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Message from the Dean
Message from the Academic Director
About ALBA
Institutional Identity
Academic Council
Board of Directors
Corporate Members
The Alumni
The Master of Science in Strategic Human
Resources Management
Program Overview and Philosophy
Program Structure
Frequently Asked Questions
Course Descriptions
Career Development
Advisory Board
Information for Admission
The Library
The Computer Center
The ALBA Faculty
Resident Faculty
Visiting Faculty with Formal Affiliation
Visiting Faculty
Message from the Dean
Dear Prospective Candidate,
On behalf of the ALBA Community, I would like to thank you for your interest in ALBA, one of Europe's youngest Graduate Business Schools,
which in just ten years has been recognized as the leading Business School in Greece.
In the course of these years we have been able to establish close long-lasting links with the business community and earn their confidence and
trust in the quality of our work.
At the same time our Faculty Members have gained international reputation for their innovative academic research which is being published in
the very top academic journals.
Consistent with our mission to become a center of academic excellence in the area of graduate management education our three existing academic programs, the Full-Time MBA; the Professional MBA and the MSc in Business Studies for Law Practitioners, have set the quality standards
for graduate management education in our region. Also, consistent with our goal to offer innovative programs which fill the educational gap in
certain areas, we are proud to present to you our new academic program, the MSc in Strategic Human Resources Management.
Similarly to our existing academic programs, this program has some unique characteristics, such as:
international character and scope, as manifested by the strong presence of distinguished foreign faculty and the cooperation with
leading international graduate Business Schools;
outstanding academic research record, as evidenced by the publication lists of our faculty, some of which rank in the top 1%
of international scholars in their field;
innovative curriculum, which applies state-of-the-art management theory and practice to the particular aspects and problems of
Greece and neighboring countries, through close cooperation with a growing number of Greece-based companies;
strict student selection process, based on academic achievement, skills and personality;
excellent support to our students, by constantly addressing their educational and professional needs;
innovative teaching and learning environment, with special emphasis on personal development and competencies that are essential
to any executive who wishes to become and remain employable and competitive.
The success of our 715 alumni from both the MBA and the Professional MBA Programs, as well as the MSc Program in Business Studies for Law
Practitioners over the last ten years, provides strong assurance that your investment in our Program will have excellent returns.
On behalf of the entire ALBA community, I wish to encourage you to take part in this unique and exciting learning experience, and assure you
that our MSc in Strategic Human Resources Management Program will help you accomplish your academic as well as professional ambitions and
Professor Nickolaos G. Travlos
The Kitty Kyriacopoulos Chair in Finance
October 2002
Message from the Academic Director
Dear Prospective Candidate,
On behalf of the members of the ALBA faculty, I would like to thank you for your interest in our newly introduced, specialized MSc in Strategic
Human Resources Management, a program created in response to the challenges presented to modern organizations and the human resources
profession by the globalized knowledge economy.
We, at ALBA, realized the necessity of introducing such a program by taking into consideration the new dynamics that prevail in the business
world; on one hand, organizations increasingly realize the strategic importance of human capital for competitive advantage. On the other hand,
it is no longer enough for HR managers to just know how to apply personnel practices within the small world of an HR department; they need
to see the big picture, to be able to "talk business" and act as true strategic partners.
We designed this course having exactly this in mind. Specifically, our focus was on the following questions:
How can HR professionals
develop strategic thinking?
become able to integrate HR practices within the overall organizational strategy?
build people competencies that will make the strategic vision a reality?
have real voice at the management table and become able to unleash the full potential of the organization's human capital?
We are deeply proud of this Program and we believe it will make a real difference in the Greek HR community, since it brings cutting-edge knowledge and practical experience together, in a unique and balanced blend.
Major strengths of the Program include the following:
A well-designed curriculum that covers all the core human resources areas such as Employee Recruitment and Retention, Performance
Management, etc., all seen through a strategic perspective;
Cutting-edge theoretical knowledge, delivered by distinguished international scholars as well as resident ALBA faculty with a strong
academic record and a commitment to research within the HR field;
A strong practical element manifested through our collaboration with Hay Group, an ALBA Corporate Member. Their expertise and
knowledge of the latest developments in HR practice in the real world will nicely complement some of the modules offered;
Our Advisory Board, composed of leading international thinkers in the fields of HR and OB, as well as dynamic and respected HR
practitioners and CEOs from major companies operating in Greece. All of them will ensure both the academic integrity of the Program
and its practical relevance.
The rest is up to you, our future students. Since this is the first year that the Program will run, you will be the ones to set the standards, with your
enthusiasm, your maturity, your willingness to learn. You are the ones who will make the vision of this Program a reality.
Dr. Olga Epitropaki
Assistant Professor of Organizational Behavior
& Human Resources Management
October 2002
About ALBA
Institutional Identity
ALBA’s mission is to be the leading center of academic excellence in business administration in Greece and the greater Southeastern European
and Eastern Mediterranean areas. It aims to foster a new generation of executives, both highly qualified for distinguished careers in international business and, at the same time, catalysts for social change and socioeconomic development in the region.
History and Background
ALBA was founded in 1992 through a joint initiative of the Federation of Greek Industries (™EB), the leading employers’ union in Greece, and the
Hellenic Management Association (EE¢E); in February 1995, the Athens Chamber of Commerce and Industry (EBEA) became the third collective body of Greek businesses under whose auspices ALBA operates.
Initial funding during the planning stages and ALBA’s operation until 1993 was secured by the European Commission and contributions from its
founding Corporate Members.
Legal Status
ALBA is an educational not-for-profit association of Greek corporations, currently numbering 42. It operates outside the Greek state educational system and seeks no state support. Currently, ALBA is funded by income from its activities, contributions by employers’ organizations, and
donations from corporations and individuals.
According to the Greek law governing not-for-profit associations, the General Assembly of all ALBA Corporate Members bears the ultimate responsibility for the operation of ALBA, along with the Board of Directors, which is composed of members who have distinguished themselves
in business and science. Six members are appointed ex officio as representatives of the three parent organizations under whose auspices ALBA
operates: the Board Chairman (or President) and one Board Member from each. Every three years a representative of each of the parent organizations acts as ALBA Board Chairman, while representatives of the remaining two parent organizations serve as Deputy Chairmen. In addition,
the General Assembly elects an additional three to five members of the Board.
The Board of Directors appoints the President and the Dean, who have joint responsibility for all ALBA operations and academic activities.
Corporate Members form the backbone of ALBA by supporting the School and taking part in decision-making and long-term planning. Corporate Members make a one-time financial pledge to ALBA, and receive priority in accessing the educational and other benefits and activities that
ALBA offers. Currently, ALBA has 42 Corporate Members.
To fulfill its mission, ALBA employs six salient
It maintains close links with the
business community;
It has a highly competitive admissions
process for all its academic programs;
It offers a generous need-based financial assistance program for deserving
individuals, to ensure that they can attend the full-time MBA Program;
It constantly upgrades its teaching and
learning environment and facilities,
with special emphasis on providing
excellent service to the students’ educational and professional needs;
It reaches out internationally by welcoming faculty and students from all around the world, as well as by cooperating with leading international business schools;
It actively promotes academic research in close collaboration with distinguished academics worldwide, in
order to create new knowledge.
ALBA’s teaching faculty comprises a small
nucleus of Resident Professors and Visiting
Professors drawn from the best business schools around the world, including INSEAD,
London Business School, Harvard Business
School, Wharton, the Stern School of
Business - New York University (NYU) etc. All
ALBA Professors are leading management
academics, with extensive teaching, research
and consulting experience, and a strong
publication record in top-ranking international academic journals.
ALBA’s main academic activities are its two
MBA Programs, as well as the specialized
MSc in Business Studies for Law Practitioners
Program. All academic programs are conducted in English.
MBA Program: This Full-time, over intensive 12-month flagship program designed and
offered as an integrated educational experience, stresses not only the transfer of knowledge
and hands-on experience, but also the enhancement of attitudes and skills through teamwork
and learning to adapt to environments that
demand the highest levels of performance.
ñ Professional MBA (P-MBA) Program: This intensive 22-46 month evening program is tailored to the needs of working professionals; it
embodies the tight integration of an Executive
MBA with the comprehensive coverage of a
full-time MBA.
ñ MSc in Business Studies for Law
Practitioners Program: Aiming to bridge the
gap between the traditional legal profession
and modern business practice and to provide the necessary tools to help legal professionals prepare for careers as corporate legal
advisors. This is a part-time, evening program,
exclusively for law practitioners. It is also conducted in English, except from a limited number of courses with specific characteristics.
ñ The newly introduced (starting January
2003) specialized MSc in Strategic Human
Resources Management Program: Tailored to
the needs of professionals with a serious commitment to HR, who would like to advance
their career in the dynamically changing environment of human resources management. This
is a part-time, 12-month duration program,
held on weekends, in a modular format.
Beyond its academic programs, ALBA’s
activities include:
upon request), either by ALBA Resident
Faculty, or by Visiting Professors during their
stay in Greece, or by distinguished speakers
invited from leading international business
ñ Applied Research & International Projects:
The role of the Applied Research &
International Projects Department is to form
national and international networks and to
gain funds for research and other activities
from the European Commission, the World
Bank or from other international funding
ñ Public Events: One of ALBA’s goals is to
become a ‘convening institution’ by familiarizing its students, alumni and the general
public with the latest developments, trends,
challenges and opportunities in modern
management and business. ALBA has therefore built a strong tradition of organizing conferences, roundtable discussions and public
lectures with distinguished speakers either
drawn from ALBA’s resident or visiting faculty, or invited from leading international business schools. ALBA resident and visiting faculty also share their expertise in their field by
participating as speakers in selected events
organized by appropriate hosts.
Executive Development Programs:
Covering a wide range of critical topics,
these programs comprise both open-enrollment and in-house, tailor-made, area or sector-specific seminars. They are offered in
English (except from in-house programs
ñ Academic Research: For ALBA’s Resident
Faculty, research is a fundamental and continuous academic activity. Their top-quality
research papers appear frequently in the top
international academic journals.
Excellent Quality
ALBA’s principal and cardinal achievement in the first ten years of its existence has been the establishment of a commanding reputation for excellence. The business and academic communities, in Greece and abroad, show their appreciation of ALBA’s distinction in the following ways:
Student External Prizes: At its 1995 Annual Conference, the European Foundation for Management Development (efmd) offered three prizes for the best Greek graduate student essays on future management perspectives; the first two prizes were awarded to ALBA MBA students. In 1996, an ALBA student Group Project Report won the “Leon Melas Academic Prize”, awarded annually by the Federation of Greek
Industries for the best academic text on applied Total Quality Management. In 2001, an ALBA student team was among only six finalists
in the European Business Plan of the Year Competition, organized by INSEAD and London Business School.
Alumni Placement: All 1993-2001 graduates of the full-time MBA Program seeking employment have gained appropriate positions in Greek
or international businesses. More than 90% of them received and accepted job offers upon graduation, within 5 months from completion of their studies. In 1997 this percentage reached 100%.
Visiting Professors from abroad: Most Professors who visit ALBA from abroad not only accept repeated ALBA teaching assignments, year
after year, but also actively assist in finding and attracting new Visiting Professors to ALBA. Furthermore, two internationally acclaimed recent books by Visiting Professors explicitly refer to ALBA’s contributions to their scholarly activity.
Academic Council Members: Unfailingly, Academic Council Members attend Council meetings, and consistently express by words and
actions their involvement in ALBA and support for its students.
Leading European Business Schools: Institutions such as INSEAD, London Business School and SDA BOCCONI, have collaborated with
ALBA in consortia (often led by ALBA) working on projects funded by the European Commission.
EU Funded International Scholarships: In 1995, all six Southeastern Asia scholars who came to Greece for management studies on scholarships provided by the EU-ASEAN Program (administered by the British Council) were sent to ALBA.
Links with the Business Community
In the first ten years
More than 600 companies have been connected with ALBA’s academic programs in one
or more of the following ways:
have sent executives to attend the MBA
& P-MBA programs and/or the MSc in
Business Studies for Law Practitioners
have recruited MBA alumni and/or have
participated in the MBA Career Forum
and interviewed students of graduating
MBA classes;
have proposed or assigned
Field/Consulting Projects for MBA
student groups;
have offered scholarships for the MBA
have executives who have attended on
their own the P-MBA Program;
Over 300 of these companies have
additionally sponsored over 3500 of
their executives in approximately 2500
training hours offered through ALBA
Executive Development Programs.
Academic Council
Board of Directors
Corporate Members
The ALBA Academic Council is an advisory
body which meets once a year at ALBA to
review progress and offer guidance on strategic development issues. Its members include the following internationally distinguished
Business School Professors and/or business
N. Ebeoglou, Chairman, Hellenic Management
Association Representative
Corporate Members form the backbone of
ALBA by supporting the School and taking
part in decision-making and long-term planning. Corporate Members make a one-time financial pledge to ALBA, and receive priority in
accessing the educational and other benefits
and activities that ALBA offers.
Chris Argyris, James Bryant Conant Professor
of Education and Organizational Behavior,
Graduate School of Business Administration,
Harvard University, USA
Panayiotis J. Athanasopoulos, Vice-Chairman,
Toyota Motor Europe, Professor Emeritus,
Department of Banking and Finance,
University of Piraeus
George M. Constantinides , Leo Melamed
Professor of Finance, Graduate School of
Business, University of Chicago USA
M. Tanes, Vice-Chairman, Athens Chamber of
Commerce and Industry Representative
U. Kyriacopoulos, Vice-Chairman, Federation
of Greek Industries Representative
Currently, ALBA has 42 Corporate Members.
C. Petropoulos, Secretary General
A. Crontiras, Treasurer
D. Mavros, Member, Hellenic Management
Association Representative
D. Fountoukakos, Member, Athens Chamber
of Commerce and Industry Representative
M. Stasinopoulos, Member, Federation of
Greek Industries Representative
Christian Delporte,
Rector, Facultes
Universitaires Catholiques de Mons (FUCAM),
D. Kotsonis, Member
Hubert Gatignon, The Claude Janssen
Chaired Professor of Business Administration,
Professor of Marketing, Dean of Faculty, INSEAD, Director, Insead-Wharton Alliance Center
for Global Research and Development,
Ph. Stratos, Member
Paul R. Kleindorfer, Universal Furniture
Professor of Decision Sciences, Economics
and Business and Public Policy, Chairperson,
Operations and Information Management
Department, Co-Director, Risk Management
and Decision Processes Center, The Wharton
School of the University of Pennsylvania, USA
Luigi Tava, Professor of Quantitative Economics, Director, Quantitative Methods Center,
SDA Bocconi
Robert Winkler, James B. Duke Professor, Fuqua
School of Business, Duke University, USA
R. Moissis, Member
December 2001
Adel/Saatchi & Saatchi Advertising
Allianz Greek Mutual Funds Management Company
Alpha Bank S.A.
Alpha Finance S.A.
Aluminum de Grece S.A.I.C.
Antenna T.V. S.A.
Aspis Pronia S.A.
Athenian Brewery S.A.
Biokat S.A.I.C.
Boutari, John & Son Wines & Spirits Inc.
BP Hellas S.A.
Capsis Hotels S.A.
Casco Hellas - Th. Kasselakis S.A.
Coca Cola HBC S.A.
Commercial Bank of Greece S.A.
Delta Dairy S.A.
Eureka Hellas S.A.
Fage S.A.
Halyvourgiki S.A.
HayGroup S.A.
Hellenic Industrial Development Bank S.A.
Helliniki Halyvourgia S.A.
Hyundai Hellas S.A.
Interamerican S.A.
Intracom S.A.
J.N. Leousis S.A.
L’ Oreal Hellas S.A.
Metal Constructions of Greece S.A.
Metaxa S.&E.&A. S.A.
Neoset S.A.
Papastratos AVES
Petros Petropoulos A.B.E.E.
Phosphoric Fertilizers Industry S.A.
Preveza Mills S.A.
Royal Olympic Cruises S.A.
Shell Hellas S.A.
Siemens S.A.
Silver & Baryte Ores Mining Co S.A.
Stet Hellas A.E.B.E.
Thenamaris Ships Management Inc.
Titan Cement S.A.
The Alumni
As of the March 2002 Graduation Ceremony, the total ALBA alumni body consists of 715 distinguished individuals, while the number of the ALBA
MBA Alumni is 519.
ALBA Alumni form a group of young and dynamic managers in the process of forging challenging careers, while at the same time enhancing
ALBA's reputation in the Greek and international business communities.
The relationship of Alumni with ALBA does not end with graduation. Having shared the same educational and professional experience and forged bonds through mutual interest and joint work, they remain close to ALBA and enjoy close links with each other. Moreover, they enthusiastically support the School's objectives, and contribute to its mission through a variety of social and professional activities. Often they act as intermediaries between their companies and ALBA, encouraging and actively promoting new forms of collaboration.
Alumni are also heavily involved in the life of ALBA, acting as
members of the Admissions Committee, during the selection process of MBA candidates;
potential recruiters of MBA students, on an on-going basis. Their participation in the Career Forum also grows from year to year. In the
2002 Career Forum, 8 out of 76 participating companies were represented by 10 ALBA Alumni;
supervisors of group/field consulting projects assigned by companies to the MBA class;
speakers at career-related panels, offering MBA students advice and guidance for their futures;
advisory members in various focus groups, such as academic programs, curriculum revision, fundraising activities, etc.
As a strong supporter of life-long learning,
ALBA encourages professional development
of its Alumni, by offering them special discounted rates in
Courses of the Professional MBA
Program - 50% discount;
Executive Development Programs 30% discount;
Public Events - 30% discount.
ALBA cultivates this continuous relationship
with its Alumni through various events and
gatherings that provide networking opportunities, aimed at strengthening connections
and forging professional and social bonds.
The Alumni Reunion is just such an invaluable
opportunity, a time for reinvigorating ties
with old colleagues and fellow Alumni, as
well as making new contacts.
The ALBA Alumni Association was founded
in 1993. It grows from year to year and has
become a valuable source of information
and contacts for every new graduating class.
New graduates thus immediately become
part of an expanding network offering them
career guidance, opportunities for employment and professional support. The ALBA Alumni Association also organizes informal networking social events.
In April 2002, ALBA took a major step forward, with the development of a dedicated alumni website or, more accurately, a collaboration and community building online environment. This is a unique service, exclusively
for the use of ALBA alumni. The new site is
called ALBA Alumni Community
The Master Ôf Science in Strategic
Human Resources Management
Program Overview and Philosophy
Human resources management is one of the fastest-growing management fields in Greece as well as internationally. More and more, organizations
recognize the strategic role of human resource professionals for achieving significant business results, sustainable growth and innovation through
human capital, the only real source of competitive advantage.
The ALBA newly introduced MSc in Strategic HRM is a 12-month, part-time, modular program designed to provide participants with a solid knowledge of HR issues and give them the practical skills to meet the challenges of the local as well as the international HR environment.
The purpose of this program is to help participants:
ñ deepen their knowledge and understanding of key issues and get up to date with the latest developments on human resource management in
Greece as well as globally;
ñ acquire practical skills for all core HR functions and become familiar with a variety of HR tools; but most importantly, to shape the new generation
of HR professionals who will have full membership in the top management team as true strategic partners.
More specifically, our vision for our graduates is that of people who:
ñ will have strategic thinking and understand how to incorporate new patterns of human resource strategy in place of more traditional models of
personnel management;
ñ will be strategic business partners and create sustainable competitive advantage for their firms by learning how to design and implement human
resource processes integrated into the organizations' overall strategy;
ñ will speak the language of the business and will be able to build and deploy critical people competencies that are needed to execute business
ñ will have confidence in dealing with complexity and change.
The areas of Human Resources that will be addressed are:
◆ Strategic HRM
◆ Labor relations
◆ Employee recruitment and retention
◆ Business Ethics
◆ Employee development and performance
◆ Organizational behavior
◆ Benefits and compensation
In order to complete the Program, participants must fulfill the requirements of 16 courses. Each academic year lasts from January to December, while
the months of July and August are reserved for vacation. A short break is also scheduled during Christmas & Easter holidays. Classes meet two weekends per month from 10:00-18:00. The official language of the Program is English.
The courses are selected to provide both the up-to-date theoretical knowledge on HRM issues and the practical skills that are vital for a successful
professional career in the field of HR. In terms of pedagogical approach, this is achieved not only through formal instruction (lecture, cases, etc.) but
also in a hands-on manner, through practical workshops and intensive collaboration in teams.
Program Delivery - Strategic Alliance with Hay Group S.A.
Participants in all ALBA academic programs are engaged in a learning process that emphasizes the interaction between the academic
world and the business environment. Distinguished professionals are invited in class as guest speakers in order to present and analyze the
domestic and global business trends.
One of the highlights of the MSc in Strategic Human Resources Management is the strategic alliance with Hay Group S.A., an ALBA
Corporate Member, representing in Greece Hay Group worldwide, one of the world's foremost management consulting firms, with stateof-the-art academic research support in the human resources management field. Hay Group S.A. consultants will share with participants
their extensive expertise, by applying cutting-edge tools and methodologies in human resources, thus further contributing to the Program's
integrated learning approach.
The Hay Group, one of the world's largest management consulting firms, is well suited for the challenge of putting people before strategy. In the Greek market, Hay Group has been assisting organizations for over 20 years to achieve their goals by addressing critical people
issues. Hay Group is increasingly engaged to enhance the capabilities of entire organizations. These strategic, integrated engagements
combine a variety of approaches that focus on people, their work, and how they are led, motivated and developed.
Program Structure
Elective Courses
ñ International Human Resources Management
ñ Creativity and Innovation
ñ Emotional Intelligence and Communication Skills
ñ Human Resources InformationSystems and
ñ Conflict Management and Negotiations
ñ Leadership and Teamwork
Frequently Asked Questions
How does the MSc in Strategic HRM curriculum and overall academic experience
compare to that of world-class Business
ALBA's MSc in Strategic HRM is comparable in
quality to that of any other top-notch institution. Our group of Resident Faculty, who are
distinguished internationally as both teachers
and researchers, has carefully designed the
curriculum to meet the needs of contemporary
HR Professionals. In this effort, prominent HR
executives have contributed their thoughts and
needs to be included in the Program.
What are the unique features of ALBA's MSc
in Strategic HRM?
The MSc in Strategic HRM gives HR
Professionals the knowledge and skills they
need to meet the challenges of a rapidly changing business environment both locally and internationally. It is the focal point of the Program
to discuss not just the theories and instruments
of HRM, but their application in business as
well. In addition, the Program has a hands-on
orientation that enables students to enhance a
variety of critical management skills - such as
teambuilding and leadership, to complement
and round off the theoretical knowledge acquired in the classroom.
Is the ALBA MSc in Strategic HRM similar to
programs offered by other institutions in
Beyond the innovative and distinctive design
of this newly introduced Program, the ALBA
experience is characterized by explicit ethical
guidelines, accessible instructors, lively exchange in the classroom, strong links with the business community, library and information technology infrastructure and strong relations
among participants. All these ensure a constantly stimulating environment.
ies based in Greece who may be competing
globally, thus we prepare them to meet the
challenges of the greek and the global working
environment. Moreover, each course is complemented by the participation of greek and foreign HR leaders who share their valuable experience with participants.
How long will it take me to complete the
Program and what is the time commitment
It will take you 12 months (one calendar year)
to complete the Program, attending classes
two weekends per month. During these two
weekends per month, you should expect to
spend approximately eight hour per day attending lectures and participating in practical exercises.
Does the MSc in Strategic HRM Program
focus on Greek Business?
What will my classmates look like?
The focus of the Program is greek but its outlook is global. The official language of the
Program is English, while the examples, problems and case studies are drawn both from
greek and international practice. We expect
our graduates will be contributing to compan-
The typical profile of an entering class is a
group of highly motivated professionals who
either currently work in the field of human resources or have been working in other fields
and are strongly committed to make a career
shift towards human resources management.
Course Descriptions
ñ Understanding the Business
Today's human resource practitioners must
be able to fully grasp the major business elements of their organization in order to act as
key strategic players. This course aims at enhancing students' business understanding by
making them familiar with the basic concepts,
standards and practices of accounting and
finance. Specifically, by the end of the course students will be familiar with basic financial statements, the analysis and recording of
transactions and will be able to prepare and
understand the balance sheet, income statement and statement of cash flows. The course will also offer a framework and tools for
analyzing financial decisions based on the
principles of modern financial theory and will
cover issues such as corporate capital budgeting and valuation, options, market efficiency, corporate financial policy, etc.
ñ Corporate Strategy and Human
Resources Management
The course provides an integrative framework
for the whole programme. It will explain
basic principles of business strategy and the
process through which strategic decisions are
made. Students will become familiar with key
strategy elements, such as how firms select
the market, product, and areas in which they
compete, how they position themselves in
these areas, how they interact with their external environments, how they adjust to changes, and how they decide and implement structure and policies that enable them to achieve their overall goals. The role of the HR professionals in the process of corporate strategy
formulation and implementation will also be
ñ Leading Human Resources Strategies
The course focuses extensively on the role of
the HR department as a core strategic player
in the management board and on how an
organization can achieve competitive advantage through people by building HR competencies and capabilities. An overview of several models of Strategic HRM will be provided, such as the business-oriented and the strategic fit model, but the emphasis is on its
practice, i.e., on formulating, implementing
and evaluating an HR strategy and the processes by which HRM strategies reflect back and
advance the general corporate strategy.
ñ Strategic Employee Selection and the
"War for talent"
The course provides an overview of basic principles of selection and recruitment, as well
as the current trends in that area. It will emphasize the value and the strategic implications of good selection for an organization and
it will explain concepts and selection tools,
such as job analysis and psychometric testing, interviews, CVs, references etc. It will also
cover issues such as on-line recruiting and
winning the war for talent, i.e. how companies can attract and retain the best people. An
interviewing skills workshop, will complement the knowledge gained through this course
and will provide students with skills on preparing, delivering and evaluating a selection
establish a plan of improvement. Several performance appraisal methods will be analysed,
such as goal setting or management by objectives, 360 degree feedback, behaviourally
anchored rating scales (BARS) and many other
techniques. It will also focus on personnel training and development and it will include
program development processes, identification of training needs, design and administration of training courses and evaluation. The
importance of career development policies
and processes as part of the HR function for
employee retention and organizational sustainability will also be discussed.
ñ Strategic Performance Management II:
Compensation, Benefits and Motivation
This course focuses on the organizational
reward system and specifically on issues of
fair compensation and benefits as well as on
how they can be aligned with the overall strategic goals of the corporation. The main
components of a compensation system such
as job descriptions, analysis and evaluation
(e.g., ranking, classification, factor comparison and point method), pay structures and salary surveys will be explained and an overview
of incentive plans e.g., merit pay, gain sharing, profit sharing, stock options, ESOP will
also be provided. Issues of organizational justice and fairness will also be an important element of this course.
ñ Strategic Performance Management I:
Appraisal, Training and Development
ñ Managing Organizational Change
This course focuses on the integration of performance appraisal, training, management development and career management systems
that form the nucleus of a strategic performance management system in an organisation.
Such systems need to be mutually reinforcing
to achieve the accountability, development,
maintenance and motivation of human resources in the enterprise. The course will offer an
overview of principles and processes of performance appraisal, and specifically on how
an HR manager can communicate to employees how they are performing on the job and
In today's rapidly changing business environment, companies must constantly adapt to
change in order to survive and prosper. This
course aims at offering students the knowledge and skills they will need to face the challenges of organizational change and develop
strategic and tactical planning models for
change. It will focus on specific concepts,
theories and tools of change management
and will identify common mistakes, pitfalls
and reasons of failure for change initiatives. It
will further address topics such as the politics of change, downsizing, mergers and acq-
uisitions, restructuring and reengineering and
organizational adaptation.
ñ Labor Relations and Legal Aspects of
Human Resources Management
This course explores issues on trade unions
(e.g., structure, environment and impact) and
the negotiation processes, as well as collective bargaining agreements (e.g., management
rights, union security, dispute resolution) established between management and trade
union members. Legal issues of HR will also
be presented by Greek Law practitioners.
ñ Understanding Human Behavior in
The course provides an overview of the core
areas of organizational behavior with a special emphasis on issues of organizational structures, culture and values, job design and motivation, work attitudes, leadership, organizational learning and knowledge management. It
will help participants understand how they
can become change catalysts by performing
their leadership role as HR managers; how
they can manage knowledge; how they can
inspire people to put extra effort for achieving
the organizational vision and for outstanding
performance and results. Issues such as stress
and burnout, employee counseling and stress
management techniques as well as issues of
safety in industrial settings and work-life balance will also be explored in this course.
ñ Ethics and Corporate Responsibility
This course examines a broad array of matters
relating to business ethics, and considers the
ethical responsibilities of managers and corporations. It will examine difficult ethical conflicts and dilemmas and help students anticipate ethical issues they will confront in their HR
career. Students will become acquainted
with common frameworks for exploring issues in business ethics, learn to develop action
plans for resolving ethical dilemmas and learn
how to identify patterns of success and failure in corporate ethics.
Course Descriptions
ñ International Human Resources
This course addresses the major strategic issues that managers face as they attempt to
manage human resources across national
boundaries. It incorporates an overview of
current international human resources management (IHRM) theory and research and it focuses on issues which evolve from the internationalizing of the HRM processes. It aims at
helping students develop an understanding
of the international and comparative factors
(such as national culture) that shape human
resources management. The management of
expatriates, and functional issues concerned
with international recruitment, selection and
assessment along with comparative rewards
will be discussed.
ñ Creativity and Innovation
The significant skills of creativity and innovation are enhanced in this course. These skills
improve the manager's ability to solve business problems in a conventional or non-conventional way. The course also enhances the
managerial thinking process used to invent
new approaches, products, and techniques
for solving business problems in the presence of uncertainty and innovative and creative
ñ Emotional Intelligence and
Communication Skills
People who rise to the top of the corporate
ladder and are highly successful leaders aren't just good at their jobs. In addition to the
technical knowledge and expertise, they are
also resilient and optimistic, aware of their
own feelings as well as those of other people, highly motivated and socially competent.
In other words, they possess high levels of
Emotional Intelligence. Emotional Intelligence
doesn't mean being soft, it means being intelligent about emotions, being able not only
to recognize emotions in the workplace but
also to manage and use emotions to increase
staff commitment, customer satisfaction, and
organizational performance. During the course, special emphasis is placed on the development of communication and interpersonal
skills as core emotional intelligence competences, with practical exercises, role-playing
activities, etc.
ñ Human Resources Information
Systems and Technology
This course addresses the impact of Information Technology on HR functions in the broader context of IT-induced organizational transformation. Information Technology has radically contributed to the realization of the fact
that organizations are in themselves information and knowledge systems of a social (rather than technological) kind. Special emphasis is placed on the value of Information Technology as a tool unleashing the information
and knowledge tacitly controlled by an organization. Furthermore, on a more practical
level, students will become familiar with current IS technology and software for HR functions.
ñ Conflict Management and
In the wide sense of the term, negotiating
with others (both partners and rivals) is a
necessary feature of all managerial jobs. Yet,
the art of negotiation is not something that
many managers have been formally taught. In
this course we will analyse negotiations and
conflict in organizations and discuss strategies and processes for effective settlement of
conflict. We will also show to the participants the fundamentals of effective negotiations:
how to think strategically, what tactics to
engage in, and what goals to aim at. This
immensely useful course will improve the
participants’ ability to avoid traps in negotiations, manage conflict effectively and will
help you see the range of rational options
(and their ramifications) in particular situations.
ñ Leadership and Teamwork
In exercising effective leadership within a
diverse organizational structure the manager
relies on certain skills. This course analyses
social styles and presents the skills managers
should possess to pursue organizational
goals. It teaches students current trends in
leadership theory and practice and expands
the leadership framework to include issues
such as top management teams and shared
leadership. The course also focuses on teamwork and group dynamics and its practical
element aims at developing the skills the students will need to both function as effective
team players and manage successfully employee teams in their organization.
ñ Psychometric Testing
ñ The Human Resources Scorecard
The purpose of this workshop is to help students develop skills on how to administer
psychometric tests (e.g., cognitive ability
tests, interests' tests, etc.) for employee recruitment and assessment.
This workshop explains the basic principles
of the HR scorecard and it will provide a
step-by-step guide on how to use it in an
Experienced Consultants from Hay Group S.A. will deliver the above workshops in a
practical and innovative way.
ñ Research and Statistics for Human
Resources Managers
This workshop provides a brief overview of
methods used for organizational and HR research, both qualitative e.g., observation, interviews, etc. and quantitative e.g., employee
surveys, questionnaire design and administration, as well as of the statistical techniques
that could be used in this context.
Career Development
Market information
The mission of the Career Office is to use
ALBA's extensive knowledge of the job market and its close links with the business community as the basis for excellent support to
students and alumni in making sound career
decisions and help them in planning a successful career path.
Articles and surveys about the labor
market, the working environment and
employment trends available at the
Library (Career Section)
The Career Office offers a wide range of
services to help MSc in S-HRM students in
their career planning and development.
Specific services include:
Access to job market information
Career Counseling
CV Preparation & Class Yearbook
Job market information
A variety of support services are offered to
all students wishing to gain extensive upto-date information about the job market.
Reference material
ALBA maintains a data bank of about
3,000 companies and organizations,
including companies cooperating
with ALBA, executive search & selection firms, companies listed on the
Athens Stock Exchange etc. Leaflets,
annual reports and other relevant materials are available at the Library
(Career Section)
Printed material such as books, handouts etc. on Career Development issues, including publications on interviewing techniques, CV writing etc,
available at the Library (Career
Job postings
Selected press and Internet announcements
Specific job vacancies submitted to
Postings are placed on the Career
Office Announcements Board and forwarded to all students. Qualified students interested in a specific posting
may contact the company directly.
In addition, the Career Office ensures
direct contact between the company
and students eligible for direct placement support (for further details, see
policy statement)
Career counseling
On-going individual counseling is offered
to any student wishing to discuss specific
career issues.
Job profile analysis & job market targeting
This service to all ALBA students aims at
ñ Exploring personality
characteristics, skills and
ñ Setting career objectives, and
ñ Job market targeting
CV Preparation & Graduating
Class Yearbook
Each year a Graduating Class Yearbook is
published, briefly presenting each student. Yearbooks are made available to potential recruiters for their own information
and use. Potential recruiters may then contact candidates directly.
For ethical and professional reasons,
ALBA does not directly support placement efforts of students who are
Fully or partially sponsored by their
employers (all academic Programs),
Currently employed in companies
(P-MBA Program, MSc in STRATEGIC
HRM) or employed on a retainer fee
by companies (MSc in Business
Studies for Law Practitioners
Program). Students employed in a
family business are exempt from this
All ALBA Alumni have access to job
market information resources and career
advice and counseling. They are also
welcome to seek individual placement
support, provided that they are not currently employed.
Advisory Board
The Advisory Board consists of academics and distinguished HR and business professionals,
whose knowledge of the field and expertise help integrate the reality of day-to-day practice
with the high quality academic standards of the Program.
The members of the Advisory Board convene once a year to discuss progress achieved and advise on strategic issues for the improvement and further development of the Program.
The founding members of the Advisory Board are:
Thanos Aneroussos, Group Human Resources & Administration Director, INCHCAPE HOLDINGS
HELLAS S.A., Greece
Dr. Chris Argyris, James Bryant Conant Professor of Education and Organizational Behavior,
Graduate School of Business Administration, Harvard University, USA
Founding Member of the ALBA Academic Council
Dr. Michael Beer, Cahners-Rabb Professor Emeritus of Business Administration, Graduate School
of Business Administration, Harvard University, USA
Dr. Michael Brimm, Associate Professor of Organizational Behavior, INSEAD, France
Professor Sandra Dawson, Director, THE JUDGE INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT, University of
Cambridge, UK
Marios Dellatolas, Human Resources Director, VODAFONE-PANAFON S.A., Greece
Dr. Mark Huselid, Associate Professor, Department of HRM, School of Management and Labor
Relations (SMLR) Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, USA
Editor, Human Resource Management Journal
Eftichia Kasselaki, Director, Training & Development Division, PIRAEUS BANK, Greece
Rena Koumantou, Director, Corporate Social Responsibility & Communication, SILVER & BARYTE
Anastasia Makarigaki, Human Resources Director, CARREFOUR-MARINOPOULOS S.A., Greece
Ilias Moshonas, Group Human Resources Director, TITAN CEMENT S.A., Greece
Anna Pouskouri-Reiche, Senior Vice President, Country Manager, BAYERISCHE HYPO-und VEREINSBANK A.G, Greece
Emmanuel Vordonis, Executive Director, THENAMARIS SHIPSMANAGEMENT Inc.
Theano Zambella, Human Resources Director, EFG EUROBANK ERGASIAS S.A., Greece
Information for Admission
The MSc in Strategic HRM
Applicant Profile
The Program aims at currently employed working professionals who wish to follow an
MSc in Strategic HRM to advance their career
development without interrupting their job.
To apply to the MSc in Strategic HRM
Program, applicants should meet all the following criteria:
1 Hold a Bachelor's Degree from an
accredited institution,
Admissions Procedure
To be considered for the MSc in Strategic
HRM Program, applicants must submit the
following documents:
1 A complete Application Form including
two recent photographs,
2 Two Letters of Recommendation from
professors and/or employers,
3 Official transcripts or marks received from
each undergraduate, graduate, and
professional school attended,
2 Already work in the HR field, or
3 Have worked in other than HR positions
for at least a year and wish to make a
career shift towards human resources
Exceptionally strong applications from recent
university graduates with no prior experience
but who wish to pursue a career in the HR
field could also be considered.
Student Qualifications
To conform to the Applicant Profile, candidates must have a number of qualifications:
1 Excellent command of the English language
as evidenced by TOEFL or Proficiency
Certificate, and satisfactory
performance in an interview;
2 Satisfactory prior academic performance;
3 Strong recommendations from their
employers and professors, and
4 Satisfactory performance in a personal
4 TOEFL scores or equivalent proof of
command of the English language.
As part of the admissions process, personal
interviews may also be required. Prospective
applicants are advised to follow the specific
directions and deadlines contained in the
Applications received after the submission
deadline may not be reviewed. Applications
lacking any required documents will not be
processed unless these documents are received within the proper time. Admission to
the Program is decided by the Admissions
Committee on the basis of the qualifications
and the applicant's personality and committment.
For further information
concerning the MSc
in Strategic HRM Program
please contact:
ALBA ñ The MSc in Strategic HRM
Athinas Ave. & 2A Areos Str.
166 71 Vouliagmeni, Greece
Tel.: (3) 010-8964531-8
Fax: (3) 010-8962139
ALBA is located in the beautiful suburb of
Vouliagmeni, about 30 kilometers southeast
of the center of Athens. The School’s facilities
housed in a luxury building complex, total
1,500 square meters. Primary facilities include:
Electronic services
Computer Center
ALBA's Library is an academic library covering the subject fields of management and related sciences. The Library's aim is to support all members of the ALBA community, i.e.
students, faculty and alumni. Both students
and faculty have free access to the entire Library's collection and its electronic services.
Although ALBA Alumni may not use the
Library's lending services, they are welcome
to use the Library for reference purposes.
External users requiring occasional access
may use the Library for reference purposes
Student lounge
The Collection
Faculty offices
Administration offices
The Library has about 4000 titles available for
loan, covering all aspects of accounting,
competitive strategy, management, marketing, ethics, finance, human resources management, organizational behaviour, total quality
management, etc.
ñ ICAP: The Greek Financial Directory
A separate section of reference books contains directories, handbooks, manuals, guides,
general and terminology directories, e.t.c. It
also contains past ALBA's seminars and Field
Consulting Projects.
ñ National Network of Scientific and
2 amphitheatres
2 classrooms
Group-study rooms
Library with reading room
ñ OPAC (On-line Public Access Catalogue)
through the WWW.
ñ Business Source Premier (EBSCO)
ñ Datastream
ñ Econlit
ñ Psychinto
ñ Finance Statistics & Fundamental Analysis
ñ BusinessWeek through a dedicated PC
Serials (Including Journals)
The Serials collection (including annual reports and statistical series) consists of
which is in the library.
through WWW.
ñ ICAP: Consolidated balance sheets
CD-ROMs available for use inside the
library only.
Technological Libraries in Hellas.
This service provides instant on-line
access to the collection of journals
of each and every scientific and
technological library in Hellas.
It also offers on-line document ordering
services for any article of any journal
possessed by any library of the network
ñ British Library Document Delivery Service
ñ almost 250 foreign titles
(180 active subscriptions)
ñ about 30 titles of greek periodicals
ñ major domestic and international financial
ñ a number of select corporate annual
(BLDDS). The library offers a document
delivery service, supplying copies of
materials held in the British Library.
ALBA is equipped with state-of-the-art computer services, supporting both educational and
administration needs.
The local area network consists of approximately 100 PCs running under Windows NT operating system and configured with the latest software versions. More than half are available to students, at study rooms, the Computer Laboratory and the Library, as well as in classrooms and
amphitheaters, to be used during lectures and case study/projects presentations. Networked
high speed laser and deskjet printers are also available.
The "heart" of the network is based on NT servers. Internet access is achieved via a 256K
HellasCom line.
Electronic Services are offered at the Library for books and periodicals management, as well as
for information retrieval systems from databases and libraries worldwide.
Students have free 24-hour access to the network and the WWW, as well as their own e-mail
A broad array of audio-visual equipment is also available, from simple overhead projectors to
slides and high-resolution liquid crystal display projectors.
The ALBA Faculty
ALBA’s Faculty consists of a core of resident faculty and a number of visiting professors from leading international business schools and universities in Europe, the U.S. and Canada, such as INSEAD, Warwick Business School, London Business School, Cardiff Business School, New York
University, Harvard Business School, Boston College, etc.
All ALBA Professors are leading management academics, with extensive teaching, research and consulting experience and a strong publication
record in top-ranking academic journals.
Faculty members are engaged in ongoing research at the cutting edge from which new ideas, knowledge and applications are generated and
incorporated into teaching. Research thus constitutes one of the most important dimensions of ALBA resident faculty’s academic activities.
Research at ALBA takes two forms:
First, basic academic research which formulates and tests original theories and hypotheses on a wide range of management issues. This
activity leads to the creation of new knowledge that is eventually published in top academic journals;
The second type of research at ALBA is applied research, which deals with the generation of new applications of practical nature.
The overall goals of research at ALBA include the following:
Creation of new knowledge, applicable to the various fields of management and publishable at top international academic journals;
Promotion of fruitful interaction between management professionals, corporations and the academic community;
Collection and dissemination of information pertaining to global developments in the field of management;
Facilitation of an interdisciplinary study of Management by exploring and promoting the integration of specific fields, such as Accounting,
Finance, Marketing, Information Technology, Production and Strategy;
Enhancement of the curriculum at ALBA, as well as at the other academic institutions, thereby enriching the educational experience of
graduate students;
Exploring the special managerial issues pertaining to companies and organizations in Greece and in the surrounding areas.
The Kitty Kyriacopoulos Chair in Finance
Distinguished Senior Research Fellow, Cardiff
Business School, Cardiff University, U.K.
B.Sc., University of Athens; M.B.A., M.Phil.;
Ph.D., New York University
Dr. Travlos has teaching and research interests in the areas of Corporate Finance, Financial
Analysis, Financial Markets, and Banking. He
has taught at Boston College, City University
of New York (Baruch College), New York
University (L. Stern School of Business) and
University of Piraeus (1990-1998), where he
served as Chairman of the Department of
Banking and Financial Management (19931997) and M.Sc. Director (1997-1998).
Dr Travlos’ research has been published in
leading academic journals such as Journal of
Finance; Journal of Accounting Research;
Financial Management; European Financial
Management; Managerial and Decision
Economics; Journal of Accounting, Auditing
and Finance; Quarterly Journal of Business
and Economics; Journal of Applied Financial
Economics; Corporate Review, etc. The research findings of Dr. Travlos have been cited
widely in numerous international academic
journals and text-books while managerial
implications of his research have appeared in
the Harvard Business Review, and in the
Bowne Review for CFOs & Investment Bankers.
His published article ‘Corporate Takeovers Bids,
Methods of Payment and Bidding Firms’ Stock
Returns (Journal of Finance, 1987) was included
in 1994 in the list of the twenty most influential
published papers in Finance. He serves on the
editorial Board of several international academ-
ic journals and has served as President
/Chairman of several international academic
Associations and Conferences. His research
agenda includes Mergers and Acquisitions,
Governance, Corporate Control, Dividend
Policy, Ownership Structure, International
Acquisitions, Leveraged Buyouts, Capital
Restructuring and Raising New Capital.
He has developed an electronic data base of
the Athens Stock Exchange stock data (funded by the Commercial Bank of Greece) and
has authored the monograph Athens Stock
Exchange: Data Base for the Athens Stock
Exchange Stocks and Risk-Return Characteristics
of Stocks in the Period 1981-1990.
He is a finance consultant and serves on the
Board of Directors of several national and international firms.
The George D. Mavros Research Professor of
Organization and Management
Professor of Organization Theory and
Behavior, University of Strathclyde, UK
B.Sc., Aristotle University of Thessaloniki,
Greece, M.Sc., Cranfield Institute of
Technology, UK; Ph.D., Manchester Business
School, UK
Professor of Financial Accounting
BBA (Accounting), University of Piraeus,
Greece; MA (Economics), MBA (Finance),
York University, Toronto; Ph.D. Business
Administration (Accounting), University of
California at Berkeley
Professor Tsoukas teaches courses in the areas of
Organizational Behavior and The Management of
Change. He has taught at Manchester Business
School (1988-1990), Warwick Business School
(1990-1995), and the University of Cyprus (19951998).
His research focuses on the management of
organizational change and the management of
social reforms; on organizational learning, interpretation, and knowledge management; on
social systems design, especially from a postrationalist perspective, including developments in second-order cybernetics, complexity
and chaos science, and autopoiesis; on a critical appreciation of the social changes associated with the information society; and the relation between thinking and acting in organized
contexts, approached from a hermeneutical
and post-analytical philosophical perspective.
Professor Tsoukas’ research has been published in several leading academic journals such
as Academy of Management Review, Strategic
Management Journal, Interfaces, Organization
Studies, Journal of Management Studies,
Organization, Journal of the Operation
Research Society, Human Relations, etc. His
paper (with Professor D.B. Papoulias),
Understanding Social Reforms: A Conceptual
Analysis, has been awarded the President’s
Medal for 1996 by the Operational Research
Society (UK). He has edited a book entitled
New Thinking in Organisational Behaviour:
From Social Engineering to Reflective Action,
Butterworth/Heinemann, 1994, Oxford. He is
co-author (with Professor D.B. Papoulias) of a
book entitled Guidelines for Reforming the
State , Kastaniotis, 1998, Athens (in Greek).
Professor Tsoukas is co-editor (with Professor
Mike Reed) of the Organization, Theory and
Society book series published by Sage
(London), and editor of the Management
book series published by Kastaniotis, Athens.
He is also co-editor of the academic journals
Organization and Organization Studies. He
sits on the editorial board of Organization
Studies, Human Relations, and Emergence. He
is a member of the American Academy of
Management and the European Group of
Organization Studies, of which he is a national rep in Greece.
Professor Tsoukas has been actively involved in
executive education. He has coordinated
and/or taught executive education courses for
British Steel, Nestle, Reed-Elsevier, NHS,
Macedonia Thrace Bank, AB Vassilopoulos,
Kraft- Jacobs Hellas etc.
Professor Sougiannis has teaching interests in
Intermediate and Advanced Financial
Accounting, Financial Statement Analysis,
and Managerial Accounting. His teaching
experience is extensive with courses at undergraduate, master’s and Ph.D. programs. He
has taught courses at York University, Canada,
University of California at Berkeley, the
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,
and the University of Warsaw.
His research interests are in financial accounting and he focuses on the use of accounting
numbers in stock market valuations, the choice of financial accounting rules, and accounting regulation. He has published in academic journals such as The Accounting Review,
The Journal of Accounting and Economics,
The Contemporary Accounting Research, and
The Journal of Business Finance and
Accounting. Research results from his various
studies have been cited in business press
publications such as The Economist, Fortune,
Business Week, Smart Money magazine, CFO
Magazine, and The New York Times. He has
presented his research work at a multitude of
University seminars and academic conferences around the world.
He has served in more than ten dissertation
committees as chairman, research director or
reading member and as a reviewer in more
than fifteen academic journals and symposia.
He has received both research and teaching
awards from the American Accounting
Association and the University of Illinois respectively.
and London Business School.
Dr. Athanassopoulos is conducting research
in a variety of areas including benchmarking
of banking operations, assessing the efficiency of public sector institutions, designing
customer satisfaction models for large scale
organizations and assessing the business
value of innovation decisions, such as electronic commerce and reengineering. His academic research has appeared in leading academic journals, including Management
Science, Interfaces, Journal of Regional
Science, Journal of Money and Credit
Banking, European Journal of Operational
Research, Journal of Operational Research
Society, International Journal of Production
Economics, Journal of Business Research,
Annals of Operations Research, Journal of
Productivity Analysis, International Journal of
Bank Marketing and European Journal of
Dr. Athanassopoulos has also significant consulting experience with firms in the UK and
Greece including inter alia Allied Lyons Plc.,
Coral Plc., Abbey National, Hellenic
Telecommunications Organization, National
Mortgage Bank, Hellenic Bank for Industrial
Development, Athens Public Transport
Authority, and Post Office Credit Institution.
He has managed a series of large scale EU
funded projects including Innovation
Management Techniques (Prosegisis), ADAPT
Dr. Athanassopoulos is a member of the
Institute of Management Science and
Operations Research (INFORMS), the Royal
Operational Research Society, the European
Marketing Academy, the American Society
for Quality, the Productivity Analysis Research
Network and the Service Operations
Management Network.
He joined ALBA in 2000 and he teaches
Financial Accounting at both the full time and
the Professional MBA Programs.
Associate Professor of Decision Sciences
B.Sc., National Technical University of
Athens; Ph.D., London Business School
Professor Vlahos has taught courses on
Decision and Risk Analysis at the London
Business School, the Copenhagen Business
School, the Athens University of Economics
and Business and the China-Europe
International Business School.
Associate Professor of Service Operations
B.Sc., Department of Mathematics University
of Patras; M.Sc., University of Essex; Ph.D.,
Warwick Business School
Dr. Athanassopoulos has teaching and research interests in the area of Operations
Management, Management Science and its
applications in Service industries. He has taught at Warwick Business School and the
Athens School of Economics and Business
courses on Decision Sciences, Quality and
Commerce and Services Management. He
has also given guest lectures in a number of
Universities including the University of Cyprus
His early research was relying on the use of
large-scale optimization models, but he is
now investigating the use of more flexible
decision support frameworks that allow the
integration of ‘’hard’’ and ‘’soft’’ approaches.
The main application areas for his work have
been the study of competitive energy and
telecommunications markets. He has published articles in the European Journal of
Operational Research, the Journal of the
Operational Research Society, Decision
Support Methods, Energy Economics,
Technological Forecasting and Social Change
and Fiscal Studies. He has edited a book on
Decision Science and special academic journal issues, and has organized two international conferences.
Dr Vlahos has served as an advisor to public
organizations such as the Ministry of
Development of Greece and the National
Telecommunications and Post Commission
and a consultant to Greek and international
companies such as the Public Power
Corporation (¢EH), Southern Electric, and
National Power. He has also participated in
European research projects and joint collaborations with industry (Ericsson, BT).
Assistant Professor of Business Economics
Assistant Professor (Economics), Michael Gerrits
Term Chair Assistant Professor of Economics
(Babson College), Visiting Assistant Professor of
Economics (Fuqua School of Business, Duke
University), Instructor (University of Michigan);
B.A. Aristotelian University of Thessaloniki, M.A.
University of Michigan, Ph.D. University of
Dr. Axarloglou is doing research in the areas
of International Business (Foreign Direct
Investments), Pricing of New Products and
New Product Introductions. His research has
been published in leading management journals such as Management Science and the
Journal of Business. He has received several
research grants and also participated in numerous international conferences. Currently, he
is working, among other research projects,
on a book on Information Products.
Dr. Axarloglou, a recipient of the Fulbright
scholarship, has extensive teaching experience in all levels of business education and has
also received several teaching awards.
He is a member of the American Economic
Assistant Professor of Organizational Behavior
and Human Resource Management
BSc, School of Social Sciences, University of
Crete, MSc, School of Psychology, Cardiff
University, Ph.D. School of Psychology,
Cardiff University.
Dr. Epitropaki has teaching and research inte-
rests in the areas of leadership, emotional intelligence, organizational learning and innovation. Her doctoral research was specifically
focused on the role of cognitive processes
for understanding managerial leadership,
with a special emphasis on transformational
and charismatic types of leadership. For her
doctoral thesis she won the 2001 Jepson
School Award for Outstanding Dissertations
in Leadership Studies, and she also was
among the six finalists for the 2000 Newman
Best Dissertation Award for the Academy of
Management. She has further conducted
post-doctoral research at the Institute of
Work Psychology in the University of
Sheffield, where she got involved in a series
of research projects. Such projects included
an investigation of innovation and learning
within a call-centre context, evaluation of
consultancy-led organizational change, the
use of modern management practices in
manufacturing companies and the human
and organizational issues of e-business.
Her research has been published in top refereed journals and conferences, such as the
Journal of Applied Psychology, the Journal of
Psychology, the Society of Industrial and
Organizational Psychology conference and
the Academy of Management conference
proceedings. She has acted as a referee for
journals and conferences such as the
Academy of Management Journal, the Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, Work
and Stress and the Academy of Management
Dr. Epitropaki is a member of the Academy
Psychological Association and the British
Psychological Society.
Athens University of Economics and Business.
His research emphasizes the management and
economics of Information Systems in organizations and society. Among others, recent
topics of interest include the strategic outsourcing of Information Technology Services
and the economic analysis of electronic commerce business models.
His work has been published in international
refereed journals and conferences, including
the International Transactions in OR, the
Journal of Logistics and Information
Management, The European Conference on
Information Systems and the UK Academy for
Information Systems Conference. He has
acted as referee for journals and conferences
such as the Journal of Strategic Information
Systems and the European Conference of
Information Systems.
Dr. Mylonopoulos has been actively involved
in over five National and European funded
research projects in the areas of telematics,
electronic commerce, mobile commerce
and eBusiness in Eastern Europe. He has also
consulted large organizations such as BP Oil,
ICI and Anglian Water.
Dr. Mylonopoulos is a member of the
Association for Information Systems, the UK
Academy for Information Systems, the
Association and the Greek Computer Society.
Senior Fellow in Finance
B.A. Economics Aristotle University of
Thessaloniki, B.A. Mathematics Open
University, M.A. Finance and Investments
Exeter University, Ph.D Finance Manchester
Business School
Assistant Professor of Information Systems
B.Sc., Athens University of Economics &
Business; Ph.D., Warwick Business School,
University of Warwick
Dr. Mylonopoulos has teaching and research
interests in the areas of Information Systems
Management, Electronic Commerce and
applications of economic theory in these
areas. He has taught at Loughborough
University Business School, Warwick Business
School, Groupe ESC Bordeaux, Birkbeck
College (University of London) and the
Dr Tessaromatis’ teaching and research interests are in the areas of Portfolio Management,
International Finance and Risk Management. In
particular, his current research focuses on the
predictability of asset returns both at the market and individual asset level, time variation in
expected returns and risk and its relation to
macroeconomic performance, the importance
of earnings and earnings revisions in the valuation of equities, multi-factor models of equity
risk and their use in portfolio management and
performance measurement, option based investment strategies and strategic and tactical
asset allocation for pension fund investors.
Dr Tessaromatis has spent several years in
the City of London at senior portfolio management positions. Before his return to
Greece, he was Principal and Head of
Research and Product Development at
Gartmore Investment Management, the investment management subsidiary of National
Westminster Bank. He was responsible for
the development of all structured investment products, including global tactical asset
allocation, global bond and currency strategies, quantitative stock selection and market
neutral and dynamic asset allocation strategies. He was a member of the Fixed Income
executive and strategy committees. Before
Gartmore, he was Senior Quantitative
Analyst at Hermes Investment Management
(the investment manager for the British
Telecom and Post Office pension funds)
where he was responsible for advising the
pension fund trustees on investment strategy and the creation and maintenance of all
non-UK index funds.
Dr Tessaromatis started his career at the
Warwick Business School as Lecturer in
Finance, teaching Financial Economics.
Extension teaching High Technology
Marketing. He is also an adjunct lecturer at
the Golden Gate University where he has taught MBA level courses and is a supervisor at
the doctoral program.
Dr. Theoharakis has spent several years in
Silicon Valley at senior level marketing positions. He was more recently with 3Com
Corporation directing marketing and business development functions of the enterprise
business unit. He has extensive experience in
marketing innovative products, product line
management and international sales management. Dr. Theoharakis started his career at
IBM’s T.J. Watson Research Center where he
was responsible for teams conducting research in the area of high-speed networks.
His research has been published by the
Communications of the ACM, as a chapter in
the book Information Systems and
Technology Innovation and Diffusion and the
IEEE Network. His recent work is under review in the Journal of Product Innovation
Management and the Journal of Business
Research. He is a member of the European
Marketing Academy.
He is member of the investment committee
of EDEKT-OTE and Honorary Research Fellow
at City University Business School. He was
director of the ETBA-NatWest mutual fund
company, Associate Fellow at Warwick
Business School and a member of the
Institute for Quantitative Research (UK).
He has given presentations at academic seminars in the UK and professional conferences
in the UK, Japan and the USA. His academic
research has been published in the Journal of
Banking and Finance, Managerial Finance, The
Journal of Business Finance and Accounting,
The Journal of International Securities
Markets, the Business Economist and The
University of Piraeus Journal of Economics,
Business and Operations Research.
Assistant Professor of Marketing
Instructor, University of California, Berkeley
B.Eng. (honors), State University of New York
at Stony Brook; M.Sc., Polytechnic University;
MBA (with distinction) New York University;
Ph.D., University of Warwick
Dr. Theoharakis has research interests in the
areas of Product and Service Management
and High Technology Marketing. He is an instructor at the University of California, Berkeley
Assistant Professor of Finance
University of Wales; M.Sc. (Finance)
Strathclyde University; Ph.D. (Finance)
University of Manchester Institute of Science
and Technology; Pg.Dip. (Academic Practice)
University of Manchester Institute of Science
and Technology; Dip.M. (Marketing),
Chartered Institute of Marketing.
Dr. Zarkos has teaching and research interests in
the areas of Corporate Finance, Financial
Management, Capital Budgeting, Real Options,
Management Accounting and Strategy. His research focuses on new applications of real options in management decision making and the
development of decision techniques that can
be used to solve various problems encountered in Corporate Finance and Strategy literature.
Recent examples of his research include the utilization of real option theory in selecting the
optimal product mix under conditions of production constraints and demand uncertainty,
and the use of real options in comparing mutually exclusive special orders with unequal lives.
Dr. Zarkos has previously taught the subject of
Financial Markets and Institutions at the
Manchester School of Management and became a certified lecturer after successful completion of the teaching training program offered by
the staff development unit of University of
Manchester Institute of Science and Technology.
Dr. Zarkos has undertaken consulting work at
Tegopoulos/ENET S.A. with main responsibilities the design of e-commerce applications
in the financial services sector and the development of fundamental and technical analysis expert system available to internet. He has
also provided consulting service to ICAP S.A
in Athens and has produced several market
reports in various sectors of the Greek economy. He is an associate member of the
Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM) and is
also a part-qualified management accountant
at the Chartered Institute of Management
Accountants (CIMA) in UK.
Instructor of Accounting
B.Sc. Deree College, Athens, Greece; M.Sc.
University of Manchester & UMIST,
Manchester, UK; Ph.D. Candidate, University
of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland, UK.
Ms Pastra has teaching and research interests
in the areas of Management Accounting,
Financial Statement Analysis, Financial
Accounting and Auditing. Her area of teaching
Accounting. She has designed and delivered
several classes including Management
Accounting, Budgeting, Financial Statement
Analysis, Research Methodology and
Methods in Accounting. She has developed
student centred materials, including case studies, class exercises and problem sets. She
has taught both undergraduate and postgraduate courses at the University of Strathclyde
and at Groupe Ecole Superieure de
Commerce Toulouse.
Her research focuses on the study of the
dominant Anglo-Saxon accounting firms,
known internationally as the Big 5 and addresses questions regarding the globalization of
these firms, the scale and scope of their operations internationally and in national markets,
their historical evolution, as well as issues of
power. She utilizes an interdisciplinary perspective for the analysis and interpretation of
information derived from many diverse sources, including a database she created in
order to gain insight into the scale and scope
of the operations of the firms. Other research
interests include issues of globalisation / internationalisation, the history of accounting
and of the accounting profession, research
methodology and methods in accounting,
gender studies and the evaluation of management techniques like benchmarking.
Professor of Organization Studies,
Wallace E. Carroll School of
Management, USA,
Director, Organization Studies Ph.D.
Program, The Wallace E. Carroll School
of Management
Visiting Professor, ALBA
B.Sc.; M.A., Wharton School of the
University of Pennsylvania, Ph.D.,
Syracuse University
Strategy, Strategic Management Journal;
Arendt`s Action Philosophy and the Manager
as Eichmann, Richard III, Faust, or Institution
Citizen, California Management Review; and
Stages in Moving Toward Cooperative
Problem Solving Labor Relations, Human
Resources Management, Varieties of Dialectic
Change Processes, Journal of Management
Dr. Nielsen has received his B.Sc. in Finance
and his M.A. in Business and Applied
Economics from the Wharton School of the
University of Pennsylvania. He received his
Ph.D. in Management from Syracuse
He serves as an Editorial Board Member and
Referee for Business Ethics Quarterly and the
Journal of Business Ethics. He has also taught
and consulted in international environments
such as Greece, Pakistan, Indonesia, Mexico,
Peru, England, Switzerland, France, and Italy.
He has worked with such business, government, and non-profit organizations as Citicorp,
I.B.M., Arthur D. Little Consulting, the United
Nations, the U.S. Department of Education,
WGBH Public Television, the Krannert Center
for the Performing Arts, and the American
Friends Service Committee.
He works in the areas of organization ethics
action and learning methods, cooperative
change and leadership methods, and negotiation and mediation methods. Examples of
his publications include the book, The
Politics of Ethics: Methods for Acting,
Learning, and Sometimes Fighting, With
Others in Addressing Ethics Problems in
Organizational Life, Oxford University Press;
Woolmans `I Am We` Triple-Loop, ActionLearning: Origin and Application in
Organization Ethics, Journal of Applied
Behavioral Science; Organization Ethics from
a Perspective of Action (Praxis), Business
Ethics Quarterly; Dialogic Leadership As
Organization Ethics Method, Journal of
Business Ethics; Cultural-Economic Nationalism
and International Trade Policy, Academy of
Management Review; Changing Unethical
Organizational Behavior, Academy of
Associate Professor of Management,
Isenberg School of Management,
University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Visiting Professor, ALBA
B.A. University of Michigan, Ph.D.
University of Illinois at Urbana
He is the co-author of the Wisdom of
Solomon at Work: Ancient Virtues for Living
and Leading Today (with Charles Manz, Karen
Manz and Christopher Neck) and the co-author of Management Live: The Video Book
(with Peter Frost and Todd Jick).
Robert Marx’s research interests include relapse prevention in management training, the
optimal use of video in management education, and spirituality in organizations. His research efforts on the problem of skill retention
following management development programs, have resulted in numerous published articles on this topic in journals such as the
Academy of Management Review, the
Journal of Management Development and
the Training and Development Journal. He
has presented his research at the Academy of
Management, the Eastern Academy of
Management, the Organizational Behavior
Teaching Society and other national, regional,
and international meetings.
He was co-editor (with Peter Frost) of a recent special issue of the Journal of
Management Development focusing on the
use of video in management education. He
serves on the Editorial Board of the Journal of
Management Education.
Professor Marx has received numerous
Teaching Awards including the David L.
Bradford Outstanding Educator Award given
annually by the Organizational Behavior
Teaching Society in recognition of excellence
and innovation in classroom teaching. He
has also received the University of
Massachusetts College Outstanding Teacher
Award for the Isenberg School of
Management. He has served as Chairperson
of the Board of the Organizational Behavior
Teaching Society.
Professor Marx has also taught internationally
at the Management Training Center, St.
Petersburg, Russia and at the Graduate
School of Business Leadership (UNISA), the
University of South Africa, Pretoria.
Professor Marx is a trainer and consultant to
organizations in both the public and private
sector in the United States and abroad. He
consults on issues of leadership, teamwork,
communication, improving skill retention in
management training, and spirituality in organizations and higher education. His clients
include the Case Western Reserve University
Physician Executive Program, Danaher Tools,
Lego Systems, Inc., Glaxo Wellcome
Pharmaceuticals INC., Springfield Mo.
Healthsystems, and in Greece Thenamaris
Shipping Co., NetMed Cable Television,
Macedonia Thrace Bank, and Adel Saatchi
and Saatchi Advertising.
University / Wilfrid Laurier University, Canada
STEVEN G. BLUM, J.D. Northeastern
University, LLM New York University, Ed.M.,
Harvard University / The Wharton School,
University of Pennsylvania, USA
ZIV CARMON, Ph.D., Haas School of
Business, University of California - Berkeley,
USA / INSEAD, France
University / Hofstra University, USA
Pennsylvania State University / University of
DONALD CHAMBERS, Ph.D., University of
North Carolina / Walter E. Hanson / KPMG Peat
Marwick Professor of Finance, Lafayette
College, USA
ROBERT CHIA, Ph.D., University of Lancaster /
University of Exeter, School of Business and
Economics, UK
CHONG JU CHOI, Ph.D., University of Oxford
/ Cambridge University, UK
JOHN DOUKAS, Ph.D., New York University /
Old Dominion University, USA
SOUMITRA DUTTA, Ph.D., University of
California - Berkeley / The Roland Berger
Chaired Professor of E-Business and
Information Technology, INSEAD, France
University of California / New York University,
Leonard N. Stern School of Business, USA
ROYSTON GREENWOOD, Ph.D., University of
Birmingham /University of Alberta School of
Business, Canada
GEORGE HADJINICOLA, Ph.D., University of
Southern California / University of Cyprus
LOIZOS HERACLEOUS, Ph.D., University of
Cambridge, UK / University of Singapore
BOB HOPLEY, University of Massachusetts /
University of Massachusetts at Amherst, USA
CHRIS IOANNIDIS, Ph.D., Liverpool Business
School / Liverpool Business School, UK
EASWAR IYER, Ph.D., University of Pittsburg /
University of Massachusetts at Amherst, USA
TAWFIK JELASSI, Ph.D., New York University /
Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussees
Mirror Professor of Management Strategy,
University of California, Los Angeles, USA
Business School, University of Wales / Sir
Julian Hodge Chair in Marketing and
International Business, Cardiff Business
School, University of Wales, UK
ILIAS S. KEVORK, Ph.D., London School of
Economics / IST Studies, Greece
IAN KING, BA, Ph.D., Liverpool University,
USA / Essex University, UK
NELSON LACEY, Ph.D., Pennsylvania State
University / University of Massachusetts, USA
LEONIDAS C. LEONIDOU, Ph.D. University of
Bath / University of Cyprus
MARIO LEVIS, Ph.D., University of Bath / City
University Business School, U.K.
PRASHANT MALAVIYA, Ph.D., Northwestern
University, Evanston, IL, USA / INSEAD, France
ROBERT D. MARX, Ph.D., University of
Michigan / University of Massachusetts, USA
ROGER MAULL, Ph.D., Bristol Polytechnic /
University of Exeter, School of Business and
Economics, U.K.
PATRICK S. McCARTHY, Ph.D., Claremont
Graduate School / Krannet School of
Management, Purdue University, USA
JOHN MINGERS, Ph.D., Warwick Business
School / Warwick Business School, U.K.
ROBERT MORGAN, Ph.D., Cardiff University
Business School / School of Management and
Business University of Wales Aberystwyth,
PETER NAUDE, Ph.D., Manchester University /
University of Bath School of Management,
ELISABETH OLTHETEN, Ph.D., York University,
Canada /University of Illinois, USA
ROBERT OWEN, Ph.D., Princeton University /
University of Nantes, France
Pennsylvania State University / Hofstra
University, USA
STYLIANOS PERRAKIS, Ph.D., University of
California / University of Ottawa, Canada
KATE PHYLAKTIS, Ph.D., City University
Business School / City University Business
School, UK
NIGEL F. PIERCY, Ph.D., University of Wales /Sir
Julian Hodge Chair in Management and
Strategy, Cardiff Business School, University
of Wales, UK
of Management / University of Cyprus
LEYLAND PITT, Ph.D., Warwick University /
Cardiff Business School, University of Wales,
STEVEN PLAUT, Ph.D., Princeton University /
University of Haifa, Israel
School of Economics / Brunel University, UK
GEERT DE RAAD, M.B.A., Northeastern
University at Boston / Dutch Accreditation
Council RVA
ALAN ROBINSON, Ph.D., The John Hopkins
University / University of Massachusetts at
Amherst, USA
ANTHONY SAUNDERS, Ph.D., London School
of Economics / New York University, Leonard
N. Stern School of Business, USA
University / Baruch College, City University of
New York, USA
DEAN SCHROEDER, Ph.D., University of
Minnesota / The Herbert & Agnes Schulz
Professor of Management, Valparaiso
University, USA
ANDREAS SOTERIOU, Ph.D., University of
Southern California / University of Cyprus,
ANURAG SHARMA, Ph.D., University of North
Carolina / University of Massachusetts at
SAM STERN, Ed.D., Temple University /
Oregon State University, USA
Princeton University / City University Business
School, UK
NIKOS TSIKRIKTSIS, D.B.A., Boston University /
London Business School, UK
MICHAEL TSIROS, Ph.D., Temple University /
University of Miami, USA
Texas at Dallas / McGill University, Canada
University of the Aegean
PASCHALINA ZIAMOU, Ph.D., Zicklin School
of Business / Baruch College, The City
University of New York
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