2007 Annual Report
2007 Annual Report
2007 ANNUAL REPORT 2007 Access Fund History The Access Fund is the national advocacy organization that keeps U.S. climbing areas open and conserves the climbing environment. Founded in 1991, the Access Fund supports and represents over 1.6 million climbers in all forms of climbing: rock climbing, ice climbing, mountaineering, and bouldering. Over the last 18 years we have spent millions of dollars on land acquisitions, local conservation projects, support for grassroots activism, climber education, and representation in the public policy arena. We now have over 15,000 members and affiliates and the support of the climbing industry. We work with hundreds of corporate and community partners, 70 affiliated local climbing organizations, and 30 regional coordinators to advocate on behalf of climbers in the U.S. table of contents Access Fund History The AF Perspective Financial Report Member Profile 2007 Sharp End Awards 2007 Policy Highlights Grassroots: LCOs Grassroots: Grants Grassroots: TeamWorks Grassroots: Adopt-a-Crag 2007 Access Fund Members Member Profile Corporate Partners Regional Coordinators Community Partners Ambassaadors Local Climbing Organizations Mission / Vision Board of Directors and Staff photo Jim Thornburg 2 3 4/5 6 7 8/9 10 11 12 13 14/15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2007 The AF Perspective 2/3 Last year, the Access Fund’s 17th, was Looking ahead, we will continue a year of change and progress. We to expand our current stewardship enjoyed a 5% growth in membership, projects, membership, policy work the addition of eight new local and grassroots network of local climbing organizations and an climbing organizations. We will work increased number of Adopt-a-Crag with our partners in the Outdoor events. We maintained our top four Alliance to protect roadless areas and star rating with advocate for common Charity Navigator, sense reforms to The new team is with 79% of your hardrock mining laws. contributions poised to build upon Additionally, the board going directly to has adopted a two our past success and year plan to enhance programs which support our mission. the Access Fund’s make the Access We gave away ability to support land Fund even more thousands of dollars acquisitions. to local climbing effective. organizations to We would like to support grassroots thank all of you, our initiatives and launched a new national members, corporate partners, regional competition aimed to get young coordinator, affiliates, and friends people out of the gym and into the who have supported our work this outdoors on stewardship projects. year. We wouldn’t be able to do what We organized and hosted a National we do without your commitment and Climbing Management Summit and generosity. worked to keep climbing areas open throughout the country. 2007 saw the transition of a number of staff. We are happy to report that as of January 2008 the Access Fund is fully staffed with an exceptionally strong team. There is a lot of new energy and enthusiasm in our office. The new team is poised to build upon our past success and make the Access Fund even more effective. Climbing continues to grow in the U.S., with more and more climbers visiting the most popular areas. Land development, underfunded federal agencies and conflicting management priorities continue to threaten climbing access across the country. Clearly we still have a lot of work before us. Dan Nordstrom President of the Board Brady Robinson Executive Director 2007 Financial Report: The Numbers Support Total Membership Dues Corporate Sponsorships and Grants In-kind Contributions Special Events Contributions, Legacies and Bequests Net Investment Income Other Income $470,515 $303,586 $258,824 $51,776 $144,726 $11,679 $4,477 Total support $1,245,583 Functional Expenses National Policy, Acqusitions & Special Programs Climber Outreach & Education Communications Fundraising General & Administrative $421,489 $309,933 $171,795 $143,812 $103,261 Total functional expenses $1,150,290 photo Keith Ladzinski 2007 Financial Report: The Numbers 4/5 2007 was a strong and stable year for the Access Fund, thanks to the generosity of our members and partners. With their support, we were able to direct $903,217 to program services, including $309,933 to climber outreach and education, $421,489 to policy and advocacy, and $171,795 to our publications. We maintained our 4-star Charity Navigator rating with 79% of total operating expenses going to programs that directly benefit the climbing community. Individual, foundation, and organizational support accounted for $925,841 of our income, while grants and corporate partners donated $303,586. We could not continue to be this effective without the ongoing commitment of the entire climbing community. Membership Dues 38% Corporate Sponsorships and Grants 24% Sources In-kind Contributions 21% Net Investment Income (loss) 1% Special Events 4% Contributions, Legacies and Bequests 12% Uses Fundraising 13% Communications 15% Climber Outreach & Education 27% General & Administrative 9% National Policy, Acquisitions & Special Programs 36% 2007 Member Profile: Paul Diefenderfer - a.k.a. Dief profession: Owner of Phoenix Rock Gym, Desert Rat Forge, and Rope Guy Extraordinaire local climbing area: Pinnacle Peak, McDowell Mountains, and Queen Creek Canyon, Arizona climbing background: I started climbing in 1975 with an Arizona Mountaineering Club rock climbing class. I’ve been hooked ever since. I climb around the western U.S. and get out once a week to the local crags. Crags are a limited and precious resource. No crags–no climbing. How long have you been a member of the access Fund: I got involved with the Access Fund when they were breaking away from the American Alpine Club. I served on the board of directors from 1991 to 2000. Why do you support the access Fund: I saw local crags lost to development and didn’t want to lose any more. Crags are a limited and precious resource. No crags—no climbing. The Access Fund is fighting the good fight to keep crags open. I think about it this way—I pay to see movies and go out to dinner so being a monthly donor of the AF is a no-brainer. How have you seen the access Fund at work in your climbing community: They have kept the Forest Service from removing bolts in the Superstitions, helped with re-opening Pinnacle Peak, and are currently fighting to save access to Queen Creek Canyon. in your opinion, what aspect of the access Fund’s work is the most vital: They provide support and guidance in our local grassroot efforts, as well as deal with national policy that affects all of our climbing areas. photo Eric Draper 2007 Access Fund Sharp End Awards 6/7 Each year the Access Fund recognizes individuals and businesses for exemplary service to the American climbing community and commitment to keep climbing areas open and conserve the climbing environment. 2007’s awards and recipients are: SHARP END AWARD: For leadership and activism in preserving climbing access and the climbing environment Jeff Squire and Rob Sullivan of the Western Massachusetts Climbers Coalition for the Farley Ledge Acquisition which is hailed as the best crag between the Gunks and Rumney. Farley Ledge had ongoing access issues, primarily due to parking shortages. The purchase of the Erving, MA parcel will prevent land development and provide public access to the crag. Jeff, Rob, and the Western Massachusetts Climbers Coalition have worked closely with neighbors and local officials to assure the relationship remains positive and lasting for the New England Climbing community. Fundraising was helped with grants from the Appalachian Mountain Club and the Access Fund. Troy Mayr and the Friends of Williamson Rock for working tirelessly to reopen Williamson Rock in Southern California’s Angeles National Forest to climbing. Troy and the Friends of Williamson Rock (FoWR) have made incredible progress in the face of considerable odds. While climbing access is currently closed due to a disputed designation of a critical habitat, major strides have been made between FoWR and the U.S. Forest Service, creating an open dialog as well as finding guidelines to come to a solution to reopen Williamson Rock to climbing as soon as possible. REESE MARTIN MEMORIAL AWARD REGIONAL COORDINATOR OF THE YEAR: For leadership and activism in preserving climbing access and the climbing environment, and specifically for their volunteer work as an Access Fund representative Joe Josephson of the Southwestern Montana Climbers’ Coalition has been essential in the Montana climbing community’s efforts to assure access across the state. Recently and notably, Joe brought together the Forest Service, local and federal officials, the media, and other user groups to successfully fight a proposed gating of access roads to Hyalite Canyon’s vast ice climbing resources. Joe has also been working closely with the Bitterroot Climbers Coalition to save one of the best cliffs in Montana, Lost Horse Canyon, from being quarried. He is currently working closely with the Access Fund and the Outdoor Alliance to lobby Congress for reform of the 1872 Mining Law. 2007 Policy The Access Fund is the leading voice of the climbing community in both political and land management arenas. Much of the Access Fund’s policy work takes place in Washington D.C., where we meet with government officials about issues key to the interests of the climbing community. The land management aspect of our work focuses primarily on local land management plans. photo Jay Beyer 2007 Policy: Highlights from 2007 National Climbing Management Summit The Access Fund organized and hosted a National Climbing Management Summit and produced an online information clearinghouse (www.accessfund.org/NCMS) to provide land managers with examples of climbing management best practices. This summit created a proactive dialogue with land managers in an attempt to reduce the number of unreasonable climbing closures and restrictions. 8/9 the Cleveland National Forest. Access Fund advocacy has included a trip to San Diego to meet with climbing activists and lobbying USFS and California's Congressional delegation in Washington, D.C. Outdoor Alliance The Access Fund represents the national climbing community in the Outdoor Alliance (www.outdooralliance.net), a coalition of six national human-powered recreation advocacy organizations. The The Access Fund alliance’s mission represents the national is to ensure the conservation and climbing community in stewardship of our the Outdoor Alliance, a nation’s land and waters through coalition of six national the promotion of human-powered recreation sustainable, humanpowered recreation. advocacy organizations. Local Climbing Management Plans The Access Fund works on climbing management plans and issues in local communities throughout the country. The following highlight a few of the areas where the Access Fund and the local climbing community have been fighting to conserve climbing resources. The Access Fund, in conjunction with the Southwest Montana Climbers Coalition, has opposed a U.S. Forest Service proposal that would restrict ice climbing access into Hyalite Canyon near Bozeman, MT. Also in Montana, the Access Fund, in coordination with the Bitterroot Climbers Coalition, has opposed a proposed quarry that would impact a popular and longtime multi-pitch, granite climbing area in Lost Horse Canyon near Darby. The Access Fund and the Allied Climbers of San Diego oppose unreasonable climbing closures in In 2007, the Access Fund’s work with the Outdoor Alliance included: •Spearheading advocacy on 1872 Mining Law reform. •Representing the interests of climbers at the Federal Recreation Director Summit in Washington, D.C., which was attended by high-level land management agency officials from the Bureau of Land Management, U.S. Forest Service, National Park Service, U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, and Army Corps of Engineers. •Lobbying in Washington, D.C. on a variety of nationally focused issues, such as mining reform, Roadless Area protection, Clean Water Act restoration, oversight of U.S. Forest Service planning rules, and increased funding for public lands management. photo John Evans 2007 Grassroots: Local Climbing Organizations The Access Fund’s Grassroots Program consists of over 30 Regional Coordinators, 70 Affiliated Local Climbing Organizations (LCOs), and Access Fund staff. Known collectively as the Action Network, we continue to develop and implement a shared vision of success. new affiliated local climbing organizations In 2007, the grassroots network continued to grow with the addition of eight new affiliated local climbing organizations. For more information about the following new organizations or any of our 70 affiliated local climbing organizations, visit the Access Fund website: www.accessfund.org/partners/affiliates. Mid Atlantic Climbers, VA/DC/MD Northern Colorado Climbers Coalition, CO Western Colorado Climbers Coalition, CO Madrone Wall Preservation Committee, OR Allied Climbers of San Diego, CA Friends of Muir Valley, KY Four Corners Climbers Coalition, CO Arkansas Climbers Coalition, AR 2007 Grassroots: Climbing Preservation Grants 10/11 In coordination with our affiliates, the Access Fund helps protect climbing resources by providing technical and financial support through the Access Fund Climbing Preservation Grants Program. Presented three times per year, these grants provide financial assistance for local climber activism and protection of the climbing environment in the United States. In 2007, just $29,256 was awarded to five organizations due to a lack of applicants. We look forward to awarding many more grants in 2008. For more information on the Climbing Preservation Grants program visit our website at: www.accessfund.org/cons/guidelines.php 3 1 5 4 2 2007 climbing preservation Grants 1 Yosemite Facelift 2007, ca. The Yosemite Climbing Association received a grant to purchase materials for the nation’s largest Adopt-a-Crag, the annual Yosemite Facelift. 2 castleton tower trail project, ut. The Rocky Mountain Field Institute received a grant to assist in the restoration of the Castleton Tower Trail and the production of a trailhead kiosk trail map. 3 Ely’s peak climbers parking lot, trail, and Kiosk, Mn. A grant was awarded to the Minnesota Climbers Association for the construction of an access trail, parking lot, and kiosk at Ely’s Peak, a Duluth crag. 4 Farley ledge preservation initiative, Ma. A grant was given to the Western Massachusetts Climbers Coalition to assist with the purchase of a nineacre parcel of land abutting Farley Ledge in Erving, MA. This purchase ensures continued access to the “best crag between Rumney and the Gunks.” 5 owls Head, nH. A grant was given to The Trust for Public Land to assist in the acquisition of approximately 360 acres, including Owls Head cliff. The land was then turned over to the White Mountain National Forest. photo John Evans 2007 Grassroots: TeamWorks In late 2007, the Access Fund launched TeamWorks, a new youth program. With the cooperation of team coaches, indoor climbing gym youth teams host or participate in Access Fund Adopt-a-Crag event, for which they earn points. As a reward for their stewardship efforts, the ten top pointearning teams will win a cash grant between $250 and $2,000 for their youth program. The first place team will receive the "Golden Toothbrush" award presented by REI, a $2,000 grant, and a full-page write-up in Urban Climber Magazine. TeamWorks would not be possible without the generous support of REI, The North Face, USA Climbing, and Skram Media. Additional support provided by CLIF Bar, Nalgene, Leave No Trace, and Routsetter.com. For more information visit: www.boulderproject.org/teamworks. 2007 Grassroots: Adopt-a-Crag 12/13 Adopt-a-Crag is the Access Fund’s premier stewardship program and is the largest climber based volunteer effort each year. Adopt-a-Crag brings climbers together to take care of the places they play, maintains the climbing environment, and strengthens the reputation of the climbing community. 2007 adopt-a-crag awards Each year awards are given to Adopta-Crag events and organizers that go above and beyond. adopt-a-crag of the Year award The Access Fund and REI are proud to present the Adopt-a-Crag of the Year Award to: adam reyes, rEi northridge/arcadia and the stoney point, ca cleanup. adopt-a-crag stewardship award The Access Fund and GORE-TEX® Products are proud to present the Adopt-a-Crag Stewardship Award to: amy carden for the “Dude Where’s My stash!” adopt-a-crag Events at Mt. Evans, CO and Chaos Canyon, Rocky Mountain National Park, CO. adopt-a-crag conservation award The Access Fund and CLIF Bar are proud to present the Adopt-a-Crag Conservation Award to: the Minnesota climbers association for organizing six Adopt-a-Crag events in a fivemonth period in both Minnesota and Wisconsin. in a league of their own award The Access Fund is proud to present the In a League of Their Own Award to: the 4th annual Yosemite Facelift hosted by the Yosemite Climbing Association and organized by Ken Yager. With over 2,900 volunteers and 18,300 volunteer hours in 2007, this event is the largest Adopt-a-Crag year after year. adopt-a-crag History year events volunteers volunteer hours value of volunteer hours number of states 2007 2006 2005 129 120 111 7,000 5,500 3,800 32,000 30,000 20,000 $600,000 $540,000 $370,000 35 33 35 2004 2003 103 70 3,300 1,000 18,500 5,500 $340,000 $101,000 29 29 2007 Access Fund Members ABOVE THE CLOUDS $10,000+ Anonymous Sam Lightner Jr. Dan Nordstrom GRANITE $9,999-$2,500 Anonymous (2) Dan Bereck Miron Chlebosz Josh & Allison Elmore Nancy Feagin King & Tracy Grant Marte Lightstone Roger & Brenda Linfield Beaver & Pam Theodosakis LIMESTONE $2,499-$1,000 Anonymous (2) Samuel Adams Drew Allan AMC - NY Chapter Michael & Janelle Anderson Steve Barker Thea Leonard & Andy Beerman Dina Boon & Jim Bennett Jim & Sam Boyd Don Brandsgaard Douglas Brant Leslie Brown & Claude Mallegol Anthony Bubb Mark Clancy Keith Cole Joanne Ernst & Jim Collins Paul Diefenderfer Jennifer Dow Ann Down Lisa Claudy & Charles Fleischman Timothy Forbes Charlotte Fox Jeff Frome Bruce & Janna Genereaux Jim Gilchrist David Goldstein Brad Hanner James & Diana Hanson Alan & Cheryl Higham Anne Watson & Thomas Isaacson Martha McCaine & John Jinishian David Johnston Bonnie Kamps Tin-Na Kan Michael Kennedy Andy & Wendy Laakmann Michael Lambert Randy Leavitt Aaron Lodge Sarah Merner & Craig McKibben James McNally Jr Armando Menocal Philip & Iliana Mindlin Michael Morgan Chris Parks Allen Peery Bryce Perkins Lisa Foss & Robert Price Nan Pugh Aron Ralston Keith Rampmeier Corey Rich Keith Schrader George Shaw W. Tobias & Anne Sherrill David Smith Susan Sosin Stephen Sponagle Paul Stevenson Todd & Donette Swain John Taladay Randy Taylor Chris Ticknor Carter Thomas Dirk, Nancy, Tucker & Brittany Tyler Patrick Vollmer Mark Wahl Christopher Walker Doug & Maggie Walker Bruce Pech & Wendy Weiss QUARTZITE $999-$500 Anonymous (3) Rick Accomazzo Gregory Allen David Apple John M. Barry Trevor Berrett Richard Bolton Dee Booth Rick Booth Tanya Bradby Jim Bridwell George Bullard Callan Capital Larry Casper Paul Certa Brian Chung Robert Craig Timothy Craighead Robert Crochelt Stephen Cuplin Scott Davis Cheryl & James Duckworth Jennifer Eastman Maria Enrione Lisa & Phil Ensign John Erickson Marc Ewing Nicolas Falacci Alan Ferguson John Fine Jonathan & Petrina Fisher James Gilbert David Goeddel Edmund Grainger Richard Griffith Lucian Hand Michael Heimbinder Nicholas Heymann Scot Hillman Rudy Hofmeister George Hoover Peter Horan Loren Jahn Thomas Janson Jeff Kelley Kenn Kenaga Richard Kent Demian & Sherin Kloer Mark Kroese Jeff Leads Daniel Leu Elizabeth Regan-Lowe & George Lowe III Steve Lyford Brent Manning Danny McCracken Chris McNamara Greg & Sally Mellinger Joel Nachman Carlos Oryan Forrest Pickett Phyllis Ponte John Preston Alan Proctor Jr. Nicholas Rhind Chris Righter David Rikert Richard G. Rockefeller Aimee Roseborrough David & Rachel Rosenstein Zach Savage Werner Schueller Peggy Sayer & Tony Shouse George & Cherry Snelling Brian Sohn Brian & Stephanie Spector Kanisha & David Speyrer Allen Steck Robert & Jennifer Stephenson Carl Stewart Roger Taylor Gary Thomann William Thomas Arnould & Karen Tkint De Roodenbeke Ken Wagers Dale Wang Chris Weidner David Wilson Todd Winkel Lee Woolley Nancy Zahniser SANDSTONE $499-$250 Anonymous (2) Russell Adams Joel Ager Courtney Andelman Charles Anderson Jon Banks Ben Baranko Nicholas Barczak Mark Baum Scott Beattie Eddie & Tracy Begoon Brian Belleau John Bentley Neil Berget Bill Berkley Dave & Kerstin Berneis Steve Bishop Kurt Blair Jim Bodenhamer Lisa Bogardus Tony Brake J.P. Brastad Lance & Carrie Brock Michael Brooks Jeff Brown Kathy & Mike Brown Larry & Molly Bruce Paul Brunner Deborah Brusini Pete Cahn R. J. Campbell Jordan Cantwell 2007 Access Fund Members Deborah Frank & Douglas Chalker Gavin Cheong Nicholas Chope Doug Colwell Elizabeth Copado Preston Corless Larry Cote Peter Coward Adam Cramer Christopher Croft Ryan Crowley Mena Ahuja & Jonathan Crystal Mark Daverin Peter & Andrea Devin Alan Doak Laura Domoto Alexandra Dorf Kathy Doyle Nicole Friend & Gar Duke Sandy & Gale Dunlap Jeremy Dunworth David Dyess Linda & Mike Engle Terrence English Lars Ensign Kendall Ermshar Dayton Fedak Christian Feinauer Rui Ferreira Tim & Susi Fickling Nick Fleming Per Forsell John Foskett Anders Fridberg Albert Friss Deb & Roger Fritz Dorene Frost Michael Frost David & Heather Furman Carla Geisser Clark Gerhardt, Jr. Aaron Gibson Tim & Lisa Gordon Larry Graham Tim Greene David & Claudette Hall Robert Hall Frank Harvey Joe & Beth Hestick Ana Araujo & Duncan Highsmith Margaret Judith Hillenbrand Janice Hirata Robert & Ellen Hostetler Jim Howell William Hunt Doug Ingerly Sheriar Jamshedji Kurt Jensen Chris Jones Creeden Jones Douglas Jones Monte Jones Joe Josephson Freeman Keller David Kennedy William Kilpatrick Vic Klotz Tim Kneier Paula Knepper Amy & Ted Knudsen Al Koury Ann Kuhn Chris Kurrle Gregory Lagestee David Landman James Lasseter Steven Lazny Gary Lee Kyle & Cindy Lefkoff Jeffrey Lemaster Thomson Ling Ryan Lockwood Colin Lohse Rita Look James Lynch Nick Lyon Mala Malhotra Jay Mallin Keith Maloney Brian Marts Kent McClelland Gary McElvany Brad & Ashley McLeod Christy McMullan Bryan Miller Garreth & Dawn Miller Gurdon Miller Matt Miller Sean Morefield Paul Morley Frank Murabito Rick & Jenni Neahring Jason Neale Scott Nelson Mark Nelson Andrew Newman Gary Nichols NOLS Rocky Mounatin Peter O’Malia Carrie Ortiz David Osborn Todd Paige 2007 Access Fund Memorials The AF Memorial Fund was founded in 1998 to honor individuals who cared about the mountain environment. The following memorials were funded in 2007. Jason Appelstein Bill Bradshaw Tom Dunwiddie James M. Eisenhard Charles Warren Farmer III Bob Kamps Mike McGlynn James Douglas McQueen Daron Pair Andrew Pamp Jannette Pazer Colin Purcell David & Donna Reilly Barbara Rhodes Dave Richards Alfred Riddle Summer Robbins Chris Robertson Mark Robinson Jose Rodriguez Genie Roosevelt Guy Ross Michele Ross Diana Salter Eileen Schjelderup Eric Schlegel Toby Schreier James Schuring John Scott Alison Sheets 14/15 Elizabeth Sholes Jay & Andrea Shotwell Jill & Richard Sideman Lauren Sigman Amy Simper Robert Skelding Gordon Smith Roanne Sones Southern Utah University Outdoors Mark Stevenson John Steward Richard Sturm Nicholas Subashi Jeremy Sugerman William Suter Jun Suzuki Greg Swift Ralph Ferrara & Eve Tallman Ajax Greene & Lillian Thiemann Jeff Thode Donald Thomas Grady Tibboel John Tozzi Jennifer Tse John Tuckey Bruce Valentine Joshua Vendig Wes Wagnon Brock Wagstaff Ann & Scott Walker Matt Warfield Nancy Cohen & Jim Wason Erik Weihenmayer Jane Weisemann Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. Ed Wetherell Megan & Nick Wilder Jeff Willis Rick & Pam Winberg Collin Wogenstahl Christopher Wool Dan Young Peter & Rebecca Zurcher Foundations Ann Nichols Living Trust The Arbolito Foundation The Boston Foundation BP Fabric of America Fund The Community Foundation Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Fleischman Family Fund Frome Family Foundation Heimbinder Family Foundation J.F. Maddox Foundation Jared C. Fox Family Foundation Jerry Vogel Foundation, Inc Kubale Family Foundation The Lightner Sams Foundation of Wyoming, Inc Loewenstern Foundation McKee Family Foundation Osilas Foundation The Philanthropic Collaborative, Inc Preston Family Donor Advised Fund Pugh Family Foundation Raymond V.J. Schrag Family Fund Schwab Charitable Fund The Seattle Foundation Ticknor Foundation Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program W. Clement & Jessie V. Stone Foundation 2007 Member Profile: William (Bill) Ramsey Profession: University Professor Local climbing area: Red Rocks and Mt. Charleston, NV Climbing background: I’ve been climbing for over 30 years. During that time, I’ve climbed extensively in Oregon, California, Utah, Colorado, Kentucky, and Nevada. Why did you join the Access Fund: I believe it is important for climbers to support organizations that not only fight to preserve our access to the cliffs, but also help climbers become better resource users. Supporting the Access Fund is one of the best ways for climbers to give something back to the sport that they find rewarding. How have you seen the Access Fund at work in your climbing community: When the Red River Gorge Climbers Coalition was a nascent, struggling advocacy group at the Red, the Access Fund assisted with several projects and helped it gain some clout. By working with the Access Fund, locals at the Red formed one of the most powerful, pro-active local climbing organizations in the country. In your opinion, what aspect of the Access Fund’s work is the most vital: Developing support networks with local organizations because the locals are the first to know about problems in their areas. But locals often don’t have the financial or legal resources to deal with problems, and that is where the Access Fund can really make a difference. Any final thoughts on the AF: It should be remembered that climbers sometimes compete with other outdoor users and there are also those who, for a variety of reasons, want to limit our access to the rock. Our interests are not always properly represented to land managers and that is why we need a strong advocacy organization, like the Access Fund, that will fight on our behalf to maintain our access, or even better it. photo Keith Ladzinski 2007 Access Fund Corporate Partners TITANIUM - $50,000+ Haynes and Boone LLP - 2003 DIAMOND PLUS - $20,000+ Black Diamond Equipment - 1991 Eastern Mountain Sports - 1993 REI - 1991 DIAMOND MEDIA - $20,000+ Alpinist - 2003 Backpacker Magazine - 2004 Climbing - 1991 Rock & Ice - 1993 Urban Climber Magazine - 2004 PLATINUM PLUS - $15,000+ Mountain Gear - 1995 Petzl/Charlet Moser - 1991 prAna - 1995 PLATINUM - $10,000+ CLIF Bar - 1995 The North Face - 1995 GOLD PLUS - $7,500+ Amadeus Consulting Group - 2004 Archer Law Offi ces P.C. - 2003 ASHA Carpets - 2007 Boulder Rock Club & Colorado Mountain School - 1996 GORE-TEX® products - 1991 Mountain Khakis - 2006 Nalgene - 1992 Outdoor Research - 1999 Patagonia - 1992 Touchstone Climbing Inc. - 1998 Trango USA & Stonewear Designs - 1992 GOLD — $5,000+ American Bouldering Series - 2000 Big Up Productions - 2003 Campmor - 1991 La Sportiva - 1994 New England Ropes / Maxim - 1992 SCARPA North America - 2006 The Spot Bouldering Gym - 2003 SILVER - $2,500+ All Terrain - 2003 Arc’teryx - 1998 Blue Ridge Mountain Sports - 2007 BlueWater - 1992 Boston Rock Gym - 2006 FalconGuides - 1998 Gregory Mountain Products - 1993 16/17 Mammut USA - 1991 Marmot - 1999 Metolius - 1991 Misty Mountain Threadworks - 1994 Mountain Hardwear - 1996 New Belgium Brewing Co. - 2000 Sterling Rope - 1994 Rock and Snow, Inc. - 2003 Sickle Climbing - 2001 Stone Age Climbing - 1997 Tom K. Michael, D.D.S., P.S. - 2000 Travel Country Outdoors - 2002 Untraditional Marketing - 2007 Vasque - 2001 MAJOR - $1,000+ bluetrope consulting - 2003 CAMP USA - 2004 Cloudveil - 1998 Crazy Creek Products - 1992 EVOLVE Sports - 2006 Exum Mountain Guides - 2005 Flannel Design - 2001 Mad Rock - 2007 Montrail - 2002 Mountainsmith - 2003 MSR/Therm-a-Rest/ Platypus - 1995 Osprey - 2003 Outdoor Retailer - 1991 Phoenix Rock Gym - 1997 Planet Granite Climbing Gyms - 2004 Redpoint, Inc. - 2000 RESTOP - 2006 ROCK’n & JAM’n - 2007 Royal Robbins - 1992 SuperTopo.com - 2003 Trailspace.com - 2007 Treasure Mountain Inn - 2006 Vertical World - 2006 Weathered Stone - 1999 Yates Gear - 1993 YourClimbing.com - 2006 MEDIA PARTNERS Andrew Burr Photography - 2006 Andrew Kornylak Photography - 2006 Andrew Querner Photography - 2006 ASANA PackWorks - 2005 Aurora Photos - 2007 Brian Solano BS Productions - 2007 Camp4.com - 2002 Corey Rich Photography - 2002 CragCam Productions - 2006 Dan Bailey Photography - 2002 Dawn Kish Photography - 2007 DrTopo.com - 2003 Emilie Lee - 2006 Eric Draper Photography - 2007 GetBeta.com - 2004 Gripped: The Climbing Magazine - 2004 Griz Guides - 2006 Harrison Shull Photography - 2006 Integrity 7 Productions - 2004 Jeremy Collins - 2007 Jonathan Copp - 2006 Keith Ladzinski - 2006 Lenticular Pictures - 2005 Michael Clark Photography - 2004 Mike Tea Illustration and Design - 2006 Momentum Media - 2007 N’East Magazine - 2006 Nathan Welton Photography - 2005 Ousley Creative - 2001 Patitucci Photo - 2003 Pixel Print Graphics - 2007 Randall Levensaler Photography - 2005 Rockclimbing.com - 2006 Second Chance Films - 2004 Sender Films - 2005 Sharpend Publishing - 2004 She Sends - 2004 Simon Carter: Onsight Photography - 2007 SNEWS - 2002 Stark Contrast Photography - 2005 summitjournal.com - 2006 Thoos - 2006 Tom Frost - 2007 Verde PR & Consulting - 2003 CONTRIBUTING - $500+ Advanced Base Camp - 1992 Adventure 16 - 2006 Alpine Ascents International - 1998 Avery Brewing Company - 1998 Chope Designs, LLC - 2006 Climbing Rope Bracelets - 2005 Eagle Creek - 2005 Eastern Sierras Medicus Excalibur DMM/ Wild Country - 1995 Fox Mountain Guides & Climbing School - 2005 GearEXPRESS.com - 2003 Higher Ground Roasters - 2003 Julbo - 2005 JustRopes.com - 2004 Mountain Madness - 2007 Mountain Tools - 1991 Mountaineers Books - 1992 NEice.com - 2005 Nicros - 1997 Pacific Edge Climbing Gym - 1995 PMI - 1991 Real Cheap Sports - 2003 photo Jim Thornburg 2007 Access Fund Regional Coordinators Sean Cobourn Mark Daverin Tom Donnelly Richard Doucette Ocean Eiler Evan Fales Brian Fedigan Wayne Fuller Susan Garlow Aaron Gibson Jonah Harrison Nathan Holmes Tony Holmes Steve Johnson Gene Kistler Tom Lampe Thomson Ling Brad McLeod Paul Minault Robert Parish Bryan Pletta Steve Porcella Ryan Ray Kellie Rice Jeff Sargeant Dana Seaton Jeff Squire Rick Thompson Bob Value Paul Vidal Kaija Webster Dusty Wissmath South Carolina Tetons Wyoming Southern California Eastern Massachusetts Virginia Iowa South Idaho Alaska Wyoming Oklahoma Western Washington IL/IN/KY Oregon West Slope Colorado West Virginia Missouri Maryland TN/AL/GA Northern California New Hampshire New Mexico Western Montana Central Texas Oregon Connecticut Rhode Island Massachusetts Front Range Colorado Pennsylvania Kentucky Minnesota Virginia 2007 Access Fund Community Partners ACC ROCX Ace Adventure Center Action Outfitters Adams State Adventure Program Adventures Edge Alaska Rock Gym Allegheny College Outdoor Program Alpine Ascents International Alpine Club of Canada- Toronto Access Committee Alpine Endeavors Alpine Shop, Ltd. Alpine Training Services Altai Technologies AMC - NY Chapter Mountaineering Committee Antiques & Oddities, Inc. Appalachian Mountain Guides, Inc Arizona Mountaineering Club Atlantic Climbing School Austin Rock Gym Avery Brewing Company Banshee Computing Corp. Black Dome Mountain Sports Blue Ridge Mountaineering Association Blue Star Camps Boulder Mountaineering School Boulders Climbing Gym Camp Birch Trail for Girls, Inc. Carolina Adventures, University of NC CASBC Cascade Crags Indoor Climbing Cascade Guiding Service CATS Climb Aloha Climb Max ClimbSWorego.com CLIMBX Club Sport Colgate University Outdoor Education Program Colorado Outward Bound Colvin Center Climbing Gym Coyote Corner Cragmont Climbing Club Cross Country Connection Crux CU Outdoor Program Down Wind Sports Eagle Rock School Eagles Nest Foundation Ethos Mountain Works Expeditions Unlimited Explorers Club of Pittsburgh Fort Lewis College Climbing Club Forward Motion Fox Mountain Guides Georgia Outdoor Recreation Program Granite Arch Climbing Center Gravity Vault Great Outdoor Provision Company Hamilton College Hampshire College Outdoor Program HERA Ovarian Cancer Climb4Life Higher Ground Rock Climbing Centre Homestead Inn & Spa Hurst Sports Center Idaho State University Illinois Climbing Club Inner Strength Rock Gym International Wilderness Adventures Joshua Tree Outfitters Joshua Tree Rock Climbing School Kent Mountain Adventure Center Inc. Kern River Rock, LLC Kooteni Climbers Lancaster Climbing Club Little Rock Climbing Center Lover’s Leap Guides Mazamas Michigan Ice Fest Midwest Mountaineering Minnesota Climbers Association Mizzou Climbing Club Mountain Goat Outfitters Mountain Soles MTU Ridge Roamers Newenglandbouldering.com Nomad Ventures North Carolina Outward Bound School North Wall, Inc Northlander Climbing NU Climbing Club NW Adventures Old Town Outfitters Ooh La La Fleur Outek Pacific Edge Paradise Rock Gym, Inc Pennsylvania Mountaineering Association Peregrine Outfitters Phoenix Rock Gym Pipe Works Poly Escapes Prairie Walls, Inc Pruett Publishing Company Quest Corporate Institute Reality Climbing Redpoint Production, Inc. Rim of the World Climbing Club Riverat Whitewater Toys Rock Ice and Mountain Club Rockbound Rocks and Ropes of Tucson Rocwood Rok Haus Indoor Climbing Gym Sanctuary Rock Gym Santa Fe Climbing Gym SCSU Outdoor Endeavors Sierra Mountain Center Skagit Alpine Club Skinny Skis Southern California Mountaineers Association Southern Oregon Climbing Club Southern Sierra Climbers Association Southforkice.com Spokane Mountaineers 18/19 Sport Rock Starved Rock Outfitters Stone Gardens Stonehenge Summit Rock Gym Sunrift Adventures Talus Climbing Service Terra Firma Texas Tech Outdoor Pursuit Center The Backpackers Shop The Bag and Pack Shop The Climbing Place The Mountaineer The Mountaineers–Rec Access Commitee The Rock Barn- Rhinoceros Mountain Guides The Spot Bouldering Gym The Warriors Way Threshold Climbing Cym Todd Westfall’s Handyman Service Trailhead Sports Tribe Be Triple Crown UCSB- Adventure Programs Uli, Inc UMD - Vertical Pursuits University of Illinois Climbing Club University of Pennsylvania Outing Club University of Tennessee Outdoor Recreation Upper Limits Uprising Rock Climbing Center USA Climbing Ute Mountaineer Vail Rock & Ice Guides, LLC. Verde PR & Consulting Vertex Climbing Center Vertical Access Vertical Adventures Vertical Dreams Vertical Endeavors Vertical Hold Sport Climbing Center Water Stone Outdoors West Hills Chiropractic Clinic Western State College Department of Recreation Whitman College Outing Program Wild GUYde Adventures Wilderness Education Program Wilderness Exchange Unlimited WildRays Photography Wildside Wilkes-Barre Rock Climbing Gym Williams Outing Club Wilson’s Eastside Sports W-Trek Outfitters X-TREME Rock Climbing Center Yosemite Fitness Zen Lizard Systems 2007 Access Fund Athlete Ambassadors Conrad Anker Elaina Arenz-Smith Tommy Caldwell David Chancellor Jonathan Copp Malcolm Daly Micah Dash Topher Donahue Jim Donini Megan Emmons Hans Florine photo Jim Thornburg Charlotte Fox Nate Gold David Graham Emily Harrington Lynn Hill Jason Kehl Joe Kinder Randy Leavitt Mike Libecki Chris Lindner Lee Means Scott Milton Timmy O’Neill Jared Ogden Renan Ozturk Alli Rainey Lisa Rands Brian Rhodes Beth Rodden Matt Segal Chris Sharma Kurt Smith Abbey Smith Adam Stack Mark Synnott Jack Tackle Pete Takeda Josh Wharton Robbie Williams Heidi Wirtz 2007 Local Climbing Organizations Alabama Southeastern Climbers Coalition Western Massachusetts Climbers Coalition Arkansas Arkansas Climbers’ Coalition Southeastern Climbers Coalition Minnesota Minnesota Climbers Association Arizona Arizona Mountaineering Club Friends of Queen Creek Northern Arizona Climbers Coalition Prescott Climbers Coalition California Allied Climbers of San Diego Eastern Sierra Climbers Coalition Friends of Joshua Tree Friends of Williamson Rock Southern Sierra Climbers Association Yosemite Climbing Association Colorado 4 Corners Climbing Coalition Action Committee for Eldorado Colorado Springs Climbers Alliance Flatirons Climbing Council Roaring Fork Climbers Coalition Connecticut Ragged Mountain Foundation Georgia Southeastern Climbers Coalition Iowa Eastern Iowa Climbers Coalition Idaho Boise Climbers Alliance Kootenai Climbers Illinois Illinois Climbers Association Kentucky Red River Gorge Climbers Coalition Southeastern Climbers Coalition Massachusetts Appalachian Mountain Club Boston Chapter Missouri Climbers Alliance of MidMissouri Kansas City Climbing Club Montana Bitterroot Climbers Coalition Southwest Montana Climbers Coalition North Carolina Boone Climbers Coalition Carolina Climbers Coalition Pisgah Climbers Association Southeastern Climbers Coalition New Hampshire Rumney Climbers Association New Mexico CRAG-New Mexico Nevada Las Vegas Climbers Liaison Council New York Adirondack Mountaineering Coalition Gunks Climbers Coalition Ohio Ohio Climbers Association Oklahoma Chandler Park Climbers Coalition Wichita Mountains Climbers Coalition Oregon AAC–Oregon Section, Access Committee Smith Rock Group Pennsylvania Climbing Conservancy of Central Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Alliance of Climbers 20/21 South Carolina Carolina Climbers Coalition Pisgah Climbers Association Southeastern Climbers Coalition South Dakota Black Hills Climbers Coalition Tennessee Southeastern Climbers Coalition Texas Central Texas Mountaineers Climbers of Hueco Tanks Concho Valley Climbers Association Utah Friends of Indian Creek Salt Lake Climbers Alliance Virginia Friends of Great Falls Coalition Vermont CRAG-VT Washington Washington Climbers Coalition Wisconsin Wisconsin Outdoor Access West Virginia Coopers Rock Regional Climbing Coalition New River Alliance of Climbers Southeastern Climbers Coalition photo Kevin Steele 2007 Access Fund Mission & Vision Mission: The Access Fund keeps climbing areas open and conserves the climbing environment. Vision: The Access Fund envisions a future in which climbing and access to climbing resources are viewed as legitimate, valued, and positive uses of the land; where climbers respect and appreciate the places they climb so that the climbing environment is conserved for current and future generations. 2008 Access Fund Board of Directors and Staff 22/23 Access Fund Board of Directors Access Fund Headquarters Officers President • Dan Nordstrom, WA Vice President • King Grant, CT Treasurer • Kyle Lefkoff, CO Secretary • Marte Lightstone, NM Staff Brady Robinson • Executive Director 303.545.6772 x101 brady@accessfund.org Board Members Tommy Caldwell, CO Keith Cole, Washington, DC Mark Crowther, NY John Evans, UT Nancy Feagin, UT Paul Fish, WA Heather Furman, VT Linda Givler, WA Richard S. Luskin, UT Brad McLeod, GA Jamie McNally, TX Corey Rich, CA Beaver Theodosakis, CA David Wilson, GA Honorary Board Members Larry Gustafson, TX Michael Kennedy, CO John Juraschek, NC Armando Menocal, WY Dave Rosenstein, NJ Bill Supple, VT Courtney Bartels • Membership Manager 303.545.6772 x106 courtney@accessfund.org Charlie Boas • Grassroots Coordinator 303.545.6772 x105 charlie@accessfund.org Ellen Jardine • Business & Finance Manager 303.545.6772 x107 ellen@accessfund.org Jason Keith • Policy Director 303.545.6772 x102 jason@accessfund.org Randy Levensaler • Media Manager 303.545.6772 x103 randy@accessfund.org Robb Shurr • Director of Marketing & Business Development 303.545.6772 x100 robb@accessfund.org Jason Smith • Development Director 303.545.6772 x113 smith@accessfund.org Diana Vernazza • Access Director 303.545.6772 x112 diana@accessfund.org Judy Ware • Office Associate 303.545.6772 x104 judy@accessfund.org Access Fund General Counsel Chris Archer back cover photo Jonathan Copp front cover photo Corey Rich / Aurora Photo 2007 ANNUAL REPORT THE ACCESS FUND SPECIAL THANKS TO PHOTOGRAPHERS PO Box 17010 Boulder, CO 80308 1.888.8MEMBER | www.accessfund.org Jay Beyer, Jonathan Copp, Eric Draper, John Evans, Kevin Steele, Keith Ladzinski, Corey Rich, Jim Thornburg
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