Newfoundland, 2 reports. Assessment report prepared for Billiton Exploration Canada Limited (joint venture partner), Billiton Resources Canada Incorporated (joint venture partner), Newfoundland Mining and Exploration Limited (owner of property), Buchans River Limited (owner of property), and GT Exploration Limited (owner of property). Newfoundland and Labrador Geological Survey, Assessment File 12A/0983, 106 pages. Saunders, P., and Harris, J., 2001: Sixth year supplementary report on diamond drilling exploration for licence 4319 on claim blocks 7793-7794 and claim 16441 in the Clementine Lake area, near Buchans, central Newfoundland. Assessment report prepared for Billiton Exploration Canada Limited (joint venture partner) and Newfoundland Mining and Exploration Limited (owner of property). Newfoundland and Labrador Geological Survey, Assessment File 12A/15/0887, 37 pages. Saunders, P., Woods, D.V., and Reed. L.E., 2001: Assessment report on geochemical and geophysical exploration for 2001 submission for fee simple grants volume 1 folios 61-62 and the Anglo-Newfoundland Development Company Limited Charter and for third year supplementary, fourth year supplementary and seventh year supplementary to ninth year supplementary assessment for licence 4273 on claim block 7915, licence 4293 on claim block 7898, licence 4548 on claim 16507 and licences 5649M, 5769M and 7225M on claims in the Buchans area, central Newfoundland, 3 reports. Assessment report prepared for Billiton Resources Canada Incorporated (joint venture partner), Buchans River Limited (owner of property), GT Exploration Limited (owner of property), and Newfoundland Mining and Exploration Limited (owner of property). Newfoundland and Labrador Geological Survey, Assessment File 12A/15/0916, 168 pages. Wallis, R.H., 2001a: Assessment report on geological and geophysical interpretation for 2001 submission for fee simple grants volume 1 folios 61-62 and the Anglo-Newfoundland Development Company Limited Charter and for third year supplementary, fourth year supplementary, sixth year, sixth year supplementary and seventh year supplementary assessment for licence 4548 on claim 16507 and licences 4973M, 5651M, 5769M, 6192M, 6474M, 55 7219M-7222M and 7758M on claims in the Little Sandy Lake area, near Buchans, central Newfoundland. Assessment report prepared for Billiton Resources Canada Incorporated (joint venture partner), Newfoundland Mining and Exploration Limited (owner of property), Buchans River Limited (owner of property), and GT Exploration Limited (owner of property). Newfoundland and Labrador Geological Survey, Assessment File 12A/15/0990, 218 pages. Wallis, R.H., 2001b: Assessment report on geochemical interpretation for 2001 submission for fee simple grants volume 1 folios 61-62 and the Anglo-Newfoundland Development Company Limited Charter and for first year supplementary to ninth year supplementary assessment for licence 4273 on claim block 7915, licence 4293 on claim block 7898, licence 4294 on claim block 7896, licence 4295 on claim block 7855, licence 4317 on claim block 6665, licence 4470 on claim block 4919, licence 4497 on claim 16090, licence 4547 on claim 16171, licence 4548 on claim 16507, licence 4603 on claim 16946, licence 4744 on claim 16407, licence 4805 on claim 16398, licence 4823 on claims 16431-16432, licence 4858 on claim blocks 7919-7921 and claims 16512 and 16514, licence 4859 on claim blocks 7916-7917 and claim 16513, licence 4865 on claim 16399, licence 4867 on claims 16397, 16400-16401, 16424-16426 and 17688, licence 4868 on claim block 6648, licence 4869 on claim block 6649, licence 4875 on claim blocks 6663 and 7793-7794 and licences 4973M-4974M, 5649M-5652M, 5668M, 5769M, 6003M, 6192M, 6279M, 6285M, 6368M, 6429M, 6474M, 6712M, 6715M, 7219M-7222M, 7225M-7226M, 7376M, 7420M, 7758M, 7932M and 8025M on claims in the Buchans area, central Newfoundland. Assessment report prepared for Billiton Resources Canada Incorporated (joint venture partner), GT Exploration Limited (owner of property), Buchans River Limited (owner of property), and Newfoundland Mining and Exploration Limited (owner of property). Newfoundland and Labrador Geological Survey, Assessment File 12A/1002, 44 pages. Wilton, D.H.C., 2001: Assessment report on geochemical exploration for 2001 submission for fee simple grant volume 1 folio 62 and for sixth year supplementary, seventh year supplementary and ninth year supplementary assessment for licence 4317 on claim block 6665, licence 4603 on claim 16946, licence 4823 on claims 16431-16432, licence 4859 on claim blocks 7916-7917 and claim 16513, licence 4875 on claim blocks 6663 and 7793-7794 and licence 4973M on claims in the Buchans area, central Newfoundland. Assessment report prepared for Billiton Exploration Canada Limited (joint venture partner) and Buchans River Limited (owner of property). Newfoundland and Labrador Geological Survey, Assessment File 12A/15/0917, 37 pages. Wallis, R.H., and Barrett, T.J., 2001: Assessment report on geochemical interpretation for 2001 submission for fee simple grants volume 1 folios 61-62 and the Anglo-Newfoundland Development Company Limited Charter and for first year, second year, third year, fourth year, fourth year supplementary, fifth year, fifth year supplementary, sixth year, sixth year supplementary, seventh year, seventh year supplementary, eighth year, ninth year and ninth year supplementary assessment for licence 4273 on claim block 7915, licence 4293 on claim block 7898, licence 4294 on claim block 7896, licence 4295 on claim block 7855, licence 4317 on claim block 6665, licence 4470 on claim block 4919, licence 4497 on claim 16090, licence 4547 on claim 16171, licence 4548 on claim 16507, licence 4603 on claim 16946, licence 4744 on claim 16407, licence 4805 on claim 16398, licence 4823 56 on claims 16431-16432, licence 4858 on claim blocks 7919-7921 and claims 16512 and 16514, licence 4859 on claim blocks 7916-7917 and claim 16513, licence 4865 on claim 16399, licence 4867 on claims 16397, 16400-16401, 16424-16426 and 17688, licence 4868 on claim block 6648, licence 4869 on claim block 6649, licence 4875 on claim blocks 6663 and 7793-7794 and licences 4973M-4974M, 5649M-5652M, 5668M, 5769M, 6003M, 6192M, 6279M, 6285M, 6368M, 6429M, 6474M, 6712M, 6715M, 7219M-7222M, 7225M-7226M, 7376M, 7420M, 7758M, 7932M and 8025M on claims in the Buchans area, central Newfoundland, 2 reports. Assessment report prepared for Billiton Resources Canada Incorporated (joint venture partner), Buchans River Limited (owner of property), GT Exploration Limited (owner of property), and Newfoundland Mining and Exploration Limited (owner of property). Newfoundland and Labrador Geological Survey, Assessment File 12A/0992, 242 pages. Harris, J., Saunders, P., and Scott, S. A., 2000: Second year supplementary, third year supplementary, fourth year supplementary and seventh year supplementary assessment report on geophysical and diamond drilling exploration and relogging of diamond drill core for licence 4272 on claim blocks 79167917 and 7919-7921 and claims 16512-16514, licence 4319 on claim blocks 6663-6664 and 7793-7794 and licences 5576M, 5668M and 7225M on claims in the Clementine Lake area, near Buchans, central Newfoundland, 2 reports. Assessment report prepared for Billiton Exploration Canada Limited (joint venture partner), Buchans River Limited (owner of property), Newfoundland Mining and Exploration Limited (owner of property), and GT Exploration Limited (owner of property). Newfoundland and Labrador Geological Survey, Assessment File 12A/0947, 239 pages. Saunders, P., 2000: Third year supplementary assessment report on geochemical exploration for licence 5652m on claims in the Harry’s River area, near Buchans, central Newfoundland. Assessment report prepared for Billiton Exploration Canada Limited (joint venture partner), Billiton Resources Canada Incorporated (joint venture partner), and GT Exploration Limited (owner of property). Newfoundland and Labrador Geological Survey, Assessment File 12A/15/0962, 24 pages. Saunders, P., 2000: First year supplementary assessment report on geochemical exploration for licence 6976M on claims in the Red Indian Lake area, central Newfoundland. Assessment report prepared for Buchans River Limited (owner of property). Newfoundland and Labrador Geological Survey, Assessment File 12A/15/0981, 16 pages. Saunders, P., Harris, J., and Scott, S.A., 2000: Assessment report on geophysical and diamond drilling exploration for 1999 submission for fee simple grants volume 1 folios 61-62 and for first year, first year supplementary, second year supplementary, third year, fourth year supplementary and fifth year supplementary assessment for licence 4548 on claim 16507, licence 4793 on claims 16420-16421 and licences 4973M, 5769M, 6192M, 6303M-6305M, 6474M and 7319M on claims in the Little Sandy Lake area, near Buchans, central Newfoundland, 2 reports. Assessment report prepared for Billiton Exploration Canada Limited (joint venture partner), Buchans River Limited (owner of property), Newfoundland Mining and Exploration Limited (owner of property), and GT Exploration Limited (owner of property). Newfoundland and Labrador Geological Survey, Assessment File 12A/15/0942, 86 pages. 57 Saunders, P., Harris, J., Reed. L.E., and Scott, S.A., 2000: Second year supplementary, third year supplementary and seventh year supplementary assessment report on geophysical and diamond drilling exploration for licence 4319 on claim blocks 6663-6664 and 7793-7794 and licences 5576M, 7225M and 7376M on claims in the Clementine Lake area, near Buchans, central Newfoundland, 3 reports. Billiton Exploration Canada Limited (joint venture partner). Assessment report prepared for Buchans River Limited (owner of property), GT Exploration Limited (owner of property), and Newfoundland Mining and Exploration Limited (owner of property). Newfoundland and Labrador Geological Survey, Assessment File 12A/0966, 155 pages. Saunders, P., Harris, J., Reed, L. E., and Woods, D. V., 2000: First year supplementary, third year supplementary, fifth year supplementary, seventh year supplementary and eighth year assessment report on geophysical and diamond drilling exploration for licence 4273 on claim block 7915, licence 4293 on claim block 7898, licence 4294 on claim block 7896, licence 4317 on claim block 7984, licence 4806 on claims 16397, 16399-16401, 16424-16426 and 17686-17688, licence 4823 on claims 16431-16432, and licences 5649M and 7420M on claims in the Buchans area, central Newfoundland, 3 reports. Assessment report prepared for Billiton Exploration Canada Limited (joint venture partner), Buchans River Limited (owner of property), Newfoundland Mining and Exploration Limited (owner of property), and GT Exploration Limited (owner of property). Newfoundland and Labrador Geological Survey, Assessment File 12A/15/0968, 190 pages. Saunders, P., Harris, J., Wilton, D. H. C., and Winter, L. S., 2000: Assessment report on geochemical exploration for 2000 submission for fee simple grants volume 1 folios 61-62 and for first year and first year supplementary to seventh year supplementary assessment for licence 4273 on claim block 7915, licence 4293 on claim block 7898, licence 4294 on claim block 7896, licence 4317 on claim block 7984, licence 4319 on claim blocks 6663-6664 and 7793-7794, licence 4547 on claim 16171, licence 4548 on claim 16507, licence 4603 on claim 16946, licence 4744 on claim 16406-16407, licence 4793 on claims 16420-16421, licence 4805 on claim 16398, licence 4806 on claims 16397, 16399-16401, 16424-16426 and 17686-17688, licence 4823 on claims 16431-16432, licence 4858 on claim blocks 7919-7921 and claims 16512 and 16514, licence 4859 on claim blocks 7916-7917 and claims 16513 and licences 4973M, 5649M, 5668M, 6003M, 6712M, 7319M and 7420M on claims in the Buchans area, central Newfoundland, 2 reports. Assessment report prepared for Buchans River Limited, Newfoundland Mining and Exploration Limited, GT Exploration Limited and Billiton Exploration Canada Limited. Newfoundland and Labrador Geological Survey, Assessment File 12A/15/0951, 196 pages. Saunders, P., Harris, and Woods, D. V., 2000: Assessment report on geophysical and diamond drilling exploration for 2000 submission for fee simple grants volume 1 folios 61-62 and the Anglo-Newfoundland Development Company Limited Charter and for second year and second year supplementary to sixth year supplementary assessment for licence 4548 on claim 16507, licence 4793 on claims 16420-16421 and licences 5651M, 6192M, 6303M-6307M, 6429M and 7219M7223M on claims in the Little Sandy Lake area, near Buchans, central Newfoundland, 3 reports. Assessment report prepared for Billiton Exploration Canada Limited (joint venture partner), Buchans River Limited (owner of property), Newfoundland Mining and Exploration Limited (owner of property), and GT Exploration Limited (owner of 58 property). Newfoundland and Labrador Geological Survey, Assessment File 12A/15/0991, 244 pages. Geoterrex-Dighem, 1999: Assessment report on geophysical exploration for 1998 submission for fee simple grants volume 1 folios 61-62 and the Anglo-Newfoundland Development Company Limited Charter and for first year, first year supplementary, second year, third year, fourth year, fifth year, fifth year supplementary, sixth year, and sixth year supplementary assessment for licence 4272 on claim blocks 7916-7917 and 7919-7921 and claims 16512-16514, licence 4273 on claim block 7915, licence 4293 on claim block 7898, licence 4294 on claim block 7896, licence 4295 on claim block 7855, licence 4296 on claim block 7854, licence 4317 on claim block 7984, licence 4319 on claim blocks 6663-6664 and 77937794, licence 4470 on claim block 4919, licence 4483 on claim blocks 8439-8440, licence 4497 on claim 16090, licence 4547 on claim 16171, licence 4548 on claim 16507, licence 4603 on claim 16946, licence 4744 on claims 16406-16407, licence 4745 on claim 16504, licence 4746 on claims 16410, 16413 and 16501-16503, licence 4793 on claims 16420-16421, licence 4805 on claim 16398, licence 4806 on claims 16397, 16399-16401, 16424-16426 and 17686-17688, licence 4823 on claims 16431-16432, and licences 4609M, 4724M, 4787M-4788M, 4973M-4974M, 5226M-5227M, 5274M, 5574M, 5576M, 5649M-5652M, 5668M, 5769M, 5907M, 6003M, 6044M-6045M, 6066M, 6133M, 6146M-6147M, 6167M, 6192M, 6245M-6248M, 6271M-6272M, 6275M-6285M, 6297M-6300M, 6303M-6307M, 6368M, 6375M-6376M, 6429M-6430M, 6472M-6474M, 6712M and 6715M-6716M on claims in the Red Indian Lake area, central Newfoundland. Assessment report prepared for Billiton Exploration Canada Limited (joint venture partner), Altius Resources Incorporated (owner of property), Buchans River Limited (owner of property), Celtic Minerals Limited (owner of property), GT Exploration Limited (owner of property), Newfoundland Mining and Exploration Limited (owner of property). Newfoundland and Labrador Geological Survey, Assessment File NFLD/2764, 351 pages. Harris, J., Saunders, P., and Reed, L.E., 1999: First year, third year supplementary, fourth year supplementary and seventh year supplementary assessment report on diamond drilling exploration and relogging of diamond drill core for licence 4272 on claim blocks 7916-7917 and 7919-7921 and claims 16512-16514, licence 4294 on claim block 7896, licence 4805 on claim 16398, licence 4806 on claims 16397, 16399-16401, 16424-16426 and 17686-17688, licence 4823 on claims 16431-16432 and licences 4974M and 6973M on claims in the Buchans area, central Newfoundland. Assessment report prepared for Billiton Exploration Canada Limited (joint venture partner), Buchans River Limited (owner of property), and GT Exploration Limited (owner of property). Newfoundland and Labrador Geological Survey, Assessment File 12A/15/0946, 304 pages. Harris, J., Saunders, P., and Robertson, K.A., 1999: Sixth year supplementary assessment report on geophysical exploration and relogging of diamond drill core for licence 4272 on claim blocks 7916-7921 in the Buchans area, central Newfoundland, 2 reports. Assessment report prepared for Billiton Exploration Canada Limited (joint venture partner) and Buchans River Limited (owner of property). Newfoundland and Labrador Geological Survey, Assessment File 12A/15/0940, 76 pages. Saunders, P., and Harris, J., 59 1999: First, second, fifth and sixth year assessment report on compilation for licence 4296 on claim block 7854, licence 4483 on claim blocks 8439-8440 and licence 4609m on claims in the Buchans Brook, Red Indian Lake area, central Newfoundland. Assessment report prepared for United Bolero Development Corporation (owner of property). Newfoundland and Labrador Geological Survey, Assessment File 12A/15/0846, 50 pages. Saunders, P., Reed. L.E., and Woods, D.V., 1999: Assessment report on prospecting and geophysical exploration for 1999 submission for the Anglo-Newfoundland Development Company Limited Charter and fee simple grant volume 1 folio 61 and for first year supplementary, second year, third year supplementary, fourth year supplementary, fifth year supplementary, seventh year, and seventh year supplementary assessment for licence 4272 on claim blocks 7916-7921, licence 4294 on claim block 7896, licence 4319 on claim blocks 7793-7794 and claim 16441, licence 4497 on claim 16090, licence 4793 on claims 16420-16421 and licences 6044M, 6277M and 6715M on claims in the Buchans area, central Newfoundland, 4 reports. Assessment report prepared for Billiton Exploration Canada Limited (joint venture partner), Buchans River Limited (owner of property), Newfoundland Mining and Exploration Limited (owner of property), and GT Exploration Limited (owner of property). Newfoundland and Labrador Geological Survey, Assessment File 12A/15/0941, 90 pages. Wallis, R.H., 1999: Assessment report on geological and geophysical interpretation for 1999 submission for fee simple grants volume 1 folios 61-62 and the Anglo-Newfoundland Development Company Limited Charter and for first year, first year supplementary, second year, second year supplementary, third year, fourth year, fifth year, fifth year supplementary, sixth year, seventh year and seventh year supplementary assessment for licence 4272 on claim blocks 7916-7917, 7919-7921 and claims 16512-16514, licence 4273 on claim block 7915, licence 4293 on claim block 7898, licence 4294 on claim block 7896, licence 4295 on claim block 7855, licence 4317 on claim block 7984, licence 4319 on claim blocks 6663-6664 and 7793-7794, licence 4470 on claim block 4919, licence 4497 on claim 16090, licence 4547 on claim 16171, licence 4548 on claim 16507, licence 4603 on claim 16946, licence 4744 on claims 16406-16407, licence 4793 on claims 1642016421, licence 4805 on claim 16398, licence 4806 on claims 16397, 16399-16401, 16424-16426 and 17686-17688, licence 4823 on claims 16431-16432, licence 4852 on claim blocks 7854 and 8439-8440 and licences 4609M, 4973M-4974M, 5574M, 5576M, 5649M-5652M, 5668M, 5769M, 6003M, 6044M-6045M, 6192M, 6275M, 6277M-6280M, 6282M, 6285M, 6297M-6300M, 6303M-6307M, 6368M, 6429M-6430M, 6474M, 6712M, 6715M-6716M, 6973M, 6976M and 7219M-7226M on claims in the Buchans area, central Newfoundland. Assessment report prepared for Billiton Exploration Canada Limited (joint venture partner), Buchans River Limited (owner of property), GT Exploration Limited (owner of property), and Newfoundland Mining and Exploration Limited (owner of property). Newfoundland and Labrador Geological Survey, Assessment File 12A/0963, 201 pages. Noranda, 1998: Precious and base metal properties available for option in central Newfoundland, Summary Report. Internal company report. Newfoundland Department of Natural Resources Geofile Number 012A/1231. 500 pp. 60 Saunders, P., and Harris, J., 1998a: First, second, third and fourth year assessment report on geochemical exploration and relogging of diamond drill core for licence 4319 on claim blocks 7793-7794 and claim 16441, licence 4806 on claims 16397, 16399-16401, 16424-16426 and 17686-17688 and licences 5574m and 5668m on claims in the Buchans area, central Newfoundland. Assessment report prepared for Newfoundland Mining and Exploration Limited (owner of property) and GT Exploration Limited (owner of property). Newfoundland and Labrador Geological Survey, Assessment File 12A/15/0842, 56 pages. Saunders, P., and Harris, J., 1998b: Fourth year assessment report on geochemical exploration and relogging of diamond drill core for licence 4272 on claim blocks 7916-7921 in the Buchans area, central Newfoundland. Assessment report prepared for Buchans River Limited (owner of property). Newfoundland and Labrador Geological Survey, Assessment File 12A/15/0810, 261 pages. Saunders, P., Harris, J., and Winter, L. S., 1998: Second, third and fifth year assessment report on compilation and relogging of diamond drill core for licence 4317 on claim block 7984, licence 4806 on claims 16397, 1639916401, 16424-16426 and 17686-17688 and licence 4974m on claims in the Buchans area, central Newfoundland, 2 reports. Assessment report prepared for GT Exploration Limited (owner of property) and Newfoundland Mining and Exploration Limited (owner of property), and Newminex (owner of property). Newfoundland and Labrador Geological Survey, Assessment File 12A/15/0794, 82 pages. Saunders, P., Harris, J., Winter, L. S., Wilton, D. H. C., Spurvey, P., and Scott, W.J., 1998: First, third, fourth and fifth year assessment report on geochemical, geophysical and diamond drilling exploration for licence 4273 on claim block 7915, licence 4293 on claim block 7898, licence 4294 on claim block 7896, licence 4295 on claim block 7855, licence 4470 on claim block 4919, licence 4497 on claim 16090, licence 4547 on claim 16171, licence 4603 on claim 16496, licence 4744 on claim 16406, licence 4805 on claim 16398 and licences 5574m, 5649m-5651m and 6003m on claims in the Buchans area, central Newfoundland, 6 reports. Assessment report prepared for CBM Resources (owner of property) and Buchans River Limited (owner of property). Newfoundland and Labrador Geological Survey, Assessment File 12A/15/0854, 399 pages. Harris, J., and Saunders, P., 1997a: First year assessment report on compilation and relogging of diamond drill core for licences 4910m and 5575m on claims in the Clench Brook-Wileys Lake area, near Buchans, central Newfoundland. Assessment report prepared for GT Exploration Limited (owner of property). Newfoundland and Labrador Geological Survey, Assessment File 12A/15/0771, 42 pages. Harris, J., and Saunders, P., 1997b: First year, second year and third year supplementary assessment report on geochemical exploration and relogging of diamond drill core for licence 4319 on claim blocks 77927794 and claim 16441, licence 4806 on claims 16397, 16399-16401, 16424-16426 and 17686-17688 and licence 4974m on claims in the Clementine Lake area, near Buchans, central Newfoundland. Assessment report prepared for Newfoundland Mining and Exploration Limited (owner of property), GT Exploration Limited (owner of property), 61 and Newminex (owner of property). Newfoundland and Labrador Geological Survey, Assessment File 12A/15/0769, 223 pages. Harris, J., Saunders, P., and Wilton, D. H. C., 1997: First year supplementary and fourth year assessment report on relogging of diamond drill core for licence 4317 on claim block 7984 and licence 4806 on claims 16397, 16399-16401, 16424-16426 and 17686-17688 in the Buchans area, central Newfoundland. Assessment report prepared for GT Exploration Limited (owner of property) and Newfoundland Mining and Exploration Limited (owner of property). Newfoundland and Labrador Geological Survey, Assessment File 12A/15/0877, 169 pages. Saunders, P., 1997a First year assessment report on geological and geochemical exploration and relogging of diamond drill core for licence 4548 on claim 16507, licence 4793 on claims 1642016421, licence 4794 on claims 16417-16419, licence 4795 on claim 16422 and licences 4601m and 4973m on claims in the Little Sandy Lake area, near Buchans, central Newfoundland. Assessment report prepared for GT Exploration Limited (owner of property), Newfoundland Mining and Exploration Limited (owner of property), Newminex (owner of property). Newfoundland and Labrador Geological Survey, Assessment File 12A/15/0878, 107 pages. Saunders, P., 1997b First year assessment report on prospecting and geochemical exploration for licence 4743 on claim 16416 and licence 4724m on claims in the Middle Branch Brook and East Branch Brook areas, central Newfoundland. Assessment report prepared for GT Exploration Limited (owner of property). Newfoundland and Labrador Geological Survey, Assessment File 12A/15/0876, 12 pages. Saunders, P., 1997c Second and third year assessment report on prospecting and geochemical exploration for licence 4548 on claim 16507, licence 4793 on claims 16420-16421 and licences 4724m and 4973m on claims in the Red Indian Lake area, central Newfoundland. Assessment report prepared for Newfoundland Mining and Exploration Limited (owner of property) and GT Exploration Limited (owner of property). Newfoundland and Labrador Geological Survey, Assessment File 12A/15/0788, 28 pages. Saunders, P., and Scott, W.J., 1996: First, second and third year assessment report on geophysical exploration for licence 4806 on claims 16397, 16399-16401, 16424-16426 and 17686-17688, licence 4317 on claim block 7984 and licence 4319 on claim blocks 7792-7794 and claim 16441 in the Buchans area, central Newfoundland, 2 reports. Assessment report prepared for Newfoundland Mining and Exploration Limited (owner of property), GT Exploration Limited (owner of property), and Newminex (owner of property). Newfoundland and Labrador Geological Survey, Assessment File 12A/15/0756, 32 pages. Saunders, P., and Scott, W.J., and Laletsang, K, B., 1996: First, second and third year assessment report on geological, geochemical, geophysical and diamond drilling exploration for licence 4294 on claim block 7896, licence 4295 on claim block 7855, licence 4470 on claim block 4919, licence 4547 on claim 16171, licence 4603 on claim 16496 and licence 4744 on claims 16406-16407 in the Buchans 62 Brook, Middle Branch, East Branch and Woodmans Brook areas, central Newfoundland, 2 reports. Assessment report prepared for Newfoundland Mining and Exploration Limited (owner of property), GT Exploration Limited (owner of property), and Newminex (owner of property). Newfoundland and Labrador Geological Survey, Assessment File 12A/15/0753, 169 pages. Saunders, P., and Scott, W.J., 1995: First and second year assessment report on geological, geochemical and geophysical exploration for licence 4293 on claim block 7898, licence 4294 on claim block 7896, licence 4295 on claim block 7855, licence 4470 on claim block 4919, licence 4497 on claim block 16090, licence 4547 on claim block 16171 and licence 4603 on claim block 16496 in the Buchans River, Middle Branch River, East Branch River and Woodmans Brook areas, central Newfoundland, 2 reports. Assessment report prepared for Newfoundland Mining and Exploration Limited (owner of property). Newfoundland and Labrador Geological Survey, Assessment File 12A/15/0728, 48 pages. Thurlow, J. G., 1997: First year assessment report on compilation for licence 4775 on claim 16431 in the Buchans area, central Newfoundland. Assessment report prepared for Phelps Dodge Corporation of Canada Limited (owner of property). Newfoundland and Labrador Geological Survey, Assessment File 12A/15/0879, 13 pages. Thurlow, J. G., 1997: Second year assessment report on diamond drilling exploration for licence 4823 on claims 16431-16432 in the Buchans area, central Newfoundland. Assessment report prepared for Phelps Dodge Corporation of Canada Limited (owner of property). Newfoundland and Labrador Geological Survey, Assessment File 12A/15/0796, 27 pages. Thurlow, J. G., 1996a: First year assessment report on diamond drilling exploration for licence 4749 on claim 16432 in the Buchans area, central Newfoundland. Assessment report prepared for Phelps Dodge Corporation of Canada Limited (owner of property). Newfoundland and Labrador Geological Survey, Assessment File 12A/15/0833, 66 pages. Thurlow, J. G., 1996b: First year assessment report on diamond drilling exploration for licence 4805 on claim 16398 in the Buchans area, central Newfoundland. Assessment report prepared for Phelps Dodge Corporation of Canada Limited, and GT Exploration Limited (owner of property). Newfoundland and Labrador Geological Survey, Assessment File 12A/15/0832, 22 pages. Tallman, P., 1995: First year assessment report on diamond drilling exploration for the Buchans Project for licence 4273 on claim block 7915 in the Buchans River area, central Newfoundland. Assessment report prepared for Thunderwood Resources Incorporated (owner of property). Newfoundland and Labrador Geological Survey, Assessment File 12A/15/0703, 26 pages. Pickett, J. W., and Watson, D., 63 1994: First year assessment report on geochemical, geophysical and diamond drilling exploration for the Buchans Project for licence 4272 on claim blocks 7916-7921 in the Clementine Lake and Lake 8 areas, west-central Newfoundland. Assessment report prepared for Thunderwood Resources Incorporated (owner of property). Newfoundland and Labrador Geological Survey, Assessment File 12A/15/0702, 142 pages.. Tuach, J., and Saunders, P., 1994: First year assessment report on compilation, relogging of drill core and geochemical exploration for licence 4293 on claim block 7898, licence 4294 on claim block 7896, licence 4295 on claim block 7855, licence 4317 on claim block 7984 and licence 4319 on claim blocks 7792-7794 in the Buchans River area, central Newfoundland, 2 reports. Assessment report prepared for Newfoundland Mining and Exploration Limited (owner of property). Newfoundland and Labrador Geological Survey, Assessment File 12A/0680, 107 pages. Tuach, J., Saunders, P., and Adorjan, L. A., 1994: First year supplementary assessment report on geochemical exploration for licence 4296 on claim block 7854 in the Buchans River Delta area, Red Indian Lake, Newfoundland [2 reports]. Assessment report prepared for Newfoundland Mining and Exploration Limited (owner of property). Newfoundland and Labrador Geological Survey, Assessment File 12A/15/0675, 18 pages. Tuach, J., 1993: First year assessment report on review and proposals for licence 4296 on claim block 7854 in the Buchans Brook and Red Indian Lake areas, central Newfoundland. Assessment report prepared for Grant, B., (joint venture partner), Tuach, J., (owner of property), J Tuach Geological Consultants Incorporated, and Newfoundland Mining and Exploration Limited. Newfoundland and Labrador Geological Survey, Assessment File 12A/15/0671, 37 pages. Thurlow, J. G., and Pearce, D., 1979: 1978 Exploration Report on Fee Simple Lot Vol. 1, Fol. 62 (Little Sandy Prospect), granted to Terra Nova Properties Limited. Assessment report, prepared for Terra Nova Explorations Limited, Newfoundland and Labrador Geofile Number 012A/15/0258. 32 pp. 64 PROFESSIONAL CERTIFICATION I, Paul J. Moore, with business address at Suite E-130, 120 Torbay Road, St. John’s, Newfoundland certify that: 1) I am a graduate (1990) of Memorial University, with a Master of Science degree in Earth Sciences. 2) I am a registered member, in good standing, of the Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Newfoundland. 3) I have practiced my profession for approximately 19 years in Newfoundland and Labrador, New Brunswick and Ontario. 4) This report is based on my direct involvement with the Buchans property through fieldwork and data compilation. I have no interest in mineral claims in Newfoundland and Labrador. 5) I hold securities of Buchans River Ltd., though options granted me by the company. Dated in St. John’s, Newfoundland this 5th day of May, 2008. Paul Moore, M.Sc. P. Geo. Vice President Exploration Buchans River Ltd. 65 PROFESSIONAL CERTIFICATION I, David Butler, with business address at Suite E-130, 120 Torbay Road, St. John’s, Newfoundland certify that: 6) I am a graduate (1987) of Memorial University, with a Bachelors of Science degree in Earth Sciences. 7) I am a registered member, in good standing, of the Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Newfoundland. 8) I have practiced my profession for approximately 19 years in Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Ontario. 9) This report is based on my direct involvement with the Buchans property through fieldwork and data compilation. I have no interest in mineral claims in Newfoundland and Labrador. 10) I hold securities of Buchans River Ltd., though options granted me by the company. Dated in St. John’s, Newfoundland this 5th day of May, 2008. David J. Butler, B.Sc., P. Geo. Exploration Manager Buchans River Ltd. 1 APPENDIX I Compilation of Previous Work – Digital Archive of Drill Logs & Archived Asarco Mine Plans and Drawings (PDF Files on 6 DVDs). (In Folder) 1 APPENDIX II Review of Past Mining Operations at Buchans. Report prepared by Paul J. O’Brien P. Eng., for Buchans River Limited. (In Folder) 1 APPENDIX III Buchans Property, Aerial Photography and Topographic Processing Summary Report – Eagle Mapping Ltd. (In Folder) Buchans and Red Indian Lake Mapping Project Report Projects # 07-063 and 07-067 Buchans River Ltd. Royal Roads Corp. Suite E130 – 120 Torbay Road St. John’s Newfoundland & Labrador A1A 2G8 December 21 2007 Eagle Mapping Limited Shirley McLaren M.Sc. Project Manager Contact Telephone: 1-877-942-5551 Buchans and Red Indian Lake Mapping Project Eagle Mapping Ltd. Mapping Project Report Page 2 of 6 Table of Contents 1.0 2.0 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 4.0 Introduction..........................................................................................................2 Ground Control and Aerial Photography Survey ..................................................3 Digital Mapping....................................................................................................3 Air Photo Scanning ............................................................................................................. 3 Image Georeferencing (Aerial Triangulation) ..................................................................... 3 Digital Mapping ................................................................................................................... 4 Orthophotography............................................................................................................... 5 Project Deliverables.............................................................................................5 Buchans and Red Indian Lake Mapping Project Eagle Mapping Ltd. 1.0 Mapping Project Report Page 2 of 6 Introduction Eagle Mapping Ltd. (“Eagle Mapping”) was contracted by Buchans River Ltd. (“Buchans River”) and Royal Roads Corp. (“Royal Roads”) in July 2007 to acquire colour aerial photography for detailed topographic and orthophoto mapping in and around the town of Buchans and Red Indian Lake. The project included photography and mapping for Messina Minerals Inc. and Mountain Lake Resources Ltd. under separate contract. Two photo scales were acquired; 1:20,000 photo scale for the regional areas and 1:10,000 photo scale for detailed 1:1,000 scale mapping. The 1:20,000 photo scale was used to generate an “ortho-only” digital terrain model (DTM) and colour orthophotos; the 1:10,000 photo scale was used to generate 1:1,000 scale detailed mapping with 1m contours and colour orthophotos of the town of Buchans and the Daniel’s Pond property. Figure 1: Buchans and Red Indian Lake Flight Plan Buchans and Red Indian Lake Mapping Project Eagle Mapping Ltd. 2.0 Mapping Project Report Page 3 of 6 Ground Control and Aerial Photography Survey Prior to the aerial photo mission Stephen Burt Surveys Ltd. set out and surveyed 25 ground control targets using real-time kinematic (RTK) GPS survey equipment to an accuracy of +/- 10cm in XY and Z. Each target is in the shape of a cross and is 3.5m long in each direction. Four other ground control points were surveyed under separate contract at the Bobby’s Pond property. Aerial photography was flown on July 5 and 26 2007 in 13 east-west flight lines for the 1:20,000 scale photo, in two flight lines for the 1:10,000 scale photo over Buchans and in one north-south flight line at 1:10,000 scale over Daniel’s Pond. The photography was acquired by Airborne Remote Sensing Ltd. using a LMK 1015 aerial camera with a 6 inch lens. Airborne GPS (ABGPS) data, which provides a coordinate of the centre of each air photo, was also acquired during the photo mission. Figure 1 and 2 shows the flight lines, photo centres and ground control point locations over the project. Aerial photography was acquired so that each photo overlaps 60% of the adjacent photo along a flight line (forward lap) and 30% of the adjacent photo on the next flight line (side lap). From these overlapping aerial photographs any visible feature can be digitized using a stereo pair of photos, to create points, lines or polygons in 3D. 3.0 Digital Mapping 3.1 Air Photo Scanning We scanned the processed film negatives using our Wehrli RM-6 automatic roll feed photogrammetric scanner, housed in a climate controlled clean room. The film was scanned at a resolution of 16µms. 3.2 Image Georeferencing (Aerial Triangulation) The scanned imagery was aerial triangulated using DVP softcopy triangulation workstations and Aerosys software. LH Socet Set and Leica LPS software was used with the exterior orientation files to create the stereo models for compilation. Aerial triangulation uses the ABGPS data in conjunction with the 25 ground survey points and a large number of common tie points on each photo, to provide the photo orientation parameters necessary to capture mapping data in the correct projection. The result of aerial triangulation is a series of georeferenced stereo models for topographic and feature collection in 3D. The result of the aerial triangulation procedure is shown in Figure 2. The residuals between the ground control points and the aerial triangulation solution are well within the accuracy specifications for 1:1,000 or 1:2,000 scale mapping. Buchans and Red Indian Lake Mapping Project Eagle Mapping Ltd. Mapping Project Report Page 4 of 6 Figure 2: Flight Plan with Aerial Triangulation Results The mapping project is referenced to UTM zone 21 coordinates using the NAD83 horizontal datum. Elevations are provided in metres above sea level (geodetic elevations). 3.3 Digital Mapping In order to create contours and orthophotos, a digital terrain model (DTM) was collected manually by a team of photogrammetrists from the scanned imagery. A DTM consists of a grid of XYZ points and break lines which define the geomorphology of the landscape. The result is a very accurate 3D surface model of the terrain, the hydrography and any other feature observed on an air photo. Our photogrammetrists used the LH and Leica Pro-600 softcopy systems for compilation of the DTM data on a MicroStation platform. Models of data were digitally “stitched” together and edited to ensure that there are no elevation spikes and that all the possible data content is captured. Preliminary contours were generated in stereo to check that the DTM follows topographic rules (e.g. rivers do not run uphill). DTM editing is an iterative process and may take up to three quality control passes depending on the terrain. The edited DTM is used to create a triangulated irregular network (TIN) as input to the final contour generation and the orthophoto process. Buchans and Red Indian Lake Mapping Project Eagle Mapping Ltd. 3.4 Mapping Project Report Page 5 of 6 Orthophotography Using PCI OrthoEngine® software, the scanned imagery was rectified using the DTM to create an orthophoto mosaic with a 20 cm pixel size. The rectified images were mosaicked and colour balanced into a single orthophoto image. The 1:10,000 photo from Buchans was tiled into 8 1km x 1km orthophoto tiles. The 1:10,000 photo from Daniel’s Pond was mosaicked into a single orthophoto image. The 1:20,000 photo was tiled into 2 km x 2km tiles to make the files a more manageable size. A compressed ER Mapper ecw file of each block of four tiles (4 km x 4 km) was also provided. 4.0 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Project Deliverables Aerial film (stored by Eagle Mapping for a period of seven years in our secure facility). Orthophoto tile index in ACAD format. Mapping project report (pdf file). One set of colour contact prints of the aerial photography. DTM data suitable for 1m contours in ASCII text. DTM data suitable for orthophotos tiled in 2 km x 2km and 4km x 4km blocks to match the corresponding orthophoto files. Planimetric data (e.g. hydrography, tree lines, infrastructure, trails, and roads) in two ACAD files and MapInfo files (one north of Red Indian Lake and one south of Red Indian Lake). Contour data at 1m intervals over Daniel’s Pond and Buchans detailed areas. One set of original colour orthophoto tiles (2 km x 2km) with a 20 cm pixel size in GeoTIFF format. One set of compressed colour orthophoto tiles (4 km x 4 km) with a 20 cm pixel size in “ecw” format. All deliverables were completed and delivered on DVD and hard drive and via Eagle Mapping’s ftp site by December 21 2007. Shirley McLaren M.Sc. Project Manager Eagle Mapping Ltd. Buchans and Red Indian Lake Mapping Project 1 APPENDIX IV DGPS Surveys of Titan Grid, Buchans Property. Logistics Report, DGPS Positioning on Titan Grid, Buchans Mine Area, Project 0706, By Eastern Geophysics Limited. (In Folder) Eastern Geophysics Limited. LOGISTICS REPORT Buchans River Ltd. DGPS Positioning on Titan Grid Buchans Mine Area Buchans, NL, NTS: 12A/15 Project Manager: Paul Moore Project # 0706 Ref: lr0706GPS Introduction This field report covers the survey procedures and parameters for the precise X, Y, and Z positioning carried out for Buchans River Ltd. on the Buchans Mine Titan grid, Buchans NL. This logistics report deals with the field work portion of this contract. Survey Equipment 1 – Leica GPS System 1230 Dual Frequency Real Time DGPS/GLONASS Base Station 1 – Leica GPS System 1230 Dual Frequency Real Time DGPS/GLONASS Rover 2 - Pentium laptop computers Registered users of Geosofttm geophysical software Registered users of Leica Geo-Officetm GPS software Survey Specifications - Detailed station positioning on Titan grid. - Positioning was tied-in to CSRS monument # 79GT001. - All X and Y units were transformed to NAD 27 UTM zone 21 using the National Transformation program NTv2. - The Z coordinate (elevations) are in height above mean sea level (MSL) calculated using the HTv2.0 geoidal model. CSRS monument # 79GT001 Value: – NAD83 UTM zone 21 with MSL elevations 79GT001 - 510331.620 E, 5408745.200 N 296.734m. – NAD27 UTM zone 21 79GT001 – 510258.875 E 5408524.637 N Logistics Report Eastern Geophysics Limited. CSRS monument # 79GT001 Description: Located on a prominent rock outcrop about 700m NNE of Buchan’s Post Office and about 200m E of road to airport. An iron survey bolt 2 cm in diameter and stamped with an X and the number 79GT001 is cemented in bedrock. Control Point 1 is located on a big flat rock close to the road about 100m S and 20 E of monument number 79GT001. Marked with orange spray paint. Nad 27 Zone 21 UTM value for Control PT 1 is 510280.135 E 5408416.158 N Orthometric Height is 283.984m. Personnel Eldon Norman, Karen Norman, Daniel Sheppard, Rodney Kelly and Pratt Lewis Operator Journal: Project # 0706 June 19 to July 16, 2007. Tuesday, June 19, 2007 Day-1: Travel: Drove to Buchan’s and located CSRS monument # 79GT001 and went in and located grid, but rain prevented us from doing any field work. Wednesday, June 20, 2007 Day-2: Operating: Read 112 stations, 5400 meters. Read L13200E from 10000N to 10450N, L11800E from 10000N to 11800N, L12000E from 11800N to 9800N and L13000E from 10000N to 11150N. (Running total = 5.40 km.) Thursday, June 21, 2007 Day-3: Operating: Read 102 stations, 4950 meters. Read L11600E from 10000N to 11800N, L11400E from 11800N to 10000N and L11200E from 10000N to 11350N( This was as far as the line cutters had cut on this line). (Running total = 10.35 km.) Friday, June 22, 2007 Day-4: Operating: Read 37 stations, 3450 meters. Read L11000E from 10000N to 11800N. We also read L10800E from 11800N to 10150N only to find a chaining error causing the data to be no good since it switched the even stations to odd ones. We will have to redo the line due to line cutting errors. (Running total = 13.80 km.) Logistics Report Eastern Geophysics Limited. Days Off: June 23 and 24 Monday, June 25, 2007 Day-5: Operating: Read 83 stations, 4000 meters. Read L10600E from 10000N to 10400N, L10400E from 10000N to 11800N and L10200E from 11800N to 10000N. (Running total = 17.80 km.) Note: June 26 to July 8, GPS crew work on another project Monday, July 9, 2007 Day-6: Operating: Read 63 stations, 3400 meters. Read L12000E from 9800N to 8200N and L11800E from 8200N to 10000N. (Running total = 21.20 km.) Tuesday, July 10, 2007 Day-7: Operating: Read 74 stations, 3600 meters. Read L12200E from 9650N to 8200N, L12400E from 8200N to 10000N and L12200E from 10000N to 9650N. (Running total = 24.80 km.) Wednesday, July 11, 2007 Day-8: Operating: Read 71 stations, 3600 meters. Read L12600E from 9750N to 8200N, L12800E from 8200N to 10000N and L12600E from 10000N to 9750N. (Running total = 28.40 km.) Thursday, July 12, 2007 Day-9: Operating: Read 18 stations, 1150 meters. Read L11600E from 9350N to 8200N. (Running total = 29.55 km.) Friday, July 13, 2007 Day-10: Operating: Read 83 stations, 4250 meters. Read L11600E from 9350N to 10000N, L11400E from 10000N to 8200N and L11200E from 8200N to 10000N. (Running total = 33.80 km.) Saturday, July 14, 2007 Day-11: Operating: Read 104 stations, 5200 meters. Read L11000E from 9600N to 8200N, L10800E from 8200N to 10000N, L11000E from 10000N to 9600N, L13000E from 10000N to 9250N and L13200E from 9150N to 10000N. (Running total = 39.00 km.) Logistics Report Eastern Geophysics Limited. Sunday, July 15, 2007 Day-12: Operating: Read 67 stations, 3200 meters. Read L13400E from 10150N to 11050N, L13600E from 11150N to 10000N and L13800E from 10000N to 11150N. (Running total = 42.20 km.) Monday, July 16, 2007 Day-13: Operating: Read 72 stations, 3600 meters. Read L10600E from 9600N to 8200N, L10400E from 8200N to 10000N and L10600E from 10000N to 9600N. (Running total = 45.80 km.) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------* Invoice 0706-1 included DGPS surveying from June 19 to July 16, 2007. The following totals reflect that invoice amount. 1.0 - Travel day 12.0 - Operating days 13.0 - Total days 45800 m - Total line kilometers surveyed, 920 stations -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Tuesday, July 17, 2007 Day-14: Operating: Read 109 stations, 5400 meters. Read L10200E from 9600N to 8200N, L10000E from 8200N to 11800N and L10200E from 10000N to 9600N. (Running total = 51.20 km.) * Crew worked on another project while line cutting resumed on this grid. Friday, August 10, 2007 Day-15: Operating: Read 72 stations, 3600 meters. Read L12200E from 10000N to 11800N and L12400E from 11800N to 10000N. (Running total = 54.80 km.) Saturday, August 11, 2007 Day-16: Operating: Read 68 stations, 3450 meters. Read L11200E from 11350N to 11800N, L10800E from 11800N to 10000N and L10600E from 10350N to 11550N, we could not cross the brook to get the end of L10600E due to the water being to high. (Running total = 58.25 km.) Logistics Report Eastern Geophysics Limited. Sunday, August 12, 2007 Day-17: Operating: Read 103 stations, 5050 meters. Read L12800N from 10000N to 11800N, L13000E from 11800N to 11650N, L12600E from 11800N to 10000N, L13400E from 10150N to 11000N and L13200E from 10900N to 10450N. (Running total = 63.30 km.) Friday, August 24, 2007 Day-18: Operating: Read 64 stations, 3100 meters. Read L13400E from 10100N to 8200N, L13200E from 8200N to 8800N and L13000E from 8800N to 8200N. (Running total = 66.40 km.) Saturday, August 25, 2007 Day-19: Bad Weather: Heavy rain fell all day. Sunday, August 26, 2007 Day-20: Operating: Read 76 stations and one repeat, 3750 meters. Read L13600E from 10150N to 8200N (chaining error – pickets misplaced between 9050N and 8950N) and L13800E from 8200N to 10000N (chaining error – line 25m to long, 75m between 8600N to 8650N). (Running total = 70.15 km.) Monday, August 27, 2007 Day-21: Operating: Read 90 stations and 3 repeats, 4500 meters. Read L14000E from 10600N to BL10000N (Chaining error – picket 9925N missing, only 25m between 9950N and 9900N), L14200E from 10450N to 8200N and L14400E from 8200N to 9850N at lake. (Running total = 74.65 km.) Tuesday, August 28, 2007 Day-22: Operating: Read 38 stations and two repeats, 2000 meters. Read L13600E from 10150N to 11150N, L14000E from 11150N to 10600N and L14400E from 10300N to 9850N. We had to do some maintenance with the DGPS system this morning causing a late start in the field today. (Running total = 76.65 km.) Wednesday, August 29, 2007 Day-23: Operating: Read 73 stations and 8 repeats, 4850 meters. Read L14600E from 10200N to 8200N, L14800E from 8200N to 9900N and L15000E from 8200N to 9350N. This section of the grid was difficult because of the large flooded area near the old mine mill site that was not shown on the maps we were using resulting in a lot of walking around the other ponds there. (Running total = 81.50 km.) Logistics Report Eastern Geophysics Limited. Thursday, August 30, 2007 Day-24: Operating: Read 124 stations and 2 repeats, 6150 meters. Read L14200E from 10450N to 11600N, L14400E from 11800N to 10300N, L14600E from 10200N to 11800N and L14800E from 11800N to 9900N. There was a chaining error on L14800E resulting in the need to resurvey the section from 11150N to 11800N. (Running total = 87.65 km.) Friday, August 31, 2007 Day-25: Operating: Read 52 stations, 3100 meters. Read L15000E from 11800N to 9350N and we reread L14800E from 11150N to 11800N after that chaining error was fixed. (Running total = 90.75 km.) Tuesday, September 4, 2007 Day-26: Operating: Read 45 stations and two repeats, 2200 meters. Read L14000E from 10000N to 8200N and reread L13800E from 8200N to 8600N. This completes the grid. (Running total = 92.95 km.) PROJECT SUMMARY * Invoice 0706-1 includes DGPS surveying from June 19 to July 16, 2007. The following totals reflect that invoice amount. 1.0 - Travel day 12.0 - Operating days 13.0 - Total days 45800 m - Total line kilometers surveyed on -1 * Invoice 0706-2 includes DGPS surveying on July 17 and from August 10 to September 04, 2007. July 17 and August 10 to September 4, 2007 1.0 –Bad weather day 0.0 - Travel day 12.0 - Operating days 13.0 - Total days Inv.# 0706-1 = 45.80 km. Inv.# 0706-2 = 47.15 km. Project Total = 92.95 km. 47150 meters - Total line kilometers surveyed on -2 Logistics Report Eastern Geophysics Limited. For additional information, please contact the following: Brian d’Entremont Eastern Geophysics Limited 819, Hwy. 335, West Pubnico, NS B0W 3S0 Phone: (902) 762-3037 Fax: (902) 762-3434 Brian.d@ns.sympatico.ca Bennett d’Eon Eastern Geophysics Limited 33 Pratt Street, Corner Brook, NL Phone: (709) 634-8512 Fax: (709) 634-8515 b.deon@nl.rogers.com Logistics Report Buchans River - Titan Grid, Buchans, NL, June 19 to September 4, 2007 - NAD83, Zone 21 Line Station UTMX UTMY Orth. Height 10000E 8200N 504215.397 5408387.716 306.422 10000E 8250N 504239.013 5408431.454 306.837 10000E 8300N 504262.797 5408475.516 306.794 10000E 8350N 504286.216 5408519.174 306.481 10000E 8400N 504309.719 5408563.257 306.029 10000E 8450N 504333.408 5408607.458 305.845 10000E 8500N 504357.139 5408651.673 305.922 10000E 8550N 504380.436 5408695.745 305.563 10000E 8600N 504404.437 5408740.024 305.696 10000E 8650N 504427.454 5408784.018 305.737 10000E 8700N 504450.658 5408827.23 305.687 10000E 8750N 504474.333 5408871.754 306.088 10000E 8800N 504497.562 5408914.519 306.399 10000E 8850N 504521.41 5408958.582 306.977 10000E 8900N 504544.804 5409002.425 306.786 10000E 8950N 504568.099 5409046.674 306.807 10000E 9000N 504591.51 5409090.343 307.228 10000E 9050N 504615.383 5409133.786 307.608 10000E 9100N 504638.373 5409177.586 309.423 10000E 9150N 504661.304 5409220.354 309.109 10000E 9200N 504684.895 5409264.138 305.473 10000E 9250N 504708.217 5409308.383 303.912 10000E 9300N 504731.598 5409352.533 303.19 10000E 9350N 504754.633 5409395.781 302.683 10000E 9400N 504777.981 5409439.73 302.678 10000E 9450N 504801.287 5409483.62 302.463 10000E 9500N 504824.558 5409527.619 302.182 10000E 9550N 504848.315 5409571.252 301.523 10000E 9600N 504871.306 5409615.124 300.865 10000E 9650N 504894.908 5409658.6 300.341 10000E 9700N 504915.881 5409698.285 298.696 10000E 9750N 504942.628 5409747.144 300.369 10000E 9800N 504965.132 5409791.338 301.266 10000E 9850N 504989.318 5409835.646 301.744 10000E 9900N 505012.719 5409880.211 302.056 10000E 9950N 505036.114 5409924.136 302.369 10000E 10000N 505059.945 5409968.129 303.219 10000E 10050N 505083.345 5410012.461 303.327 10000E 10100N 505106.789 5410056.721 303.209 10000E 10150N 505130.462 5410101.281 303.038 10000E 10200N 505154.319 5410145.633 303.517 10000E 10250N 505177.887 5410189.898 303.99 10000E 10300N 505201.233 5410234.637 304.161 10000E 10350N 505224.768 5410277.965 304.217 10000E 10400N 505247.344 5410321.719 304.337 10000E 10450N 505270.966 5410365.371 305.088 10000E 10500N 505294.434 5410410.253 305.919 10000E 10550N 505317.607 5410453.155 306.354 10000E 10600N 505340.918 5410496.476 306.362 10000E 10650N 505363.918 5410540.837 306.299 10000E 10700N 505387.422 5410584.923 306.371 10000E 10750N 505410.661 5410629.164 306.16 10000E 10800N 505433.855 5410673.131 305.886 10000E 10850N 505457.295 5410717.415 305.488 10000E 10900N 505480.387 5410760.65 304.847 10000E 10950N 505504.093 5410804.896 303.917 10000E 11000N 505527.907 5410850.555 303.256 10000E 11050N 505550.395 5410893.301 302.951 Buchans River - Titan Grid, Buchans, NL, June 19 to September 4, 2007 - NAD83, Zone 21 Line Station UTMX UTMY Orth. Height 10000E 11100N 505573.545 5410937.279 303.657 10000E 11150N 505597.265 5410981.504 304.477 10000E 11200N 505619.898 5411024.37 305.145 10000E 11250N 505642.478 5411067.038 305.935 10000E 11300N 505666.275 5411112.859 306.676 10000E 11350N 505689.664 5411156.462 307.83 10000E 11400N 505711.731 5411199.428 309.258 10000E 11450N 505735.298 5411243.229 310.296 10000E 11500N 505757.907 5411287.027 310.982 10000E 11550N 505781.602 5411331.633 311.62 10000E 11600N 505804.722 5411376.352 312.025 10000E 11650N 505827.888 5411420.569 312.377 10000E 11700N 505851.075 5411464.652 312.782 10000E 11750N 505873.626 5411507.913 312.761 10000E 11800N 505896.5 5411551.257 312.472 10200E 10200E 10200E 10200E 10200E 10200E 10200E 10200E 10200E 10200E 10200E 10200E 10200E 10200E 10200E 10200E 10200E 10200E 10200E 10200E 10200E 10200E 10200E 10200E 10200E 10200E 10200E 10200E 10200E 10200E 10200E 10200E 10200E 10200E 10200E 10200E 10200E 10200E 10200E 10200E 10200E 10200E 8200N 8250N 8300N 8350N 8400N 8450N 8500N 8550N 8600N 8650N 8700N 8750N 8800N 8850N 8900N 8950N 9000N 9050N 9100N 9150N 9200N 9250N 9300N 9350N 9400N 9450N 9500N 9550N 9600N 9650N 9700N 9750N 9800N 9850N 9900N 9950N 10000N 10050N 10100N 10150N 10200N 10250N 504384.511 504408.414 504431.763 504455.372 504479.325 504502.698 504526.557 504549.503 504573.179 504596.959 504620.308 504643.777 504666.98 504691.308 504714.62 504739.045 504762.398 504785.898 504809.099 504833.056 504856.823 504880.048 504903.661 504927.526 504951.398 504974.734 504998.466 505022.049 505046.03 505070.215 505093.549 505116.311 505139.984 505163.555 505186.839 505210.417 505234.306 505257.867 505281.477 505305.003 505329.968 505352.596 5408292.278 5408336.088 5408380.104 5408423.641 5408467.273 5408510.982 5408554.534 5408598.176 5408642.347 5408686.606 5408729.895 5408773.848 5408817.032 5408860.781 5408905.526 5408949.595 5408993.837 5409037.795 5409081.31 5409125.403 5409169.357 5409213.677 5409257.499 5409301.808 5409345.743 5409389.978 5409433.954 5409478.204 5409522.785 5409567.616 5409610.747 5409653.465 5409697.674 5409741.555 5409785.272 5409830.042 5409874.445 5409918.095 5409962.31 5410006.594 5410051.384 5410095.239 307.567 307.511 307.835 308.25 308.673 309.066 309.488 309.743 309.945 310.027 310.412 312.171 312.445 312.632 312.553 312.826 313.393 313.402 313.062 311.386 309.104 307.602 306.036 305.179 304.327 303.513 302.939 301.724 300.218 298.212 300.011 300.742 301.054 301.415 301.563 301.44 301.528 301.626 301.522 301.712 301.504 301.305 Buchans River - Titan Grid, Buchans, NL, June 19 to September 4, 2007 - NAD83, Zone 21 Line Station UTMX UTMY Orth. Height 10200E 10300N 505375.741 5410139.14 301.312 10200E 10350N 505399.346 5410182.972 301.15 10200E 10400N 505422.95 5410227.655 300.628 10200E 10450N 505446.36 5410271.599 300.289 10200E 10500N 505470.311 5410315.579 300.101 10200E 10550N 505493.641 5410359.261 299.901 10200E 10600N 505517.226 5410403.242 299.965 10200E 10650N 505540.606 5410447.086 300.188 10200E 10700N 505564 5410490.99 300.44 10200E 10750N 505587.631 5410534.725 300.585 10200E 10800N 505611.172 5410578.428 300.76 10200E 10850N 505634.571 5410622.574 300.757 10200E 10900N 505658.368 5410666.863 300.64 10200E 10950N 505682.007 5410710.971 300.648 10200E 11000N 505705.691 5410754.908 299.977 10200E 11050N 505729.165 5410798.847 298.983 10200E 11100N 505753.65 5410844.434 298.165 10200E 11150N 505776.757 5410887.038 299.535 10200E 11200N 505799.999 5410931.24 300.298 10200E 11250N 505823.492 5410974.674 300.105 10200E 11300N 505847.117 5411018.994 300.716 10200E 11350N 505870.895 5411063.019 301.3 10200E 11400N 505894.39 5411106.8 302.503 10200E 11450N 505917.693 5411150.623 303.377 10200E 11500N 505941.656 5411194.525 304.1 10200E 11550N 505965.166 5411238.712 305.251 10200E 11600N 505988.679 5411282.744 305.557 10200E 11650N 506012.149 5411326.926 305.882 10200E 11700N 506035.63 5411370.607 306.513 10200E 11750N 506059.325 5411414.51 307.28 10200E 11800N 506082.565 5411458.328 307.543 10400E 10400E 10400E 10400E 10400E 10400E 10400E 10400E 10400E 10400E 10400E 10400E 10400E 10400E 10400E 10400E 10400E 10400E 10400E 10400E 10400E 10400E 10400E 10400E 10400E 10400E 8200N 8250N 8300N 8350N 8400N 8450N 8500N 8550N 8600N 8650N 8700N 8750N 8800N 8850N 8900N 8950N 9000N 9050N 9100N 9150N 9200N 9250N 9300N 9350N 9400N 9450N 504563.339 504586.184 504610.22 504633.459 504656.864 504679.841 504702.774 504726.168 504749.784 504772.914 504796.397 504820.912 504843.289 504866.631 504890.08 504913.385 504938.215 504959.408 504979.524 505007.372 505029.941 505053.368 505076.765 505100.177 505124.176 505147.321 5408200.334 5408244.207 5408288.931 5408332.566 5408376.608 5408420.814 5408464.001 5408508.219 5408552.068 5408596.176 5408640.453 5408685.669 5408729.241 5408773.078 5408817.032 5408860.693 5408903.074 5408947.116 5408986.285 5409035.333 5409079.755 5409123.166 5409166.794 5409210.989 5409256.015 5409299.16 308.389 308.862 309.465 310.037 310.86 312.524 314.033 315.655 317.109 317.872 319.356 320.788 320.855 323.137 324.989 326.749 327.396 325.299 324.746 323.622 320.102 316.806 313.783 310.324 308.088 305.492 Buchans River - Titan Grid, Buchans, NL, June 19 to September 4, 2007 - NAD83, Zone 21 Line Station UTMX UTMY Orth. Height 10400E 9500N 505171.005 5409342.981 303.804 10400E 9550N 505194.251 5409386.995 302.302 10400E 9600N 505217.334 5409430.524 300.269 10400E 9650N 505240.592 5409473.104 298.838 10400E 9700N 505265.163 5409518.992 298.813 10400E 9750N 505288.462 5409562.221 299.231 10400E 9800N 505311.881 5409605.839 299.311 10400E 9850N 505335.57 5409649.821 299.247 10400E 9900N 505358.882 5409694.313 299.292 10400E 9950N 505383.192 5409737.206 298.858 10400E 10000N 505406.74 5409781.341 299.319 10400E 10050N 505432.214 5409824.636 299.911 10400E 10100N 505454.35 5409869.055 300.017 10400E 10150N 505477.941 5409912.604 300.06 10400E 10200N 505501.578 5409956.126 299.899 10400E 10250N 505522.099 5409993.846 299.845 10400E 10300N 505545.166 5410036.855 299.435 10400E 10350N 505568.675 5410080.395 298.867 10400E 10400N 505591.219 5410121.536 298.092 10400E 10450N 505614.28 5410163.821 297.893 10400E 10500N 505637.317 5410206.267 297.005 10400E 10550N 505660.342 5410248.782 296.807 10400E 10600N 505683.702 5410291.845 296.65 10400E 10650N 505706.681 5410334.581 296.785 10400E 10700N 505729.748 5410376.745 297.351 10400E 10750N 505752.745 5410419.446 297.941 10400E 10800N 505775.662 5410462.577 298.058 10400E 10850N 505799.396 5410504.895 298.13 10400E 10900N 505822.905 5410548.354 297.918 10400E 10950N 505846.024 5410590.88 297.503 10400E 11000N 505869.207 5410633.657 296.932 10400E 11050N 505892.605 5410676.323 296.45 10400E 11100N 505915.489 5410719.053 297.234 10400E 11150N 505936.871 5410760.058 293.618 10400E 11200N 505959.442 5410804.916 293.608 10400E 11250N 505986.078 5410847.593 293.525 10400E 11300N 506005.507 5410892.524 294.61 10400E 11350N 506036.08 5410928.979 293.509 10400E 11400N 506054.485 5410979.766 296.352 10400E 11450N 506077.298 5411023.217 297.256 10400E 11500N 506100.011 5411067.712 297.566 10400E 11550N 506122.63 5411109.884 298.56 10400E 11600N 506145.944 5411153.535 299.593 10400E 11650N 506168.591 5411196.696 300.857 10400E 11700N 506191.177 5411239.714 301.519 10400E 11750N 506213.875 5411283.273 302.472 10400E 11800N 506236.497 5411326.349 302.771 10600E 10600E 10600E 10600E 10600E 10600E 10600E 10600E 10600E 10600E 8200N 8250N 8300N 8350N 8400N 8450N 8500N 8550N 8600N 8650N 504731.569 504755.487 504778.826 504801.975 504825.871 504848.939 504873.043 504896.359 504920.81 504944.351 5408112.971 5408156.969 5408199.489 5408243.153 5408285.794 5408329.203 5408373.09 5408417.096 5408460.891 5408505.38 307.83 309.12 309.821 310.084 310.725 313.231 314.418 316.305 317.283 318.322 Buchans River - Titan Grid, Buchans, NL, June 19 to September 4, 2007 - NAD83, Zone 21 Line Station UTMX UTMY Orth. Height 10600E 8700N 504967.96 5408548.926 319.248 10600E 8750N 504990.554 5408591.278 321.039 10600E 8800N 505017.259 5408641.143 322.901 10600E 8850N 505042.408 5408673.231 322.947 10600E 8900N 505062.887 5408724.042 324.347 10600E 8950N 505089.047 5408771.073 329.089 10600E 9000N 505107.28 5408806.644 332.098 10600E 9050N 505134.137 5408854.343 337.149 10600E 9100N 505152.189 5408905.063 333.912 10600E 9150N 505176.912 5408938.622 329.865 10600E 9200N 505205.516 5408986.258 324.345 10600E 9250N 505226.973 5409032.375 318.87 10600E 9300N 505251.581 5409073.503 314.091 10600E 9350N 505275.053 5409117.554 310.299 10600E 9400N 505298.384 5409160.93 306.868 10600E 9450N 505321.901 5409205.499 304.317 10600E 9500N 505345.739 5409250.082 302.424 10600E 9550N 505369.181 5409294.6 299.935 10600E 9600N 505392.636 5409338.226 299.061 10600E 9650N 505416.617 5409382.367 298.586 10600E 9700N 505438.683 5409422.734 298.092 10600E 9750N 505461.658 5409466.457 298.118 10600E 9800N 505487.681 5409515.864 298.482 10600E 9850N 505510.161 5409556.436 298.594 10600E 9900N 505533.364 5409600.333 298.589 10600E 9950N 505556.907 5409644.237 298.469 10600E 10000N 505580.473 5409687.737 298.605 10600E 10050N 505603.692 5409731.338 298.672 10600E 10100N 505626.917 5409774.746 298.626 10600E 10150N 505650.241 5409818.169 298.599 10600E 10200N 505673.069 5409860.98 298.474 10600E 10250N 505697.319 5409906.113 298.311 10600E 10300N 505720.178 5409949.255 297.889 10600E 10350N 505742.977 5409992.711 297.466 10600E 10400N 505766.127 5410029.48 295.548 10600E 10450N 505793.612 5410085.123 298.109 10600E 10500N 505816.123 5410128.014 298.47 10600E 10550N 505838.823 5410172.714 298.027 10600E 10600N 505862.236 5410217.203 298.096 10600E 10650N 505886.485 5410261.285 297.67 10600E 10700N 505909.797 5410305.691 298.68 10600E 10750N 505933.253 5410349.733 299.244 10600E 10800N 505956.675 5410393.938 299.635 10600E 10850N 505980.092 5410438.281 300.041 10600E 10900N 506003.359 5410482.611 300.254 10600E 10950N 506027.3 5410527.192 300.236 10600E 11000N 506050.657 5410571.408 299.794 10600E 11050N 506073.688 5410615.753 299.489 10600E 11100N 506096.986 5410660.229 299.004 10600E 11150N 506120.902 5410704.851 298.473 10600E 11200N 506144.768 5410748.835 298.027 10600E 11250N 506167.832 5410793.772 297.647 10600E 11300N 506190.99 5410838.314 297.299 10600E 11350N 506214.501 5410882.24 297.135 10600E 11400N 506238.648 5410926.122 296.514 10600E 11450N 506261.721 5410970.423 296.53 10600E 11500N 506285.557 5411014.537 295.883 10600E 11550N 506309.005 5411058.539 294.797 Buchans River - Titan Grid, Buchans, NL, June 19 to September 4, 2007 - NAD83, Zone 21 Line Station UTMX UTMY Orth. Height 10800E 10800E 10800E 10800E 10800E 10800E 10800E 10800E 10800E 10800E 10800E 10800E 10800E 10800E 10800E 10800E 10800E 10800E 10800E 10800E 10800E 10800E 10800E 10800E 10800E 10800E 10800E 10800E 10800E 10800E 10800E 10800E 10800E 10800E 10800E 10800E 10800E 10800E 10800E 10800E 10800E 10800E 10800E 10800E 10800E 10800E 10800E 10800E 10800E 10800E 10800E 10800E 10800E 10800E 10800E 10800E 10800E 8200N 8250N 8300N 8350N 8400N 8450N 8500N 8550N 8600N 8650N 8700N 8750N 8800N 8850N 8900N 8950N 9000N 9050N 9100N 9150N 9200N 9250N 9300N 9350N 9400N 9450N 9500N 9550N 9600N 9650N 9750N 9800N 9850N 9900N 9950N 10000N 10050N 10100N 10150N 10200N 10250N 10300N 10350N 10400N 10450N 10500N 10550N 10600N 10650N 10700N 10750N 10800N 10850N 10900N 10950N 11000N 11050N 504901.548 504925.336 504949.761 504973.305 504997.737 505021.71 505045.934 505069.883 505093.894 505117.993 505140.538 505165.416 505188.845 505212.599 505236.33 505260.204 505283.814 505308.26 505331.075 505355.051 505376.949 505402.519 505424.942 505448.474 505471.996 505495.376 505519.258 505543.004 505566.386 505588.382 505636.978 505660.699 505684.473 505714.658 505731.872 505755.925 505779.417 505802.248 505826.028 505849.579 505872.782 505895.974 505920.488 505944.197 505967.863 505991.315 506015.178 506038.556 506061.99 506085.884 506109.166 506133.527 506157.449 506180.282 506203.735 506227.116 506251.317 5408014.087 5408057.818 5408101.752 5408145.475 5408189.07 5408232.661 5408276.59 5408321.216 5408364.599 5408408.275 5408449.924 5408495.037 5408537.426 5408581.251 5408625.288 5408669.488 5408713.017 5408758.358 5408800.585 5408845.089 5408887.38 5408934.934 5408976.431 5409020.121 5409064.26 5409108.108 5409152.021 5409196.765 5409240.389 5409280.993 5409372.131 5409417.34 5409460.796 5409508.493 5409548.868 5409593.566 5409637.195 5409680.547 5409724.92 5409768.479 5409813.051 5409857.393 5409902.372 5409947.183 5409991.852 5410036.03 5410080.317 5410124.254 5410168.453 5410212.74 5410256.843 5410300.742 5410345.783 5410389.511 5410433.54 5410477.741 5410521.542 310.112 309.891 309.897 310.072 311.288 311.625 311.45 311.72 312.454 313.676 314.985 316.325 316.912 316.572 316.593 316.391 318 319.783 318.331 317.392 313.669 309.635 306.552 304.014 301.775 299.936 298.622 298.022 297.942 297.998 297.722 297.387 297.341 296.406 297.547 296.962 297.269 298.337 297.837 297.423 297.573 296.809 297.935 298.869 299.66 300.276 300.67 300.938 301.216 301.356 301.64 302.175 302.949 302.899 302.66 302.642 302.458 Buchans River - Titan Grid, Buchans, NL, June 19 to September 4, 2007 - NAD83, Zone 21 Line Station UTMX UTMY Orth. Height 10800E 11100N 506274.927 5410565.476 302.406 10800E 11150N 506298.231 5410609.848 302.206 10800E 11200N 506321.988 5410654.388 302.238 10800E 11250N 506345.94 5410697.818 302.146 10800E 11300N 506369.034 5410742.167 302.127 10800E 11350N 506392.05 5410786.388 302.234 10800E 11400N 506415.994 5410830.351 302.367 10800E 11450N 506439.813 5410874.434 302.345 10800E 11500N 506462.996 5410918.627 302.145 10800E 11550N 506486.526 5410962.978 302.392 10800E 11600N 506510.67 5411007.586 301.719 10800E 11650N 506534.386 5411051.601 300.968 10800E 11700N 506557.214 5411095.708 300.82 10800E 11750N 506581.249 5411139.722 299.881 10800E 11800N 506607.076 5411181.174 298.369 11000E 11000E 11000E 11000E 11000E 11000E 11000E 11000E 11000E 11000E 11000E 11000E 11000E 11000E 11000E 11000E 11000E 11000E 11000E 11000E 11000E 11000E 11000E 11000E 11000E 11000E 11000E 11000E 11000E 11000E 11000E 11000E 11000E 11000E 11000E 11000E 11000E 11000E 11000E 11000E 11000E 11000E 8200N 8250N 8300N 8350N 8400N 8450N 8500N 8550N 8600N 8650N 8700N 8750N 8800N 8850N 8900N 8950N 9000N 9050N 9100N 9150N 9200N 9250N 9300N 9350N 9400N 9450N 9500N 9550N 9600N 9650N 9700N 9750N 9800N 9850N 9900N 9950N 10000N 10050N 10100N 10150N 10200N 10250N 505079.728 505103.886 505127.406 505151.101 505175.105 505198.54 505222.028 505245.336 505269.18 505292.336 505316.002 505339.339 505363.235 505386.583 505410.387 505433.49 505456.83 505480.887 505503.719 505527.94 505551.219 505575.366 505598.755 505622.208 505646.313 505670.117 505693.777 505717.532 505740.79 505764.462 505788.421 505812.231 505835.944 505860.567 505884.29 505907.647 505931.959 505955.694 505979.54 506003.298 506027.004 506050.76 5407911.702 5407956.476 5408000.295 5408044.269 5408088.374 5408132.484 5408176.559 5408220.441 5408264.611 5408308.494 5408352.434 5408396.447 5408440.838 5408484.368 5408529.184 5408572.301 5408616.718 5408660.675 5408704.17 5408748.363 5408792.628 5408837.422 5408880.771 5408925.057 5408969.592 5409013.635 5409057.193 5409101.17 5409145.081 5409188.625 5409232.644 5409276.651 5409321.078 5409365.781 5409409.63 5409453.216 5409497.873 5409542.055 5409585.782 5409629.664 5409673.602 5409717.349 310.786 310.561 311.724 311.267 311.378 311.315 310.911 310.91 311.308 311.75 312.23 312.469 312.597 313.148 313.24 311.847 310.466 308.964 307.196 304.788 302.599 301.655 300.484 299.604 298.788 297.939 297.731 297.712 297.74 297.408 297.791 297.51 297.182 297.327 298.221 298.318 298.614 298.062 298.236 298.392 299.114 299.652 Buchans River - Titan Grid, Buchans, NL, June 19 to September 4, 2007 - NAD83, Zone 21 Line Station UTMX UTMY Orth. Height 11000E 10300N 506074.546 5409761.479 300.295 11000E 10350N 506098.827 5409806.548 300.569 11000E 10400N 506122.457 5409850.138 301.601 11000E 10450N 506146.625 5409894.469 302.164 11000E 10500N 506170.572 5409938.574 303.235 11000E 10550N 506194.488 5409983.104 303.303 11000E 10600N 506218.457 5410027.201 303.872 11000E 10650N 506242.059 5410071.227 304.349 11000E 10700N 506266.101 5410115.137 305.056 11000E 10750N 506290.44 5410159.589 306.417 11000E 10800N 506314.021 5410203.654 306.934 11000E 10850N 506338.019 5410247.849 306.851 11000E 10900N 506362.084 5410292.07 306.814 11000E 10950N 506385.993 5410335.785 306.906 11000E 11000N 506409.986 5410379.968 307.283 11000E 11050N 506433.911 5410424.126 307.324 11000E 11100N 506457.575 5410468.044 307.602 11000E 11150N 506481.449 5410511.775 307.434 11000E 11200N 506505.281 5410555.703 307.816 11000E 11250N 506529.146 5410599.711 308.869 11000E 11300N 506553.149 5410643.058 309.545 11000E 11350N 506576.731 5410686.614 310.051 11000E 11400N 506600.358 5410730.296 310.158 11000E 11450N 506624.048 5410774.489 310.731 11000E 11500N 506648.12 5410818.244 310.381 11000E 11550N 506671.949 5410861.943 309.097 11000E 11600N 506695.899 5410905.843 308.312 11000E 11650N 506719.725 5410949.767 307.604 11000E 11700N 506743.404 5410993.803 306.197 11000E 11750N 506767.41 5411037.188 303.66 11000E 11800N 506791.258 5411081.094 302.277 11200E 11200E 11200E 11200E 11200E 11200E 11200E 11200E 11200E 11200E 11200E 11200E 11200E 11200E 11200E 11200E 11200E 11200E 11200E 11200E 11200E 11200E 11200E 11200E 11200E 11200E 8200N 8250N 8300N 8350N 8400N 8450N 8500N 8550N 8600N 8650N 8700N 8750N 8800N 8850N 8900N 8950N 9000N 9050N 9100N 9150N 9200N 9250N 9300N 9350N 9400N 9450N 505247.263 505271.197 505283.734 505306.425 505353.621 505376.252 505399.933 505423.94 505447.773 505471.719 505494.06 505517.019 505540.11 505563.934 505587.465 505611.532 505637.76 505657.828 505677.911 505706.2 505728.832 505752.747 505776.554 505803.191 505824.117 505847.825 5407800.768 5407844.943 5407916.217 5407961.409 5407999.303 5408041.926 5408087.924 5408131.7 5408174.822 5408217.152 5408261.951 5408305.061 5408348.623 5408392.687 5408436.732 5408480.706 5408522.938 5408567.596 5408603.274 5408656.822 5408699.746 5408743.414 5408787.482 5408832.21 5408875.922 5408920.012 307.087 307.554 307.056 307.015 307.772 308.655 308.774 308.739 308.777 308.772 310.326 311.128 311.465 312.203 311.148 309.406 307.741 305.826 303.932 301.368 300.544 299.582 298.064 299.103 299.706 299.885 Buchans River - Titan Grid, Buchans, NL, June 19 to September 4, 2007 - NAD83, Zone 21 Line Station UTMX UTMY Orth. Height 11200E 9500N 505871.414 5408962.939 301.278 11200E 9550N 505894.766 5409006.421 302.065 11200E 9600N 505918.077 5409049.375 302.884 11200E 9650N 505941.727 5409093.472 303.712 11200E 9700N 505965.768 5409137.738 304.904 11200E 9750N 505989.283 5409181.73 305.498 11200E 9800N 506012.924 5409225.816 306.303 11200E 9850N 506036.754 5409270.056 306.782 11200E 9900N 506060.783 5409314.189 306.929 11200E 9950N 506084.878 5409358.364 306.842 11200E 10000N 506108.496 5409402.361 306.412 11200E 10050N 506131.752 5409444.632 305.527 11200E 10100N 506154.364 5409487.382 305.625 11200E 10150N 506177.447 5409529.953 305.879 11200E 10200N 506200.585 5409572.496 306.139 11200E 10250N 506224.032 5409615.312 306.828 11200E 10300N 506247.035 5409658.497 308.174 11200E 10350N 506269.979 5409700.938 307.123 11200E 10400N 506292.891 5409743.818 306.775 11200E 10450N 506318.652 5409790.516 306.86 11200E 10500N 506339.595 5409835.282 307.226 11200E 10550N 506364.062 5409874.784 307.182 11200E 10600N 506387.316 5409917.527 307.587 11200E 10650N 506410.235 5409960.385 307.936 11200E 10700N 506433.392 5410002.965 308.756 11200E 10750N 506456.048 5410045.176 309.408 11200E 10800N 506478.928 5410088.164 309.461 11200E 10850N 506502.171 5410130.575 309.89 11200E 10900N 506525.037 5410173.182 310.388 11200E 10950N 506547.698 5410216.227 311.58 11200E 11000N 506570.973 5410258.332 312.145 11200E 11050N 506593.156 5410299.684 312.936 11200E 11100N 506616.506 5410343.267 313.772 11200E 11150N 506639.606 5410385.965 313.943 11200E 11200N 506662.434 5410428.601 314.156 11200E 11250N 506685.267 5410471.072 315.073 11200E 11300N 506708.326 5410513.995 315.846 11200E 11350N 506730.826 5410556.438 316.119 11200E 11400N 506755.078 5410603.317 317.072 11200E 11450N 506778.781 5410646.266 317.408 11200E 11500N 506803.011 5410691.224 317.227 11200E 11550N 506827.078 5410735.813 316.419 11200E 11600N 506851.005 5410780.211 315.542 11200E 11650N 506875.003 5410824.838 314.275 11200E 11700N 506899.143 5410870.088 312.637 11200E 11750N 506923.25 5410914.336 311.339 11200E 11800N 506947.46 5410959.217 310.39 11400E 11400E 11400E 11400E 11400E 11400E 11400E 11400E 11400E 11400E 8200N 8250N 8300N 8350N 8400N 8450N 8500N 8550N 8600N 8650N 505439.759 505463.795 505486.856 505511.021 505537.339 505559.04 505583.711 505605.666 505629.149 505653.661 5407732.927 5407776.831 5407822.248 5407864.866 5407909.104 5407954.548 5408001.029 5408042.614 5408086.422 5408131.595 310.65 310.967 312.209 313.81 315.952 309.729 305.896 304.957 306.015 307.574 Buchans River - Titan Grid, Buchans, NL, June 19 to September 4, 2007 - NAD83, Zone 21 Line Station UTMX UTMY Orth. Height 11400E 8700N 505675.355 5408173.301 309.995 11400E 8750N 505697.717 5408215.282 313.214 11400E 8800N 505724.532 5408263.298 315.234 11400E 8850N 505742.286 5408302.967 314.726 11400E 8900N 505770.277 5408351.033 312.882 11400E 8950N 505797.003 5408389.875 308.901 11400E 9000N 505816.708 5408437.566 305.268 11400E 9050N 505840.362 5408480.163 301.586 11400E 9100N 505863.96 5408524.293 299.906 11400E 9200N 505906.974 5408605.829 299.006 11400E 9250N 505931.063 5408650.716 301.176 11400E 9300N 505955.599 5408695.04 302.329 11400E 9350N 505978.317 5408739.171 303.616 11400E 9400N 506002.39 5408782.993 304.942 11400E 9450N 506026.339 5408827.257 307.021 11400E 9500N 506049.501 5408871.232 308.765 11400E 9550N 506073.342 5408914.809 310.6 11400E 9600N 506096.655 5408959.053 312.077 11400E 9650N 506120.63 5409002.467 313.295 11400E 9700N 506144.129 5409046.679 313.818 11400E 9750N 506167.608 5409090.684 314.341 11400E 9800N 506191.748 5409133.203 314.777 11400E 9850N 506214.374 5409177.516 314.69 11400E 9900N 506237.971 5409220.194 314.279 11400E 9950N 506261.858 5409264.364 313.777 11400E 10000N 506284.665 5409307.673 313.1 11400E 10050N 506308.56 5409352.375 312.975 11400E 10100N 506332.288 5409397.324 313.312 11400E 10150N 506356.65 5409441.813 313.909 11400E 10200N 506380.377 5409486.798 314.018 11400E 10250N 506404.215 5409530.446 313.607 11400E 10300N 506427.65 5409574.851 312.895 11400E 10350N 506451.301 5409619.104 312.093 11400E 10400N 506475.443 5409663.999 311.196 11400E 10450N 506498.832 5409708.071 310.794 11400E 10500N 506522.761 5409752.071 310.825 11400E 10550N 506546.369 5409796.238 310.702 11400E 10600N 506570.747 5409841.665 310.878 11400E 10650N 506593.481 5409884.438 311.184 11400E 10700N 506616.967 5409928.541 311.664 11400E 10750N 506640.381 5409972.348 312.596 11400E 10800N 506663.879 5410016.881 313.48 11400E 10850N 506688.964 5410063.151 315.158 11400E 10900N 506711.061 5410105.366 315.8 11400E 10950N 506734.656 5410149.082 318.54 11400E 11000N 506758.354 5410193.109 321.147 11400E 11050N 506781.41 5410237.105 323.6 11400E 11100N 506805.373 5410282.131 326.213 11400E 11150N 506829.127 5410326.573 327.722 11400E 11200N 506852.986 5410370.829 327.989 11400E 11250N 506876.53 5410415.106 327.294 11400E 11300N 506900.281 5410459.521 328.085 11400E 11350N 506924.108 5410504.266 329.168 11400E 11400N 506947.244 5410545.753 326.739 11400E 11450N 506971.547 5410591.255 324.926 11400E 11500N 506995.329 5410635.654 322.673 11400E 11550N 507019.055 5410679.396 321.531 11400E 11600N 507043.076 5410723.495 320.722 Buchans River - Titan Grid, Buchans, NL, June 19 to September 4, 2007 - NAD83, Zone 21 Line Station UTMX UTMY Orth. Height 11400E 11650N 507066.88 5410767.294 319.91 11400E 11700N 507090.66 5410811.198 319.519 11400E 11750N 507114.478 5410855.085 318.674 11400E 11800N 507138.431 5410899.192 316.96 11600E 11600E 11600E 11600E 11600E 11600E 11600E 11600E 11600E 11600E 11600E 11600E 11600E 11600E 11600E 11600E 11600E 11600E 11600E 11600E 11600E 11600E 11600E 11600E 11600E 11600E 11600E 11600E 11600E 11600E 11600E 11600E 11600E 11600E 11600E 11600E 11600E 11600E 11600E 11600E 11600E 11600E 11600E 11600E 11600E 11600E 11600E 11600E 11600E 11600E 11600E 11600E 11600E 8200N 8250N 8300N 8350N 8400N 8450N 8500N 8700N 8750N 8800N 8850N 8900N 8950N 9150N 9200N 9250N 9300N 9350N 9400N 9450N 9500N 9550N 9600N 9650N 9700N 9750N 9800N 9850N 9900N 9950N 10000N 10050N 10100N 10150N 10200N 10250N 10300N 10350N 10400N 10450N 10500N 10550N 10600N 10650N 10700N 10750N 10800N 10850N 10900N 10950N 11000N 11050N 11100N 505608.951 505634.453 505658.305 505682.34 505706.851 505730.571 505755.505 505835.935 505860.178 505883.822 505909.749 505930.275 505955.477 506059.086 506082.601 506106.374 506130.289 506154.513 506176.607 506200.421 506224.251 506247.654 506271.483 506296.032 506319.735 506348.071 506368.014 506390.479 506413.832 506434.761 506461.055 506484.584 506508.141 506531.958 506555.421 506578.693 506602.844 506626.192 506649.516 506675.21 506699.169 506723.057 506746.78 506770.312 506794.098 506817.997 506841.529 506865.118 506889.009 506912.481 506935.567 506958.829 506981.976 5407636.231 5407679.591 5407724.217 5407769.177 5407813.828 5407858.525 5407903.421 5408050.548 5408094.58 5408137.653 5408181.902 5408227.827 5408272.138 5408463.26 5408507.199 5408551.179 5408595.155 5408641.075 5408682.501 5408727.137 5408770.73 5408814.338 5408858.822 5408904.013 5408947.617 5408995.125 5409035.544 5409080.729 5409124.182 5409165.618 5409212.729 5409256.503 5409300.703 5409344.895 5409388.709 5409432.689 5409476.742 5409520.972 5409564.372 5409612.055 5409655.981 5409701.213 5409745.302 5409789.158 5409833.395 5409877.367 5409921.225 5409965.459 5410009.338 5410052.887 5410096.156 5410139.772 5410184.079 309.344 307.819 306.459 304.347 301.876 301.114 300.172 300.145 300.987 304.011 304.559 303.076 299.708 300.163 303.623 307.145 310.373 312.25 312.44 314.12 315.338 317.957 319.463 319.843 320.243 320.126 321.262 322.34 322.049 320.789 320.177 321.268 320.87 320.472 315.702 315.073 314.583 313.637 313.047 312.064 311.573 311.99 312.55 313.357 314.092 315.807 317.036 319.361 323.368 328.537 332.702 342.365 350.557 Buchans River - Titan Grid, Buchans, NL, June 19 to September 4, 2007 - NAD83, Zone 21 Line Station UTMX UTMY Orth. Height 11600E 11150N 507005.387 5410227.521 358.952 11600E 11200N 507028.736 5410271.049 356.557 11600E 11250N 507050.662 5410313.343 348.715 11600E 11300N 507074.99 5410357.412 342.79 11600E 11350N 507097.337 5410401.218 338.481 11600E 11400N 507120.787 5410444.927 335.526 11600E 11450N 507144.275 5410488.959 332.692 11600E 11500N 507167.781 5410532.837 331 11600E 11550N 507190.802 5410576.261 330.553 11600E 11600N 507214.033 5410619.995 330.124 11600E 11650N 507238.01 5410664.514 328.838 11600E 11700N 507261.045 5410708.167 326.636 11600E 11750N 507284.391 5410751.686 324.152 11600E 11800N 507307.694 5410795.455 321.917 11800E 11800E 11800E 11800E 11800E 11800E 11800E 11800E 11800E 11800E 11800E 11800E 11800E 11800E 11800E 11800E 11800E 11800E 11800E 11800E 11800E 11800E 11800E 11800E 11800E 11800E 11800E 11800E 11800E 11800E 11800E 11800E 11800E 11800E 11800E 11800E 11800E 11800E 11800E 11800E 11800E 11800E 11800E 8200N 8250N 8300N 8350N 8400N 8700N 8750N 8800N 8850N 8900N 8950N 9000N 9050N 9100N 9150N 9200N 9250N 9300N 9350N 9400N 9450N 9500N 9550N 9600N 9650N 9700N 9750N 9800N 9850N 9900N 9950N 10000N 10050N 10100N 10150N 10200N 10250N 10300N 10350N 10400N 10450N 10500N 10550N 505776.773 505800.296 505823.779 505847.679 505872.233 506017.916 506040.133 506063.842 506087.83 506111.678 506135.263 506158.768 506182.928 506206.601 506230.369 506254.269 506278.426 506302.41 506326.244 506350.598 506374.331 506398.299 506422.507 506446.488 506469.988 506494.091 506517.956 506542.014 506565.951 506589.529 506613.741 506637.301 506660.842 506684.264 506707.602 506730.439 506753.601 506776.676 506799.801 506823.066 506846.007 506869.897 506892.513 5407519.525 5407563.453 5407607.276 5407651.961 5407695.104 5407965.625 5408009.599 5408053.678 5408098.034 5408142.49 5408186.446 5408230.39 5408274.917 5408319.187 5408363.798 5408408.096 5408452.581 5408496.785 5408540.975 5408586.383 5408630.87 5408675.229 5408719.285 5408763.85 5408807.412 5408851.826 5408896.508 5408940.61 5408983.749 5409029.162 5409072.976 5409117.65 5409161.218 5409204.846 5409248.187 5409290.472 5409333.906 5409376.681 5409419.454 5409462.615 5409505.692 5409548.87 5409592.229 304.502 304.995 303.155 301.23 299.897 299.922 300.966 301.993 302.502 302.284 302.191 301.934 303.673 305.594 307.526 310.066 313.32 315.723 317.813 319.948 321.041 322.59 323.726 324.156 324.155 324.28 324.865 324.446 323.311 322.167 320.669 316.562 319.743 316.404 315.854 312.58 312.26 312.054 311.282 310.805 310.523 310.443 310.571 Buchans River - Titan Grid, Buchans, NL, June 19 to September 4, 2007 - NAD83, Zone 21 Line Station UTMX UTMY Orth. Height 11800E 10600N 506915.692 5409635.251 310.73 11800E 10650N 506939.139 5409678.381 311.455 11800E 10700N 506962.392 5409721.537 312.409 11800E 10750N 506985.851 5409765.287 314.005 11800E 10800N 507008.931 5409808.55 315.828 11800E 10850N 507032.614 5409852.148 318.129 11800E 10900N 507055.713 5409895.45 320.156 11800E 10950N 507078.981 5409938.831 323.791 11800E 11000N 507102.344 5409981.755 326.944 11800E 11050N 507126.063 5410025.684 331.087 11800E 11100N 507149.715 5410069.4 336.204 11800E 11150N 507173.367 5410113.067 339.063 11800E 11200N 507196.68 5410156.496 339.743 11800E 11250N 507219.918 5410199.849 340.514 11800E 11300N 507243.403 5410243.208 344.114 11800E 11350N 507266.756 5410286.629 343.344 11800E 11400N 507290.236 5410330.246 343.326 11800E 11450N 507313.582 5410373.516 342.378 11800E 11500N 507337.16 5410417.363 339.68 11800E 11550N 507360.484 5410460.653 337.982 11800E 11600N 507383.535 5410503.72 337.291 11800E 11650N 507407.369 5410547.479 333.953 11800E 11700N 507431.947 5410592.857 331.596 11800E 11750N 507454.07 5410634.208 329.092 11800E 11800N 507479.279 5410680.17 325.994 12000E 12000E 12000E 12000E 12000E 12000E 12000E 12000E 12000E 12000E 12000E 12000E 12000E 12000E 12000E 12000E 12000E 12000E 12000E 12000E 12000E 12000E 12000E 12000E 12000E 12000E 12000E 12000E 12000E 12000E 12000E 12000E 8200N 8250N 8300N 8350N 8400N 8450N 8500N 8550N 8600N 8650N 8700N 8750N 8800N 8850N 8900N 8950N 9000N 9050N 9100N 9150N 9200N 9250N 9300N 9350N 9400N 9450N 9500N 9550N 9600N 9650N 9700N 9750N 506017.376 506039.659 506062.028 506084.063 506105.781 506127.701 506149.445 506171.59 506193.426 506215.354 506237.665 506259.61 506281.63 506303.245 506325.723 506347.058 506369.412 506391.532 506413.251 506434.886 506457.17 506479.074 506500.83 506523.071 506544.926 506567.709 506590.091 506611.797 506633.702 506655.978 506678.022 506700.468 5407418.089 5407462.894 5407508.23 5407553.126 5407597.719 5407642.08 5407686.865 5407731.471 5407775.817 5407820.193 5407865.125 5407910.4 5407955.269 5407999.98 5408044.942 5408088.562 5408134.206 5408179.269 5408224.101 5408267.898 5408313.507 5408357.452 5408401.973 5408447.222 5408491.828 5408537.372 5408581.782 5408625.885 5408669.628 5408714.114 5408758.659 5408803.188 304.26 304.442 304.549 304.39 304.408 305.235 305.776 307.412 308.968 310.065 310.798 311.49 311.881 312.21 313.584 315.243 316.228 316.492 317.169 317.593 319.55 321.977 322.124 320.99 321.279 321.693 320.44 319.41 319.018 319.768 318.812 317.829 Buchans River - Titan Grid, Buchans, NL, June 19 to September 4, 2007 - NAD83, Zone 21 Line Station UTMX UTMY Orth. Height 12000E 09800N 506723.44 5408848.056 319.065 12000E 09850N 506744.921 5408891.97 314.071 12000E 09900N 506767.634 5408935.218 315.834 12000E 09950N 506790.893 5408978.595 312.771 12000E 10000N 506814.951 5409022.176 309.645 12000E 10050N 506838.414 5409066.423 308.232 12000E 10100N 506862.464 5409110.716 307.187 12000E 10150N 506886.318 5409154.58 306.92 12000E 10200N 506910.052 5409198.767 305.535 12000E 10250N 506934.095 5409242.702 305.065 12000E 10300N 506957.702 5409286.775 305.071 12000E 10350N 506981.362 5409330.571 305.298 12000E 10400N 507005.54 5409374.918 305.685 12000E 10450N 507029.461 5409419.123 305.8 12000E 10500N 507054.331 5409464.625 306.01 12000E 10550N 507077.983 5409508.186 306.267 12000E 10600N 507101.587 5409552.329 306.673 12000E 10650N 507125.6 5409596.488 307.812 12000E 10700N 507149.511 5409640.481 308.887 12000E 10750N 507173.182 5409684.469 310.264 12000E 10800N 507196.72 5409728.328 311.565 12000E 10850N 507220.535 5409771.597 314.008 12000E 10900N 507244.24 5409815.641 315.964 12000E 10950N 507268.024 5409859.841 319.008 12000E 11000N 507291.651 5409902.882 322.277 12000E 11050N 507315.062 5409946.397 323.315 12000E 11100N 507338.827 5409989.956 326.6 12000E 11150N 507362.359 5410033.698 330.238 12000E 11200N 507386.014 5410077.678 332.503 12000E 11250N 507409.809 5410121.258 336.597 12000E 11300N 507432.673 5410163.909 340.468 12000E 11350N 507457.101 5410208.083 345.155 12000E 11400N 507480.544 5410252.089 344.055 12000E 11450N 507503.7 5410295.511 341.325 12000E 11500N 507527.569 5410339.205 339.719 12000E 11550N 507551.4 5410383.306 338.801 12000E 11600N 507574.826 5410427.268 335.221 12000E 11650N 507597.148 5410468.937 331.844 12000E 11700N 507621.86 5410514.372 328.253 12000E 11750N 507645.462 5410557.956 325.531 12000E 11800N 507669.116 5410601.563 322.588 12200E 12200E 12200E 12200E 12200E 12200E 12200E 12200E 12200E 12200E 12200E 12200E 12200E 12200E 12200E 12200E 8200N 8250N 8300N 8350N 8400N 8450N 8500N 8550N 8600N 8650N 8700N 8750N 8800N 8850N 8900N 8950N 506143.249 506171.838 506197.099 506221.777 506246.303 506270.186 506293.554 506317.412 506341.987 506366.659 506386.062 506410.379 506433.246 506455.906 506479.972 506503.414 5407342.396 5407396.225 5407443.465 5407489.13 5407534.021 5407578.995 5407621.963 5407665.254 5407709.92 5407748.749 5407795.411 5407839.396 5407882.906 5407925.123 5407969.671 5408013.25 305.084 305.01 304.857 305.072 306.085 307.107 309.72 311.342 315.423 318.677 316.903 318.488 319.631 320.963 323.07 325.412 Buchans River - Titan Grid, Buchans, NL, June 19 to September 4, 2007 - NAD83, Zone 21 Line Station UTMX UTMY Orth. Height 12200E 9000N 506526.621 5408057.579 326.89 12200E 9050N 506549.661 5408100.286 329.218 12200E 9100N 506572.501 5408143.305 333.405 12200E 9150N 506595.91 5408186.749 337.953 12200E 9200N 506618.965 5408230.161 340.763 12200E 9250N 506642.692 5408273.827 337.238 12200E 9300N 506665.347 5408316.893 331.76 12200E 9350N 506689.781 5408360.176 329.269 12200E 9400N 506712.82 5408404.218 326.787 12200E 9450N 506735.5 5408447.46 323.522 12200E 9500N 506759.181 5408490.653 320.57 12200E 9550N 506782.681 5408534.705 318.099 12200E 9600N 506806.646 5408578.293 315.792 12200E 9650N 506829.736 5408622.237 313.726 12200E 9700N 506853.352 5408665.52 312.021 12200E 9750N 506876.894 5408709.94 310.825 12200E 9800N 506899.593 5408752.885 309.771 12200E 9850N 506923.469 5408796.613 307.217 12200E 9900N 506946.596 5408839.52 305.988 12200E 9950N 506969.301 5408882.97 305.283 12200E 10000N 506993.196 5408926.458 303.172 12200E 10050N 507016.241 5408970.614 300.634 12200E 10100N 507039.837 5409014.588 299.33 12200E 10150N 507063.535 5409058.432 298.105 12200E 10200N 507086.825 5409101.605 297.301 12200E 10250N 507110.359 5409145.535 297.506 12200E 10300N 507134.496 5409190.703 298.465 12200E 10350N 507157.901 5409233.9 299.456 12200E 10400N 507180.981 5409277.276 300.34 12200E 10450N 507204.636 5409320.837 300.092 12200E 10500N 507227.765 5409364.196 300.973 12200E 10550N 507251.56 5409407.672 300.759 12200E 10600N 507275.083 5409451.464 300.925 12200E 10650N 507298.391 5409495.332 301.562 12200E 10700N 507322.071 5409538.944 302.206 12200E 10750N 507345.318 5409582.42 303.374 12200E 10800N 507369.265 5409626.568 304.809 12200E 10850N 507392.583 5409670.105 306.172 12200E 10900N 507416 5409714.047 307.145 12200E 10950N 507439.79 5409757.968 308.301 12200E 11000N 507463.53 5409802.317 309.576 12200E 11050N 507487.092 5409846.189 310.222 12200E 11100N 507510.703 5409890.18 311.631 12200E 11150N 507533.945 5409933.692 313.041 12200E 11200N 507557.236 5409976.775 315.11 12200E 11250N 507580.334 5410019.825 316.202 12200E 11300N 507603.707 5410063.687 317.626 12200E 11350N 507627.437 5410107.63 319.092 12200E 11400N 507651.115 5410151.838 320.79 12200E 11450N 507674.302 5410195.816 321.485 12200E 11500N 507697.823 5410239.359 321.885 12200E 11550N 507720.948 5410282.677 321.68 12200E 11600N 507744.439 5410326.477 320.549 12200E 11650N 507767.777 5410371.298 319.066 12200E 11700N 507791.719 5410414.79 317.151 12200E 11750N 507814.759 5410459.896 314.796 12200E 11800N 507838.228 5410510.024 312.752 Buchans River - Titan Grid, Buchans, NL, June 19 to September 4, 2007 - NAD83, Zone 21 Line Station UTMX UTMY Orth. Height 12400E 8200N 506311.484 5407229.062 303.518 12400E 8250N 506322.498 5407282.025 303.575 12400E 8300N 506360.513 5407315.096 303.615 12400E 8350N 506368.877 5407368.224 304.822 12400E 8400N 506392.81 5407412.759 305.289 12400E 8450N 506417.039 5407457.203 305.519 12400E 8500N 506441.936 5407501.823 305.483 12400E 8550N 506465.035 5407546.092 305.356 12400E 8600N 506488.937 5407590.659 305.37 12400E 8650N 506512.773 5407634.646 305.38 12400E 8700N 506537.738 5407680.654 305.955 12400E 8750N 506560.961 5407723.539 307.857 12400E 8800N 506584.861 5407767.247 309.508 12400E 8850N 506611.464 5407813.299 311.592 12400E 8900N 506638.504 5407854.772 315.285 12400E 8950N 506658.153 5407899.597 319.875 12400E 9000N 506683.164 5407943.809 323.983 12400E 9050N 506708.483 5407988.643 327.403 12400E 9100N 506732.705 5408031.959 331.879 12400E 9150N 506757.039 5408075.931 335.851 12400E 9200N 506781.659 5408120.55 338.464 12400E 9250N 506812.182 5408165.153 335.303 12400E 9300N 506831.763 5408211.097 332.875 12400E 9350N 506855.151 5408258.178 329.784 12400E 9400N 506882.335 5408300.759 326.345 12400E 9450N 506904.804 5408345.405 324.084 12400E 9500N 506928.869 5408388.907 322.464 12400E 9550N 506952.957 5408434.75 318.575 12400E 9600N 506977.697 5408479.432 315.905 12400E 9650N 507001.692 5408523.556 313.024 12400E 9700N 507025.819 5408568.148 309.14 12400E 9750N 507049.185 5408611.132 305.627 12400E 9800N 507074.006 5408657.447 302.539 12400E 9850N 507097.88 5408701.195 300.098 12400E 9900N 507121.934 5408744.939 297.336 12400E 9950N 507145.527 5408788.145 295.798 12400E 10000N 507169.545 5408832.457 294.241 12400E 10050N 507192.556 5408875.595 293.408 12400E 10100N 507217.07 5408920.192 292.417 12400E 10150N 507240.777 5408963.839 291.274 12400E 10200N 507264.271 5409007.776 290.512 12400E 10250N 507288.43 5409051.977 289.735 12400E 10300N 507312.06 5409095.516 289.828 12400E 10350N 507335.722 5409139.738 290.012 12400E 10400N 507359.017 5409182.85 290.078 12400E 10450N 507383.485 5409227.389 290.231 12400E 10500N 507406.865 5409270.725 289.432 12400E 10550N 507430.606 5409314.285 289.874 12400E 10600N 507454.118 5409357.197 289.884 12400E 10650N 507478.318 5409401.338 290.614 12400E 10700N 507502.193 5409445.066 291.513 12400E 10750N 507526.656 5409490.444 292.979 12400E 10800N 507549.871 5409532.59 293.45 12400E 10850N 507573.725 5409576.255 294.799 12400E 10900N 507598.51 5409621.144 295.524 12400E 10950N 507621.646 5409663.577 296.123 12400E 11000N 507645.553 5409707.43 296.725 12400E 11050N 507669.491 5409751.339 297.574 Buchans River - Titan Grid, Buchans, NL, June 19 to September 4, 2007 - NAD83, Zone 21 Line Station UTMX UTMY Orth. Height 12400E 11100N 507693.82 5409795.143 298.124 12400E 11150N 507717.35 5409838.132 299.007 12400E 11200N 507741.426 5409882.134 300.436 12400E 11250N 507765.829 5409926.768 301.505 12400E 11300N 507789.863 5409970.411 301.832 12400E 11350N 507814.272 5410014.681 301.348 12400E 11400N 507838.04 5410058.558 301.091 12400E 11450N 507862.088 5410101.713 301.221 12400E 11500N 507885.85 5410145.421 301.395 12400E 11550N 507909.724 5410188.954 301.27 12400E 11600N 507933.631 5410232.655 300.889 12400E 11650N 507957.981 5410275.756 300.812 12400E 11700N 507981.597 5410323.746 299.722 12400E 11750N 508004.624 5410361.479 298.914 12400E 11800N 508029.278 5410406.845 297.566 12600E 12600E 12600E 12600E 12600E 12600E 12600E 12600E 12600E 12600E 12600E 12600E 12600E 12600E 12600E 12600E 12600E 12600E 12600E 12600E 12600E 12600E 12600E 12600E 12600E 12600E 12600E 12600E 12600E 12600E 12600E 12600E 12600E 12600E 12600E 12600E 12600E 12600E 12600E 12600E 12600E 12600E 8200N 8250N 8300N 8350N 8400N 8450N 8500N 8550N 8600N 8650N 8700N 8750N 8800N 8850N 8900N 8950N 9000N 9050N 9100N 9150N 9200N 9250N 9300N 9350N 9400N 9450N 9500N 9550N 9600N 9650N 9700N 9750N 9800N 9850N 9900N 9950N 10000N 10050N 10100N 10150N 10200N 10250N 506479.439 506503.39 506526.812 506552.256 506552.305 506601.666 506625.451 506649.914 506674.052 506698.041 506722.319 506746.313 506770.565 506794.816 506819.345 506843.23 506867.352 506891.779 506915.797 506939.75 506963.593 506987.725 507013.047 507035.282 507060.954 507084.532 507109.12 507131.623 507155.585 507179.326 507202.714 507226.509 507251.269 507274.527 507299.154 507322.846 507346.294 507369.828 507393.973 507418.375 507441.76 507466.281 5407135.386 5407179.6 5407222.554 5407268.505 5407269.181 5407358.279 5407402.442 5407447.112 5407491.803 5407535.671 5407580.058 5407624.4 5407668.477 5407713.884 5407757.43 5407801.733 5407846.416 5407890.783 5407935.027 5407979.274 5408023.019 5408067.959 5408114.052 5408156.337 5408201.852 5408244.979 5408288.038 5408335.71 5408379.597 5408424.405 5408468.746 5408513.308 5408558.692 5408601.44 5408647.76 5408692.013 5408736.115 5408780.24 5408825.495 5408870.241 5408914.486 5408959.537 305.451 306.852 309.299 310.749 310.693 306.832 305.308 304.209 303.159 302.13 301.243 300.411 299.333 299.7 299.281 300.068 301.761 304.455 306.609 308.076 310.014 310.629 310.091 309.759 310.085 310.017 308.603 307.263 306.366 305.608 303.688 302.967 300.949 298.301 295.904 292.757 290.944 289.805 288.788 287.555 286.066 284.592 Buchans River - Titan Grid, Buchans, NL, June 19 to September 4, 2007 - NAD83, Zone 21 Line Station UTMX UTMY Orth. Height 12600E 10300N 507489.986 5409004.507 283.363 12600E 10350N 507514.409 5409048.854 282.4 12600E 10400N 507538.295 5409093.444 282.469 12600E 10450N 507561.996 5409138.123 282.09 12600E 10500N 507586.085 5409182.557 281.892 12600E 10550N 507610.11 5409227.332 281.712 12600E 10600N 507632.802 5409270.181 281.739 12600E 10650N 507657.953 5409316.147 282.376 12600E 10700N 507681.892 5409360.993 282.647 12600E 10750N 507706.507 5409406.557 282.58 12600E 10800N 507729.977 5409450.321 282.408 12600E 10850N 507753.826 5409494.366 282.319 12600E 10900N 507777.577 5409539.169 283.052 12600E 10950N 507802.228 5409585.265 283.823 12600E 11000N 507826.361 5409629.404 284.295 12600E 11050N 507850.425 5409673.866 285.102 12600E 11100N 507874.566 5409718.534 287.023 12600E 11150N 507898.418 5409763.375 288.289 12600E 11200N 507922.393 5409807.081 288.46 12600E 11250N 507946.856 5409852.317 288.538 12600E 11300N 507971.225 5409897.515 288.155 12600E 11350N 507995.027 5409941.122 288.115 12600E 11400N 508018.907 5409986.121 287.114 12600E 11450N 508042.952 5410030.312 286.568 12600E 11500N 508066.978 5410074.593 285.894 12600E 11550N 508091.003 5410119.151 285.449 12600E 11600N 508114.784 5410162.825 285.308 12600E 11650N 508137.771 5410205.311 284.674 12600E 11700N 508162.693 5410251.733 284.449 12600E 11750N 508187.098 5410296.373 284.53 12600E 11800N 508210.64 5410340.042 284.203 12800E 12800E 12800E 12800E 12800E 12800E 12800E 12800E 12800E 12800E 12800E 12800E 12800E 12800E 12800E 12800E 12800E 12800E 12800E 12800E 12800E 12800E 12800E 12800E 12800E 12800E 8200N 8250N 8300N 8350N 8400N 8450N 8500N 8550N 8600N 8650N 8700N 8750N 8800N 8850N 9050N 9100N 9150N 9200N 9250N 9300N 9350N 9400N 9450N 9500N 9550N 9600N 506636.814 506662.374 506688.008 506714.49 506738.681 506764.158 506789.803 506815.807 506841.399 506866.459 506892.534 506917.635 506943.015 506968.299 507068.119 507092.019 507116.431 507140.617 507164.375 507188.765 507212.705 507236.379 507260.568 507284.308 507308.078 507331.86 5407059.198 5407101.84 5407144.96 5407186.386 5407231.343 5407274.538 5407318.328 5407362.349 5407405.295 5407448.191 5407492.234 5407535.856 5407579.105 5407621.991 5407793.311 5407838.014 5407882.61 5407927.933 5407972.098 5408016.38 5408061.062 5408105.1 5408149.957 5408195.144 5408239.344 5408283.247 305.563 307.513 309.85 309.691 308.333 306.019 304.664 303.896 303.58 302.019 301.614 300.957 300.052 299.236 299.434 299.907 300.557 301.328 301.693 302.956 303.858 304.279 304.719 305.043 306.295 307.64 Buchans River - Titan Grid, Buchans, NL, June 19 to September 4, 2007 - NAD83, Zone 21 Line Station UTMX UTMY Orth. Height 12800E 9650N 507356.194 5408328.955 308.434 12800E 9700N 507380.461 5408373.072 307.653 12800E 9750N 507405.63 5408419.294 303.972 12800E 9800N 507428.291 5408462.968 302.007 12800E 9850N 507452.331 5408506.936 298.17 12800E 9900N 507476.298 5408551.789 296 12800E 9950N 507500.16 5408596.754 295.125 12800E 10000N 507524.275 5408640.876 293.26 12800E 10050N 507548.117 5408685.072 292.061 12800E 10100N 507571.426 5408728.694 291.556 12800E 10150N 507593.963 5408771.651 289.949 12800E 10200N 507617.324 5408813.833 287.253 12800E 10250N 507640.407 5408857.068 285.596 12800E 10300N 507663.501 5408900.078 284.273 12800E 10350N 507686.987 5408943.378 283.339 12800E 10400N 507710.589 5408986.651 282.896 12800E 10450N 507733.751 5409030.275 282.883 12800E 10500N 507757.388 5409073.625 281.993 12800E 10550N 507780.53 5409116.417 281.462 12800E 10600N 507804.2 5409160.125 280.711 12800E 10650N 507828.531 5409205.248 279.725 12800E 10700N 507852.277 5409249.318 278.788 12800E 10750N 507875.545 5409292.969 277.959 12800E 10800N 507899.184 5409337.102 278.171 12800E 10850N 507922.716 5409380.631 278.555 12800E 10900N 507946.382 5409424.083 278.616 12800E 10950N 507969.732 5409468.075 278.253 12800E 11000N 507993.399 5409512.128 277.955 12800E 11050N 508017.047 5409556.921 278.432 12800E 11100N 508040.404 5409599.097 278.928 12800E 11150N 508064.194 5409643.219 279.036 12800E 11200N 508087.854 5409687.222 278.815 12800E 11250N 508111.847 5409731.527 278.398 12800E 11300N 508135.411 5409775.567 277.664 12800E 11350N 508158.718 5409819.211 275.675 12800E 11400N 508182.536 5409863.699 274.229 12800E 11450N 508204.704 5409906.011 273.454 12800E 11500N 508229.602 5409952.458 273.004 12800E 11550N 508254.075 5409997.122 273.915 12800E 11600N 508278.512 5410042.694 273.898 12800E 11650N 508303.308 5410087.882 274.901 12800E 11700N 508328.371 5410132.54 275.499 12800E 11750N 508352.281 5410176.87 276.37 12800E 11800N 508377.778 5410222.645 276.966 13000E 13000E 13000E 13000E 13000E 13000E 13000E 13000E 13000E 13000E 13000E 13000E 13000E 8200N 8250N 8300N 8350N 8400N 8450N 8500N 8550N 8600N 8650N 8700N 8750N 8800N 506843.349 506864.266 506883.11 506907.437 506929.338 506951.018 506972.39 506994.355 507016.182 507037.612 507059.815 507081.943 507102.81 5406944.106 5406988.507 5407029.379 5407078.619 5407123.853 5407169.123 5407214.06 5407261.073 5407306.728 5407351.149 5407396.527 5407441.91 5407485.513 297.641 298.949 302.547 301.696 302.02 302.341 302.588 302.269 301.895 301.488 301.251 300.52 299.85 Buchans River - Titan Grid, Buchans, NL, June 19 to September 4, 2007 - NAD83, Zone 21 Line Station UTMX UTMY Orth. Height 13000E 9250N 507350.975 5407891.698 299.485 13000E 9300N 507374.541 5407935.137 300.636 13000E 9350N 507398.084 5407978.809 302.197 13000E 9400N 507422.095 5408021.831 302.988 13000E 9450N 507445.059 5408065.848 303.815 13000E 9500N 507468.878 5408109.573 304.473 13000E 9550N 507493.869 5408155.824 306.401 13000E 9600N 507515.613 5408196.754 306.962 13000E 9650N 507538.361 5408238.826 306.466 13000E 9700N 507561.733 5408283.667 306.132 13000E 9750N 507584.793 5408323.888 305.865 13000E 9800N 507608.564 5408372.574 305.295 13000E 9850N 507633.083 5408415.841 304.472 13000E 9900N 507657.284 5408460.947 301.049 13000E 9950N 507679.515 5408504.07 299.043 13000E 10000N 507701.985 5408545.785 297.417 13000E 10050N 507725.766 5408591.091 294.686 13000E 10100N 507749.651 5408635.369 292.877 13000E 10150N 507773.388 5408679.91 291.475 13000E 10200N 507796.719 5408724.347 290.724 13000E 10250N 507821.14 5408769.492 290.381 13000E 10300N 507844.396 5408813.714 288.72 13000E 10350N 507868.135 5408858.299 287.67 13000E 10400N 507891.752 5408902.443 287.466 13000E 10450N 507915.199 5408946.664 286.688 13000E 10500N 507938.85 5408991.096 283.897 13000E 10550N 507962.548 5409035.575 281.806 13000E 10600N 507985.844 5409080.231 279.723 13000E 10650N 508009.302 5409123.787 277.761 13000E 10700N 508033.003 5409168.277 275.994 13000E 10750N 508056.524 5409212.672 274.348 13000E 10800N 508079.621 5409256.146 273.306 13000E 10850N 508103.29 5409300.604 272.972 13000E 10900N 508126.58 5409344.012 271.699 13000E 10950N 508149.722 5409388.404 270.797 13000E 11000N 508173.669 5409433.258 270.669 13000E 11050N 508197.444 5409477.504 270.639 13000E 11100N 508220.944 5409522.825 269.374 13000E 11150N 508245.296 5409567.349 268.407 13000E 11650N 508473.631 5410001.627 268.02 13000E 11700N 508495.385 5410047.039 268.576 13000E 11750N 508517.7 5410092.592 269.488 13000E 11800N 508539.69 5410137.927 270.715 13200E 13200E 13200E 13200E 13200E 13200E 13200E 13200E 13200E 13200E 13200E 13200E 13200E 13200E 8200N 8250N 8300N 8350N 8400N 8450N 8500N 8550N 8600N 8650N 8700N 8750N 8800N 9150N 507016.742 507038.748 507060.905 507082.378 507104.839 507126.686 507148.351 507170.162 507190.822 507220.845 507236.978 507258.686 507276.237 507476.507 5406850.311 5406895.046 5406939.431 5406984.485 5407029.078 5407075.337 5407118.372 5407163.473 5407208.237 5407250.55 5407299.11 5407342.466 5407380.036 5407708.946 296.553 297.885 299.14 299.912 300.656 301.531 301.698 301.606 301.515 301.36 301.106 300.303 299.683 300.01 Buchans River - Titan Grid, Buchans, NL, June 19 to September 4, 2007 - NAD83, Zone 21 Line Station UTMX UTMY Orth. Height 13200E 9200N 507497.271 5407746.164 299.558 13200E 9250N 507520.678 5407789.625 299.372 13200E 9300N 507544.601 5407832.902 299.364 13200E 9350N 507569.339 5407877.961 299.629 13200E 9400N 507593.265 5407918.4 300.35 13200E 9450N 507616.508 5407965.112 300.998 13200E 9500N 507641.344 5408007.439 303.106 13200E 9550N 507664.692 5408053.366 303.922 13200E 9600N 507687.526 5408096.537 303.711 13200E 9650N 507710.701 5408141.149 305.194 13200E 9700N 507736.181 5408185.551 306.9 13200E 9750N 507758.791 5408229.992 309.75 13200E 9800N 507784.513 5408275.055 310.464 13200E 9850N 507805.073 5408314.486 306.871 13200E 9900N 507831.639 5408363.199 303.341 13200E 9950N 507855.78 5408406.405 300.641 13200E 10000N 507879.283 5408450.457 298.844 13200E 10050N 507903.417 5408494.442 298.163 13200E 10100N 507927.14 5408538.071 298.398 13200E 10150N 507950.804 5408582.055 297.634 13200E 10200N 507974.182 5408625.149 293.636 13200E 10250N 507997.617 5408668.632 291.032 13200E 10300N 508021.589 5408712.503 289.781 13200E 10350N 508045.389 5408756.271 289.169 13200E 10400N 508068.943 5408799.738 288.606 13200E 10450N 508092.565 5408843.329 285.748 13200E 10500N 508116.058 5408886.74 283.643 13200E 10550N 508139.226 5408930.324 280.667 13200E 10600N 508162.974 5408974.184 278.121 13200E 10650N 508186.691 5409017.763 276.195 13200E 10700N 508210.165 5409061.737 274.257 13200E 10750N 508234.322 5409105.206 273.268 13200E 10800N 508257.179 5409148.622 270.936 13200E 10850N 508281.364 5409192.888 269.082 13200E 10900N 508301.85 5409231.665 267.405 13400E 13400E 13400E 13400E 13400E 13400E 13400E 13400E 13400E 13400E 13400E 13400E 13400E 13400E 13400E 13400E 13400E 13400E 13400E 13400E 13400E 13400E 8200N 8250N 8300N 8350N 8400N 8450N 8500N 8550N 8600N 8650N 8700N 8800N 8850N 8900N 8950N 9000N 9050N 9100N 9150N 9200N 9250N 9300N 507199.927 507227.011 507251.387 507275.186 507299.446 507323.994 507348.04 507371.679 507395.867 507419.93 507445.576 507490.907 507508.436 507532.259 507556.728 507579.583 507603.306 507627.874 507651.428 507675.351 507699.158 507723.039 5406754.664 5406805.135 5406849.78 5406894.159 5406939.202 5406983.77 5407028.333 5407073.164 5407118.615 5407163.743 5407210.269 5407279.664 5407328.681 5407373.001 5407418.375 5407461.473 5407506.578 5407551.477 5407596.143 5407640.881 5407685.542 5407730.735 303.946 303.928 303.757 303.947 303.984 303.736 303.328 303.122 302.842 302.41 302.04 301.372 300.802 300.425 299.712 300.341 300.375 301.1 301.347 301.213 301.05 300.367 Buchans River - Titan Grid, Buchans, NL, June 19 to September 4, 2007 - NAD83, Zone 21 Line Station UTMX UTMY Orth. Height 13400E 9350N 507747.116 5407774.839 299.613 13400E 9400N 507771.229 5407819.577 298.622 13400E 9450N 507794.688 5407864.119 297.265 13400E 9500N 507818.757 5407909.606 297.723 13400E 9550N 507843.336 5407955.62 297.983 13400E 9600N 507866.352 5407998.854 298.359 13400E 9650N 507890.285 5408043.857 298.867 13400E 9700N 507914.328 5408088.589 299.946 13400E 9750N 507938.039 5408131.5 302.65 13400E 9800N 507962.432 5408178.915 304.198 13400E 9850N 507986.01 5408224.169 304.997 13400E 9900N 508009.696 5408266.279 303.443 13400E 9950N 508032.349 5408309.949 301.965 13400E 10000N 508055.994 5408355.511 302.498 13400E 10050N 508081.09 5408398.691 302.335 13400E 10100N 508104.337 5408444.134 298.449 13400E 10150N 508128.086 5408488.252 292.633 13400E 10200N 508150.955 5408531.111 291.304 13400E 10250N 508174.77 5408575.606 290.211 13400E 10300N 508198.58 5408619.54 289.696 13400E 10350N 508222.062 5408664.474 286.562 13400E 10400N 508243.372 5408704.001 284.934 13400E 10450N 508267.131 5408749.095 282.681 13400E 10500N 508291.766 5408793.653 280.764 13400E 10550N 508321.625 5408833.784 280.16 13400E 10600N 508337.511 5408879.234 278.483 13400E 10650N 508361.327 5408923.637 276.956 13400E 10700N 508385.74 5408968.131 275.452 13400E 10750N 508404.143 5409002.315 274.787 13400E 10800N 508431.672 5409053.463 273.659 13400E 10850N 508455.259 5409097.753 272.762 13400E 10900N 508479.317 5409142.251 271.993 13400E 10950N 508503.078 5409186.873 270.807 13400E 11000N 508525.008 5409228.118 269.061 13600E 13600E 13600E 13600E 13600E 13600E 13600E 13600E 13600E 13600E 13600E 13600E 13600E 13600E 13600E 13600E 13600E 13600E 13600E 13600E 13600E 13600E 13600E 8200N 8250N 8300N 8350N 8400N 8450N 8500N 8550N 8600N 8650N 8700N 8750N 8800N 8850N 8900N 8950N 9000N 9050N 9100N 9150N 9200N 9250N 9300N 507382.697 507407.014 507430.5 507454.483 507477.991 507501.616 507525.146 507548.643 507572.823 507596.25 507620.016 507643.51 507667.002 507690.283 507713.723 507737.43 507760.867 507784.009 507807.949 507830.84 507855.652 507878.2 507901.605 5406674.399 5406719.177 5406762.676 5406806.923 5406849.907 5406894.123 5406937.548 5406981.471 5407026.545 5407070.413 5407114.651 5407158.457 5407202.801 5407245.414 5407289.244 5407333.173 5407377.093 5407420.726 5407464.828 5407508.539 5407552.346 5407596.803 5407640.799 311.921 310.756 309.85 309.192 307.481 306.069 304.954 304.48 304.137 303.853 303.558 302.899 301.894 301.855 301.806 301.906 301.861 302.303 302.624 303.058 303.595 303.943 304.587 Buchans River - Titan Grid, Buchans, NL, June 19 to September 4, 2007 - NAD83, Zone 21 Line Station UTMX UTMY Orth. Height 13600E 9350N 507925.005 5407684.559 304.347 13600E 9400N 507949.087 5407728.776 303.62 13600E 9450N 507973.655 5407774.314 301.734 13600E 9500N 507999.284 5407822.827 300.081 13600E 9550N 508020.304 5407861.528 297.311 13600E 9600N 508044.27 5407905.458 295.964 13600E 9650N 508068.032 5407949.537 295.183 13600E 9700N 508091.895 5407993.191 295.458 13600E 9750N 508115.643 5408038.004 295.801 13600E 9800N 508139.821 5408082.449 296.17 13600E 9850N 508163.673 5408126.802 296.32 13600E 9900N 508187.583 5408171.147 295.126 13600E 9950N 508211.514 5408214.914 296.314 13600E 10000N 508235.472 5408258.875 296.513 13600E 10050N 508259.089 5408303.008 295.915 13600E 10100N 508282.64 5408346.575 294.414 13600E 10150N 508306.831 5408391.304 293.477 13600E 10200N 508332.53 5408438.588 292.995 13600E 10250N 508356.926 5408482.574 292.394 13600E 10300N 508381.032 5408526.179 288.756 13600E 10350N 508404.961 5408570.11 286.198 13600E 10400N 508431.174 5408617.645 284.551 13600E 10450N 508455.075 5408661.411 283.095 13600E 10500N 508479.201 5408704.952 282.436 13600E 10550N 508502.5 5408750.521 281.987 13600E 10600N 508527.003 5408795.476 281.49 13600E 10650N 508550.802 5408839.852 281.038 13600E 10700N 508574.581 5408884.153 280.125 13600E 10750N 508598.36 5408927.85 279.237 13600E 10800N 508622.908 5408973.753 279.042 13600E 10850N 508647.234 5409018.13 277.245 13600E 10900N 508671.284 5409062.331 277.362 13600E 10950N 508695.056 5409106.579 278.192 13600E 11000N 508720.327 5409152.418 277.618 13600E 11050N 508742.12 5409198.219 275.899 13600E 11100N 508765.407 5409242.346 272.629 13600E 11150N 508788.051 5409286.658 269.375 13800E 13800E 13800E 13800E 13800E 13800E 13800E 13800E 13800E 13800E 13800E 13800E 13800E 13800E 13800E 13800E 13800E 13800E 13800E 13800E 8200N 8250N 8300N 8350N 8400N 8450N 8500N 8550N 8600N 8650N 8700N 8750N 8800N 8850N 8900N 8950N 9000N 9050N 9100N 9150N 507546.323 507569.339 507593.797 507617.374 507640.99 507665.535 507688.707 507713.785 507738.47 507762.606 507787.06 507810.992 507835.007 507859.038 507883.534 507907.678 507931.838 507956.422 507979.813 508004.095 5406560.705 5406604.556 5406649.363 5406692.942 5406736.85 5406782.012 5406824.607 5406871.078 5406915.478 5406960.41 5407005.591 5407050.131 5407094.475 5407138.58 5407183.299 5407227.949 5407272.074 5407318.091 5407361.495 5407406.114 319.641 316.872 312.593 309.429 307.716 306.393 305.746 304.691 303.732 303.071 301.639 301.022 300.395 299.616 299.63 300.332 300.853 301.304 301.57 302.729 Buchans River - Titan Grid, Buchans, NL, June 19 to September 4, 2007 - NAD83, Zone 21 Line Station UTMX UTMY Orth. Height 13800E 9200N 508028.055 5407450.063 303.792 13800E 9250N 508052.304 5407494.608 304.752 13800E 9300N 508074.374 5407536.406 306.251 13800E 9350N 508099.988 5407583.532 307.466 13800E 9400N 508127 5407627.062 308.744 13800E 9450N 508152.259 5407673.883 306.91 13800E 9500N 508178.131 5407711.682 305.235 13800E 9550N 508197.853 5407764.04 303.107 13800E 9600N 508220.475 5407805.98 300.773 13800E 9650N 508244.73 5407850.545 298.308 13800E 9700N 508268.669 5407894.754 295.87 13800E 9750N 508292.759 5407939.756 294.048 13800E 9800N 508317.328 5407984.442 295.677 13800E 9850N 508340.969 5408028.874 296.647 13800E 9900N 508365.288 5408073.381 297.383 13800E 9950N 508389.727 5408117.573 298.033 13800E 10000N 508413.606 5408162.644 296.475 13800E 10050N 508437.686 5408206.73 296.158 13800E 10100N 508461.601 5408251.498 295.727 13800E 10150N 508486.042 5408296.698 294.214 13800E 10200N 508510.298 5408341.724 293.532 13800E 10250N 508534.369 5408386.012 292.29 13800E 10300N 508558.8 5408431.043 288.907 13800E 10350N 508582.893 5408475.544 288.008 13800E 10400N 508606.751 5408520.53 286.791 13800E 10450N 508630.446 5408564.567 286.406 13800E 10500N 508655.301 5408610.27 284.783 13800E 10550N 508680.053 5408655.558 284.192 13800E 10600N 508704.007 5408700.389 282.622 13800E 10650N 508728.242 5408745.111 281.152 13800E 10700N 508752.077 5408790.014 279.747 13800E 10750N 508775.974 5408834.262 278.561 13800E 10800N 508799.976 5408878.394 278.015 13800E 10850N 508824.511 5408923.063 277.424 13800E 10900N 508848.313 5408967.5 277.572 13800E 10950N 508873.476 5409013.887 276.65 13800E 11000N 508897.563 5409058.179 274.972 13800E 11050N 508922.217 5409102.276 272.466 13800E 11100N 508946.655 5409147.346 270.748 13800E 11150N 508970.152 5409190.82 268.003 14000E 14000E 14000E 14000E 14000E 14000E 14000E 14000E 14000E 14000E 14000E 14000E 14000E 14000E 14000E 14000E 14000E 8200N 8250N 8300N 8350N 8400N 8450N 8500N 8550N 8600N 8650N 8700N 8750N 8800N 8850N 8900N 8950N 9000N 507734.411 507757.978 507782.077 507805.488 507829.875 507853.236 507876.971 507900.712 507924.633 507949.052 507972.724 507996.733 508020.737 508044.656 508068.585 508093.483 508115.986 5406481.807 5406526.078 5406570.36 5406614.301 5406658.277 5406702.56 5406746.927 5406790.571 5406834.748 5406878.09 5406922.736 5406966.796 5407010.607 5407055.293 5407098.797 5407145.975 5407187.004 319.601 316.897 312.857 308.239 304.734 302.103 300.052 298.201 296.859 294.833 293.634 292.629 291.978 291.507 291.759 292.358 292.968 Buchans River - Titan Grid, Buchans, NL, June 19 to September 4, 2007 - NAD83, Zone 21 Line Station UTMX UTMY Orth. Height 14000E 9050N 508139.924 5407231.196 293.074 14000E 9100N 508163.823 5407275.859 294.262 14000E 9150N 508187.384 5407319.777 294.191 14000E 9200N 508210.899 5407363.274 296.299 14000E 9250N 508234.802 5407407.224 298.79 14000E 9300N 508258.372 5407451.12 300.368 14000E 9350N 508282.132 5407495.533 300.91 14000E 9400N 508305.828 5407539.573 302.484 14000E 9450N 508329.822 5407583.946 302.846 14000E 9500N 508353.399 5407627.639 301.936 14000E 9550N 508377.224 5407672.062 300.658 14000E 9600N 508400.291 5407716.066 297.5 14000E 9650N 508423.906 5407759.967 294.418 14000E 9700N 508447.211 5407804.559 293.397 14000E 9750N 508470.141 5407847.694 291.781 14000E 9800N 508493.069 5407890.924 288.96 14000E 9850N 508517.292 5407935.695 292.537 14000E 9900N 508538.511 5407977.716 294.589 14000E 9950N 508564.878 5408023.511 295.416 14000E 10000N 508588.916 5408067.893 293.737 14000E 10050N 508613.042 5408112.265 293.619 14000E 10100N 508636.909 5408156.357 293.463 14000E 10150N 508660.896 5408200.553 293.361 14000E 10200N 508684.798 5408244.776 293.114 14000E 10250N 508708.355 5408288.391 293.047 14000E 10300N 508732.166 5408332.254 291.579 14000E 10350N 508756.197 5408376.252 289.026 14000E 10400N 508780.516 5408420.698 287.907 14000E 10450N 508804.57 5408464.88 286.963 14000E 10500N 508828.438 5408508.678 285.778 14000E 10550N 508852.505 5408553.176 285.1 14000E 10600N 508876.71 5408597.336 284.714 14000E 10650N 508900.978 5408641.826 284.305 14000E 10700N 508924.635 5408685.307 279.397 14000E 10750N 508948.8 5408729.675 277.14 14000E 10800N 508972.766 5408774.041 275.774 14000E 10850N 508996.448 5408817.809 273.735 14000E 10900N 509020.306 5408861.804 273.652 14000E 10950N 509044.179 5408905.73 271.895 14000E 11000N 509068.088 5408949.932 271.194 14000E 11050N 509091.702 5408993.54 269.865 14000E 11100N 509115.647 5409037.636 268.989 14000E 11150N 509138.969 5409080.597 267.935 14200E 14200E 14200E 14200E 14200E 14200E 14200E 14200E 14200E 14200E 14200E 14200E 14200E 14200E 8200N 8250N 8300N 8350N 8400N 8450N 8500N 8550N 8600N 8650N 8700N 8750N 8850N 8900N 507894.675 507918.529 507942.684 507966.992 507991.437 508015.854 508040.37 508064.704 508089.004 508113.203 508137.634 508161.96 508210.938 508235.136 5406386.036 5406429.857 5406473.857 5406517.938 5406561.998 5406606.209 5406650.307 5406694.536 5406738.514 5406782.47 5406826.523 5406870.585 5406959.269 5407003.107 302.762 299.411 295.707 292.952 292.248 290.698 289.863 289.65 289.633 289.011 288.592 287.984 287.714 287.176 Buchans River - Titan Grid, Buchans, NL, June 19 to September 4, 2007 - NAD83, Zone 21 Line Station UTMX UTMY Orth. Height 14200E 8950N 508259.448 5407047.104 287.096 14200E 9000N 508283.761 5407091.072 286.367 14200E 9050N 508308.076 5407134.921 285.426 14200E 9100N 508332.16 5407178.722 286.214 14200E 9150N 508356.395 5407223.064 288.108 14200E 9200N 508380.381 5407267.033 289.031 14200E 9250N 508404.452 5407310.933 289.339 14200E 9300N 508428.96 5407355.356 289.592 14200E 9350N 508453.178 5407400.091 289.508 14200E 9400N 508477.352 5407444.396 289.86 14200E 9450N 508501.604 5407488.598 289.551 14200E 9500N 508525.569 5407532.744 289.455 14200E 9550N 508550.004 5407576.994 289.79 14200E 9600N 508573.839 5407621.019 288.758 14200E 9650N 508597.795 5407665.347 288.15 14200E 9700N 508621.467 5407708.984 287.975 14200E 9750N 508645.619 5407753.448 287.433 14200E 9800N 508669.315 5407796.804 286.802 14200E 9850N 508693.155 5407841.336 286.338 14200E 9900N 508716.755 5407885.215 285.132 14200E 9950N 508741.011 5407929.452 284.937 14200E 10000N 508764.433 5407973.014 285.782 14200E 10050N 508788.52 5408017.06 286.82 14200E 10100N 508812.247 5408061.693 288.3 14200E 10150N 508835.656 5408104.41 289.558 14200E 10200N 508859.579 5408148.551 293.733 14200E 10250N 508883.261 5408191.859 293.56 14200E 10300N 508907.515 5408235.751 292.879 14200E 10350N 508930.414 5408279.55 291.36 14200E 10400N 508955.959 5408323.604 287.428 14200E 10450N 508979.866 5408367.497 285.636 14200E 10500N 509005.812 5408414.625 285.572 14200E 10550N 509028.528 5408455.808 286.254 14200E 10600N 509052.706 5408499.787 286.292 14200E 10650N 509076.435 5408543.672 284.986 14200E 10700N 509100.45 5408586.46 278.954 14200E 10750N 509124.423 5408629.897 275.51 14200E 10800N 509148.672 5408673.343 273.225 14200E 10850N 509173.157 5408717.677 271.762 14200E 10900N 509197.571 5408761.223 270.803 14200E 10950N 509221.651 5408804.749 269.66 14200E 11000N 509246.023 5408848.649 268.742 14200E 11050N 509269.934 5408894.154 268.909 14200E 11100N 509294.637 5408936.736 268.978 14200E 11150N 509319.305 5408980.691 269.185 14200E 11200N 509343.599 5409024.914 269.424 14200E 11250N 509368.251 5409068.919 269.507 14200E 11300N 509392.205 5409112.435 269.759 14200E 11350N 509416.646 5409156.62 269.373 14200E 11400N 509441.081 5409200.401 269.09 14200E 11450N 509465.201 5409244 268.796 14200E 11500N 509489.447 5409287.862 268.334 14200E 11550N 509513.894 5409332.204 268.092 14200E 11600N 509538.485 5409376.553 267.955 14400E 14400E 14400E 8200N 8250N 8300N 508081.296 508104.863 508128.897 5406287.552 5406331.713 5406376.194 287.454 286.964 286.572 Buchans River - Titan Grid, Buchans, NL, June 19 to September 4, 2007 - NAD83, Zone 21 Line Station UTMX UTMY Orth. Height 14400E 8350N 508152.703 5406420.646 286.287 14400E 8400N 508176.079 5406465.924 286.001 14400E 8450N 508201.024 5406509.84 285.625 14400E 8500N 508225.028 5406554.418 284.564 14400E 8550N 508244.95 5406600.528 284.667 14400E 8600N 508272.257 5406642.635 285.442 14400E 8650N 508296.374 5406687.404 286.36 14400E 8700N 508320.586 5406731.992 287.163 14400E 8750N 508344.647 5406776.871 287.641 14400E 8800N 508368.719 5406821.229 287.723 14400E 8850N 508392.629 5406865.799 287.33 14400E 8900N 508416.83 5406910.212 286.878 14400E 8950N 508440.85 5406954.975 286.434 14400E 9000N 508464.827 5406999.731 285.697 14400E 9050N 508488.737 5407043.946 285.273 14400E 9100N 508512.432 5407087.381 284.286 14400E 9150N 508536.541 5407132.189 284.387 14400E 9200N 508560.782 5407176.792 284.719 14400E 9250N 508585.077 5407221.645 285.192 14400E 9300N 508609.181 5407266.492 285.336 14400E 9350N 508633.191 5407311.069 285.407 14400E 9400N 508660.378 5407359.275 285.301 14400E 9450N 508683.096 5407402.905 285.358 14400E 9500N 508706.891 5407447.672 284.716 14400E 9550N 508725.937 5407491.528 284.072 14400E 9700N 508795.056 5407612.507 284.546 14400E 9750N 508819.106 5407656.485 285.925 14400E 9800N 508843.205 5407700.4 285.613 14400E 9850N 508863.432 5407737.849 284.478 14400E 10000N 508939.526 5407877.893 284.136 14400E 10050N 508963.348 5407921.657 284.4 14400E 10100N 508987.734 5407966.355 284.382 14400E 10150N 509011.736 5408010.654 284.693 14400E 10200N 509035.765 5408054.874 284.534 14400E 10250N 509060.189 5408098.943 284.27 14400E 10300N 509084.75 5408144.249 284.649 14400E 10350N 509108.79 5408188.257 284.374 14400E 10400N 509133.059 5408232.593 283.519 14400E 10450N 509157.405 5408277.62 282.457 14400E 10500N 509181.629 5408322.247 281.282 14400E 10550N 509205.888 5408366.997 280.15 14400E 10600N 509230.221 5408411.493 278.222 14400E 10650N 509254.468 5408455.927 276.157 14400E 10700N 509278.742 5408500.405 275.224 14400E 10750N 509302.674 5408544.557 274.574 14400E 10800N 509326.797 5408588.973 272.742 14400E 10850N 509351.107 5408633.539 271.835 14400E 10900N 509375.36 5408678.262 270.881 14400E 10950N 509399.453 5408722.706 269.519 14400E 11000N 509423.464 5408766.819 269.142 14400E 11050N 509447.223 5408810.222 268.879 14400E 11100N 509471.19 5408854.294 270.162 14400E 11150N 509495.493 5408898.653 271.137 14400E 11200N 509519.382 5408942.543 271.913 14400E 11250N 509543.905 5408987.589 273.184 14400E 11300N 509568.235 5409032.238 273.924 14400E 11350N 509592.371 5409076.428 274.145 14400E 11400N 509607.824 5409123.774 274.495 Buchans River - Titan Grid, Buchans, NL, June 19 to September 4, 2007 - NAD83, Zone 21 Line Station UTMX UTMY Orth. Height 14400E 11450N 509636.458 5409164.936 274.506 14400E 11500N 509663.708 5409207.466 274.361 14400E 11550N 509688.126 5409251.97 274.299 14400E 11600N 509712.482 5409296.531 274.131 14400E 11650N 509736.551 5409340.845 274.226 14400E 11700N 509760.776 5409385.05 274.608 14400E 11750N 509785.037 5409429.92 275.2 14400E 11800N 509809.529 5409474.588 275.415 14600E 14600E 14600E 14600E 14600E 14600E 14600E 14600E 14600E 14600E 14600E 14600E 14600E 14600E 14600E 14600E 14600E 14600E 14600E 14600E 14600E 14600E 14600E 14600E 14600E 14600E 14600E 14600E 14600E 14600E 14600E 14600E 14600E 14600E 14600E 14600E 14600E 14600E 14600E 14600E 14600E 14600E 14600E 14600E 14600E 14600E 14600E 14600E 14600E 8200N 8250N 8300N 8350N 8400N 8450N 8500N 8550N 8600N 8650N 8700N 8750N 8800N 8850N 8900N 8950N 9000N 9400N 9450N 9500N 9550N 9600N 9650N 9700N 10050N 10100N 10150N 10200N 10250N 10300N 10350N 10400N 10450N 10500N 10550N 10600N 10650N 10700N 10750N 10800N 10850N 10900N 10950N 11000N 11050N 11100N 11150N 11200N 11250N 508256.349 508280.858 508305.234 508329.712 508354.003 508378.449 508402.714 508427.21 508451.643 508475.001 508499.324 508524.085 508548.344 508573.212 508597.901 508622.32 508646.005 508835.854 508860.228 508884.418 508909.124 508932.845 508956.924 508981.032 509152.185 509176.292 509200.476 509224.638 509248.766 509273.141 509295.48 509321.289 509345.783 509371.247 509394.509 509418.579 509442.942 509467.426 509491.58 509515.969 509540.404 509564.788 509589.046 509613.247 509638.397 509662.074 509686.065 509710.154 509734.947 5406208.417 5406252.742 5406297.011 5406341.15 5406384.987 5406429.458 5406473.355 5406517.446 5406561.633 5406603.789 5406647.96 5406692.333 5406736.133 5406781.106 5406825.168 5406869.275 5406912.025 5407267.053 5407311.637 5407355.832 5407401.037 5407444.528 5407489.054 5407533.187 5407847.784 5407892.297 5407936.487 5407980.894 5408024.863 5408069.451 5408115.078 5408157.796 5408202.308 5408248.207 5408290.4 5408334.89 5408379.487 5408423.821 5408468.359 5408512.951 5408557.395 5408602.022 5408646.148 5408690.59 5408736.545 5408779.793 5408824.017 5408868.278 5408912.327 284.18 284.482 284.467 284.324 284.261 283.674 284.639 285.373 285.556 285.727 286.309 287.119 287.904 287.337 286.38 285.387 284.774 284.307 284.49 284.734 284.466 284.03 284.33 284.512 284.062 284.151 283.531 283.411 281.557 280.956 279.75 280.013 280.728 278.811 276.148 275.399 274.703 275.417 276.448 277.199 277.534 276.603 274.969 276.79 277.775 278.059 277.744 277.352 277.279 Buchans River - Titan Grid, Buchans, NL, June 19 to September 4, 2007 - NAD83, Zone 21 Line Station UTMX UTMY Orth. Height 14600E 11300N 509758.525 5408956.833 277.456 14600E 11350N 509782.313 5409000.9 277.634 14600E 11400N 509806.574 5409045.473 277.705 14600E 11450N 509830.57 5409089.443 277.711 14600E 11500N 509855.012 5409134.409 278.37 14600E 11550N 509879.18 5409178.921 279.471 14600E 11600N 509903.402 5409223.404 279.462 14600E 11650N 509927.711 5409267.941 279.438 14600E 11700N 509951.851 5409312.421 280.033 14600E 11750N 509976.001 5409356.552 279.989 14600E 11800N 510000.391 5409401.609 280.884 14800E 14800E 14800E 14800E 14800E 14800E 14800E 14800E 14800E 14800E 14800E 14800E 14800E 14800E 14800E 14800E 14800E 14800E 14800E 14800E 14800E 14800E 14800E 14800E 14800E 14800E 14800E 14800E 14800E 14800E 14800E 14800E 14800E 14800E 14800E 14800E 14800E 14800E 14800E 14800E 14800E 14800E 14800E 14800E 14800E 14800E 8200N 8250N 8300N 8350N 8400N 8450N 8500N 8550N 8600N 8650N 8700N 8750N 8800N 8850N 8900N 8950N 9350N 9400N 9450N 9500N 9550N 9600N 9900N 9950N 10000N 10050N 10100N 10150N 10200N 10250N 10300N 10350N 10400N 10450N 10500N 10550N 10600N 10650N 10700N 10750N 10800N 10850N 10900N 10950N 11000N 11050N 508436.762 508460.144 508483.93 508507.713 508531.486 508555.498 508579.278 508602.918 508626.977 508650.726 508674.903 508699.204 508721.972 508745.559 508769.589 508787.973 508989.499 509012.531 509036.825 509060.613 509084.703 509108.471 509244.544 509268.495 509292.756 509317.36 509341.548 509365.608 509390.175 509414.096 509438.742 509463.034 509487.444 509511.816 509536.52 509561.086 509585.819 509610.593 509634.888 509660 509684.824 509709.978 509734.242 509759.013 509783.408 509808.249 5406112.554 5406156.17 5406199.621 5406243.518 5406287.308 5406330.959 5406375.546 5406419.314 5406463.475 5406507.97 5406550.897 5406598.297 5406639.166 5406683.757 5406727.351 5406761.717 5407131.001 5407174.681 5407218.122 5407261.573 5407305.416 5407349.073 5407598.058 5407642.075 5407685.968 5407730.755 5407775.41 5407819.699 5407863.808 5407907.98 5407952.665 5407997.2 5408041.09 5408085.127 5408129.891 5408174.253 5408218.597 5408263.236 5408307.232 5408351.8 5408395.978 5408440.459 5408484.162 5408527.597 5408571.639 5408615.864 281.421 281.776 282.202 283.388 284.038 284.007 283.785 284.425 284.636 284.747 285.623 285.979 286.223 286.27 285.149 284.95 284.405 284.644 284.747 284.715 284.782 284.676 284.051 284.214 284.358 284.64 284.5 284.533 284.483 284.4 282.932 282.821 282.661 282.783 283.375 283.436 284.056 286.022 288.848 289.458 290.036 291.34 290.909 290.651 289.982 290.367 Buchans River - Titan Grid, Buchans, NL, June 19 to September 4, 2007 - NAD83, Zone 21 Line Station UTMX UTMY Orth. Height 14800E 11100N 509832.891 5408659.626 285.899 14800E 11200N 509881.851 5408747.302 283.329 14800E 11250N 509906.259 5408791.212 282.084 14800E 11300N 509930.743 5408835.231 281.26 14800E 11350N 509955.24 5408879.33 280.357 14800E 11400N 509979.958 5408923.391 279.159 14800E 11450N 510004.546 5408967.669 279.514 14800E 11500N 510028.812 5409011.567 279.864 14800E 11550N 510053.77 5409056.217 280.18 14800E 11600N 510078.373 5409100.333 280.588 14800E 11650N 510103.405 5409145.153 280.706 14800E 11700N 510128.023 5409189.569 280.976 14800E 11750N 510153.027 5409234.445 281.429 14800E 11800N 510177.646 5409278.681 281.818 15000E 15000E 15000E 15000E 15000E 15000E 15000E 15000E 15000E 15000E 15000E 15000E 15000E 15000E 15000E 15000E 15000E 15000E 15000E 15000E 15000E 15000E 15000E 15000E 15000E 15000E 15000E 15000E 15000E 15000E 15000E 15000E 15000E 15000E 15000E 15000E 15000E 15000E 15000E 15000E 15000E 15000E 15000E 8200N 8250N 8300N 8350N 8400N 8450N 8500N 8550N 8600N 8650N 8700N 8750N 8800N 8900N 8950N 9000N 9050N 9100N 9150N 9200N 9250N 9300N 9350N 9900N 9950N 10000N 10050N 10100N 10150N 10200N 10250N 10300N 10350N 10400N 10450N 10500N 10550N 10600N 10650N 10700N 10750N 10800N 10850N 508622.672 508645.859 508668.888 508692.403 508715.969 508738.623 508762.368 508786.231 508809.635 508835.437 508859.115 508886.754 508906.924 508957.614 508981.379 509009.036 509025.431 509052.926 509076.423 509100.39 509124.247 509148.428 509171.878 509422.175 509446.541 509469.848 509493.414 509517.056 509540.828 509564.379 509588.373 509612.518 509636.266 509660.451 509684.341 509708.114 509732.095 509756.394 509779.323 509803.156 509826.635 509850.006 509873.162 5406011.806 5406055.575 5406099.068 5406143.076 5406186.85 5406229.246 5406273.571 5406318.19 5406360.943 5406409.298 5406453.948 5406505.007 5406542.109 5406637.298 5406681.58 5406724.877 5406764.537 5406814.244 5406858.981 5406903.536 5406947.963 5406992.241 5407036.205 5407502.164 5407327.271 5407590.284 5407634.384 5407678.677 5407722.936 5407766.9 5407811.614 5407855.729 5407899.921 5407944.593 5407989.337 5408033.74 5408078.259 5408123.48 5408166.587 5408210.836 5408255.019 5408298.649 5408342.46 280.659 281.73 282.194 282.058 282.028 281.219 281.434 281.82 282.054 282.316 283.036 283.778 283.707 284.346 284.89 285.769 287.411 289.417 288.506 288.161 286.792 285.318 284.76 284.067 284.239 284.455 284.55 284.554 285.21 287.866 286.444 286.142 287.439 287.347 286.658 287.75 287.812 289.066 291.412 292.373 293.772 298.464 304.458 Buchans River - Titan Grid, Buchans, NL, June 19 to September 4, 2007 - NAD83, Zone 21 Line Station UTMX UTMY Orth. Height 15000E 10900N 509895.932 5408384.598 321.255 15000E 10950N 509920.094 5408428.268 306.996 15000E 11000N 509944.027 5408472.069 300.909 15000E 11050N 509967.663 5408515.337 294.052 15000E 11100N 509991.802 5408559.561 290.424 15000E 11150N 510016.061 5408603.3 287.434 15000E 11200N 510040.183 5408647.368 286.093 15000E 11250N 510064.255 5408691.566 286.105 15000E 11300N 510088.792 5408736.413 287.275 15000E 11350N 510112.435 5408780.306 287.496 15000E 11400N 510136.781 5408824.195 286.617 15000E 11450N 510160.72 5408868.214 285.755 15000E 11500N 510184.386 5408912.896 284.157 15000E 11550N 510207.593 5408956.737 282.693 15000E 11600N 510230.988 5409001.039 281.298 15000E 11650N 510254.487 5409044.966 280.122 15000E 11700N 510278.2 5409089.607 278.982 15000E 11750N 510301.753 5409133.887 278.611 15000E 11800N 510325.57 5409178.794 278.042 1 APPENDIX V Titan 24 Geophysical Surveys Quantec Geoscience Ltd., Geophysical Survey Logistics Report Regarding the Quantec Titan-24 Distributed Acquisition System Tensor MT and DCIP Surveys over the Buchans Project, Buchans, NL on behalf of Buchans River Limited, St. John’s NL. (In Folder) Attached 1 APPENDIX VI Diamond Drilling Drill Logs Little Sandy Drill Plan & Sections (in folder) Billiton Targets Drill Plan & Sections (in folder) (In Folder) LS-07-13 Grid_E: Grid_N: Nad27_E: Nad27_N: Elevation: Property Licence NTS: 524640.456 5406546.119 229.724 Little Sandy Collar Survey: Downhole Method: Dip: Azi_Grid: Azi_TN: Drill Company: Drill Start: Drill Finish: Logged By: Log Start: Log Finish: -90 0 Springdale Forest 7/19/2002 7/22/2002 J. Reeves 7/20/2002 7/23/2002 Objective: Length: Casing: Boxes: Core Size: Core Location: 101 24 NQ "Buchans, NL" Depth Azi_TN Azi_Grid Dip 50 8.4 -89.7 Test Type FlexIT 100 FlexIT 295 -89.7 Comments: LS-07-13 Lithology From To 0 2.74 Mineralogy Length 2.74 OB Description: Glacial till and peat Clasts/Cryst: Colour: Pyrite: Texture: Sphalerite: Alteration: Galena: Chalco: From 2.74 25.62 22.88 IBX REG S Description: Clasts/Cryst: "Rhyolite breccia, grey-green with grey and pale pink fragments of rhyolite in a fine grain greygreen matrix. Fragments generally less than 10 cm dlameter. Fractures at 50 and 70 degrees to ca. Quartz carbonate veining throughout. Thicker veins at 4.90m - 10 cm, 17.84m - 10 cm, 22.07 23.28 m - 1.21 m. Pyrite in blebs and small cubes throughout - less than 1 percent, chalcopyrite in blebs and veins less than 1 cm thick, locally 2-3 percent over 10 cm. Mineralization commonly associated with quartz/carbonate veining (22.07m)." 90 To Width Samp Zn% Colour: G_G Pyrite: Texture: Sphalerite: Alteration: Chl Cu% Pb% Ag g/t Au g/t <1% BLEBS STR <1% BLEBS MIN_V Galena: Chalco: LS-07-13 Lithology From To Mineralogy Length 25.62 82.45 56.83 TEC IAND D Description: "Andesiite, dark grey green, top 82 cm of unit is sheared and foliated at 30 degrees to ca. Diseminated pyrite in cubes and blebs (<2mm) throughout. Core is broken from 25.46 to 31.60 m. Shearing at 40.80-41.50, 51.00-51.70, and Clasts/Cryst: From 4.8 5.32 6.28 6.77 7.38 8 8.59 9 9.53 To 5.32 6.28 6.77 7.38 8 8.59 9 9.53 10.2 Width Samp 0.52 43251 0.96 43252 0.49 43253 0.61 43254 0.62 43255 0.59 43256 0.41 43257 0.53 43258 0.67 43259 10.2 11 11.54 12.42 13.04 14 14.57 15.16 15.65 16.2 17 11 11.54 12.42 13.04 14 14.57 15.16 15.65 16.2 17 17.88 0.8 0.54 0.88 0.62 0.96 0.57 0.59 0.49 0.55 0.8 0.88 17.88 18.52 19.18 20 20.59 21.5 22.07 23.28 18.52 19.18 20 20.59 21.5 22.07 23.28 23.88 0.64 0.66 0.82 0.59 0.91 0.57 1.21 0.6 Zn% 0.01 0.01 0 0 0 0.01 0 0 0 Cu% 0.23 43261 43262 43263 43264 43265 43266 43267 43268 43269 43271 43272 0.01 0.01 0 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0 0.01 0 0 0.02 0.25 0.04 43273 43274 43275 43276 43277 43278 43279 43281 0 0.01 0 0 0 0 0.01 0 0.09 Colour: DGRN Pyrite: Texture: Sphalerite: Alteration: Galena: 1.23 0.03 0.41 0.01 0.82 0.3 0.18 0.02 0.51 0.72 1.18 0.57 0.02 0.83 0.1 0.08 1.67 0.09 0 0.02 0.01 1.12 0 Pb% 0 0.01 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ag g/t 0.34 0.34 0.34 0.34 0.68 0.34 0.68 0.68 0.34 Au g/t 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0 0 0 0 0 0.01 0 0 0 0 0 0.34 0.34 0.34 0.34 0.34 0.34 0.34 0.34 1.03 0.34 0.34 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0 0.01 0 0 0 0 0.01 0 0.34 0.68 0.68 0.34 0.34 0.34 0.68 0.34 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 <1% DISS Chalco: Page 2 of 4 LS-07-13 Lithology From To Mineralogy Length 53.60-54.50. Fault gouge at 77.60-77.70 znd 79.10-79.15m. Siliceous alteration from 73.12 to 75.04. Quartz veining tnroughout with thicker veins at: 28 27 - 15cm with <1% py and chpy, 30.13 - 4 cm with <1% py and 1% chpy, 33.35 15 cm with 1% py and chpy, 34.90 - 2cm with 1% py and chpy, 36.62 - 3 cm with 1% py and tr chpy, 38.11 - 7 cm with 1% py and chpy, 40.04 - 7 cm with 1% py, 43.87 - 13 cm with 1% py, 68.58 - 3 cm with 1% py and 1-2% chpy." Minor Lithology 40.75 45.12 4.37 Upp Ctc: REG IBX S Description: "Rhyolite breccia, grey green with fragments of pale pink to grey rhyolite." Colour: G_G 40 Clasts/Cryst Foliation: Texture: Pyrite: Alteration: <1% DISS Sphalerite: Minor Lithology 49.44 50.75 1.31 Description: "Rhyolite breccia, grey green with fragments of pale pink to grey rhyolite." Colour: G_G Upp Ctc: REG S IBX From 27.27 To Width Samp 28.27 1 43282 Zn% 0.01 Cu% 0.05 Pb% 0 Ag g/t Au g/t 0.34 0.01 28.27 29 29.8 30.58 32.8 33.22 33.59 36.12 36.62 37.55 38.3 29 29.8 30.58 31.08 33.22 33.59 33.89 36.62 37.55 38.3 38.6 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.19 0.03 0.26 0.04 0.18 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.68 0.34 0.34 0.34 0.34 0.34 0.34 0.34 0.34 0.34 0.34 0.73 0.8 0.78 0.5 0.42 0.37 0.3 0.5 0.93 0.75 0.3 43283 43284 43285 43286 43287 43288 43289 43291 43292 43293 43294 0.73 0.02 0.02 0.04 0.03 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 40 Clasts/Cryst Foliation: Texture: Alteration: Pyrite: <1% DISS Sphalerite: Page 3 of 4 LS-07-13 Lithology From To Mineralogy Length Minor Lithology 57.94 59.46 1.52 Upp Ctc: REG S IBX Description: "Rhyolite breccia, grey green with fragments of pale pink to grey rhyolite." Colour: G_G 40 Clasts/Cryst Foliation: Texture: Pyrite: Alteration: <1% DISS Sphalerite: 82.45 101 18.55 IAND REG S Description: Clasts/Cryst: "Andesite porphyry with light green blebs of possibly altered feldspar. Upper 10 cm at contact appears to be tuffaceous with contact at 60 degrees to ca. Quartz veining throughout. Siliceous alteration from 89.87 to 90.75. Pyrite, <1 %, diseminated throughout. Chalcopyrite (1%) in a 3 cm thick quartz vein from 91.60 to 92.00 and ~85 degrees to ca." 60 Colour: DGRN Pyrite: Texture: Sphalerite: Alteration: Chl <1% DISS Galena: Chalco: From 91.08 91.6 92 To 91.6 92 92.4 Width Samp 0.52 43295 0.4 43296 0.4 43297 Zn% 0.01 0.01 0.03 Cu% 0.02 0.95 0.02 Pb% 0 0 0 Ag g/t 0.34 0.68 0.34 Au g/t 0.01 0.01 0.01 EOH: 101 Page 4 of 4 LS-07-14 Grid_E: Grid_N: Nad27_E: Nad27_N: Elevation: 524700.015 5406452.688 228.877 Little Sandy Property Licence NTS: Collar Survey: Downhole Method: Dip: Azi_Grid: Azi_TN: Drill Company: Drill Start: Drill Finish: Logged By: Log Start: Log Finish: -90 0 Springdale Forest 7/22/2002 7/24/2002 J. Reeves 7/24/2002 7/25/2002 Objective: Length: Casing: Boxes: Core Size: Core Location: 101 24 NQ "Buchans, NL" Depth Azi_TN Azi_Grid Dip 50 87.6 -89.7 Test Type FlexIT 100 FlexIT 110.7 -89.4 Comments: LS-07-14 Lithology From To 0 2.74 Mineralogy Length 2.74 OB Description: Glacial till and peat Clasts/Cryst: Colour: Pyrite: Texture: Sphalerite: Alteration: Galena: Chalco: From 2.74 9.78 7.04 IBX "Rhyolite breccia, grey green with grey and pale plnk rhyolite fragments in a grey green matrix. Fractures at 45 and 60 degrees to ca. Core is blocky. Trace of finely diseminiated pyrite in core" Colour: G_G S To Width Samp Zn% Pyrite: Cu% Pb% Ag g/t Au g/t TR DISS LS-07-14 Lithology From To Mineralogy Length Description: Clasts/Cryst: Rhyolite Texture: Sphalerite: Alteration: Galena: Chalco: From 9.78 22.75 12.97 IBST Description: "Basalt, dark green with rare small (<3 cm) fragments of basalt Trace of finely diseminated pyrite in core. Occasiinal (1-2 mm) carb. vein at various angles to ca. Fractures at 45 and 60 degrees to ca. Flow from 15.98 to 22.75 is lighter green and contain REG S To Width Samp Zn% Colour: DGRN Pyrite: Texture: Sphalerite: Alteration: Galena: Cu% Pb% Ag g/t Au g/t TR DISS 50 Clasts/Cryst: Chalco: From 22.75 24.18 1.43 IBX "Rhyolite breccia, grey green with grey and pale plnk rhyolite fragments in a grey green matrix. Fractures at 45 and 60 degrees to ca. Randonly orientated carbonate veins (<2mm) throughout Trace of finely diseminiated pyrite in core. Trace of epidote." REG S Colour: G_G To Width Samp Zn% Pyrite: Cu% Pb% Ag g/t Au g/t TR DISS 55 Page 2 of 5 LS-07-14 Lithology From To Mineralogy Length Description: Clasts/Cryst: Rhyolite Texture: Sphalerite: Alteration: Galena: Chalco: From 24.18 35.13 10.95 IBST Description: "Basalt, dark green with occasional small amygdules of pyrite and carbonate. Trace of finely diseminated pyrite in core. Occasiinal (1-2 mm) carb. vein at various angles to ca. Fractures at 45 degrees to ca. Flow contains a slightly higher pyrite content REG S Clasts/Cryst: To Width Samp Zn% Colour: DGRN Pyrite: Texture: Sphalerite: Alteration: Galena: Cu% Pb% Ag g/t Au g/t TR DISS 50 Chalco: From 35.13 49.22 14.09 IBX "Rhyolite breccia, grey green with grey and pale plnk rhyolite fragments in a grey green matrix. Upper contact is broken. Fractures at 45 and 60 degrees to ca. Trace of pyrite diseminated in core and locally up to 1% over 5 cm. Trace of epidote." TEC Colour: G_G To Width Samp Zn% Pyrite: Cu% Pb% Ag g/t Au g/t TR DISS B Page 3 of 5 LS-07-14 Lithology From To Mineralogy Length Description: Clasts/Cryst: Rhyolite Texture: Sphalerite: Alteration: Galena: Chalco: From 49.22 101 Description: 51.78 IBST "Basalt, dark green with rare rhyolite fragment in the top 3 m of the interval. Pyrite (<1%) in blebs, stringers (<5mm) and amygdules. Fractures commonly at 60 degrees to ca and also at 45 degrees to ca. Trace of chalcopyrite at 54.47m. Slight increase i Clasts/Cryst: TEC To Width Samp Zn% Colour: DGRN Pyrite: Texture: Sphalerite: Alteration: Galena: Cu% Pb% Ag g/t Au g/t <1% DISS B TR BLEBS Chalco: From 81.75 82.25 82.66 90.46 90.96 91.41 92 92.5 92.9 To Width Samp 82.25 0.5 43298 82.66 0.41 43299 83.1 0.44 43301 90.96 0.5 43302 91.41 0.45 43303 92 0.59 43304 92.5 0.5 43305 92.9 0.4 43306 93.33 0.43 43307 Zn% 0.02 0.02 0.03 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.01 Cu% 0.03 93.33 93.83 94.33 95 93.83 94.33 95 95.5 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.03 0.5 0.5 0.67 0.5 43308 43309 43311 43312 1.62 0.01 0.12 2.29 0.08 1.21 1.31 0.03 3 0.01 Pb% 0 0.01 0 0 0.01 0 0.01 0.01 0 Ag g/t 0.34 1.71 0.34 0.34 4.11 0.34 2.74 2.05 0.34 Au g/t 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0 0 0.01 0 0.34 0.34 3.42 0.34 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 Page 4 of 5 LS-07-14 Lithology From To Mineralogy Length EOH: 101 Page 5 of 5 LS-07-15 Grid_E: Grid_N: Nad27_E: Nad27_N: Elevation: 524517.036 5406582.557 227.985 Little Sandy Property Licence NTS: Collar Survey: Downhole Method: Dip: Azi_Grid: Azi_TN: Drill Company: Drill Start: Drill Finish: Logged By: Log Start: Log Finish: -60 150 Springdale Forest 7/25/2002 8/1/2002 J. Reeves 7/26/2002 8/1/2002 Objective: Length: Casing: Boxes: Core Size: Core Location: 167 41 NQ "Buchans, NL" Depth Azi_TN Azi_Grid Dip 50 150.9 -59 Test Type FlexIT 100 151.7 -59.1 FlexIT 150 152.3 -58.6 FlexIT Comments: LS-07-15 Lithology From To 0 1.52 Mineralogy Length 1.52 OB Description: Overburden with glacial till and peat. Clasts/Cryst: Colour: Pyrite: Texture: Sphalerite: Alteration: Galena: Chalco: From 1.52 63.68 62.16 FFG "Felsic fragments up to 7 cm in diamete in adark grey ground mass. Core is blocky with fault gouge from 15.58 to 15.93m. Trace fo finely diseminated pyrite . Rare qtz/carb veins <2mm thick. Pyrite and qtz/carb vein 2-3 cm thick from 11.12 to 11.54 and at REG S Colour: DGRN To Width Samp Zn% Pyrite: Cu% Pb% Ag g/t Au g/t TR DISS LS-07-15 Lithology From To Mineralogy Length Description: Clasts/Cryst: Texture: Sphalerite: Alteration: Galena: Chalco: Minor Lithology 15.07 20.81 5.74 FFG Description: "Siliceous felsic fragmental with diseminated pyrite. Pyrite/qtz carb veining from 17.08 to 18.22 m, <2 cm thick and ~// to ca." Upp Ctc: REG G Clasts/Cryst Colour: G_G Foliation: Texture: Alteration: Pyrite: SIL TR DISS From 16.43 17.08 17.55 18.16 18.79 19.2 To Width Samp 17.08 0.65 43313 17.55 0.47 43314 18.16 0.61 43315 18.79 0.63 43316 19.2 0.41 43317 19.8 0.6 43318 Zn% 0 0 0 0 0 0 Cu% 0 0 0 0 0 0 Pb% 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ag g/t 0.34 0.34 0.34 0.34 0.34 0.34 Au g/t 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 19.8 20.32 61.08 62 63.1 20.32 20.81 62 63.1 63.66 0 0.02 0.01 0.01 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.34 0.34 0.34 0.34 0.34 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.52 0.49 0.92 1.1 0.56 43319 43321 43322 43323 43324 Sphalerite: Minor Lithology 53 54.45 1.45 IBX Description: Upp Ctc: Rhyolite fragmental with REG pale pink fragments <10 G cm diameter in a green grey ground mass. Core is blocky. Trace of pyrite. Clasts/Cryst Rhyolite Colour: G_G Foliation: Texture: Pyrite: Alteration: TR DISS Sphalerite: 63.66 64.18 0.52 FFG "Strongly chloritized felsic fragmental, dark grey to black, containing rare reminant felsic fragments and 2-3% REG Colour: DKG Pyrite: 3% DISS B Page 2 of 5 LS-07-15 Lithology From To Mineralogy Length pyrite in small blebs <3mm and also diseminated. Core is blocky." Sphalerite: Texture: Description: Clasts/Cryst: Alteration: S Chl Galena: Chalco: From 63.66 64.18 85.75 21.57 FFG Description: Felsic fragmental with felsic fragments <10 cm diameter.Core is blocky. Fractures at 30 and 50 deg. to ca. Occasional thin (<1mm) veins of qtz/carb Trace of diseminated pyrite. 1% diseminated pyrite from 64.52 to 65.00m REG To Width Samp 64.18 0.52 43325 Zn% 0.02 Colour: G_G Pyrite: Texture: Sphalerite: Alteration: Galena: Cu% 0 Pb% 0.01 Ag g/t Au g/t 1.37 0.01 TR DISS B Clasts/Cryst: Felsic Chalco: From 64.18 65 85.75 131.74 45.99 IBX Fragmental with felsic fragments in the top 10 m and grading into a rhyolitic fragmental. Fragments in a green grey ground mass. Core is blocky with fractures at 30 and 50 degrees to ca. Traces REG Colour: G_G To 65 65.5 Width Samp 0.82 43326 0.5 43327 Zn% 0 0 Pyrite: Cu% 0.01 0 Pb% 0 0 Ag g/t Au g/t 0.34 0.01 0.34 0.01 TR DISS G Page 3 of 5 LS-07-15 Lithology From To Mineralogy Length of diseminated pyrite and rarely in blebs (<5mm). Broken co Description: Clasts/Cryst: Felsic/Rhyolite Texture: Sphalerite: Alteration: Galena: Chalco: From 131.74 167 Description: 35.26 MAND "Andesite, dark green with ocassional felsic fragment, more common from148.5167.0 m. Traces of pyrite in small blebs (<2mm) and rarely in thin veins. Weak chlorite alteration. Traces of carbonate veining (<2mm) and rare qtz/carb veining. Diseminated pyri Clasts/Cryst: Felsic REG S To Width Samp Zn% Colour: DGRN Pyrite: Texture: Sphalerite: Alteration: Galena: Cu% Pb% Ag g/t Au g/t TR DISS 85 Chalco: From 141.36 142.46 143.46 144.31 145.31 To Width Samp 142.46 1.1 43328 143.46 1 43329 144.31 0.85 43331 145.31 1 43332 146.31 1 43333 146.31 146.95 146.95 147.61 147.61 148.48 0.64 0.66 0.87 43334 43335 43336 TR BLEBS Zn% 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 Cu% 0.01 0.47 0.02 0.06 0.01 Pb% 0 0 0 0 0 Ag g/t 0.34 0.34 0.34 0.34 0.34 Au g/t 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.1 0.02 0.04 0 0 0 0.34 0.34 0.34 0.01 0.01 0.01 Page 4 of 5 LS-07-15 Lithology From To Mineralogy Length EOH: 167 Page 5 of 5 LS-07-16 Grid_E: Grid_N: Nad27_E: Nad27_N: Elevation: 524557.449 5406605.237 229.669 Little Sandy Property Licence NTS: Collar Survey: Downhole Method: Dip: Azi_Grid: Azi_TN: Drill Company: Drill Start: Drill Finish: Logged By: Log Start: Log Finish: -60 150 Springdale Forest 8/1/2002 8/1/2002 J. Reeves Objective: Length: Casing: Boxes: Core Size: Core Location: 191 46 NQ "Buchans, NL" Depth Azi_TN Azi_Grid Dip 50 154.4 -60.4 Test Type FlexIT 100 155.1 -60.7 FlexIT 152 155.6 -60.6 FlexIT 191 155.7 -60.4 FlexIT Comments: LS-07-16 Lithology Mineralogy From To Length 0 1 1 OB Description: Glacial till Clasts/Cryst: Colour: Pyrite: Texture: Sphalerite: Alteration: Galena: TR DISS Chalco: From 1 5.87 4.87 FFG REG S Description: Clasts/Cryst: "Felsic fragmental, grey green, with clasts up to 6 felsic cm diameter. Fractures at 45 and 60 degrees to ca. Core is blocky. Trace of pyrite in blebs (<2mm) and diseminate." 10.9 5.03 MBST Width Samp Zn% Colour: G_G Pyrite: Texture: Sphalerite: Alteration: Galena: Cu% Pb% Ag g/t Au g/t Cu% Pb% Ag g/t Au g/t Chalco: From 5.87 To REG Colour: DGRN To Width Samp Zn% Pyrite: TR DISS LS-07-16 Lithology From To Mineralogy Length B Sphalerite: Texture: Description: Clasts/Cryst: "Basalt, dark green with occasional reworked fragment. Carbonate filling fractures. Diseminated pyrite (<1%) in blebs <2mm diameter. Core is broken. Fractures at 45 and 60 degrees to ca. Trace of amethyst." Alteration: Chl Chalco: From 10.9 23.69 12.79 FFG REG B Description: Clasts/Cryst: Felsic fragmental with fragments <6cm diameter. felsic Core is blocky with fractures at 50 degrees to ca. Diseminated pyrite and also in occasiinal blebs up to 2 cm. Carbonate material along fractjure surfaces. Strong chlorite alteration from 23.36 to 23.69. Lost core from 15.50 to 17.00m. IBX Zn% Texture: Sphalerite: Chl Cu% Pb% Ag g/t Au g/t <1% DISS Galena: Chalco: REG Description: Clasts/Cryst: Rhyolite breccia - grey green with angular rhyolite fragments of pale pink rholite and occasional red jasper. Fragments are commonly 2-3 cm diameter and rarely up to 12 cm. Core is blocky. Trace of pyrite in blebs and rarely up to 1% locally over 3-4 cm. Strong chlorite alteration from 31.37 to 31.80m with <1% pyrite . 90 To Width Samp Zn% Colour: G_G Pyrite: Texture: Sphalerite: Alteration: Chl Cu% Pb% Ag g/t Au g/t <1% PATCH Galena: Chalco: From FFG Width Samp Pyrite: Alteration: G 32.69 98.38 65.69 To Colour: G_G From 23.69 32.69 9 Galena: REG Colour: G_G To Width Samp Zn% Pyrite: Cu% Pb% Ag g/t Au g/t <1% DISS Page 2 of 5 LS-07-16 Lithology From To Mineralogy Length G Minor Lithology 66.6 98.38 Alteration: From 47.86 48.86 49.86 50.86 51.86 53 54 55 55.64 56.3 60 Description: Clasts/Cryst Felsic fragmental - grey green with felsic occasional small fragment (<2mm). Siliceous alteration with thin pink quartz veining containing carbonate and <1% pyrite. Fractures at 60 degrees to ca and rarely at 30 degrees to ca. White quartz veins at 83.97 (9 cm) at 80 degrees to ca and at 86.41 (10cm) at 60 degrees to ca. Colour: G_G Chl Galena: Chalco: Upp Ctc: REG S 31.78 FFG Sphalerite: Texture: Description: Clasts/Cryst: "Felsic fragmental - grey green, with rare pale felsic pink rhyolite fragments. Upper contact is gradational. Fractures at 60 degrees to ca. Trace of pyrite in blebs (rarely up to 3 cm) and also diseminated. Core is blocky. Fault at 47.27 to 47.74 m with gouge. Pyrite content in rock increases slightly below fault. Strongly chloritic from 47.86 to 56.30 with 1% pyrite. Siliceous alteration from 56.30 to 59.00 with pink quartz. Quartz vein (pink) from 57.65 to 58.57m." To Width Samp 48.86 1 43337 49.86 1 43338 50.86 1 43339 51.86 1 43341 53 1.14 43342 54 1 43343 55 1 43344 55.64 0.64 43345 56.3 0.66 43346 57.3 1 43347 Zn% 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.02 0 0.01 0.01 0.01 0 0 Cu% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Pb% 0 0 0 0.01 0 0 0 0 0.01 0 Ag g/t 0.34 0.34 0.34 0.34 0.34 0.34 0.34 0.34 0.34 0.34 Au g/t 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 Foliation: Texture: Alteration: Pyrite: SIL <1% PATCH Sphalerite: 98.38 131.33 32.95 REG IBX B Description: Rhyolite breccia - grey green with pale pink rhyolite clasts and occasional felsic clast. Siliceous and chloritic alteration. Trace of pyrite. Fractures at 40 degrees to ca. Fault at 115.39 ( 21 cm) gouge. Core is blocky. Quartz /carbonate veining from 122.17 to 122.79 with <1% pyrite and <1% chalcopyrite with locally 2-3% over 3 cm. Traces of chalcopyrite at 131.14m. Clasts/Cryst: rhyolite Colour: G_G Pyrite: Texture: Sphalerite: Alteration: SIL Chl <1% DISS DISS Galena: Chalco: TR Page 3 of 5 LS-07-16 Lithology From To Mineralogy Length From 121.17 122.17 122.79 131.3 185.55 54.25 MAND REG S Description: Clasts/Cryst: "Andesite - dark green with diseminated pyrite (<1%). Quartz carbonate veining <1cm wide. Fractures at 70 dgrees to ca. Trace of chalcopyrite at 132.27m. Quartz/carbonate veining from 140.20 to 149.00 with pyrite and chalcopyrite (up to 2-3% over 20 cm), 154.73 to 159.16 with up to 1-3% cpy over 3cm, 168.35 to 174.84 with up to 25% cpy over 20cm at 173.26m and 179.81 to 182.02 with up to 10% cpy over 2cm. At 186.26m, pyrite a d up to 6% cpy over 3 cm." 45 To Width Samp 122.17 1 43348 122.79 0.62 43349 123.79 1 43351 Zn% 0.01 0.01 0 Colour: DGRN Pyrite: Texture: Sphalerite: Alteration: Cu% 0.02 0.94 0 Pb% 0 0 0 Ag g/t 0.34 0.34 0.34 Au g/t 0.01 0.01 0.01 <1% DISS Galena: Chl Chalco: TR MIN_V From To Width Samp 131.33 131.83 0.5 43352 131.83 132.33 0.5 43353 Zn% 0.01 0.01 Cu% 0.02 0.03 Pb% 0 0 Ag g/t Au g/t 0.34 0.01 0.34 0.01 132.33 139.7 140.2 140.76 143.73 144.13 144.7 145.2 145.91 146.41 146.91 132.94 140.2 140.76 141.26 144.13 144.7 145.2 145.91 146.41 146.91 147.41 0.61 0.5 0.56 0.5 0.4 0.57 0.5 0.71 0.5 0.5 0.5 43354 43355 43356 43357 43358 43359 43361 43362 43363 43364 43365 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.04 0.02 0.5 0.05 0.02 0.03 0.11 0.01 0 0 0.01 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.34 0.34 0.34 0.34 0.34 0.34 0.34 0.34 0.34 0.34 0.34 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 147.41 148.23 148.73 149.24 158 148.23 148.73 149.24 149.74 158.49 0.82 0.5 0.51 0.5 0.49 43366 43367 43368 43369 43371 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.08 0.32 0.01 0.01 0 0 0 0 0 0.34 1.03 0.34 0.34 0.34 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 1.06 0.04 0.03 Page 4 of 5 LS-07-16 Lithology From To 185.26 191 Mineralogy Length 5.74 REG FBX S Description: Felsic fragmental with angular fragments <2cm diameter. Diseminated pyrite with trace of chalcopyrite at 189.01m. Clasts/Cryst: felsic 45 158.49 159.16 160 160.5 167.85 168.35 169.05 169.55 170 170.43 170.93 159.16 160 160.5 161 168.35 169.05 169.55 170 170.43 170.93 171.43 0.67 0.84 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.7 0.5 0.45 0.43 0.5 0.5 43372 43373 43374 43375 43376 43377 43378 43379 43381 43382 43383 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.04 0.02 0.02 0.03 0.03 0.03 171.43 171.93 172.77 173.48 174.2 174.91 179.81 180.34 181.07 181.58 171.93 172.77 173.48 174.2 174.91 175.41 180.34 181.07 181.58 182 0.5 0.84 0.71 0.72 0.71 0.5 0.53 0.73 0.51 0.42 43384 43385 43386 43387 43388 43389 43391 43392 43393 43394 0.02 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.02 Colour: DGRN Pyrite: Texture: Sphalerite: Alteration: Chl 1.56 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.05 1.67 0.04 0.11 0.07 0.07 0.81 0.06 0.23 3.9 0.02 0.15 0 0.09 0.67 0.01 0.29 0.68 0.34 0.34 0.34 0.34 1.71 0.34 0.34 0.68 0.68 1.71 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0 0 0.01 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.34 0.34 1.71 0.34 0.34 0.34 0.34 0.68 0.34 0.34 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 TR DISS DISS Galena: Chalco: From 185.55 186.05 186.55 0.01 0 0 0 0 0.01 0 0 0 0 0.01 To Width Samp 186.05 0.5 43395 186.55 0.5 43396 187.05 0.5 43397 Zn% 0.02 0.02 0.01 TR DISS Cu% 0.01 0.38 0.01 Pb% 0 0.01 0 Ag g/t 0.34 1.03 0.68 Au g/t 0.01 0.01 0.01 EOH: 191 Page 5 of 5 LS-07-17 Grid_E: Grid_N: Nad27_E: Nad27_N: Elevation: Property Licence NTS: 524600.977 5406626.036 230.868 Little Sandy Collar Survey: Downhole Method: Dip: Azi_Grid: Azi_TN: Drill Company: Drill Start: Drill Finish: Logged By: Log Start: Log Finish: -60 150 Springdale Forest 8/1/2002 8/7/2002 A. Hilchey 8/1/2002 8/7/2002 Objective: Length: Casing: Boxes: Core Size: Core Location: 140 34 NQ "Buchans, NL" Depth Azi_TN Azi_Grid Dip 50 150 -59.3 Test Type FlexIT 100 150.9 -59.7 FlexIT 140 151.4 -60 FlexIT Comments: LS-07-17 Lithology From To 0 3.05 Mineralogy Length 3.05 OB Description: Overburden - peat and glacial till Clasts/Cryst: Colour: Pyrite: Texture: Sphalerite: Alteration: Galena: Chalco: From 3.05 52.39 49.34 IBX Description: Clasts/Cryst: "Rhyolite breccia with angular fragments of rhyolite rhyolite and occasional felsic fragments. Siliceous alteration. <1% pyrite in blebs. Band of 50% pyrite, 4 cm thick at 11.69 cm. Fractures at 60 degrees to ca. Core is blocky. Lost core from 32.0-33.0 m." 22.31 FFG Width Samp Zn% Colour: G_G Pyrite: Texture: Sphalerite: Alteration: Galena: Cu% Pb% Ag g/t Au g/t <1% DISS Chalco: From 52.39 74.7 To REG Colour: G_G To Width Samp Zn% Pyrite: Cu% Pb% Ag g/t Au g/t <1% DISS LS-07-17 Lithology From To Mineralogy Length G Description: Clasts/Cryst: Felsic fragmental - green grey with felsic felsic fragments and occasional rhyolite fragments. Upper contact is gradational. Fractures at 60 degrees to ca. Trace of carbonate along fractures. Diseminated pyrite with occasional blebs. Rarely up to 10% pyrite in lenses up to 10 cm thick. Massive patchy pervasive strong pink quartz veining from 65.0 to 74.70 m. This zone also locally contains distinctly sil frags and relict l 2 mm feldspar shards. Sphalerite: Texture: Alteration: L P SIL Ser From 74.7 98.58 23.88 IBX REG B Description: Clasts/Cryst: "Rhyolite Breccia - Faint pink to pinkish green rhyolite rhyolite clasts set in a pervasive grey-green groundmass. Rhyolite blocks/horizons up to 90 cm, rhy fragments have fluidal shapes (alt'n overprint?),rhy contains 1-2 mm chl alt mafics as well as 0.5 cm chl-filled amygdules. Patchy diss py blebs (up to 10% over 10 cm), mod QC, mod chl, mod ser, mod sil. 77.55-81.70 m: tr cpy as diss blebs and in vns. 81.70-91.00 m: 1-5 % cpy frequently constituting entire vns/strngrs (with host rx clasts) but is usually accompanied by qtzcarb and lesser py; @82.15 m- 1 cm cpy vn,0 tca; @83.80 m- 2 cm cpy vn,45 tca,q-c,brx; @84.90 m-4 cm cpy vn, 35 tca,q-c,brx;@ 86.85 m-1 cm qc cpy vn,55 tca; @87.00 m-1cm cpy q-c vn,25 tca; @88.4-88.65 m, q-c brx,50% cpy; @89.55 m, 2 cm cpy vn; @90.55 m,3 cm q-c vn, cpy clots; 95.82-98.58 m: 0.5 % scattered splashy blebs of cpy in irreg qtz-carb veins accompanied by blebb" Colour: PNK Texture: Alteration: Chalco: To Width Samp Zn% Cu% Pyrite: G_G Pb% Ag g/t Au g/t 2% BLEBS Sphalerite: MOT M W Galena: SIL Ser From 75 76 76.55 Galena: Chalco: To Width Samp 76 1 43398 76.55 0.55 43399 77.55 1 43401 Zn% 0 0 0.01 2% MIN_V Cu% 0 0 0.02 Pb% 0 0 0 Ag g/t 0.34 0.34 0.34 STR Au g/t 0.01 0.01 0.01 Page 2 of 3 LS-07-17 Lithology From To Mineralogy Length 77.55 78.55 79.55 80.55 81.15 81.7 82.4 82.9 83.4 83.9 84.75 78.55 79.55 80.55 81.15 81.7 82.4 82.9 83.4 83.9 84.75 85.25 1 1 1 0.6 0.55 0.7 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.85 0.5 43402 43403 43404 43405 43406 43407 43408 43409 43411 43412 43413 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.03 0.04 0.03 0.03 0.02 0 0 0 0 0 0.01 0 0 0.01 0 0.01 0.34 0.34 0.34 0.34 0.68 1.37 2.05 0.34 2.05 0.34 2.4 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 85.25 85.75 86.65 87.15 88.15 88.65 89.2 89.55 90.45 91 92 85.75 86.65 87.15 88.15 88.65 89.2 89.55 90.45 91 92 93 0.5 0.9 0.5 1 0.5 0.55 0.35 0.9 0.55 1 1 43414 43415 43416 43417 43418 43419 43421 43422 43423 43424 43425 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0 0 6.1 0.8 3.4 0.39 1.46 0.01 0 0.01 0 0.01 0 0.01 0.01 0.01 0 0.01 0 0 4.79 1.03 2.05 0.34 9.93 1.37 1.71 0.34 1.71 0.34 0.34 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 93 94 95 95.8 96.5 97.05 97.55 98.08 94 95 95.8 96.5 97.05 97.55 98.08 98.58 1 1 0.8 0.7 0.55 0.5 0.53 0.5 43426 43427 43428 43429 43431 43432 43433 43434 0 0 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0 0.01 0.05 0.15 0.3 0.04 0.13 0.07 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.34 0.34 0.34 1.03 0.34 0.34 0.34 0.34 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 1.25 0.62 0.07 1.68 0.14 4.9 8.4 1.14 1.58 0.03 EOH: 140 Page 3 of 3 LS-07-18 Grid_E: Grid_N: Nad27_E: Nad27_N: Elevation: Collar Survey: Downhole Method: Dip: Azi_Grid: Azi_TN: 524636 5406669 233.306 Little Sandy Property Licence NTS: -60 150 Drill Company: Drill Start: Drill Finish: Logged By: Log Start: Log Finish: Springdale Forest 8/7/2002 8/10/2002 A. Hilchey 8/7/2002 8/10/2002 Objective: 148 Length: Casing: Boxes: Core Size: Core Location: 36 NQ "Buchans, NL" Depth Azi_TN Azi_Grid Dip 50 148 -58.6 Test Type FlexIT 101 148.5 -58.7 FlexIT 147.5 149.3 -58.7 FlexIT Comments: LS-07-18 Lithology From To 0 3.05 Mineralogy Length 3.05 OB Description: Clasts/Cryst: Colour: Pyrite: Texture: Sphalerite: Alteration: Galena: Chalco: From 3.05 13.61 10.56 FRY Colour: G_G Texture: Description: Clasts/Cryst: "Amygdaloidal Rhyolite: Medium greenish grey with dark green spots. Aphanitic silica-sericitic groundmass. Local patchy faint pink hue. 3% 315 mm subrounded dark chl filled amygdules. 3% 1 mm chl alt'd mafics. Silicified overprint. 3% py as disseminated blebs in stringers and frac fills, locally semimassive over 10 cm. Upper 1 m contains limonite stain. Broken and blocky." Alteration: GREY BB Zn% Cu% Pb% Ag g/t Au g/t 3% MIN_V BLEBS Sphalerite: Ser SIL From Structure Width Samp Pyrite: APHA W W To Galena: Chalco: To Width Samp Zn% Cu% Pb% Ag g/t Au g/t LS-07-18 Lithology From To Mineralogy Length To From 3.05 14.75 BB 13.61 60.15 46.54 FFG REG Colour: G_G G Texture: Description: Clasts/Cryst: Felsic Fragmental: Medium dark greyish-green; felsic 20-30% 0.5-5 cm angular pink aphan rhy clasts set in an aphanitic massive silica-ser groundmass; wk chl; 3% py as non-uniformily distributed 0.4-1 cm blebs; sporadic 1-3 cm qtzcarb-py-chl veins; locally badly broken; scattered 10-20 cm rubble/gouge zones after 57.50 m Alteration: PNK Pyrite: SIL 3% BLEBS STR Sphalerite: W W Ser SIL Galena: Chalco: From To Width Samp Zn% Cu% Pb% Ag g/t Au g/t Structure To From 59.5 60 FLT "badly broken,gouge mush, chl alt'n" 60.15 85.9 25.75 FRY TEC S Description: Clasts/Cryst: Amygdaloidal Rhyolite: Medium greenish grey felsic with a light pinkish hue; aphanitic silica-ser groundmass with 15% 0.3-1.5 cm subrounded to rounded dark chl filled vesicles often with pink silica halos; 2% 1 mm chl alt'd mafics; local rubble zones contain strong chl on fractures; wk scattered qtz carb stringrs at 50 tca; 2% py blebs and in stringers; lwr ct shp @65 tca and weak fol may imply shearing Colour: G_G 60 Texture: Alteration: PNK Pyrite: APHA W W LBB STR Sphalerite: SIL Ser From 2% BLEBS Galena: Chalco: To Width Samp Zn% Cu% Pb% Ag g/t Au g/t Structure To From 60.15 GOU contact Page 2 of 6 LS-07-18 Lithology Mineralogy From To Length 85.9 100.25 14.35 REG FBX S Colour: G_G 65 Description: Clasts/Cryst: "Rhyolite Breccia: Greenish grey with a local pink rhyolitic hue; rhy is aphanitic(sil-ser) with 15% 2-5 mm chlfilled irregular amygdules; rhy fragments up to 10 cm have fluidal delicate textures; groundmass is also weakly chl; fine to blebby dissem py throughout and in qtz-carb vns; 94.85-95.25 m, shr with cloudy qtz frags and 15% blebby splashes of cpy; wk qtz carb strngrs and vns throughout" Minor Lithology 97.3 98 0.7 Alteration: Upp Ctc: REG S IDAC 60 Description: Clasts/Cryst Medium Grained Dacite: Dark felsic grey/black with 25% siliceous 2-5 mm irreg spots; siliceous material is locally strained and boudined; upper ct truncates fol; aphan chl-ser groundmass; looks like an altered granite; chl slicks on broken core; diss py Colour: DKG Texture: Alteration: G_G ST 60 PHY Chl QC 100.25 123.88 23.63 Foliation: M W Pyrite: 2% DISS Pyrite: LBB ST W W 5% DISS BLEBS Sphalerite: Ser SIL Galena: Chalco: From Structure 92.45 To 93.45 From 94.5 95.73 94.45 SHR Local 20 cm segments of94.85 weakly fol dark chl with 95.3 0.5 cm reduced qtz frags; local rhy blocks; 95.73 shr'd qtz vn from 94.85- 96.5 95.25 m with 15% cpy 97.15 splashes 98 Structure 99 To From 87.8 88.1 BB gouge material; strong chl <1% MIN_V To Width Samp 93.45 1 43447 94.45 1 43448 94.85 0.4 43449 95.3 0.45 43451 95.73 0.43 43452 96.5 0.77 43453 97.15 0.65 43454 98 0.85 43455 99 1 43456 Zn% 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0 0 0.01 0 Cu% 0.03 0.01 0.04 100.25 0 1.25 43457 2.19 0 0 0 0.02 0 Pb% 0 0 0 0.01 0 0 0 0 0 Ag g/t 5.14 0.34 0.34 1.71 0.34 0.34 0.34 0.34 0.34 Au g/t 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.2 0.01 0.01 0 0 0.34 0.01 Sphalerite: REG ITL S Description: "Chloritized Andesitic Lapilli Tuff: Dark greenishgrey with 15% 1-20 mm pink crystal shards and irregular fluidal felsic fragments set in a dark aphanitic chl-ser-sil groundmass; strong irreg, locally boudined andw folded qtz carb vns and strngrs with splashy blebs and stringers of cpy associated with py; locally badly broken; tr-0.5% cpy from 100.25-105.60 m; 0.5-1% cpy from Texture: GREY Clasts/Cryst: felsic Colour: G_G 55 Texture: Alteration: Pyrite: GRN LBB S M MOT Chl QC 3% DISS BLEBS Sphalerite: Galena: Chalco: <1% MIN_V STR Page 3 of 6 LS-07-18 Lithology From To Mineralogy Length 105.60 -116.95 m but locally 10% over 20 cm; tr0.5% cpy fro.m 116.95-126.50 m;120.25 m, 4 cm qtz vn with 5% cpy at 60 tca; 106.20-106.35 m, qtz,6% cpy;109.22 -109.40 m, qtz strngrs @ 50 tca,6% cpy; 110.75-110.95 m, array of cpy strngrs at 45 tca, 5% cpy" Structure To From 105.5 108.5 BB Structure To From 110.6 114.7 BB From 100.25 101 102 103 To 101 102 103 104 Width Samp 0.75 43458 1 43459 1 43461 1 43462 Zn% 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.02 Cu% 0.12 0.08 0.04 0.02 Pb% 0 0 0 0 Ag g/t 0.34 0.34 0.34 0.34 Au g/t 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 104 105 105.5 106 106.5 107.5 108 108.5 109 109.5 110 105 105.5 106 106.5 107.5 108 108.5 109 109.5 110 110.5 1 0.5 0.5 0.5 1 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 43463 43464 43465 43466 43467 43468 43469 43471 43472 43473 43474 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.25 0.24 0.07 0.07 0.13 0.04 1.84 0.01 0.46 0 0 0 0 0 0.01 0 0 0.01 0 0 0.34 0.34 0.34 0.34 0.34 0.34 0.34 0.34 3.08 0.34 0.34 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 110.5 111 111.5 112 112.5 113.5 114.4 115 116 116.5 117 111 111.5 112 112.5 113.5 114.4 115 116 116.5 117 118 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 1 0.9 0.6 1 0.5 0.5 1 43475 43476 43477 43478 43479 43481 43482 43483 43484 43485 43486 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.46 0.38 0.32 0.21 0.03 0.13 0.47 0.02 0.03 0.1 0.03 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.68 0.34 0.34 0.34 0.34 95.2 0.34 0.34 0.34 0.34 0.34 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 120.5 121 121.5 123.3 121 121.5 122 123.7 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.4 43487 43488 43489 43491 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0 0.1 0.01 0.06 0 0 0 0 0.34 0.34 0.34 0.34 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 Page 4 of 6 LS-07-18 Lithology From To Mineralogy Length 123.88 135.4 11.52 REG IDAC Colour: G_G G 3.35 Alteration: S 3% DISS MIN_V TR STR BLEBS Sphalerite: M L CHL EPI Upp Ctc: REG IAND Pyrite: Texture: Description: Clasts/Cryst: "Dacite: Medium grained and equigranular, weak faint fol; dark green with light pink spots; 25-30% 2-4 mm irregular siliceous grains set in a chl-ser groundmass; local epi spots; local patches of siliceous rhy; wk qtz car vn with tr cp clots; diss py and py wisps in strngrs" Minor Lithology 132.05 135.4 PNK From 125 Galena: Chalco: To Width Samp 125.5 0.5 43492 Zn% 0.01 Cu% 0.03 Pb% 0 Ag g/t Au g/t 0.34 0.01 2% FF BLEBS Pb% Ag g/t Au g/t 70 Description: Clasts/Cryst Andesite Fragmental: Dark grey felsic green with 5-10% angular 0.2-2 cm felsic fragments and shards set in a dark aphanitic chl-ser sil groundmass; 2% diss py and as blebs and strngrs; wk qtz carb veining Colour: G_G Texture: Alteration: GREY Foliation: PHY Chl Ser 135.4 147.5 12.1 W M Pyrite: 1% DISS Sphalerite: REG FRY S Description: Clasts/Cryst: Rhyolite: Grey-green and aphanitic; speckled with 10% 1-2 mm chl alt'd mafics /amygdules; groundmass comprises sil/ser; scattered rounded 1 cm py-filled amygdules as well as strngrf; wk qtz carb veinlets and fracture fills; unit not as amygdaloidal as prev rhy but is texturally the same Minor Lithology 139.25 143.24 Description: 3.99 STR Texture: Alteration: Upp Ctc: REG S IAND Colour: G_G 50 PNK Pyrite: MASS W M Sphalerite: Ser SIL From Galena: Chalco: To Width Samp Zn% Cu% Clasts/Cryst Page 5 of 6 LS-07-18 Lithology From To Mineralogy Length Amygdaloidal Andesite: Dark grey and massive/aphanitic with local clusters of 20% pink silica-ser/chl zoned irreg 0.5-2.5 cm amygdules and fragments; diss py within these vesicles; grdms consists of chl/ser/sil; lwr ct is shp at 70 tca Colour: DKG Texture: Alteration: PNK felsic amygdules Foliation: MASS Chl Ser S W Pyrite: 3% DISS BLEBS Sphalerite: EOH: 148 Page 6 of 6 H-07-3348 Grid_E: Grid_N: Nad27_E: Nad27_N: Elevation: 6450 3450 508467 5387228 Property Buchans Collar Survey: Downhole Method: Dip: Azi_Grid: Azi_TN: Objective: Licence NTS: -50 320 Drill Company: Drill Start: Drill Finish: Logged By: Log Start: Log Finish: Springdale Forest 24/10/2002 04/11/2002 A.Hilchey/J.Reeves 27/10/2002 04/11/2002 Exploration Infilling 500 29.9 114 NQ Buchans Length: Casing: Boxes: Core Size: Core Location: Depth Azi_TN Azi_Grid Dip 50 153.8 -89.8 101 206.6 -88.6 152 199.3 -83 176 204.2 -82.6 206 203.4 -82.5 250 206.1 -82.1 302 204.3 -81.8 353 202 -81.7 404 201.3 -81.5 452 202.2 -81 500 202.7 -81.4 Test Type Comments: H-07-3348 Lithology From To 0 29.9 Mineralogy Length 29.9 OB Description: Clasts/Cryst: Colour: Pyrite: Texture: Sphalerite: Alteration: Galena: Chalco: From 29.9 123.22 93.32 IFG Dacite Fragmental Colour: DGRN Texture: Description: Dacite Fragmental: Dark grey-green monomictic volcanoclastic with weak fol'n; weakly sorted Clasts/Cryst: 15%, 2 - 10 mm felsic qtz grains; 2-5%, 110% rhyolite porphyry frags Alteration: PHY P S To G_G Width Samp Zn% Pyrite: FOLw Chl CARB Sphalerite: Galena: Cu% Pb% Ag g/t Au g/t TR DISS H-07-3348 Lithology From To Mineralogy Length clasts comprise 15%, 2-10 mm (avg 4 mm), subrounded clear to orange qtz amygdules/phenos and 5%, 1-20 cm aphanitic pink rhyolite fragments that contain vesicles described above (locally filled with epidote), dacitic/felsic frags have delicate fluidal to angular shapes; very fine gr. matrix is moderately siliceous accompanied by weak pervasive chl; wkmod x-cutting qtz-carb strngrs at 30 tca; tr diss py, tr spec hem in QC strngrs Minor Lithology 47 48.15 1.15 Chalco: Upp Ctc: REG MSI S From 50 Description: Clasts/Cryst Basaltic Sill: Dark-grey to grey green, calcic, massive and aphanitic; weak silica and wk-mod chl; wk qtz car strngrs x-cut at 70 and 30 tca with tr py and spec; shp ct's Colour: DKG Texture: Alteration: DGRN mass Width Samp Zn% Cu% Pb% Ag g/t Au g/t From To 41 41.5 FLT Gouge and badly broken Foliation: Apha Chl QC Minor Lithology 50.5 52.72 To Structure P W 2.22 Pyrite: TR DISS Sphalerite: Upp Ctc: REG S MSI 60 Description: Clasts/Cryst Basaltic Sill: Dark-grey/black, calcic, massive and aphanitic; cross-cutting qtz-carb strngrs at 30 and 70 tca with tr py and spec; ct's are sharp, paralleling fol'n and undulating with faint chills Colour: DKG Texture: Alteration: mass Chl QC DGRN Foliation: Apha P W Pyrite: TR DISS Sphalerite: Page 2 of 14 H-07-3348 Lithology From To Mineralogy Length Minor Lithology 75.55 76.3 0.75 MSI Description: Basaltic Sill: Dark-greyish black, aphanitic, strongly calcic and massive; local wk fol'n; sharp contacts parallel to fol'n of host rock Colour: DKG Texture: Alteration: Upp Ctc: REG S 40 Upp Ctc: REG S 30 40 Apha QC CARB Minor Lithology 79.4 80.66 40 Clasts/Cryst Foliation: mass Upp Ctc: REG S W S 1.26 Pyrite: Sphalerite: MSI Description: Clasts/Cryst Basaltic Sill: see description for 75.5576.30 m; upper ct's sharp at 40 and 35 tca, respectively; weak qtz-carb strngrs Colour: DKG Texture: Alteration: BLK mass Apha QC CARB Minor Lithology 83.4 84.23 Foliation: W S 0.83 Pyrite: Sphalerite: MSI Description: Clasts/Cryst Basaltic Sill: see description for 75.5576.30 m Colour: DKG Texture: Alteration: mass BLK Foliation: Apha QC W CARB S Pyrite: Sphalerite: Page 3 of 14 H-07-3348 Lithology From To Mineralogy Length Minor Lithology 92 92.44 0.44 Description: Mafic Dyke: Fine-grained, noncalcareous, massive and aphanitic; lwr ct shp, cuts fol'n at 50 tca and is chilled Colour: G_G Texture: Alteration: Upp Ctc: REG S MDY 45 Clasts/Cryst Foliation: mass Apha Chl W Pyrite: Sphalerite: Minor Lithology 95.3 96.7 1.4 Description: Mafic Dyke: Fine-grained, noncalcareous, massive and aphanitic; shp but brkn ct's Colour: G_G Texture: Alteration: mass Chl Upp Ctc: REG B MDY Clasts/Cryst Foliation: Apha W Pyrite: Sphalerite: Page 4 of 14 H-07-3348 Lithology From To Mineralogy Length Minor Lithology 97.9 102.02 4.12 MSI Upp Ctc: REG S 30 Upp Ctc: REG S 40 Description: Clasts/Cryst Basalt Dyke: Dark-grey to grey-green, massive and aphanitic; strongly calcareous groundmass and wk carb veining; local finely laminated foliations; upper ct is shp @30 tca and parallels foliation, lwr ct is irreg, truncates fol'n at 25 tca Colour: DKG Texture: Alteration: G_G mass Chl CARB Minor Lithology 106 108.25 Foliation: 30 Apha 2.25 W S Pyrite: Sphalerite: MSI Description: Clasts/Cryst Basalt Sill: Dark-grey, massive and aphanitic, strongly calcic groundmass with fine carb strngrs; both ct's shp and parallel fol'n at 40 tca Colour: DKG Texture: Alteration: mass CARB Foliation: Apha P Pyrite: Sphalerite: Page 5 of 14 H-07-3348 Lithology From To Mineralogy Length Minor Lithology 120.5 122.35 1.85 Upp Ctc: REG G MSI 30 Description: Clasts/Cryst Basaltic Sill: Dark-grey green, very fine-grained, massive and aphanitic; weak internal fol'n; strongly calcic groundmass with wk chl overprint; wk x-cutting hairline carb-filled fractures at 20 tca; strong fracturing at 30 tca; upper and lwr ct's shp at 30 and 35 tca respectively and paralleling fol'n Colour: DKG Texture: Alteration: G_G mass 30 Apha CARB QC 123.22 165.85 42.63 Foliation: P W IV Pyrite: Sphalerite: Foliated Intermediate Volcanic REG G Colour: DGRN Texture: Description: Clasts/Cryst: Foliated Intermediate Volcanic: Dark- green to light grey-green, fine-grained and strongly foliated; alternating 1 cm laminated coloured compositional banding; local patches of 0.4 cm rounded qtz amygdules; weakly siliceous with moderate to strong pervasive chl overprint with wk ser banding; planar to crenulated fol'n; 5-10% carb as x-cutting frac fills and irreg blebs along fol'n; tr diss py to 144.5 m, 1-10% fine wispy diss py from 144.5-159.15 m; 158.15-158.95 m, 0.5% cp, very tr gal and sph; intruded by several foliation parallel aphanitic mafic basaltic sills (144.26-144.55 m,145.26-145.83 m) Minor Lithology 140.05 140.92 0.87 MSI Description: Clasts/Cryst Basalt Sill/Dyke: Green, fine-grained, massive and aphanitic;calcic and chl FOLs Alteration: Upp Ctc: REG S G_G Pyrite: 1% DISS Sphalerite: TR DISS Galena: TR DISS Chalco: TR DISS 30 60 Structure To From 142.3 142.8 SHR S M BD CARB Chl From 144.55 145.25 145.83 146.8 To Width Samp 145.25 0.7 43731 145.83 0.58 43732 146.8 0.97 43733 147.8 1 43734 Zn% 0.03 0.03 0.02 0.02 Cu% 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.01 Pb% 0.03 0 0 0.01 Ag g/t Au g/t 1.37 0.68 1.37 1.37 Page 6 of 14 H-07-3348 Lithology From To Mineralogy Length in gms; carb on fracs that cut over ct's; ct's shp and parallel fol'n Colour: GRN Texture: Alteration: Foliation: mass Apha CARB Chl Minor Lithology 161.97 165.85 P P 3.88 Pyrite: Sphalerite: Upp Ctc: REG S MSI 55 Description: Clasts/Cryst Basaltic Sill: Dark green-grey, very fine-grained, massive and aphanitic; stoped xenoliths of underlying unit; moderately siliceous with a mod perv chl overprint; moderate microfracturing filled with carb that post-dates ct's; shp ct's are parallel to fol'n @ 55 and 40 tca respectively; local faulting Colour: DGRN Texture: Alteration: G_G mass 147.8 148.8 149.8 150.8 151.8 152.8 153.8 154.85 155.85 156.85 157.65 148.8 149.8 150.8 151.8 152.8 153.8 154.85 155.85 156.85 157.65 158.15 FLT fault breccia with grey- 158.15 158.65 clay heal, ct's at 20 and 158.65 159.15 25 tca resp. 159.15 159.65 1 1 1 1 1 1 1.05 1 1 0.8 0.5 43735 43736 43737 43738 43739 43741 43742 43743 43744 43745 43746 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.02 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.01 0 0.34 3.42 1.37 3.42 0.34 1.71 1.08 1.08 1.71 2.74 0.34 0.5 0.5 0.5 43747 43748 43749 0.03 0.44 0.02 0.13 0.04 0.01 0.18 0.24 0 9.93 5.14 1.08 Foliation: Apha CARB Chl 165.85 199.95 34.1 Structure From To 146.5 GOU 1 cm Structure To From 147.4 147.67 FLT Gouge, fol'n parallel Structure To From 164.93 165.85 M P IV Pyrite: Sphalerite: REG S Description: Clasts/Cryst: Intermediate Volcanics: Dark-green to greenlocal 0.5-4 cm rhy fragments grey, well foliated; dominantly interbedded horizons of strongly foliated fine-grained (tuffaceous-local lapilli tuff) volcanics with lesser: rhyolitic agglomeratic breccias (0.5-4 cm frags) and calcite vesicle-rich flows/frags (30 cm); tr py; moderate carbonate-filled irregular blebs and fractures; fragments are strained along fabric; well foliated horizons are identical to the overlying unit Colour: DGRN 25 Texture: Alteration: FOLs M M G_G Pyrite: ST CARB Chl TR DISS Sphalerite: Galena: Chalco: Page 7 of 14 H-07-3348 Lithology From To Mineralogy Length From To Width Samp Zn% Cu% Pb% Ag g/t Au g/t Structure To From 169.9 169.91 GOU 1 cm Structure To From 170.15 170.16 GOU 1 cm 199.95 219.6 19.65 REG FRY S Description: Rhyolite Flows: Light pinkish-grey, very finegrained, massive to weakly foliated with depth; locally 5% 1 mm qtz phenos; 10% 0.5 cm carbfilled vesicles to 103.30 m; unit is abundant in carb-healed microfractures; strained fabric intensifies with depth to a breccia along fol'n; 25% blebby and diss py on microfracs and fol'n; strongly siliceous and weakly ser; LBB; localized 20 cm brx flowtops. Colour: PNK 45 Clasts/Cryst: Texture: LGTG FOLw mass W W Alteration: Pyrite: CARB Ser From 5% DISS BLEBS Sphalerite: Galena: Chalco: To Width Samp Zn% Cu% Pb% Ag g/t Au g/t Structure To From 206.65 GOU 1 cm 219.6 234.02 14.42 FBX Felsic Breccia REG G Description: Clasts/Cryst: Felsic Breccia: Dark-green to red brown, 1-5 cm felsic fragments moderately fol'd and intensely strained; healed with light-green silica and ser to 229.33 m; remainder of unit comprises 15% angular 1-5 cm angular carb-altered felsic fragments elongated along fol'n and locally boudined, mtrx consists of strong chl and wk patchy sil, and strong patchy perv hem also conc on clasts and fol'n; this could be a healed fault?; reactivated flt from 222.55- Colour: GRN 40 Texture: Alteration: FOLm S M PRPL Pyrite: ST CARB Chl Sphalerite: Galena: Chalco: Page 8 of 14 H-07-3348 Lithology From To Mineralogy Length 229.25 manifested as locally badly broken zones with gouge; 1 ft lost core @224.30 m From To Width Samp Zn% Cu% Pb% Ag g/t Au g/t Structure To From 219.6 234.02 FLT healed and reactivated fault, resembles the HAG, see litho desc 234.02 300.5 66.48 SCGL REG S Colour: PNK 50 Description: Clasts/Cryst: Polylithic Conglomerate: Pinkish-grey to reddish- dominantly cobble-sized rounded to angular orange, massive to very poorly sorted; clasts aphan to phyric rhyolitic and mafic volcanics range from 0.5-30 cm and are well-rounded to angular in shape, lithologies range from massive to qtz-phyric aphanitic rhyolites, lesser mafic volcanics and jasper; several fining upwards sequences from granule sst to conglom; mtrx comprises fine to granule sand; str perv sil, buff pale-green ser on irr fractures; microfracs contain carb and lesser chl /hem; abundant faulting and badly broken core; tr py Texture: Alteration: ORG Pyrite: mass S W LBB TR DISS Sphalerite: SIL Chl Galena: Chalco: From Structure To From 239.55 239.85 FLT brkn and gouge Structure To From 246.75 250.2 FLT badly brkn fault with gouge Structure To From 253.9 FLT >10 cm wide qtz-carb hld fault breccia To Width Samp Zn% Cu% Pb% Ag g/t Au g/t Page 9 of 14 H-07-3348 Lithology From To Mineralogy Length Structure To From 274.7 GOU 1 cm gouge Structure To From 292 293.6 BB Structure To From 293.15 GOU 2 cm 300.5 335.8 35.3 FRY REG S Description: Clasts/Cryst: Feldspar Phyric Hematitic Rhyolite: Dark-red brown with brick-red microfracture selvages; 10%, 1-5 mm anhedral pink k-spar phenos; moderately siliceous aphanitic groundmass with a strong pervasive hem overprint; 1% dissem spec; carb frac fills @ 45 tca, epidote/ser on fractures; blocky and locally badly broken; unit often resembles a hematitic crackle breccia; upper ct is weakly brecciated and ser hld @ 45 tca, lwr ct is shp, irreg and chilled Colour: BRN 45 Texture: Pyrite: PHY Alteration: Apha M W SIL CARB From TR DISS Sphalerite: Galena: Chalco: To Width Samp Zn% Cu% Pb% Ag g/t Au g/t Structure To From 321.8 322.4 BB Structure To From 327.6 329.1 BB 335.8 344.3 8.5 IVBX REG Colour: DGRN G_G Pyrite: 3% DISS Page 10 of 14 H-07-3348 Lithology From To Mineralogy Length S 65 Description: Clasts/Cryst: Intermediate Vesicular Volcanic Breccia 0.5-30 cm vesicular clasts (Agglomerate): Clastic, very poorly sorted, darkgreen and locally bedded; 60%, 0.5-30 cm aphanitic dark-green strongly vesicular (calcite filled) angular fragments of intermediate basalt(?); rare clasts of jasper and pink rhyolite otherwise monomictic; localized irregular fine-grained tuffaceous bedding; 3-4% diss py and strngrs,tr f.g. gal?; moderately chloritic; @342.70 -342.90 m, green f.g. dykelet x-cutting at 40 tca, 10% clear soft green 2 mm phenos, 5% diss py and carb vesicles Sphalerite: Texture: Alteration: M M Chl CARB From 335.8 336.8 337.8 338.3 338.8 339.8 340.8 341.8 Galena: Chalco: To Width Samp 336.8 1 58851 337.8 1 58852 338.3 0.5 58853 338.8 0.5 58854 339.8 1 58855 340.8 1 58856 341.8 1 58857 342.8 1 58858 342.8 343.55 343.55 344.33 344.33 357.8 13.47 REG FRY S Description: Felsic Rhyolite: Light-pink to light pinkish green; 5%, 1-3 mm anhedral yellow-green phenos (unknown mineral, clear, green, soft, not olivine?); aphanitic silica-kspar groundmass; crackle brx to 344.90 m; wk diss py, tr diss gal and sph; tr cp in carb fracs; moderate carb in microfracs; upper ct is shp @ 45 tca Clasts/Cryst: Colour: PNK 45 Texture: Alteration: PHY S W LGTG Apha SIL CARB 0.75 0.78 58859 58861 Zn% 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.1 0.04 0.03 0.03 0.06 Cu% 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 Pb% 0 0.01 0.01 0.04 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.02 Ag g/t Au g/t 0.68 1.08 2.05 5.82 4.45 5.14 4.45 3.42 0.09 0.09 0.01 0.03 0.03 0.06 3.42 2.74 Pyrite: 1% DISS Sphalerite: TR DISS Galena: TR DISS Chalco: TR DISS From To Width Samp 344.33 345.3 0.97 58862 345.3 346.3 1 58863 Zn% 0.49 0.1 Cu% 0.05 0.01 Pb% 0.31 0.02 Ag g/t Au g/t 116.4 6.85 Page 11 of 14 H-07-3348 Lithology From To Mineralogy Length 357.8 372.4 14.6 IVBX REG S Description: Intermediate Vesicular Volcanic Breccia (Agglomerate): Dark to pale-green, poorly sorted and monomictic; 70% fluidal /delicate to angular clasts that range in size from 2 mm-70 cm's; phyric clasts comprise 10% carb-filled vesicles, 10% 1-3 mm anhedral alt'd pyroxenes?(soft, transparent green and soft), gms is aphanitic, wk siliceous and mod chloritic; mtrx is strongly chloritized; tr py in clasts, mod carb on fracs; bedded towards ct's, lwr ct conformable; 371.45371.98 m, mafic dyke with chilled ct's @ 70 and 75 resp. Colour: DGRN 45 Clasts/Cryst: dominantly intermed-mafic carb vesicular clasts, 2 mm-20 cm that have fluidal to angular shapes; 5-10% anhedral unidentified phenos described in above unit 346.3 347.3 348.3 349.3 350.3 351.3 352.3 353.3 354.3 355.3 356.3 347.3 348.3 349.3 350.3 351.3 352.3 353.3 354.3 355.3 356.3 357 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.7 58864 58865 58866 58867 58868 58869 58871 58872 58873 58874 58875 0.12 0.02 0.02 0.01 0 0 0.01 0 0.01 0.03 0.01 0.02 0.01 0 0.01 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.04 0.02 0.02 0.01 0 0 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.02 0 7.19 357 357.8 0.8 58876 0.01 0 0 1.71 LgtGrn Pyrite: S M Chl CARB FRY REG S Description: Rhyolitic Breccia: Light greyish green to pink, 60% 1-20 cm subangular rhy clasts; clast size Galena: Chalco: From 357.8 370.95 371.45 372 372.4 376.25 3.85 -1% DISS Sphalerite: Texture: Alteration: 44.2 9.93 3.08 3.08 2.05 3.42 3.08 6.16 4.79 0.68 Clasts/Cryst: rhyolitic fragments 0.3-5 cm Colour: LGTG 60 Texture: Alteration: PNK MASS M W SIL SIL Ser To Width Samp 358.8 1 58877 371.45 0.5 58878 372 0.55 58879 372.4 0.4 58881 Zn% 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.02 Cu% 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.01 Pb% 0 0 0 0 Ag g/t Au g/t 1.08 0.01 0.34 0.34 Pyrite: 5% DISS Sphalerite: TR DISS Galena: TR DISS Chalco: TR BLEBS Page 12 of 14 H-07-3348 Lithology From To Mineralogy Length and abundance decreases towards conformable, gradational contacts as primary bedding is introduced; 5% fine diss py as wisps dominantly in the fine mtrx; tr sph and gal in rhy clasts, cp splashes in upper 10 cm; tr carb in fracs; From 372.4 372.9 373.9 374.9 375.6 376.25 392.98 16.73 SCGL REG S Colour: PNK 55 Description: Clasts/Cryst: Polymictic Conglomerate: Light pink-orange grey, pebble to cobble-sized massive and moderately sorted to poorly sorted; interbedded sst horizons; clasts pebble to cobblesized, subrounded to angular and comprise pink rhyolite, qtz and lesser mafic volcanic; local bedding ranges from 50-60 tca; pervasive moderate silicification; conformable ct's Texture: Alteration: LGTG mass SIL CARB Structure To From 386.78 387.13 FLT Fault Zone with gouge 392.98 500 107.02 SSST REG S Description: Clasts/Cryst: Sandstone: Fine-medium grained, grey to pinkishorange; well sorted massive beds with local bedding planes at 45 tca; locally interbedded pebble conglomerates; pervasive silicification with wk carb on fracs; locally BB. Locally minor argilliceous banding with traces of carbonaceous material with graphic material along fracture surfaces. Thin beds (@ 478.51m) at 70 deg to ca, exhibiting graded bedding with tops up. Faulting Colour: PNK 55 Texture: Alteration: mass P W Zn% 0.55 0.21 0.09 0.17 0.31 Cu% 0.09 0.02 0.01 0 0.01 Pyrite: SIL P W To Width Samp 372.9 0.5 58882 373.9 1 58883 374.9 1 58884 375.6 0.7 58885 376.25 0.65 58886 SIL CARB TR DISS Galena: Chalco: Zn% 0.24 0 Pyrite: SIL Ag g/t Au g/t 3.08 0.68 0.68 1.08 2.05 Sphalerite: From To Width Samp 376.25 376.75 0.5 58887 376.75 377.75 1 58888 GREY Pb% 0.17 0.01 0 0.02 0.02 Cu% 0.01 0 Pb% 0.07 0 Ag g/t Au g/t 0.68 0.01 TR DISS Sphalerite: Galena: Chalco: Page 13 of 14 H-07-3348 Lithology From To Mineralogy Length at 474.50 - 475.01m (fractured and rehealed), 480.83 - 480.93m ( broken core), 482.84 484.79m (broken core). From To Width Samp Zn% Cu% Pb% Ag g/t Au g/t Structure To From 411.8 411.95 FLT Broken with gouge EOH: 500 Page 14 of 14 H-07-3349 Grid_E: Grid_N: Nad27_E: Nad27_N: Elevation: 6350 3450 508532 5387310 Property Buchans Collar Survey: Downhole Method: Dip: Azi_Grid: Azi_TN: Objective: Licence NTS: Drill Company: Drill Start: Drill Finish: Logged By: Log Start: Log Finish: -50 320 Springdale Forest 04/11/2002 13/11/2002 J.Reeves 05/11/2002 13/11/2002 Exploration Infilling Length: Casing: Boxes: Core Size: Core Location: 500 38.5 115 NQ Buchans Depth Azi_TN Azi_Grid Dip 51 199.5 -88.7 102 199.3 -88.5 150 205.8 -88.8 201 222.1 -88.5 249 214.7 -88.3 300 234.6 -88.3 351 248.7 -88.5 402 237.6 -88.3 450 240.1 -87.9 500 250.3 -88.2 Test Type Comments: H-07-3349 Lithology Mineralogy From To Length 0 38.48 38.48 OB Description: Clasts/Cryst: Overburden - Glacial till with with boulders up to 2 - 3 m diameter and numerous smaller diameter boulders. Vert difficult to set casing due to bit wear and caving. Colour: Pyrite: Texture: Sphalerite: Alteration: Galena: Chalco: From 38.48 45.42 6.94 FCGL REG Colour: PNK DGRN To Width Samp Zn% Pyrite: Cu% Pb% Ag g/t Au g/t H-07-3349 Lithology From To Mineralogy Length B Texture: Description: Clasts/Cryst: Intermediate conglomerate - Pink to dark green rhyolite conglomerate with minor felsic fragments. Fragments commonly <3-4 cm and rarely up to 10 cm diameter. Core is badly broken (faulted) with hematite, calcite and minor epidote. Qtz fragments <1 cm dia. BB Sphalerite: Galena: Alteration: Chalco: From 45.42 74.77 29.35 TEC MBST Colour: DKG B Texture: Description: Clasts/Cryst: Intermediate volcanic - Dark grey with black fine grained phenocrysts and amygdules of calcite. Calcite also filling fractjures along with minor epidote. Core is badly broken (faulted) with hematite staining to 47m. Upper contact is faulted. Fractures commonly at 70 deg to ca. Fault at 51.87 - 52 98 m with broken rock< gouge and calcite. 20.53 APHA Description: Clasts/Cryst: Rhyolite Flow - Pink to light green, fine grained. Rhyolite Weakly siliceous. Upper contact at 20 deg to ca. Core is badly broken (faulted) from 77.60 - 79.10 and 84.75 - 89.00 m. Rx is rehealed fRom 84.75 87.30 m. Description: 5.65 Pb% Ag g/t Au g/t Cu% Pb% Ag g/t Au g/t Cu% Pb% Ag g/t Au g/t Galena: Colour: PNK 20 Texture: To G_G Width Samp Zn% Pyrite: Apha Sphalerite: Galena: Alteration: Chalco: Upp Ctc: TEC B FCGL Cu% Chalco: S Minor Lithology 79.1 84.75 Zn% Sphalerite: Alteration: REG FRY Width Samp Pyrite: From 74.77 95.3 To From To Width Samp Zn% Clasts/Cryst Page 2 of 8 H-07-3349 Lithology From To Mineralogy Length Rhyolite Conglomerate - Pink to maroon rhyolite and red jasper fragments in a grey green matrix. Fragments are primarily rhyolite and jasper up to 10 cm dia and angular. Rx is broken. Smaller (<1 cm) qtz and lithic fragments also present. Colour: PNK Texture: PRPL Foliation: BB Pyrite: Alteration: Sphalerite: SIL 95.3 Rhyolite 103.28 7.98 REG FCGL S Colour: G_G 20 Description: Clasts/Cryst: Rhyolite Conglomerate - grey green - dark green Rhyolite matrix with rhyolite fragments grading to maroon. Over printed with white carbonate <2mm dia. Weakly siliceous but more siliceous in the maroon intervals. Slightly chloritic. Upper contact at 20 deg to ca. GRN Pyrite: Sphalerite: Texture: Alteration: P Chl SIL From 103.28 124.29 21.01 TEC FCGL S Description: Clasts/Cryst: Polylithic Conglomerate - Brown grey with 1-5 cm dia fragments of rhyolite, basalt and tuff. Upper contact is broken but at 80 deg to ca. Fractures commonly at 80 deg to ca. Hematite stain within 30 cm of upper contact. Clast sizes increase with depth. Minor Lithology 108.43 114.2 5.77 Description: Lithic Conglomerate - Grey with 1-2 Clasts/Cryst Tuffaceous PNK Chalco: To Width Samp Zn% Cu% Pb% Ag g/t Au g/t Cu% 0 0 0 0 Pb% 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 Ag g/t Au g/t 1.08 0.34 0.34 1.71 Pyrite: Sphalerite: Texture: Alteration: W SIL Galena: Chalco: Upp Ctc: REG G FCGL Colour: GREY 80 Galena: From 107.63 108.43 108.93 109.43 To Width Samp 108.43 0.8 58889 108.93 0.5 58891 109.43 0.5 58892 109.93 0.5 58893 Zn% 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.01 Page 3 of 8 H-07-3349 Lithology From To Mineralogy Length cm diam fragments of primarily tuffaceous material with occasional rhyolite fragments. Upper contact is gradational. Trace of diseminated pyrite. Colour: GREY 109.93 110.43 110.93 111.43 111.93 112.43 112.93 113.43 113.93 114.3 Foliation: Texture: Pyrite: Alteration: TR DISS Sphalerite: 124.29 150.62 26.33 REG IBX S Description: Rhyolite breccia - Grey green to pink; grey green matrix with pale pink to pink rhyolite fragments and rare basalt and tuff fragments. Occasional qtz clasts and carbonate over printing. Rx is weakly siliceous. Trace of calcite along fracture surfaces. Upper contact at 70 deg to ca. Tr diseminated pyrite. Faulting with broken rock at 128.43-128.82 and 138.97-139.58 m. Jasper cobbles (10cm) from 149.40-150.00 m. Clasts/Cryst: RhyolIte Colour: G_G 70 PNK FCGL TEC B Description: Clasts/Cryst: Rhyolite - Pink to maroon, fine grained with qtz Rhyolite feldspar phenocrysts. Rare pink rhyolite fragments (<3 cm). Fractures commonly at 60 deg to ca. Tr of epidote along fractjure surfaces. Rx is badly broken from 150.00-152.67 m, 155.90157.45 m, 160.00-161.20 m, 163.11-164.78 m. Upper contact is broken. Rx is siliceous. W Colour: PNK SIL CARB 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0 0.01 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.01 0.02 0.01 0 0.01 0 0 0 0 0 1.08 1.37 1.37 1.37 1.08 1.37 0.68 0.01 1.71 1.71 TR DISS Galena: Chalco: To PRPL Width Samp Zn% Cu% Pb% Ag g/t Au g/t Cu% Pb% Ag g/t Au g/t Pyrite: Sphalerite: Texture: Alteration: 58894 58895 58896 58897 58898 58899 58901 58902 58903 58904 Sphalerite: Texture: Alteration: 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.37 0.48 Pyrite: From 150.62 173.74 23.12 110.43 110.93 111.43 111.93 112.43 112.93 113.43 113.93 114.3 114.78 W SIL CARB From Galena: Chalco: To Width Samp Zn% Page 4 of 8 H-07-3349 Lithology From To Mineralogy Length 173.74 210.52 36.78 REG FCGL S Colour: GREY 60 Description: Clasts/Cryst: Polylithic Conglomerate - Grey to dark grey with Rhyolite fragments of pink rhyolite and grey to dark grey basalt and tuff. Rare lithic fragments containing <1% disseminated pyrite. Qtz grains throughout. Upper contact at 60 deg to ca. Rare bedding at 70 deg to ca. Thin tuffaceous beds (<10 cm) at 187.63 m and at 189.14 m. Weak chlorite and carbonate alteration. Thin calcareous filling along some fracture surfaces. Tr of disseminated pyrite. Blebs (<0.5) cm of pyrite (<1%) in basal 50 cm of unit. DKG Pyrite: Sphalerite: Texture: Alteration: W SIL CARB From 210.52 214.6 4.08 REG IT S Description: Tuff - Beige to light grey, fine to occasionally medium grained. Bedding at 60 degrees to ca. Upper contact at 20 degrees to ca. Colour: BGE 20 Clasts/Cryst: Texture: Alteration: IRY Chalco: To Width Samp Zn% Cu% Pb% Ag g/t Au g/t Cu% Pb% Ag g/t Au g/t Pyrite: Apha Sphalerite: W SIL Galena: Chalco: REG S Description: Clasts/Cryst: Rhyolite - Pink, occasionally grading into light green and rare maroon. Aphanitic with occasional phenocrysts of feldspar. Rx is broken from 225 235 m, 250.770 - 253.43 and 284.50 - 284.99. Faulting at 300.40 - 301.30 m (with indications that part of the zone was rehealed) and at 319.41 - 319.52 m with gouge. Fractures commonly at 60 deg to ca but also at 30 deg to ca. Traces of epidote along some fractures. Galena: GREY From 214.6 321.99 107.39 TR DISS Colour: PNK 60 Texture: Alteration: LgtGrn Width Samp Zn% Pyrite: Apha W To Sphalerite: SIL Galena: Chalco: Page 5 of 8 H-07-3349 Lithology From To Mineralogy Length From 321.99 351.67 29.68 FCGL REG S Colour: PNK 70 Description: Clasts/Cryst: Rhyolite Conglomerate - Pink rhyolite fragments Rhyolite with lesser amounts of dark grey basalt and grey tuff in a dark grey matrix. Fragments up to 4-5 cm but decreasing in size with depth, especially below 333 m where the sequence grades into interbedded coarse grey sandstone with rhyolite fragments. Upper contact is at 70 deg to ca. Fractures commonly at 70 deg to ca. Indications of minor movement and poorly developed gouge from 337.09 - 337.63 m. Rare bedding at 60 deg to ca. Tr of finely diseminated pyrite in the matrix. GREY MBST TEC S W QC Pb% Ag g/t Au g/t TR DISS Galena: 10 To Width Samp Zn% Colour: DGRN Pyrite: Texture: Sphalerite: Alteration: Galena: Cu% Pb% Ag g/t Au g/t TR DISS Chalco: From FSST Cu% Chalco: Description: Clasts/Cryst: Basalt - Dark green grey basalt with dark green phenocrysts (<0.5 cm). Upper contacted is faulted at 10 deg to ca and rehealed with qtz/carb veining over 45 cm. Occasionally amygdules . Core is badly broken from 354.90 - 356.10 m. Occasional thin (<0.5 cm) qtz/carb veins randomly cutting core. Tr of finely diseminated pyrite. 401.04 406.76 5.72 Zn% Sphalerite: Texture: Alteration: Width Samp Pyrite: From 351.67 401.04 49.37 To TEC Colour: PNK To Width Samp Zn% Cu% Pb% Ag g/t Au g/t Pyrite: Page 6 of 8 H-07-3349 Lithology From To Mineralogy Length S 60 Description: Clasts/Cryst: Sandstone - Pale pink, medium to coarse grained Rhyolitic sandstone with rhyolite, quartz and lithic fragments. Upper contact is at 60 deg to ca. Fractures commonly at 80 deg to ca. Minor Lithology 403.97 405.2 1.23 Upp Ctc: TEC S MDY Description: Mafic Dyke - Grey green, fined grained. Rock is broken. Upper contacr at 45 deg to ca. Similar dyke at 404.83 - 404.93 m and dyke material along the sides of the core at 405.20 - 405.30 m. Colour: GREY Texture: Sphalerite: Alteration: Galena: Chalco: From To Width Samp Zn% Cu% Pb% Ag g/t Au g/t Cu% Pb% Ag g/t Au g/t 45 Clasts/Cryst Foliation: Texture: Pyrite: Alteration: Sphalerite: 406.76 434.52 27.76 FCGL TEC S Description: Clasts/Cryst: Felsic Conglomerate - Pink to grey, medium to Rhtolite coarse grained sandstone with conglomeritic intervals containing fragments up to 12 cm diameter. Grains are primarily rhyolite with lesser amounts of tuff, basalt and granite. Upper contact is soft indicating minor shearing. Minor chlorite alteration. Fractures commonly at 60 deg to ca. Interval is comprized of two fining upwards sequences from 406.76 - 430.95 and 430.95 434.52 m. Rare graded bedding indicating " tops up". Colour: PNK GREY Pyrite: Sphalerite: Texture: Alteration: W SIL Chl From Galena: Chalco: To Width Samp Zn% Page 7 of 8 H-07-3349 Lithology From To Mineralogy Length 434.52 438.01 3.49 REG FT S Description: Clasts/Cryst: Felsic Tuff - Grey, fine grained. Upper contact at Rhyolite 90 deg to ca. Poorly developed bedding at 70 deg to ca. Occasional thin beds ( 1-2 cm) of medium grained tuff. Wisps of carbonaceous material in core. 90 Colour: GREY Pyrite: Texture: Sphalerite: Alteration: Galena: Chalco: From 438.01 500 61.99 REG FCGL G Description: Felsic Conglomerate - Pink, generally medium grained with coarser fragments up to 12 cm diameter. Fragments are comprized of rhyolite, tuff, basalt and granite. Occasional quartz grains and rare jasper fragments. Fractures commonly at 60 - 70 deg to ca. Thin quartz/carbonate veins (<0.5 cm) at randon zangles to ca. Poorly developed bedding at 60 deg to ca. Interval contains several fining upward sequences. SilIficed and bleached along fractures at 483.30, 484.78, 485.55, 492.00, 492.75 and 493.45. Clasts/Cryst: Rhyolite To Width Samp Zn% Colour: PNK Pyrite: Texture: Sphalerite: Alteration: T QC Cu% Pb% Ag g/t Au g/t Cu% Pb% Ag g/t Au g/t Galena: Chalco: From To Width Samp Zn% EOH: 500 Page 8 of 8 H-07-3350 Grid_E: Grid_N: Nad27_E: Nad27_N: Elevation: 6050 3450 508782 5387505 Property Buchans Collar Survey: Downhole Method: Dip: Azi_Grid: Azi_TN: Objective: Licence NTS: -55 270 Drill Company: Drill Start: Drill Finish: Logged By: Log Start: Log Finish: Springdale Forest 14/11/2002 23/11/2002 J.Reeves/A.Hilchey 14/11/2002 24/11/2002 Exploration Infilling 550 44 121 NQ Buchans Length: Casing: Boxes: Core Size: Core Location: Depth Azi_TN Azi_Grid Dip 52 104.9 -89.3 101 168.9 -89.5 152 169.5 -89.5 200 138.9 -89.6 251 161.2 -89.4 302 159 -88.8 350 195.1 -89.3 401 183.2 -89.2 450 187.1 -88.8 500 187.1 -88.3 550 192.2 -88 Test Type Comments: H-07-3350 Lithology Mineralogy From To Length 0 42 42 OB Description: Clasts/Cryst: Colour: Pyrite: Texture: Sphalerite: Alteration: Galena: Chalco: From 42 55.05 13.05 Colour: G_G FCGL Texture: Description: Felsic Breccia/Conglomerate: Brownish-red and dark greenish-grey; 70% angular to minor well- Clasts/Cryst: 70% 1 cm -30 cm angular to lesser wellrounded clasts Alteration: MF W W PNK To Width Samp Zn% Pyrite: SIL CARB EPI Sphalerite: Galena: Cu% Pb% Ag g/t Au g/t TR DISS H-07-3350 Lithology From To Mineralogy Length rounded red-brown 1-30 cm granitic clasts, lesser fragments of aphanitic pink rhyolite and crimson jasper; poorly sorted granule-sand fill; creampistachio green epidote on fracturing; wk carb on micro-fractures; blocky core; broken lwr ct Chalco: From 55.05 62.8 7.75 MDY TEC Colour: GRN B Texture: Description: Clasts/Cryst: Faulted Mafic Dyke: Dark-green, massive and aphanitic, strong chl overprint with 5% 1 mm black pyroxene phenos; scattered 1-20 cm hemhealed breccias @30-50 tca; 3 cm healed breccia at lwr ct at 50 tca; 57.30 -62.80 m, strong hematite -healed brecciated fault with irreg. fragments of calcite-vesicular dyke/flow?, broken reactivated zones of broken core and gouge, upper flt ct is shp @ 50 tca, lwr ct is shp/brx and is epidote healed Alteration: BRN Apha MASS P 71.4 8.6 FCGL Width Samp Zn% Cu% Pb% Ag g/t Au g/t Cu% Pb% Ag g/t Au g/t Pyrite: Chl Sphalerite: Galena: Chalco: From 62.8 To TEC S Colour: LgtGrn 60 Description: Clasts/Cryst: Sheared Felsic Breccia/Conglomerate: Light60% 1-30 cm angular to subrounded red green to green, 60% angular to subrounded 1-30 granite, pink rhyolite and porph dacite cm red granite and green dacite porphyry clasts with lesser pink rhy fragments, also scattered crimson chert frags; matrix comprises granule sand fill; entire unit has been sheared with secondary fragmentation and chl/epi alt'n; this unit looks similar to the above unit; carb on microfractures Texture: Alteration: To PNK Zn% Pyrite: FOLw M W Width Samp TR DISS Sphalerite: Chl EPI Galena: Chalco: From To Width Samp Zn% Cu% Pb% Ag g/t Au g/t Page 2 of 9 H-07-3350 Lithology Mineralogy From To Length 71.4 84.35 12.95 REG IDAC S Colour: G_G 80 Description: Clasts/Cryst: Fragmental Dacite Flows: Dark-grey green to fragmental qtz-phyric dacite frags to 84.35 m green, 15-20% 2-3 mm anhedral qtz phenocrysts set in a grey green to dark-green aphanitic silica/lesser chl groundmass, moderate pervasive chl-overprint; unit contains fragmental horizons (flow brx's) 20-60 cm thick , frags are angular and set in an aphyric sil/ser grdms; majority of the unit is coherent; wk carb on microfractures; brkn lwr ct and shp conf upper ct Texture: Alteration: GRN Pyrite: PHY Sphalerite: P M Chl SIL Galena: Chalco: From 84.35 113.95 29.6 REG IDY Colour: G_G B Texture: Description: Clasts/Cryst: Intermediate Dyke: Greenish-grey with weak pinkish hue, massive and aphanitic, moderately siliceous (pink k-spar) with a perv chl overprint; 5% 1-10 mm black chl and carb filled vesicles; wk carb in groundmass; tr py blebs wk carb fracturing chill margins and cross-cuts lwr rhyolite porphyry Alteration: mass P REG FRY S Description: Hematitic Feldspar-Phyric Rhyolite: Red-brown, 10% 1-3 mm euhedral to anhedral feldspar phenocrysts set in a strongly siliceous hematitic aphanitic groundmass; carb and epidote on moderate microfracturing; locally badly broken Clasts/Cryst: To PNK Apha Chl CARB Texture: Alteration: PHY S W Zn% Cu% Pb% Ag g/t Au g/t TR BLEBS Sphalerite: Galena: Chalco: To Colour: BRN 40 Width Samp Pyrite: From 113.95 124.55 10.6 TR DISS Width Samp Zn% Cu% Pb% Ag g/t Au g/t Cu% Pb% Ag g/t Au g/t Pyrite: mass SIL CARB From Sphalerite: Galena: Chalco: To Width Samp Zn% Page 3 of 9 H-07-3350 Lithology From To Mineralogy Length 124.55 136.9 12.35 FCGL REG S Colour: GRN 70 Description: Clasts/Cryst: Felsic Conglomerate: Grey-green but locally pink felsic rhyolite and granite fragments as well and reddish brown, sedimentary; 50% felsic as qtz-phyric dacite frags described at 80 m /intermediate qtz and feldspar phyric fragments as well as lesser pink rhyolite fragments; clasts are angular to subrounded; gradational local horizons of bedded normally graded sandstones with floating clasts; crimson jasper-rich horizons; unit is moderately silicified with patchy pervasive chl and lesser hem overprint; sst hosted 3% diss py from 130.45-132.15 m Pyrite: PNK Sphalerite: Texture: Alteration: M M SIL Chl Galena: Chalco: From 129.4 130.4 131.2 132.1 136.9 226.6 89.7 FRY REG S Colour: LgtGrn 60 Description: Clasts/Cryst: Felsic Rhyolitic Breccia: Orange-pink, patchy rhyolite fragmental horizons, 0.5-10 cm pervasive lime-green, grey-green in colour, clasts that are angular to subrounded aphanitic with local wk shr'd fabric; unit is dominated by green-grey rhyolite fragmental horizons that are moderately silicified, mod to str sericitized and weakly chloritized; clast supported frags are 0.5-10 cm dia, angular to subang and have pnk silicified rims, and are aphan to qtzphyric; unit also comprises alternating 2-5 m massive/aphan orange-pnk strongly silicified flows (1-2 mm qtz phenos), local fine flow banding at 50 tca; broken reactivated fault zone from 192.60-201.60 m; tr diss py; fragmental horizons are likely pyroclastic flow tops ' 1% DISS Texture: Alteration: To Width Samp 130.4 1 58905 131.2 0.8 58906 132.1 0.9 58907 133.1 1 58908 PNK Zn% 0.01 0.03 0.03 0.01 Cu% 0 0.01 0.01 0 Pyrite: mass Apha S SIL M Ser Pb% 0 0.01 0.01 0 Ag g/t Au g/t 0.68 3.42 2.05 0.68 TR DISS Sphalerite: Galena: Chalco: From 214.6 215.6 216.6 To Width Samp 215.6 1 58909 216.6 1 58911 217.6 1 58912 Zn% 0 0.02 0.01 Cu% 0 0 0 Pb% 0 0 0.01 Ag g/t Au g/t 0.68 0.68 4.79 Page 4 of 9 H-07-3350 Lithology From To Mineralogy Length 217.6 218.6 219.6 220.6 221.6 222.6 223.6 224.6 225.6 226.1 226.6 233 6.4 REG FRY S Description: Rhyolite Flow: Light-pink in colour, massive and aphanitic, local ghosted feldspars; strongly silicified with local wk green patchy sericite; scattered irreg 0.5 cm gal (up to 1%) stringers and fracture fills containing lesser f.g. sphalerite, py and tr cp; upper 40 cm is a fragmented hyaloclastite; shp wkly shr'd upper ct at 20 tca, lwr ct is shp but irreg @ 50 tca 233 256.47 23.47 IVBX Clasts/Cryst: Colour: PNK 20 Texture: Alteration: REG 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.5 0.5 GREY mass Apha S W Colour: G_G 218.6 219.6 220.6 221.6 222.6 223.6 224.6 225.6 226.1 226.6 SIL Ser GRN 58913 58914 58915 58916 58917 58918 58919 58921 58922 58923 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.01 0.01 0 0 0 0 0 0.01 0.01 0.06 2.05 2.05 2.05 0.68 1.37 1.08 1.37 4.11 5.82 25 Pyrite: <1% DISS STR Sphalerite: <1% STR vfg Galena: -1% STR DISS Chalco: TR DISS From 226.6 227.1 227.6 228.1 228.6 229.1 229.6 230.1 230.6 231.1 To Width Samp 227.1 0.5 58924 227.6 0.5 58925 228.1 0.5 58926 228.6 0.5 58927 229.1 0.5 58928 229.6 0.5 58929 230.1 0.5 58931 230.6 0.5 58932 231.1 0.5 58933 231.6 0.5 58934 Zn% 1.74 0.74 0.34 1.16 0.32 0.27 0.75 0.7 0.33 0.02 Cu% 0.04 0.02 0.01 0.03 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.01 0 Pb% 0.66 0.3 0.12 0.41 0.08 0.17 0.43 0.33 0.12 0.01 Ag g/t Au g/t 231.6 232.1 232.1 233 0.04 0.01 0 0 0.02 0.01 10.3 3.08 0.5 0.9 58935 58936 65.8 28.8 8.9 28.4 10.6 53.1 55.5 38.4 22 4.79 Pyrite: Page 5 of 9 H-07-3350 Lithology From To Mineralogy Length S Description: Feldspar-Phyric Dacitic Fragmental: Grey-green to green; 10-50%, 0.5-10 cm green angular to rounded dacitic fragments comprising 5% 1-2 mm euhedral feldspar phenos and 10% 2-3 mm qtz carb-filled vesicles? in aphan grndms; f.g. ser/sil/chl olive green matrix with qtz-carb vesicles; lwr 2 m contains 2-10 cm rhy fragments from underlyling unit; local intermixed rnd'd rhyl frags; graded lwr ct 50 Clasts/Cryst: horizons with 1-5 cm angular to subrounded qtz-carb phyric intermediate clasts and lesser pink rhyolite frags that increase with depth Texture: Alteration: mass PHY M M Chl Ser Galena: Chalco: From 233 234 256.47 285.77 29.3 FRY REG Colour: PNK G Description: Rhyolite Flows: Pink, aphanitic and massive, locally contains feldspar phenocrysts; alternating rhyolite breccia/hyaloclastic horizons and coherent flows; flows are very fine-grained, pink, strongly silicified and have graded fragmental contacts; rhy brx zone from 263.45-271.00 m, frags are 0.5-20 cm diam, subang with chl/ser alt'd rims and f.g chl/ser matrix; wk qtz-carb on microfractures and chl on selvages Texture: Clasts/Cryst: 0.5-20 cm pink rhyolite fragmental horizons Alteration: MFG REG S Aphy S P Description: Clasts/Cryst: Vesicular Basaltic Fragmental: Pale-green with 0.5-40 cm angular to rare subrounded patchy green and minor red-brown hem stain; 60- pumice fragments 70% 0.2-40 cm angular vesicular basalt bombs and lapilli sized frags with irreg delicate boundaries, comprising pale green to grey, fragment supported in a sausaurite mtrx; frags often contain pale saus't alt'n rims; MNZN- Gal Texture: Alteration: SIL Ser Zn% 0.01 0.01 Cu% 0 0 Ag g/t Au g/t 0.68 0.01 TR DISS Sphalerite: Chalco: PHY Ser Chl Pb% 0 0 Galena: GRN MOT S M Width Samp 1 58937 1 58938 Pyrite: mass Colour: LgtGrn 60 To 234 235 LgtGrn From 285.77 343.75 57.98 Sphalerite: To Width Samp Zn% Cu% Pb% Ag g/t Au g/t Pyrite: TR DISS Sphalerite: TR DISS Galena: TR BLEBS Chalco: TR DISS FF Page 6 of 9 H-07-3350 Lithology From To Mineralogy Length manifested as scattered blebs in fracs and vesicles with late qtz carb phase and tr sph and cpy, tr py is also common in frags and strngrs, 338.70-342.10 m contains scattered gal clots; mtrx locally comprises crimson jasper; fragments have not travelled far from source; local strong shearing from 334.70-338.15 m and 342.90343.75 m at 15 tca From 305.65 306.65 307.65 To Width Samp 306.65 1 58939 307.65 1 58941 308.65 1 58942 Zn% 0.01 0.04 0.02 Cu% 0 0 0 Pb% 0.01 0.03 0.02 Ag g/t Au g/t 2.4 1.08 0.68 308.65 309.65 310.65 311.65 312.65 313.15 314.15 315.15 316.15 317.15 309.65 310.65 311.65 312.65 313.15 314.15 315.15 316.15 317.15 318.15 1 1 1 1 0.5 1 1 1 1 1 58943 58944 58945 58946 58947 58948 58949 58951 58952 58953 0.02 0.01 0 0.03 0.74 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.01 0 0 0 0 0.02 0 0 0 0 0 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.06 0.14 0.02 0.01 0 0 0 4.45 2.74 2.74 3.42 7.19 2.74 1.37 0.34 1.37 0.68 318.15 319.15 320.15 321.15 322.15 322.65 323.65 324.65 325.65 326.45 326.95 319.15 320.15 321.15 322.15 322.65 323.65 324.65 325.65 326.45 326.95 327.95 1 1 1 1 0.5 1 1 1 0.8 0.5 1 58954 58955 58956 58957 58958 58959 58961 58962 58963 58964 58965 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.05 0.61 0.03 0.02 0.35 0.04 0.25 0.02 0 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.03 0 0.01 0.03 0.01 0.02 0.01 0 0 0.02 0.02 0.21 0.01 0 0.15 0.02 0.13 0.01 2.05 2.4 3.42 3.42 3.77 1.71 1.37 2.05 1.71 2.05 0.01 327.95 338 338.5 339 340 328.95 338.5 339 340 341 1 0.5 0.5 1 1 58966 58967 58968 58969 58971 0.11 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.01 0 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.04 0 0.03 0 0 0.68 0.34 0.34 1.08 0.34 Page 7 of 9 H-07-3350 Lithology From To Mineralogy Length 341 342 342.5 343.75 351.8 8.05 REG FDY S Colour: PNK 25 Description: Clasts/Cryst: Feldspar-Phyric Felsic Dyke: Pinkish red-brown in 5% 1-2 mm feldspar phenos colour, 5% 1-2 mm euhedral feldspar phenos, aphanitic strongly silicified groundmass; shp xcutting ct's with strong chill margins Texture: Alteration: S PHY Apha S Colour: GRN 20 Description: Clasts/Cryst: Vesicular Basalt: Green to pale-green in colour, local 1-10 m horizons of 0.5-20 cm fluidal vesicular, porphyritic, locally fragmental; 2-5% basaltic frags (hyaloclastites) concentrated horizons of irreg to rounded white and red carb filled vesicle flow tops; 5% 2-3 mm chl-alt'd feldspar phenos; aphanitic chl groundmass; flow ct's range from 30-40 tca; vesicular basalt fragmental horizons; local tr gal blebs in qtz carb strngrs and spots with tr cpy; 1% diss py; irreg qtz-carb filled fracs Minor Lithology 367.15 383.1 Upp Ctc: REG S 15.95 MFG 50 Description: Clasts/Cryst Vesicular Basaltic Fragmental: Same 0.5-40 cm vesicular phyric fragmental basalt description as 285.87-343.75 m; local shearing Colour: GRN Texture: Alteration: LgtGrn 58972 58973 58974 0.03 0.22 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.08 0.47 0.01 1.08 2.05 1.37 SIL Cu% Pb% Ag g/t Au g/t Sphalerite: Galena: Chalco: REG MBST 1 0.5 0.5 Pyrite: From 351.8 413.8 62 342 342.5 343 Texture: Alteration: Width Samp Zn% Pyrite: LgtGrn 1% DISS Sphalerite: PHY S M To Chl Ser From 361.5 362 362.5 396.5 397 397.5 Galena: TR BLEBS Chalco: TR DISS To Width Samp 362 0.5 58975 362.5 0.5 58976 363 0.5 58977 397 0.5 58978 397.5 0.5 58979 398 0.5 58981 Zn% 0.05 0.03 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.02 Cu% 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 Pb% 0.03 0.05 0.02 0.01 0.08 0.01 FF Ag g/t Au g/t 1.08 1.71 2.74 2.4 2.74 0.34 Foliation: PHY Chl Ser S M Pyrite: 1% DISS Sphalerite: Page 8 of 9 H-07-3350 Lithology From To Mineralogy Length 413.8 456.4 42.6 MBX REG S Description: Polylithic Mafic-Intermediate Breccia (Debris Flow): Grey-green to dark green, comprises 6080% poorly sorted frags (see clast descrip); clasts are dominantly carb vesicular - chl phyric aphan int dacites (largest frags) and black aphan bslt's with lesser rhy and vesicular bslt; fragments are angular, 0.5->40 cm (avg 3 cm); 0.1-2 cm dark green/blk bslt frags dominate the matrix accompanied by fine-grained chl, wk-sil; clast to matrix Colour: G_G 40 Clasts/Cryst: 60% fragments, 4 clast types: 1) 35% greengrey-pink angular fluidal aphanitic 1->40 cm (avg. 4 cm) dacitic fragments (mod sil), commonly comprising irreg 2-5 mm carb vesicles as well as 5% 1-3 mm soft clear green chl alt'd phenos/vesic?; 2) scattered black calcite-vesicular basalt (rnd and uniform) to 434.60 m; 3) rare 0.5 -2 cm angular pink rhyolite frags with dusty py, rhyl frags increase in abundance to 2%/clasts after 440 m; 4) 20% 0.1-2 cm angular blackgreen mafic frags Pyrite: GRN Sphalerite: Texture: Alteration: 1% DISS S M Chl CARB Galena: Chalco: From To Width Samp Zn% Cu% Pb% Ag g/t Au g/t EOH: 550 Page 9 of 9 H-07-3351 Grid_E: Grid_N: Nad27_E: Nad27_N: Elevation: Property Collar Survey: Downhole Method: Dip: Azi_Grid: Azi_TN: 512400 5408600 GPS Flexit -90 Drill Company: Drill Start: Drill Finish: Logged By: Log Start: Log Finish: Springdale Forest 24/11/2002 03/12/2002 J. Reeves 25/11/2002 03/12/2002 Length: Casing: Boxes: Core Size: Core Location: 500 10 120 NQ Buchans Buchans Objective: Licence NTS: Exploration Infilling Depth Azi_TN Azi_Grid Dip 51 52.9 -89.7 102 9.8 -88.8 150 343.4 -89.5 201 282.6 -89.2 252 288.9 -89 300 306.1 -89.2 351 274.7 -88.7 402 255.4 -89 450 283.3 -88.8 507 263.4 -88.9 Test Type Comments: H-07-3351 Lithology Mineralogy From To Length 0 9.5 9.5 OB Description: Overburden - Peat and glacial till Clasts/Cryst: Colour: Pyrite: Texture: Sphalerite: Alteration: Galena: Chalco: From 9.5 61.7 52.2 IDAC Description: Clasts/Cryst: Dacite - Dark grey green massive with quartz phenocrysts and rarely quartz eyes. Occasionally amygdaloidal. Very siliceous with moderate chlorite alteration. Core is blocky with fractures To Width Samp Zn% Colour: G_G Pyrite: Texture: Sphalerite: Alteration: S M SIL Chl Galena: Chalco: Cu% Pb% Ag g/t Au g/t H-07-3351 Lithology From To Mineralogy Length commonly at 50 deg to ca. Faulted from 60.80 to 61.70 m From 61.7 77.15 15.45 TEC FRY B Description: Rhyolite Flow - Pink, fine grained. Silicified with minor chlorite alteration. Rock is badly faulted and broken with gouge and rarely exhibits signs of being recemented. Clasts/Cryst: IDAC Texture: Sphalerite: S M Colour: LgtGrn B SIL Chl Alteration: FRY TEC B Description: Clasts/Cryst: Rhyolite Flows - Pink, fine grained, with small phenocrysts of quartz and feldspar. Core is broken and stress fractured with qtz/carb material 30 To Width Samp Zn% Ag g/t Au g/t Cu% Pb% Ag g/t Au g/t Cu% Pb% Ag g/t Au g/t Pyrite: Sphalerite: S M Chl SIL Galena: Chalco: To Width Samp Zn% Colour: PNK Pyrite: Texture: Sphalerite: Alteration: Pb% Chalco: PNK From 124.72 139.2 14.48 Cu% Galena: Texture: Description: Clasts/Cryst: Dacite - Green to grey green with occasional green pink lenses. White flecks of carbonate throughout. Core is badly broken and faulted with gouge. Rarely recemented with carbonate material. Strong chlorite alteration with silicification. Becomes less structurally disturbed below 100 m. Smaller fault zones with gouge at 106.22 - 106.84, 111.25 - 111.60, 111.90 112.37, 112.62 - 113.45 and 114.16 - 114.64m. Minor shearing throughout interval. Zn% Pyrite: Alteration: TEC Width Samp Colour: PNK From 77.15 124.72 47.57 To M W SIL Chl Galena: Chalco: Page 2 of 12 H-07-3351 Lithology From To Mineralogy Length along fracture surfaces. Upper contact is a fault contact at 30 degrees to ca. Core is broken from 137.42 to lower contact at 139.20 m. From 139.2 142.98 3.78 MDY TEC B 20 Description: Clasts/Cryst: Diabase Dyke - Dark grey, fine grained with occasional small dark green phencryst (pyroxenite). Trace of pyrite in small cubes and rarely along fine fractures cutting core. Chill margins at upper and lower contacts. Inclusion of overlying rhyolite (38 cm) within dyke. IDAC TEC Pyrite: Texture: Sphalerite: Alteration: Galena: Colour: G_G 30 Description: Clasts/Cryst: Dacite Flows - Green grey to pale pink, crystalline with rare dacite fragments. Upper contact with dyke is at 30 degrees to ca. Rock is altered to grey within 50 cm of upper contact. Rare quartz eyes. Fractures commonly at 45 degrees to ca. S Description: Clasts/Cryst: Felsic Breccia - Dark grey green with angular fragments of dacite with occasional rhyolite, jasper and tuff fragments. Fragments range from coarse sand size to 5-6 cm diameter. Occasional thin (<1 cm) qtz/carb veins at various angles to Cu% Pb% Ag g/t Au g/t TR BLEBS M SIL W Chl G_G Cu% Pb% Ag g/t Au g/t Cu% Pb% Ag g/t Au g/t Galena: Chalco: To Width Samp Zn% Pyrite: TR DISS Sphalerite: Texture: Alteration: Zn% Sphalerite: Colour: DKG 70 Width Samp Pyrite: Texture: Alteration: REG To PNK From FBX Zn% Chalco: S 150.11 187.72 37.61 Width Samp Colour: DKG From 142.98 150.11 7.13 To M Chl Galena: Chalco: Page 3 of 12 H-07-3351 Lithology From To Mineralogy Length ca. Diabase dyke (10 cm) at 156.90 m. Fine grained tuff beds at 180.54 - 180.91 (upper contact at 90 deg to ca), 183.45 - 183.76 m (upper contact at 70 deg to ca), and 187.06 187.31 m (upper contact at 60 deg to ca). Tr of finely diseminated pryite at 187.41 - 187.53 m. From 187.72 191.07 3.35 FRY TEC S Description: Clasts/Cryst: Rhyolite Dyke - Pink, massive, with fractures at 30 degrees to ca. Upper contact at 80 degrees to ca. 80 To Width Samp Colour: PNK Pyrite: Texture: Sphalerite: Alteration: M SIL FBX Pb% Ag g/t Au g/t Cu% 0 Pb% 0.01 Ag g/t Au g/t 3.77 Chalco: TEC B Description: Clasts/Cryst: Felsic Breccia - Grey with tuff and volcanic Tuff, Volcanic fragments up to 12 cm dia. but commonly <2 cm diameter. Fragments are angular. Tr of finely diseminated sulphides throughout with increased concentrations of galena (tr), chalcopyrite (tr),and sphalerite (tr) from 199 to 207 m. Mineralization is rarely in thin veins at random angles to ca. Fractures commonly at 60 degrees to ca. Upper contact is broken. Strong green chlorite alteration within the first 70 cm of the contact. Faults from 247.18 - 247.23 and 249.65 - 250.00m. Coarser grained breccia from 283 - 287m. Darker grey breccia with basalt clasts from 287.75 m. Contact at 40 degrees to ca. Tr of diseminated py, chpy, galena and sphalerite . Cu% Galena: From To Width Samp 190.57 191.07 0.5 60556 191.07 382.6 191.53 Zn% Zn% 0.01 Colour: GREY Pyrite: TR DISS Texture: Sphalerite: TR DISS Galena: TR DISS Chalco: TR DISS Alteration: W Chl From To Width Samp 191.07 191.5 0.43 60557 191.5 192 0.5 60558 Zn% 0.03 0.01 Cu% 0 0 Pb% 0.01 0.01 Ag g/t Au g/t 3.08 6.85 Page 4 of 12 H-07-3351 Lithology From To Mineralogy Length 192 192.5 193 193.5 194 194.5 195 195.5 196 196.5 197 192.5 193 193.5 194 194.5 195 195.5 196 196.5 197 197.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 60559 60561 60562 60563 60564 60565 60566 60567 60568 60569 60571 0.37 0.38 0.27 0.45 0.06 0.36 0.06 0.06 0.03 0.22 0.08 0.02 0.02 0.03 0.07 0 0.01 0 0 0 0.01 0 0.21 0.27 0.19 197.5 198 198.5 199 199.5 200 200.5 201 201.5 202 202.5 198 198.5 199 199.5 200 200.5 201 201.5 202 202.5 203 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 60572 60573 60574 60575 60576 60577 60578 60579 60581 60582 60583 0.03 0.09 0.6 0.14 0.07 0.01 0.01 0.32 0.12 0.16 1.5 0 0.01 0.07 0.01 0.01 0 0 0.03 0 0.02 0.13 0.03 0.1 203 203.5 204 204.5 205 205.5 206 206.5 207 207.5 203.5 204 204.5 205 205.5 206 206.5 207 207.5 208 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 60584 60585 60586 60587 60588 60589 60591 60592 60593 60594 2 0.51 0.14 0.18 0.02 0.06 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.15 0.1 0.02 0.13 0 0.29 0 0 0 0 208 208.5 209 209.5 210 208.5 209 209.5 210 210.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 60595 60596 60597 60598 60599 0.28 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.01 0 0 0 0 1.11 0.04 0.23 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.35 0.14 7.19 3.77 1.71 2.74 0.68 1.08 0.34 0.34 0.34 1.08 2.05 1.64 0.19 0.1 0.01 0.01 0.98 0.11 0.21 0.68 0.34 8.56 1.71 3.08 1.71 1.08 6.85 1.37 1.71 4.4 38 3 1.46 0.2 0.36 0.01 0.08 0 0.01 0 0.01 22.6 12.7 5.48 5.82 0.68 7.19 0.68 1.08 1.08 1.08 0.03 0.01 0.01 0 0 2.74 1.08 1.71 2.05 0.68 Page 5 of 12 H-07-3351 Lithology From To Mineralogy Length 210.5 211 211.5 212 212.5 213 213.5 214 214.5 215 215.5 211 211.5 212 212.5 213 213.5 214 214.5 215 215.5 216 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 60601 60602 60603 60604 60605 60606 60607 60608 60609 60611 60612 0.02 0.03 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.02 0.02 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.01 0.01 0 0 0.01 0 0 0.01 0.01 0.03 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.68 0.01 0.34 1.08 0.34 1.37 1.08 0.34 1.08 216 216.5 217 217.5 218 218.5 219 219.5 220 220.5 221 216.5 217 217.5 218 218.5 219 219.5 220 220.5 221 221.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 60613 60614 60615 60616 60617 60618 60619 60621 60622 60623 60624 0.01 0.04 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.03 0.01 0.01 0.01 0 0 0 0 0 0.01 0 0 0 0 0 0.01 0.02 0.01 0 0.01 0.01 0 0 0 0 0 0.01 1.08 0.01 0.34 0.34 0.68 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.34 221.5 222 222.5 223 223.5 224 224.5 225 225.5 226 222 222.5 223 223.5 224 224.5 225 225.5 226 226.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 60625 60626 60627 60628 60629 60631 60632 60633 60634 60635 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0 0 0 0.01 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.01 0 0 0 0 0 0.68 0.34 0.01 0.01 0.68 0.01 0.68 0.01 1.08 0.68 226.5 227 227.5 228 228.5 227 227.5 228 228.5 229 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 60636 60637 60638 60639 60641 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0 0 0 0 0 0.01 0 0.02 0 0.01 0.34 0.68 0.01 0.01 0.01 Page 6 of 12 H-07-3351 Lithology From To Mineralogy Length 229 229.5 230 230.5 231 231.5 232 232.5 233 233.5 234 229.5 230 230.5 231 231.5 232 232.5 233 233.5 234 235 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 1 60642 60643 60644 60645 60646 60647 60648 60649 60651 60652 60653 0.02 0.01 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0 0 0.01 0 0.01 0 0 0.03 0 0 0 0.02 0 0.04 0.02 0.01 0 0 0 0 0 0.01 1.08 0.01 0.34 0.01 0.68 1.08 0.68 0.34 0.68 0.34 0.68 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 60654 60655 60656 60657 60658 60659 60661 60662 60663 60664 60665 0.16 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.03 0.15 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.05 0 0 0 0 0.01 0 0 0 0 0 0.37 0 0 0 0.02 0.08 0.01 0.01 0 0.01 0 2.74 1.08 0.34 0.34 0.34 0.34 0.34 0.01 0.34 0.68 0.01 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 60666 60667 60668 60669 60671 60672 60673 60674 60675 60676 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.04 0.01 0.01 0.01 0 0 0 0 0 0.01 0 0 0 0 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0 0 0.01 1.37 1.08 2.05 2.4 1.08 1.08 0.34 0.01 0.01 0.01 256 257 258 259 260 257 258 259 260 261 1 1 1 1 1 60677 60678 60679 60681 60682 0.06 0.04 0.02 0.02 0.03 0 0 0 0 0 0.03 0.02 0.01 0 0.01 0.68 0.01 0.34 0.01 0.68 Page 7 of 12 H-07-3351 Lithology From To Mineralogy Length 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 60683 60684 60685 60686 60687 60688 60689 60691 60692 60693 60694 0.02 0.09 0.01 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.04 0.35 0.06 0.02 0.04 0 0.01 0 0 0 0 0 0.04 0 0 0 0.01 0.08 0 0.02 0.05 0 0.02 0.1 0.06 0 0.02 0.68 1.08 1.08 1.08 0.68 0.68 1.37 1.71 0.34 0.01 0.68 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 60695 60696 60697 60698 60699 70251 70252 70253 70254 70255 70256 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.03 0.06 0.03 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.02 0.03 0 0 0 0.01 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.01 0 0 0.02 0.05 0.01 0 0 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.68 1.08 0.34 0.01 0.34 1.37 2.05 1.71 0.34 1.37 0.34 283 284 285 286 287 287.75 289 290 291 292 284 285 286 287 287.75 289 290 291 292 293 1 1 1 1 0.75 1.25 1 1 1 1 70257 70258 70259 70261 70262 70263 70264 70265 70266 70267 0.03 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.03 0.08 0.05 0.03 0.12 0.05 0 0 0 0 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.04 0.01 0.01 0.05 0.02 0.34 1.08 0.68 1.37 1.08 0.01 0.01 1.71 0.01 0.01 293 294 295 296 297 294 295 296 297 298 1 1 1 1 1 70268 70269 70271 70272 70273 0.04 0.06 0.32 0.09 0.31 0.02 0.01 0.03 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.04 0.22 0.04 0.18 0.01 0.01 1.71 0.68 1.08 Page 8 of 12 H-07-3351 Lithology From To Mineralogy Length 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 70274 70275 70276 70277 70278 70279 70281 70282 70283 70284 70285 0.16 0.04 0.14 0.02 0.18 0.02 0.02 0.67 0.89 0.97 0.09 0.01 0 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.05 0.01 0.07 0.03 0.1 0.01 0.11 0 0 0.52 0.65 0.73 0.04 1.37 0.34 1.08 0.01 0.34 0.34 0.01 1.71 2.4 0.68 0.68 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 70286 70287 70288 70289 70291 70292 70293 70294 70295 70296 70297 0.04 0.06 0.02 0.06 0.03 0.06 0.08 0.04 0.05 0.02 0.01 0 0 0 0 0 0.01 0.01 0.01 0 0 0 0.01 0.04 0.01 0.04 0.01 0.04 0.06 0.01 0.02 0.01 0 0.01 0.01 1.37 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.68 0.01 0.34 1.37 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 70298 70299 70301 70302 70303 70304 70305 70306 70307 70308 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.01 0 0.01 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.02 0 0 0.01 0.02 0 0 0.02 0 0.34 0.01 0.01 0.34 0.01 0.68 0.68 0.01 0.34 0.01 330 331 332 333 334 331 332 333 334 335 1 1 1 1 1 70309 70311 70312 70313 70314 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.01 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 Page 9 of 12 H-07-3351 Lithology From To Mineralogy Length 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 70315 70316 70317 70318 70319 70321 70322 70323 70324 70325 70326 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.03 0.02 0.03 0.03 0.01 0.12 0.06 0 0 0 0 0.01 0 0 0.01 0 0.01 0.01 0.01 0 0.01 0 0.02 0.01 0.02 0.02 0 0.07 0.04 0.01 0.34 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 70327 70328 70329 70331 70332 70333 70334 70335 70336 70337 70338 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.03 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.03 0.02 0.01 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0 0 0 0 0.01 0.01 0 0.01 0.01 1.08 1.08 0.01 0.68 1.71 1.37 1.08 0.01 1.37 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 70339 70341 70342 70343 70344 70345 70346 70347 70348 70349 0.02 0.08 0.31 0.06 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.05 0.02 0 0 0.01 0.01 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.05 0.19 0.04 0.01 0 0.01 0 0.03 0.01 1.08 0.68 1.08 1.08 0.01 0.68 0.34 1.37 0.34 1.37 367 368 369 370 371 368 369 370 371 372 1 1 1 1 1 70351 70352 70353 70354 70355 0.12 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.03 0.01 0 0 0 0.01 0.06 0 0.01 0.01 0.07 0.68 1.08 0.34 0.34 0.68 Page 10 of 12 H-07-3351 Lithology From To Mineralogy Length 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 382.6 388.39 5.79 FRY TEC S 80 Description: Clasts/Cryst: Rhyoli e Dyke - Pink, massive with occasional qtz blebs and feldspar laths in the central area of the dyke. Rare qtz veins <1 cm thick. SSST S Description: Clasts/Cryst: Sandstone - Pink grading to grey green with Rhyolite, mafic volcanic and jasper depth, medium to coarse grained and rarely fine grained. Interbedded with dark grey siltstone from 467.87 to 488.87 m. Grains are comprized of rhyolite. granite, quartz and lesser amounts of mafic volcanics and jasper. Upper contact is at 45 deg to ca. Unit is comprized ofa series of fining upwards sequences with rare bedding at 50 degrees to ca. Occasiinal thin wisps of quartz veining. Rock is very siliceous. Thin mafic dykes at 404.67 - 404.91, 407.82 - 407.97 and 414.17 415.03 with upper contacts at 60 degrees to ca. Fault af 408.64 - 408.83 m and 475.33 - 476.39 m with broken rock and minor gouge. 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.03 Texture: Sphalerite: S C Colour: PNK 45 70356 70357 70358 70359 70361 70362 70363 70364 70365 70366 70367 Pyrite: Alteration: TEC 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.6 Colour: PNK SIL Chl From 382.6 388.39 488.87 100.48 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 382.6 G_G 0 0.01 0.02 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.01 0.01 1.08 1.08 0.68 1.71 1.08 1.37 0.34 0.34 0.34 0.68 0.68 Cu% 0 Pb% 0 Ag g/t Au g/t 0.34 Galena: Chalco: To Width Samp 383.6 1 70368 Zn% 0.01 Pyrite: Sphalerite: Texture: Alteration: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 S C SIL Chl Galena: Chalco: Page 11 of 12 H-07-3351 Lithology From To Mineralogy Length From 488.87 507 18.13 REG VBX S Description: Volcanic Breccia - Dark grey green comprized of a series of breccia flows with hematite staining within the top 1-2m of the flow tops. Upper contact at 90 degrees to ca and top 30 cm is a sandstone containing basalt grains similar to those in the breccia. Fragments are angular amygoidal basalt (<10 cm) suspended in a grey fine grained matrix. Minor qtz/carb fracture and void filling. Clasts/Cryst: Mafic Basalt 90 To Width Samp Zn% Colour: DKG Pyrite: Texture: Sphalerite: Alteration: W Chl Cu% Pb% Ag g/t Au g/t Cu% Pb% Ag g/t Au g/t Galena: Chalco: From To Width Samp Zn% EOH: 500 Page 12 of 12 H-07-3352 Grid_E: Grid_N: Nad27_E: Nad27_N: Elevation: Collar Survey: Downhole Method: Dip: Azi_Grid: Azi_TN: 512000 5408800 GPS Flexit -90 Drill Company: Drill Start: Drill Finish: Logged By: Log Start: Log Finish: Springdale Forest 04/12/2002 J. Reeves 05/12/2002 Length: Casing: Boxes: Core Size: Core Location: 500 NQ Property Objective: Licence NTS: Exploration Infilling Depth Azi_TN Azi_Grid Dip 17 249.2 -89.7 50 246.9 -89.5 101 230.2 -89.3 152 227.6 -89.2 200 243.1 -89.7 251 251.9 -89.3 302 189.8 -89.6 350 193.5 -89.6 401 215.9 89 452 186 -88.8 500 201 -88.8 Test Type Comments: H-07-3352 Lithology Mineralogy From To Length 0 10 10 OB Description: Overburden - Glacial till with peat and boulders Clasts/Cryst: Colour: Pyrite: Texture: Sphalerite: Alteration: Galena: Chalco: From 10 15.4 5.4 SCGL REG Colour: G_G To Width Samp Zn% Pyrite: Cu% Pb% Ag g/t Au g/t TR DISS H-07-3352 Lithology From To Mineralogy Length S Description: Clasts/Cryst: Conglomerate - Dark grey green wiTh pebbles and boulders of granite and rhyolite. Core is badly broken. Minor epidote alteration along fractures. Rock is silicified. Tr of pyrite. Sphalerite: Texture: SIL Alteration: Chalco: From 14.4 15.4 20.57 5.17 TEC SSST B Description: Sandstone - Grey, medium grained with fragments of qtz and felsic volcanics. Upper contact is faulted and broken. Fractures commonly at 30-40 degrees to ca. Tr of finely diseminated pyrite throughout. 20.57 38.61 18.04 Clasts/Cryst: IRY To 15.4 Width Samp 1 70369 Zn% 0.01 Colour: GREY Pyrite: Texture: Sphalerite: SIL Alteration: Cu% 0 Pb% 0 Ag g/t Au g/t 0.01 TR DISS Galena: Chalco: TEC B Description: Clasts/Cryst: Rhyolite Flow - Grey green grading to mraoon with depth. Contains qtz and feldspar phenocrysts in a aphanitic matrix. Upper contact is broken. Fractures commonly at 70 degrees to ca. Rock is strongly silicified. Fractures commonly contain calcareous material. Galena: Colour: G_G From 15.4 16.4 17.4 To 16.4 17.4 18.4 18.4 19.4 19.4 20.57 PRPL 1 1.17 70374 70375 Zn% 0.03 0.02 0.01 Cu% 0.01 0.01 0.01 Pb% 0.01 0 0 Ag g/t Au g/t 0.01 0.68 0.34 0.01 0.08 0.01 0 0 0.03 1.08 1.08 Pyrite: TR DISS Sphalerite: Texture: Alteration: Width Samp 1 70371 1 70372 1 70373 SIL Galena: Chalco: From 20.57 21.37 22.37 To Width Samp 21.37 0.8 70376 22.37 1 70377 23.37 1 70378 Zn% 0.1 0.1 0.03 Cu% 0 0 0 Pb% 0.01 0.03 0 Ag g/t Au g/t 1.08 1.08 0.68 Page 2 of 8 H-07-3352 Lithology From To Mineralogy Length 38.61 63.89 25.28 TEC ITFG B Description: Clasts/Cryst: FelsIc Tuff - Grey to ey green. Interbedded fine to Felsic volcanic and rhyolite coarse grained sequences of tuff and fragmental tuff. Clasts are primarily felsic volcanics and rhyolite. Poorly developed bedding and rare fining upward sequences in the finer grained intervals. Tr of volcanic glass in the fine grained sections. Tr of pyrite finely diseminated throughout interval. Minor Lithology 57.38 60.55 3.17 Upp Ctc: TEC B IRY Colour: GREY Pyrite: Texture: Sphalerite: Alteration: M SIL Chl From TR DISS Galena: Chalco: To Width Samp Zn% Cu% Pb% Ag g/t Au g/t 20 Description: Clasts/Cryst Rhyolite Dyke - Pink - grey. Upper contact is irregular at ~20 degrees to ca. Minor hematite staining along upper contact. Fracturing within dyke is rehealed with quartz and hematite. Colour: PNK GREY Foliation: Texture: Alteration: SIL S Pyrite: Sphalerite: 63.89 223.46 159.57 IRY REG S Description: Clasts/Cryst: Rhyolite Flow - Maroon, porphyitic wIth phenocrysts of quarrz and feldspar. Rock is strongly siliceous. Epidote and rare trace of hematite along fracture surfaces. Fractures at 30. 40, and 70 degees to ca. Upper Contact at 50 degrees to ca. Rare tr of pyrite along fracture surfaces. Rhyolite conglomerate from 73.90 74.64 and 78.78 - 79.10 m. Faulted with broken rock at 94.47 - 96.18, 126.60 - 129.70, 144.22 152.00 and 158.00 - 168.67 m. Minor recemented fractured zones (<30 cm wide) occasionally throughout interval. 50 Colour: PRPL Pyrite: Texture: Sphalerite: Alteration: S SIL EPI TR FF Galena: Chalco: Page 3 of 8 H-07-3352 Lithology From To Mineralogy Length From To Width Samp 222.96 223.46 0.5 70379 223.46 329.46 106 REG FBX S Description: Clasts/Cryst: Felsic Breccia - Altered to green at upper contact Volcanic Clasts with rhyolite but alteration decreases with depth and rocK is grey by 236 m. Upper contact at 90 degrees to ca. Angular volcanic fragments commonly 2-3 cm and rarely 8 - 10 cm diameter suspended in an aphanitic matrix. Tr pyrite finely diseminated and occasiinally in volcanic fragments. Sulphides more visible below 240 m. Tr of white carbonate flects in green alteration zone from 223.46 to 240 m. Core is highly fracturedrom 271.00 to 303.50 m and represents a fault zone comprized a series of closely spaced faults. Minor Lithology 303.5 315.35 Description: Rhyolite Dyke - Pink to pale green. Aphanitic. Highly fractured with inclusions of overlying felsic breccia from 305.50 - 307.15 m. Contacts with breccia are sheared. Tr of chlorite and calcite along fracture surfaces. Colour: PNK LgtGrn Clasts/Cryst Foliation: Texture: Alteration: SIL T Pyrite: Sphalerite: GRN Cu% 0 Pyrite: Pb% 0 Ag g/t Au g/t 0.34 TR DISS Sphalerite: Texture: Alteration: L CHL Galena: Chalco: Upp Ctc: TEC B 11.85 IRY Colour: GREY 90 Zn% 0 From 223.46 224 225 To 224 225 226 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 237 238 239 240 241 238 239 240 241 242 1 1 1 1 1 Zn% 0.01 0.01 0 Cu% 0 0 0 Pb% 0 0.01 0 Ag g/t Au g/t 1.08 0.01 1.08 70384 70385 70386 70387 70388 70389 70391 70392 70393 70394 70395 0 0 0.01 0.03 0.08 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.14 0 0 0 0 0.01 0 0 0 0 0 0.01 0 0 0 0.02 0.05 0 0 0 0.01 0.02 0.07 0.34 0.34 1.71 2.05 0.68 1.08 0.01 1.08 1.37 2.05 1.71 70396 70397 70398 70399 70401 0.05 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.02 0 0 0 0 0 0.05 0.01 0 0.01 0.01 1.37 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.34 Width Samp 0.54 70381 1 70382 1 70383 Page 4 of 8 H-07-3352 Lithology From To Mineralogy Length 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 70402 70403 70404 70405 70406 70407 70408 70409 70411 70412 70413 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.03 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.01 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.01 0.01 0 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.01 0 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.34 0.01 2.05 0.68 0.34 0.34 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 70414 70415 70416 70417 70418 70419 70421 70422 70423 70424 70425 0.02 0.05 0.03 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.02 0 0 0.01 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.03 0.15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.03 0.01 0.34 0.34 1.37 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.34 0.01 0.01 0.34 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 70426 70427 70428 70429 70431 70432 70433 70434 70435 70436 0.03 0.02 0.1 0.05 0.04 0.1 0.02 0.08 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.01 0 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.08 0.04 0.02 0.06 0.01 0.05 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.34 0.34 1.37 0.68 1.08 0.68 0.68 1.37 274 275 276 277 278 275 276 277 278 279 1 1 1 1 1 70437 70438 70439 70441 70442 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.01 0 0 0 0.01 0 0 0 0 0.68 1.71 2.74 0.01 0.01 Page 5 of 8 H-07-3352 Lithology From To Mineralogy Length 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 70443 70444 70445 70446 70447 70448 70449 70451 70452 70453 70454 0.02 0.04 0.02 0.02 0.21 0.2 0.02 0.03 0.1 0.03 0.05 0.01 0.05 0 0 0.02 0.03 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.15 0 0.01 0.16 0.12 0.01 0.04 0.06 0.04 0.03 1.08 1.71 0.68 1.08 2.74 1.08 0.68 0.01 1.37 0.01 0.01 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 70455 70456 70457 70458 70459 70461 70462 70463 70464 70465 70466 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.17 0.02 0.05 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.01 0.01 0 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.12 0.01 0.03 0.01 0.01 0 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.68 0.68 0.01 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 70467 70468 70469 70471 70472 70473 70474 70475 70476 70477 0.05 0.05 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.02 0 0 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.02 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.03 0.04 0.01 0.01 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.01 0.01 1.08 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.68 0.01 0.01 311 312 313 314 315.35 312 313 314 315.35 316 1 1 1 1.35 0.65 70478 70479 70481 70482 70483 0 0 0 0.01 0.08 0 0 0 0 0.02 0 0 0 0 0.06 0.01 0.01 0.68 1.37 0.68 Page 6 of 8 H-07-3352 Lithology From To Mineralogy Length 335.16 347.9 12.74 SSST TEC S 40 Description: Clasts/Cryst: Sandstone - Pink, fine to medium grained with quartz, feldspar, rhyolite and felsic volcanic fractures at 50 and 80 degrees to ca. Interval contains a series of fining upward sequences with bedding at 60 degrees to ca. Grains are comprized of quartz, feldspar, rhyolite and felsic volcanics. Diabase dykes long the edge of the core at 335.61 (11 cm) and 335.85 (10 cm) and cutting the core at 344.60 m (23 cm) at 40 degrees to ca with upper and lower chill margins. Sandstone is siliceous. Tr of pyrite along fracture surfaces. Wisps of calcite filling fractures. 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 70484 70485 70486 70487 70488 70489 70491 70492 70493 70494 70495 0.07 0.02 0.05 0.13 0.08 0.18 0.07 0.05 0.03 0.03 0.04 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.05 0 0.04 0.08 0.05 0.22 0.01 0.03 0.01 0.01 0.03 0.68 0.68 0.68 1.71 1.08 1.37 0.01 0.01 1.08 0.34 0.01 327 328 329 328 329 329.46 1 1 0.46 70496 70497 70498 0.71 0.08 0.08 0.09 0.02 0.02 0.98 0.06 0.05 2.4 0.68 0.01 Colour: PNK Pyrite: Texture: Sphalerite: Alteration: T SIL SSST TEC S Description: Sandstone - Grey, medium to fine grained with bedding at 60 degrees to ca. Occasional graded bedding fining upwards. Sands are comprized of qtz, feldspar, rhyolite and felsic volcanic 10 Clasts/Cryst: quartz, feldspar, rhyolite and felsic volcanic Galena: Chalco: From 362.51 379.78 17.27 TR FF To Width Samp Zn% Colour: GREY Pyrite: Texture: Sphalerite: Alteration: T SIL Cu% Pb% Ag g/t Au g/t Galena: Chalco: Page 7 of 8 H-07-3352 Lithology From To Mineralogy Length fragments. Rock is siliceous. Upper contact at 10 degrees to ca. Interbedded sandstone and hematitic basalt from 373.38 to 379.38 m. Sandstone is grey with hematitic basalt fragments. Basalt is dark grey to maroon to red. Sandstone/basalt contact at 60 degrees to ca. From 379.78 500 120.22 MBST REG B Description: Clasts/Cryst: Hematitic Basalt - Maroon to red to dark green with fractures at 50 degrees to ca. Contact with overlying sandstone/basalt transition zone is faulted and broken with tr of calcite along fracture surfaces. Intervals appear to be stacked flows with hematitic material at the top and grading down to dark green amygduloidal material at the base. Carbonate veining increases with depth. Rock is weakly siliceous. Colour: PRPL To DGRN Zn% Cu% Pb% Ag g/t Au g/t Cu% Pb% Ag g/t Au g/t Pyrite: Sphalerite: Texture: Alteration: Width Samp T SIL Galena: Chalco: From To Width Samp Zn% EOH: 500 Page 8 of 8 H-07-3353 Grid_E: Grid_N: Nad27_E: Nad27_N: Elevation: Collar Survey: Downhole Method: Dip: Azi_Grid: Azi_TN: 511880 5408970 GPS Flexit -90 Drill Company: Drill Start: Drill Finish: Logged By: Log Start: Log Finish: Springdale Forest 17/11/2002 25/11/2002 J. Barr/M.Clough 19/11/2002 26/11/2002 450 5.3 108 NQ Buchans Length: Casing: Boxes: Core Size: Core Location: Buchans Property Objective: Licence NTS: Exploration Infilling Depth Azi_TN Azi_Grid Dip 12 156.2 -88.9 51 146.6 -88.8 99 148.1 -89 150 133.8 -89 201 135.1 -88.8 255 133.5 -88.7 300 156.2 -89 351 147.7 -88.9 402 144.4 -88.5 450 150.1 -88.7 Test Type Comments: 12A/15 H-07-3353 Lithology Mineralogy From To Length 0 5.3 5.3 OB Description: Clasts/Cryst: Colour: Pyrite: Texture: Sphalerite: Alteration: Galena: Chalco: From 5.3 99.06 93.76 FRY Prominent Quartz Rhyolite Colour: RED Texture: Description: Rock is characterized by porphyritic texture of rounded qtz eyes, indiscriminantly throughout. Heterolithic fragments up to 20cm of rhylite to Clasts/Cryst: Unit is characterized by Quartz porphytic texture indiscriminantly throughout, Qtz eyes Alteration: DKG Width Samp Zn% Pyrite: PHY T To QE SIL Sphalerite: Galena: Cu% Pb% Ag g/t Au g/t TR PY PATCH H-07-3353 Lithology From To Mineralogy Length dacite composition, with frequent jasper patches throughout matrix. eyes are generaly rounded up to 1cm, with <5% 2mm K-felds. Chalco: Minor Lithology 28.84 73.47 44.63 FRY Upp Ctc: REG G Prominent Quartz Rhyolite From To Width Samp Zn% Cu% Pb% Ag g/t Au g/t Description: Clasts/Cryst Unit is similar to above, except Quartz eyes are less prominent, with <5% lacking the prominent qtz eyes, matris K-felds crysts. is dk-grey to black with local zone of strong hematization in jasper, occ small Py blebs throughout rimmed with black material (chl?) Colour: BLK Texture: Alteration: RED PHY QE SIL EPI Minor Lithology 73.47 99.06 Foliation: T L 25.59 FRY Pyrite: TR PY PATCH Sphalerite: Upp Ctc: REG G Prominent Quartz Rhyolite Description: Clasts/Cryst Unit is same as above, with quartz Quartz eyes waning, but still present, <5% eye content waning, localized epidote overall. alteration (91.4-97.27). Unit is fractured and broken throughout, occ black rounded vfg clasts of intermediate to mafic composittion Colour: DKG Texture: Alteration: RED PHY SIL EPI 99.06 153.17 54.11 Foliation: QE T L FRY Pyrite: B Sphalerite: Prominent Quartz Rhyolite REG Colour: GREY DKG Pyrite: TR PY STR G Page 2 of 9 H-07-3353 Lithology From To Mineralogy Length Texture: Description: Clasts/Cryst: Prominent Quartz porphyritic unit, grey to dk grey, Prominent qtz eyes, rounded up to 1cm, unit is less silicified that above, segments of large also <5% K-felds (2mm). polylithic fragments (aphyric rhyolite, dacite). Evidence of chl alteration around py stringers (3040tca) locally buckshot. Minor Lithology 143.38 147.05 3.67 FRY Colour: BLK Texture: Alteration: PHY Chl M SIL Galena: Chalco: From To Width Samp Zn% Cu% Pb% Ag g/t Au g/t Foliation: QE Pyrite: M FDAC TR PY STR PATCH Rhyo-dacite Breccia TEC SHR Description: Clasts/Cryst: Unit is composed of rhyo-dacite and is brecciated qtz porphyritic crysts, litho clasts are qtz throughout, strongly hematized with numerous phyric rhyolite to aphyric dacite sericite shears. Colour: RED Texture: Alteration: Pyrite: PHY QE T FXTAL Rhyo-dacite Crystal Tuff TEC FLT Description: Unit cpomposed of lithified crystal tuff, strong sericite along med foliation. Fractured locally, strain increases to lwr ctc. Clasts/Cryst: rare qtz phyric felsic clasts B Sphalerite: HEM Galena: Chalco: From 170.69 177.91 7.22 Sphalerite: Clasts/Cryst Intense porphyry, qtz eyes throughout, up to 1cm Sphalerite: 153.17 170.69 17.52 QE Upp Ctc: REG G Prominent Quartz Rhyolite Description: Prominent quartz unit, with dominant chloritic matrix with fg Py stringers. Alteration: PHY Colour: GREY Texture: Alteration: YEL Width Samp Zn% Pyrite: MICCRYS L To MYL Ser Cu% Pb% Ag g/t Au g/t B Sphalerite: Galena: Chalco: Page 3 of 9 H-07-3353 Lithology From To Mineralogy Length From 177.91 220.27 42.36 REG FAGL Minor Lithology 177.91 182.16 4.25 FAGL Description: Unit same as major, except clasts contain up to 1% cpy. Colour: GREY Texture: 60 Clasts/Cryst: Agglomerate clasts are primarily of dacitic composition, bedded into a sedsy groundmass. Upp Ctc: REG S Felsic Agglomerate 75 Clasts/Cryst Rounded agglomate clasts, up to 5cm Foliation: Pyrite: Sphalerite: Minor Lithology 185.29 190.65 5.36 FRY 1% CPY PATCH DISS Rhyolitic Agglomerate Upp Ctc: REG G Description: Clasts/Cryst Unit is same as above, but contains Rhylitic clasts, 70% overall, sub-angular higher percentage of rhyolitic fragments which contain up to 5% Py, and tr-BM. Grey, sedsy matrix itself contains up to 1% Py. Colour: GREY Texture: Alteration: Foliation: APHY Pyrite: Sphalerite: Texture: Alteration: Cu% Pyrite: Sphalerite: FOLw L Zn% Galena: EPI Pb% Ag g/t Au g/t TR PB PATCH DISS TR CPY PATCH DISS Chalco: FOLw Alteration: Width Samp Colour: GREY S Description: Dk grey matrix hosting rounded polylithic felsic clasts. Unit resembles a debris flow, supported by matrix, with 5+ different zoned events. Clasts are 2mm to 5cm with tr visible Base Metals. To 1% PY <1% DISS ZN From 184.7 185.3 186.3 187.3 188.1 189 190 191 192 193 To Width Samp 185.3 0.6 60501 186.3 1 60502 187.3 1 60503 188.1 0.8 60504 189 0.9 60505 190 1 60506 191 1 60507 192 1 60508 193 1 60509 194.38 1.38 60511 Zn% 0.01 0.03 0.02 0.16 0.22 0.31 0.38 0.24 0.21 0.21 Cu% 0 0.01 0 0.02 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.02 0.02 0.03 Pb% 0 0.01 0.01 0.07 0.09 0.17 0.18 0.14 0.13 0.11 Ag g/t Au g/t 0.01 0.34 0.68 3.08 1.37 4.11 5.48 5.48 4.11 3.77 194.38 195.38 196.38 197.38 198.38 208 208.5 209.5 210.49 211.5 212.5 195.38 196.38 197.38 198.38 199 208.5 209.5 210.49 211.5 212.5 213.47 1 1 1 1 0.62 0.5 1 0.99 1.01 1 0.97 60512 60513 60514 60515 60516 60517 60518 60519 60521 60522 60523 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.03 0.36 0.02 0.03 1.58 0.32 0.25 0.01 0.05 0 0.03 0.01 0.04 0 0 0.07 0.02 0.05 0 0 0 0 0 0.2 0 0.02 1.08 0.34 0.68 0.34 0.34 5.48 1.08 1.08 1.07 0.17 0.13 46.6 6.16 5.48 213.47 214.5 215.5 216.5 214.5 215.5 216.5 216.95 1.03 1 1 0.45 60524 60525 60526 60527 0.4 0.31 0.17 0.13 0.05 0.03 0.01 0.02 0.24 0.18 0.12 0.1 7.88 8.22 32.2 7.88 Page 4 of 9 H-07-3353 Lithology From To Mineralogy Length Minor Lithology 190.65 194.38 3.73 FAGL Felsic Agglomerate Upp Ctc: REG G Description: Clasts/Cryst Agglomerate composed of 20% 20% felsic fragments overall, rounded to clasts, up to 2cm, numerous clasts sub-angular contain 1% visible BM, mainly galena and sphalerite. Occasssional Py stringer in matrix. Colour: GREY Texture: Foliation: FOLw Aphy Alteration: Minor Lithology 194.38 200.53 6.15 IT Description: Lithified Tuff, qta-filled fractures towards bottom ctc, locally carbonitized (?), rare 1-3mm Py stringers. Boulder? Colour: GREY Texture: Alteration: GRN Pyrite: 1% PY STR Sphalerite: vfg TR PB Intermediate Lithified Tuff Upp Ctc: REG D Clasts/Cryst Foliation: mass QC CARB L W Pyrite: 1% PY STR Sphalerite: Page 5 of 9 H-07-3353 Lithology From To Mineralogy Length Minor Lithology 200.53 207.09 6.56 FRY Upp Ctc: REG D Felsic Agglomerate Description: Clasts/Cryst Agglomerate with >75% Rhy >75% rounded rhyolite clasts fragments, local sercite shears (up to 3cm). Colour: GRN Texture: Alteration: BGE Foliation: 45 FOLm Ser Pyrite: L B Sphalerite: Minor Lithology 207.09 220.27 13.18 FAGL Felsic Agglomerate Description: tuffaceous unit, with felsic to quartz fragments. Locally mylonitic at 60tca. Occassional sulphide clast (eg. @ 211.35m) with 50% Py, 10% Gal, 5% Sphal, diss Py throughout matrix. Colour: GREY Texture: Clasts/Cryst 10-15% felsic fragments, rounded BGE FOLs Upp Ctc: REG G Foliation: 60 Myl Pyrite: Alteration: 1% PB Sphalerite: 220.27 227.22 6.95 MBX Mafic Lapilli Tuff 1% ZN REG S Description: Mafic lappilli tuff unit, moderately hematized throughout. Lappilli fragments include calcite filled amygdaloidal basalt with few scoria fragments? Locally carbonitized. Unit becomes slightly foliated towards lwr ctc @ 50tca. PATCH Colour: GRN 70 Clasts/Cryst: numerous mafic clasts, scoria to basalt? RED Pyrite: Sphalerite: Texture: Alteration: B M HEM Galena: Chalco: From To Width Samp Zn% Cu% Pb% Ag g/t Au g/t Page 6 of 9 H-07-3353 Lithology From To Mineralogy Length 227.22 322.5 95.28 SSS Colour: BLK Argillaceous Siltstone Texture: Description: Clasts/Cryst: Argillaceous Siltstone. Black-Dark grey. Interbedded fine grained, grey, sanstone throughout. Locally strong interbedded sandstone between 274.00-286.74m. Sandstone bedding up to 1.00m in this section. Localized fault gouges, 2.5cm, throughout. Locally silicified. Locally badly broken. Trace pyrite mineralizion occurs as blebs throughout unit. DKG Pyrite: SW LBB Sphalerite: SIL Alteration: TR DISS Galena: Chalco: From To Width Samp Zn% Cu% Pb% Ag g/t Au g/t TR FF BLEBS Structure To From 264.63 267.05 SHR Shearing complex with minor gouging, 1-3cm thick. Structure To From 293.23 294.06 SHR Shearing complex with minor gouging, 1-3cm thick. Structure To From 309.57 309.74 GOU Structure To From 315.05 315.35 GOU 322.5 373.87 51.37 SSST REG Sandstone G Description: Sandstone. Beige to brown colour. Medlium to fine grained. Localized strong interbedded (swirled) black siltstone between 338.45- Clasts/Cryst: Colour: BGE 35 BRN Pyrite: Sphalerite: Texture: Alteration: SIL Galena: Chalco: Page 7 of 9 H-07-3353 Lithology From To Mineralogy Length 340.95m. Siliceous throughout. Locally broken. Trace pyrite associated with fractures (mylonite filled) occuring as Xtals between 330.20 333.90m. Minor qtz veining (0.5-1cm) 70-80 degrees Tca. Minor Lithology 369.78 373.87 4.09 SSST Upp Ctc: REG S Basal Sandstone. From 45 Description: Clasts/Cryst Medium to coarse grained sandstone. Qtz-feldspar, jasper. Brownish orange colour. Qtz-feldspar and jasper clasts sub angular. More basal than major overlying unit. Colour: BRN ORG Foliation: Texture: To Width Samp Zn% Cu% Pb% Ag g/t Au g/t Cu% Pb% Ag g/t Au g/t Structure To From 330.2 333.9 SHR Shear complex. Trace fracture filled pyrite. Structure To From 338.45 338.5 GOU Pyrite: Alteration: Sphalerite: 373.87 379.75 5.88 SBX Sedimentary fault breccia. TEC S Description: Clasts/Cryst: Sedimentary, recemented, faulted breccia. Beige Felsic colour. Series of gouges between 376.55378.50m with the largest being 50cm, generally 25cm. Colour: BGE Pyrite: Texture: Sphalerite: Alteration: Galena: 80 Chalco: From To Width Samp Zn% Structure To From 376.55 378.5 SHR Shear complex with a series of gouges, the largest Being 50cm. Generally 2.5cm. 379.75 450 70.25 MVFW Mafic Volcanic Flow TEC Colour: DGRN Pyrite: Page 8 of 9 H-07-3353 Lithology From To Mineralogy Length S 80 Description: Clasts/Cryst: Mafic volcanic flow. Dark Green, localized lighter Qtz-feldspar filled vesicles. green. Reddish colour associated with hematite banding. Hematite banding pervasive. Epidote mineralization occuring as stringers, generally surrounding hematite bands. Qtz-carbonate filled vesicles present throughout (0.5-1.0cm), increasing abundance associated with hematite bands. Minor Lithology 423 423.66 LBB Alteration: Upp Ctc: 0.66 MDY Description: Mafic dyke. Trace pyrite blebs. Colour: Texture: Mafic dyke. REG S Clasts/Cryst T L Sphalerite: SIL EPI From 40 Galena: Chalco: To Width Samp Zn% Cu% Pb% Ag g/t Au g/t Structure To From 393.28 394.21 GOU Foliation: Texture: Alteration: Pyrite: TR BLEBS Sphalerite: EOH: 450 Page 9 of 9 H-07-3354 Grid_E: Grid_N: Nad27_E: Nad27_N: Elevation: Collar Survey: Downhole Method: Dip: Azi_Grid: Azi_TN: 511500 5408600 GPS Flexit -90 Drill Company: Drill Start: Drill Finish: Logged By: Log Start: Log Finish: Springdale Forest 27/11/2002 Length: Casing: Boxes: Core Size: Core Location: M. Clough 28/11/2002 NQ Buchans Buchans Property Objective: Licence NTS: Exploration Infilling Depth Azi_TN Azi_Grid Dip 15 150.4 -89.4 500 4.95 51 149.4 -89.1 102 144 -89.9 150 159.3 -88.9 201 133.8 -89.5 252 112.7 -88.9 300 131.6 -88.7 351 102.5 -89.1 402 99.6 -89.5 450 122.8 -89.5 501 124 -89 Test Type Comments: H-07-3354 Lithology Mineralogy From To Length 0 5.4 5.4 OB Description: Clasts/Cryst: Colour: Pyrite: Texture: Sphalerite: Alteration: Galena: Chalco: From 5.4 72.75 67.35 FVBX REG S Description: Felsic volcanic breccia. Green-greyish colour, localized reddish associated with hematite Colour: G_G 40 Clasts/Cryst: Felsic, mafic, minor jasper, reworked hematite rich volcanic fragments. Texture: Alteration: Width Samp Zn% Pyrite: SIL W P To Sphalerite: Chl SIL Galena: Cu% Pb% Ag g/t Au g/t H-07-3354 Lithology From To Mineralogy Length fragments and bands. Very fine grained matrix with localized clast supported. Angular clasts ranging from 0.5-5.0cm. Overall, clasts fining upwards. Distinct flows from 5.40-20.62m, 20.6233.68m, 33.68-43.20m, 43.20- 63.34. Volcanic sequences consist of hematite rich mafic flows with qtz-carbonate filled vesicles and brecciated tops. Brecciated material contains reworked flow fragments. Chalco: From 120.28 165.1 44.82 MVBX REG G Description: Mafic Volcanic Breccia: Green to dark green grey, fragmental (see clast description), weakly polylithic comprising dominantly vesicular bslt with minor smaller mafic and intermed frags and rare felsics; groundmass is fine-grained, has been pervasively chloritized, is wkly siliceous and contains small fragments; epidote and lesser qtz carb on irreg microfractures; local 10-30 cm horizons of well bedded siltstone/f.g sst after 158.70 m that ranges from 45 to 60 tca; Shr from 162.80-165.10 m that has been heavily microfractured healed with silica and clay; this unit is sedime Clasts/Cryst: 40-60% fragments, 3 main clast-types: 1) qtz-carb vesicular basalt, dominant of the larger clasts, 1-50 cm (5 cm avg), irreg/fluidal subangular- subrounded, vesicles range from 1 mm to 2 cm in size in aph grdms; 2) minor dark-green aphan mafics and aph grey intermediate frags, 0.22 cm; 3) rare (131.40 m) 0.5-4 cm pink felsic frags that are subang Colour: GRN Texture: Alteration: To G_G Zn% Cu% Pb% Ag g/t Au g/t Cu% Pb% Ag g/t Au g/t Pyrite: LBB P W Width Samp Sphalerite: Chl EPI Galena: Chalco: From To Width Samp Zn% EOH: 500 Page 2 of 2 H-07-3355 Grid_E: Grid_N: Nad27_E: Nad27_N: Elevation: Property Collar Survey: Downhole Method: Dip: Azi_Grid: Azi_TN: 511230 5408410 GPS Flexit -90 Drill Company: Drill Start: Drill Finish: Logged By: Log Start: Log Finish: Springdale Forest NQ Buchans Buchans Objective: Licence NTS: Exploration Infilling Depth Azi_TN Azi_Grid Dip 50 0.3 -89.3 501 Length: Casing: Boxes: Core Size: Core Location: 101 38.1 -89.8 152 158.5 -88.8 200 102.1 -89.6 250 119.2 -89.7 299 257.7 -89.8 350 41.9 -89.9 402 196.1 -89.6 452 151.5 -89.5 500 144.6 -89 551 150.2 89.3 Test Type Comments: H-07-3355 Lithology Mineralogy From To Length 0 15.65 15.65 OB Description: Overburden - Glacial Till Overburden Clasts/Cryst: Colour: Pyrite: Texture: Sphalerite: Alteration: Galena: Chalco: From 15.65 116 100.35 FDAC Colour: G_G Texture: Description: Clasts/Cryst: Qtz-Feldspar Phyric Dacite Flow: Light greyPhyric: 1) 1-2% subrounded to angular 0.5-1 green with lesser patchy-pink hue, local horizons mm qtz phenocrysts; 2) 5%, 1-3 mm Alteration: PHY S P To PNK Width Samp Zn% Pyrite: Apha SIL CHL Sphalerite: Galena: Cu% Pb% Ag g/t Au g/t H-07-3355 Lithology From To Mineralogy Length anhedral (locally euhedral) pink to cream containing irregular fragments of host dacite coloured feldspar shards; weakly fragmental (more prominent after 67 m); qtz and feldspar phenocrystic shards (see pheno desc.) set in an with 0.5-2 cm angular pink felsic clasts aphanitic strongly siliceous groundmass that has been blended with weak pervasive chl and patchy saus/epi; abundant irregular hairline fractures with silica-leucoxene heals; rare patches of nonaltered pink dacite still contain 5%, <0.5 mm pyroxene phenocrysts; <5% diss leucoxene; this unit is siliceous enough to be felsic but the chl/sauss suggest a more intermediate rx; major structure from 38.00-70.90 m manifested as strongly broken zones with fault gouge (rubble/ Chalco: From Structure To From 41 70.8 FLT "locally strongly broken with gouge otherwise blocky, strongly broken/gouge from 38.00-47.20 m and 59.00-61.00 m, 68.6570.80 m' scattered intact gouge at 20 tca @ 38.10 and 40.90 m respectively, also gouge material at 69.80 m" Structure To From 70.8 116 LBB Structure To From 92 92.1 GOU grey clay gouge 138.86 192.12 53.26 IRY TEC Colour: PRPL To Width Samp Zn% Pyrite: Cu% Pb% Ag g/t Au g/t TR Page 2 of 12 H-07-3355 Lithology From To Mineralogy Length B Texture: Description: Clasts/Cryst: Rhyolite Flows - Maroon with quartz and feldspar phenocrysts. Core is badly broken (commonly less than 5 cm long) with gouge and fine gravel. Highly fractured grey diabase dykes from 154.10 - 155.10 and 157.75 - 158.33 m. Rhyolite below 158.00 m is more competent with fractures at 80 degrees to ca and less commonly at 45 degrees to ca. Calcite filling fractures and in fault zones (up to 2 cm diameter) with traces of pyrite. Trace of epidote and hematite in factures. Rock is siliceous. Faults also at Alteration: Apha Sphalerite: S SIL Chalco: From 190.62 191.12 192 192.12 220.92 28.8 SCGL REG S Description: Clasts/Cryst: Felsic Conglomerate - Pink to pink grey with felsic pebbles in a sand matrix. Pebbles are primarily felsic volcanics and tuffs with lesser amounts of rhyolite and quartz. Many of the tuff and felsic volcanic fragments contain finely diseminated pyrite (sulphides?) occasionally banded. Rare boulders up to 25 cm diameter. Larger fragments tend to be angular. Rock is siliceous. Fractures at 50 degrees to ca. Minor sericite alteration with traces of epidote along fractures. Galena: Colour: PNK 60 To Width Samp 191.12 0.5 60528 192 0.88 60529 193 1 60531 GREY Cu% 0 0 0 Pyrite: Pb% 0 0 0 Ag g/t Au g/t 0.01 0.34 0.01 TR DISS Sphalerite: Texture: Alteration: Zn% 0 0.01 0.01 M SIL Galena: Chalco: From 193 194 195 To 194 195 196 196 197 198 199 200 197 198 199 200 201 Width Samp 1 60532 1 60533 1 60534 1 1 1 1 1 60535 60536 60537 60538 60539 Zn% 0.01 0.01 0.01 Cu% 0 0 0 Pb% 0 0 0 Ag g/t Au g/t 1.71 0.68 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.34 0.01 0.01 0.01 Page 3 of 12 H-07-3355 Lithology From To 220.92 250 Mineralogy Length 29.08 IRY TEC S Description: Clasts/Cryst: Rhyolite - Maroon with shearing and serictic and chloritic alteration to green from 220.92 to 224.04 m. Rhyolite appears locally to be a rehealed breccia with sericitic and chloritic alteration along fracture surfaces. Rock is bleached to a light pink adjacent to joint fractures. Rhyolite contains phenocrysts of feldspar and quartz. Fractures at 70 degrees to ca. Upper contact at 60 degrees to ca. Rock is siliceous with less silicification in the sheared interval. 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 60541 60542 60543 60544 60545 60546 60547 60548 60549 60251 60252 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0 0 0 0.01 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.01 0.01 0 0 0.01 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.34 0.34 1.08 0.01 0.68 1.71 1.08 1.08 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 220.92 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.92 60253 60254 60255 60256 60257 60258 60259 60261 60262 0 0 0 0 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.03 0.02 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.34 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.68 0.01 1.08 Cu% 0 0 Pb% 0.01 0 Ag g/t Au g/t 2.4 0.01 Colour: PRPL 60 Texture: Alteration: Pyrite: Apha S C Sphalerite: SIL CHL Galena: Chalco: From To Width Samp 220.92 221.42 0.5 60263 249.5 250 0.5 60264 250 258.27 8.27 SSST REG Colour: GREY Zn% 0.03 0.01 Pyrite: TR DISS Page 4 of 12 H-07-3355 Lithology From To Mineralogy Length S 70 Description: Clasts/Cryst: "Sandstone - Grey, medium to coarse grained. Rare fragments up to 3 cm diameter. Clasts are comprized of felsic volcanics with lesser amounts of rhyolite and quartz. Upper contact at 70 degrees to ca. Sandstone is bleached to a light green adjacent to upper contact. Rare bedding at 60 degrees to ca. Occasional thin wisps of calcite and hematite. Rhyolite pebbles up to 5 cm diameter within 30 cm of the base of the sequence.Rock is siliceous. Trace of pyrite finely diseminated throughout sequence." Sphalerite: Texture: Alteration: M W SIL Chl From 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258.27 264.94 6.67 IRY REG S Description: Clasts/Cryst: Rhyolite - Maroon with phenocrysts of feldspar and quartz. Locally the unit appears to be a rhyolite breccia. Upper contact is at 90 degrees to ca. Fractures at 90 degrees to ca. Wisps of calcite at random angles to ca. Colour: PRPL 90 Texture: Alteration: Galena: Chalco: To Width Samp 251 1 60265 252 1 60266 253 1 60267 254 1 60268 255 1 60269 257 2 60271 258.27 2.27 60272 258.27 1.27 60273 VBX Cu% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Pb% 0.01 0.01 0.05 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 Ag g/t Au g/t 0.34 0.01 2.4 1.08 1.08 3.08 0.34 0.34 Cu% 0 0 Pb% 0 0 Ag g/t Au g/t 0.34 0.34 Pyrite: Apha Sphalerite: T SIL Galena: Chalco: From To Width Samp 258.27 258.78 0.51 60274 264.44 264.94 0.5 60275 264.94 315.39 50.45 Zn% 0.01 0.01 0.04 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.01 REG Colour: GREY GRN Zn% 0.01 0.01 Pyrite: TR DISS Page 5 of 12 H-07-3355 Lithology From To Mineralogy Length S Description: Clasts/Cryst: Volcanic Breccia - Green adjacent to overlying rhyolite and grading to grey with depth. Rock is comprized of felsic/intermediate volcanic fragments and angular pebbles up to 10 cm diameter. Rare rhyolite pebbles. Diseminated pyrite in the matrix and occasionally in fragments. Trace of galena in small blebs (<5mm) and veinlettes. Upper contact at 60 degrees to ca. Fractures at 70 degrees to ca. Occasional amygdule with pyrite lining around the inner surface. Rock is chloritic. Fragments are commonly surrounded by a light green alteration halo. Occasional trace of pyrite with hematite. Frequency of larger clasts increases with depth (fining upwards). Clasts are dominantly basaltic after 305.94 m 60 Sphalerite: Texture: Alteration: W T SIL Chl Galena: TR DISS Chalco: From 264.94 266 267 268 269 To 266 267 268 269 270 Width Samp 1.06 60276 1 60277 1 60278 1 60279 1 60281 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 281 282 283 284 285 282 283 284 285 286 1 1 1 1 1 Zn% 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 Cu% 0 0 0 0 0 Pb% 0 0 0 0.01 0 Ag g/t Au g/t 0.34 0.34 0.34 1.08 1.37 60282 60283 60284 60285 60286 60287 60288 60289 60291 60292 60293 0.07 0.22 0.22 0.28 0.11 0.14 0.06 0.06 0.02 0.04 0.09 0.01 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0 0.03 0.12 0.09 0.12 0.03 0.08 0.02 0.02 0 0.01 0.02 2.74 3.08 2.05 1.71 0.68 0.34 0.34 0.34 0.68 0.34 0.68 60294 60295 60296 60297 60298 0.09 0.28 0.25 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.03 0.12 0.08 0.03 0 0.34 0.68 1.08 0.34 0.68 Page 6 of 12 H-07-3355 Lithology From To Mineralogy Length 315.39 358.85 43.46 MBST Basalt Flows REG S Description: "Basalt Flows: Grey-green, vesicular, phyric and aphanitic; 5%, <0.5 mm soft chl-alt'd plag laths; 5%, 2-3 mm subrounded chl-filled vesicles and scattered clusters of carb vesicles; groundmass is very-fine grained, moderately soft and chl; Colour: G_G 40 Clasts/Cryst: "Phyric: 5%, <0.5 mm soft chl alt'd plag laths; Vesicular: 5%, 1-3 mm subrounded chl-filled vesicles, local patchy clusters of irregular carb-filled vesicles" Texture: Alteration: 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 297 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 60299 60301 60302 60303 60304 60305 60306 60307 60308 60309 60311 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0 0 0 0.01 0 0 0 0 0.01 0 0 0.34 0.01 0.01 0.68 0.01 1.08 0.34 0.34 1.08 0.68 0.01 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 306 306 307 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 60312 60313 60314 60315 60316 60317 60318 60319 60321 60322 60323 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.02 0 0.34 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 1.37 0.01 1.37 0.01 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 309 310 311 312 313 314 315.39 1 1 1 1 1 1 1.39 60324 60325 60326 60327 60328 60329 60331 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.04 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0 0.01 0.01 0 0.01 0 0.01 0.01 0.01 1.71 1.08 1.08 1.37 1.08 GRN Pyrite: Apha P PHY Chl TR DISS Sphalerite: Galena: Chalco: Page 7 of 12 H-07-3355 Lithology From To Mineralogy Length localized pillow structures. Scattered 10-20 cm fragmental horizons (flow tops). Upper ct is conformable and slightly gradational while the lower ct is shp. Unit is pyritic after 345.54 m (3% py) manifested primarily in microfractures and as blebs in qtz-veins, cpy blebs (<1%) are commonly associated with the veining; @ 347.65 m, 3 cm qtz-vn-brx at 15 tca with py blebs; @ 357.10 m, qtz-vn-brx at 20 tca with wispy py" Minor Lithology 337.55 345.54 7.99 IFW Intermediate Flow Upp Ctc: TEC S 65 Description: Clasts/Cryst "Intermediate Flow: Green to grey green, massive and aphanitic. Unit is weakly siliceous with a faint pervasive chl-hue and is dotted with 5% 1-3 mm chl alt'n spots. 5% pyrite manifested as disseminations and irregular fracture fills accompanied by qtz and tr cpy blebs (in veins). The upper ct is shp and weakly sheared @65 tca and the lower ct is broken. Local 30 cm xenolith of qtz-prominent rhyolite. @ 344.55 m, 1 cm cpy strngr at 45 tca" Colour: GREY Texture: Alteration: Apha SIL Chl Foliation: mass W Pyrite: Sphalerite: 5% DISS FF From To 315.39 316 316 317 Width Samp 0.61 60332 1 60333 Zn% 0.03 0.01 Cu% 0.01 0.01 Pb% 0.01 0 Ag g/t Au g/t 0.01 0.34 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 60334 60335 60336 60337 60338 60339 60341 60342 60343 60344 60345 0.01 0.02 0.04 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.03 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0 0 0.06 0 0 0 0 0 0.01 0.03 0 0.34 0.34 0.34 0.01 0.34 0.68 1.37 2.05 2.05 0.68 1.08 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 337.55 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.55 60346 60347 60348 60349 60351 60352 60353 60354 60355 60356 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.06 0.02 0.01 0.01 0 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.01 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.04 0.02 0.03 0 0.68 2.05 1.37 1.08 1.08 1.71 1.08 0.34 1.08 0.34 337.55 338.5 339.5 340.5 341.5 338.5 339.5 340.5 341.5 342.5 0.95 1 1 1 1 60357 60358 60359 60361 60362 0.04 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.03 0 0.01 0 0 0.01 0 0 0 0 0.34 0.34 0.68 0.68 0.34 Page 8 of 12 H-07-3355 Lithology From To Mineralogy Length 358.85 416.35 57.5 FRY REG S Description: "Prominent Quartz-Rhyolite: Light-grey with angular dark green spots, strongly phenocrystic; 25%,0.5-1.5 cm qtz-phenos that are subangsubrounded, 1-2% 1-4 cm grey to pink rhyolite fragments; groundmass comprises aphanitic strong silica/k-spar with 1-2 cm irreg black chlspots; 2-3% pyrite on fractures and minor disseminations, cpy splashes in scattered qtz vnsUnit is cut by a series of 2 dyke-types dipping at 15-25 tca, 1) altered felsic dykes-strongly silicified with pervasive drk-chl alt'n, local brx'n and wk fol'n @20 tca, 2) late mafic dykelets. Upper ct is 374.70 m, aphanitic mafic dyke at 35 tca; @378.00-379.90 m, shr'd felsic dyke at 15 tca;@ 378.13-378.60 m, mafic dyke at 15 tca; @ 380.50-381.20 m, intermediate dyke entraining country rock with shp upper and shr'd lower ct at 50 tca" Colour: LGTG 45 Clasts/Cryst: Strongly Phyric: 25% 0.3-1.5 cm subangular to subrounded qtz phenos (blebs); Fragmental: 1-3% scattered grey to pink 2-5 cm aphanitic angular rhyolite fragments Texture: Alteration: 342.5 343.5 344.5 345.54 346.55 347.2 347.6 348.6 349.6 350.6 351.6 343.5 344.5 345.54 346.55 347.2 347.6 348.6 349.6 350.6 351.6 352.6 1 1 1.04 1.01 0.65 0.4 1 1 1 1 1 60363 60364 60365 60366 60367 60368 60369 60371 60372 60373 60374 0.01 0.01 0.03 0.03 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.31 0.2 0.05 0.04 0 0.01 0.1 0 0.02 0.04 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.04 0.02 0.02 0.01 0 0.01 0.02 0 0.01 0 0 0.02 0.34 1.37 0.34 0.01 0.68 1.71 0.68 2.05 0.34 0.34 0.01 352.6 353.6 354.6 355.6 356.6 357.6 353.6 354.6 355.6 356.6 357.6 358.85 1 1 1 1 1 1.25 60375 60376 60377 60378 60379 60381 0.04 0.04 0.03 0.03 0.07 0.03 0 0.01 0.01 0.05 0.01 0.03 0 0 0 0.01 0.03 0.01 0.34 0.68 0.68 0.68 0.01 0.34 G_G Pyrite: PHY S MIN SIL SIL Chl 2% DISS MIN_V Sphalerite: Galena: Chalco: Page 9 of 12 H-07-3355 Lithology From To Mineralogy Length Minor Lithology 389.93 408.9 18.97 IDY Intermediate Dyke Upp Ctc: REG QV 25 Description: Clasts/Cryst "Intermediate Dyke: Green /green"Phyric: 10%, 1-3 mm green to black chlgrey, 10% 1-3 mm chl-alt'd subalt'd sub-euhedral tabular plag phenos" euhedral tabular plag phenos, set in a moderately siliceous pervasively weakly chl'tized-grndms; 3% py manifested as frac-fills with qtz and lesser fine disseminations; local spotty epidote alt'n; qtz-vn'd upper ct, shp lwr ct at 55 tca with CM" Colour: GRN Texture: Alteration: G_G Apha PHY SIL Chl Minor Lithology 403.25 405.05 Foliation: M P 1.8 MDY Pyrite: Texture: Alteration: mass Chl EPI LGTG Mafic Dyke Foliation: Apha M P FF Sphalerite: Description: Clasts/Cryst "Mafic Dyke: Dark-green, massive and aphanitic, very fine-grained, epi alt'n spots, shp ct's with chill margins." Colour: DGRN 3% DISS Pyrite: Sphalerite: Upp Ctc: REG S 10 Structure From To 375.6 378.13 BB Structure To From 378.9 SHR 3 cm shr Structure To From 381.2 SHR 0.5 cm shr Structure To From 414.77 414.97 SHR Structure To From 414.77 416.9 BB From 358.85 359.5 360.5 361.55 362.55 363.2 364.2 365.2 365.9 367.1 To Width Samp 359.5 0.65 60382 360.5 1 60383 361.55 1.05 60384 362.55 1 60385 363.2 0.65 60386 364.2 1 60387 365.2 1 60388 365.9 0.7 60389 367.1 1.2 60391 368.1 1 60392 Zn% 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 Cu% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Pb% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ag g/t Au g/t 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.34 0.34 0.34 0.34 0.34 368.1 369.2 370.2 371.2 372.2 373.2 374.55 375.5 376.3 377.3 369.2 370.2 371.2 372.2 373.2 374.55 375.5 376.3 377.3 378.05 1.1 1 1 1 1 1.35 0.95 0.8 1 0.75 60393 60394 60395 60396 60397 60398 60399 60401 60402 60403 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.01 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.05 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.01 0.34 0.68 0.01 0.34 0.34 0.68 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.34 378.05 379.05 379.9 380.5 381.2 382.2 383.2 384.2 385.2 386.2 387.2 379.05 379.9 380.5 381.2 382.2 383.2 384.2 385.2 386.2 387.2 388.2 1 0.85 0.6 0.7 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 60404 60405 60406 60407 60408 60409 60411 60412 60413 60414 60415 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.06 0.01 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.01 0.02 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.01 1.37 0.01 1.08 0.68 0.34 0.34 0.68 0.34 0.68 0.34 388.2 389 389.93 390.9 391.9 389 389.93 390.9 391.9 392.9 0.8 0.93 0.97 1 1 60416 60417 60418 60419 60421 0.01 0.01 0.03 0.03 0.02 0 0.01 0.02 0 0 0 0.01 0.01 0 0 1.08 0.34 1.08 1.08 0.68 Page 10 of 12 H-07-3355 Lithology From To Mineralogy Length Minor Lithology 414.77 416.35 1.58 MDY Description: "Mafic Dyke: Dark-green, massive, aphanitic and badly broken, lwr ct is shp (CM) at 50 tca" Colour: GRN Texture: Alteration: Upp Ctc: TEC S 392.9 393.9 394.9 395.9 396.9 397.9 398.9 400.28 50 Clasts/Cryst Foliation: mass Apha Chl MIN 393.9 394.9 395.9 396.9 397.9 398.9 400.28 401.3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1.38 1.02 60422 60423 60424 60425 60426 60427 60428 60429 0.02 0.02 0.07 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.04 0.01 0 0 0.01 0 0 0.01 0.03 0 0.01 0 0.03 0 0.01 0.01 0 0 0.01 0.34 1.08 0.34 0.68 0.68 0.68 0.34 Cu% Pb% Ag g/t Au g/t Cu% Pb% Ag g/t Au g/t Pyrite: Sphalerite: 416.35 474.54 58.19 MBX REG S Description: "Vesicular Basaltic Breccia: Dark-green, finegrained with 10% fragments; clasts exclusively comprise red-grey vesicular basalt (see fragment description); fragments are floating in a very finegrained crudely bedded chl matrix; local coarse bedding comprising angular aphanitic mafic clasts and feldspar x-tals; local epi and carb on fracturing" Colour: GRN 50 Clasts/Cryst: "Fragmental: 15%, 0.5-15 cm fluidal subangsubrnd vesicular basalt fragments with carbonate-filled amygdules 0.5-10 mm; matrix consists of 0.2-1 cm angular mafic frags" Texture: Alteration: Pyrite: BAND S L Sphalerite: Chl EPI Chalco: From 474.54 502 Description: 27.46 Galena: MBST Clasts/Cryst: "Vesicular (qtz-carb filled) throghout, 0.250.5mm." To Width Samp Zn% Colour: Pyrite: Texture: Sphalerite: Alteration: Galena: Chalco: From To Width Samp Zn% Page 11 of 12 H-07-3355 Lithology From To Mineralogy Length EOH: 501 Page 12 of 12 524,700mE 5,406,450mN 5,406,500mN 5,406,550mN 524,650mE 5,406,600mN 524,600mE 5,406,650mN 5,406,700mN 524,550mE OB 0mRL B 0mRL O BJ - 15 LS -0 70 15 50mRL 50mRL 5,406,400mN 0 0 FB X M DY FF G 00.0.0 00.0.0 00.0 00.0.0 0 .0 0.0.0 0 00.0.0 00.0.0 00 0 0.6 00.0.0 00 00.6.475 00.0 00.6 1 2 00.6.413 0.4.52 9 0. 4 0. 0 2. 13 X 50 FB -50mRL -50mRL 50 FF G 83.82m FF G 0.0 0.0 0.0 00.0 0.0 0 .0 0.0 0.0.01 00.0 0 1 0 .0 0.0.0 1 00 .01 0.92 1.1 0 .0 0 2 00.5 0 .5 6 0.5.822 10 0 Lithology Legend IBX -100mRL -100mRL OB: Overburden F: Felsic Volcanic ol eI D FBX: Felsic Breccia H M: Mafic MA ND MS: Mineralized Zone - massive sulphide I: Intermediate Volcanic 150m Cu_% IBX: Intermediate Breccia Pb_% 0.0 0 1 0 .47 0.0 0.0.02 0.0 0.0 0 6 0.0 0 1 0 .01 0.0 0 .1 0 .01 1.1 0.0.02 00.0 0.0.01 1.0 4 0.0.0 0 1 0.8 0.0 0 .01 1 5 0.0.01 1.0.0 0.0 1 0 1 0.6.64 0.8 6 7 Zn_% Width Major Litho STRUCTURE QV: Quartz Vein QC: Quartz Carbonate Vein -150mRL -150mRL Minor Litho SA: Sediment; Argillite SARK: Sediment; Arkose EOH Little Sandy Vertical Cross Section Looking Southwest MDY: Mafic Dyke Projection: IDY: Intermediate Dyke Author: JB Non-Earth (meters) Figure: X-Sect Date:2/5/2008 Mercator Geological Services Limited Scale: 1:1000 10 5,406,400mN Map 1 Office: Dartmouth FDY: Felsic Dyke 524,700mE 5,406,450mN 5,406,500mN 524,650mE 5,406,550mN 5,406,600mN 524,600mE 5,406,650mN 0 10 metres 20 5,406,700mN 524,550mE 524,700mE 5,406,450mN 5,406,500mN 5,406,550mN 524,650mE 5,406,600mN 524,600mE 5,406,650mN 5,406,700mN 524,550mE B J- O B J- 40 39 LS - 07 -0 1 6 50mRL 50mRL 5,406,400mN 0mRL 0 FF G 0mRL B OB 0 OB 0 VB MB ST X FF G VBX IBX 0. 3 0. 01 2. 50 29 an andesite? s de ite 3. 1 0 -50mRL 0. 50 0. 45 FF G -50mRL 50 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1 0.0 0.0 0.0 1 0.011 11.0 0.0 0.0 .0 0.0 0 0 2 1.0 0.0.0 0 1.0 .0 0.0 0.0 0 0 .0 1 1 0.0.01 00.0.01 1.0.14 0 1 1.0 0 0 0 .64 1.0.66 andesite? 0. 1 3. 0. 3 0. 0 0. 02 10 1 01 0. 02 1. 2. 07 1. 28 108.2m 22 10 0 Lithology Legend -100mRL -100mRL IBX OB: Overburden 100 F: Felsic Volcanic 0 0 .02 0.0.94 0.0 0 0.0.0 0 0 .01 0 .01 ol eI D FBX: Felsic Breccia 1 0 .0 1.0.62 H M: Mafic MS: Mineralized Zone - massive sulphide 0.0 00.0.011 1 00.5 0.6.5 1 0.0 01.0.062 4 00.0 0.0.01 0.0 0.0 00.0.011 00.5 3 1 00.5 0.0.05 00.0 0 0.5.56 .0 2 .0 00.1 3 0.0 0.0.011 000.0.0 00.0.01 150m 00.0 1 0 .0 00.0.021 00.4 0.0.328 0.0.0 0.0 1 .5 1 00.0 00.0.021 00.7.5 7 0.0.0 0 0.0.011 00.5.5 1 00.0.011 00.8.5 1 00.5 2 0.5.51 andesite I: Intermediate Volcanic Cu_% IBX: Intermediate Breccia Pb_% 0.0 00.0.032 4 00.0 0.0.0 MA ND Zn_% Width QV: Quartz Vein QC: Quartz Carbonate Vein Major Litho STRUCTURE 0.3 0.06 1.22 150 0.0 0.19 2.74 2.6 0.03 1.53 0.8 0.02 3.04 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.22 0.26 0.01 1.52 1.52 1.53 SA: Sediment; Argillite SARK: Sediment; Arkose EOH -150mRL -150mRL Minor Litho Little Sandy Vertical Cross Section Looking Southwest MDY: Mafic Dyke IDY: Intermediate Dyke Projection: Author: JB Non-Earth (meters) Map 2 Office: Dartmouth FDY: Felsic Dyke Figure: X-Sect Date:2/5/2008 Mercator Geological Services Limited Scale: 1:1000 5,406,400mN 524,700mE 5,406,450mN 5,406,500mN 524,650mE 5,406,550mN 188.98m 5,406,600mN 524,600mE 5,406,650mN 10 0 10 metres 524,550mE 20 5,406,700mN 524,700mE 5,406,450mN 5,406,500mN 5,406,550mN 524,650mE 5,406,600mN 524,600mE 5,406,650mN 5,406,700mN 524,550mE 0. G 01 0. 01 0. 03 56 0. 0. 03 56 1. IBST 0.1 0.1 0.2 2.1 4 1. 0.01 0.01 0 0 0 0.01 0 0 0 0.01 0.01 0 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0 0.01 0 0 0 0.01 0 0 0 0 0.01 0 0.52 0.96 0.49 0.61 0.62 0.59 0.41 0.53 0.67 0.8 0.54 0.88 0.62 0.96 0.57 0.59 0.49 0.55 0.8 0.88 0.64 0.66 0.82 0.59 0.91 0.57 1.21 0.6 1. 4 0.05 0.0 0.19 0.0 0.03 0.0 0.26 0.0 0.04 0.0 0.01 1.0 0.01 0.73 0.01 0.8 0.01 0.78 0.01 0.5 0.18 0.0 0.73 0.0 0.02 0.0 0.01 0.42 0.01 0.01 0.37 0.3 0.02 0.0 0.04 0.0 0.03 0.01 0.0 0.0 0.01 0.5 0.01 0.93 0.01 0.01 0.75 0.3 1. 50 0.1 0.1 22 50 1.8 0.5 0.45 0.59 0.5 0.4 0.43 0.5 0.5 0.67 0.5 IAND 0.01 0.52 0.01 0.03 0.4 0.4 -100mRL 100m 0.02 0.0 0.95 0.0 0.0 0.02 100m IAN FBX: Felsic Breccia ol eI D 61 0 0 .0 0.0.0 0 0.0 2 0.0.0 0 0.0 3 0.0 0 0.0 4 0.0 0.0 1 0 00.0.033 0 .0 0.0 1 0.5.0 0.0 1 1.0 5 01.6.252 00.0.0 0 .0 0 1 1.0 1 .0 2 0.1.687 000.0.01 00.0.01 1.0 64.9 4 0 .0 0 .0 1 1.0 0.8.1 00.0.01 00.0.011 00.6 3 0 .0 1 0 .5 0 .0 0.3.4 0.0.011 00.0.011 00.5.7 5 .011 0.5.5 18.1.4 9 0.0 0.0 01.5 4 0.0 1 00.011 00.5.85 .0 0 1 .038 00.0 0.0.46 00.0.011 00.0 1 0.9.5 0.0 1 0.0.0 1 00.0.011 10.5 0.0 1 0.0.011 0 .0 0.0 0 1 0.5.5 0.0 0 5 0 .01 00.9.3 0 .01 0 0.5 5 0 0.1.05 0.0.0 1.0 5 0.3 5 0 0 1.0 00.0 0 .0 0 1 an 10 00.0.0 10 0 0 000.0 7 0.0.0 0.0.01 1.0.0 de si t 0 .0 8 00.0 00.0 1 0 ic 0 .066 00.0.0 00.0.011 00.7.8 .011 0 .5 0 0.0.02 0.0.0 .0 0 .5 5 0 5 0 0.0.021 000.5.53 0.0.25 0.0.0 0 1 .5 0.0 2 0.0 0.0.01 00.5 2 0.0 0 1 0.5.755 0.0 0 .0 1 0.0.022 0 .0 2 0.0 1 0.5.9 1 1.0 1.0 IBX Lithology Legend -100mRL FF G 3 0.03 0.0 0.02 0.02 0.5 1.62 0.01 0.01 0.0 0.03 0.41 0.44 F: Felsic Volcanic 50 0.0 91.44m OB: Overburden 50 1.0 an de si t e 91.44m 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.01 1.5 1.5 2 1.5 3 1.5 2 2 1.5 1.5 3 1.5 2 1.5 2 00.9.91 3 1 IBST 0.0 0.01 0.0 0.01 0.01 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.01 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -50mRL 3.1 2.4 0.0 2.5 0.0 5.3 0.0 24.4.2 0.0 00.0.0 10 102m 0 0.12 2.29 0.08 1.21 1.31 0.03 0.01 0.03 3.0 0.01 BJ - 38 0.4 0.4 5 G SH OU R 0 VB X m zo i ner ne ali ze d 0. S M AR V K 0 IBX IAND 75.29m OB OB 0 IB X 1 50 50 LS -0 70 17 8 de si t e 0.0 7 0.0 0.0 50 0.0 5 0 0.0 .0 5 5 0.0 0.0 ? 1.5 8 5 2 0.0 0 .07 ? 1.5 6 3 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.5 6 3 5 2 0.0 0.0 ? 1.5 6 4 3 0.0 0.0 0 .05 1.5 3 4 2 0.0 0.0 1.5 1 4 ? 2 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.5 1 2 3 0.0 0.0 ? 1.5 4 3 2 0.0 0.0 0.0 1 3 .5 7 2 3 0.0 0.0 0.0 5 6 4 1.52 0.0 0.0 0.0 6 5 4 1.52 0.0 0.0 1.5 3 5 ? 3 0.0 0.0 ? 1.5 3 3 2 0.0 0.0 ? 1.5 5 5 3 0.1 0.0 ? 1.5 6 3 2 0.0 0.0 ? 1.5 5 3 2 0.0 0.0 ? 1.5 3 5 3 0.0 1.5 3 ? 2 ? 1.5 3 1.5 2 IBX BJ - 13 0. 2.4 4 1 0.3.52 2.7 5 8 -50mRL 3.3 6 0.3 2.1 3 0. an 3.3 5 ? ? 0.2 6 1. .7 1 0.2 0 0.4.1 ? 0 0.3 0.2.2 ? 0.2 ? 0 0 1 .01 0. 31 50 1. .01 0 5 0. 09 0. .02 1. 0 0. 01 0 0. 08 45 0. 01 0. .06 0 0. 45 231 0. 03 0. 171 1. .0 0. 0. 081 1.0 0 02 14 11 . 6 0. 1. 8 0 1 0. 21 3 1. 9 ? 0.4 0.1 0.2 T 1.7 0.0 0.01 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.01 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.01 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.01 0.0 52 1. 5 2 1. .1 6 5 1 0. 5 0. .5 91 3 0. 0 7 0 0. 0 2. 0. .3 28 4 1. .3 1 3 0 0. 2 0 .8 0. 3 1 3 .3 .5 8 0 5 0 2. 0 1. 0. .5 0. 01 0 2 2 2. 3. 2 0. .0 34 0 1 1. .2 2 0. 0. 2 1 0 5. .0 6 13 0. 0 .9 2. 0 0 tr 0. 0 0 0. 0. .1 0 0 0. 0.3 5.3 0.2 IBX M 0 0. .08 05 0 0. .01 0 0 0. .047 03 71 43 .0 1. 2 3.0 5 FG FL T ? 1.2 M V 0.2 0.3 FV M 0. IBX 0.2 1 ? 02 BJ - 0 01 OU IBST 0. 0.23 1.23 0.03 0.41 0.01 0.82 0.3 0.18 0.02 0.02 0.25 0.04 0.51 0.72 1.18 0.57 0.02 0.83 0.1 0.08 0.09 1.67 0.09 0.0 0.02 0.01 1.12 0.0 IBX FV FL T OB X 0. V 0. OB 0 0 B FV M 01 LS-07-013 63 0 OB 0 0 0mRL OB B 0mRL O BJ - LS -2 K0 12 LS-07-014 50mRL 50mRL 5,406,400mN D 0.0 2 125.27m 0.0 0.0 1 0.5 H M: Mafic 0.0 6 MS: Mineralized Zone - massive sulphide 0.0 0.0 1 0.5 I: Intermediate Volcanic 150m Cu_% IBX: Intermediate Breccia Pb_% Zn_% Width Minor Litho STRUCTURE -150mRL QC: Quartz Carbonate Vein Major Litho -150mRL QV: Quartz Vein SA: Sediment; Argillite SARK: Sediment; Arkose EOH Little Sandy Vertical Cross Section Looking Southwest MDY: Mafic Dyke IDY: Intermediate Dyke Projection: Author: JB Non-Earth (meters) Map 3 Office: Dartmouth FDY: Felsic Dyke Figure: X-Sect Date:30/4/2008 Mercator Geological Services Limited Scale: 1:1000 10 5,406,400mN 524,700mE 5,406,450mN 5,406,500mN 524,650mE 5,406,550mN 5,406,600mN 524,600mE 5,406,650mN 0 10 metres 20 5,406,700mN 524,550mE 524,700mE 5,406,450mN 5,406,500mN 524,650mE 5,406,550mN 5,406,600mN 524,600mE 5,406,650mN 5,406,700mN 524,550mE LS -0 70 60 BJ - 14 BJ - 37 BJ - 0mRL OB OB 0 0 FB 0 0 0mRL OB BJ - 64 18 50mRL 50mRL 5,406,400mN 0 X FR Y BB VB X an s de M c iti FG an GO U FF G de si t e 50 50 0. 1. 50 50 0. 0. 02 -50mRL 4 3 0. 0. 09 0 0. 0 0. 24 -50mRL 07 50 0. 0. 1. 2 43 1. 5 3 1. 0 2 1. 1. FL T 83 73.46m 21 83.82m FR Y an de si t ic 84.12m BB FB X SH R 10 0 Lithology Legend -100mRL F: Felsic Volcanic ol eI D FBX: Felsic Breccia IDA C 128.63m H M: Mafic -100mRL OB: Overburden 0.0 0.0 3 .041 0.0 20.1 00.0 9 00.0 0.0 .0 0.0 0 .0 0.0.0 00.0 1 00.0.011 1 .0 0.0 1 10 0.0 2 00.0.0 0 0.0 00.0 1 1.0 .4 0.0.0 0 1 000.4 0 0.0 0 .4 5 0.0.12 0.0 0 1 0.6.773 0.0 8 0.0 0 5 0 0.0 4 0.0 1.0.85 0.0 0.0 2 0 BB 0.0 1 1.2 0.0.01 0.0 0.0 1 0.7 5 00.2 2 0 ITL 0.0 2 1.0 5 0 .245 0 .0 0.0.07 00.0.0 0 2 1.0 0.0.01 1.0 00.0.137 0.0.0 00.0.022 1.0 01.0.844 00.0 BB 00.4.461 1 00.021 00.5.5 0 0 .0 .3 6 0 00.3 8 0.0.0 1 000.0.013 1.0.5 0 .212 00.0.0 .0 1 0 00.0.011 00.5.5 0 .03 00.0 0 .13 0 .0 000.0.011 0.0.47 0.0.0 0 .0 1 0.5 0 .012 00.5.5 00.0 2 0.0 0.0.01 00.5.5 0.0.1 3 00.0 0 2 1 3 0.0.0 0.0.02 0.9.0 0.0 00.0 2 0.6 0.0 0.0.022 01.0 00.0.1 1 0.5.5 1 00.0 1.0 0.0.0 0.0 0 6 .0 00.0.011 0.0 0.0 1 00.5 3 0.5.5 0.0 0.0 1 0.4 0.0 1 0.5 FIARN YD MS: Mineralized Zone - massive sulphide I: Intermediate Volcanic 150m Cu_% IBX: Intermediate Breccia Pb_% Zn_% Width QV: Quartz Vein QC: Quartz Carbonate Vein Major Litho STRUCTURE -150mRL -150mRL Minor Litho SA: Sediment; Argillite SARK: Sediment; Arkose EOH Little Sandy Vertical Cross Section Looking Southwest MDY: Mafic Dyke IDY: Intermediate Dyke Projection: Author: JB Non-Earth (meters) Map 4 Office: Dartmouth FDY: Felsic Dyke Figure: X-Sect Date:30/4/2008 Mercator Geological Services Limited Scale: 1:1000 5,406,400mN 524,700mE 5,406,450mN 5,406,500mN 524,650mE 5,406,550mN 5,406,600mN 524,600mE 5,406,650mN 10 0 10 metres 20 5,406,700mN 524,550mE 1 APPENDIX VII Analytical Results Sampling and QAQC Procedures Sample Preparation - ALS-CHEMEX Analytical Procedures – ALS-Chemex Whole Rock & Metal Assays Sample Preparation - Eastern Analytical Limited Analytical Procedures - Eastern Analytical Limited (assays and soils only) Certificates of Analytical Results (In Folder) 1 Sampling and QAQC Procedures: Drill programs, including sampling, were managed by Mercator Geological Services Limited of Dartmouth Nova Scotia under the direction of Peter Webster, P.Geo., (NL). Drill core was descriptively logged on site, aligned, marked for sampling and then split in half, longitudinally, using a diamond saw blade. Samples consist of half NQ-size diamond core (47.6 mm diameter core). One-half of the core is preserved in core boxes for future reference. As part of Buchans River QAQC protocols, samples comprising the other half of the core are bagged, tagged, sealed and delivered directly to Eastern Analytical Limited’s laboratory, in Springdale, by Mercator personnel. Base metal-bearing samples are nominally one metre to 1.5 m in length, except where specific geologic parameters require a smaller interval be sampled. Sample preparation was completed by Eastern Analytical with each sample crushed to approximately 10 mesh and split using a riffle splitter to approximately 300 g. Each sample split was pulverized using a ring mill to approximately 98% -150 mesh. In addition to regular samples, blank samples (one per 20 samples) and certified standards (one per 20 samples) were also submitted for sample preparation and assay. All assays were completed by Eastern Analytical of Springdale Newfoundland by the inductively coupled plasma method (ICP-11) for base metals (Cu, Pb, Zn) and to Ore Grade Assay Cu, Pb and Zn if upper detection limits by ICP were exceeded for either element (upper detection limits; Cu 10,000 ppm, Pb 2,200 ppm, Zn 2,200 ppm). ICP analyses were completed using a 0.500 g sample digested in nitric and hydrochloric acid and analyzed by ICPOES (Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectroscopy). Base metal Ore Grade Assays (Cu, Pb, Zn) were completed using a 0.200 g sample digested in nitric and hydrochloric acid and analyzed by the atomic absorption (AA) method. Silver assays were completed using a 1,000 mg sample digested in hydrochloric and nitric acid and analyzed by AA. Gold assays were completed by standard ½ assay ton fire assay using the AA method. All samples analyzed by the Ore Grade Assay method will be re-assayed as check assays by ALS Chemex of Vancouver, BC. Eastern are also implementing independent QAQC protocols that include insertion of blanks and certified CanMet standards as part their routine analyses. Paul Moore, M.Sc., P.Geo., (NL), Buchans River’s Vice President of Exploration, acted as the Qualified Person in compliance with National Instrument 43-101 with respect to analytical data released in 2007. 2 Control Standards, Duplicates and Blanks One control standard (CDN-HLHZ, 30 g sub-sample) was inserted in each block of 20 samples for all base metal assays samples as a pulverized powder enclosed in a plastic baggy. One blank was also submitted in each batch of 20 samples. The blank material was taken from a roadside outcrop of red sandstone located south of Red Indian Lake at UTM coordinates 509,090E// 5,394,555N (NAD27, Zone 21 coordinates). No external, independent standards were submitted for whole rock analyses obtained from ALS Chemex and enclosed with this report. The standard used for all base metal assays was purchased from Canadian Resource Laboratories of Delta, BC and is an independently certified standard for which details and accepted values are provided below. Mercator verified that analyses of standards and blanks were within acceptable limits prior to including the data into this report or news releases issued to the public. ORE REFERENCE STANDARD: CDN-HLHZ CDN Resource Laboratories Ltd. 10945-B River Road, Delta, B.C., Canada V4C 2R8 Ph: 604-540-2233, Fax: 604-540-2237 (www.cdnlabs.com) Recommended values and the “Between Lab” Two Standard Deviations Gold 1.31 ± 0.16 g/t Silver 101.2 ± 10.8 g/t Copper 0.76 ± 0.03 % Lead 0.815 ± 0.06 % Zinc 7.66 ± 0.36 % PREPARED BY: CDN Resource Laboratories Ltd. CERTIFIED BY: Duncan Sanderson, B.Sc., Licensed Assayer of British Columbia INDEPENDENT GEOCHEMIST: Dr. Barry Smee., Ph.D., P. Geo. DATE OF CERTIFICATION: August 8, 2006 3 METHOD OF PREPARATION: Reject ore material was dried, crushed, pulverized and then passed through a 200 mesh screen. The +200 material was discarded. The -200 material was mixed for 5 days in a Vmixer. Splits were taken and sent to twelve laboratories for round robin assaying. The material has been packaged in nominal 100g lots in tin-top kraft bags which have been individually vacuum-sealed in polyethylene bags. ORIGIN OF REFERENCE MATERIAL: The ore is described as massive to semi-massive sulphides from the High Lake West Zone orebody, an archean aged VMS deposit in the Slave structural province of Canada. It consists of pyrite, pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite, sphalerite and minor galena. Gangue minerals include quartz, chlorite, feldspar, cordierite, biotite, magnetite, anthophyllite and grunerite. Approximate chemical composition is as follows: Standard CDN-HLHZ is a high sulphide material with approximately 36% sulphur. Statistical Procedures: The mean and standard deviation for all data was calculated. Outliers were defined as samples beyond the mean 2 Standard Deviations from all data. These outliers were removed from the data and a new mean and standard deviation was determined. This method is different from that used by Government agencies in that the actual “between-laboratory” standard deviation is used in the calculations. This produces upper and lower limits that reflect actual individual analyses rather than a grouped set of analyses. The limits can therefore be used to monitor accuracy from individual analyses, unlike the Confidence Limits published on other standards. Results from round-robin assaying are presented on subsequent pages. Assay Procedures: Au: Fire assay pre-concentration, AA or ICP finish (10g sub-sample). Ag, Cu, Pb, Zn: 4-acid digestion, AA or ICP finish. 4 STANDARD REFERENCE MATERIAL CDN-HLHZ Lab 1 Lab 2 Lab 3 Lab 4 Lab 5 Lab 6 Lab 7 Lab 8 Lab 9 Lab 10 Lab 11 Lab 12 Au gpt Au gpt Au gpt Au gpt Au gpt Au gpt Au gpt Au gpt Au gpt Au gpt Au gpt Au gpt HLHZ-1 HLHZ-2 HLHZ-3 HLHZ-4 HLHZ-5 HLHZ-6 HLHZ-7 HLHZ-8 HLHZ-9 HLHZ-10 1.31 1.34 1.42 1.24 1.33 1.30 1.39 1.37 1.38 1.30 1.22 1.16 1.31 1.32 1.22 1.15 1.30 1.22 1.29 1.23 1.33 1.40 1.31 1.24 1.22 1.35 1.27 1.38 1.40 1.25 1.34 1.37 1.31 1.38 1.43 1.26 1.28 1.38 1.26 1.30 1.45 1.44 1.59 1.44 1.44 1.40 1.50 1.33 1.50 1.49 1.19 1.24 1.15 1.21 1.23 1.47 1.18 1.30 1.38 1.25 1.28 1.24 1.38 1.29 1.29 1.43 1.37 1.36 1.32 1.42 1.23 1.48 1.30 1.41 1.26 1.27 1.40 1.33 1.40 1.20 1.41 1.34 1.41 1.18 1.21 1.14 1.34 1.41 1.27 1.26 1.30 1.26 1.28 1.27 1.29 1.17 1.27 1.32 1.21 1.26 1.36 1.32 1.32 1.48 1.38 1.39 1.34 1.41 1.36 1.30 1.32 1.23 1.20 1.25 1.22 1.28 1.37 1.29 1.27 1.29 Mean 1.34 Std. Devn. 0.053 % RSD 3.98 1.24 0.061 4.89 1.32 0.068 5.14 1.33 0.060 4.49 1.45 0.072 4.96 1.26 0.099 7.82 1.34 0.064 4.75 1.33 0.091 6.87 1.30 0.099 7.67 1.26 0.042 3.36 1.37 0.053 3.86 1.27 0.050 3.95 Ag gpt Ag gpt Ag gpt Ag gpt Ag gpt Ag gpt Ag gpt Ag gpt Ag gpt Ag gpt Ag gpt Ag gpt HLHZ-1 HLHZ-2 HLHZ-3 HLHZ-4 HLHZ-5 HLHZ-6 HLHZ-7 HLHZ-8 HLHZ-9 HLHZ-10 102.8 100.8 103.0 98.3 101.0 99.3 98.6 103.5 100.2 98.9 Mean 100.6 Std. Devn. 1.921 % RSD 1.91 102 95 98 97 100 104 90 93 95 95 105 102 107 105 103 104 102 105 107 106 99 95 101 101 97 98 98 98 100 98 110 113 110 111 106 107 111 107 110 109 97.1 96.2 98.3 94.2 93.1 95.1 93.3 94.0 96.8 97.8 105 106 106 104 104 104 108 110 106 107 112.5 107.9 110.4 110.3 112.7 99.8 101.5 123.7 108.8 105.2 93.8 93.3 92.5 93.3 93.5 92.4 93.2 93.3 93.2 92.9 102 100 100 99 97 99 103 101 101 99 99.7 108 108 111 96.7 97.9 98.1 99.5 95.2 97.5 100.6 102.2 97.5 103.4 103.3 100.6 100.8 103.2 107.5 101.6 96.9 4.228 4.36 104.6 1.838 1.76 98.5 1.841 1.87 109.4 2.297 2.10 95.6 1.900 1.99 106.0 1.944 1.83 109.3 6.679 6.11 93.1 0.430 0.46 100.1 1.692 1.69 101.2 5.618 5.55 102.1 2.610 2.56 5 STANDARD REFERENCE MATERIAL CDN-HLHZ HLHZ-1 HLHZ-2 HLHZ-3 HLHZ-4 HLHZ-5 HLHZ-6 HLHZ-7 HLHZ-8 HLHZ-9 HLHZ-10 Lab 1 % Cu Lab 2 % Cu Lab 3 % Cu Lab 4 % Cu Lab 5 % Cu Lab 6 % Cu Lab 7 % Cu Lab 8 % Cu Lab 9 Lab 10 Lab 11 Lab 12 % Cu % Cu % Cu % Cu 0.746 0.749 0.738 0.739 0.747 0.745 0.743 0.745 0.741 0.744 0.80 0.81 0.78 0.78 0.77 0.78 0.77 0.77 0.77 0.76 0.774 0.766 0.774 0.768 0.769 0.771 0.787 0.772 0.768 0.757 0.76 0.74 0.75 0.75 0.74 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.749 0.749 0.749 0.741 0.737 0.741 0.746 0.75 0.748 0.748 0.739 0.752 0.758 0.747 0.749 0.749 0.756 0.758 0.750 0.757 0.788 0.784 0.783 0.789 0.790 0.800 0.793 0.788 0.792 0.786 0.769 0.759 0.761 0.761 0.759 0.765 0.762 0.749 0.750 0.759 0.74 0.74 0.74 0.74 0.73 0.75 0.74 0.73 0.74 0.74 0.776 0.773 0.772 0.774 0.771 0.773 0.774 0.772 0.776 0.772 0.77 0.76 0.77 0.76 0.78 0.75 0.78 0.79 0.77 0.78 0.76 0.77 0.76 0.77 0.77 0.77 0.76 0.77 0.77 0.78 Mean 0.744 0.779 0.771 0.749 0.746 0.752 0.789 0.759 0.739 0.773 0.771 0.768 Std. Devn. 0.0035 0.0152 0.0076 0.0057 0.0047 0.0060 0.0049 0.0061 0.0057 0.0016 0.0120 0.0063 % RSD 0.47 1.96 0.98 0.76 0.63 0.80 0.62 0.80 0.77 0.21 1.55 0.82 HLHZ-1 HLHZ-2 HLHZ-3 HLHZ-4 HLHZ-5 HLHZ-6 HLHZ-7 HLHZ-8 HLHZ-9 HLHZ-10 % Pb % Pb % Pb % Pb % Pb % Pb % Pb 0.76 0.75 0.76 0.76 0.76 0.75 0.76 0.78 0.75 0.76 0.84 0.85 0.84 0.84 0.84 0.86 0.84 0.83 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.84 0.85 0.84 0.84 0.84 0.85 0.86 0.85 0.84 0.80 0.78 0.78 0.79 0.76 0.77 0.78 0.77 0.78 0.78 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.82 0.82 0.82 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.81 0.83 0.84 0.83 0.84 0.83 0.84 0.84 0.83 0.84 0.86 0.85 0.85 0.84 0.85 0.84 0.85 0.84 0.84 0.85 % Pb 0.785 0.767 0.779 0.770 0.764 0.773 0.769 0.780 0.763 0.769 % Pb % Pb % Pb % Pb 0.82 0.81 0.82 0.82 0.82 0.82 0.82 0.82 0.82 0.82 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.81 0.80 0.80 0.81 0.75 0.74 0.76 0.73 0.76 0.73 0.73 0.73 0.72 0.74 0.83 0.84 0.82 0.82 0.82 0.82 0.82 0.82 0.82 0.84 Mean 0.76 0.84 0.85 0.78 0.83 0.83 0.85 0.77 0.82 0.80 0.74 0.83 Std. Devn. 0.0088 0.0084 0.0070 0.0110 0.0050 0.0082 0.0064 0.0073 0.0032 0.0026 0.0137 0.0085 % RSD 1.15 1.00 0.83 1.41 0.60 0.99 0.76 0.94 0.39 0.32 1.85 1.03 % Zn % Zn % Zn % Zn % Zn % Zn % Zn % Zn % Zn % Zn % Zn % Zn 7.51 7.46 7.55 7.40 7.39 7.50 7.44 7.48 7.41 7.44 7.83 7.63 7.66 7.48 7.56 7.47 7.89 7.46 7.49 7.54 7.95 7.90 7.88 7.75 8.03 7.83 7.93 7.82 7.83 7.78 7.53 7.50 7.48 7.66 7.44 7.51 7.57 7.51 7.53 7.60 7.48 7.47 7.45 7.38 7.35 7.39 7.42 7.46 7.44 7.43 7.78 7.96 7.93 7.90 7.90 7.74 7.76 7.83 7.82 7.89 7.98 8.02 7.89 7.81 7.97 7.91 7.83 7.93 7.89 7.86 7.54 7.51 7.48 7.46 7.52 7.54 7.47 7.52 7.48 7.56 7.66 7.66 7.69 7.68 7.63 7.57 7.64 7.65 7.66 7.64 7.71 7.71 7.67 7.68 7.73 7.62 7.67 7.69 7.69 7.71 5.38 5.26 5.43 5.31 5.35 5.32 5.07 5.28 5.28 5.59 7.79 7.95 7.78 7.82 7.79 7.75 7.77 7.79 7.73 8.00 Mean 7.46 Std. Devn. 0.052 % RSD 0.70 7.60 0.152 2.00 7.87 0.085 1.08 7.53 0.063 0.84 7.43 0.045 0.60 7.85 0.076 0.96 7.91 0.066 0.84 7.51 0.033 0.44 7.65 0.033 0.43 7.69 0.031 0.40 5.33 0.133 2.49 7.82 0.088 1.12 HLHZ-1 HLHZ-2 HLHZ-3 HLHZ-4 HLHZ-5 HLHZ-6 HLHZ-7 HLHZ-8 HLHZ-9 HLHZ-10 NOTE: Pb data and Zn data from Lab. 11 were excluded from the data set for failing the “t” test. 6 STANDARD REFERENCE MATERIAL CDN-HLHZ Participating Laboratories: (not in same order as listed in table of results) Acme Analytical Laboratories Ltd., Vancouver Assayers Canada Ltd., Vancouver ALS Chemex Laboratories, North Vancouver Actlabs, Ontario, Canada Alex Stewart Assayers (Argentina) Ltd. GTK Laboratory, Finland International Plasma Laboratories Ltd., Vancouver OMAC Laboratory Ltd., Ireland SGS-XRAL, Toronto Skyline Laboratory, Arizona, USA Teck Cominco - Global Discovery Laboratory, Vancouver TSL Laboratories Ltd., Saskatoon Legal Notice: This certificate and the reference material described in it have been prepared with due care and attention. However CDN Resource Laboratories Ltd. or Barry Smee accept no liability for any decisions or actions taken following the use of the reference material. Our liability is limited solely to the cost of the reference material. Certified by Duncan Sanderson, B.Sc. Licensed Assayer of British Columbia, and Geochemist _____________________________________ Dr. Barry Smee, Ph.D., P. Geo. 7 Sample Preparation ALS-CHEMEX Sample Preparation Package – PREP-31 Standard Sample Preparation: Dry, Crush, Split and Pulverize Sample preparation is the most critical step in the entire laboratory operation. The purpose of preparation is to produce a homogeneous analytical sub-sample that is fully representative of the material submitted to the laboratory. The sample is logged in the tracking system, weighed, dried and finely crushed to better than 70 % passing a 2 mm (Tyler 9 mesh, US Std. No.10) screen. A split of up to 250 g is taken and pulverized to better than 85 % passing a 75 micron (Tyler 200 mesh, US Std. No. 200) screen. This method is appropriate for rock chip or drill samples. Method Code Description Sample is logged in tracking system and a bar code label is LOG-22 attached. Fine crushing of rock chip and drill samples to better than 70 % of CRU-31 the sample passing 2 mm. SPL-21 Split sample using riffle splitter. A sample split of up to 250 g is pulverized to better than 85 % of PUL-31 the sample passing 75 microns. 8 Flow Chart - Sample Preparation Package – PREP-31 Standard Sample Preparation: Dry, Crush, Split and Pulverize 9 ANALYTICAL PROCEDURES - ALS CHEMEX WHOLE ROCK & METAL ASSAYS (Check assays) Whole Rock Geochemistry – ME-ICP06 and OA-GRA05 Analysis of major oxides by ICP-AES ME-ICP06 Sample Decomposition: Analytical Method: Lithium Metaborate/Lithium Tetraborate (LiBO2/Li2B4O7) Fusion* (FUS-LI01) Inductively Coupled Plasma - Atomic Emission Spectroscopy (ICP-AES) A prepared sample (0.200 g) is added to lithium metaborate/lithium tetraborate flux (0.90 g), mixed well and fused in a furnace at 1000°C. The resulting melt is then cooled and dissolved in 100 mL of 4% nitric acid/2% hydrochloric acid. This solution is then analyzed by ICP-AES and the results are corrected for spectral inter-element interferences. Oxide concentration is calculated from the determined elemental concentration and the result is reported in that format. Element Symbol Lower Upper Limit Limit Units Aluminum Al2O3 % 0.01 100 Barium BaO % 0.01 100 Calcium CaO % 0.01 100 Chromium Cr2O3 % 0.01 100 Iron Fe2O3 % 0.01 100 Magnesium MgO % 0.01 100 Manganese MnO % 0.01 100 Phosphorus P2O5 % 0.01 100 Potassium K2O % 0.01 100 Silicon SiO2 % 0.01 100 10 Element Sodium Symbol Lower Upper Limit Limit Units Na2O % 0.01 100 Strontium SrO % 0.01 100 Titanium TiO2 % 0.01 100 *Note: For samples that are high in sulphides, we may substitute a peroxide fusion in order to obtain better results. 11 OA-GRA05, ME-GRA05 Sample Decomposition: Thermal decomposition Furnace or TGA (OA-GRA05 or ME-GRA05) Gravimetric Analytical Method: If required, the total oxide content is determined from the ICP analyte concentrations and loss on Ignition (L.O.I.) values. A prepared sample (1.0 g) is placed in an oven at 1000°C for one hour, cooled and then weighed. The percent loss on ignition is calculated from the difference in weight. Method Code Parameter Symbol Lower Upper Limit Limit Units Loss on Ignition OA-GRA05 LOI % 0.01 100 Loss on Ignition Moisture % 0.01 100 (TGA) LOI % 0.01 100 (Furnace) ME-GRA05 12 Ore Grade Check Assays and Gravity Determinations Specialty Assay Procedure – OA-GRA08b Specific Gravity Analytical Method: Gravimetric Pulverized Material (OA-GRA08b & OA-GRA08d) A prepared sample (3.0 g) is weighed into an empty pyncometer. The pyncometer is filled with a solvent (either methanol or acetone) and then weighed. From the weight of the sample and the weight of the solvent displaced by the sample, the specific gravity is calculated according to the equation below. Specific Gravity Method Code Weight of sample (g) Specific Gravity of Solvent Weight of solvent displaced (g) Sample Lower Upper Type Limit Limit Pulp 0.01 20 Units Description Specific Gravity – pyncometer with OA-GRA08b Unity Methanol Specific Gravity – pyncometer with OA-GRA08d Unity Pulp 0.01 20 Acetone 13 Ore Grade Analysis by XRF – ME-XRF10 (Barium Analyses) Sample Decomposition: 50% Li2B4O7 – 50% LiBO2 (WEI-GRA06) Analytical Method: X-Ray Fluorescence Spectroscopy (XRF) A calcined or ignited sample (0.9 g) is added to 9.0g of Lithium Borate Flux (50 % - 50 % Li2B4O7 – LiBO2), mixed well and fused in an auto fluxer between 1050 - 1100°C. A flat molten glass disc is prepared from the resulting melt. This disc is then analysed by X-ray fluorescence spectrometry. Element Symbol Lower Upper Limit Limit Units Barium Ba % 0.01 50 Niobium Nb % 0.01 10 Antimony Sb % 0.01 50 Tin Sn % 0.01 60 Tantalum Ta % 0.01 50 Thorium Th % 0.01 15 Uranium U % 0.01 15 Tungsten W % 0.01 50 Zirconium Zr % 0.01 50 Lower Upper Limit Limit Elements listed below are available upon request Element Symbol Units Fe2O3 % 0.01 100 Potassium K2O % 0.01 100 Magnesium MgO % 0.01 100 Sodium Na2O % 0.01 100 Iron 14 Fire Assay Procedure – Au-AA25 and Au-AA26 Fire Assay Fusion, AAS Finish Sample Decomposition: Fire Assay Fusion (FA-FUS03 & FA-FUS04) Analytical Method: Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (AAS) A prepared sample is fused with a mixture of lead oxide, sodium carbonate, borax, silica and other reagents as required, inquarted with 6 mg of gold-free silver and then cupelled to yield a precious metal bead. The bead is digested in 0.5 mL dilute nitric acid in the microwave oven. 0.5 mL concentrated hydrochloric acid is then added and the bead is further digested in the microwave at a lower power setting. The digested solution is cooled, diluted to a total volume of 10 mL with demineralized water, and analyzed by atomic absorption spectroscopy against matrix-matched standards. Default Method Element Symbol Sample Lower Upper Weight (g) Limit Limit Units Code Overlimit Method Au-AA25 Gold Au ppm 30 0.01 100 Au-GRA21 Au-AA26 Gold Au ppm 50 0.01 100 Au-GRA22 15 Assay Procedure – ME-OG46 Ore Grade Elements by Aqua Regia Digestion Using Conventional ICP-AES Analysis Sample Decomposition: HNO3-HCl Digestion (ASY-4R01) Analytical Method: Inductively Coupled Plasma - Atomic Emission Spectroscopy (ICP - AES)* Assays for the evaluation of ores and high-grade materials are optimized for accuracy and precision at high concentrations. Ultra high concentration samples (> 15 -20%) may require the use of methods such as titrimetric and gravimetric analysis, in order to achieve maximum accuracy. A prepared sample is digested in 75% aqua regia for 120 minutes. After cooling, the resulting solution is diluted to volume (100 mL) with de-ionized water, mixed and then analyzed by inductively coupled plasma - atomic emission spectrometry or by atomic absorption spectrometry. *NOTE: ICP-AES is the default finish technique for ME-OG46. However, under some conditions and at the discretion of the laboratory an AA finish may be substituted. The certificate will clearly reflect which instrument finish was used. Element Symbol Lower Upper Limit Limit Units Silver Ag ppm 1 1500 Arsenic As % 0.01 30 Cadmium Cd % 0.001 10 Cobalt Co % 0.01 20 Copper Cu % 0.01 40 Iron Fe % 0.01 100 Manganese Mn % 0.01 50 Molybdenum Mo % 0.001 10 Nickel Ni % 0.01 10 Lead Pb % 0.01 20 Zinc Zn % 0.01 60 16 Sample Preparation Eastern Analytical Limited (Assays only) ROCK/CORE 1. Samples are organized and labeled when they enter the lab. They are then placed in drying ovens until they are completely dry. 2. After drying is complete samples are taken and crushed in a Rhino Jaw Crusher to approximately 75% -10 mesh material. 3. The complete sample is rifle split until we are left with approximately 250 - 300 grams of material. The remainder of the sample is bagged and stored as coarse reject. 4. The 250 - 300 gram split is then pulverized using a ring mill to approximately 98% - 150 mesh material. 5. The ring pulverizers and jaw crushers are cleaned with silica sand when changing clients. The sample prep technician also inspects the rings and bowls after each sample and silica sand is used to clean equipment as needed. Sample Analyses Eastern Analytical Limited (Assays only) Assay procedure described herein was the customary assay procedure used for all base metal and gold assays reported by Buchans River Limited. Samples yielding over limit assays by the ICP method, Cu (10,000 ppm), Pb (2,200 ppm) or Zn (2,200 ppm), were subsequently assayed by Eastern Analytical using their Ore Grade method. All samples analysed by Eastern for ore grade analyses were subsequently checked (from pulps) by ALS Chemex using their Ore Grade and Fire Assay methods (see ALS Chemex procedures). 17 Select core samples were analyzed at Eastern Analytical Limited, Springdale, using a 9-element aqua regia digestion /ICP-ES suite (0.50 g sample) while Au was determined by fire assay as described further below. 9-element ICP- Eastern Analytical Sample Digestion A 0.500 g sample is digested with 2 ml HNO3 in a 95C water bath for ½ hour, after which 1 ml HCL is added and the sample is returned to the water bath for an additional ½ hour. After cooling, samples are diluted to 10 ml with deionized water, stirred and let stand for 1 hour to allow precipitate to settle. Sample Analysis- Eastern Analytical Analysis is by ICP with lower and upper detection limits outlined below: Element Lower Detection Limits Upper Detection Limits Fe% 0.01% 10.0% Pb (ppm) 5 ppm 2,200 ppm Zn (ppm) 2 ppm 2,200 ppm Co (ppm) 1 ppm 550 ppm Cu (ppm) 1 ppm 10,000 ppm Bi (ppm) 2 ppm 1,100 ppm Mo (ppm) 1 ppm 220 ppm Ag (ppm) 0.5 ppm 6.0 ppm Assay Procedure for Cu, Pb, Zn, & Co- Eastern Analytical (for those samples containing > ICP upper detection limits) Sample Digestion- Eastern Analytical A 0.200 g sample is digested in a beaker with 10 ml of nitric acid and 5 ml hydrochloric acid for 45 minutes. Samples are then transferred to 100 ml volumetric flasks and then analyzed by the Atomic Absorption method. 18 Assay Procedure for Au Fire Assay- Eastern Analytical Sample Digestion The sample is weighed (15 or 30 grams) into an earthen crucible containing PbO fluxes and then mixed. Silver nitrate is then added and the sample is fused in a fire assay oven to obtain a liquid which is poured into a mold and let cool. The lead button is then separated from the slag and cupelled in a fire assay oven which contains a silver bead which contains the gold. The silver is removed with nitric acid and then hydrochloric acid is added. After cooling, deionized water is added to bring the sample up to a present volume. Then the sample is analyzed by the Atomic Absorption method. Data Evaluation – Eastern Analytical Each sample run contains one blank, two CanMet standards and 37 unknowns, of which two will be duplicates. All data are reviewed by the laboratory’s chief assayer, and signed before release to the client. Soil Sample Preparation - Eastern Analytical SOILS / STREAMS / SILTS Soils are dried at 90°F. They are then pounded with a rubber mallet in the soil bag. Then the soil is screened through a 80 mesh screen. The -80 fraction is rolled and kept as the sample. The +80 mesh fraction is discarded. PROCEDURE FOR AR-ICP-11 Each rack is to contain one blank, two CanMet standards and 37 unknowns, of which two will be duplicates. A 0.500 gram sample is digested with 2ml HNO3 in to 95°C water bath for ½ hour, after which 1ml of HCL is added and the samples is returned to the water bath for an additional ½ hour. After cooling, samples are diluted to 10ml with deionized water, stirred and let stand for 1 hour to allow precipitate to settle. They are now prepared for ICP analysis. Elements in package are Fe, As, Mo, Zn, Cu, Sb, Ag, Pb, Co, Ni and Mo. Au was analysed by fire assay. 1 APPENDIX VII Analytical Results Certificates of Analytical Results
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