Medialab - Dit Eiland
Medialab - Dit Eiland
INTRODUCTION All weathers, times and tides ….. The Archipel initiative took off at the Archipel festival at the Nieuwe Meer Amsterdam. A collaboration between Timo Mank, Patricia Nauta and Cees van den Oever. In 1998 we opened the Haglet Bar to present captain Haglet’s web based ocean. Artists, writers and musicians where invited to claim a personal island for online presentations, an idealistic and rather uncommon initiative in the early days of the web. In 2001 the idea of imaginary islands transformed into the physical domain by moving to Wadden island Ameland and starting art hotel Dit Eiland. Two decisive factors contributed to the establishment of the Archipel Medialab. First the collaboration with Ookoi artists Peter Mertens and Harold Schellinx and second the team up with Gijs van Hesteren, innovator at local cable provider Kabel Noord. Over the years we digitally mixed, cut, taped, stole, stretched and streamed any thinkable input derived from the island and playfully stuffed the results into our projects. Our motto: “Everything is good, the more the better”... Over fifty different artists, musicians and media professionals collaborated to produce new work spread over various channels . From mainstream media to Twitter and from gallery presentations to festivals, art fairs and various dedicated servers. The quest of all our digital adventures could be defined as “giving specific local values a novel context”. That is also the reason why we got support from various sides, ranging from our cable provider to cultural funds & touristic organisations and from the province of Friesland to the municipal Ameland. We are on the verge of starting all over again in a different place initiating new things and we look back at 10 fruitful creative years. This paper offers a brief overview of the projects, taking a 16 pages dive back in time. Starting with the last project because the latest is always the best and just slightly less than the next project. Timo Mank Hollum - July 2015 2013 WANDELZAND June - November Navigation app for iPhone. Sound-walk with virtual guide Zander from the Maritime Center Ameland to the lighthouse. Soundscape by Ookoi Peter Mertens & Harold Schellinx, application programming by Daniel Salber, voice over Dirk Visser. Lighthouse dance and machinima Timo Mank. 2012 GRASS CONVERSATIONS December 0th Dec 2012 - 21st Dec 2012 Cross reality event by Timo Mank. Programmed at the Odyssey Performance Art Festival in cooperation with the Black Bag Media Collective Nova Scotia, Canada. During the event Newfoundland, Canada and Ameland were connected in a shared virtual space. REFLECTIONS November Open studio project. Three young artists reflected on the work of the Dutch artist JCJ Vanderheyden. Josien Buiter, Lieselot van Damme and Astrid Nobel stayed at a mobile workspace on the outskirt of Hollum and presented sketches and findings on internet on daily basis during Art Month Ameland. GRASS September - November Video production by Timo Mank featuring Haglet Alter proclaiming a prophecy . The machinima was part of the Grass theatrical collage at Museum Sorgdrager during the Art Month Ameland. 2011 TABULA MAGICA November Installation with continuous video play. Randomized imagery by Laetitia Boulud and Alex de Jong as part of their “The hours are breathing faint and low” project for Art Month Ameland. MOONDANCE October - November View cabinet and optical illusion device by Timo Mank. Scale model of a forest and video-loop as contribution to the yearly Art Month Ameland. Publication of a printable booklet as PDF on the backgrounds of the project. BAR FORTUNA October Virtual model of a sailors café at Diabolus Art Space Jordain Secondlife. Meeting space and sentimental model with exotic souvenirs and virtual beer. Built and maintained by Timo Mank. SPACES AND REALITIES June Cross reality studio, meditation session and virtual ballet for Social Sunday. Timo Mank developed a two hours triptych with soundscapes by Alex de Jong. Alex (aka Lodro Rigzin) was present meditating at Motiv in the city of Delft as well as in Metaverse. SING A SONG April Two hours live webcast by Timo Mank. Virtual meeting with life Twitter feed, mixing the singing garden birds & morning sounds of Hollum Ameland streamed to the virtual studio in Secondlife. TMSP TV January - December Cross media project and online TV format by Timo Mank. TMSP is short for “tweet me something pretty” but it can also be read as “technology mediated social participation”. Visitors connected via an app specially developed for iPad by Studio Klei Leeuwarden. The TV studio was hosted in Diabolus Art Space Jordain with a dependence at the virtual Amsterdam Art District. 2010 BE QUIET EYES November Listening post in the meadow of gallery Dit Eiland, with a continuous soundscape by Alex de Jong. At the Sorgdrager Museum Timo Mank presented a video assemblage of a virtual model of the meadow and redundant grass silo. Exhibited during Art Month Ameland. AVATAR ORCHESTRA METAVERSE July Choreography with shadow rendering for the machinima project HoT by Brigit Lichtenegger. Avatar Orchestra Metavers (AOM) with a music composition by Pauline Oliveros. 74 SIMS THE ART RAFT June Storytelling project via Twitter by Timo Mank. Haglet Alter, Saxo Hendes and Roos Gartner set out on a voyage to Greens Theorem which led them through 74 different Secondlife sims. 2010 POSTCARDS FROM AMELAND May - June Five virtual postcards by Timo Mank, as contribution to Marten Winters “Het Schip de Lading” storytelling project. 2009 HAGLET IS HAPPY November The adventures of a happy avatar by Timo Mank. Slideshow running on AppleTV screened at the Sorgdrager Museum as part of a video assemblage with various Haglet-o-mania, seaweed, and a burning candle. TEGENGAS June Cross reality protest movement by Timo Mank. Twitter stream to mobilize residents/visitors of virtual Ameland Secondlife. The actions, discussions and meetings reached various local offline news media. The NAM plans for drilling on Ameland to extract natural gas were abandoned later that year. AMELANDSE NIEUWE May Fishing Game developed for the “Week van de Zee” campaign, to enhance awareness about overfishing and the new Dutch Good Fish guide. The children of Hollum painted fish for the interactive installation virtual Ameland Secondlife. Animations & scripts by Herman Vos. 2008 REALITY MIXING November As part of Art Month Ameland Timo Mank hosted a streaming connection between gallery Dit Eiland and virtual Ameland in Secondlife. Gallery visitors saw themselves back as part of an ongoing TV show in virtual space. RAZENDEBOL November Artist in Residence and web project with visuals by Erik Alkema, Gerbrand Burger, Steven de Jong, Avi Krispin, Timo Mank, Peter Mertens, Astrid Nobel, Cees van den Oever Harold Schellinx, Martin Takken. Web based co-creation studio. MAINLAND PEOPLE November Three channel HD-video loop by Avi Krispin in collaboration with Erik Alkema and Steven de Jong. Developed and shot at West End Ameland. Sheep provided by Karel de Boer. 2008 OOKOI 2525 May Artist in Residence with Peter Mertens and Harond Schellinx. Fifty seconds HD-video clip. 2525 was programed at the Northern Film Festival 2008. The piece was selected among 60 videos for the One Minute Award Ceremony 2010 World expo Shanghai China. AMELAND SECONDLIFE February Playground and artist space by Timo Mank, hosted as standalone full region in Secondlife. Together with 3D artist Friep Wilbers Timo Mank started to develop a gallery space and building area. Ameland Secondlife was maintained until the end of 2010. A CAP FOR HAGLET January Publication of a Picozine by Timo Mank. The making of a sailors cap together with Friep Wilbers aka Wolk Writer. The cap is a replica of the 1920’s KNSM officers cap worn by Jan Jacob Slauerhoff and became Haglet’s personal style icon in Secondlife. 2007 DIGITAL SUITES November Sound textures made in the Archipel Medialab on Ameland were continuously streamed to Secondlife. Avatars Frans Peterman, Hars Hefferman and Haglet Alter were the guests of Pomodoro Bolzano's in Netherbeck and featured a three days ‘leve ookoi!' sound art manifestation. BIRD FLIGHT PLACARD May Five hour live webcast connecting Wiel Seuskens and five students from the Dutch Academy for Pop Culture at the Archipel Medialab Ameland with the Ookoi residency at the Art Garage in Maastricht. Switching channels between the sounds emanating from the island, and those originating in the Art Garage. The video registrations by Timo Mank where part of the Video Vortex project at the Netherlands Media Art Institute Amsterdam. DOWNUNDER May New island discovered on Google Earth, updated with high-res satellite images of the Wadden area. Cees van den Oever and Timo Mank developed five locations with soundscapes and found footage for this new unknown island between Ameland and Terschelling. Web project and co-creation studio. 2006 LIGHT HOUSE PLACARD November A 10 hour live audio web stream with and within the lighthouse. Live captured sound, alternated and/or mixed with live sound scapes from all over the world. Contributions by sound artists and musicians from France, USA, Netherlands, Germany, Argentina. Video registrations by Timo Mank. HAVENLAND November Artist in Residence and web project. Interface design by Cees van den Oever with video snippets by Joke van Katwijk featuring video work by José M. Biscaya, Sun Ha Borger, Gebrand Burger, Sannah den Engelsen, Henrike Gootjes and Anja Masling. Open Atelier with Michiel Koelink and students of the NHL. Presented during Art Month Ameland. Web environment by Timo Mank. SCOPE ART January Scope Art presentations of a video salon based on the material developed for Zandoog curated by Timo Mank. The program was featured at Cinema-ScopeHamptons New York, Scope Art Miami and Scope Art London. 2005 ZANDTREK November Interactive CD-ROM with Flash animation by Cees van den Oever, with images by Timo Mank. Tire marks in the sand unleash exotic sound snippets. Radio intervals from stations all over the world mix into unrepeatable sound textures. Presented in gallery Dit Eiland during Art Month Ameland. PLACARD May First Dutch contribution to the international headphone festival Placard. Live performances by Ookoi, interlaced with contributions from China, USA, France, Switzerland, Netherlands and Sweden. ZANDOOG May Web event and a play with sand. Contributors: Herwolt Van Doornen, Constant Dullaart, Patrick Gofre, Marga Houtman, Timo Mank, Peter Mertens, Harold Schellinx, Vera Stiphout, Martin Takken, Dick Tuinder, Erik Visser, Anne de Vries. 2004 VLOED November Web animation with auto-scrolling script for Schateiland 2004. Image Timo Mank, music composition by Cees van den Oever. Presented in gallery Dit Eiland during Art Month Ameland. SCHATEILAND May Online open studio and insular workspace. Web animations, video clips and daily blog entries in a collaborative effort to dig up Ameland treasures. With contributions by Marga Houtman, Timo Mank, Peter Mertens, Cees vd Oever, Harold Schellinx, Martin Takken and Dick Tuinder. 2003 GELUIDEILAND May The first digital project took off as part of the Week van de Zee initiative aimed to emphasize the cultural and ecological importance of the coastal area. Interactive sound-map with field recordings. Harold Schellinx and Peter Mertens joined with Jet van Boxtel and school kids to produce a radio program for VPRO's Oren Wassen. Flash animation Harold Schellinx . 2000 ARCHIPEL MEDIALAB June Renovation of a horse stable as part of art hotel Dit Eiland at the verge of Hollum on Ameland. 1998 VOYAGE TO SISARGAS December Second Haglet Bar organised at the Neno studio Amsterdam Nieuwe Meer. Visitors could win a virtual cruise to the Sisargas Islands. The Dutch poet Jan Baeke joined the team as tour operator. Sony Netherlands provided the Sony Mavica electronic still camera, the first electronic still camera, to capture mugshots from the passengers to be uploaded in the virtual MS. Solaris under command by captain Haglet. HAGLET BAR September Cross reality meeting space established at the Neno studio Amsterdam Nieuwe Meer during the Archipel Festival. The internet was just starting to get visual and artists where invited to claim their own island in the virtual ocean hosted by The bar was developed by Timo Mank, Cees van den Oever, Patricia Nauta and Hildegard Remmers. Webhost Planet Internet sponsored a free link to generate traffic via their Dutch homepage. PARTICIPANTS Over the years a wide range of artists, musicians and writers from all over the world, contributed to the Archipel Medialab projects. Some kindly contributed their existing work, others participated in developing new projects and some formed something like a core of involved creatives, decisively defining the special realm where the Archipel medialab flourished on Ameland for 10 lovely years. Erik Alkema Patrick Gofre Cees van den Oever Ana-R Henrike Gootjes Taisei Okazaki Jan Baeke Nico Hamerslag Yagui Quintero Ate M. Hes Raphael Raccuia Marga Houtman Hildegard Remmers Alex de Jong Daniel Salber Steven de Jong Harold Schellinx Adrián Juárez Wiel Seuskens Joke van Katwijk Liz Solo Jonas Kocher Vera Stiphout Michiel Koelink Martin Takken Avi Krispin Dick Tuinder Brigit Lichtenegger Dirk Visser Ralph Lichtensteiger Erik Visser Timo Mank Herman Vos Pablo Martinez Anne de Vries Anja Masling Mark Webster Peter Mertens Friep Wilbers Leandro Barzabal José M. Biscaya Martin de Boer Sun Ha Borger Laetitia Boulud Jet van Boxtel Brad Brace Josien Buiter Gebrand Burger Cristian Carracedo Lieselot van Damme DaveX José de Diego Herwolt Van Doornen Constant Dullaart Sannah den Engelsen Erebus Björn Eriksson Alberto De Michele Jay Needham Astrid Nobel Zemoo