How to Register for 2012 Summer Camp Shawangunk 1.


How to Register for 2012 Summer Camp Shawangunk 1.
How to Register for
2012 Summer Camp Shawangunk
1. Read all pages of the registration packet
thoroughly. Read the 2012 Parent Handbook
(also available at and the Camp Office)
2. Complete your 2012 Camp Registration Packet.
Use a separate packet for each participant. Make sure every
page is complete. Make checks payable to: Town of Wawarsing.
3. Have new copies of immunization records.
Required for all campers new and returning
4. Need a little help paying for camp? No Problem!
Complete the Camp Scholarship Application and be sure to
have required documentation with it. These should be
submitted with completed registration packet.
5. Submit completed Registration Materials.
Registrations are accepted in person or by mail in the Camp Office:
28 Maple Ave ~ BOCES Blg. Rm. 4
Ellenville, NY 12428
At Our Registration Events:
Febraury 7th & 22nd, 6-8pm
In the Elementary Cafeteria
Call for more information and for online registration instructions
845-647-0200 ext.541
This form must be submitted with Release Form, Payment Form and Immunization Records
Camp Shawangunk 2012 Wawarsing Resident Registration Form
Please fill out completely and return to:
Ellenville Wawarsing Youth Commission ~ 28 Maple Ave ~ Ellenville, NY 12428 ~ 845-647-0200 ext 541~
Please use one form per child and print neatly. Use full legal names for all parties
Child’s First Name _______________________MI________ Last Name __________________________ Birthdate __________________ Gender:
□F □M
Child’s Nickname ___________________________ Grade (as of 6/1/12) ___________________ Age ______ T-Shirt Size: Child S M L XL Adult S M L XL 2X 3X
Friends you would like to be grouped with: (To ensure positive group dynamics, please limit two friends per request who are within the same age group.)
Child resides with
□Mother □Father □Other ______________________________________________________________________
#1 Parent/Guardian’s First Name ______________________ Middle Initial ________ Last Name _________________________________
Address __________________________________________________________________ City __________________ State _________ Zip
Parent/Guardian’s Birthdate ____________ Gender:
□F□M Home Phone ( ___ )______________
E-mail __________________________
Parent/Guardian’s Work Phone ( ____ ) ____________________ Cell Phone ( ___ ) _______________________________________________
#2 Parent/Guardian’s First Name ______________________ Middle Initial _______ Last Name ___________________________________
Address __________________________________________________________________ City __________________ State _________ Zip
Parent/Guardian’s Birthdate ____________ Gender:
□F □M Home Phone ( _ )______________
E-mail __________________________
Parent/Guardian’s Work Phone ( ____ ) ____________________ Cell Phone ( ___ ) _______________________________________________
Race/Ethnic Background (optional):
□Black or African American □White □Hispanic or Latino □American Indian/Alaskan Native □ Asian or other Pacific Islander □Other
The following people should be contacted in case of emergency, only if parent(s)
or guardian cannot be reached AND are authorized to pick up the child:
1. Name ________________________________________________________
Relationship to child ____________________________________________
Phone: Day (___i ________ Evening (___i __________________________
Has child had any of the following? If so, please explain:
Special needs ____________________________________
If special accommodations are required, contact the Camp Director.
2. Name ________________________________________________________
Allergies ______________________________________
Relationship to child ____________________________________________
Asthma ______________________________________
Phone: Day (_____) ____ Evening (_____)
Dietary restriction/s ________________________________
3. Name ________________________________________________________
Chronic or recurring illnesses __________________________
Relationship to child ____________________________________________
Operations or serious injuries (include date/s) _____________
Phone: Day (_____) ____ Evening (_____) __________________________
Status of child’s vision, hearing, and speech _________________
Family Doctor ____________________________________________________
Does your child have a communicable disease or condition which may
prove to be a risk to others?
Phone ( ___ ) _____________________________________________________
If yes, please comment: _____________________________
Family Dentist ____________________________________________________
Description of any camp activities from which the camper should be
exempted for health reasons:
Phone ( ___ ) _____________________________________________________
Do you carry family medical/hospital insurance?
□Yes □No
Carrier _________________________________________________________
Significant information about your child’s behavior that would
be helpful to know:______________________________
Policy/Group #
Is the child taking any medications?
□Yes □No
If yes,
what kind and why:
A separate Medical Release Form must be signed by parent and physician
for medication to be self-administered at camp. We cannot administer ANY
medication! If you child uses any form of medication during the camp day
we must have the release form on file with a copy of the prescription.
Registration Page 1 of 3 / Please complete and submit with Release Form, Payment Form and Immunization Records
Release, Indemnification and Hold Harmless Agreement
In consideration of participating in EWYC activities, and for other good and valuable consideration, I hereby agree to release and discharge from liability
arising from negligence the Ellenville Wawarsing Youth Commission, The Town of Wawarsing, The Village of Ellenville and its officials, employees, agents,
volunteers, participants, and all other persons or entities acting for them (hereinafter collectively referred to as “Releasees”), on behalf of myself and my
children, parents, heirs, assigns, personal representative and estate, and also agree as follows:
1.I acknowledge that participating in EWYC activities involves known and
unanticipated risks which could result in physical or emotional injury,
paralysis or permanent disability, death, and property damage. Risks
include, but are not limited to, broken bones, torn ligaments or other injuries
as a result of falls or contact with other participants; death as a result of
drowning or brain damage caused by near drowning in pools or other bodies
of water; medical conditions resulting from physical activity; and damaged
clothing or other property. I understand such risks simply cannot be
eliminated, despite the use of safety equipment, without jeopardizing the essential qualities of the activity.
2.I expressly accept and assume all of the risks inherent in this activity
or that might have been caused by the negligence of the Releasees.
My child’s participation in these activities is purely voluntary and
I elect to have my child participate despite the risks. In addition, if at any time
I believe that event conditions are unsafe or that my child is unable to
participate due to physical or medical conditions, then I will immediately
discontinue my child’s participation.
3.I hereby voluntarily release, forever discharge, and agree to indemnify
and hold harmless Releasees from any and all claims, demands, or
causes of action which are in any way connected with my child’s
participation in these activities, or my child’s use of their equipment or
facilities, arising from negligence. This release does not apply to claims
arising from intentional conduct. Should Releasees or anyone acting on
their behalf be required to incur attorney’s fees and costs to enforce
this agreement, I agree to indemnify and hold them harmless for all
such fees and costs.
4.I represent that I have adequate insurance to cover any injury or damage I or
my child may suffer or cause while participating in this activity and I agree to
utilize said insurance as the primary source of medical payment. I further
represent that my child has no medical or physical condition which could
interfere with his/her safety in these activities, or else I am willing to assume –
and bear the costs of – all risks that may be created, directly or indirectly, by
any such condition.
5.In the event that I file a lawsuit, I agree to do so in the state where Releasees’
facility is located, and I further agree that the substantive law of that state shall
6.I agree that if any portion of this agreement is found to be void or
unenforceable, the remaining portions shall remain in full force and effect.
By signing this document, I agree that if my child is hurt or property damaged
during my child’s participation in this activity, then I and my child may be found
by a court of law to have waived our right to maintain a lawsuit against the
parties being released on the basis of any claim for negligence.
I have had sufficient time to read this entire document and, should I choose to
do so, consult with legal counsel prior to signing. Also, I understand that this
activity might not be made available to my child or that the cost to engage in
this activity would be significantly greater if I were to choose not to sign this
release, and agree that the opportunity to participate at the stated cost in
return for the execution of this release is a reasonable bargain. I have read and
understood this document and I agree to be bound by its terms.
Parent/Guardian Authorization
1. In the event that my child needs immediate medical attention for injuries received while participating in a EWYC program, I authorize the EWYC staff to give my
child reasonable first aid, and to arrange transport of my child to a health care facility for emergency services as needed.
2. I agree to the release of any records necessary for treatment, referral, billing or insurance purposes. The EWYC receives medical information on campers/
participant that may need to be shared with medical providers.
3. My child has my permission to be transported by the EWYC as needed for field trips, inclement weather, or late pick up. I also give my
child permission to participate in walking field trips.
4. I hereby acknowledge that the EWYC will assume that either parent of the child may pick up the child at any time during the program unless there is pertinent
court documentation on file at the EWYC that indicates otherwise.
5. I hereby release all pictures of my child taken by the EWYC for promotional purposes and programming materials including the EWYC website.
6. If my child requires use and administration of an epi-pen, it is my responsibility to ensure that the epi-pen is on my child or within their personal belongings
every day of the program. If EWYC staff is required to administer and use the epi-pen, I agree to forever release and discharge the EWYC and it’s directors,
officers, and employees from any and all liability arising out of or resulting from use or administration of the epi-pen.
7. I give my permission for the EWYC to administer sunscreen as needed.
8. I have read either on-line or in person the Camp Shawangunk Parent Handbook. I understand the entire contents of the Handbook including, but no limited to,
consequences for behavior.
Parent/Guardian Signature _______________________________ Print Name ________ ____________________
Parent/Guardian Signature________________________________ Print Name ________________________________
Both Parent/Guardians must sign.
1. A non-refundable/non transferable deposit per child must be submitted with application. This payment will be applied to the total
camp fee.
2. ALL FEES DUE BY 6/1/12. Unpaid balances are replaced by wait listed campers.
3. All 3 pages of this packet must be returned along with a NEW copy of the child’s immunization records and the Scholarship
Application and ALL supporting documentation (if applicable) Incomplete packets will be retuned!!
4. No refunds given (except medical emergencies) after 6/1/12.
5. Camper placement request granted only if grade/gender appropriate.
6. I understand the Refund Policy: full refunds minus deposit granted before June 1st . After June 1st refunds not available (except
with written medical emergencies)
7. The EWYC reserves the right to use any photographs/camper videos for promotional use. Please notify the camp director if you do
not authorize this for your child.
8. The EWYC reserves the right to refuse any applicant, and to cancel any application for behavioral problems or inappropriateness,
without refund.
9. Applications requiring DSS payment must be accompanied by the approval letter. The child is not considered registered until the
Camp office has the current approval letter.
10. I understand that I must reside in the Town of Wawarsing to receive the resident Camp rate. I also understand that my residency
may be questioned or investigated. If I do not live in the Town of Wawarsing I can pay the non-resident fee for my child to
attend camp.
ALL Camp fees MUST BE PAID IN FULL!! Any fees not paid will prevent the child from starting Camp
Parent/Guardian Signature
Camp Fees
Before/After Care Fees
$25. per week for Morning Care
$25. per week for Afternoon Care
All 7 weeks available
Child #1 $260.00
Child #2 $210.00
Child #3 $100.00
Child #4 $100.00
Child #5 $000.00
No additional paperwork needed.
All children must reside in the
same household. All paperwork
must be submitted together.
The Camp office reserves the right to deny any
family discount because of misrepresentation
Total Camp Fees _____________
Total Extended Care Fees ______________
Xtra T-shirts #____ @$10=_______
Donation to Scholarship Fund ___________
# of other children in Camp _____ Total family fees due ______
Deposit and Payment
Pay in full or use equal monthly payments
(payment amounts are based on date of registration)
Full Amount Due _________
Monthly Amount _________
First Payment Due with Registration
□ Cash
□ Check payable to Town of Wawarsing
□ Credit Card available soon!
Card Holder Name_________________________
Card # _________________________________
Registration Date _________
Exp.____________ Security Code ________
Subsequent payments are due the first of every month.
Full payment by 6/1/12
Camp Office will assist you with this step
Card Holder Signature __________________________