How to Assemble A guide to the 2013-2014 AMS Assembly


How to Assemble A guide to the 2013-2014 AMS Assembly
How to Assemble
A guide to the 2013-2014 AMS Assembly
Prepared by the Commission of Internal Affairs
Table of Contents
Meeting Dates……………………………………………………………………………………………..3
Pre-Assembly Guidelines…….………………………………………………………………………….3
The Agenda……………………………………………………………………………………….3
Members at Large and Guests…….…………………………………………………………….4
Functions of Assembly..………………………………………………………………………………….4
Reports and Questions…………………………………………………………………………………...5
The Speaker……………………………………………………………………………………….6
Role of Council..………………………………………………………………………………….7
Role of the Executive…………………………………………………………………………….7
Speaking Rights…………………………………………………………………………………………...7
Time Limits……………………………………………………………………………………….8
Basic Rules of Order……………………………………………………………………………………...8
Point of Information.…………………………………………………………………………….8
Point of Order………………………………………………………………………………….....9
Point of Personal Privilege...…………………………………………………………………….9
Putting the Question……………………………………………………………………………10
Motion to Adjourn……………………………………………………………………………...10
Motion to Defer…………………………………………………………………………………10
Committee of the Whole……………………………………………………………………….11
Composition of Assembly………………………………………………………………………………12
Voting Members………………………………………………………………………………...13
Non-Voting (Ex-Officio)………………………………………………………………………..22
Policy Appendix…………………………………………………………………………………………26
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Members of AMS Assembly,
It is with great excitement and enthusiasm that I officially welcome you to the 2013-2014
session of AMS Assembly! The following pages will act as a guide to you in the coming
months, and will be your primary resource on all things Assembly. I urge you to read it
in its entirety, and review all relevant policies and procedures. That being said, if you
ever have any questions, concerns or comments related to Assembly that are not
addressed in this guide, please email me or swing by the Commission of Internal
Affairs in room 054 of the JDUC.
Every year members of Assembly represent AMS students through thoughtful
discussion and debate, and challenge one another to make Queen’s even better than the
year before. It is important to keep in mind as meetings begin and the year unfolds that
we are all students here for the betterment of life at Queens; for the best possible session
of Assembly we must be respectful and welcoming to all students. It is my goal to make
Assembly as welcoming, friendly, and accessible to all students as possible. The
decisions made at Assembly have far reaching effects and can drastically change the
way we and our peers experience Queen’s. With this always in mind, please be
professional and act in a manner that represents the views and opinions of your
The year ahead is going to be exciting; I look forward to working with all of you
throughout the next eight months!
Cha Gheill,
Kristen Olver
Commissioner of Internal Affairs
Alma Mater Society | Queen's University
John Deutsch University Centre
Phone: (613) 533-2728 x 74815
Fax: (613) 533-3002 | @AMS_CIA
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2013-2014 Meeting Dates
There shall be 12 meetings and one Society Annual General Meeting (AGM).
September 12th 2013 - Robert Sutherland Hall Room 202 (7:00pm)
September 26th 2013 - Grant Hall (7:00pm)
October 10th 2013 - Wallace Hall (7:00pm)
October 24th 2013 - City Hall (6:30pm)
November 7th 2013 - McLaughlin Hall (7:00pm)
November 21st 2013 - Wallace Hall (7:00pm)
January 16th 2014 - Robert Sutherland Hall Room 202 (7:00pm)
January 30th 2014 - Wallace Hall (7:00pm)
February 13th 2014 - Wallace Hall (7:00pm)
March 6th 2014 - Grant Hall (7:00pm)
March 18th 2014 (AGM) - Ban Righ Dining Hall (9:00pm)
March 20th 2014 - Wallace Hall (7:00pm)
April 3rd 2014 - Wallace Hall (7:00pm)
Pre-Assembly Guidelines
The Agenda
The Agenda or ‘Assembly package’ will be e-mailed to all Assembly members and
placed on the AMS website no less than 72 hours in advance of each meeting. The full agenda
will be coupled with an ‘Assembly-at-a-Glance’ document, a two-page summary of key motions
and information from the Assembly package. For this to work, however, all submissions must
be sent to by Monday at noon, the same week of Assembly (which takes
place every second Thursday). Late submissions will not be included in the agenda or be
available for students-at-large on the website. Reports that are not submitted on time cannot be
presented unless voted for by Assembly.
A motion is a formal proposal for AMS Assembly to take a certain action. This includes
policy changes, budgetary allocations, striking committees, ratifications, etc. Motions, as with
all submissions, are due the Monday at noon prior to Assembly in Word format. All motions
require a mover, a seconder, and should begin “That AMS Assembly…” The mover and
seconder are ultimately responsible for speaking to the merits of a motion and providing
Assembly with the information necessary to make an informed decision.
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If a member is unable to attend Assembly, they may send a proxy by e-mailing the
proxy’s name to the Speaker or Commissioner of Internal Affairs prior to the start of Assembly.
A proxy does not have to be another member of Assembly, though they must be permitted to
attend by the Constitutions of their member societies/residence committees.
Absences from AMS Assembly due to religious holidays do not count on the attendance
record of an elected member. Please ensure that you or your proxy signs the attendance sheet –
it is the only record of your attendance.
Members at Large & Guests to AMS Assembly
This year there will be pamphlets available for members at large who choose to attend
Assembly. They will highlight the rules of order and procedure, ways they can submit motions,
and will be an overall attempt to reach out to members at large and make Assembly a more
welcoming space conducive to serving students.
Functions of the Assembly
AMS Assembly is the highest legislative body for undergraduate students at Queen’s. It
is the ultimate decision-making body for the non-service policy and political affairs of the AMS.
Therefore, the Assembly has full power, within the restrictions of the AMS Constitution, to
create, alter and/or terminate any policy statements which are considered to be Society Policy,
and to deal with any reports, recommendations and/or conclusions of any groups, committees
and organizations which fall within the purview of Assembly.
Without restricting the generality of the foregoing, Assembly shall aim to fulfill its
mandate by debating and dealing with any reports, including their recommendations and
conclusions; with motions, as submitted by Council, Assembly or the student body at large;
with policy decisions regarding the official stance of the Society on any issue within the
purview of Assembly; and with granting allocations for all moneys assigned to grants in the
current Assembly Budget. Assembly shall also be empowered to direct the Executive and/or
the Council to represent the Society where it is deemed necessary, and to carry out various
duties in the interest of the Student body.
Assembly is directly responsible for the actions and activities of the various
commissions; all Assembly committees and any groups, organizations and clubs are within the
jurisdiction of Assembly. Assembly shall have the authority except as otherwise specified to
appoint representatives of the Society to any committees, commissions, boards etc., external to
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the Society. Such appointees shall reports to Assembly at least twice per term, or be subject to
Reports and Questions
Assembly members are responsible for reading the contents of the Assembly Package,
which will be emailed to all of you at least 72 hours in advance. A reminder that submissions
are due each Monday by 12pm and reports will not be included in the package if they are late.
Who submits written reports?
AMS Council members (including the Exec, Commissioners, and Directors)
Faculty Society Presidents
Residence Reps
Ex-Officio: Senate Caucus Chair, Rector, Chair of Board, and Student Trustee
What should be included in written reports?
Written reports are to update the student body about events and important discussions.
They encourage dialogue and allow people to ask questions and become aware of the issues
and events that are pertinent to your position. Most reports are one or two pages and can vary
in format – bullet points, paragraphs etc. The written reporting system was created to cut down
the length of Assembly; therefore members should not repeat the content of their written
reports during oral reports. Assembly members are encouraged to submit written reports
whenever they have lengthy quantities of information to report.
What kinds of questions about reports are appropriate?
Try and pose questions that are beneficial to a large portion of the AMS members. Minor
issues of less materiality can be discussed at a later time. Please note that in the interest of
efficiency, Assembly is not the only opportunity to ask questions about the AMS and member
faculty societies. Many questions could be answered prior to the meeting, or in Assembly
member office hours. Contact information and office hours are available through the CIA or on
the Assembly website if you require it.
Each meeting, an attendance list will be circulated. You are required to check off your
name and make any corrections on the sheet. The Commissioner of Internal Affairs will keep an
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updated spreadsheet of attendance in the CIA. If members are aware of future absences, they
should make a statement during Member Statements as an act of courtesy. A member can leave
Assembly early by raising a point of personal privilege that requests permission from the
Speaker to leave the meeting early (voting members only).
If an Assembly member misses four Assemblies, the Speaker may put forward a motion to
suspend that member’s voting rights. Sending a proxy will still count as an absence.
A majority plus one of voting Assembly members, not including proxies, shall form a
quorum for the transaction of business. In the event of the above number not being a whole
number then the next highest whole number shall constitute quorum. If quorum is not met, the
meeting shall be adjourned and the time and names of members still present shall be recorded
in the minutes.
The Speaker:
The Speaker is vested with the authority of presiding over the meetings. They enforce
the Rules of Order and ensure that the meetings run along the personally determined
guidelines. Any decision made by the Speaker may be overruled by 2/3rds majority vote of
Assembly members.
Any member, if called to order by the Speaker, or on a point raised by another member,
shall yield the floor while the point is being stated.
At the Speaker’s discretion, debate may be entertained on questions of order but must be
strictly relevant to the question.
If a request for explanation of a point of order, or practice, or of a particular ruling is
made the Speaker shall state the rules of authority applicable to the case.
No debate shall be permitted on any rulings.
Rulings shall be overruled only by 2/3rds majority vote of members present.
The Speaker, after having called the attention of the meetings to the conduct of a
member who persists in irrelevance or repetition, may direct that member to discontinue
his or her speech.
The Speaker shall interrupt any member who makes use of inappropriate language.
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All members must be recognized by the Speaker before taking the floor.
Role of Council:
Council is the executive body of the Assembly and as such, is primarily responsible for
providing the initiative and, where appropriate, the responses to all political and policy matters
which fall within the purview of the Society. Council shall attempt to clarify issues for
Assembly, identify and deal with campus problems, and handle administrative details
involving the Society.
According to Policy, the Agenda for each meeting shall be prepared by Council. They
shall draw up the Agenda from items submitted to the Commissioner of Internal Affairs who
shall arrange all business that goes before Assembly in the properly prepared format.
Role of the Executive:
When acting officially on behalf of the Assembly, the President shall represent the
majority opinion of the Assembly. They are responsible for the direction of Assembly and help
Council shape discussion for the year.
The executive shall present to Assembly, by the first Assembly meeting in the Winter
Term, a Long-Term Plan outlining possible objectives and recommendations for the future. This
presentation shall be accompanied by the similar presentation of the Commissioners.
Speaking Rights
All students who are enrolled in at least one course and have paid the Student Interest Fee,
including the AMS Specific Fee have the right to:
Attend Assembly meetings subject to the rules of procedure prescribed in the AMS
Move or second motions at such meetings
Speak for or against a motion
Vote at Society Annual General Meetings or Society Special General Meetings, but not
regular Assemblies
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Ask a question of another member of the Society present at Assembly during Question
Introduce a topic of their choice for discussion during the discussion period
Every member of Assembly shall rise and address the Speaker when debating
All members shall be referred to by their surnames
No person shall interrupt another person except on a point of information, order or
privilege, and must first be recognized by the Speaker
Time Limits:
Reports and Members’ Statements - 3 minutes
Introduction of a motion - 10 minutes
Debate on a motion or discussion topic – 5 minutes
Summations – 5 minutes
Questions during Question Period – 5 minutes
Guest Speaker - 20 minutes (10 for speaking, 10 for questions)
Assembly Length – 4 hours
With motion to extend length - 30 minutes with a new motion at each 30 minute
interval for a maximum of 5 intervals (for a total of 6.5 hours)
Basic Rules of Order
Knowing the following rules will make the meetings productive and run efficiently.
Point of Information:
These points may be used to:
Ask a question
Contribute information which is important and relevant to the debate
Points of information may not be used for:
Asking a long string of questions
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Making any statement of opinion
To properly use this point, wait until the Speaker is finished, stand and say “Point of
Information, Mr./Ms. Speaker”. Often, many members have Points of Information at the
same time. If this is the case, raise your hand/placard to attract the Speaker’s attention at
any time, and the Speaker will add your name to the speaking list.
Point of Order:
A Point of Order may be raised whenever there is a suspected breach of the procedures of the
AMS, such as, a constitutional violation or the Rules of Order which govern Assembly. Points of
Order may interrupt anything except another Point of Order. A Point of Order does not
constitute speaking to the motion that is under debate; however, it must be raised at the time of
the offence. Once the point has been raised, the Speaker will rule and act accordingly.
Point of Personal Privilege:
This point is raised to:
Correct a substantial misinterpretation or misrepresentation of your previous
speech to the motion
Bring to the attention of Assembly any personal insults or abuse directed at
Introduce new members of Assembly or Guest Speakers
Request permission from the Speaker to leave the meeting early (voting members
A point of Personal Privilege may interrupt anyone who is speaking at any time except
for persons speaking on a Point of Order. The Speaker must first recognize the member
raising the point prior to them speaking. Like Points of Order, Points of Personal
Privilege do not constitute speaking to the motion that is under debate, and must be
made at the time of the offence.
Please note that all voting members wishing to leave the meeting early must first rise
on a Point of Personal Privilege to ask the Speaker’s permission to leave. Their
departure is to be recorded in the minutes.
When you stand up to debate a motion, remember the following:
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Either the mover or the seconder of a motion shall be the first to speak in the debate. If
any member of the Society raises his or her hand to speak, then debate on the motion
shall begin. If this does not happen, then the motion shall immediately pass without any
further debate or summation. The mover shall also have the right of summation at the
end of the debate.
Unless you are the mover of the motion, it is your only chance to express an opinion on
the motion. All members shall be allowed to make only one statement while debating
the motion. If a motion is amended, and debate proceeds on that amendment, all
members shall be allowed to speak again specifically on the amendment. If a member
wishes to make more than one statement on a motion or an amendment, another
speaker can yield his or her summary.
Putting the Question
If it appears that the debate is dragging on without new points being raised, the Speaker
will ask Assembly if it is ready to put the motion to question (which is to vote on the
motion in question). This may be done even if there is a list of several people waiting to
speak. If you feel that your question is important enough that debate should continue,
you must voice objection to the putting of the question. Otherwise, a vote will be taken
allowing the mover rights of summary.
Prior to the cessation of debate, the Speaker shall announce the debate is being closed.
When the Speaker is putting the question, no member shall walk out of the meeting, or
make any noise or disturbance.
Motion to Adjourn:
This motion is usually only used it there are special circumstances which discourage the
continuation of the meeting, such as a loss of quorum. However, when all the items on
the agenda have been dealt with, there is no need for this motion, as the Speaker simply
declares the meeting is adjourned (contrary to Robert’s Rules of Order).
Motion to Defer:
If you move to defer a motion, it must be seconded, and debate proceeds on whether or
not to defer the motion. This is only used if the motion cannot be debated or voted on
for some reason. For example, a certain person may be absent, information incomplete
etc. A motion to defer may be for a specified time later in the current meeting or for the
next meeting, or it may postpone the issue indefinitely.
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An amendment may propose:
To delete certain words from a motion
To delete certain words and insert others in their place
To insert new words
Any member of the Society may propose an amendment while the motion is on the
floor. All amendments must be seconded and if the amendment is not accepted by the
mover and seconder of the motion, then debate focuses on the amendment. Following a
vote on the amendment, the debate returns to the original motion.
No amendment which substantially changes the intent of the motion will be in order
If an amendment is on the floor, one sub-amendment (an amendment of the
amendment) can be moved, and debate focuses on the sub-amendment
All amendments must be presented to the Speaker and Scribe in writing immediately
after they are moved
There is no limit to the number of amendments which may be proposed.
Committee of the Whole:
This is used when an issue or motion requires extended debate. The motion is moved
that the Assembly move into Committee of the Whole. It is seconded and voted on
without debate. A motion is then moved to remove the chair. This is customarily voted
in the negative. When in Committee of the Whole you may speak as many times as you
like, however, no one may speak twice until everyone who wishes to speak once has
spoken. Except for the ability to speak more than once, all other Assembly rules apply.
When consensus is achieved, the main motion is voted upon. A motion is then made to
move out of Committee of the Whole. After this, a motion is made to concur with the
decisions of the Committee. This is not debated, and customarily voted in the
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Composition of AMS Assembly
Number of Full-Time Registered Students
More than 5,000
Less than 300
Number of Assembly Representatives
As a result of the above table, each Faculty Society is entitled to:
Faculty Society
Full-time Registered
Number of Assembly
*Note: The above enrollment numbers are outdated (from previous year). Enrollment numbers are increasing for
2013-2014, and will be updated once information becomes available.
Other voting members around the table include the AMS executive and representatives
from Jean Royce Hall Council and Main Campus Residence Council. There are also Ex-Officio
members at the table by way of their position. These include the AMS Commissioners and
Directors, the Rector, the Chair of the Board of Directors, the Undergraduate Student Trustee
and the Senate Student Caucus Chair. They are non-voting members simply because they are
not elected/ appointed for representing constituents at Assembly. However, these members are
valuable assets at Assembly and offer a great deal of portfolio-specific knowledge, which are
pertinent to student needs and interests.
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Voting Members on AMS Assembly 2013-2014
The AMS Executive:
Name: Eril Berkok
Position on Assembly: President (Council Member)
Year/Program: Computing Year 6
Prior Years on AMS Assembly: 2
Fun/Interesting Fact: If given the opportunity, I would only ever
eat club sandwiches.
Name: Thomas Pritchard
Position on Assembly: Vice-President of University Affairs
(Council Member)
Year/Program: Artsci ’12 (Drama/English)
Prior Years on AMS Assembly: 2
Fun/Interesting Fact: When I was born, my birth weight
matched my birthday. I was born during the 9th month and on
the 14th day and I weighed 9 pounds and 14 ounces.
Name: Nicola Plummer
Position on Assembly: Vice-President of Operations (Council
Year/Program: COMM ’13, ArtSci ‘14
Years on AMS Assembly: 1
Fun/Interesting Fact: I am a secret gamer. Well I guess not-sosecret anymore. Halo is my jam. This is why Eril and I get along
so well!
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The Arts & Science Undergraduate Society (ASUS):
Name: Scott Mason
Position on Assembly: President
Year/Program: 4th year, Political Studies
Years on AMS Assembly: 2
Fun/Interesting Fact: I can wink with both eyes!
Name: Irfan Tahiri
Position on Assembly: Vice-President
Year/Program: 4th year, Politics
Years on AMS Assembly: 0 (this is my first)
Fun fact: I love Green Tray. A lot.
Name: Maury Rubin
Position on Assembly: Representative
Year/Program: ArtSci 2014
Years on AMS Assembly: 0
Fun/Interesting Fact: I always play as Orange in Settlers of
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Name: Jon Wiseman
Position on Assembly: Representative
Year/ Program: ArtSci '16 (Politics)
Years on Assembly: 0
Fun/ Interesting Fact: I only learned to tie my shoelaces when I
was 13.
The Engineering Society (EngSoc):
Name: Emily Fleck
Position on Assembly: President
Year/Program: 4th Year Chemical Engineering
Years on AMS Assembly: 1
Fun/Interesting Fact: I plan on moving a lot after graduation,
Calgary to work and then business school in France, and then
who knows!
Name: Mark Godin
Position on Assembly: Vice President (of Student Development)
Year/Program: Electrical Engineering 2014
Years on AMS Assembly: 0
Fun/Interesting Fact: Headed into 4th year, and I still haven’t
been to the library to study.
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Name: Eric McElroy
Position on Assembly: 2nd Year Representative
Year/Program: EngPhys ’16 (Second year Engineering Physics)
Years on AMS Assembly:
Fun/Interesting Fact: I am pretty good with A/V tech. I used to
spend a fair chunk of time volunteering in local theatre and
community TV productions. I love working a camera or in the
tech booth for a production.
The Commerce Society (ComSoc):
Name: Tyler Hennick
Position on Assembly: President
Year/Program: Commerce 2014
Previous Years on AMS Assembly: Zero
Fun/Interesting Fact: I have an IMDB profile
( with one credit: a
Miscellaneous Crew Member at the 2012 MuchMusic Video
Awards. I also appeared in the closing credits of the show’s
airing under the title “Marketing Intern”.
Name: Ashton Menuz
Position on Assembly: Vice-President (Internal)
Year/Program: 4th Year Commerce
Years on AMS Assembly: 1st Year on Assembly
Fun/Interesting Fact: I spent the last semester studying in abroad
in Hong Kong.
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Name: Grant Jones
Position on Assembly: Representative
Year/Program: 3rd Year / Commerce
Years on AMS Assembly: 0
Fun/Interesting Fact: I was on the 2012/13 Varsity Swim team.
Name: Ana Lopez
Position on Assembly: Representative
Year/Program: Commerce 2016
Years on AMS Assembly: First year
Fun/Interesting Fact: While working in Quebec for the summer I
made over ten loaves of chocolate chip banana bread and now
consider it a sort of currency.
Aesculapian Society:
Name: Carl Chauvin
Position on Assembly: President
Year/Program: 2nd year, Medicine
Years on AMS Assembly: 0
Fun/Interesting Fact: I once went to Florida to collect bugs for a
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Name: James Simpson
Position on Assembly: Representative
Year/ Program: 3rd year Medicine
Years on Assembly: 3rd year on AMS Assembly (I switch over in
October though!)
Fun fact: I worked as a pool guy in California for four years
between undergrad degrees.
Concurrent Education Students Association (CESA):
Name: Alex Marshall
Position on Assembly: President
Year/Program: 2014 - Concurrent Education (PJ) / History
Years on AMS Assembly: 0
Fun/Interesting Fact: I spent the past summer in Iqaluit!
Physical Health Education and Kinesiology Student’s Association (PHEKSA):
Name: Savannah Silva
Position on Assembly: President
Year/Program: 4th Year Kinesiology
Years on AMS Assembly: 0
Fun/Interesting Fact: I shaved my head to raise money and
awareness for cancer on August 26th, 2012. It was an incredible
and eye-opening experience!
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Name: Tori Law
Position on Assembly: Vice-President of University Affairs
Year/Program: Year 4, Kinesiology
Years on AMS Assembly: 1
Fun/Interesting Fact: My great great great….. grandfather
owned the land that is now downtown Ottawa and parliament,
for that our family name “Sparks” has its own street in Ottawa.
Name: Molly Scott
Position on Assembly: Outreach Commissioner
Year/Program: 3rd year Kinesiology
Years on AMS Assembly: First year
Fun/Interesting Fact: I have been on a six-week canoe trip
through Northern Ontario.
Nursing Science Society (NSS):
Name: Jessica Searle
Position on Assembly: President
Year/Program: 4th year Nursing Science
Years on AMS Assembly: 0.5 years
Fun/Interesting Fact: I’m from Fredericton New Brunswick, I
don’t like ice in fountain pop, and this summer I have enjoyed
fostering kittens.
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Name: Nina Wan
Position on Assembly: Vice-President
Year/Program: 4th year Nursing
Years on AMS Assembly: 1
Fun/Interesting Fact: I have three different nationalities.
Computing Student’s Association (COMPSA):
Name: Sahib Purba
Position on Assembly: President
Year/Program: 3rd Year/ Computing
Years on AMS Assembly: 1
Fun/Interesting Fact: When I was in grade 4, I was on Video and
Arcade Top 10!
Name: Sivan Aharon
Position on Assembly: Vice-President of University Affairs
Year/Program: Third year, Biomedical Computing
Years on AMS Assembly: First year
Fun/Interesting Fact: I hold citizenship in both Canada and
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MBA Student’s Society:
Name: Kyle R.J. Drever
Position on Assembly: President
Year/Program: QMBA Class of 2014
Years on AMS Assembly: Zero
Fun/Interesting Fact: I have been kicked out of two countries.
Eventually got back into both of them, but the details are not
meant to be put on paper and should be told in story.
Residence Society (ResSoc):
Name: Hasina Shain Daya
Position on Assembly: President
Year/Program: 4th Year Global Development Studies/ Religious
Years on AMS Assembly: 1
Fun/Interesting Fact: I am an avid member of Girl Guides of
Canada and I completed first year of Queen’s at the BISC Castle!!
Name: Katie Preisner
Position on Assembly: Vice-President of Residence Affairs
Year/Program: 4th, Music
Years on AMS Assembly: 0
Fun/Interesting Fact: I am extremely scared of fireworks and
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Non-Voting (Ex-Officio) Members of AMS Assembly 2013-2014
Name: Allison Williams
Position on Assembly: AMS Academic Affairs Commissioner
(Council Member)
Year/Program: Fourth year, Life Science Major, English Minor
Years on AMS Assembly: 0
Fun/Interesting Fact: My photo is on the wall of Maroush’s
Shawarma in Ottawa because I finished one of their foot-long
shawarmas in one sitting.
Name: Gareth Savage
Position on Assembly: AMS Campus Activities Commissioner
(Council Member)
Year/Program: 5th year Political Studies Major/Philosophy
Years on AMS Assembly: 0
Fun/Interesting Fact: Chocolate makes me sneeze when I eat too
much of it. It’s how I rate chocolate chip cookies – if I sneeze, it
means there’s too many chocolate chips!
Name: Colin Robinson
Position on Assembly: AMS Commissioner of Environment &
Sustainability (Council Member)
Year/Program: 5th year is the best year /Environmental Science
Years on AMS Assembly: 1
Fun/Interesting Fact: I play 10 different instruments
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Name: Kristen Olver
Position on Assembly: AMS Commissioner of Internal Affairs
(Council Member)
Year/Program: Political Science ‘15
Years on AMS Assembly: 0
Fun/Interesting Fact: When I was ten I played a spy in the
opening of a YTV kids show.
Name: Catherine Wright
Position on Assembly: AMS Municipal Affairs Commissioner
(Council Member)
Year/Program: Economics & Gender Studies (Medial), 2014
Years on AMS Assembly: One!
Fun/Interesting Fact: One time, Nick Carter overheard me say he
was ugly… and he was my absolute childhood dream husband.
It was really embarrassing, but kind of cool. Ask me to share the
story and I’ll love you forever.
Name: Michelle Williams
Position on Assembly: AMS Social Issues Commissioner (Council
Year/Program: 2013 English Language and Literature (major) and
Global Development Studies (minor)
Years on AMS Assembly: First year as a member on AMS
Fun/Interesting Fact: I worked on a cherry farm for 6 summers.
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Name: Justin Reekie
Position on Assembly: AMS Hospitality and Safety Services
Director (Council Member)
Year/ Program: 5th Year Drama
Years on Assembly: Never sat on Assembly before
Fun/ Interesting Fact: I played the young Matthew Perry on E
True Hollywood Story.
Name: Devin McDonald
Position on Assembly: AMS Media Services Director (Council
Year/Program: Arts and Science 2013, Politics
Years on AMS Assembly: Zero
Fun/Interesting Fact: I have climbed up a volcano in the
governor’s car.
Name: Daniel Bone
Position on Assembly: AMS Retail Services (Council Member)
Year/Program: 4th Year Commerce
Years on AMS Assembly: 0
Fun/Interesting Fact: I have a minor fear of marshmallows.
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Name: Andrew Aulthouse
Position on Assembly: Undergraduate Student Trustee
Year/Program: Political Studies ‘15
Years on AMS Assembly: 0
Fun/Interesting Fact: I have the same birthday as Justin
Timberlake (considering my singing abilities that might be
where the similarities end)
Name: Isabelle Duchaine
Position on Assembly: Student Senate Caucus Chair
Year/Program: 4th, Arts and Science (History/Political Studies
Years on AMS Assembly: Two Years (Academic Affairs
Commissioner 2012-2013)
Fun/Interesting Fact: Ejected from the House of Commons by
Evan Solomon for using “Un-Parliamentary Language” as
Leader of the Bloc Quebecois.
Name: Rico Garcia
Position on Assembly: Chair of the Board of Directors
Year/Program: Artsci ’13 [ECON/DEVS]
Years on AMS Assembly: 2
Fun/Interesting Fact: I was born and raised in Monterrey, Mexico.
I’ve served as President of ASUS and the QSAA, host a radioshow of Spanish music at CFRC, and founded a start-up this past
summer called GCC Labs!
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Name: Nick Francis
Position on Assembly: Rector
Year/Program: Arts ‘14
Years on AMS Assembly: 2
Fun/Interesting Fact: By virtue of holding this position, I am
technically eligible to nominate an individual for the Nobel
Peace Prize. Credit to Gareth “the Bear” Savage for the fun fact.
Name: Robert Thomson
Position on Assembly: Speaker and Chief Electoral Officer
Year/ Program: Mechanical Materials Engineering 2015
Years on AMS Assembly: 0
Fun/ Interesting Fact: I have a fear of balloons and speaking in
front of people (haha?).
Policy Appendix
The following section contains select sections of the AMS Constitution and Policy
Manuals for your convenience. For the complete Constitution and Policy Manuals, please go to or contact Kristen Olver at
Policy Manual 1, Section 9.01 General
9.01.01 There shall be two (2) types of meetings of Society members: Society Annual Meetings and
Society Special General Meetings.
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9.01.02 Society Annual Meetings and Society Special General Meetings shall be held on the
campus of the University in a location determined by the Assembly. Such meetings shall be
chaired by the President of the Society. The President may, at his/her discretion, turn the chair
over to any other member of the Society.
9.01.03 Society Annual Meetings and Society Special General Meetings may, from time to time, be
adjourned to any future time or to a different place. Such business may be transacted at such
future meeting as might have been transacted at the original meeting from which such
adjournment took place. No notice shall be required for the motion for adjournment. The motion
for adjournment may be made notwithstanding that no quorum is present.
9.01.04 All members of the Society:
(i) may be present at any Society Annual Meeting or Society Special General Meeting;
(ii) may speak to any motion under consideration;
(iii) may move or second motions;
(iv) may exercise their voting privileges.
Each member of the Society shall be entitled to one vote at Society Annual Meetings and Society
Special General Meetings, so long as he/she has paid all dues or fees, if any, then payable by
9.01.05 Society members are not entitled to vote by proxy at Society Annual Meetings or Society
Special General Meetings.
9.01.06 Motions at all Society Annual Meetings and Society Special General Meetings shall be
decided by a majority of votes present in person unless otherwise required by this Constitution.
All votes at such meetings shall be taken by ballot if so demanded by any member present, but if
no such demand be made, the vote shall be taken by a show of hands. A declaration by the Chair
that a resolution has been carried or not carried, and an entry to that effect in the minutes of the
meeting shall be admissible in evidence as prima facie proof of the fact without proof of the
number or proportion of the votes accorded in favour of or against such resolution. Should a
ballot be demanded, it shall be taken in such a manner as the Chair shall direct. In the case of an
equality of votes, the Chair shall be entitled to a second or deciding vote. In such cases, the Chair
shall vote to maintain the status quo where possible.
9.01.07 Notice of the time and place of Society Annual Meetings and Society Special General
Meetings (where possible) shall be given by providing notice on the AMS website, in the Queen’s
Journal and other forms of media as deemed appropriate. Notice shall appear ten (10) or more
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days before the time fixed for the holding of the meeting. Such notice shall include information
regarding the rights and privileges of society members at such meetings.
9.01.08 Quorum at Society Annual Meetings and Society Special General Meetings shall be two per
cent (2%) of current Society members. Should there be no quorum at such a meeting, business
may proceed as usual; all decisions made shall be binding, except as follows:
due notification of the lack of quorum at the meeting must be made in the Journal and other
appropriate ways within one (1) week after the adjournment of the meeting;
(ii) (a) should any members of the Society disagree with any decision made at the meeting they
may present a petition containing the signatures of two per cent (2%) of the Society asking for a
replacement Society Special General Meeting;
(b) the petition shall only be received within two (2) weeks after the adjournment of the
impugned meeting;
(c) the replacement Society Special General Meeting shall be held within one (1) week of the
receipt of the petition;
(d) the quorum at such a replacement Society Special General Meeting shall be two per cent
(2%) of the Society, and if present the replacement Society Special General Meeting may
review any decision of the impugned meeting and by a majority vote confirm or reject it;
(e) if no quorum is present the replacement Society Special General Meeting cannot convene and
the decisions of the impugned meeting shall become binding.
9.01.09 In accordance with section 3.02 any Society member may place a motion on the agenda for
Society Annual Meetings and Society Special General Meetings provided that:
(i) there is a mover and a seconder who are both Society members; and
(ii) the motion with mover and seconder is submitted in writing to the Commissioner of Internal
Affairs on or before the seventh (7th) day before the day of the meeting.
(iii) a determination has not been made that the passage of the motion would constitute an
egregious violation of the Mission or Operating Statements of the Society; a violation of law; a
violation of contractual, financial or other obligations undertaken by the Society; or the Student
Code of Conduct. Such determination must be made unanimously by the Speaker, the AMS
President and the Commissioner of Internal Affairs.
9.01.10 The agenda for all Society Annual Meetings and Society Special General Meetings (where
possible) shall be available to all Society members at least five (5) days before the day of the
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9.01.11 Unless otherwise specified, Society Annual Meetings and Society Special General Meetings
may deal with any matters normally dealt with by the Assembly except for those matters dealt
with by Assembly members in their capacity as members of the Corporation. The decisions of
Society Annual Meetings and Society Special Meetings shall be binding on Assembly Policy.
Section 9.02 Society Annual Meetings
9.02.01 The Society Annual Meeting shall be held once every year at a time and place set by
Assembly. Notwithstanding the above, the date of such meeting must be:
(i) within the period of time described as the 'winter term' in the University's calendar; and
(ii) after the Executive and Assembly elections.
9.02.02 The Society Annual Meeting shall normally be held no later than the third week of March.
9.03 Society Special General Meetings
9.03.01 The President or either Vice-President of the Society shall have the power to call, at any
time, a Society Special General Meeting. Such meetings may also be called at the discretion of the
Assembly and shall be called upon receipt by the Commissioner of Internal Affairs of a petition to
do so signed by two (2)% of the members of the Society.
Rules of Order (Policy Manual 1: Section 2 Part A, Assembly Policies)
Part I: Preparation for Meetings
1. a) The order of business shall be
i) Approval of the Agenda
Members will have the opportunity to ratify the agenda by a majority vote. This motion may be
amended for one of the following purposes:
a) To add motions which were not circulated with the Agenda;
b) To change the order of motions or reports within the order of business;
c) To delete motions from the Agenda. Any such amendments shall be resolved by majority vote of
members present.
ii) Approval of the Minutes
Minutes from the previous AMS Assembly are put to Assembly for their ratification. Changes can
be proposed.
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iii) Speaker's Business
The Speaker of AMS Assembly will have the opportunity to address Assembly with any remarks
relevant to the ongoing proceedings of the body.
iv) Guest Speaker
An invitee who is not a member of the Society will have an opportunity to address Assembly on an
issue of their choice. They will be advised to limit their address, when possible, to 20 minutes.
v) President's Report
vi) Vice President's Report
vii) Board of Director's Report
viii) Student Senator's Report
ix) Rector's Report
The reports in (v) through (ix) will be presented by the person named in their title. These reports
will provide Assembly with an understanding of the ongoing events and evolving issues from
their respective portfolios and groups.
x) Statements by Members
Any member of the Society may make a presentation to Assembly on a subject of their choice.
Elected members of Assembly may provide reports from their faculty societies/residence
committees. These members shall be encouraged to submit information concerning
announcements of events and/or the current happenings in their faculty societies in written reports
to the Internal Affairs Office. These reports shall be due Tuesday before Assembly by noon. In
order to achieve efficient meetings, these members shall strive to avoid lengthy oral reports of
information that could have been submitted in a written report.
xi) Question Period
Any member of the Society may ask one question of a member
present at Assembly. The
Speaker may allow supplemental questions at their discretion.
xii) Business Arising from the Minutes
Motions stemming from prior considerations in Assembly (e.g. motions for changes to the A.M.S.
Constitution) will be debated and put to Assembly for approval.
xiii) New Business
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New motions, submitted for consideration by Assembly, will be
debated and put to Assembly
for approval.
xiv) Discussion Period
Any member of the Society may introduce a topic of their choice for discussion, which they will
b) The motion to approve the Agenda may be amended according to one of the following
a) To add motions which were not circulated with the Agenda;
b) To change the order of motions or reports within the order of business;
c) To delete motions from the Agenda; Any such amendments shall be resolved by majority
vote of members present.
c) No substantive motions may be added to the Agenda after the approval of the Agenda, except
after a motion of reconsideration (see section 35).
Substantive Motions (Procedures Policy):
Procedures Policy, Section 2, Part A, Part III
17) All substantive motions shall:
be seconded
ii) commence with the word "That"
iii) not be preceded by a preamble
iv) a) be preceded by a notice of motion, submitted in writing at a previous meeting of
Assembly; or
b) be submitted in writing to the Internal Affairs Commissioner in time to be included
in the Agenda circulated before the next meeting;
c) be submitted immediately prior to a meeting, as an amendment to the motion to
approve the Agenda.
18) i) A motion may be withdrawn at a meeting by unanimous consent of members present.
ii) Motions may be withdrawn, prior to the meeting at which they are to be discussed, by the
Speaker, at the request of the mover of the motion.
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19) Any motion that is defeated at a meeting may not be re-introduced, either as a substantive
motion or as an amendment, during the current session of Assembly, except by a motion of
Motion of Reconsideration:
Procedures Policy, Section 2, Part A, Part IV
33) No member shall reflect upon any vote of Assembly, except for the purpose of moving that
such a vote be reconsidered.
Procedures Policy, Section 2, Part A, Part V
46) i) After any question has been decided, any member may move reconsideration of the
ii)Such a motion shall take the form “That the decision taken on motion (number of motion) of
(date of meeting at which the decision was taken) be reconsidered.”
iii) In order for a motion of reconsideration to be effective, either:
a) the motion must have been moved; or
b) notice of intention of moving the motion must be given, at the meeting at which the
decision was taken or at that first subsequent meeting.
iv) The Speaker may allow, at his or her own discretion, limited debate on a motion of
reconsideration, consisting of two speakers for the motion and two speakers against the motion.
There shall be no right of summation. Reconsideration of a decision taken on a motion shall
require a 2/3 vote of the members present at the time when the motion of reconsideration is
decided. When notice is given that a decision will be reconsidered no action shall be taken as a
result of that decision until the reconsideration has been disposed of. No question shall be
reconsidered more than once, nor shall a motion of reconsideration be reconsidered.
Motion to Adjourn
Procedures Policy, Section 2, Part A, Part V
49. i) Any member may at any time move a motion of adjournment of the meeting.
ii) Such a motion shall take the form: "That this meeting is now adjourned".
iii) When the motion is resolved in the affirmative, all remaining business shall be superseded
and the meeting shall end, the time being recorded in the minutes.
iv) When the motion is resolved in the negative, business shall proceed as if no motion has been
v) A motion of reconsideration applies to a decision taken on a motion of adjournment.
vi) Meetings of Assembly will automatically adjourn at midnight unless a motion to extend the
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deadline is passed.
The Speaker
Procedures Policy, Section 2, Part A, Part II
9. i) If a request for explanation of a point of order, of practice, or of a particular ruling, is made,
the Speaker shall state the rules of authority applicable to the case.
ii) No debate shall be permitted on any rulings.
iii) Rulings shall be overruled only by a 2/3 majority vote of members present.
11. The Speaker, after having called the attention of the meeting to the conduct of a member
who persists in irrelevance or repetition, may direct that member to discontinue his or her
Some Useful Policy (From the Constitution):
1.01 (ix) "Assembly Policy" means a motion, resolution, statement, paper, report or position
adopted by the Assembly in accordance with the requirements of this Constitution. Policies shall
be further subdivided into three (3) categories:
a) operational policy, that which govern the day-to-day operations of specific areas of the
Commissions and Assembly;
b) representational policy, that which, in the representative role of the AMS, elected and
appointed officials lobby on behalf of students on issues covered by these policies;
c) organizational structures;
8.01.02 The reference source for all points of order to procedure not covered in the Society Policy
on Assembly Rules of Order shall be Bourinot's Rules of Order.
Removal of Members:
5.03.03 All Assembly members are subject to removal on the following grounds:
(i) absence from four (4) or more duly called meetings;
(ii) just cause;
(iii) Ineligibility to be a member.
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5.03.04 Members of the Assembly can only be removed from the Assembly by the faculty
society/residence committees which they represent, according to the procedure for removal which
governs that faculty society/residence committee. The Speaker of the Assembly, however, is
charged with formally notifying both Assembly and the appropriate faculty society/residence
committee of a voting Assembly member's breach of subsection 5.03.03. Furthermore, the
Assembly and/or the Speaker of the Assembly may make recommendations to the respective
faculty society/residence committee so that appropriate action is taken.
5.03.05 Notwithstanding that, by virtue of subsection 5.03.04, Assembly members may only be
removed from the Assembly by the faculty society/residence committees which they represent,
upon notifying the Assembly of a voting Assembly member's breach of subsection 5.03.03 the
Speaker shall move a motion, which has had proper notice, that the offending Assembly member's
voting rights be denied. Such a motion does not require a seconder. If such a motion is approved
by a majority of the Assembly members present and voting then the offending Assembly member
shall be denied his/her vote from there forward. An Assembly member denied his/her vote in
accordance with this subsection shall retain all other rights associated with Assembly membership
but shall not be counted in quorum. The Assembly may reinstate at any time in the future an
Assembly member's vote which has been denied.
5.03.06 Subsection 5.03.04 does not apply to the Executive of the Society, whose removal from
office is governed by Part 2.
Section 3.02.04 Members may resign by resignation in writing, which shall be effective upon
acceptance thereof by the Assembly. In the case of resignation, a member shall remain liable for
payment of any assessment or other sum levied or which became payable by him/her to the
Society prior to acceptance of his/her resignation.
3.01.01The following shall be member societies of the Society:
(i) Arts and Science Undergraduate Society;
(ii) Engineering Society;
(iii) Aesculapian Society;
(iv) Commerce Society;
(v) Nursing Science Society;
(vi) MBA Students Society
(vii) Physical and Health Education and Kinesiology Student Association
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(viii) Concurrent Education Students' Association
(ix) Computing Students’ Association
Any society not listed above comprised of students in a School or Faculty may be recognized as
a member society upon written application to the Assembly. Such recognition shall be granted
only by campus wide referendum or at a Society Annual Meeting or Society Special General
3.01.02 Members of the Society shall be either Ordinary Members or Honorary Members:
(i) Ordinary Members shall be all students of the University who are enrolled in at least one
course, and who have paid all mandatory AMS student activity fees including the AMS Specific
Fee, in full or on a pro-rated basis, as outlined in section 3.03.
(ii) Honorary Members shall include the Chancellor, the Rector, Trustees and Senators of the
University. Such Honorary Members may also be Ordinary Members if they comply with
paragraph (i) of this subsection.
(iii) The Society may create Honorary Life Memberships of the Society through Society Annual
Meetings, Society
Special General Meetings, referenda, or the Assembly.
3.01.03 Each student may belong to a member society as well as the Society. He/She shall enjoy
the rights and privileges of both societies
5.01.04 Representatives from the member societies shall be chosen in a manner determined by
the member society, provided that each such representative shall be popularly elected either:
(i) by all members of the member society; or
(ii) by all the members of a part of the member society, where each comparable part has an
equal opportunity to elect a representative or representatives.*Reminder: When you elect your
representatives, make sure the amount corresponds to your enrolment numbers
Financial Accountability:
3.02.03 Except as may be directed by the Assembly with regards to the Assembly Budget, no
member is empowered to make purchases in the name of the Society or in any other way
financially obligate the Society until permission has been granted at a meeting of the Board.
Open vs. Closed Meetings:
5.04.03 The meetings of the Assembly shall be open to the public, however, there shall be
recourse to closed sessions if so decided by a majority of the members present. If a closed
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session is held, the reason therefore shall be announced immediately following the closed
5.06.04 With the exception of reports of committees, copies of all reports to be considered must
be distributed to the members of Assembly at least forty eight (48) hours prior to the meeting at
which the report is to be considered. If copies are not available by this time, the report shall not
be proceeded with, except with the consent of two thirds (2/3) of the voting members present.
6.02.02 Meetings of the Council shall be in camera, however, all major decisions taken by the
Council will be reported at the Assembly meeting following the Council meeting at which the
decision was taken, and will not be considered Society Policy until such decisions are ratified by
a vote of the Assembly.
Voting Procedure:
5.04.06 All motions of the Assembly shall be decided by a majority vote, with each voting
Assembly member entitled to one vote. In the case of an equality of votes, the Speaker shall cast
the deciding vote in accordance with the procedure outlined in the Society Policy on Assembly
Rules of Order. All votes at such meetings shall be taken by ballot with the approval of the
Speaker, or the support of a majority of Assembly members present. If no demand is made, the
vote shall be taken in the usual way by a show of hands.
Emergency Meetings (Special General Meetings):
5.05.02 The President or either Vice President of the Society shall have the power to call, at any
time, a special meeting of the Assembly. Further, such meetings shall be called by the
Commissioner Internal Affairs upon receipt of a petition to do so signed by ten (10) Assembly
members. Notice of a special meeting of the Assembly shall be forty eight (48) hours.
5.05.03 The President of the Society, in the case of an emergency, shall also have the ability to
call a special meeting of the Assembly at any time without being subject to the forty eight (48)
hour notice requirement.
5.06.05 Reports of committees must be submitted to the Society office one week prior to
consideration by the Assembly.
5.06.06 Assembly must receive notice of motion for the adoption of Representational Policy one
Assembly meeting prior to the reception and approval of that policy. If the matter is deemed
urgent, Assembly may overrule this with a two/thirds (2/3) majority vote.
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Summer Assembly:
6.01.04 The Executive and such members of the Council as are present shall have the delegated
powers of the Assembly during spring and summer terms (Summer Assembly) and such other
times when regular classes are not in session at the University.
6.01.05 No decision of the Council which is made under the authority of the delegated powers
from the Assembly, shall continue to stand unless reaffirmed by the Assembly at its first or
second meeting following the period when such powers were delegated. This in no way
derogates from the powers of the Council as listed in this section.
Assembly Committees:
6.10.01 With the exception of regulations which may be contained in this Constitution and
specific regulations which may be applied to any committee, all Society and/or Assembly
committees shall normally function in accordance with the regulations governing committees as
contained in Bourinot’s Rules of Order.
6.10.02 Standing committees are established to consider continuing questions. Once
established they shall serve continuously with progressive changes in membership. These
committees shall continue to exist until otherwise decided by the Assembly.
6.10.03 Ad hoc committees are established for the purpose of examining questions when no
appropriate standing committee exists. Their memberships and terms of reference shall be
determined by a resolution of the Assembly. Ad hoc committees shall be considered disbanded
following the reception of its final report by the Assembly.
6.10.04 The terms of reference of any committee are set by the Assembly and may only be
extended or reduced by Assembly through a motion.
6.10.05 The opinions and expressed views and policies of AMS Committees are not necessarily
those of the Society, unless ratified by the Assembly.
6.10.06 The Chairperson of each committee shall be elected by the membership of the
Committee, usually from the membership of the committee unless otherwise directed.
6.10.07 All committee appointments shall be made and/or ratified by the Assembly.
6.10.08 A committee may, by its own decision, have closed or open meetings, however, if
closed, the committee must decide to what extent confidential matters may be discussed outside
the committee. It may also hold open hearings and/or receive written submissions from any
member of the Society.
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6.10.09 Committees are encouraged to present progress reports and working papers to the
Assembly, and should the Assembly feel that the committee is neglecting its duties, it shall take
whatever action is considered appropriate.
6.10.10 A committee report, which shall be presented to the Assembly by the Chairperson,
shall be that of the majority of the committee. The signature of the committee Chairperson shall
attest to the authenticity of the report. No report shall be accompanied by any minority opinion,
unless it appears as an appendix to the majority report. Such minority reports may only appear
with the consent of the committee.
6.10.11 Reports and their accompanying recommendations may be received by a motion of the
Assembly. Any report not received shall be considered not to exist. Should the final report not
be received, the committee shall be instructed to write another report.
6.10.12 Reports may be approved in principle, separate from their accompanying
recommendations, by a motion of the Assembly. A report that is received does not necessarily
have to be approved. Reports are approved in principle while their recommendations are
approved separately as specific policy resolutions. Should there be more than one
recommendation, they shall be considered for approval on an individual basis, and the
Assembly shall only be bound by those recommendations that are approved. A report without
any recommendations requires no further proceedings with reference to it, subsequent to its
reception and approval in principle, except on the direction of the Assembly.
18.01.01 There shall be a Society Budget prepared by the Vice President (Operations) which sets
out the budget for the whole Society, including the Corporation, based on the fiscal year of the
Corporation. The Society Budget shall contain two parts: the Assembly Budget and the
Corporation Budget.
18.01.02 The Assembly Budget shall include those matters associated with the Assembly, the
Executive, the Commissions, Offices, and the day to day operation of the Society office. The
Assembly shall have no financial control of Corporation monies other than the allocation of
revenues properly accruing to the Society by means of the AMS Specific Fee and any revenues,
other than interest, generated out of any year fees within its power to control or out of any
endeavour it may operate. Assembly shall not run a deficit. The Assembly Budget shall be
approved by the Assembly and the Assembly shall be responsible for ensuring that it is
properly adhered to. If, however, material deviations from the Assembly Budget come about
and the Assembly does not take the necessary action to bring performance in line with the
Budget, the Board may intervene and take whatever action it deems necessary to ensure that the
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Assembly Budget is adhered to. Such action taken by the Board shall be binding on the
Assembly and the Society.
18.01.03 To ensure accountability over the summer, and in recognition that the incoming
Council has little time to prepare a budget, a preliminary budget outline will be presented for
approval at the last Assembly meeting of the academic year. Upon completion of the formal
strategic planning and associated budget process, a formal budget will be presented for
Assembly’s approval at the first or second Assembly meeting of the new academic year.
19.01.02 The Assembly shall be retired as of May 1st of each year. Representatives to Assembly
may change in accordance with Member Societies’ constitutions and policies. The AMS
Executive-Elect and incoming Council shall serve as non-voting ex-officio members of
Assembly until May 1st.The Assembly shall be retired at the Society Annual Meeting. At that
time the Assembly Elect shall assume the powers vested in the body of the Assembly. However,
in accordance with 18.01.01, paragraph (i) of subsection 5.01.01, paragraph (vii) of subsection
5.01.05 and 19.01.01 the incumbent Executive and Council shall continue to hold the status of
Assembly members. For greater certainty the AMS Executive-Elect and Council-hired shall
serve as non-voting ex-officio members of Assembly until the close of the fiscal year.
20.01.01 Unless otherwise stated in this Constitution, any part, section, subsection or paragraph
of this Constitution may only be amended following two readings held at two separate regular
meetings of the Assembly. Proper notice of such motion to amend need be given.
Amendments may also occur at a Society Annual Meeting or Society Special General Meeting.
20.01.02 Amendments required because an organization referred to in this Constitution has
undergone a name change, become defunct, or has otherwise left the AMS, shall be considered
housekeeping and may be entered as a matter of course by the Commissioner of Internal
Affairs. The Commissioner of Internal Affairs shall notify Assembly of any such amendments.
20.01.03 All amendments or changes to this Constitution shall be featured on the AMS website
as soon as possible after they have taken effect. The amendments will be published as a
supplement to this Constitution on at least an annual basis.
20.01.04 Until such amendment is given effect, this Constitution shall remain in force and be
binding upon the Society as regards any party acting on the faith thereof.
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