HOWTO: How to configure the Sofnet-S7 (ver.6.0 e ver.6.1)
HOWTO: How to configure the Sofnet-S7 (ver.6.0 e ver.6.1)
HOWTO: How to configure the Sofnet-S7 (ver.6.0 e ver.6.1) for Industrial Ethernet Pagina 1 di 10 HOWTO: How to configure the Sofnet-S7 (ver.6.0 e ver.6.1) for Industrial Ethernet ID: HT000013.HTM Summary This document's aim is to explain how to configure the Sofnet-S7 library for Industrial Ethernet. The following hardware and software configurations were carried out to realize this document: l Windows XP Professional + service pack1 l Movicon 9.1 (release 605) l Simatic NET version 6.1 l Sofnet -S7 for industrial ethernet (6GK1704-1CW61-3AA0) l "NIC Fast Ethernet PCI Realtek RTL8139 Family" PC network card l PLC Siemens series S7 l "CP 443-1" PLC Rack card Solution Upon completing the proposed configurations, communication with the Siemens S7 series PLC will be consented in two ways: l Communication with the "Siemens S7 Optimized (Libreria Sapi-S7) driver. l Communication with the Movicon OPC Editor. Installing Sofnet-S7: Two different Sofnet-S7 versions exist, the version 6.0 is supported in Windows NT4 and Windows 2000 operating systems; while the version 6.1 is to be installed in the Window XP operating systems. There may be a few slight differences in the user interface between the two versions, and also in the different service packs in the same Sofnet -S7 version, in any case the basic configuration methodology always remains the same. The installation process must be carried out with the CdRom supplied by Siemens, during which the software retrieves any net cards installed in the computer, or other Siemens property cards, and predisposes them for using. All the software presented on the CdRom are installed: AuthorsW, SIMATIC NCM PC, SIMATIC NET PC. Carefully read the notes during the SIMATIC NET Software installation. Sofnet-S7 Licence: During the installation phase you will be asked to install the software licence straight away or do it later. Without the software licence you cannot configure the libraries but you can communicate. As anticipated the software licence can be installed later with the "AuthorsW" software. file://D:\Web%20ENG%20Support%20Progea\WebHelp\Knowledgebase\Movicon%209... 13/04/2004 HOWTO: How to configure the Sofnet-S7 (ver.6.0 e ver.6.1) for Industrial Ethernet Pagina 2 di 10 Hardware check: When the installation procedure has terminated or after the computer restart, you can verify whether the software has been installed correctly by controlling the 'Device manager' window to see if a new "SIMATIC NET" folder has been added. The 'Device manager' window is accessed from the Windows XP control panel found in the 'system' icon's 'hardware' tab. A new "Simatic" folder with all the Siemens programs to be used for configuring has been added to the Windows 'start' menu. Besides the Windows application bar there are also two new icons which indicate the "Station Configuration Editor" and "SIMATIC NET Information Service" service status. The Siemens programs and services we are going to use to configure the Sofnet -S7 library have been listed below: file://D:\Web%20ENG%20Support%20Progea\WebHelp\Knowledgebase\Movicon%209... 13/04/2004 HOWTO: How to configure the Sofnet-S7 (ver.6.0 e ver.6.1) for Industrial Ethernet l Configuration Console l Station Configuration Editor l SIMATIC NCM PC Wizard or SIMATIC NCM PC Manager Pagina 3 di 10 Configuration Console: The configuration console permits you to configure the properties of each PC object used from the siemens library for communicating. 1. The first thing you need to do is select "Mode of the module ->Configured mode” in the "General" folder of the net card modul and assign " Index->1”. Then press the "apply " button to confirm selection. 2. After this, you have to go to the "Access Points " folder and set the " TCP/IP -> NIC Fast Ethernet PC..." interface in any of the elements in the list (eg. CP_L2_1). The selection is done by selecting the interface from the list proposed after double clicking on the "Access Point's" name in the list. You can also create a new "Access Point" but we advise you to use one of those already on the list between "CP_L2_1" and "CP_L2_2". 3. In cases where you want to use an OPC type communication you need to decide which protocol to enable for this type of communication. The S7 protocols permit you to select the single internal PLC areas in the communication's configuration, which will result most satisfactory when having to communicate with intelligent devices (PLC or other) which implement this protocol. file://D:\Web%20ENG%20Support%20Progea\WebHelp\Knowledgebase\Movicon%209... 13/04/2004 HOWTO: How to configure the Sofnet-S7 (ver.6.0 e ver.6.1) for Industrial Ethernet Pagina 4 di 10 Station Configuration Editor: The Station Configuration Editor corresponds to our station configuration inside the PC. We should find the computer net card already in the "1" index, we need to insert all the other components, we need to use, in the spaces below. There are two types of components that can be added: l Application ->this must be used when you want interface Sofnet -S7 with the "S732.dll" library. You need to add this component when you want to use the "Siemens S7 Optimized" driver to communicate with Movicon. l OPC Server ->this must be used when you want to interface Sofnet -S7 with an OPC client. You need to add this component when you want to use the Movicon OPC Editor for communication purposes. Simatic NCM PC Wizard: The Simatic NCM PC Wizard permits you to automatically create a project which has same configurations that were setup with the "Station Configuration Editor". As an alternative you can also use the " Simatic NCM PC Manager ", in which case the NCM project, to be loaded, should already be disposed, by being retrieved from another system or previously created with the wizard. To create a project with the wizard you need to: 1. Startup " SIMATIC NCM PC Wizard" 2. Select "Create a new project and configuration " from the first mask and press the "Next" button. 3. Select "Create a copy of the local PC station" from the second mask, insert a name in the “Project name ” box and press "Next" button. 4. Select "Open a project with the SIMATIC NCM Manager " from the third mask and press the "End" button. Upon termination the SIMATIC NCM PC Manager " program will automatically start with the project that has just been created with the wizard. file://D:\Web%20ENG%20Support%20Progea\WebHelp\Knowledgebase\Movicon%209... 13/04/2004 HOWTO: How to configure the Sofnet-S7 (ver.6.0 e ver.6.1) for Industrial Ethernet Pagina 5 di 10 Simatic NCM PC Manager: The Simatic NCM PC Manager permits you to configure the details of every aspect of your PC station. In this section the details regarding the components inserted in the "Station Configuration Editor" will be configured, in our case: the net card, application and OPC server. The project realised with the Wizard has to be configured like this: 1. Open "SIMATIC NCM PC Config" by double clicking on "Configuration" icon (1) 2. Open the net card's configuration window with a double click (2). The same configurations used by the operating system to connect in net are already presented, however you must check to see if they are valid. It is important to set the "SubNet->Ethernet(1)" in the interface's property, so that "yes" will display in the "Networked" camp of the previous file://D:\Web%20ENG%20Support%20Progea\WebHelp\Knowledgebase\Movicon%209... 13/04/2004 HOWTO: How to configure the Sofnet-S7 (ver.6.0 e ver.6.1) for Industrial Ethernet 3. 4. 5. Pagina 6 di 10 window, consenting the use of the card for communicating with Siemens. Also the "Application " and "OPC Server " components can be configured, with the usual double click, but normally the predefined properties are left as they are. Pressing this button, (3) on the tool bar, saves and compiles any modifications carried out. Pressing this button, (4) on the tool bar, opens the "NetPro" program used for configuring the net. You need to highlight the "Application " or "OPC Server " box so that the new "localID" can be added to the table below which are just the input points for the driver or the Movicon OPC Editor. Then, by double clicking on the first line of the 'LocalID' table, you can go and configure the access point by setting the following property: a. In the first window specify "Station ->Unspecified" and "Connection Type ->S7 connection" and press the "OK " button. file://D:\Web%20ENG%20Support%20Progea\WebHelp\Knowledgebase\Movicon%209... 13/04/2004 HOWTO: How to configure the Sofnet-S7 (ver.6.0 e ver.6.1) for Industrial Ethernet b. Pagina 7 di 10 In the second window you need to set the CP 443 -1 card's IP address in the PLC rack and then press the " Address Details..." button. The IP address must be valid, that means that is conforms to the IP address of the net card in the PC. file://D:\Web%20ENG%20Support%20Progea\WebHelp\Knowledgebase\Movicon%209... 13/04/2004 HOWTO: How to configure the Sofnet-S7 (ver.6.0 e ver.6.1) for Industrial Ethernet c. In the third and last window you need to configure the "Rack/Slot" position the PLC S7's CPU and the "Connection Resource" in the "Partner" section. The position "Rack/Slot" is generally 0/2 but it can vary according to the hardware configurations of the electric cabinet which contains the PLC S7; while the "Connection Resource" must always be set at value "3". d. Confirm exit from all the windows, previously opened and configured, with the 'OK' button. This will return you back to the window at the beginning where you can set other "LocalIDs" if you need to communicate with other PLCs on the same ethernet network. Pagina 8 di 10 It is not possible to configure the " LocalID " on different components (VFD Name) with Movicon, therefore all the configured " localID " must be belong to the same component "Application " or "OPC Server". 6. When you have finished the configurations you need to press the button (6) to save and compile it all. We suggest you to select the "Compile and check everything" compilation option. When the compilation procedure has finished a "No errors" message should appear but if on the contrary you will have to check and put right any apparent problems, the recompile and close the window returning back to the previous " Simatic NCM PC Config " program. file://D:\Web%20ENG%20Support%20Progea\WebHelp\Knowledgebase\Movicon%209... 13/04/2004 HOWTO: How to configure the Sofnet-S7 (ver.6.0 e ver.6.1) for Industrial Ethernet 7. 8. 9. Pagina 9 di 10 Close the "Simatic NCM PC Config " program which will return you back to the beginning with "Simatic NCM PC Manager ". Now all you have to do is transfer the project to the PC station with button (8) on the the "Simatic NCM PC Manager'" program's tools bar remembering that you must first of all highlight the name of the actual station, which generally coincides with the name of the computer, first. The downloading of the applied NCM should be successful, otherwise you will have to check the "Station Configuration Editor " component list to see if their names coincide with those of the NCM application's. Before terminating the "Simatic NCM PC Manager " application you can archive the project with the appropriate command from the File menu, where it then can be reused in other computers with the same architecture. Movcion Configuration: The communication configuration in the Movicon application can be setup with the OPC Editor, in which case the "OPC Server" components should have been included in the Siemens configuration; or with the Siemens S7 Driver Optimized and in which case the "Application" component should already have been included in the Siemens configuration. l OPC Editor ->In the add a new item in the selected " OPC.SimaticNET" OPC Server group, the connection (localID) configured in the " Simatic NCM PC Manager " on the "OPC Server " component can be seen. l Siemens S7 Optimized ->When selecting " Application Access Point->CP_L2_1 " the connection (localID), configured in "Simatic NCM PC Manager " program in the "Application" components, will be activated. Remember that the "CP_L2_1" has been configured in the "Configuration Console" as a access point in TCPIP with the ethernet card. file://D:\Web%20ENG%20Support%20Progea\WebHelp\Knowledgebase\Movicon%209... 13/04/2004 HOWTO: How to configure the Sofnet-S7 (ver.6.0 e ver.6.1) for Industrial Ethernet Pagina 10 di 10 DownLoad : l Document in PDF format l Simatic NCM PC Manager project References Additional query words: Siemens, Simatic, Ethernet Version: Movicon: 9 Platform: Windows 9x/NT/2000/XP Issue type: kbhowto Technology: kbMov Last Reviewed: March 31, 2004 file://D:\Web%20ENG%20Support%20Progea\WebHelp\Knowledgebase\Movicon%209... 13/04/2004