Information Sheet Creating new options for variety release IS13085
Information Sheet Creating new options for variety release IS13085
Information Sheet IS13085 How to order sugarcane tissue culture Creating new options for variety release and adoption An SRA biotechnology innovation for rapid, large-scale production of clean sugarcane seed cane. Before ordering sugarcane tissue culture from SRA, please make sure that you have read and have an understanding of the farming systems required for successful tissue culture propagation. You can do this by going to the SRA website and reading our tissue culture best planting and management information sheet. To do this from the SRA website, select Varieties > Fact Sheets > Planting and managing your tissue culture plantlets in the field. Who can order sugarcane tissue culture seed cane: • Growers via their local Productivity Boards. • Productivity Boards. Contractual Agreements you will need to agree to: • O ne between you/your organisation and SRA. (Agreement for the production and delivery of plantlets to a nursery) – SRA to organise. • O ne between you/your organisation and Nursery. (Agreement for nursery hardening and growing tissue culture plantlets to a stage ready for field planting) – you/your organisation to organise. Note: You/your organisation may decide to grow out plantlets yourself at your own risk. Order process: 1. C ontact: George Piperidis on (07) 4963 6805, or Prakash Lakshmanan on (07) 3331 3374, Also you will need to be set up in the QCANESelectTM ordering system as a user and sign the required contracts with SRA on conditions of agreement to receive supply of Tissue Culture plantlets. Note: You have to do this once only. 2. Confirm the amount of material you require. For assistance use the calculator in QCANESelectTM. 3. C onfirm the planting date for which you require material for planting. See the below table for Process deadlines and choose the order date that you need to consider. 4. C ontact the Nursery you plan to use to establish an agreed date for the Tissue Culture plantlets you plan to order. 5. G o to the SRA website and select Varieties > QCANESelectTM > To access QCANESelectTM click here > TC Plants > TC Plant Orders. Stage Deadline for Autumn planting Deadline for Spring planting Grower/Productivity 1 July Board places order to SRA 15 November SRA delivers Mother 15 September Stock to Tissue Culture Company (TCC) 15 January TCC supplies plantlets to Nursery for potting out/ hardening 1 February 1 June (for Northern options) 15 June (for Southern nurseries) Grower/ Productivity Board receives established plantlets from Nursery Agreed date between Grower/ Productivity Board and Nursery (should be ready from 1 March) Agreed date between Grower/ Productivity Board and Nursery (should be ready from August) from SRA and establish an understanding of the relationships and costs of the process. Copyright © 2013 • All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior permission of SRA. Disclaimer In this disclaimer a reference to ‘we’, ‘us’ or ‘our’ means SRA and our directors, officers, agents and employees. Although we do our best to present information that is correct and accurate, we make no warranties, guarantees or representations about the suitability, reliability, currency or accuracy of the information we present in this Information Sheet, for any purposes. Subject to any terms implied by law and which cannot be excluded, we accept no responsibility for any loss, damage, cost or expense incurred by you as a result of the use of, or reliance on, any materials and information appearing in this Information Sheet. You, the user, accept sole responsibility and risk associated with the use and results of the information appearing in this Information Sheet, and you agree that we will not be liable for any loss or damage whatsoever (including through negligence) arising out of, or in connection with the use of this Information Sheet. We recommend that you contact our staff before acting on any information provided in this Information Sheet. Warning Our tests, inspections and recommendations should not be relied on without further, independent inquiries. They may not be accurate, complete or applicable for your particular needs for many reasons, including (for example) SRA being unaware of other matters relevant to individual crops, the analysis of unrepresentative samples or the influence of environmental, managerial or other factors on production.